Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 14/09/2021 Aceptado el 14/12/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
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Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 656-669
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Administrative and legal security
of public information services in the
activities of bodies of legislative and
judicial power
Natalya Lata *
Serhii Martyniuk **
Tetiana Minka ***
Nadiya Ilchyshyn ****
Vitalii Yurakh *****
The subject of the investigation is devoted to the problems of
administrative and legal security of public information services.
The main content characterized the essence of the security of
public information services as a constituent element of the
national security mechanism; in addition, a retrospective analysis of this
notion was carried out and the current state of the normative regulation
of its use was established. It is argued that the regulatory framework to
guarantee the security of public information services is a distributed set
of legislative and normative acts, whose current state requires the active
promotion of processes of systematization of legislation to achieve the
desired level of eciency in the implementation of the right to information.
Methodologically, a review of materials and methods based on the analysis
of documents of the activities of the authorities in the eld of security of
public information services was carried out. By way of conclusion, se found
that an ocial regulatory act «On Public Information Services» is required,
in which the principles of operation of public administration bodies and
their conceptual and systemic interaction must be enshrined.
* Docent, Doctor of Philosophy in law, Docent at the Department of International, Civil and Commercial
law, Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Martyniuk Serhii, postgraduate student, PJSC "Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy
of Personnel Management", Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative and Customs Law of the University
of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine.
**** Ilchyshyn Nadiya, Candidate of Law (PhD), Judge of the Eights Administrative Court of Appeal.
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Doctor of Jurisprudence, associate professor, associate professor of department of right and law-
enforcement activity of the Central'noukrainsky of state pedagogical university of the name of
Volodymyr Vinnichenko. Ukraine. ORCID:
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
Keywords: access to information; information security; national
security; legal principles, administrative transparency.
Seguridad administrativa y jurídica de los servicios
de información pública en las actividades de los órganos
del poder legislativo y judicial
El objeto de la investigación está dedicado a los problemas de seguridad
administrativa y jurídica de los servicios públicos de información. En el
contenido principal se caracterizó la esencia de la seguridad de los servicios
públicos de información como elemento constitutivo del mecanismo de
seguridad nacional; además, se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de tal
noción y se estableció el estado actual de la regulación normativa de su
uso. Se argumenta que el marco regulatorio para garantizar la seguridad
de los servicios públicos de información es un conjunto distribuido de actos
legislativos y normativos, cuyo estado actual requiere la promoción activa
de procesos de sistematización de la legislación para lograr el nivel deseado
de eciencia en la implementación del derecho a la información. En lo
metodológico se efectuo una revisión de materiales y métodos basados
en el análisis de documentos de las actividades de las autoridades en el
campo de la seguridad de los servicios públicos de información. A modo
de conclusión, se encontró que se requiere de un acto reglamentario ocial
“Sobre los Servicios de Información Pública”, en el que se deben consagrar
los principios de funcionamiento de los órganos de la administración
pública y su interacción conceptual y sistémica.
Palabras clave: acceso a la información; seguridad de la información;
seguridad nacional; principios juridicos, transparencia
The modern state is the state, where information about the activity of
which is as transparent and open as possible, and as a result it is accessible to
the public. Ensuring transparency and accessibility of information resources
of the state is part of the system of guarantees for the implementation and
protection of subjective rights of private individuals. One of the components
of the mechanism of national security is the security of public information
Natalya Lata, Serhii Martyniuk, Tetiana Minka, Nadiya Ilchyshyn y Vitalii Yurakh
Administrative and legal security of public information services in the activities of bodies of
legislative and judicial power
The appropriate level of administrative and legal support for public
information services allows us to guarantee the practical implementation of
the rights of every person in general. In particular, the right to receive public
services, access to public information, special permissions, notications
and other kinds of administrative acts are guaranteed.In light of the above,
special attention should be paid to the problem of establishing the specics
of administrative and legal assurance of the requirements of national
security of public information services and ways to improve its eciency.
1. Literature review
Establishment of directions to improve the eciency of information
support for the functioning of public administration bodies was carried out
in the dissertation study of G. O. Blinovoya on the subject «Administrative
and legal principles of information support of public administration
bodies in Ukraine: current theory and practice» (2019), which provides
that the classication of types of information needs and interests of public
administration bodies according to such criteria as: legal status of a public
administration body (informational needs and interests of a ministry,
department, service, agency, division, territorial division, employee or service
person of a public administration body or a person who performs public functions);
Territory to which the public administration body’s authority extends (local,
national and international information needs and interests of public administration
bodies); Areas of activity of public administration bodies (organizational, human
resources, functional, non-nancial, supervisory, controlling); Information activity
orientation (internal and external); Time of existence of information need and
interest (constant, periodic, time-periodic, one-time) (Blinova, 2019).
