Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
Recibido el 26/07/22 Aceptado el 28/10/22
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 385-404
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Project Management in Public
Administration: Priority Areas of
Liliia Makarenko *
Tetiana Syvak **
Olha Berdanova ***
Vladyslava Iyzefovych ****
Olena Rachynska *****
The objective of the article was to identify the priority areas of
application of project management in the public sphere. General
and special scientic methods have been used in the article, such
as: analytical, synergistic, systemic, statistical, generalization
and prognostic analysis. The authors have suggested dividing
the priority areas of project management approach in the eld of public
administration into three blocks: pre-war (peaceful), military and post-
war periods of development of Ukraine. It has been concluded that the
priority areas of application of project management methods and tools in
public management for peaceful development of the state are: the sphere of
regional development and development of united territorial communities;
the sphere of cultural development and information technology; the sphere
of education and science. It has been shown that the perspective areas
of the use of project management technologies in public administration
for the development of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods will be
*Doctor of Political Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of International Relations and Social Sciences,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCІD ID: http://
** Doctor in Science of Public Administration, Docent, Professor of the Department Public Management
and Administration, State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCІD ID: http://orcid.
*** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Docent of the Department of Regional Policy, Educational and
Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Public Service, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: 0776-1868
**** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Docent of the Department of Regional Policy, Educational and
Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Public Service, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: 1450-9601
***** PhD in Public Administration, Leading Specialist of the Department of Political Corruption Prevention
National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCІD ID: http://
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
the following: reconstruction of destroyed and damaged infrastructure,
reconstruction of certain settlements, renewal and transformation of the
state economy and support of the army, among others.
Keywords: project management; public management; investment
projects; social projects; scientic projects.
Gestión de proyectos en el campo de la administración
pública: áreas prioritarias de aplicación
El objetivo del artículo fue identicar las áreas prioritarias de
aplicación de la gestión de proyectos en la esfera pública. En el artículo
se han utilizado métodos cientícos generales y especiales como: análisis
analítico, sinérgico, sistémico, estadístico, generalización y pronóstico. Los
autores han sugerido dividir las áreas prioritarias del enfoque de gestión
de proyectos en el campo de la administración pública en tres bloques:
períodos de desarrollo de Ucrania antes de la guerra (pacícos), militares y
de posguerra. Se ha concluido que las áreas prioritarias de aplicación de los
métodos y herramientas de gestión de proyectos en la gestión pública para
el desarrollo pacíco del Estado son: el ámbito del desarrollo regional y el
desarrollo de las comunidades territoriales unidas; la esfera del desarrollo
cultural y la tecnología de la información; el ámbito de la educación y la
ciencia. Se ha demostrado que las áreas de perspectiva del uso de tecnologías
de gestión de proyectos en la administración pública para el desarrollo
de Ucrania en los períodos de guerra y posguerra serán las siguientes:
reconstrucción de infraestructura destruida y dañada, reconstrucción de
ciertos asentamientos, renovación y transformación de la economía estatal
y apoyo al ejército, entre otras.
Palabras clave: gestión de proyectos; administración pública;
proyectos de inversión; proyectos sociales; proyectos de
On the agenda of the public sector of Ukraine there is an important issue
of increasing the eciency of public administration and increasing the
level of competitiveness of the state, taking into account the conditions of
European integration and the rebuilding of the state after the war. For this
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
purpose the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine accepted the Strategy of the
Ukrainian Government Reform for 2022-2025 (Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine No. 831-p, 2021), which noted the necessity of
creating a professional, eective, ecient and accountable system of bodies
of public authority.
Reforming of the public sphere in Ukraine is being carried out with
taking into account the requirements of the Program of support for
the improvement of administration and management, in particular the
principles and criteria for assessing public administration, international
standards and requirements, etc.
