Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
Recibido el 15/04/2022 Aceptado el 10/06/2022
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 90-107
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
The Role of the Number of Detected
Criminal Oenses in the Police
Performance Indicators System
Mykola Rudyk *
Kateryna Maslienikova **
Nadiya Nosevych ***
Viktoriia Vintsuk ****
Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov *****
The aim of the study was to analyses the system of police
performance and determine the role of the indicator that shows
the number of detected criminal oenses in this system. A
comprehensive study of the chosen topic was realized through
empirical and theoretical methods, as well as the comparative
analysis. It is determined that the components of the system of police
performance indicators include the level of public trust in the police as
a fundamental indicator that reects the real state of crime and security
in the country; the level of detection of criminal oenses; crime rate and
public safety; citizens-police interaction rate; response time to oenses. It
was found that the ratio of detected and solved crimes for the reporting
period allows reecting the police performance in the ght against crime,
identifying the main problems of organizational, personnel, material,
technical and legal nature of their activities. The evaluation of the
eectiveness of policing through the prism of detected criminal oenses
provides for further research and justication in order to determine
eective legal tools for its regulation.
Keywords: activity; crime; criminal oenses; detection; police.
* PhD in Law, Lecturer at the Department of Police Law, National Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Legal Disciplines of the Faculty №2, Donetsk State
University of Internal Aairs, Mariupol, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** PhD in Law, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement Activities and Police Science, Faculty 1,
Kryvyi Rih Research and Education Institute, Donetsk State University of Internal Aairs, Kryvyi Rih,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** PhD in Law, Associate Professor at theDepartment of Criminal and Рrocedure Law, Сcriminalistics and
Expertise Faculty 6, Kharkiv National University of Internal Aairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief of the Head Department of Pension Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv Oblast’,
Fastiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
El papel del número de delitos penales detectados en
el sistema de indicadores de desempeño policial
El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el sistema de actuación policial
y determinar el papel del indicador que muestra el número de delitos
detectados en este sistema. Se realizó un estudio integral del tema elegido a
través de métodos empíricos y teóricos, así como el análisis comparativo. Se
determina que los componentes del sistema de indicadores de desempeño
policial incluyen el nivel de conanza pública en la policía como indicador
fundamental que reeja el estado real de delincuencia y seguridad en el
país; el nivel de detección de infracciones penales; tasa de criminalidad
y seguridad ciudadana; tasa de interacción entre ciudadanos y policía;
tiempo de respuesta a las ofensas. Se constató que la relación de delitos
detectados y resueltos para el período informado permite reejar el
desempeño policial en la lucha contra el delito, identicando los principales
problemas de carácter organizativo, personal, material, técnico y jurídico
de sus actividades. La evaluación de la ecacia de la actuación policial a
través del prisma de los delitos detectados prevé una mayor investigación
y justicación a n de determinar herramientas jurídicas ecaces para su
Palabras clave: actividad; crimen; delitos; detección; policía.
Police reform is necessitated by the statehood development stage,
political, socio-economic and legal transformations, and building up eorts
to combat crime. In this context, changes in the system of real orientations
and the attitude of the police ocers to the performance of their ocial
duties become a priority. Legal, economic, political and social factors of
objective reality always inuence policing, which is constantly in the public
eye in dierent parts of the world. As the public is the main user of police
services, it should control their completeness and quality. Policing is not
only the result of the implementation of the provisions of current legislation,
but is the result of the implementation of a range of organizational and
legal tools. In aggregate, such tools contribute to the establishment of an
appropriate mechanism for establishing the right conditions and factors to
ensure the professional activities, rights and interests of the police as a key
player in the jurisdiction process.
The approach to evaluating police performance in developed countries
has changed signicantly over time. This was promoted by the spread of
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
the practice of researching the level of public condence in the police and
determining the index of crime and public safety. Therefore, the police
performance evaluation system has gradually become more complex and
many-sided. There is currently no single approach to the policing evaluating
model, all existing options have a number of advantages and disadvantages.
