Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 10/22/2021 Aceptado el 11/24/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
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ti ga do res; es ti mu lar la in ves ti ga ción en es tas áreas del sa ber; y pro pi ciar la pre sen ta-
ción, dis cu sión y con fron ta ción de las ideas y avan ces cien tí fi cos con com pro mi so so cial.
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas apa re ce dos ve ces al o y pu bli ca tra ba jos ori gi na les con
avan ces o re sul ta dos de in ves ti ga ción en las áreas de Cien cia Po lí ti ca y De re cho Pú bli-
co, los cua les son so me ti dos a la con si de ra ción de ár bi tros ca li fi ca dos.
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Pe rio di cals Di rec tory, EBS CO. Se en cuen tra acre di ta da al Re gis tro de Pu bli ca cio-
nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 608-629
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Image of the political leader in
the context of the presidential
election campaign
Anna Metelska *
The article investigates the strategy of forming the image of the
political leader in the context of the presidential election campaign.
It points out the importance of the creation of professional images
in the political activity of political leaders during their pre-
electoral career. in addition, the concept of archetypes and their
importance in the formation of the image of a political leader is
outlined. The political images of the leaders of the presidential
race of the United States of America are characterized. In the
research aims to establish the meaning of the image for a political
leader, the strategies of its formation and determine the prospects
for future research. The methodology of the research is determined using
methods of analysis, synthesis, behaviorist, systemic, structural-functional
approach. It is concluded that, political imaging reveals a variety of
technologies to improve speech, behavior, pronunciation of convenient
words in the implementation of political activity. The lack of a thorough
and complex analysis of this issue is evidenced by the fact that the number
of scientic studies on the problem of political image in the context of the
presidential campaign is scarce, at least in Ukraine.
Keywords: image creation; archetypes; image of the leader; presidential
career; political marketing.
* PhD student Department of philosophy, sociology and political science Kyiv National University of
Trade and Economics, Ukraine, 02156, Kyiv, 19, Kyoto str., +380931110080. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
Imagen del líder político en el contexto de la campaña
electoral presidencial
El artículo investiga la estrategia de formación de la imagen del líder
político en el contexto de la campaña electoral presidencial. Se señala la
importancia de la creación de imágenes profesionales en la actividad política
de los líderes políticos durante su carrera preelectoral. además, se esboza
el concepto de arquetipos y su importancia en la formación de la imagen de
un líder político. Se caracterizan las imágenes políticas de los líderes de la
carrera presidencial de los Estados Unidos de América. En la investigación
pretende establecer el signicado de la imagen para un líder político, las
estrategias de su formación y determinar las perspectivas para futuras
investigaciones. La metodología de la investigación está determinada por
el uso de métodos de análisis, síntesis, enfoque conductista, sistémico,
estructural-funcional. Se concluye que, la imagenología política revela
una variedad de tecnologías para mejorar el habla, el comportamiento,
la pronunciación de palabras convenientes en la implementación de la
actividad política. La falta de un análisis exhaustivo y complejo de esta
cuestión se evidencia por el hecho de que el número de estudios cientícos
sobre el problema de la imagen política en el contexto de la campaña
presidencial es escaso, al menos en Ucrania.
Palabras clave: creación de imagen; arquetipos; imagen del líder;
carrera presidencial; marketing político.
Modern directions and trends in the development of applied politics,
political science as a whole, are characterized by interdisciplinarity,
comprehensive vectors of interpretation and evaluation of political and
social categories, as well as the interconnection of numerous approaches
and principles of political imageology, in particular, the image of a political
leader in the context of the presidential election campaign.
The democratic transformations in the world make the problem of
increasing the competitiveness of political leaders very relevant based on
the formation and implementation in the public consciousness, demanded
by the electorate image models of behavior of the political leader in the
process of the presidential election campaign.
Under the conditions of dierent electoral systems of the state-
legal institution of presidency, the way the political leader-candidate
for presidency is perceived by the public consciousness is extremely
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
important, and this, in its turn, puts before the latter and his team the
task of creating a system image, including a set of views on political, every
day and professional activities, personal qualities, which would cause
positive impressions among the electorate and ensure support during the
presidential campaign A noticeable sign of modern presidential election
campaigns is the transformation of political technologies in the conditions
of local territories as a result of the application of modern mechanisms of
public information communication, the spread of propaganda schools of
political consulting, the nancing of programs which are directed to the
publication of practical manuals on the organization of elections.
The countries of continental America or the Anglo-Saxon legal system
are a striking example of such activity. American democracy, mainly the
U.S., represents innovative PR technologies, due to which the strategies of
formation of the image of a political leader in the context of the presidential
election campaign acquire unwavering directions of development of the
Americanization of election campaigns of the world.
The coloring of the presidential election campaign with the signs
of Americanism in the states of the European continent takes place by
changing the political leader, reformatting the existing political system, or
creating new political forces with a dierent ideology.
For example, in France and Italy new political movements were created,
turning the political situation in the country in the direction of new
elections, in the Federal Republic of Germany there is a process of change of
political elites. Today it is impossible to do without studying the experience
of election campaigns in the USA and advanced European countries in
developing the concepts of forming the image of a political leader in the
process of the presidential election campaign.
