Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
Recibido el 15/08/22 Aceptado el 11/11/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 299-311
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Public administration reform
in the forestry sector
Оlena Gulac *
Roman Oleksenko **
Yevhen Sobol ***
Tetiana Milova ****
Kateryna Troshkina *****
The purpose of the research was to determine and substantiate
the content of public administration in the forestry sector of
Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development with a balance
of social, economic and environmental interests of the state in
the study area. To achieve this goal, general scientic and special
scientic methods of cognition were used, in particular, dialectical,
logical-formal, analysis and synthesis, structural-systemic, legal-
comparative, legal-formal and prognostic. Everything allows to conclude
that, it is expedient to develop and adopt the Forestry Strategy of Ukraine,
with a separate section on the denition of tools for improving re safety in
forests, based on the principles of the European Union Forestry Strategy, in
particular: sustainable and multifunctional forest management, balanced
use of various forest resources and services, ensuring the protection of
forests; resource eciency, optimizing the contribution of forests and
forestry sector to rural development, economic growth and job creation;
global responsibility for forests, promotion of sustainable (responsible)
production and consumption of forest products.
Keywords: policy reform; sustainable development; public
administration; forestry; forestry studies.
* National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
** Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
*** Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
**** Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
***** Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Оlena Gulac, Roman Oleksenko, Yevhen Sobol, Tetiana Milova y Kateryna Troshkina
Public administration reform in the forestry sector
Reforma de la administración pública en el sector
El propósito de la investigación fue determinar y fundamentar el
contenido de la administración pública en el sector forestal de Ucrania
sobre la base del desarrollo sostenible con un equilibrio de los intereses
sociales, económicos y ambientales del Estado en el área de estudio.
Para lograr este objetivo, se utilizaron métodos de cognició,n cientícos
generales y cientícos especiales, en particular, dialéctico, lógico-formal,
análisis y síntesis, estructural-sistémico, legal-comparativo, legal-formal
y de pronóstico. Todo permite concluir que, es conveniente desarrollar y
adoptar la Estrategia Forestal de Ucrania, con una sección separada sobre
la denición de herramientas para mejorar la seguridad contra incendios
en los bosques, basada en los principios de la Estrategia Forestal de la
Unión Europea, en particular: gestión forestal sostenible y multifuncional,
uso equilibrado de diversos recursos y servicios forestales, asegurando
la protección de los bosques; la eciencia de los recursos, optimizando
la contribución de los bosques y el sector forestal al desarrollo rural, el
crecimiento económico y la creación de empleo; responsabilidad mundial
por los bosques, promoción de la producción y el consumo sostenibles
(responsables) de productos forestales.
Palabras clave: reforma política; desarrollo sostenible; administración
pública; bosques; estudios forestales.
Ukraine is on the threshold of signicant, essential challenges, in which
each of us is a direct participant. However, in our opinion, the biggest
challenge in the situation of brutal military actions, signicant economic
decline, the breakdown of old state structures and the formation of a
new essential platform for the establishment of state and self-governing
institutions is the need to observe, rst of all, legal and ideological norms
before the international community.
Because the very existence of our state currently depends to a large
extent on how, to what extent and in what manner public institutions
will respond to the threats and challenges of a global scale that have been
haunting our country recently (Gulaс, 2020). The negative interaction of
the environment and human activity has a global character, so it cannot be
resolved within the borders of one country (Mazii, 2012).
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 299-311
The economic growth of each state inevitably leads to an increase in
the use of natural resources and wastes of consumption, and increases
the anthropogenic load on the envіronment. (Kolokolchykova et al., 2021)
Our envіronment іs constantly changіng. However, as our environment
changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems
that surround it.
The processes of globalization and social transformation have increased
the priority of environmental protection, the desire to achieve ecological
balance and ensure the sustainable development of the country (Kurylo et
al., 2020).
The main principles (strategy) of the state environmental policy of
Ukraine for the period until 2030, approved by the Law of Ukraine dated
28.02.2019, among the existing problems of the current state of the
environment in Ukraine, note that the processes of globalization and social
transformations have increased the priority of environmental protection,
and therefore, Ukraine needs to take urgent measures.
