Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 608-629
image has been constructed in a traditional pattern (Litvin, 2018) with
the public’s expectations in mind. But, in most cases, her behavior, public
appearances, statements were a reaction to the rhetorical attacks, actions
of D. Trump, which prevented her from positioning herself organically.
The Persona archetype exists as a contrast to the Shadow archetype and
represents an idealized image for all moral values and social expectations.
Persona is what our self-shows society, can have many masks, and reect
them in dierent situations and dierent social classes, categories of society,
dierent from each other (Shkvorchenko et al., 2021).
However, Persona aspires to the formation of a positive character, the
personality of a political leader during the presidential election campaign.
Given the 2016 presidential election process in the United States, there
are some incomprehensible contradictions in the strategies of building the
political image of the leader of the presidential race.
If the negative features of D. Trump’s political image manifested
themselves in the sympathy of the electoral eld, the negative characteristics
of H. Clinton’s personality showed a dierent result. Recall that during
live broadcasts H. Clinton sometimes had brief epileptic seizures, which
prevented her from carrying out verbal communication.
At that time open aggressive statements of D. Trump, which, in turn, also
prevented the implementation of verbal communication, not only in terms
of the level of development of culture of the politician, which emphasizes
exactly the study of the concept of archetypes, but also in a direct sense,
such as the same delay in speech, had the opposite eect.
Another identical example of the above-mentioned political leaders in
the context of the 2016 presidential election campaign in the United States
is the use of the negative fact of B. Clinton’s intimate relations with M.
Lewinsky, which was one of the procedural grounds for the resignation of
the US President, and the presentation of the same negative fact. regarding
D. Trump, who committed inappropriate actions of sexual nature towards
persons of the opposite sex.
As we can see, the essentially identical archetypal psychological
patterns of behavior of political leaders nd radically opposite reection
in the sympathy of the electoral consciousness of the society. This can be
explained by other personied features of the image of a political leader,
in particular, given the fact that D. Trump won the presidential election
campaign, we can identify positive corollary factors in the formation of the
image of a political leader: physical health; gender identity; social status;
ethnicity; property status; international relations.
Psychological science claims that the presence and perception of an
archetype exists in every person regardless of any attributes, including race,
language, nationality, social status, property status, article, health status