Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 74
Recibido el 05/05/22 Aceptado el 14/07/2022
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 74 (2022), 48-62
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Legal tools of security of the nancial
sector of Ukraine
Volodymyr Kantsir *
Olena Ryashko **
Anastasia Baran ***
Roman Shay ****
Eduard Solovyov *****
The structure of crimes in the nancial and economic sphere
is analyzed by means of the dialectical method. Based on the
analysis of the latest legislative and theoretical achievements,
applied to the issues of legal regulation of the studied nancial
and legal relations, scientic approaches are substantiated
and proposals for improvement of regulations in this area are
developed. In particular, economic security is viewed through
the prism of the state’s potential to ensure independent development,
stability of civil society and its institutions, sucient defense potential and
its ability to protect national economic interests from internal and external
threats. It is proposed to supplement Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On
National Security of Ukraine” with the term “economic security” as a state
of the national economy providing resilience to threats (exogenous and
endogenous), ensuring a high level of competitiveness in the global economic
space, to strengthen the comprehensive development. In the conclusions of
the case, the convenience of implementing macroprudential tools as one of
the dominant primary sources of information for risk assessment activities
in the policies of the Directorate of Economic Security is supported.
Keywords: nancial security; criminal violations; macroprudential
policy; nancial risks; economic and legal relations.
* Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure at Lviv
Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
** Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure
and Criminology at Lviv State University of Internal Aairs, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
*** Doctor of Law, Assistant of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure at Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
**** Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Procedure Lviv
Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
***** Deputy Chief of the Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police of
Ukraine in Kyiv, Deputy Chief, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
Herramientas legales de seguridad del sector
nanciero de Ucrania
Mediante el método dialéctico se analiza la estructura de los delitos en
el ámbito nanciero y económico. A partir del análisis de los últimos logros
legislativos y teóricos, aplicados en los temas de regulación jurídica de las
relaciones nancieras y jurídicas estudiadas, se fundamentan los enfoques
cientícos y se desarrollan propuestas de mejora de la normativa en esta
materia. En particular, la seguridad económica se ve a través del prisma
del potencial del Estado para asegurar el desarrollo independiente, la
estabilidad de la sociedad civil y sus instituciones, suciente potencial de
defensa y su capacidad para proteger los intereses económicos nacionales
de las amenazas internas y externas. Se propone complementar el artículo
1 de la Ley de Ucrania «Sobre la seguridad nacional de Ucrania» con el
término «seguridad económica» como un estado de la economía nacional
que proporciona resiliencia a las amenazas (exógenas y endógenas),
garantizando un alto nivel de competitividad en el espacio económico
mundial, para fortalecer el desarrollo integral. En las conclusiones del
caso, se fundamenta la conveniencia de implementar herramientas
macroprudenciales como una de las fuentes de información primarias
dominantes para las actividades de evaluación de riesgos en las politicas de
la Dirección de Seguridad Económica.
Palabras clave: seguridad nanciera; infracciones penales; política
macroprudencial; riesgos nancieros; relaciones
económicas y jurídicas.
At the present stage, Ukraine is in a state of nancial instability,
caused by some problems not only nancial but also legal, political, social,
martial law, and several external and internal factors that destroy the
state’s potential. However, government ocials, the nancial sector, and
economists characterize this stage as a path to the national economy’s
development and transformation.
In today’s conditions, the issue of choosing ways to ensure economic
security ensuring sustainable nancial and economic development is of
particular importance. In Ukraine, there is a need not just for adjustment
but for forming a new paradigm of nancial and economic security at various
levels of government. Due to the active development of the nancial system,
technological improvement of nancial transactions, and the penetration
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
of transnational crime into national economies, the problem of preventing
and combating economic crime is becoming global. By becoming a system
of threats to nancial markets, particularly national ones, economic crime
becomes a problem for national economic security.
1. Methodology of the study
The article is based on general and special methods of scientic
knowledge. Based on general scientic dialectical approach, economic
and legal nature of economic crime is considered. With the help of formal-
legal analysis of the current legislation, the content was claried, and
shortcomings of normative-legal regulation were revealed; functional
system method was used to analyze the main aspects of economic security;
formal-logical to monitor the peculiarities of legal regulation; technical
and legal analysis – in the interpretation of procedural legal norms, the
disclosure of the content of concepts, which allowed to identify certain gaps
in the legal regulation of the object of study.
2. Analysis of recent research
The category of «economic security» and its structural, functional
components in Ukraine has been the subject of scientic research recently,
since independence, the formation of a national security environment, and
the formation of national economic interests.