In particular, attention is focused on the fact that for a long time the
economic development of the state was accompanied by unbalanced
exploitation of natural resources, low priority of environmental protection
issues, which made it impossible to achieve balanced (sustainable)
development (On the Basic principles (strategy) of the state environmental
policy of Ukraine for the period until 2030: Law of Ukraine, 2019).
Forests of Ukraine are an extremely important natural resource, the
value of which is due to important characteristics that make it possible
to use them as an important ecological, economic and social component,
etc., which, however, requires a long time to renew. However, it is not
possible to achieve eciency in the management of forest resources only
through changes to the forest legislation. Because, as correctly stated: “...
the eect of norms establishing ideal behavior models from the point of
view of legal regulation is often leveled by their ineective implementation”
(Khludeneva, 2011: 12).
Diculties of reforming public management in the eld of forest
relations on the territory of our state in modern conditions, the inability
of previous organizational formations in this eld to eectively implement
tasks related to ensuring re safety, the limitation of nancial and material
resources of the state require a thorough restructuring of such relations, the
search for eective ways of their further development (Gulaс, 2020).
The imperfection of the nancial and economic mechanism for the
development of the forest industry; multi-departmental forest management
system; lack of an economic mechanism for stimulating the use of
environmentally friendly technologies; imperfect level of re protection
in the forest fund; a signicant amount of illegal logging; imperfect
Оlena Gulac, Roman Oleksenko, Yevhen Sobol, Tetiana Milova y Kateryna Troshkina
Public administration reform in the forestry sector
redistribution of forest fund lands; growth of man-made load on forest
ecosystems; legal nihilism and a relatively low level of legal responsibility
for forest violations are the existing problems that generally characterize
the most signicant shortcomings in the eld of forest use and require
Thus, the main content should be the development of an eective
mechanism aimed at achieving a harmonious balance between the social,
economic and ecological interests of the state in the studied industry.
(Oleksenko et al., 2021) Ensuring such a balance can only be guaranteed
by the state, as an institution as a whole, through the eective distribution
of relevant powers between the entire system of state and non-state bodies.
1. Objectives
The purpose of this work is to dene and substantiate the content of
public management in the forest industry of Ukraine on the basis of
sustainable development, while maintaining the balance of social, economic
and ecological interests of the state in the researched industry.
2. Materials and methods
To achieve the purpose, general scientic and special scientic methods
of cognition were used, in particular dialectical, formal-logical, analysis
and synthesis, systemic-structural, comparative-legal, formal-legal,
prognostic. The application of the dialectical method made it possible to
investigate the directions of the formation of an eective state instrument
aimed at achieving a harmonious balance between the social, economic and
ecological interests of the state in the forest sector of Ukraine.
Taking into account the scientic theory of “person’s place in the
safety of life”, the author’s vision of a multi-component system of such an
instrument with an emphasis on its environmentalization is presented.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the previous
work of the co-authors regarding: Cooperation of Ukraine and the European
Union in the Ecological Sector (Gulac, 2019a), New Approaches to Providing
of Environmental Management in Ukraine on the Way to Euro Integration
(Gulac, 2019b), analysis Ensuring Sustainable Development of Local Self
Government (Ladychenko, 2021), Formation of Ukraine’s Climate Policy
in the Context of European Integration (Golovko, 2021), Sustainable
Approaches to Waste Management (Kutsevych, 2020), Legal Regulation
of Waste Management in Ukraine on the Way to European Integration
(Kidalov, 2020), Problems and Prospects of Implementation of European
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 299-311
Environmental Policy in Ukraine (Ladychenko, 2017), State environmental
policy on the issue of legal regulation of re safety in the forests of Ukraine
(Gulac, 2022).