Despite the fact that the reforming of public administration in Ukraine
began in 2016, the problem of low eciency of planning the activities of
public authorities, in particular in ensuring the orientation towards the
result, is still relevant. In connection with this, the stated strategy is focused
on the need to develop and implement programs to improve the qualication
of civil servants in the eld of project management and strategic planning
and management to ensure professional development and performance
It should be noted that in Ukraine there is organizational and legal
support for project activities in public administration. In particular, project
oces have been established at the level of the central bodies of executive
power. Thus, under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Oce of Reforms
was established as a permanent advisory and consultative body (Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 768, 2016) the ministries also
have similar structural divisions as collegial advisory and consultative
bodies established for the purpose of quick and eective implementation
of reforms (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 478, 2016) in
prole spheres.
Functioning of some state funds and certain responsibilities of public
authorities, which on a competitive basis nance projects in the eld of
regional development, culture, tourism, science and education, and also on
the issues of improving the activities of united territorial communities, as
well as actualization of practical use of project management toolkits in the
eld of public administration of Ukraine.
Namely state institutions have the monopoly right for implementation
of innovative methods of management that can be borrowed from the
private sector and adapted to the public sphere with the aim of increasing
the eciency of state institutions activity. Projects that are nanced from
the state budget have a number of specic characteristics.
In particular, the use of state resources and peculiarities of ensuring
the procedure of accountability for their use, which requires additional
competencies in the subjects of project initiative. Methods of project
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
management can signicantly improve the eciency and quality of
infrastructural, social, investment and innovation projects, which are
nanced by the state. The state, represented by the relevant institutions and
funds, by means of tenders for nancing of projects for the relevant areas in
this way determines their priority in a certain period of time, depending on
their strategic goals and perspectives of development.
That is why the determination of priority spheres of project management
application in the public sphere and implementation of its methods in the
sphere of public management is the main purpose of this article.
1. Methodology of the study
The scientic article is based on the use of a number of general and special
scientic methods. Thus, by means of the analytical method the peculiarities
of using the project approach in the sphere of public management were
established, to characterize it and identify its advantages. The synergetic
approach combined the results of research in the legal, economic spheres
and in the sphere of public administration and management.
With the help of statistical analysis method the most priority spheres
of using the project approach in public administration were identied. The
systemic method was used to explain the project approach in the sphere
of public administration as a phenomenon of systemic order, because
public administration is a holistic, dynamic system that combines state
management, analytics of state programs and policies, the interaction
of government, business and citizens. Methods of generalization and
forecasting were used to identify the most priority areas of public
administration, where project management toolkits should be used to
ensure the development of the state.
2. Analysis of recent research
The ideology of project management is mostly associated with the
private sector, in particular, this branch of knowledge has been used in
the management of organizations in order to obtain the best results from
the implementation of the projects and to improve the management of
the organizations. The public sector uses methods of project management
rather recently, but already the results of their use stimulate the use of
project management in many spheres of public management.
A number of scientic sources on the use of project management toolkits
in the sphere of public administration proves that these issues are relevant
not only for Ukraine but also for many developing countries. In particular,
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
the world science has investigated a number of issues on implementation
of project management in the sphere of public management, in particular:
formation of project teams that implement projects for state support
has been investigated (Meirelles et al., 2019);
organizational interaction of structural divisions of the authorities
in the process of implementation of national projects and reforms
(Kartov, 2021);
application of project-based approach at the level of local self-
government in the conditions of decentralization, including tools of
public-private partnership (Sorychta-Wojsczyk et al., 2020);
innovative spheres of application of project approach in public
administration for the development of virtual community of the
municipalities and ministries through virtual space (Kapogiannis et
al, 2022);
use of project management tools in the management activities
of public authorities, non-prot organizations and educational
institutions (Hedvicakova, 2013; Bartosikova et al., 2013);
automation of the work process in public management based on the
project approach using Waterfall and Agile technologies (Aleinikova
et al., 2020);
using of information systems and technologies for management
of infrastructural projects in the public sphere on the basis of the
concept of “digitalera governance” (Mamatova et al., 2021);
justication of project approach in the public sphere in the context
of increasing the investment and nancial capacity of public
authorities (Povna, 2017, Bezpalova et al., 2021);
methods of analyzing the eciency of investment projects in the
public sphere (Lipkan et al., 2018) etc.
