Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
Recibido el 20/11/22 Aceptado el 26/11/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 124-133
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Realization of fundamental
principles of law in the context
of legal society development
Yurii Kyrychenko *
Ruslana Maksakova **
Viktor Kyrychenko ***
Natalia Riezanova ****
Julia Sokolenko *****
The purpose of the research is to reveal the relationship
between legal progress and the fundamental principles of law
in the context of their implementation at dierent levels of the
legal system. The importance of justice, freedom, equality and
humanity as an instrument of legal progress is shown. It is proved
that the fundamental principles of law act as the limits of the development
of the legal system, and these limits ensure the legal and political progress
of mankind. The methodological basis of the research is presented as
comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal method, method
of interpretation, hermeneutic method, as well as methods of analysis and
synthesis. In the conclusions the authors state that legal progress depends
on the extent to which the fundamental principles of law are presented
and implemented in the actual legal order. The fundamental principles of
law converge with each other. Thus, it can be said that it is precisely the
interaction and synergy of principles that strengthens legal progress in a
given society.
Keywords: legal progress; fundamental principles of law; justice and
equality; freedom; legal humanism.
* Doctor of legal sciences, Associate professor, professor of the department of political sciences and law,
National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of the department of constitutional, administrative and labor
law, National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Candidate of historical sciences, Associate professor, head of the department of political science and
law, National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor of the department
of political science and law, National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Senior lecturer of the department of political science and law, National University "Zaporizhzhya
Polytechnic", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 124-133
Realización de los principios fundamentales del
derecho en el contexto del desarrollo de la sociedad
El propósito de la investigación es revelar la relación entre el progreso
legal y los principios fundamentales del derecho en el contexto de su
implementación en los diferentes niveles del sistema legal. Se muestra
la importancia de la justicia, la libertad, la igualdad y la humanidad
como instrumento de progreso jurídico. Está probado que los principios
fundamentales del derecho actúan como los límites del desarrollo del
ordenamiento jurídico, y estos límites aseguran el progreso jurídico y
político de la humanidad. La base metodológica de la investigación se
presenta como análisis comparativo-legal y sistemático, método formal-
legal, método de interpretación, método hermenéutico, así como métodos
de análisis y síntesis. En las conclusiones los autores arman que el progreso
jurídico depende de la medida en que los principios fundamentales del
derecho sean presentados e implementados en el ordenamiento jurídico
real. Los principios fundamentales del derecho conuyen entre sí. De
modo que se puede decir que es precisamente la interacción y la sinergia de
principios lo que fortalece el progreso legal en una sociedad determinada.
Palabras clave: progreso jurídico; principios fundamentales del
derecho; justicia e igualdad; libertad; humanismo
Modern society’s search for a basis for development is undoubtedly faced
with the question of what norms and rules should be, meaning norms and
rules intended to determine the shape of the society in the future. Finding
an answer concerning direction of the the legal system development is also
a signicant problem.
From time-to-time societies go through crises. However, it remains
essential whether this or that society has managed to cope with certain
economic, technical or social problem (set of problems) the respective crisis
was caused by. In this context it is important to determine the place of law
in overcoming the respective crisis. That is why research of legal progress
in the context of researching fundamental principles of law acquires special
Yurii Kyrychenko, Ruslana Maksakova, Viktor Kyrychenko, Natalia Riezanova y Julia Sokolenko
Realization of fundamental principles of law in the context of legal society development
After all, not only these principles themselves determine what the
law will be like and the prospects for its development. In our opinion,
another statement is also fair, and namely: legal progress achievements in
the relevant legal system (or in a certain part of it) ensure the maximum
possible implementation of fundamental principles of law
1. Literature review
Research of the legal system and its separate components is one of the
key directions of modern general theoretical jurisprudence. The search
for tools that would help to improve the legal system or means of learning
about the legal system arouses a lively scientic interest. In this regard, the
category of “legal progress” is one of the subjects of scientic knowledge.
After all, this category can act both as a tool for improving the legal system
and as a means of learning about legal reality (Buha et al., 2022).
Note, for example, that S. Pohrebniak refers to the following fundamental
principles of law: justice, equality, freedom, humanism and the rule of
law as a derivative from them (Pohrebniak, 2008). It is on this choice of
fundamental principles of law that we will focus on.
Within the framework our investigation, attention should be also paid
to the point of view of A. Karas, who precisely emphasizes interrelation
between legal progress and the original principles of law. Thus, when
analyzing legal progress, he notes the need to “accurately assess its starting
positions”, while regarding the goals of legal progress, he emphasizes that
they “may only include generally recognized standards” in the form of a
system of legal values, “which develops and absorbs achievements of the
world legal culture” (Karas, 2011: 87).
Despite the fact that he pays the main attention to the legal values as
the aims of development of the legal system, we believe that this position,
in turn, conrms interrelation of legal progress with the principles of law
(initial principles) (Bezpalova et al., 2021).