3. Results and discussion
The role of the state in ensuring sustainable preservation and protection
of national forests is not only in the creation of high-quality normative
legal acts and, most importantly, their implementation. The state, as the
main driving force of social and economic development, at the same time
acts as a guarantor of ensuring social and ecological balance in the eld
of bioresources and nature management as a whole, which is realized
by the creation and eective functioning of relevant state institutions,
infrastructure development, initiating the accumulation of certain material
funds, additional investments, etc.
Given the need to increase the level of preservation and protection of
forests, the Concept of the National Environmental Policy of Ukraine for
the period until 2020 notes that the rational use and reproduction of forest
resources requires the creation of a full-edged forest monitoring system
as a complex of continuous monitoring, assessment and forecasting of their
Within the framework of the system of state monitoring of the natural
environment of Ukraine, forest monitoring should become a means of
management in the eld of forest resources by optimizing the system of
forest use and preventing critical environmental phenomena and processes
(Concept of the National Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the period
until 2020: Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2007).
A signicant role in the reform and development of domestic forestry is
necessary. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of
the Concept of reform and development of forestry” dated April 18, 2006
No. 208. The approval of the Concept is due to signicant problems in the
eld of forest use, the main ones of which are indicated above and, to note
unfortunately, to a sucient extent, they remain unsolved even now.
At the same time, it should be noted that despite the fact that this Concept
was adopted more than ten years ago, the development of social relations in
the state as a whole and in the eld of forest relations in particular is very
rapid and requires a fairly quick response to the corresponding changes,
which must be expressed rst of all by regulatory tools, preferably of the
highest level.
In addition, this Concept is currently valid, since all other attempts
(projects) to develop and adopt concepts for reforming the sphere of
Оlena Gulac, Roman Oleksenko, Yevhen Sobol, Tetiana Milova y Kateryna Troshkina
Public administration reform in the forestry sector
forest relations have not been implemented. In particular, on the ocial
website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Concept of reforming
the forestry and hunting industry of Ukraine, discussed on April 27, 2015
at the meeting of the Coordination Council of the State Forestry Agency of
Ukraine (created by the order of the State Forestry Agency dated March 30,
2015 No. 112) is presented.
In addition, it should be noted that in recent years, the problem of
forestry management in Ukraine, the development of proposals for its
solution, has been the subject of numerous studies and projects carried out
with the support, in particular, of the FLEG program (Law enforcement and
management in the forest sector of the countries of the Eastern region), the
project of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) “Consolidation of forest policy in Ukraine”, other international
An extremely important step in the context of improving the eectiveness
of re safety in the forests of Ukraine is that the aforementioned concept
denes the need to develop and adopt the “Strategy for the balanced
development of the forestry and hunting industry of Ukraine”. It would, in
terms of forestry, provide, among others:
Ways to eliminate the departmental dispersion of forests in Ukraine,
strengthening the responsibility of forest users, regardless of departmental
aliation, for non-fulllment of the requirements of forest and hunting legislation,
increasing the responsibility and legal support of forest protection activities and
the eectiveness of state control in the eld of forestry, primarily by the State
Environmental Inspection and its divisions” (Concept of reforming the forestry
and hunting industry of Ukraine, 2015: 63).
In general, we support the theses proposed within the framework of the
developed Concept, since they have already been formed based on the best
world experience, taking into account numerous shortcomings in the eld
of forest relations in general and modern challenges posed to the state by
the forestry industry and all concerned public institutions.
And although, as repeatedly noted within the scope of this study, we do
not support the presence of the term “forestry and hunting” in the title of the
corresponding strategy, we nevertheless note the main, from our point of
view, thesis - regarding the need to “clarify the delimitation of the powers of
authorities, in particular executive power and local self-government bodies,
control bodies, rights and obligations of business entities, introduction of
more eective coordination mechanisms, coordination of their activities
in the interests of integrated use of natural resources, in particular on the
basis of public-private partnership”.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 299-311
This general thesis is actually important from the point of view of building
an eective system and delimiting the functions of public bodies in the
eld of forest relations, which is increasingly emphasized by scientists and
specialists. The system of authorized bodies in the eld of forest relations is
quite extensive, and each of them has a certain number of control powers,
which are quite often duplicated and at the same time create the possibility
of a corruption component, since the same ocials in the eld of forest
relations implement and control the same range of issues.