A.G. Chornous on «Administrative and legal regulation of the National
Information Infrastructure of Ukraine» (2020) the concept and features of national
information infrastructures was described; the structural components of national
information infrastructure and investigated their features and legal regulation were
identied; the history of the origin and interconnection of national and global
information infrastructures was examined; national information infrastructure
as an organizational and legal basis for the activities of the state authorities and
local self-government was described; the principles, purpose and objectives of the
functioning of national information infrastructure were explained; the concepts
and elements of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of national
information infrastructure were explored ; the legal status of the subjects of state
regulation of legal relations in the eld of formation and development of national
information infrastructure was analyzed; the prospects of development of the
national information infrastructure of Ukraine based on the experience of foreign
countries were identied; the peculiarities of functioning of structural components
of the national information infrastructure of Ukraine as the legal and organizational
platform for the (Chornous, 2020).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
However, within the limits of current legal research on security of public
information services is carried out sporadically, piecemeal, for the sake of
comprehensiveness and consistency, which determines the relevance of this
scientic work.
2. Results and discussion
The adoption in 2003 of the Declaration of Principles «Building an
Information Society:A Global Task in the New Millennium» in Geneva at
the World Summit on Information Society meant a formal recognition of
the postulates of the priority of interaction between the society and the
state on the basis of transparency, openness, public accessibility of the
exchange of ocial information and databases of the results of activities
of the state authorities and local self-government, the formation of an
information society, which is conditioned by the global world processes of
To solve the strategic task of building an information society, for
which the priority will be to ensure the concept of transparency of
public administration, is extremely important strategic task, the idea of
cooperation and interaction between society and the state on the basis of
partnership and transparency (Law of Switzerland, 2003). Realization and
implementation of the idea of developing an information society is dened
in the Geneva Action Plan which was adopted on December 12, 2003 (Law
of Switzerland, 2003).
A viable approach to implementing the concept of information society
is to create functioning public information services as a guarantee of
compliance with the principles of transparency and openness of the functions
of public administration. It is the task of maximizing social, economic and
environmental benets of the information society that must be solved by
the state authorities, which are required to create a legal, regulatory and
political environment that has the proper level of condence in the society,
the speed and eciency of performing the functions of exchange and access
to information contained in ocial databases related to the provision of
administrative services and implementation of licensing, regulations and
oversight of administrative and procedural procedures (Law of Switzerland,
Therefore, the priority direction of development of the modern state
should be the creation of such conditions, under which information must
be public at the same time.
The nationwide system of information support for the activities of public
administration bodies must meet not only the requirements of prosperity,
Natalya Lata, Serhii Martyniuk, Tetiana Minka, Nadiya Ilchyshyn y Vitalii Yurakh
Administrative and legal security of public information services in the activities of bodies of
legislative and judicial power
but also security, which is an inherent part of the system of national
security of any state in the world, including Ukraine. However, ensuring
transparency and information openness of the bodies of state power
and local self-government, and at the same time the problem of national
information security arises.
Therefore, since 2003, a system of national strategic documents on the
formation of a secure public and state environment has been gradually
formed in general, and particularly in the eld of compliance with security
requirements in the functioning of public information services. Thus, one
of the rst strategic documents, the implementation of the provisions of
which was focused on ensuring the eciency of the information society
was the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 16. 01.2008 № 14,
which prioritized the implementation of the idea of public administration
on the basis of ensuring the development and protection of the national
system of public information services (Law of Ukraine, 2008).
The legislative basis for creating conditions for eective security of public
information services is a system of laws and regulations, which include
the Law of Ukraine of 13.01.2011 2939-VI «About access to public
information» (Law of Ukraine, 2011), Law of Ukraine of June 1, 2010
2297-VI «About protection of personal data»(Law of Ukraine, 2010), etc. In
addition to these legislative acts, strategic program documents are constantly
being developed and implemented, one of them being the Law of Ukraine
537-V of January 9, 2007 «On the Main principles of the development
of the information society in Ukraine for 2007-2015» (Law of Ukraine,
2007),where the problems of systemic nature, which have the priority of
solution for the implementation of the concept of «good governance» in
Ukraine, were noted. In addition, this legislative act established a system
of principles for functioning of public information services as part of the
information support system of the public administration power.