Thus, the purpose of this article is to study relationship between legal
progress and fundamental principles of law.
2. Materials and methods
The research is based on the works of foreign and Ukrainian researchers
on methodological approaches of understanding principles of law as a
universal normative framework.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 124-133
The essence of methodological approaches of understanding universal
human principles of law as a universal normative framework was determined
by the use of the gnoseological method; the conceptual apparatus was
deepened and the essence of concepts of universal human principles of
law as a universal normative framework was dened thanks to the logic-
semantic method. Constituent elements of methodological approaches to
understanding universal human principles of law as a universal normative
framework were investigated by means of using the system-structural
The structural-logical method was used to dene the basic directions
for optimization of methodological approaches to understanding universal
human principles of law as a universal normative framework.
3. Results and discussion
Pogrebnyak denes fundamental principles of law as “the system of the
most general and stable requirements enshrined in the law, which are a
concentrated expression of the most important essence and values inherent
in this system of law and which determine its nature and directions of
further development” (Pohrebniak, 2008: 58).
The phrase “determine its nature and directions of development” is the
most important for our research. It is obvious that, according to Pogrebnyak,
it is comprehension of fundamental principles of law and completeness of
their implementation that peculiarities of the legal system progress depend
In order to understand interrelation between legal progress and
fundamental principles of law, it is worth noting that formation and
development of the legal system (as well as formation and development of
legal progress) are connected both with the formation of basic principles
of the legal system and approval of these principles, as well as with
establishment of limits of the state’s arbitrariness, strengthening of person’s
legal guarantees and reinforcement of anthropologization of law, which was
manifested by placing human interests in the center of the legal map with
the help of the principle of humanism.
In this regard, the rule of law is a key issue with its idea of limiting
arbitrariness and the problem of human dignity as a criterion for activity of
the state (Boiarov et al, 2021).
Thus, fundamental principles of law are not only the limits of the legal
system, but also the goal and a guideline for legal system development. Or,
in other words, they set the vector (direction) of legal progress (Kyrychenko
et al., 2021). How does this happen?
Yurii Kyrychenko, Ruslana Maksakova, Viktor Kyrychenko, Natalia Riezanova y Julia Sokolenko
Realization of fundamental principles of law in the context of legal society development
Understanding of legal progress in the context of fundamental principles
of law is impossible without mentioning the views of the well-known
philosopher and legist, J. Viko. Within the framework of his concept of the
historical cycle, J. Vico shows how within the limits of the proposed by him
the natural law stages there is a gradual improvement of the quality of law
for that.
He assesses natural law from the point of view of the criterion of mind.
For J. Vico, the rst stage is related to people’s ideas that society depends
on the divine will, the second stage is related to the rule of force due to
human inability to “obey mind”, and the third stage is related to the law
formulated by “developed human mind”, which is expressed through justice
and equality (Vyko, 1994).
At the same time, it is the level of legal freedom of persons who possessed
civil rights that also allows us to distinguish dierent stages of formation of
a person’s legal status:
1. the one where all but a few were rightless;
2. the one where civil right belonged to certain groups of the population,
while others were practically rightless;
3. the one where “due to equality of the nature of the mind (the true
human nature) all are equalized under the laws” because everyone
was born free in free people’s states (Kyrychenko et al., 2021).
In this case the progress of legal status is closely related with the
maximized realization of such fundamental principles as freedom and
humanism through the provision of legal protection to all categories of
Finally, he considers humanism as a criterion for development of
judicial activity - from judicial ordeals through a court that puts above
all observance of the legal procedure, even to the detriment of the case,
to a court based on “the laws of mercy in everything that is required by
universally equal utility of reasons”.
Let’s consider legal progress from the perspective of justice.
Regardless of whether we focus on substantive, procedural, or formal
justice, when recognizing justice as a fundamental principle of law, we must
ensure that it is achieved. Moreover, justice acts as a criterion of legal law,
provides an opportunity to critically evaluate the quality of law and the
procedure for its adoption (Radbruch, 2004).
Assessment of the quality of law in terms of fairness gives an opportunity
to rethink and modify the law in such a way that this requirement is
met. The principle of justice is even more important at the ideological
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 124-133
level of the legal system. It is so due to the fact that it is with the help of
legal consciousness and legal ideology that we evaluate conformity of
jurisprudentially signicant actions with the requirements of justice. And,
as it has already been mentioned, the understanding of justice within the
legal system is developing alongside with it. Thus, the “principle of talion”,
or ordeal, as a means of ensuring justice is replaced by new, more complex
mechanisms of ensuring justice.
At the same time, it is worth noting that violation of the principle of
justice by the state (as well as, to varying degrees, other fundamental
principles, such as freedom or equality) leads to revolutions, uprisings,
riots and other social cataclysms, interrupting the evolutionary path of the
society development. This, in turn, has the eect of simplifying the legal
system, its degradation or, in other words, legal regress.