In addition, the system of ensuring balanced nature use in the eld of
forest resources of Ukraine directly depends on the “introduction of more
eective mechanisms of coordination and coordination of activities” of
the authorized state bodies among themselves and taking into account the
forces and means of voluntary self-governing organizations.
Thus, the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On additional measures for
the development of forestry, rational nature management and conservation
of nature reserve fund objects” dated 21.11.2017 No. 381 determined the need
to take a whole set of measures for the development of forestry, increasing
ecological and economic potential forests, as well as the preservation,
protection and reproduction of forest plantations, in particular, “ensuring
the preservation of the professional potential and material and technical
base of the state forest protection in relation to the implementation of re-
ghting measures, re extinguishing”.
Thus, we must state that over the past few years there has been the
development of a complex system of projects of strategic normative legal
acts regarding the formation of ways of further development of the forestry
They partially reect the need to improve the processes of ensuring re
safety in the forests of Ukraine, however, did not receive the normative
consolidation, The complex nature of these projects is due to the level of
approaches to the regulation of social relations in the forestry industry and
represents a complete system: “Concept - Strategy - Program”.
In particular, these are currently: 1) The concept of reforming the
forestry and hunting industry of Ukraine, discussed on April 27, 2015
at the meeting of the Coordination Council at the State Forestry Agency
of Ukraine; 2) Strategy for the balanced development of the forestry and
hunting industry of Ukraine, the adoption of which is determined by the
said Concept; 3) Strategy of sustainable development and institutional
reform of forestry of Ukraine for the period until 2022, which we propose to
call “Strategy of sustainable development of forest resources of Ukraine”; 4)
The “Forests of Ukraine - 2030” program, the approval of which is provided
by the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On additional measures for the
development of forestry, rational nature management and conservation of
objects of the nature reserve” dated November 21, 2017 No. 381.
Оlena Gulac, Roman Oleksenko, Yevhen Sobol, Tetiana Milova y Kateryna Troshkina
Public administration reform in the forestry sector
At the same time, the provisions of the Strategy for Sustainable
Development and Institutional Reform of Forestry of Ukraine for the period
up to 2022 have not been accepted by scientists, specialists, or the general
Thus, without a clear, balanced and consolidated strategy, it is
dicult to imagine the development vector of the forest industry and the
corresponding priorities. Supporting the position of experts, we note that it
is extremely important to implement the fundamental positions: adoption
of the concept of development of the forestry industry; appointment of a
relevant minister and head of the State Forestry Agency; creation of a state
forest fund; preservation of the state structure of forestry management.
However, the absence of approved strategic documents on the
development of the forest sector makes it impossible to form a forecasted
state policy, and therefore creates an irregularity of the organizational and
legal structure of management in the eld of forest relations in general and
reduces the environmentalization of the forest industry as a whole. At the
same time, the forest sector is currently of great strategic importance for
the state, which is connected, in particular, with the increase in the negative
impact of global warming, recreational load and man-made pollution on
forests (Gulac, 2020).
The introduction of any signicant changes in the issues of public
administration in the eld of forest relations as a whole should take into
account the main priority of the forest industry - the preservation and
protection of the forest fund. Therefore, the implementation of the state
function of ensuring re safety in forests, which currently has a certain
institutional stability. And with long-term institutional changes in the
eld of forest relations, there can be a signicant time imbalance from the
management position, which is inherent in many other spheres of social
relations (What can the “forest reserve” Decree of the President lead to?
The rule of law to protect the environment, n/d).
In addition, the subordination of the State Forestry Agency to the
Ministry of Agrarian Policy, and not to the Ministry of Nature, in our opinion,
creates a number of inconsistencies and contradictions in the formation of
strategic positions for the development of relations in the forest industry.