Even in countries with developed economies, there are ongoing discussions
about the appropriateness of taking into account certain indicators when
evaluating police performance. Although the EU police have gained
considerable experience in evaluating police performance by setting
uniform policing standards, these countries are also trying to adjust the
performance system of police as the main body to combat crime.
Most European countries evaluate policing by quality, not quantity. This
is the philosophy of the Venice Commission (2011), which was chosen by
the EU and the Council of Europe as the basic standards for evaluating the
quality of work of institutions that ensure the rule of law. The police have
special powers to restrict human rights and freedoms on legal grounds.
Police ocers face a wide variety of situations in their work every day.
The law does not always provide a clear answer to the algorithm of
actions of police ocers, but law enforcement ocers must always make an
operational decision on their further actions in a given situation. The rule
of law should be a safeguard against human rights violations by the police.
That is why policing must be based on the rule of law in its broadest sense.
The aim of this study is to determine the police performance through the
prism of the number of detected crimes. The aim provided for the following
dene and describe European standards of quality of work of law
enforcement agencies in the context of ensuring the rule of law;
consider criteria for evaluating the eectiveness of policing;
nd out the role and place of the level of crime detection in the
system of police performance indicators;
identify the main problems of evaluating the eectiveness of policing
and suggest ways to solve them.
1. Literature Review
Many scholars studied the system of police performance indicators
and its constituent elements. Examining the police performance from the
perspective of detected criminal oenses, Drugă (2020) noted that reduced
crime rate is the best police performance indicator, as it can be achieved
through highly professional management, the results being constantly
presented in the media, as well as professionalism and the rule of law.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
Considering the activities of police ocers through the prism of their
level of education, practical training and experience, Cordner (2022) stated
that the eciency of police activities can be improved by combining the
administrative system of inuence and acquired level of knowledge, skills
and abilities. Lum and Nagin (2017) studied the eectiveness of policing
in a democratic society and found that such activities can be improved
through indicators of crime prevention and high public condence in the
police. Wechsler, Kümmerli and Dobay (2019) considered policing through
the prism of public goods.
The system of police performance indicators and their components
were studied by: Richardson, Schultz and Crawford (2019) from the
standpoint of human rights violations; Wuschke et al. (2017) - the ratio
of police participation in criminal investigation and public safety; Asif,
Shahzad, Awan and Akdogan (2018) structured framework for measuring
various aspects of police performance for resource allocation, reorientation
of activities and identifying ways to improve eciency, Nepomuceno,
Santiago, Daraio and Costa (2020) the ratio of criminal oenses and
exogenous crime, Lum and Nagin (2017) the ratio of the level of public
safety and public condence in the police.
European police performance indicators have been the subject of research
by many scholars. Bilouseac and Armanu (2021) studied the mechanism of
the Romanian and French police and found that the Romanian police is
more ecient at the local level due to accelerated modernization compared
to the French municipal police. Vince (2019) analyses the activities of the
Hungarian police and notes its eectiveness through the introduction of the
police ocer’s individual evaluation model a with a bonus system, rather
than the inuence of subjective factors. Analysing the police inuence on
the crime rate in Denmark, Laufs, Bowers, Birks and Johnson (2021) noted
that the crime rate signicantly aects the consciousness of citizens and
their trust in the police; Mendel, Fyfe and Heyer (2017) studied policing in
the UK from the perspective of its reform and the formation of the optimal
The role of forensic information in policing was studied by Ribaux,
Roux and Crispino (2017) who found that the amount of such information
increases due to increased costs and inated control mechanism, which
negatively aects the development of police management and public trust
in police.
Despite the rather wide range of scientic research on this issue, the
issues of the importance of detected criminal oenses in the system of
police performance indicators and the formation of public condence in
law enforcement remain incomplete, thus determining the topicality of the
chosen subject matter.
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
2. Methods and Materials
This study was conducted in three stages. The rst stage involved the
search and study of scientic literature on criminal law, research papers
on assessing the eectiveness of policing, the provisions of international
treaties on law enforcement, the practice of law enforcement and analysis of
statistics of international organizations and national police on crime rates,
public trust in the police and public safety. The review of these sources was
the basis for the selection of subject matter, aim and objectives of the study.
