Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
Recibido el 19/10/22 Aceptado el 24/11/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 232-242
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Anti-corruption reform as a component
of the sustainable development strategy
and its impact on a safe environment
Inna Odnolko *
Oleksandr Hladii **
Oleksandr Bondarchuk ***
Yevgeny Zhadan ****
Olena Leonidova *****
The purpose of the research is anti-corruption reform as
a component of the Sustainable Development Strategy and
its impact on a safe environment: administrative, legal and
criminological reection. Main content. It is known, that the
national security strategy of Ukraine identies corruption
among the current and forecasted threats, which prevents the Ukrainian
economy from being depressed, makes its sustainable and dynamic
growth impossible, and, as a result, fuels the criminal environment.
Methodology: The methodological basis of the research is presented
as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal method,
interpretation method, hermeneutic method as well as methods of analysis
and synthesis. Conclusions. Approbation of the developed plan for the
post-war recovery of Ukraine (section «Environmental safety» should take
place in such priority areas as: reforming state management in the eld
of environmental protection; climate policy: prevention and adaptation
to climate change; environmental safety and eective waste management;
balanced use of natural resources in conditions of increased demand and
limited opportunities; preservation of natural ecosystems and biological
* Chief Specialist of the Promotion and Communication Department of the National Agency of Ukraine
for Identication, Search and Management of Assets Obtained from Corruption and Other Crimes
** PhD in Law, doctoral studentof the Department of Public and Private Law, University of customs
and finance, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Candidate of economic sciences, doctoral studentof the Department of Public and Private Law,
University of customs and nance, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Candidate of Sciences from State Administration, doctoral studentof the Department of Public
and Private Law, University of customs and finance, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Associate professor, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of Law,
Central Ukrainian Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 232-242
diversity; restoration and development of nature conservation areas and
Keywords: goals of sustainable development; anti-corruption
policy; national environmental security; regional policy;
administrative and legal regulation.
Reforma de la lucha contra la corrupción como
componente de la estrategia de desarrollo sostenible y su
impacto en un entorno seguro
El objeto de la investigación es la reforma anticorrupción como
componente de la Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible y su impacto en un
entorno seguro: reexión administrativa, legal y criminológica. Se sabe
que la estrategia de seguridad nacional de Ucrania identica la corrupción
entre las amenazas actuales y previstas, lo que evita que la economía
ucraniana se deprima, imposibilita su crecimiento sostenible y dinámico
y, como resultado, alimenta el entorno criminal. La base metodológica de
la investigación se presenta como análisis comparativo-legal y sistemático,
método formal-legal, método de interpretación, método hermenéutico
así como métodos de análisis y síntesis. Todo permite concluir que la
aprobación del plan desarrollado para la recuperación de la posguerra
de Ucrania (sección «Seguridad ambiental» debe tener lugar en áreas
prioritarias como: reforma de la gestión estatal en el campo de la protección
ambiental; política climática: prevención y adaptación al cambio climático;
seguridad ambiental y gestión ecaz de residuos; uso equilibrado de los
recursos naturales en condiciones de mayor demanda y oportunidades
limitadas; preservación de los ecosistemas naturales y la diversidad
biológica; restauración y desarrollo de áreas y objetos de conservación de
la naturaleza.
Palabras clave: objetivos de desarrollo sostenible; política
anticorrupción; seguridad ambiental nacional; política
regional; regulación administrativa y legal.
The history of the formation of the idea of ustainable development is
directly related to the meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York,
Inna Odnolko, Oleksandr Hladii, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Yevgeny Zhadan y Olena Leonidova
Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact
on a safe environment
held in September 2015, where the resolution document «Transforming
our world: an agenda in the eld of sustainable development until 2030»
was adopted, where it was established such goals and objectives of the
development of modern states.
The mentioned Resolution of the UN General Assembly substantiated
that the development of the modern state should be the following directions
of socio-economic, spiritual-cultural, humanitarian, ecological reformation.
The goals of sustainable development of the modern world and individual
states can be classied into:
1. Humanitarian, which include - the need to overcome the
manifestations of poverty, ght against the spread of hunger, take
measures to ensure food security, promote the quality and safety
of food products, rationalize agricultural activities; social protection
and provision of a person regardless of his age and state of health;
access to justice; implementation of the principles of social
partnership and dialogue as the basis of public administration and
social development.