Despite making a signicant contribution to modern theory and practice
of economic security by legal means (Vasylevych et al., 2022; Derhaliuk
et al., 2022; Nusratullin et al., 2022; Chernyavsky et al., 2017; Savina,
2018; Orlov, 2015), the issue of implementing unied tools for regulating
economic security issues, was considered in fragments or within a separate
economic and procedural legal plane and required further investigation.
The purpose of the article is to monitor the economic and legal approach
to interpreting the essence of economic security; analyze trends in criminal
oenses in nancial and economic relations; substantiate proposals for
improving the relevant normative categorical-denitive apparatus.
3. Results and discussion
New multi-vector challenges and threats to the security environment
caused by endogenous and exogenous factors are increasingly heard in
modern society. The COVID pandemic 2019 changed the approaches to the
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
interpretation of economic security and its level, encouraging deepening
the analysis of this phenomenon in all its manifestations. As a social
phenomenon, economic security is a platform for well-being because the
state of stability and relative condence is a certain motivator of social
Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine (Constitution of Ukraine, 1996)
denes a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability, and
security as the highest social value. Since human activities directly aect
all sectors of the national economy, the issue of economic security in the
nancial sector is important.
Economic security is the state economy, which is determined by a
universal platform that reects the protection of socio-economic relations
at all levels of government, from the state to the citizen. Economic security
of the nancial sector should be based on certain priorities: ensuring
the economic independence of the state, guaranteeing citizens a decent
standard of living, etc.
The concept of economic security of Ukraine denes the essence of
economic security as:
...the ability of the national economy to ensure its free, independent
development and maintain the stability of civil society and its institutions, as well
as sucient defense potential of the country in case of adverse events, protection
of national economic interests from external and internal threats (Concept of
Economic Security of Ukraine, 1999: 56).
The Concept identies the main threats to Ukraine’s national security
and reveals their essence, considers the security of real and nancial sectors
of the economy, functional and reproductive aspects of economic security,
and provides integrated indicators of Ukraine’s economic security (Concept
of Economic Security of Ukraine, 1999). There is no single interpretation
of the category of «economic security» in the scientic community. This
phenomenon is considered in dierent areas (Figure 1).
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
Figure 1. Interpretation of the category of economic security.
In most scientic papers, the concept of “economic security” is seen as
the ability of the economy to ensure its free and independent development,
the stability of civil society and its institutions, as well as sucient defense
potential of the state under adverse conditions and scenarios; the ability of
the state to protect national interests.
Economic security is a universal category that represents the protection
of all subjects of socio-economic relations at all levels of government, from
the state to each citizen.
Having analyzed the economic security systems of countries with a high
level of economic development, we can conclude that the most eective
economic security systems are Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Spain.
The peculiarities of the state policy have oriented in the vector of increasing
the eciency level of various spheres of the national economy, and the
states mentioned above recognize the observance of a high level of security
as a priority.
Following the current order of the Ministry of Economic Development
and Trade of Ukraine №1277 of 29.10.2013, they approved Guidelines
for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine (On Approval
Of Methodological Recommendations On Calculation Of The Level Of
Economic Security Of Ukraine, 2013), which interprets economic security
as “… state of the national economy, which allows maintaining resilience
to domestic and external threats, ensuring high competitiveness in the
global economic environment and characterizes the ability of the national
economy to sustainable and balanced growth.
The components of economic security include industrial security,
demographic security, energy security, foreign economic security,
investment, and innovation security, macroeconomic security, food
security, social and nancial security. In turn, nancial security contains
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
the following components: banking security; security of the non-banking
nancial sector; debt security; budget security; currency security; and
monetary security.
Figure 2. Components of nancial security.
(On Approval of Methodological Recommendations on Calculation of the Level of
Economic Security of Ukraine, 2013).
Over the past ten years, the state of nancial security (with the average
value of nancial security for this period at 42 percent of the optimal value)
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
was assessed as unsatisfactory due to persistent state budget decits and
associated signicant debt burden, insucient long-term development
investment lending to the economy and the stock market. In 2019, the
level of nancial security decreased by four percentage points (compared
to 2018) to 42 percent and by three percentage points to 38 percent in the
rst half of 2020 compared to the level in the rst half of 2019 (Economic
Security Strategy for the Period Until 2025, 2021).
The current state of economic development, globalization, and the
pandemic of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the
coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has led to reduced nancial security and the
formation of critical risks, including slowing global economic growth;
rising prices for raw materials and energy; global acceleration of ination;
public debt growth trend; limited production resources; shadowing of the
economy; escalation of the military conict; cybersecurity; political and
economic situation; popularization of legalization (laundering) of proceeds
from crime.