The second stage provided for a theoretical and experimental study of the
chosen topic, which was conducted by comparing their results and analysing
the dierences. The theoretical study allowed determining the content of the
system of police performance indicators from the perspective of the level of
public condence, the ratio of the number of committed and solved crimes,
and other additional criteria for evaluating eectiveness. Experimental
research based on international standards, the legal framework of European
law enforcement and generalization of their practical application, as well
as doctrinal analysis of research papers on problematic issues of policing
eectiveness, allowed fullling the objectives and determining the role of
detected crime in the system of police performance indicators.
The third stage involved the nal analysis for achievement of the set aim
and presentation of the research results.
The study of the research topic was carried out through the use of empirical
and theoretical methods of scientic knowledge. Empirical knowledge reects
the content of the object of study — a system of police performance indicators
from the perspective of international legal support in the eld of law
enforcement and the importance of crime rate for the countries of the world.
Scientic, legal, statistical and practical information on the components of the
system of police performance indicators was analysed through the method of
comparative analysis.
Theoretical knowledge of law enforcement reveals the subject of research
from the universal internal, essential connections and patterns, followed by
the rational processing of empirical data. An empirical interpretation of the
theory and theoretical interpretation of empirical data is carried out, as well
as the signicance of the level of detected crimes on the police performance of
the is revealed through the combination of empirical and theoretical methods.
The sample of scientic research included such objects of research as:
general characteristics of law enforcement and its powers in the ght against
crime, analysis of criteria for police performance evaluation, the signicance
of the crime rate for police performance. Statistics on the crime rate of
Europol, Numbeo and the national police authorities of European countries
allowed identifying the main components of the system of police performance
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
indicators. The combination of the study of these objects helped to reveal
the content of the problems of forming a police performance evaluation
system. The research was carried out on the basis of information retrieval and
scientometric databases.
International legal acts were the main materials for the study: European
Statistics Code of Practice, EU Regulation No. 223/2009 on European
Statistics, EU Strategy for the Beginning of the New Millennium (2000/C
124/01) on the Prevention and Control of Organized Crime, the report of
the Venice Commission on the rule of law, as well as statistics on the crime
rate of Europol, Numbeo, the World Values Survey and the national police
authorities of European countries.
3. Results
Police performance indicators should take into account not only the
legality of their activities, but also really reect the state, which allows
responding quickly to its changes. Police performance evaluation criteria
should also include the parameters of the professional activity of the police
ocer, which are revealed through the prism of objective and subjective
factors. The components of the police performance evaluation system are
shown in Figure 1.
Public trust in the police is measured by surveying citizens to determine
their views on the eectiveness of the police and violations committed by
law enforcement ocers in the performance of ocial duties. The level of
public trust in the police is the main criterion for evaluating the eectiveness
of policing, as this indicator allows to measure the police performance in
general. Other indicators, such as crime rate, the detection rate and the level
of interaction, allow reecting assessments of the eectiveness of individual
components of the law enforcement system to improve it and make appropriate
management decisions.
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
Figure 1: The system of police performance evaluation
indicators (on the basis of the literature reviewed)
Source: Authors.
Trust in the police in European countries is high, which is shown in Figure
2. The police are most trusted in Finland (97.9%), Denmark (95.9%), Italy
(94.7%), Sweden (94.2%) and Greece (94%). There is a high level of distrust
in the police in Bulgaria (18.9 5), where one in ve people does not trust the
police. The Czech Republic (17.9%), Spain (17.4%), Estonia (17.2%), Hungary
(14.3%) and Germany (14.1%) also have high levels of distrust in the police. In
other countries, this distrust rate ranges from 12.9 to 2.1% (Potapenko, 2020).
The state of distrust in many European countries is the result of active police
interference in people’s private aairs and personal lives. Police interference
in private life was much more common in Ukraine (9.1%), Romania (8.3%),
Cyprus (3.6%), Greece (3.1%) and Germany (2.7%). The level of public trust in
the police and law enforcement system in general is signicantly inuenced by
people’s consciousness in terms of the priority of their safe life in comparison
with material goods and personal development conditions.