The results of the conducted analytical review of the source base
point to the obvious necessity of applying the methodology of project
management in the sphere of public management and widening the range
of its application. Particularly it is about local government, education and
science, and information management.
It is also worth mentioning that most of the scientic publications on
these issues are related to the states that are developing, mostly post-socialist
states. This indicates that the classical models of public administration
require modernization and transition to more innovative mechanisms,
technologies and tools of use and exible approaches.
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
3. Results and Discussion
3.1.Project Approach in the sphere of regional and local
In Ukraine, state support is provided for the implementation of social,
infrastructural and cultural projects. There is a number of state funds that
competitively nance investment projects and programs of regional and
local authorities. In particular, the State Fund for Regional Development
(SFRD) of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and
Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (
ua/Projects-list), which is created as part of the general fund of the state
The Fund’s activity is focused on granting funds for development of
regions, creation of industrial, innovation parks and infrastructural projects
that meet the main priorities and criteria of the state strategy for regional
development (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 695,
These directions must be reected in the relevant local and regional
development strategies and programs. It should be noted that beginning
in 2015, within the framework of implementation of the decentralization
reform in Ukraine, the support of projects of united territorial communities
and their cooperation, i.e. joint projects of several territorial communities
was considered an important priority. Projects and programs that have
been designated for implementation at the expense of SFRD funds must
also be co-nanced at the expense of the relevant local budgets at the level
of 10%.
The order of preparation, evaluation and selection of investment projects
and programs to be implemented at the expense of SFRD funds is strictly
regulated by the Ministry of Community Development and Territories
of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Development of Communities and
Territories of Ukraine No. 150, 2021) according to the Budget Code of
Ukraine (Budget Code of Ukraine No. 2456-VI, 2010) and laws «On
Innovative Activity»(Law of Ukraine No. 40-IV, 2002), «On Science Parks»
(Law of Ukraine No. 1563-VI, 2009), «On the principles of state regional
policy» (Law of Ukraine No. 156-VIII, 2015) etc.
The selection of the project proposals submitted for the tender, apart
from their compliance with the priority areas, is carried on the following
availability of approved project documentation (for construction
projects of the new objects);
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
the implementation schedule should be a period of up to 3 years;
co-nancing in the amount of 10% from local budgets and other
sources of funding;
the ability of entities to independently retain and / or provide further
nancing of created objects (project products).
According to SFRD data for the period from 2015 to 2022, 21,092
projects were implemented with state support in all regions
of Ukraine. The priority areas for state co-nancing of social,
infrastructural and other projects are as follows:
projects implemented in accordance with the Regional Development
projects of voluntary joint territorial communities;
territorial community cooperation projects.
Figure 1 shows the number of projects on these areas, which were
funded from the state budget, namely from the State Fund for Regional
Development, in the period from 2015 to 2022.
Fig. 1. Priority areas of implementation of SFRD projects in 2015-2022.
The data shown in Fig. 1 shows that most of the funds from the SFRD
were spent to support the projects that meet the priorities of the Regional
Development Strategy, as well as regional and local programs. Projects of
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
united territorial communities, for the support and development of which
such a dimension was established within the framework of the SFRD
co-nancing, have the highest indicator in the period 2017-2019. This
indicates an active phase of implementation of the decentralization reform
in Ukraine and its state support.
The lowest indicator is for projects that were initiated within the
framework of cooperation between territorial communities, i.e., joint
projects and programs of several communities or UTC. This is the indicator
that may testify to the lack of competence of the employees of the relevant
authorities and the lack of experience in implementing joint actions in such
Thus, we can summarize that the above-mentioned priority areas of
implementation of projects in Ukraine at the expense of funds of the State
Fund for Regional Development are evidence of their importance for the
state, that is they are of strategic importance not only for the development
of regions and territorial communities but also for the implementation of a
number of reforms and state strategies in Ukraine.
3.2 A project approach in the sphere of cultural development
and information policy
The priorities for the state in the development of culture, art and
tourism were determined by the establishment of the Ukrainian Cultural
Foundation (UCF) in 2017, coordinated by the Ministry of Culture and
Information Policy of Ukraine. The main goal of this fund - promoting
the implementation of state policy in the sphere of culture and art,
the development of modern trends of cultural and artistic activity, the
production of competitive Ukrainian cultural products.