According to the requirements of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine
(Section VII) (Criminal Code of Ukraine, 2001) the main oenses that
threaten nancial security include:
Manufacture, storage, purchase, transportation, shipment, import
to Ukraine for use in the sale of goods, sale of counterfeit money,
government securities, state lottery tickets, excise tax stamps or
holographic security features (article 199 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Illegal actions in respect of remittance documents, payment cards
and other means providing access to bank accounts, electronic
money and equipment for their production (article 200 Criminal
Code of Ukraine).
Smuggling (article 201 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Legalization (laundering) of property proceeding from crime (article
209 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Willful violation of the law on prevention and counteraction to
legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, terrorist nancing,
and nancing of weapons of mass destruction (article 2091 Criminal
Code of Ukraine).
Evasion of taxes, duties or other compulsory payments (article 212
Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Bringing a bank to insolvency (article 2181 Criminal Code of
Making bankrupt (article 219 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
Violation of the procedure for maintaining a database of depositors
or the procedure for reporting (article 2201 Criminal Code of
Falsication of nancial documents and reporting of a nancial
organization, concealment of insolvency of a nancial institution
or grounds for revocation (cancellation) of a nancial institution’s
license (article 2202 Criminal Code of Ukraine);
nancial fraud (article 222 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Counterfeit of documents submitted for registration of securities
(article 2231 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Production, sale and use of counterfeit non-government securities
(article 224 Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Illegal collection for the purpose of use or use of information that
constitutes banking or trade secrets (article 231 Criminal Code of
Disclosure of trade or banking secrets (article 232 Criminal Code of
Economic crime in Ukraine and some of its types have been characterized
by a steady increase in latency, the spread and improvement of shady
schemes of misuse of budget funds, manifestations of corruption by
government ocials and management within the exercise of their powers,
and more.
Due to the active development of the nancial system, technological
improvement of nancial transactions, the penetration of transnational
crime into national economies, the problem of preventing and combating
economic crime is becoming global. By becoming a system of threats to
nancial markets, particularly national ones, economic crime becomes a
problem of national economic security.
The criminalization of economic relations appears as one of the main
threats to Ukraine’s economic security. Eective law enforcement is a
crucial factor in neutralizing this threat (Chernyavsky et al., 2017).
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
Figure 3. Dynamics of criminal oenses in the economic sphere
in 2020-2021.
(Report on criminal oenses committed at enterprises, institutions, organizations by
type of economic activity, n/y).
The marker is reducing the so-called “economic crime,” as there has
been an evident trend in the total number of registered oenses since 2018
(2018 - 58606; 2019 - 56903; 2020 - 49728; 2021 - 48005). However,
in our opinion, this positive trend is entirely conditional because the
implementation of control measures by law enforcement agencies in the
conditions of the declared quarantine, in particular, is limited.
If we analyze the trend of criminal oenses in the nancial sector, the
dynamics remain similar.
Table 1. Criminal oenses in the nancial sector
Type of 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
number %number %number %number %number %
916 21,97 1271 27,48 1127 35,19 868 24,06 853 27,69
of holding
50,12 30,07 10,03 30,08 60,19
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
funds, and
43 1,03 10 0,22 17 0,53 90,25 15 0,49
of other
and pen-
sion provi-
2762 66,25 2746 59,39 1729 53,98 2432 67,41 1897 61,57
ance, and
54 1,3 185 4,0 137 4,28 104 2,88 32 1,04
activities 389 9,33 409 8,84 192 5,99 192 5,32 278 9,02
Together 4169 100 4624 100 3203 100 3608 100 3081 100
* (Report on criminal oenses committed at enterprises, institutions, organizations by
type of economic activity, n/y).
In general, oenses’ number in the nancial sector is decreasing, but
there is some volatility in their structure by type of economic activity.
A nancial investigation has prevented the risks of economic crime and
minimized its destructive impact on the stability of the national economy.
Financial investigations are activities related to the monitoring, collection,
analysis of information on the commission of criminal oenses related to
the nancial activities of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.
The methodology of nancial investigations is regulated by current
legislation, in particular, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine,
Recommendations FATF «Operational Issues Financial Investigations
Guidance» (On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, 2021).
The mission of the nancial investigation is to identify, analyze, capture
risks and threats to economic security. The challenge to achieve the purpose
of a nancial investigation is to establish correlations between the risks and
the factors that caused them.