According to the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy’s Values Survey
as part of the World Values Survey, the vast majority of Europeans continue
to prioritize a stable economy over the security of their lives (Figure 3). In
choosing the priority between economic stability, the transition to a more
humane society, where the individual and his ideas are valued, only 14.9% of
Romanian citizens prioritize the issue of security of life, crime and eective
police measures to combat it as a tool to improve crime rates in their place
of residence. The crime situation is also a priority for residents of Germany
(13.7%), Cyprus (10.5%), Greece (10.1 5) and Ukraine (9.8%).
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
Statistics for the formation of a system of police performance indicators
in the EU are regulated by the European Statistics Code of Practice (Eurostat,
2017) and EU Regulation No. 223/2009 on European Statistics (European
Parliament & Council of Europe, 2009). These European regulatory
documents establish uniform requirements within the EU in the eld of
statistics, standards and rules for statistical processes, as well as results in
order to make the European Statistical System more transparent.
In order to intensify the EU’s action in the eld of organized crime in
view of new current challenges and to ensure the rights and freedoms of
the European community, which are signicantly threatened by new forms
of crime, EU Strategy for the Beginning of the New Millennium (2000/C
124/01) on the Prevention and Control of Organized Crime was adopted
(Council of Europe, 2000). The provisions of the Strategy are aimed at
ensuring a high level of security in the area of freedom, protection and
justice, including the introduction of eective legal measures to combat
crime in all its forms.
Figure 2: The level of trust in the police in some European countries.
Source: Potapenko (2020, 66-67).
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
Figure 3: Priority goals of European societies.
Source: Potapenko (2020: 123).
On the territory of the EU, the European Union Agency for Law
Enforcement Cooperation (hereinafter Europol) collects information
on criminal oenses, their detection and analyses crime (Europol,
2021). Europol’s main activities are to assist States Parties in exchanging
information, analysing and processing information on crime, and to assist
States in investigating crimes and providing them with background and
analytical information. Europol provides information to States Parties
on the links between criminal oenses that concern them and prepares
strategic reports for crime analysis.
The competence of the said European law enforcement body does not
include the coverage of data on the number of registered and detected
criminal oenses. Such indicators are disclosed by each state at the national
level. Europol conducts research on crimes against the person, nancial and
cybercrime on the basis of information received from European countries
on crime, identies the risks of such crimes and develops ways to overcome
The crime rate and level of public safety in the world is formed by an
independent online database Numbeo (n. d.) by surveying its users from
around the world. In 2022, the top ve safest countries in Europe (according
to the Security Index) included Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
and Norway. The ve most dangerous countries in Europe according to
the Numbeo Crime Index were led by England, France, Italy, Belarus and
Sweden. This year’s ranking of the Numbeo crime index was formed with
the participation of more than 110 thousand respondents in 6,589 cities
around the world.
The 2021 Crime and Security Index of European countries according
to Numbeo is shown in Table. 1. Given the data provided in Table 1 we can
note that the listed countries with a high crime rate are dangerous countries
and have, respectively, completely opposite values of the Security Index.
Given that the Numbeo crime rate below 20 is very low, between 20 and
40 is low, between 40 and 60 is medium, between 60 and 80 is high and
above 80 is very high, European countries are determined by countries with
a medium crime rate (Numbeo, n. d.).
Table 1. European Crime and Security Index, according to
Numbeo (as of December 2021)
Place Country Crime Index Place Country Security Index
1 Belarus 60.27 1 Greece 55.86
2 France 49.20 2 Belgium 55.83
3 Ukraine 48.28 3 Italy 55.63
4Sweden 47.20 4 Ireland 54.98
5Moldova 46.56 5 Britain 54.74
6 Britain 45.26 6 Moldova 53.44
7 Ireland 45.02 7 Sweden 52.80
8 Italy 44.37 8 Ukraine 51.72
9 Belgium 44.17 9 France 50.80
10 Greece 44.14 10 Belarus 39.73
Source: Numbeo (n. d.).