The process of formation of political technologies on the model of
American democratic values shows its dynamics in the Republic of Ukraine
as well, in particular a vivid example of the formation of the image of a
political leader was the presidential election campaign of 2019 of the
interests of the leading countries in the international arena. The successfully
formed model of behavior of the political leader during the presidential
election campaign determines the inevitable victory in the elections. This
situation is explained by the sympathy of the electorate to the personality
of the political leader, which is most vividly reected in the example of the
Ukrainian phenomenon of personal identication of political activity.
Thus, the image for a political leader plays the most essential role in
capturing political power in the country, spreading political inuence on
all strata of public organization both through strong centralized politics
and through the formation of regional practices of local self-government.
More so because a positive image of a political leader will serve a long-term
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
character during the political struggle with his political opponents in the
The image constitutes an undeniable weight in political activity for
modern politicians, portraying a mythological personication of the actions,
speeches of a presidential candidate, considering the archetypal features of
a certain model of behavior (Guliyev, 2020). The world experience shows
that the strategies of formation of the image of a political leader are reduced
to the inuence of subconsciousness and consciousness of social strata of
the population.
The positive result of the image of a political leader depends on the
professional abilities and skills of the image-makers themselves, the means
of mass communication and the level of development of the political and
legal consciousness of society.
1. Methodology
In the process of implementation of our study general scientic and
specically doctrinal methods of political science are used. A number
of scientic views are analyzed, which allow to highlight the system of
formation of strategies of behavior of a political leader in the context of
presidential pre-election activity and thus make a scientic approach to this
issue. The relevance of the formation of the image of a political leader for the
conduct of political activity during the pre-election race for the presidency
of the state is highlighted.
Based on summarizing the informative material, the structural formation
of the denition “political image” of the leader of the presidential campaign
is implemented, the classication of gradual steps in achieving the goal of
positive reaction and sympathy to the proling subject of political activity
is determined.
The behaviorist approach in the study of the political leader’s image
during the presidential election campaign is the indispensable indicator,
which allows studying the behavior of individual subjects of a particular
political election campaign of certain countries of the world, in particular the
USA and Ukraine. The personal dimension of the political science aspect of
image-making in pre-election battles establishes the psychological features
of the political image of D. Trump, H. Clinton, V. Zelensky and other gures
of the leading politicians.
The systematic method helped to form archetypal characteristics of
the political image of the leaders of the presidential election campaigns.
Structurally functional method helped to draw a parallel between the image-
making models of dierent political subjects of the presidential campaign.
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
2. Reference overview
Problematics of political image as a complex socio-cultural category
about the management of imagination, consciousness of the whole society
or a certain part of it arose simultaneously with the social stratication of
the population of the corresponding territory.
The article by І. Myloserdna is devoted to a comprehensive study
of the image of a political leader as a category of PR technology. It is
argued that, in practical political science, image is, rst and foremost, a
generalized perception that is shared by ordinary citizens about political
subjects. Another thing is that it is purposefully shaped by image-makers
(Myloserdna, 2019).
H. Trushevych notes that the components of the process of shaping
the image of a politician through PR-technologies and to elucidate the
mechanisms for applying a built political image through the media on the
basis of the «included observation» method and direct participation in the
work of the team of the People’s Deputy of Ukraine on the formation of his
image (Trushevych, 2019). A. Holishevska analyzes the factors inuencing
the formation of the level of trust as one of the main values of political
Based on the results of sociological research, the priorities of trust of
the citizens of Ukraine have been identied. The necessity of ensuring
the stabilization of the political sphere and the progressive development
of society through the establishment of social consolidation, political
responsibility, and the development of democratic forms of cooperation in
the context of creating a positive political reputation is substantiated in the
article by A. Holishevska (2020). One of the last monographic researches
in Ukraine concerning the object of our research is the work on axiological
bases and ways of optimization of image and reputation of a political party
(Korniienko et al., 2018).
The mentioned work is saturated with theoretical-methodological and
conceptual bases of political image and reputation research, it highlights
the political image as a part of the electoral culture of the society, establishes
the argumentation of the ideological paradigm in the formation of a positive
political image.
The authors note that communication potential, symbolism and
personication are recognized as integral elements of the strategy
of formation of political image. The selected study summarizes the
eectiveness of building a modern model of target political style, the history
of its emergence in the theory of political thought, the presence of socio-
political situation for the choice of a particular model of political style.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
The scientic treatment distinguishes mythological and propaganda
dimensions of formation and functioning of political image. The author
reproduces the political image in the context of propaganda power, which
imposes on the public consciousness the views that form the political
model of activity in the interests of the subjects of comprehension of this
propaganda. At the same time, the researcher focuses on the provision of
the propaganda component of the political image through the prism of
mythologization, demythologization and remythologization (Vysotskyi,
Among the works on the formation of the political image the study on
the consideration of the postulates of the political image of G. Wallace in
the presidential campaign in the USA in 1948 stands out. In contrast to the
samples of the positive image of the political leader in the context of the
presidential election campaign the researcher established that the image-
making of G. Wallace imitated activity, as the political leader of the USA in
the presidential race was guided by views which were not reected in the
North American society of federal states at that time.