2. Socio-cultural, covered by the need to take measures to provide
access to quality education and create opportunities for a person’s
professional development throughout his life; ensuring the
principles of gender equality as a priority for the development of
modern society, granting equal rights to men and women, boys
and girls; overcoming manifestations of discrimination based on
3. Environmental - ensuring access to quality water resources and
compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements; creation
of conditions for the availability of energy resources; greening of
production and its development on the basis of a «closed circle»;
ensuring the livelihood and «sustainability» of settlements; taking
measures to overcome the manifestations of climate change and
their negative consequences; use of sea and ocean resources based
on rational approaches; combating desertication and taking
other measures aimed at overcoming the manifestations of land
degradation and restoring biodiversity.
4. Socio-economic - creation of an eective labor market at the global
and national levels; rationalization of consumption.
1. Literature review
Establishing the essence of the category «national ecological security»
requires taking into account the results of scientic works of representatives,
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 232-242
as general theoretical sciences, as well as representatives of special branch
studies, and others (Pushkina et al., 2021). However, the establishment of
the essence of the category «national environmental security» is fragmentary
in nature, and requires the generalization of existing practices in order to
achieve their compliance with European standards (Leheza, 2016).
Within the framework of Ukrainian legal science, there is no single
approach to establishing the essence of «environmental safety». Establishing
an author’s approach to dening the essence of the category «national
ecological security» is possible by summarizing existing theoretical and
legal studies (Surilova and Leheza, 2019).
Establishing the essence of the category of «national environmental
security» has a certain history of formation and development of normative
and legal regulation. The rst attempts to introduce the category of «national
ecological security» into the national legal space were made in 1995-1998,
when the conceptual approaches to establishing the structure and content
of the mechanism for ensuring national security requirements as a whole
and its structural elements were normatively consolidated (Sabirov, 2010).
Understanding the constituent elements of the mechanism for
ensuring the requirements of national environmental security requires
the use of such a conceptual approach, which consists in combining
in a complex interdependent system the implementation of measures
to prevent environmental emergencies, prevent and eliminate the
negative consequences of environmental oenses and crimes against the
environment, which allows to guarantee the appropriate level of eectiveness
of implementation state and regional policy on the implementation of the
subjective environmental rights of a private person (Kolpakov et al., 2020).
2. Materials and methods
The study is based on the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists
regarding methodological approaches to understanding anti-corruption
reform as a component of the Sustainable Development Strategy and its
impact on a safe environment: administrative-legal and criminological
The ontological method of scientic knowledge made it possible to
determine the essence of methodological approaches to understanding
the category of national environmental security as a component of the
Sustainable Development Strategy and the implementation of regional
environmental policy. Thanks to the logical-semantic method, the
conceptual principles of the implementation of the anti-corruption reform
as a component of the Sustainable Development Strategy and its impact on
a safe environment were developed.
Inna Odnolko, Oleksandr Hladii, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Yevgeny Zhadan y Olena Leonidova
Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact
on a safe environment
The use of the system-structural research method made it possible
to determine the normative principles of anti-corruption reform as a
component of the Sustainable Development Strategy and its impact on a
safe environment. With the help of the structural-logical method, the main
directions of optimization of methodological approaches to understanding
the eectiveness of anti-corruption reform as a component of the
Sustainable Development Strategy and its impact on a safe environment
are substantiated.
3. Results and discussion
The national security strategy of Ukraine identies corruption among
the current and forecasted threats, which prevents the Ukrainian economy
from being depressed, makes its sustainable and dynamic growth
impossible, and, as a result, fuels the criminal environment.
Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 16, 2022 No. 56/2022
«On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
dated December 30, 2021 «On the Strategy for State Security» determined
that the main tasks of state policy in the eld of state security include
the intensication of the struggle with terrorism and organized crime,
countering the destruction of the state apparatus and local self-government
in connection with the spread of systemic corruption in state bodies (Law
of Ukraine, 2022).
The introduction at the national level of the need to observe and
implement the goals and objectives of sustainable development determined
the expediency of developing a certain system of monitoring the eectiveness
of the exercise of powers for their implementation by administrative bodies.
In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of
August 21, 2019 No. 686-r «Issues of data collection for monitoring the
implementation of sustainable development goals» (Law of Ukraine, 2019)
a list of indicators of the eectiveness of the implementation of state and
regional policies is established. In fact, such indicators are criteria for the
eectiveness of socio-economic development, which allows us to identify
the directions of regulatory and organizational regulation of social relations.