Among them, there are particularly important the principles of freedom
of creation, receipt, use and dissemination of information; the principles
of objectivity, authenticity, completeness and accuracy of information;
the principles of harmonization of the interests of people, society and the
state in information activity; principles of operativeness of disclosure of
information of public importance; principles of admissibility of limitation
of access to information only if the restriction is established by provisions
of current legislation; the principles of minimizing the negative impact of
information and the negative consequences of the functioning of information
technology; the principles of preventing the illegal dissemination, use and
violation of the integrity of information; the principles of harmonization of
information legislation and the entire system of national legislation (Law
of Ukraine, 2007). In the light of the propriety of active involvement in
the processes of systematization of information legislation in Ukraine it is
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
necessary to emphasize that the idea of developing and adopting the draft
of the Ukrainian Information Code, which has been repeatedly announced.
The idea of drafting the Ukrainian Information Code is not new for the
national system. Codication of Ukrainian information legislation has been
ongoing for three decades. The development of the Ukrainian Information
Code is taking place under the conditions of the ongoing dicult socio-
political and economic crisis.
The situation with the development of the Ukrainian Information Code
is complicated by the lack of uniformity of approaches to determining the
goal of its adoption. Some scientists point to the need for legal regulation of
technology of circulation of information, others stand for the establishment
of mechanisms for the implementation of the right to information.
The eectiveness of the functioning of any legislative act, including the
Information Code, directly depends not only on the manifestation of
political will, but also on the adherence to the procedure of public discussion
of its draft, as well as the achievements of legal science, the conceptual
foundations of its development (Opryshko, 1999).
The main content of the draft of the Information Code of Ukraine
requires its division into the General and Special Parts (Kovalenko, 2013).
According to L.P. Kovalenko, to the General Part of the Information Code
of Ukraine should be it is necessary to consider the issues of determining
the grounds for acquiring information rights and duties, peculiarities of
exercising information rights and exercising functional duties to establish
the specics of their protection. Within the General Part of the Information
Code of Ukraine there should be a normative denition of terminological
The content of the Special Part of the Draft Information Code of
Ukraine must meet the requirements of the tasks of normative regulation
of the peculiarities of certain types of information circulation (in particular,
scientic and technological), scientic and technical information, personal
data bases and access to them, electronic court documents, use of electronic
digital signatures, etc.) (Kovalenko, 2013).
Thus, the regulatory framework of the security regime of public
information services should be dened as a distributed set of legislative and
regulatory acts, the current state of which requires the active implementation
of processes on the systematization of legislation to achieve the proper level
of eciency in the implementation of the right to information.
Within the framework of this study it is suggested that the category of
public information services means special software that provides access of
legal entities and individuals to national and regional information systems
of state authorities and local self-government.
Natalya Lata, Serhii Martyniuk, Tetiana Minka, Nadiya Ilchyshyn y Vitalii Yurakh
Administrative and legal security of public information services in the activities of bodies of
legislative and judicial power
The system of entities responsible for ensuring security of public
information services in Ukraine includes such bodies of state power or their
structural subdivisions as: the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine,
the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the State Agency for
Electronic Government of Ukraine, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada
on Information and Communication, the Committee of the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine on Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the State Agency
for Electronic Government.
The State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection
of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and others that have the
task of ensuring the implementation of the state information policy and
information security of the public administration bodies. Such bodies of
state power as the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine are obliged to establish the basic
principles for the functioning of the system of public information services.
The underlying principles of the functioning of public information
services are dened by a system of laws and regulations that can be
conditionally structured according to the level of legal force: 1) legislative
acts that establish the core principles of information dissemination about
the activities of the bodies of state power and local self-government (for
example, the Law of Ukraine «On the Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine») (Law of Ukraine, 2010),which determines the order of work
of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, its bodies and ocials, the rules of
formation, organization of activities and termination of activities of deputy
factions (deputy groups); 2) Legislative acts that establish the guidelines
for ensuring the security of public information services (for example,
this is the Order of the Supreme Council of Ukraine №699 of May 19,
2015 «About web-resources of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine», which
denes the principles of transparency and openness of the activities of the
representative body, aimed at ensuring eective reporting of deputies to
the voters, wide involvement of citizens in the adoption of state decisions).
The scope of responsibilities of the Ministry of Digital Transformation
of Ukraine in the eld of security of public information resources in
accordance with regulatory and legal acts is to perform such tasks
as: organizing the interaction between the holders of state electronic
information resources; ensuring the security of the integrated system of
electronic identication; organizing the activities of the unied web portal
of the electronic government and the unied state web portal of accessible
data; national registry of electronic information resources; the single
state web portal of electronic services; formation and maintenance of the
Registry of administrative services and coordination of activities of bodies
that have established centers for the provision of administrative services
(Law of Ukraine, 2019).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
The State Agency for Electronic Governance of Ukraine, which operates
in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine of 01.10.2014 492, has an important role in the
system of ensuring the security of public information services (Law of
Ukraine, 2014).