This strategy of building G. Wallace’s political image led to his defeat
in the U.S. presidential election campaign in 1948. (Lushchak, 2017). As
already noted, in the innovative system of communication and information
space there are training manuals published with the support of international
non-governmental and governmental organizations as examples of political
These include the Ten Secrets of Political Campaigns (Bohush, 2016),
clearly reecting the structure of electoral process of a political subject in
the form of ten blocks of political and technological activity. It is the “fourth
secret” that characterizes the strategy of forming an eective political
image, dierentiates the structure of the political image, and reveals
the determining role of the phenomenon of the “leader” of the election
campaign candidate. This “secret” also notes the avoidance of having and
creating attitudes that construct a negative image of the political leader of
the election campaign.
Another practical political consulting manual sponsored by the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government
of Canada with the assistance of the Canadian Department of Foreign
Aairs and Trade (GAC) is “Winning Elections: Technologies, Campaigns,
Principles,” 2016 (Horodok et al., 2016).
The manual consists of three sections, including the topics of technologies
and implementation of the election campaign, successful examples, and
principles of the candidate’s campaign, as well as the legal basis for the
organization and conduct of elections.
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
A separate place among the sources of the selected problems is occupied
by the works, which investigate the strategies of formation of the image
of the political leader of election campaigns in the leading democracies of
the world community. In particular, the scientic publication dwells on the
consideration of the presidential and parliamentary race in France in 2017.
It outlines the political portraits of the leading leaders of the political
system of the Republic of France in 2017, as well as strategies for forming
a positive image of E. Macron as the winner in the presidential election
campaign7 of France, the dierentiated view of the strategies and image-
making of the French political leader (Mitrofanova, 2017) is disclosed.
The dynamics of the rating of the political leader of the presidential
campaign in France 2017. E. Macron is formed in the following work on
political image among the source complex (Mitrofanova, 2017). The great
importance in the political-image context, in our opinion, is the result of the
political leader’s performance in the presidential election campaign. Such
a context is also considered during the presidential elections in France in
2017 (Potikha, 2017).
Certainly, the advanced democracy of the political system represented
on the North American continent deserves a detailed examination in the
electoral campaign process, using the 2016 U.S. presidential election as
an example. (Litvin, 2018). Thus, the psychological features observed in
the construction of political image models of D. Trump and H. Clinton are
established due to the manifestations of such archetypes as Self, Shadow,
Anima, Animus, Persona and, especially, Trickster.
Ukrainian experience of formation of strategies of political leader’s image
in the context of presidential election campaign is described Hrynyk (2017)
scientically constructed practical aspects of construction and application
of politicians’ image through the cut of values of Ukrainian society. Political
technological aspects of the presidential elections in Ukraine (Mytrofanova,
2017) constitute a great weight in the construction of directions of formation
of the political image for the candidate for the presidency of Ukraine.
The co-author’s study on presidential and parliamentary election
campaigns in the conditions of one-year electoral cycles of the Ukrainian
independence era reveals three annual electoral cycles for the period
of Ukrainian independence, 1994, 2014, 2019. (Mytrofanova, 2017).
The fundamental monographic work of recent years in the light of the
construction of the political image of the candidate for the presidency of
Ukraine is a book on the electoral process of 2019 in Ukraine in the light of
public expectations (Maiboroda, 2019).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
3. Results and Discussion
At the stage of development of modern global modern society by
means of innovative-communicative interaction in the society the image
in political processes plays a special importance. Today, image-making is
the most important core of the formation of political consciousness and
political culture of each individual, group of persons or society as a whole.
Political image science reveals a variety of technologies for improving
speech, behavior, pronunciation of expedient words in the implementation
of political activity.
Thanks to political image constructs, political leaders have the opportunity
to acquire a colored biography of past exploits, of a great friendly family,
of the formation over a particular period of time of professional qualities
with an emphasis on favorable characteristics that are in high demand in
society. The image of a political leader is an articially formed image which
depends on both initial subjective characteristics, such as personal qualities
and psychological features, and on objective socio-economic conditions
in which the political activity of the presidential campaign leader and his
entourage manifests itself.
The formation of the image of a political leader is impossible without
a serious and clearly regulated work together with the mass media, which
distribute political information among a numerous and ramied audience
and inuence the public consciousness of the recipients of political
Thanks to innovative advances in the information space, the media can
reach the end consumer everywhere and constantly inuence the members
of any society. It should be noted that the concept of image is reected in
many scientic studies, as well as reference encyclopedic editions, but a
unanimous denition has not yet been found, although some parallels are
observed in the works of scientists. The content of the concept of “image”
has changed quite signicantly over the centuries.
The terms “image” and “image” were often simplistically confused, making
the latter a kind of tracing of “image”. At rst, image was just understood as
an image of an individual that exists in the minds of other individuals who
are in direct contact with him. That is how the representatives of antique,
medieval and enlightenment thought understood image; although they did
not use the term “image”, they did much to dene the question of how an
image of an individual is formed in the minds of other subjects, what factors
favor or disfavor the formation of a positive image of this or that individual
among his fellow citizens.