Such indicators of ensuring the requirements of the national
environmental security of Ukraine in particular and achieving the goals of
sustainable development in general in accordance with the Decree of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 21, 2019 No. 686-r include:
ensuring the creation of sustainable food production systems that
contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and gradually improve
land and soil quality, primarily through the use of innovative
technologies (food production index Food Production Index);
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 232-242
ensuring the availability of quality services for the supply of safe
drinking water, construction and reconstruction of centralized
drinking water supply systems using the latest technologies and
equipment (indicator of safety and quality of drinking water
according to microbiological indicators;
indicator of safety and quality of drinking water according to
radiation indicators);
reducing the volume of untreated wastewater discharges, primarily
with the use of innovative water treatment technologies, at the
state and individual levels (indicators of the volume of discharges
of polluted (polluted without treatment and insuciently treated)
wastewater into water bodies;
the share of discharges of polluted (polluted without treatment
and insuciently treated) wastewater into water bodies in the total
volume of discharges, etc.);
increasing the eciency of water use (GDP water capacity
expansion of infrastructure and modernization of networks to
ensure reliable and stable energy supply based on the introduction
of innovative technologies (indicator of technological costs of
electrical energy in distribution networks);
ensuring diversication of the supply of primary energy resources;
increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in the national
energy balance, in particular due to the introduction of additional
capacities of facilities producing energy from renewable sources
(setting the share of energy produced from renewable sources in the
total nal energy consumption);
reduction of the negative impact of pollutants, including on the
environment of cities, in particular through the use of innovative
technologies (volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere by
stationary sources of emissions);
ensuring the development and implementation of local development
strategies aimed at economic growth, job creation, development of
tourism, recreation, local culture and production of local products;
decrease in the resource intensity of the economy;
reducing the volume of waste generation and increasing the volume
of its processing and reuse based on innovative technologies and
productions (the volume of generated waste of all types of economic
activity per unit of GDP;
Inna Odnolko, Oleksandr Hladii, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Yevgeny Zhadan y Olena Leonidova
Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact
on a safe environment
the share of incinerated and recycled waste in the total volume of
generated waste);
limitation of greenhouse gas emissions in the economy;
reduction of pollution of the marine environment; ensuring
sustainable use and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems,
increasing their sustainability and restoration based on innovative
promotion of sustainable forest management (indicator of forested
territory of the country);
restoration of degraded lands and soils using innovative technologies.
In order to improve the relevant work at the national, regional and local
levels based on the Budgeting Methodology of the Sustainable Development
Goals in Ukraine (Budgeting the Sustainable Development Goals), a special
procedure was developed for tracking state budget expenditures for their
From the beginning of 2018 until June 2022, there was no main strategic
document in the eld of combating corruption in Ukraine, which was one of
the reasons for the extremely low eective activity of anti-corruption bodies
and the application of prevention measures.
During the period of martial law, authorized units (authorized persons)
that are not involved in the implementation of measures for state defense,
civil protection, public safety and order, protection of the rights, freedoms
and legitimate interests of citizens, continue to organize and carry out
measures for the prevention and detection of corruption provided for by the
Law taking into account the regime of work organization in the institution
(in particular, remote work, idle time) and the features established by the
Law of Ukraine «On the Legal Regime of Martial Law».
The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 5,
2016 No. 803-r approved measures to prevent corruption in ministries
and other central bodies of executive power. Thus, for the Ministry of
the Environment (today the Ministry of Environmental Protection and
Natural Resources of Ukraine) the following areas of activity have been
dened with the aim of creating a single unied electronic system of access
to environmental information about permits, licenses, statistical reports,
inspection materials, monitoring in the eld of environmental protection
for state bodies, business entities (review of documents: obtaining permits,
licenses, results of environmental control studies) and the public (Leheza
et al., 2022).
In addition, with the aim of reforming the system of state control
and supervision in the eld of environmental protection, the creation of
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 232-242
a single integrated body of environmental protection supervision and
the elimination of duplication of functions of state supervision in the
specied area are foreseen; competitive selection of all employees; creation
of conditions to prevent corruption in the eld of state environmental
protection supervision.