However, in accordance with the Resolution of the CMU of October 20,
2019, the Dezhlis Agency came under the “jurisdiction” of the Minister of
Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine (On making changes to
the scheme of directing and coordinating the activities of central executive
bodies by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the relevant
members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine, 2019).
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 299-311
The implementation of public administration in the eld of forest
relations should also be based on international standards, taking into
account the essential European integration vector of development chosen
by the Ukrainian people. We must state that, in contrast to the state of
Ukraine, the somewhat fragmented European community managed to
adopt a consolidated forest strategy.
Therefore, the principles of the development of the EU forest sector
should be the basis for the formation of the standards of the corresponding
national forest strategy, the structural component of which we see the
Strategy for improving re safety in forests (New Forest strategy of the
European Union, n/d; Gulac, 2013).
The new strategy envisages stricter regulation of the actions of EU
member states in the part related to forest management, and more active
involvement of them in joint actions regarding the development of the forest
sector. Therefore, the main theses of the Forest EU are that: 1) the forest is a
key resource for improving the quality of life and creating new jobs in rural
areas; 2) European states should join forces in protecting ecosystems and
ensuring environmental security (Forest strategy).
The strategy emphasizes that forests are important not only for the
development of rural areas, but also for the stabilization of the environment,
in particular the mitigation of the consequences of climate change, and the
preservation of biodiversity. In this regard, it is necessary to implement a
comprehensive approach to forest management.
The task of creating a pan-European forestry information system
and the unication of forest information stands out, which in fact makes
possible a comprehensive approach to management in any eld. In Ukraine,
unfortunately, we talk more about the need to solve the relevant problems
than we implement certain real steps.
New social challenges associated with global climate change, the
emergence of new technologies for the use of renewable forest resources, the
growing need to preserve biodiversity and the use of forest resources, rst of
all, from the point of view of realizing their social and ecological functions,
call for a new and deeply responsible to approach the issue of rational use
and forest protection, anticipating the need to create and implement a real
and eective national forest strategy based on the principles and methods
of the already created EU Forest Strategy.
In addition, the document clearly states that the provisions of the EU
Forest Strategy should be taken into account in the National Forest Policies
and plans for the development of forests and forest sectors of the EU
countries, where Ukraine, based on the legally established course, seeks to
get to (New Forest Strategy of the European Union, n/d).
Оlena Gulac, Roman Oleksenko, Yevhen Sobol, Tetiana Milova y Kateryna Troshkina
Public administration reform in the forestry sector
It is seen that the real will of the authorities to follow the policy of
gradual implementation of the legal standards of the European community
existence in general, and the sphere of its forest relations in particular, to
the system of the fundamental principles of the activity of our state, the
real implementation, rst of all, of the principles of implementing such
standards into the work of domestic organizations, starting from the highest
executive level, the consistent implementation of the anti-corruption policy
in the system of public administration bodies will nevertheless lead to a
signicant improvement in the sustainable development of the forest sector
as a natural wealth of our state.
The eectiveness of the regulation of re safety in forests directly
depends on the quality of the regulatory provision of relations in the forest
industry, which, in turn, is formed through the denition of the appropriate
state strategy. Currently, we consider it expedient to highlight in the
General Strategy of sustainable development in the eld of forest relations
a section on the denition of tools aimed at increasing the level of re safety
in forests.
At the same time, we emphasize the need to develop, adopt and
implement such a Strategy, because the eectiveness of ensuring re
safety in forests directly depends on the eectiveness and sustainability of
management in the forest industry as a whole. And the fact that the need
for systemic changes in the management of the forest industry is urgent is
beyond anyone’s doubt.
Thus, we see the need for the development and adoption of the Forest
Strategy of Ukraine, with a section on dening tools aimed at increasing the
level of re safety in forests, based on the principles of the Forest Strategy
of the European Union, in particular: sustainable and multi-purpose
management of forests, balanced use of various resources and forest services,
ensuring forest protection; resource eciency, optimizing the contribution
of forests and the forest sector to the development of rural areas, economic
growth and job creation; global responsibility for the forest, stimulation of
sustainable (responsible) production and consumption of forest products.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75