However, there is a rather noticeable dierence between these social
phenomena. Namely: the image is formed mainly in a natural way, while
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
the image is largely an articial formation. It is possible to oer such an
understanding of the image of the political leader of the presidential election
campaign as a speculative image formed in the mass consciousness, has
the character of a stereotype, emotional coloring, has a great regulatory-
manipulative power and which is technologically created for specic
strategic goals and tasks.
Despite the fact that the problem of forming a political image is well
studied both by foreign and Ukrainian scientists, these studies cannot claim
to be exhaustive, especially taking into account the fact that political practice
is constantly replenished by new phenomena in this area. The absence of a
comprehensive, complex analysis of the issue is evidenced by the fact that
the number of Ukrainian scientic studies of the problem of political image
in the context of the presidential campaign is few. Political scientists have
turned to this problematic relatively recently.
The problems of the image of political parties and political gures,
as the analysis shows, for many years have been studied mainly by
representatives of social and political psychology, which have done a lot to
clarify the question of the nature of these phenomena and the specics of
their formation.
Today there are practically no studies showing the relationship between
the image of the party and the image of its leader. In the majority of
sociological researches images of political parties and gures appear on
the basis of the data received during determination of ratings of political
parties and political gures that is hardly correct from the scientic point
of view. In our opinion, a number of aspects of the problem of the image
of political parties are not reected in scientic research. The problem of
formation in the mass consciousness of the transitive components of their
image in the post-election period remained outside the circle of research
attention (Korniienko et al., 2018).
Now there is no clear, unambiguous answer to such questions as:
what are the specics of forming an image of a political party in mass
consciousness?; how does this process dier from the process of creating
an image of a political leader? to what extent do the images of a political
party and its leader formed by party ideologists coincide with social
expectations?; how well do the images of political parties presented in their
program documents, works and speeches of leaders coincide with each
other?; what factors facilitate and what impede the process of forming The
image is not just an image or a communicative unit.
To be an instrument of propaganda power, to inuence consciousness
and behavior, it must function as a myth. In fact, the name of any famous
politician is a myth, which acts as the basis of his image. For the mass
consciousness, the myth is cleared of any history. The biography is brief,
but it is not usually accentuated by propagandists.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
For the construction of the myth of a politician, a political force,
rst, create contexts (occasions to show certain qualities or associate the
politician with success in a certain area, with a positive perception), which
act as initial for the myth of a politician, second, it is a mythological story
about enemies, which are also myths (enemies must act as absolute evil,
even the good deeds of enemies serve to hide evil intentions), or the myth
of future prosperity with a politician or political force (Vysotskyi, 2020).
It may also be noted that in practical political science image is primarily
a generalized image that consists in the average citizen about political
actors. The image is a complex concept, so it can also be analyzed from
dierent perspectives.
Researchers stop at three possible approaches to the image: functional,
in which we can distinguish its dierent types, based on dierent types of
functioning; contextual, in which we nd these types in dierent contexts
of implementation; and comparative (comparative), in which there is a
comparison of close images (Myloserdna, 2019). The image is a generalized
image - a representation of political subjects, which is purposefully
constructed by the relevant specialists - image-makers.
At the current stage of development of society, with the weakness of
ideological articulation and correspondingly decreasing role of ideologies
that do not act as a basis for political self-determination of the Ukrainian
voter, the inuence of the personal factor on the electoral priorities
continues to increase. The electoral choice of the population remains
personalized, since there is a clear tendency to personalize the images of
modern political parties and blocs, when the image of the leader determines
the result achieved in the elections.
The personal factor plays an important role in people’s perception of
the political life of society. Its inuence is especially noticeable during
presidential elections in the phenomenon of the so called “deviation voting”
when a candidate’s personality is so attractive to the voters that they vote
for him/her regardless of party aliation.
The population perceives not the real gure of the politician, but his
image - a certain model endowed with specially developed characteristics,
xed in the mass consciousness in the form of a stereotype (Madryha, 2016).
The political image is interpreted as a purposefully formed stereotypical
image that exists in the public consciousness and is designed to
psychologically inuence a certain social community, public opinion
at home and abroad. It is not just a mental image xed in the mind as a
reection of reality, it is a specially modeled purposeful reection of an
image created by professionals, based on a certain reality (Shurko, 2018).
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
Based on the above and other research approaches in the denition of the
above concept, it can be argued that the political image is a comprehensively
formed image of a political subject, which is endowed with characteristic
personal mythological qualities to penetrate the consciousness of society
through mass communication in order to cause the greatest sympathy. eld.
A necessary condition for creating a positive political reputation, correlated
to the political image is the trust of citizens in the bodies of political power.
Trust creates a connection between public institutions and citizens,
forming a sense of commonality of interests and goals of activity
(Holishevska, 2020). The electoral process largely depends on the activity
of the elite and the ability of civil society to inuence its formation and
It is well known that the control of the political elite over the electoral
process can be exercised in the following ways: attempts to regulate the
composition of subjects of the electoral process to reduce the weight of
those social groups or ideas that are considered undesirable; use of various
options of electoral engineering, isolation of the policy-making process
from the inuence of public opinion through regulation of links between
election-related decisions, the composition and organization of the
government structures, etc.