To ensure the transparency and eciency of the work of the Ministry
of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and
other central executive bodies, which are directed and coordinated by the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Environmental
Protection and Natural Resources, unied management standards have
been introduced, shortening the time period for obtaining information in
all areas of activity, reducing permitting and reporting burden on business
In accordance with the Basic principles (strategy) of the state
environmental policy of Ukraine for the period until 2030, approved by the
Law of Ukraine dated February 28, 2019 No. 2697-VIII, Section II denes
the purpose, principles, principles and tools of the state environmental
policy. This section also includes:
Complex monitoring of the state of the environment and supervision (control)
in the eld of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection
of natural resources - will ensure the transition to a system of crime prevention
and monitoring of the state of the environment, reducing pressure on the
business environment , broad involvement of the public in environmental control
through the construction of an eective system of supervision of compliance with
environmental legislation, taking into account the best practices of organizing the
functioning of similar institutions in the member countries of the European Union
(Leheza et al., 2020: 130).
The identied problems of ensuring the safety of the natural environment
are in contradiction with the requirements of the current legislation, in
particular, on issues of corruption prevention. Thus, according to the Law
of Ukraine «On the principles of the state anti-corruption policy for 2021-
2025» among the priority areas of corruption prevention in point 3.2.
The state regulation of the economy in the expected strategic results
denes the implementation of the information and analytical system of
natural resources management, which provides open access to current
information about natural resources, includes the functionality of providing
electronic services, electronic reporting, traceability, environmental
monitoring and inspection, as well as an open software interface for creation
of analytical and visual (geo-informational) software based on the data of
the information and analytical system (without the right to change them).
Inna Odnolko, Oleksandr Hladii, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Yevgeny Zhadan y Olena Leonidova
Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact
on a safe environment
However, it is not appropriate to conclude that the implementation of
the state anti-corruption policy is completely ineective. Thus, among the
measures taken to ensure the eectiveness of overcoming corruption in
the eld of environmental protection as a component of Ukraine’s national
security, it is necessary to highlight a number of organizational and legal
Thus, at the meeting of the International Working Group on Security
Guarantees for Ukraine, in less than two months, a high-quality
comprehensive project of recommendations containing a number of
guarantees was created: military, economic, political, sanctions, which, as
a result, subject to their agreement with the President of Ukraine, will have
a positive eectiveness in overcoming manifestations of corruption in the
eld of environmental protection.
Considering the above, it can be noted that the presence of environmental
problems in Ukraine requires an immediate response, and this, in turn, will
create a security system for the whole of Europe. Thus, the Analytical Note
outlines the problematic eld of the existing system of state control and
supervision in the eld of environmental protection and the problems of
implementing the Concept of reforming the system of state supervision
(control) in the eld of environmental protection, which will make it
possible to determine external and internal factors that contribute to
corruption in the implementation authorities of state control in the eld of
environmental protection.
In turn, the understanding of the issues is the basis for determining
the fundamental anti-corruption safeguards that must be reected in the
activities of the environmental control and supervision body, the creation
of which is provided for by this Concept, and the external (legislative,
other normative legal acts) and internal (organizational and management
processes) conditions , aimed at ensuring the exercise of powers by
a powerful entity) environment under which corruption risks can be
Recommendations are provided regarding the mechanisms for
minimizing corruption risks, which should be implemented during
the reform of environmental control bodies. Purpose: to identify the
current key problems that allow an ocial of the State Environmental
Inspection to commit acts that may lead to the commission of a corruption
oense or an oense related to corruption by an ocial of the State
Environmental Inspection while performing the functions of state control
and environmental supervision, to propose recommendations for their
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 232-242
consideration in the implementation reforms of the state control system in
the eld of environment.
In order to ensure national environmental security in Ukraine,
especially in the presence of a nuclear threat from the Zaporizhzhya NPP,
temporarily occupied by Russian invaders, it is expedient to take measures
to approve the recovery plan of Ukraine during the period of martial
law and overcoming the military aggression of the Russian Federation.
Approbation of the developed plan for the post-war recovery of Ukraine
(section «Environmental safety» should take place in such priority areas
as: reforming state management in the eld of environmental protection;
climate policy: prevention and adaptation to climate change; environmental
safety and eective waste management; balanced use of natural resources
in conditions of increased demand and limited opportunities; preservation
of natural ecosystems and biological diversity; restoration and development
of nature conservation areas and objects.
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on a safe environment
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75