According to the Numbeo server, in 2021 Ukraine ranked 54th in the
world out of 135 in terms of crime rate. In Europe, Ukraine ranked third after
Belarus and France in the list of the most dangerous and criminal countries
in Europe. One of the developed EU countries, France, is on the list as a result
of a sharp rise in homicides over the past two years as a result of the Covid-19
health crisis. According to the Ministry of Internal Aairs of France (2022),
681,561 crimes were detected in 2020, which is dozens of times higher than
in the 1950’s. As of the end of 2021, the situation in the country with crime
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
and delinquency is gradually stabilizing, but there is still an increase in sexual
violence (+11%), theft without violence against people (+5%), theft of property
from vehicles (+5 %) etc.
Growing crime rates, to some extent linked to the Covid-19 pandemic,
has signicantly reduced Europeans’ condence in law enforcement and the
EU project as a whole. According to a report by the European Council on
Foreign Relations (ECFR) published in 2021, the level of trust fell in half of
respondents: the vast majority of the population of France — 62%, Germany
55%, Italy 57%, Spain 52%, Austria 51%, Poland 33% (TVN24,
Despite the fact that Ukraine has a high crime rate, the National Police of
Ukraine is recording the opposite dynamics of reducing the number of crimes
committed in the country itself. Figure 4 shows the dynamics of criminal
oenses, their detection and suspension of cases over the past 5 years.
Figure 4: Dynamics of crime in Ukraine for the last 5 years.
Source: (Oce of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, 2021)
The National Police of Ukraine reports an increased share of grave and
especially grave crimes in 2020: 95% of homicides; 97% iniction of grievous
bodily harm, including fatalities; 98% of rapes (Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine, 2021). As a result of changes in the organization of operational
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
work of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and the improvement of the
quality of documenting criminal oenses, the police managed to increase
the detection of grave and especially grave crimes to 45%. According to
the EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine, the level of public condence in the
National Police of Ukraine in 2020 was insignicant 33%, despite the
decline in crime rate, including a roughly stable annual crime rate (Ministry
of Internal Aairs of Ukraine, 2021).
For comparison, in the EU this gure ranges from 39% in Hungary to
94% in Finland. Only the balance of trust/distrust indicator in the National
Police of Ukraine has a positive trend (+5.8%). In order to improve the level
of public trust in the national police, Ukraine has joined the Open Police
project of the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme. This
Programme is implemented with the participation of four UN agencies:
the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Plan
for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, the United Nations
Population Fund and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Given the criminogenic situation in Ukraine, its crime rate in the
international arena and the indicator of national trust of Ukrainians in the
police, we can note that the system of police performance indicators should
be based on the indicator of trust in the police, being then summarized in
the number of crimes and the number of detected criminal oenses. The
state of the crime detection rate reects the realities of the organization of
police activities, the mechanism of their legal activities, the use of policing
tools, as well as the real state of their personnel, resource, social and legal
4. Discussion
The eectiveness of policing signicantly depends on the police
performance the ratio of the number of detected and solved crimes
during the reporting period. The state of crime detection by the police and
the transfer of criminal cases to court with the participation of the police
reects the realities of police activities in combating crime and the problems
in the use of eective legal means by the police in the performance of their
Cordner (2022, p. 202-210) believes that the long-term police
performance can be improved by establishing an administrative system
of inuence, including management supervision, control, discipline, nes,
etc. Lum and Nagin (2017) follow this approach to improving policing.
According to them, the main indicators of police activity should not be the
number of arrests, but the measures taken to prevent crime and statistics of
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
detected crimes. Richardson, Schultz and Crawford (2019) note that such
statistics on crime prevention, crime detection and criminal prosecution
cannot, however, objectively assess policing, as such results of policing are
accompanied by signicant risks to their activities and the decreasing public
condence in this law enforcement agency. This position is supported by
Wuschke et al. (2017), as only 20% of the daily workload of the police is
related to the detection of criminal oenses, and 80% — to public security
According to Demou, Hale and Hunt (2019, p. 702-706), the workload
of the police ocer, his/her psychological state should be taken into
account for an objective calculation of the eectiveness of the police, while
according to Lum and Nagin (2017) and Dau et al. (2021) — the ratio of the
level of public security and public trust in the police.