The great importance is the qualitative selection of the elite, its level
of responsibility, competence, professionalism, etc. During the years
of building democracy, the promotion of the state and society was not
signicant enough in the formation of a national, politically weighty,
and responsible elite. The practice of domestic political life shows that
the constant appeal to the people as their sovereign is quite often blatant
political speculation for the sake of achieving some political interests or a
manifestation of the failure of a politician.
But the greatest challenge in this situation is the disregard for the right of
the political elite itself, which begins to inuence political processes based
on its professional beliefs, sometimes not coinciding with the opinion of a
large part of society (Ilnytskyi, 2018). Elections are a strategic game, but
very dierent for everyone involved. Some decide and strategically control
the process, while others only contemplate and do not see everything. But
everyone participates. For politicians, it is a game of Go to seize territories
and positions. For the candidates, it is a roulette game with an unexpected
result. For the authorities it is a real chess game.
It is important who started it and who placed their pieces in a winning
conguration. There are pawns, they have the same fate and opportunities,
and there is a queen - a queen in Africa, with no rules and unlimited
opportunities. For the electorate, the elections are clearly not a strategic
game, but a national lottery, everyone plays, and some number wins a little.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
And the grand prize will be won by one out of millions, and that on
television. Well, for political technologists, it’s a game of Renju. The eld
is constantly expanding, chaos ensues. And only one person knows where
ve stones in a row will suddenly appear... (Bohush, 2016). Developing an
image is a question that invariably confronts everyone who is involved to
some degree in political activity.
What is meant by the word image is nothing other than the perception
that the general public or a certain group has of a certain person or
organization. The peculiarity of image is that it can lead both to a successful
political career and to the loss of authority and the opportunity to inuence
certain factors. An image is made up of an emotional aspect; the impression
a person or organization makes; associative connections. The necessary
components of image maintenance are: experience; knowledge; ideology;
and technical skills of political communication (the very last of these
components is devoted to the proposed publication) (Horodok et al., 2016).
In addition, the structure of a politician’s image consists of: reputation;
appearance; nonverbal behavior; verbal behavior; creative elements;
political program, platform; compliance with people’s expectations
(Bohush, 2016). In fact, image is only one side of the coin. Its other side is
the personal representation of a politician or party about themselves (i.e.,
self-presentation or self-esteem).
What the self-image will be partly depends on the message that the
politician or party oers to the public. It is, in particular, the ideological
strain that becomes basic to the existence of a party or the political activity
of an individual. Only if this message meets the demands of society and
addresses key issues can we hope for support and therefore a positive image.
In this process, the following three points should be paid attention to:
1. The politician must determine for himself whether the self-
presentation corresponds to the real state of aairs. This is necessary
when self-image is high and performance is not up to scrutiny (e.g.,
campaign results that are signicantly lower than expected). The
reasons for this situation should be made clear. If the reason is a
party message, it requires immediate correction, since even the best
advertising cannot change the taste of a tainted product.
2. If the formulated personal impression of the message seems positive,
it is necessary to test it in the target groups, that is, to nd out how
those for whom it is assigned (primarily voters) react to it. It is also
important to see what eect your image has in dierent social and
age groups. Such research can be done by working with the media
and various organizations, conducting sociological studies, etc.
If people get an inadequate, negative impression of a party or an
individual politician or are insuciently informed, you should not
blame the media better turn to the analysis of your own self-image.
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
3. Finally, an important issue is the confrontation between self-
presentation and the image you have; eorts aimed at eliminating
the dierences between these two concepts. First of all, nd out what
you should focus on to eliminate them (Horodok et al., 2016).
Preparatory steps must be taken to determine a strategy for shaping and
approving the candidate’s image: 1. Sociological and socio-psychological
analysis of the situation in the district. Analysis of expectations, advantages,
perceptions of the ideal candidate. 2. Analysis of perception of the candidate’s
persona in the minds of voters. 3. Comparison of ideal candidate’s image with
candidate’s personal resources. 4. Determining the direction of approving a
candidate’s image. The strategic image of a candidate is a model constructed
on the basis of identifying the expectations of the population about what a
future deputy should be (and should not be). The strategic image consists of
a positive image of the candidate, constructed from answers to the question
what he should be, and a negative image, constructed from answers what
he should not be. A positive strategic image is formed on the basis of basic
sociological research and includes the following components:
1. Moral qualities (honesty, decency, fairness, etc.).
2. Business qualities (professionalism, intelligence, education, etc.).
3. Public leader qualities (concern for people, humanity, intelligence,
4. Other positive qualities (attractive appearance, age, marital status,
gender, nationality, etc.) (Bohush, 2016).
Architects of the political image in the process of its formation, of course,
systematically rely on an extensive system of scientic achievements,
particularly psychology. Because it is the psychological features of the
individual personality that allow us to comprehensively reveal the sought-
after personal image of the political leader, which brings its results in the
form of sympathy of the electorate - a positive assessment of the behavior
of the political subject in the human consciousness.