Financial investigations can be a means of identifying predicate socially
dangerous acts that were previously unknown and make it possible to
identify other persons involved. It is imperative to make the most of nancial
intelligence throughout such an investigation. It necessitates disseminating
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
nancial information among all law enforcement and other competent
authorities by applicable law and should obtain results (Chernyavsky et al.,
The Bureau of Economic Security (On the Bureau of Economic Security
of Ukraine, 2021) is the subject of counteraction to oenses in the sphere
of the national economy. In turn, the State Financial Monitoring Service of
Ukraine is the body responsible for implementing state policy in preventing
and combating legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, terrorist
nancing, and nancing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(Regulations on The Civil Service of Financial Monitoring of Ukraine, 2015).
The Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine is the central body of
executive power entrusted with counteracting oenses that infringe on the
functioning of the state economy.
Pre-trial investigation and inquiry had carried out by detective units of
the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine and the relevant units of inquiry
(Article 38 of the CPC of Ukraine). According to Article 41 of the CPC of
Ukraine, the Bureau of Economic Security had also assigned to operational
units that carry out investigative (investigative) and covert investigative
(investigative) actions in criminal proceedings, on the investigator’s written
instructions prosecutor (Criminal Procedure Code, 2012).
The Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine operates based on a
risk-oriented approach. Risk criteria (article 12) (Macroprudential Policy
Strategy of The National Bank of Ukraine), however, are determined
depending on: the type of oense, type of illegal action and its nature;
features of nancial processes; the number of nancial losses, etc.
Macroprudential policy tools had used in nancial activities to minimize
systemic risks in the nancial sector.
Macroprudential policy is a set of measures to identify and assess
systemic risks for nancial stability and mitigate them (Macroprudential
Policy Strategy of The National Bank of Ukraine).
The purpose of macroprudential supervision is to ensure nancial
stability, the ability of the nancial system to counter exogenous and
endogenous risks, promote economic growth.
An essential feature of macroprudential policy is the permanent use
of tools because, in the period of global challenges, crises are cyclical, the
probability of their occurrence is evident.
The macroprudential policy cannot eliminate systemic risks but may
prevent their excessive accumulation and reduce the likelihood of their
implementation. Thus, it increases the economy’s stability reduces GDP
volatility, which conrms the results (Воаr et al., 2017).
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 48-62
A characteristic feature of macroprudential policy is its cyclical nature,
which is determined by the economic cycle, in particular:
determination of systemic risks with the help of quantitative
indicators of monitoring the activities of nancial-industrial groups,
stress testing;
a sampling of macroprudential tools;
macroprudential response (risk warning, implementation of
macroprudential tools);
evaluation of the eectiveness of the macroprudential policy.
Macroprudential supervision in the context of permanent systemic risks
in the global nancial space serves as an eective tool for ensuring nancial
In our opinion, it is advisable to implement macroprudential tools as
one of the primary sources of information for risk assessment activities.
Economic security is a universal category that reects the protection of
socio-economic relations at all levels of government, from the state to each
citizen, by forming a development strategy, increasing competitiveness,
nancial stability, the invulnerability of the state to these threats. Economic
security represents the state’s potential to ensure independent development,
stability of civil society and its institutions, sucient defense potential of
the state, its ability to protect national economic interests from internal and
external threats.
So far, there are no unied approaches to dening economic security,
its categorical apparatus, which, in our opinion, is a negative factor because
economic security is a component of national security, and its interpretation
should acquire a normative format.
We propose to supplement Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On National
Security of Ukraine” with the term “economic security” as a state of the
national economy that provides resilience to threats (exogenous and
endogenous), guarantees a high level of competitiveness in the global
economic space and represents economic development.
We propose to supplement Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On National
Security of Ukraine” with the term “economic security” as a state of the
national economy that provides resilience to threats (exogenous and
endogenous), guarantees a high level of competitiveness in the global
economic space and represents economic development.
Volodymyr Kantsir, Olena Ryashko, Anastasia Baran, Roman Shay y Eduard Solovyov
Legal tools of security of the nancial sector of Ukraine
In our opinion, it is also advisable to implement macroprudential tools
as one of the dominant, primary sources of information for risk assessment
activities in the Bureau of Economic Security activities.
Paragraph 4 of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Bureau of
Economic Security of Ukraine” “Complex of measures to assess risks in
the economy” should be supplemented with the plot “Macroprudential
tools,” amend this article as follows: In the eld of economics, there are, in
particular, reporting on combating criminal oenses and preventing threats
to economic security, analytical reviews, and references of participants in
a set of measures to assess risks in the economy (using macroprudential
tools), responses questionnaires of the Bureau of Economic Security of
Ukraine, the results of a sample analysis of court decisions in criminal
proceedings, the results of scientic research, the results of public opinion
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Consultation date: 27/03/2022.
Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 74