According to the reports on the activities of the UCF in 2018-2021
(Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, 2018; 2019; 2020;
2021) was established that the priority for state nancial support are the
following sectors: cultural heritage, visual arts, audiovisual arts, design and
fashion, performative and stage arts, literature and publishing industry,
cultural and creative industries. From 2020 one more eld was added:
audiovisual art.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
Fig. 2. Priority areas of implementation of UCF projects in 2018-2021.
As can be seen from the above diagram (Fig. 2), the most priority areas
of UCF funding are: cultural heritage, audiovisual arts and cultural and
creative industries. The priority of these areas is characterized by both a
signicant increase in project proposals of the subjects of project initiative
for participation in the competition, and the state support, which is
manifested in increased funding of projects for these areas.
In 2022 the UCF has announced new priority areas - grant programs,
the implementation of which will be funded by the fund. In particular, the
question is about the following: cultural capitals of Ukraine, culture plus,
culture without barriers, audiovisual art, innovative cultural product,
cultural heritage, grant events, culture (regions) research, education,
residencies, scholarships.
Apart from the above-mentioned sectors, for which the selection
of projects within the framework of the UCF competition was carried
out, some of them were nanced within the framework of development
programs. According to the UCF (Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, 2021),
the competition for grants is conducted for about 10 individual programs.
Figure 3 shows the number of projects implemented in the framework of
individual competitive programs in 2020-2021.
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
Fig. 3. Priorities of UCF nancing according to the competition programs, 2020-
According to this diagram`s data, the most priority areas in the sphere
of culture and tourism for state nancial support were projects under the
programs “Culture in Times of Crises: Institutional Support”, “Innovative
Cultural Product” and from 2021 “Development of Film Production.”
The program “Culture in Times of Crises: Institutional Support” has
the largest number of projects that have been nancially and nancially
supported by the UCF. Overall, the program has contributed to the stable
development of cultural and creative industries during the pandemic and
is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized
businesses in the cultural sector.
The main purposes of this program are: supporting the organizational
capacity of cultural institutions of all forms of ownership aected by the
quarantine restrictions; contributing to the increase of jobs in the creative
industries and ensuring the reduction of the number of employees;
stabilization of the work of cultural and cognitive (domestic tourism entities
through compensation for losses due to quarantine restrictions); support
the lm industry during the pandemic.
Therefore, the state support was primarily focused on the development
of those aspects of the sphere of culture that have become the most
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
signicant as a result of COVID-2019, thereby underlining their importance
for Ukraine in the conditions of resistance to information interventions and
the real need for high-quality innovative cultural product.
3.3 A project approach in the scientic sphere and the public
management and administration knowledge sectors
Describing the application of the project approach in the eld of education
and science of Ukraine in general, it should be noted that the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine since 2016 has been supporting scientic
projects of young scientists. Through a competitive selection process
support is given to young scientists, research groups working on solving
problems relevant for the state.
In particular, he matters concerns the allocation of funds from the
general fund of the state budget for the management of scientic projects,
which is carried out in the course of the competitive selection of project
proposals of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Over six years
of the existance of competition, 411 projects were supported (Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2020). Fig. 4 shows the number of
implemented scientic projects for the period from 2016 to 2021.
Fig. 4. The number of submitted and implemented scientic projects, funded by
the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2016-2021.
However, as can be seen from g. 4, the number of scientic projects
that have been funded by the state over the past 4 years has signicantly
decreased, indicating the lack of support, as the number of applications for
participation in the competition remains at almost the same level. Thus, we
can state that the use of the project approach in the sphere of science and
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
education requires substantial attention from the state. It is about nancial
support for the development of scientic projects and their implementation,
as well as promoting the development of educational and professional and
scientic programs for the training of highly qualied professionals in the
eld of project management in the public sphere.