The responsibilities of the State Agency for Electronic Governance
of Ukraine shall be focused on: Ensuring the consolidation of practices
of implementation of legislation on the issues within its competence
and development of proposals for improvement of legislative acts, acts
of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and
submitting them for review by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under the
established procedure; Organization of analytical and monitoring surveys
of the development of the information society, electronic government and
the sphere of informatization; digital expertise of draft laws and regulations
on informatization, electronic governance, formation and use of national
electronic information resources, development of the information society,
electronic democracy, provision of administrative services or digital
development; implementation of registration of state electronic registers,
cadastres, state and other mandatory classiers in the National Register of
Electronic Information Resources as a kind of public information services;
Ensuring the development of the Unied Web Portal of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine with the possibility of integration of information
resources of the central and local bodies of executive power, which are
available on the Internet, as well as coordination of the activities of the
bodies of executive power associated with the creation and integration of
electronic information systems and resources into the central web portal of
the bodies; Organization of functioning of the «Single Window for Electronic
Record Keeping» system; organization of management of the address space
of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet; implementation of the National
System of Indicators for the Development of the Information Society;
Organization of the appropriate training, preparation and implementation
of areas to improve the system of training and retraining of specialists in
the eld of informatization, electronic government.
The system of ensuring security of public information services includes
not only the central bodies of executive power, but also the territorial
bodies of state administration and local self-government bodies. The basic
principles for ensuring information security requirements are established
in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine,
including the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Local Self-Government
in Ukraine» (Law of Ukraine, 1997). Also, the duties of local authorities
in the eld of ensuring security of public information services include: the
authority to request and receive information from enterprises, institutions
and organizations that are not in communal ownership of the respective
territorial communities on the issues within the competence of local self-
Natalya Lata, Serhii Martyniuk, Tetiana Minka, Nadiya Ilchyshyn y Vitalii Yurakh
Administrative and legal security of public information services in the activities of bodies of
legislative and judicial power
government bodies; responsibility for the acceptance of the minutes of
the meetings of the governing bodies of the territorial administrations of
the bodies of state power; cooperation with law enforcement agencies in
combating criminal oenses; support of the activities of the State Service of
Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.
The system of subjects belonging to the sphere of security of public
information services includes, apart from the authorities, legal entities of
private and public law (in particular, such are mass information media on
the subject of disclosure of electronic data bases).
Thus, active participants in foreign information relations are the system
of law enforcement agencies, including the National Police, the State
Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine
and other organizations, administrative and legal status of which is dened
by special legal acts.
The functioning of public information services is an inseparable part of
the eectiveness of the state administration functions. The very introduction
of public information services, as noted by I.V. Lopushynsky, allows you to
adjust the sub-activity in the implementation of the functions of the state,
which requires one of the priority areas of strategic development of modern
state (Lopushinsky, 2018).
According to the Regulation on Electronic Interoperability of State
Electronic Information Resources, a number of top-priority public
information services are set to be listed in the National Register of Electronic
Information Resources: the National State Register of Legal Entities,
Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations; the State Register of
Property Rights on Non-Tangible Property; the State Register of Civil Status
Acts; the State Register of Trusts; the State Register of Tangible Assets
and the State Land Cadastre; the Unied State Demographic Register;
Unied Register of Individuals Taxpayers; Register of Income Taxpayers;
the Unied Automated State Register of Persons Eligible for Benets; the
Unied Information System of the Ministry of Internal Aairs; Unied
State Register of the Ministry of Internal Aairs for registered vehicles and
their owners; State Register of Mandatory State Social Insurance; State
Register of Voters; the Unied State Register of Court Decisions; Unied
Register of Documents, which give the right to carry out preparatory and
construction works and conrm the commissioning of the completed
construction objects, the notication on the return for completion; The
Electronic System of Health Protection; the Electronic State Electronic
Database of Education; the Unied Register of Objects of State Ownership,
the Electronic System of Health Protection, the Unied State Electronic
Database of Education (Law of Ukraine, 2016).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
State Register of encumbrances of movable property is dened as a
single computer database of data on occurrence, change, termination of
encumbrances, as well as on enforcement of encumbrances on the subject
of encumbrances, to ensure fulllment of obligations and protection of
rights of legal entities and individuals with regard to tangible property
and to provide information on availability or absence of encumbrances on
tangible property in the interests of these entities.