Based on of numerous psychological observations, we have an
opportunity to highlight the psychological and political science aspects of
the formation of the image of a political leader during the 2016 presidential
election campaign in the United States, moreover, to establish the essence
of the specic archetype of the subject of the presidential race.
Based on the principles of the existence of imageology and the
professional activities of image-makers and political technologists
themselves, it can be stated that any image of a political leader can be formed
in terms of understanding one archetype as well as in a set of archetypes.
In our understanding, “archetype” in Greek should be interpreted as the
beginning of a trace or reection, i.e., a prototype of a political leader in the
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
form of symbolic structural elements of culture, associating the behavior
of a subject of political presidential election activity with his conscious and
subconscious perception by the electorate. At present, a positive image of
a politician necessarily contains, along with a demonstration of the ability
to solve problems (in the present or in the future), a demonstration of care
for the population (especially for the most vulnerable strata), that is, it
combines the archetypes of Creator, Warrior and Father (Sherman, 2013).
Indeed, the comprehensive coverage of the archetypes of the image
behavior of the political leader in the presidential electoral process
constitutes a positive result, although still the presence of the dominant
political prototype remains unchanged. At the same time, the positive
result embodies the formation of the image of the political leader of the
presidential election campaign not only in the positive perception of such
an image in the minds of electoral groups of the society of a particular state,
but also the construction of negative qualitative characteristics, which also
lead to the expected desired result - approval in society.
A vivid example of the latter is the strategy of forming the image of D.
Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States. Taking
as an example only certain fragments of D. Trump’s behavior (Litvin, 2018),
namely his irritating calls to China in Taiwan; the invitation to the president
of the Philippines, who allowed without trial to shoot drug dealers in the
street, we can say about his rather ambiguous behavior, which on the one
hand surprised the public, on the other hand caused a certain part of it to
be delighted, because no presidential candidate could aord it before, that
is, he is not like everyone else.
Donald Trump’s rhetoric, like his behavior, has surprised and continues
to surprise not only American society but also the world community. His
statements tended to reinforce the archetypal image. To take some of
them as an example: “Anyone who thinks my time has passed is tragically
mistaken”; “The only dierence between me and the other candidates is
that I am more honest, and my women are prettier”; “Some people think
my ngers are short. But my ngers are as long and beautiful as other parts
of my body. And it’s thoroughly documented”; “My motto: hire the best
and don’t trust them with anything”; “If Hillary Clinton couldn’t satisfy her
husband, how can she satisfy America?” So, D. Trump from the beginning
positioned himself as an ambiguous politician who did not consider the
norms of behavior and broke stereotypes. It was thanks to his rather harsh
statements, unpredictable behavior, headlong reactions that he quickly
managed to attract public attention to himself.
The media actively picked up and spread all the information about him,
because this contributed to their popularity. In this case, the dividends were
reciprocal and calculated: Donald Trump constantly attracted the attention
of the public, the PQM continued to focus on his actions, attracting it to
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Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
himself again. This strategy of shaping the image of a political leader during
a presidential election campaign is not a novelty, because throughout their
political career such politicians as V. Zhirinovsky in the Russian Federation,
as well as O. Liashko in the Republic of Ukraine took this type of political
leader, who personies the psychological model of the “Archaic Trickster”,
as a behavior model.
One of the disadvantages of such an archetypal pattern is that it is not
always possible to perceive it rationally in the public consciousness, because
there is a question of “good” or “bad” of such forms of political activity in
the context of the presidential election campaign. The misunderstanding
of such expression is also seen by combining “surprise,” “disgust,” and
simultaneously “capture,” which was fundamental in the North American
consciousness in the context of the 2016 presidential election race. A
parallel reection of the Trickster archetype was evident throughout the
entire performance of Studio 95 Kvartal with V. Zelensky in the Republic
of Ukraine.
Although such activity was long before the presidential elections of 2019
in Ukraine, but co-opted the corresponding system of the model behavior
of the “prototype”, which formed the basis of the strategy of the image
formation of the political leader, in particular through the statement in the
direction of mockery or inappropriate mentioning in supposedly comedy
performances the problems of genocide against the Ukrainian people
Holodomor, mocking the unsatisfactory work of public authorities, which
necessarily suppressed the authority of branches of state power in the
The specied consequences of the negative characteristics, which in
no way can be compared with the values of the Ukrainian society and its
consciousness, led to the positive result of building the image of V. Zelensky
in the context of the presidential election campaign of 2019 in Ukraine. The
trending archetype that became the basis for the formation of H. Clinton’s
image was the Persona archetype. At the same time the archetype of the
mother is observed.
Later model transformations begin to be implemented and the archetype
of the modern businesswoman of the Statesman emerges. M. Spillane
(Korniienko et al., 2018) describes the transformation of H. Clinton’s
Habitat image as follows: “The transformation of N. Major from a pretty
but simply dressed woman into a rather elegant lady was widely covered
and commented on. America’s rst lady, H. Clinton, had to largely change
her appearance during the 1992 presidential election campaign because the
woman’s severe appearance cost her husband many votes.