The need to raise the level of competence of domestic scientists in the
eld of project management is also illustrated by the dynamics of obtaining
nancial and technical support and grant assistance from the EU, which is
currently one of the most powerful tools for ensuring the development of
the state’s potential. This is the case of educational and scientic projects
of international technical assistance within the «Horizon 2020» and
«Erasmus+» programs.
“Erasmus+» has been implemented in Ukraine since 2005 after joining
the Bologna Process and consists of three main directions: support of
reforms, cooperation for the development of innovations and exchange
of successful practices, and individual mobility. Throughout the years of
partnership Ukrainian representatives participated in 5,521 projects and
programs. Fig. 5 shows the number of these projects and programs in three
Fig. 5. The number of implemented projects under the «Erasmus+» program in
As can be seen from g. 5, the largest number of scientic projects was
implemented in Ukraine in the framework of “Academic mobility” in the
following areas: youth mobility - 3306 projects; youth academic mobility -
1717 projects; volunteer projects - 153; magisterial programs - 13 (Erasmus
National + Oce in Ukraine).
The smallest number is generated in the eld of «volunteer projects»
that was implemented only in 2018, as well as the «Erasmus Moodus»
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
Magisterial Programs. Within the framework of the “Support of reforms”
only 7 projects were implemented in Ukraine to receive the right to use
expert support and information, but without direct funding from the
European Union.
In general, the «Erasmus+» program is aimed exclusively at developing
the potential of future research, as opposed to the (Horizon, 2020)
program, which provides funding for the implementation of projects, as
well as their commercialization (Structure Horizon, 2020). As the largest
EU Framework Program (Horizon, 2020) is aimed at nancing two types
of activities: scientic research and innovations. Within the framework of
the mentioned program 184 projects (CORDIS EU, Horizon (2020) country
prole for Ukraine) were nanced and implemented in Ukraine (Fig. 6).
Figure 6. Number of implemented projects within the framework of the
program (Horizon, 2020), as in 2020.
Totally, 296 participants from Ukraine (scientists and organizations)
took part in the (Horizon, 2020) program over the years and received funding
of $40.53 million. In general, preference was given to projects specializing
in precision, chemical, medical and technological research. The Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine must approve the Regulation on the
use of the funds for the possible participation of Ukrainian researchers in
contests of this program, without which further funding of the projects is
Overall, describing the activities of the «Erasmus+» and (Horizon,
2020) programs in Ukraine over the past few years, it should be noted that
they have helped to increase the number of contacts between Ukrainian and
European educational institutions and research institutions in Ukraine.
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
The participation of Ukrainian educational and scientic institutions
contributes to both the strengthening of their institutional capacity and
the development of the sphere of education and science in Ukraine as a
whole. The implementation of such projects has provided the possibilities
for improving not only the scientic but also the investment potential of
Ukraine, which is important for the social and economic development of
the state.
The perspective for the development of Ukrainian scientists and
increasing numbers of research projects in international grant programs
over the next 5 years is for Ukraine to participate in the «Horizon Europe»
program, which has been transformed from «Horizon 2020» to cover the
period 2021-2027 (Zamora, 2021). The «Horizon Europe» program for this
period is predicted to provide funding of approximately €95.5 billion in the
areas of science and education, 30% more than in the previous period, and
provide the opportunity to increase the number of science projects from
Ukraine (Horizon, 2020) country prole for Ukraine.
However, as we can see from the presented above analysis of the number
of scientic projects that receive funding and within the framework of the
European Union programs and were implemented, this potential is not
fully realized. That is why the necessity of using the project approach for
increasing the quality and eciency of education in Ukraine is growing.
The need to use a project-based approach in the eld of knowledge of
public management and administration as a separate eld for the training
of public servants should be emphasized separately. In particular, the point
is about three key areas in this sphere, which, in general, are aimed at
enhancing the culture of project management:
- managerial activity of institutions of higher education that train
professionals in the specialty 281 “Public Management and
Administration”. This approach makes it necessary for educational
institutions to constantly update the content of the work in order
to use additional knowledge and tools to meet the needs of public
authorities and public servants themselves, including in the eld of
project management;
Scientic activity of higher education institutions for training
public servants.