As for law enforcement, implementation of justice in specic legal
relationships remains one of the most dicult issues of the modern
jurisprudence, given that the concept of justice for each party in a relevant
legal case largely depends on the legal position it occupies and requirements
of this party. It is the judge who has the duty to nd a solution that is as
close as possible to ensuring the principle of justice.
Thus, legal progress of the legal system at the level of law enforcement
depends on the ability of the judicial system to implement justice as
accurately as possible in as many cases as possible. In this situation, “due”
is given to a person by an irrelevant to this person public entity specically
designated for this purpose, providing for the establishment of justice as a
basis for improvement of the legal system (Leheza et al., 2018).
When considering the principle of freedom in the context of legal
progress, it is obviously worth noting that according to P. Feierabend, only
freedom is a principle that does not hinder scientic progress (Feierabend,
1986). Freedom is not only the basis for the growth of civilization. But
freedom also, to a certain extent, coincides with the law, in particular when
the law appears in the form of rules thanks to which people are freed.”
In this context, legal progress is determined by the extent to which
human arbitrariness towards others is replaced by limitation of arbitrary
encroachment upon another person’s freedom. It is in this trend of the legal
system that dependence of legal progress on the degree of freedom in the
society reaches its maximum (Leheza et al., 2021).
The principle of equality, on the one hand, acts as a basis for formal
equality of all before the law and the court, and on the other hand it is a
mechanism of protection against discrimination.
Nersiants noted that the idea of law unfolds through embodiment of the
progressive evolution of the content, scope, scale and measure of formal
Yurii Kyrychenko, Ruslana Maksakova, Viktor Kyrychenko, Natalia Riezanova y Julia Sokolenko
Realization of fundamental principles of law in the context of legal society development
(legal) equality, when this principle is considered as a general principle of
law. He noted that dierent stages of the historical development of the law
are characterized by their individual content of formal (legal) equality, in
other words its content evolves (Nersiants, 2002).
Thus, we observe the situation when the society is in the process of
granting equal rights to an increasing number of people. If in the early
stages of historical development, a state was based on distinguishing one
person or a group of persons and granting them special rights in contrast
to other members of the society, then the formation of a democratic state
essentially requires equalization of fellow citizens in their rights and duties.
At the same time, the society can provide appropriate means of support
to those who need such support (so-called “positive measures”) to eliminate
some injustice. The role of equality for legal progress is of particular
importance (Leheza et al., 2020). In history there were attempts to ensure
equality of results, which was opposed to formal equality (the USSR, North
Korea). However, this approach does not suciently take into account that
people are dierent. As a result, the law as a means of ensuring an equal
scale is destroyed, and the legal system regresses.
Presence of a legal means of ensuring formal equality is replaced by
authorization of relevant ocials to ensure equality of results through the
mechanism of redistribution of material goods. In practice, over time, this
leads to emergence of privileged groups of population that receive these
results contrary to the principle of equality of results (Leheza et al., 2022).
Humanism as a fundamental principle of law is revealed, in particular,
through the concept of human dignity. For humanism, a human act as the
highest value, although negative features of this human are also taken into
account. Humanism, as a social movement, has set the task of guaranteeing
a better life of a person through his/her development. Despite the fact
that humanism acts as a “profound and constantly acting factor of pan-
European civilization”, its signicance began to be fully revealed only after
World War II, when the need to protect human dignity was enshrined in
international legal documents, and later in national constitutions and laws
(Leheza et al., 2022).
Development of humanism involves both respect for a person in himself/
herself and respect for a person in another person. It is introduction of
the concept of human rights that has become an eective mechanism that
has made it possible to transform humanism from the “main trend in the
history of the mankind” into a phenomenon of legal reality, of course never
canceling the rst point. The principle of humanism, embodied in specic
legal norms, ensures progress of the legal system, as it is itself aimed at
improving both a person and the human society in the direction of respect
for human dignity (Leheza et al., 2022).
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 124-133
Therefore, legal progress, determining the direction of the legal system
development, directly depends on the degree (or extent) of presentation
of fundamental principles of law and their embodiment at all levels of the
legal system: Ideological level, normative level and functional level.
This approach allows us to consider fundamental principles of law as
limits that are set for changes in the legal system, taking into account that
compliance with these limits ensures legal progress, and their violation
results in regress of the legal system.
It is obvious that further research of fundamental principles of law as
factors aecting dynamics of the legal system will make it possible to more
deeply understand the essence and content of the legal system as well as to
predict desired and undesirable consequences of its development.
Fundamental principles of law ow into each other. We can say that it is
namely interaction and synergy of principles listed above that strengthens
legal progress.
As for the principle of the supremacy of law, as a derivative from
fundamental principles of law, its relationship with legal progress requires
a separate study.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75