Glasses were replaced by contact lenses, her hair was dyed gold, and
her closet of shapeless suits was replaced by attractive clothes. H. Clinton’s
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
image has been constructed in a traditional pattern (Litvin, 2018) with
the public’s expectations in mind. But, in most cases, her behavior, public
appearances, statements were a reaction to the rhetorical attacks, actions
of D. Trump, which prevented her from positioning herself organically.
The Persona archetype exists as a contrast to the Shadow archetype and
represents an idealized image for all moral values and social expectations.
Persona is what our self-shows society, can have many masks, and reect
them in dierent situations and dierent social classes, categories of society,
dierent from each other (Shkvorchenko et al., 2021).
However, Persona aspires to the formation of a positive character, the
personality of a political leader during the presidential election campaign.
Given the 2016 presidential election process in the United States, there
are some incomprehensible contradictions in the strategies of building the
political image of the leader of the presidential race.
If the negative features of D. Trump’s political image manifested
themselves in the sympathy of the electoral eld, the negative characteristics
of H. Clinton’s personality showed a dierent result. Recall that during
live broadcasts H. Clinton sometimes had brief epileptic seizures, which
prevented her from carrying out verbal communication.
At that time open aggressive statements of D. Trump, which, in turn, also
prevented the implementation of verbal communication, not only in terms
of the level of development of culture of the politician, which emphasizes
exactly the study of the concept of archetypes, but also in a direct sense,
such as the same delay in speech, had the opposite eect.
Another identical example of the above-mentioned political leaders in
the context of the 2016 presidential election campaign in the United States
is the use of the negative fact of B. Clinton’s intimate relations with M.
Lewinsky, which was one of the procedural grounds for the resignation of
the US President, and the presentation of the same negative fact. regarding
D. Trump, who committed inappropriate actions of sexual nature towards
persons of the opposite sex.
As we can see, the essentially identical archetypal psychological
patterns of behavior of political leaders nd radically opposite reection
in the sympathy of the electoral consciousness of the society. This can be
explained by other personied features of the image of a political leader,
in particular, given the fact that D. Trump won the presidential election
campaign, we can identify positive corollary factors in the formation of the
image of a political leader: physical health; gender identity; social status;
ethnicity; property status; international relations.
Psychological science claims that the presence and perception of an
archetype exists in every person regardless of any attributes, including race,
language, nationality, social status, property status, article, health status
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
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and other attributes that identify this or that individual person - a person.
Let us consider in more detail the factors we have highlighted for shaping
the image of a political leader in the context of the 2016 presidential election
campaign in the United States.
Therefore, the state of physical health could inuence the political choice
of an American citizen, as the above-mentioned negative characteristics of
the verbal communication of the two political leaders D. Trump and H.
Clinton showed that the more stable in terms of physical health D. Trump
has more advantages. Secondly, in our opinion, gender also played a role,
because the presence of extraneous sexual relations in marital life (adultery
of one of the spouses) or the presence of a generally negative experience of
intimate relations in women and men also lead to the opposite results.
There is also a social factor here - whether the political leader has a
registered marriage or not. Thirdly, the “white British” became a symbol
of the Anglo-American political elite, which has formed a certain demand
in societies for strategies to form the image of a political leader. In the
fourth, not the last place in the creation of D. Trump’s political image
was his main previous professional, economic activity which brought the
former US president a worldwide success and billion-dollar fortune. In the
end, a huge amount of factual data on the connection of D. Trump with
the state authorities of the Russian Federation, in the information and
communication space, showed an eective vector of positive sympathy in
the public consciousness of the American people.
Moreover, the highlighting of the mentioned factors of the formation
of the image of the political leader in the person of D. Trump during the
presidential race in the USA proved that their rethinking and established
strategies for the development of the behavioral model of the new political
image in the person of J. Biden, one time at TV debates stated that Biden is
a “puppet of Putin” (LB, 2020).
Thus, the opposing psychological features of the pattern of behavior
in the formation of the image of the political leader in the context of
the presidential election campaign constitute ambiguous vectors in the
professional activity of image-making because they lead to the opposite
result, although the bases of formation of the nal electoral sympathy are
the same in essence.
The following should reveal the political slogans and directions of
program promises of image-making of D. Trump and H. Clinton. As a
major employer (Arabadzhy, 2016), Trump emphasizes the need to return
economic opportunities to the U.S., to do this it is necessary to create new
industries, to attract new workers. D. Trump accused President B. Obama
of cutting the coal industry and promised to repeal what he said were
“outrageous rules and regulations.” Trump proposes eliminating taxes on
corporations, signicant corporate tax cuts, and government budget cuts.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
On health care, Trump proposes a ban on abortions at a certain stage of
pregnancy, except in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, incest, or when
the woman’s life is in danger. This idea is not new, particularly for Catholic
countries, and some innovations are in Clinton’s program: the legalization
of marijuana for medical purposes and same-sex marriage. Hillary Clinton
proposes (Arabadzhy, 2016) raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour,
tax breaks for working families, and increasing women’s participation in
the workforce. To improve the lives of the middle class, Clinton intends
to ensure wage equality for women and men, implement comprehensive
immigration reform (including legalization for some illegal immigrants),
impose stricter gun control, and increase spending on infrastructure.