Ashby and Tompson (2017, p. 109-111) and Laufs et al. (2021) believe that
the crime rate formed by the police signicantly aects the consciousness
of citizens regarding the security of public life, their views on policing and
trust in law enforcement; Wechsler, Kümmerli and Dobay (2019, p. 412-
418) found that public trust in the police is formed as a public good even at
the level of human biological processes because it is an extremely important
factor in the prevention of crime. According to Pehkonen (2021, p. 615-
617), public trust in police ocers is established not only in the process of
their direct communication with citizens, but also under the inuence of
dierent media. As Ribaux, Roux and Crispino (2017, p. 489-493) stated,
the amount of forensic information is constantly increasing due to increased
costs and inated control mechanism, which leads to the deterioration of
the model of police management and the formation public of trust in police.
When calculating the crime rate, Bove and Gavrilova (2017, p. 2-4)
propose to take into account the data of the military police involved in
the ght against street crime and public safety. According to Mummolo
(2018), the importance of the military police in combating crime is
twofold: it improves public condence in the police on the one hand, while
their activities do not improve the rate of crime committed by violence,
robbery, etc. on the other. When calculating police performance indicators,
Nepomuceno et al. (2020) propose not to take into account indicators of
exogenous crimes (murder, violence, crimes against property), because the
indicators of such crimes can only rank structural units according to their
qualications, rather than reect the real state of law enforcement.
As Asif et al. (2018) noted, improving the eciency of policing will help
determine the optimal allocation of resources, reorientation of activities,
and identify ways to improve police performance. According to Drugă
(2020), reduced crime rate is the best police performance indicator, as it
can be achieved only through highly professional management, the results
of which are constantly presented in the media, as well as taking into
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 90-107
account professionalism and the rule of law. In Wilson’s (2019) opinion,
statistical indicators of policing are important for the formation of public
safety platforms.
The eciency of the European police has a number of country-specic
features. According to Bilouseac and Armanu (2021: 39-41), the Romanian
police is more ecient than the French municipal police at the local level
due to accelerated modernization. Vince (2019) emphasizes that the
introduced model of individual evaluation of the work of a police ocer with
a bonus system in Hungary is more eective in improving the policing than
the assessment of subjective factors. Analysing the activities of the police
in England and Western Europe, Mendel, Fyfe and Heyer (2017, p. 3-6)
argue that the eectiveness of policing depends on its optimal structure and
eective management model, as in Scotland and the Netherlands.
We can note on the basis of the doctrinal analysis of the problems of
selection of criteria for evaluating police performance and components of
the system of police performance indicators that researchers consider it
reasonable to further study the formation of a system of indicators of the
level of eectiveness of law enforcement from the perspective of detected
crimes, eective recommendations for their practical implementation,
which adjusts the content and directions of law enforcement development.
Policing should be based on the rule of law. The system of police
performance indicators should take into account not only the legality of
their activities, but also reect the real state, which allows responding
quickly to its changes. When calculating the police performance, the level
of trust in the police should be taken into account rst, then followed by the
indicators of the number of crimes committed and the number of detected
criminal oenses.
The system of police performance indicators is formed by such basic
criteria as: the level of public trust in the police as a fundamental indicator
that reects the real state of crime and security in the country; response
time to the oense; crime rate and public security; crime detection rate;
citizens-police interaction level.
The crime detection rate is evaluated by the indicators of reporting on
the closure of a crime based on the completion of police investigations
into a criminal case with its subsequent transfer to court to determine the
punishment or release from punishment. The crime is also considered
solved if the case is closed on the basis of the death of the accused due to
the lack of corpus delicti.
Kateryna Maslienikova, Viktoriia Vintsuk, Nadiya Nosevych, Vasyl G. Fatkhutdinov y Mykola Rudyk
The Role of the Number of Detected Criminal Oenses in the Police Performance Indicators System
Developing criteria for police performance evaluation is the prospect
of further research. Therefore, we see further prospect in the empirical
research, as well as theoretical and methodological justication of eective
mechanisms for implementing a system of police performance indicators,
including not only the level of public condence in the police, the crime rate
and the number of detected crimes during the reporting period, but also
other signicant indicators that are necessary to ensure the proper policing.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73