Such an approach will enable to ensure the development of
innovation and will contribute to increasing the potential of
fundamental and applied scientic research in the sphere
of public administration and management, as well as the
development of research infrastructure of educational and
scientic institutions of Ukraine. In particular, the matter
concerns the development and implementation of scientic
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
projects in the sphere of public administration that can
be represented in the form of educational and scientic
qualication works (diploma, dissertation).
Educational activity of institutions of higher education. This
approach will help to ensure: training of highly qualied
professionals for direct professional project activities in
the eld of public management and administration for the
development and implementation of projects, including
at the expense of state funds and international grants;
training of public servants for active project oces of public
administration reforms; preparation by a public servant of a
qualication work in the form of a separate scientic project in
the eld of public administration and administration.
In our opinion, the educational and scientic sphere of the project
approach is the integrative one, that is, the one that can inuence other
aspects of public management and administration in Ukraine. These and
other areas of modernization of training of public servants were taken
into account during the development of the standard of higher education
for the specialty 281 «Public administration and administration» for
the second (master’s) level of higher education (Order of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1001, 2020), one of the general
competencies of the graduate is the ability to develop and manage projects
(ZK03), and one of the specialized competencies is the ability to develop
and implement innovative projects at various levels of public management
and administration (SK12). However, these norms of the Standard must
be implemented in all educational-professional and educational-scientic
programs of institutions of higher education, which carry out training for
the specied specialty.
The demand for project management specialists in the sphere of public
administration and management is especially urgent in the conditions of
military and political instability, active warfare on the territory of Ukraine,
as well as its post-war recovery.
At the moment, a number of international and state funds have started
and are operating, the purpose of which is to provide nancial assistance to
Ukraine, in particular on the issues of renovation of property and destroyed
infrastructure, renovation and transformation of the economy, support for
the army, etc. Accordingly, it is possible to receive funds from the mentioned
ones, technical and grant support from international organizations and
programs only by submitting project proposals, this will allow to provide
targeted funding, as well as facilitate monitoring and control of their use.
Liliia Makarenko, Tetiana Syvak, Olha Berdanova, Vladyslava Iyzefovych y Olena Rachynska
Project Management in Public Administration: Priority Areas of Application
Priority spheres of application of project approach in the sphere of
public administration and administration can be nominally divided into
two blocks: pre-war (peaceful) period of Ukraine’s development and
military, war periods. Active military actions in Ukraine, which led to the
destruction of social and critical infrastructure, signicantly changed the
strategic priorities of the state and contributed to the appearance of new
challenges for the state authorities.
Thus, in the pre-war period, the priority areas of state development that
required project management were those dictated by the reforms launched
in Ukraine, in particular the decentralization reform. In this regard, state
support and nancing of investment projects and programs from the
SFRD was provided to support the implementation of the Strategy for
Regional Development of Ukraine, joint projects of the common territorial
communities, etc.
The priority of the project approach in the sphere of culture and tourism
was determined by the creation of the UCF, the activity of which was
mainly focused on the institutional support of culture, the main focus of
its activities was on the institutional support of culture, art and tourism
under the conditions of the pandemic and Ukraine’s participation in the
information war with the Russian Federation, which required an increase
in the number of information, cultural and art projects.
The current period of Ukraine’s development dictates new priority
directions of using the project approach in the sphere of public
management and administration, in particular, the following: rebuilding of
the destroyed and damaged infrastructure, entire settlements, renewal and
transformation of the economy of the state, support of the army, etc. These
areas will require new competencies in both public servants and other
subjects of project initiative, especially in project management. That is why
the development of scientic projects and application of project approach
to education and science in the eld of knowledge of public management
and administration is particularly relevant.
Active use of the project approach in education and science as an
integrative sphere will give the opportunity to eectively use the potential
of international technical assistance, that is to get additional funding for
the implementation of projects and programs in priority areas of public
administration, and grantors to monitor and control the nancing of
such projects, which is particularly relevant in the current conditions of
Ukraine’s tourism and development.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 385-404
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75