So, the political leaders chose in the formation of their image-making
all directions of state regulation of social relations, the intertwining of
conservative and liberal directions of political activity in the strategies of
the formation of the image of D. Trump and H. Clinton is clearly traced.
However, it should be noted that conservative sentiments prevailed to a
greater extent in the model of behavior of D. Trump, while H. Clinton chose
a neoliberal pattern of political image.
Based on the results of our study, it can be argued that the views of
scholars coincide on the importance of shaping the image of a political leader
in the context of the presidential election campaign. We unequivocally
agree that a certain archetype plays a key factor in the construction of a
political leader’s image.
At the same time, we would like to draw attention to the fact that,
in contrast to the established concept of psychological availability of the
perception of an archetype by a specic person, regardless of gender, race,
language, ethnicity, social and property status and other characteristics,
can still inuence the formation of specic specied identities in the public
consciousness demanded image of a political leader the destruction of
stereotypes is one of the successful practices of image-making of a political
leader in the presidential election campaign Myth is another element of the
image formation strategy during the presidential election campaigns.
A signicant role for image-making is played by sociological research on
the assessment of the development of society and its consciousness, which
dictates the conditions of demand for political activity. A disadvantage in
professional image-making of a political leader, in our opinion, is the short-
term model of behavior of the subject of political activity, which manifests
itself in the abuse of the use of the demand by society or a certain social
group with a low level of political and legal culture and consciousness.
The study of the strategies of forming the image of a political leader in
the context of the presidential election campaign serves as a new approach
in the study of the problems of imageology political imageology, can be
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Human rights during the mass introduction of articial intelligence and robotic systems into
public life
applied in the educational process in teaching special courses of image
making of subjects of political activity.
The results of our research can become projects of future political
technology projects in the process of forming the political image of the
future president of the state. The prospects for further research can be
empirical studies on the understanding by groups of people of the political
and legal denitions that determine the level of formation of society, the
electoral eld, and the ideal image of the political leader of the presidential
election campaign.
The human subconscious reects the social essence of the electoral
eld in society. The main purpose of the formation of the political leader’s
image strategies in the context of the presidential election campaign is
to inuence this human subconscious or consciousness of the public as a
whole and cause positive emotions, which would characterize the sympathy
to the candidate for president of the state.
The political image today is seen as a professionally formed image based
on the psychological archetypes of the individual activity of the personality
of the political leader. Image-makers make their best eorts for a varied
combination of patterns of behavior of political gures in the election race,
depending on the public demand of the electorate, social tension, and the
immediate preferences of the human consciousness. Because the image of a
political leader in the context of a presidential election campaign is formed
on the basis of a social request, very often voters become deceived after
winning the election, because they do not receive the expected results that
were present in the formation of the image of a political leader.
Thus, the myth of politics is created by image-makers as a substitution
of real being for the meanings that voters want to see, hear, or receive.
Archetypes as psychological features, which are laid down in the basis
of every person’s existence, help in the formation of the political leader’s
image strategy in the context of the presidential election campaign to
create one of the classic theatrical roles demanded in society: “Savior of
the Motherland”, “Father of the Nation”, “Magic Leader”. When developing
strategies for modeling the image of a political leader in the context of a
presidential election campaign, it is important to consider the role of mass
communications in the process of “promotion” of the subject of political
If a political leader is engaged in a comprehensive political activity,
attends various events, directs his work to support public organizations or
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
leads economic, regional projects, but it is not covered in the media, such
activity will be mostly indirect and will not have much inuence. on the
formation of a political image among the social strata of society. With the
help of the media: TV channels, the Internet, periodicals, etc., it is possible
to exert a great inuence on the human consciousness.
On the other hand, political communication is well known for the
process of preparing invalid political coloring material, which in many
cases is not appreciated at the proper level by the consumer of the political-
media product. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that social groups
of the electorate with a high degree of self-awareness, consciousness,
especially political and legal culture and consciousness, highly educated
groups of individuals with an expanded view of social and political events,
phenomena and gures can become aloof from the entire political process.
The specied presence is one of the problems of the Ukrainian society
as citizens of Ukraine who consider imperfect construction of an image of
the political leader during presidential pre-election campaign or, as it was
already specied above, mythologization of the political gure, become
passive in consumption of a political and communication product, and this,
in turn, leads to negative consequences for society.
The latter is shown in that political electoral activity is displayed by
those layers of the population which pay less attention to ra Such social
groups of society are extremely active, when a political leader during his/
her presidential pre-election campaign opposes to the incumbent president
rational and reasonably justied reproaches in his public and political
activity during his/her presidency.
Consequently, the image of a political leader in the context of a
presidential political campaign is necessarily an important element of the
political activity of this subject, the positive result of which depends on
several factors, on the level of political and legal consciousness, culture,
public education, as well as the level of professionalism of image-makers
and the moral qualities of the political technologists themselves.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72