The holder of the State Register of encumbrances of tangible property
is the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which is currently responsible for its
maintenance. Security of this public information service is the responsibility
of the appropriate state enterprise aliated with the Ministry of Justice
of Ukraine. Registrars are a colony of entities authorized by the Ministry
of Justice of Ukraine to accumulate information about the occurrence,
change, termination of suspensions, as well as application of enforcement
for suspensions, to accept applications, to issue certied copies of the
Register and perform other functions(Leheza et al., 2021).
Despite the large number of public information services, the
administrative and legal regulation of their functioning is inadequate and
requires the introduction of reforms.
One of these problems is the lack of a systematic structural approach to
the denition of regulatory conditions for the safety of public information
services, which must be included in a separate legislative act. The basis
for determining the structural content of the draft legislative act on public
information services should be a substantive classication of registries
based on a number of criteria, among which we should distinguish: the
purpose of the register; the scope of use of the register data; the person
authorized to maintain the register; specics of access to the databases
of the register; the duration of its operation; billing for providing of the
register information; fundamentals of creating the register (the purpose
of the register); specics and peculiarities of information interactions of
the persons appointed to complete the data bases. Therefore, one of the
main directions of development of the legal system of Ukraine is the active
involvement of law-making processes in the development and adoption
of a separate legislative act «About Public Information Services» which
must contain the principles of their creation, operation, maintenance, use,
security of access; Formulate a general basis for the management of these
processes (Blinova, 2019).
The mentioned draft law should stipulate the principles of security of
public information services, which include: The rule of law and respect for
the rights and legitimate interests of the private person; respect for the
national interests of Ukraine as a criterion for limiting access to certain
databases; openness, accessibility, stability of the state information
environment; Public-private partnership; validity of legal liability
Natalya Lata, Serhii Martyniuk, Tetiana Minka, Nadiya Ilchyshyn y Vitalii Yurakh
Administrative and legal security of public information services in the activities of bodies of
legislative and judicial power
mechanism for failure to comply with information security requirements;
international cooperation in the eld of information; implementation of
eective forms of public control in the eld of security of public information
Another gap in the administrative and legal security of public information
services is the lack of basic provisions to support the establishment of
information cooperation between public administration bodies, and certain
bylaws are in place. The order of exchange of information between the
Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine, the Pension Fund of Ukraine
and the funds of mandatory state social insurance may be an example of
a by-law regulatory act on the provision of information exchange by the
public administration bodies.However, a systemic problem of the state
of administrative and legal security of public information services is the
lack of conceptual framework of functional interaction between holders of
information, for the formation of databases of which there is either public
interest or regulatory request (Leheza et al., 2020).
In particular, in the Order of exchange of information about the
information that contains signs of labor exploitation of undocumented
employees and violations of labor laws, approved by the Decree of the
Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine № 11-1 on May 29, 2017 the system
of informational interaction at the central and territorial level is dened,
the scope of their powers, specics of stang and maintenance of certain
public information services are established, but there are no normatively
established provisions for ensuring communication of such subjects of
public powers (Halaburda et al., 2021).
To ensure the complexity of legal regulation of public relations in the
eld of security of public information services, it is necessary to develop
a separate legislative act. Such an act must be an ocial regulatory act
«On Public Information Services», which should enshrine the principles
of functioning of the public administration bodies, their conceptual and
systemic interaction. The draft Law of Ukraine «On Public Information
Services» must include the principles of information security, which
include: the rule of law and respect for the rights and legitimate interests
of the private person; respect for the national interests of Ukraine as a
criterion for limiting access to certain databases; openness, accessibility,
stability of the state information environment; state-private partnership;
eciency of legal liability mechanism for failure to meet information
security requirements; international cooperation in the information sphere;
implementation of eective forms of public control in the eld of security of
public information services.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 656-669
Ensuring the eectiveness of the mechanism of administrative and legal
regulation of the functioning of public information services requires the
establishment of an imperative requirement for normative consolidation of
not only the principles of maintaining public registers, but also the principles
of informational interaction between their holders and managers.
Absence of well-established informational interaction between
public administration bodies leads to ineciency of the system of public
information services on the basis of transparency, openness, accessibility
and security.
The level of intensity of the increase in the volume of information law
relations in Ukraine is conditioned by general tendencies of the modern
global information society. All scientists investigating specic legal
regulation of relations in dierent spheres recognize the importance
of information security of legal relations subjects as the basis for their
functioning. Regulation of information relations is more or less a necessary
element of all legal acts.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72