Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 23/09/2021 Aceptado el 28/12/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 71 (2021), 582-590
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
The ratio of electronic and public
services: legal aspect
Andrii Manzhula *
Olena Okopnyk **
Anastasiia Lashkun ***
Victor Yurchenko ****
Kateryna Rudoi *****
The purpose of the research. The scientic article is devoted
to the coverage of the category of electronic and public
services. Main content. The categories “administrative service”,
“public service” and “municipal service” are compared. The main
approaches to the denition of the concept of electronic services
by public administration authorities and the identication of the
characteristics of the above concept are considered. Methodology:
Consideration of materials and methods based on the analysis of
documentary materials for the provision of electronic and public services
in Ukraine. Conclusions. Electronic services are a type of public service and
are related as a private to the whole, that is, despite the common features of
the above services, public services have a large scope of implementation by
the population in public administration.
Keywords: public service; administrative service; government service;
municipal service; electronic service
* Doctor of Laws, professor, Professor of the Department of Law and Law Enforcement Activities
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
** Doctor of Law, Docent, Associate Professor of Law and Law Enforcement Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
*** Head of the Department for Support of Judicial Cases of the Eastern Interregional Department of
the State Tax Service for Work with Large Taxpayers, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** Secretary of the Commercial Court of Dnipropetrovsk region, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
***** Doctor of legal sciences, Docent, Professor of the Chair of the Administrative Law and Administrative
Procedure of the Odesa State of Internal Aairs, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 582-590
La relación de servicios electrónicos y públicos:
aspecto legal
El contenido principal del artículo está dedicado al estudio de la
categoría de servicios públicos y electrónicos. En este contexto, se comparan
las categorías «servicio administrativo», «servicio público» y «servicio
municipal», del mismo modo se consideran los principales enfoques para la
denición del concepto de servicios electrónicos por parte de las autoridades
de la administración pública y se avanza, además, en la identicación de
las características de este concepto. Para lograr los objetivos trazados se
hizo uso de la metodología documental. Los resultados obtenidos permiten
concluir que los servicios electrónicos son un tipo de servicio público y,
al mismo tiempo, se relacionan con la dimensión de lo privado, es decir,
a pesar de las características comunes de los servicios en general, los
servicios públicos tienen un amplio alcance de implementación por parte
de la población en la administración pública.
Palabras clave: servicio público; servicio administrativo; servicio
gubernamental; servicio municipal; servicio electrónico.
The European choice of Ukraine means, in particular, the active
introduction of electronic services in the activities of public administration,
without which entrepreneurial, scientic and public activities, other forms
of public activity of citizens, international relations, etc., cannot develop
Human, his rights and freedoms in Ukraine are recognized as the main
value, and the main task of the executive authorities is dened exactly
as providing quality services to citizens. The provision of administrative
(management) services to the population by executive authorities, including
bodies of internal aairs is a priority area of their activities, as it should be
required to rethink the role and purpose of the state in society and a radical
change in relations between the government and citizens, namely from
purely administrative to servicing, in which, as correctly, in our opinion,
V.P. Tymoshchuk and A.V. Kirmach note, “citizens are not applicants,
but consumers of administrative services” (Tymoschuk, 2005). Thus, one
of the directions of democratization of activity of internal aairs bodies
is their wider provision of so-called administrative electronic services to
individuals and legal entities
Andrii Manzhula, Olena Okopnyk, Anastasiia Lashkun, Victor Yurchenko y Kateryna Rudoi
The ratio of electronic and public services: legal aspect
1. Literature review
In Ukraine, when using the category of “services”, the main emphasis is
on legal aspects, and in particular, on the administrative procedure for their
provision. This can be explained by the fact that the main ideologists of the
introduction of the theory of services in Ukraine are, rst of all, representatives
of the science of administrative law. Since the main opponents of this theory
are also representatives of legal science, who question the very possibility
of using the category of “services” on the activities of public authorities and
local self-government (Garashchuk, 2001), this has led to especially lively
discussions on this issue in jurisprudence.
In English, the term “public services” is used to denote the category
of public services. But due to the peculiarities of the translation, just
as the term “public administration” is mistakenly translated as “public
administration”, instead of the term “public services”, the term “public
services” has rst caught on in Ukraine. In the Concept of Administrative
Reform in Ukraine, the terms “public services” and “management services”
are used in parallel. At the same time, there is no special border between
them. Recently, the term “administrative services” has become the most
used, since it is rightly considered that the category of “management
services” has already its load in economic science. The denition of
“administrative” is more apt because it indicates the entity that provides
such services - the administration, administrative bodies. In addition, the
adjective “administrative” characterizes the power-public (administrative)
nature of the activity for the provision of these services (Tymoschuk, 2003).
2. Materials and Method
Research of materials and methods based on the analysis of documentary
sources and regulatory legal acts for the provision of electronic and public
services. The dialectical method of cognition of the facts of social reality is the
basis on which the formal and legal and, rather, legal approaches are largely
based. The formal dogmatic method contributed to the development of the
author’s explanation of the current state, problems, issues and the practical
role of legal technologies for the further development and improvement of
the provision of electronic and public services. The formal and legal method
made it possible to propose directions and types of use of legal technologies
as prospects for the provision of electronic and public services.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 582-590
3. Results and discussion
Public services are all services provided by the public sector or other
entities, the responsibility of the public authorities and at the expense of
public funds.
According to the characteristics of the entity providing public services,
the following types of services are distinguished:
Government services are services provided by public authorities and
public enterprises, institutions and organizations. Public services also
include services that are provided by non-governmental organizations in
the exercise of delegated powers. In this case, the rst place for determining
the nature of the service is not the direct entity of its provision, but the
entity that is responsible for the provision of this service, and the source of
funding for the provision of this type of service, i.e. the type of budget.
Thus, the term “government” is quite common, but it does not dene the
specics of the institution, being considered.
Municipal services are services provided by local governments, public
utilities, institutions, and organizations. The term “municipal” is also not
fully dened, since it does not take into account one of the main actors in
the provision of relevant services (Kolomoyets, 2002).
Government and municipal services together constitute the scope of
administrative (public) services.
The Concept of Administrative Reform in Ukraine proposes such a new
function of the executive power as the provision of “management services”,
and “management services” are dened as “services on the part of executive
authorities, which are a necessary condition for realization of rights and
freedoms of citizens, in particular, registration, licensing, certication, etc.
To date, this issue has revealed somewhat opposite approaches, and
scientists have not yet developed a generally accepted interpretation of the
concept of “management services”.
Thus, V. Averyanov, conrming the legitimacy and terminological
denition of the concept of “services” on the part of the executive authorities,
draws attention to a certain inappropriateness of the characterization
of these services as “management”. But he focuses attention not on the
“power-organizational” aspect of the relevant actions (since “management”
is a power-organizational inuence), but on the fact that they are carried out
by public (government and self-governing) administration bodies. That is,
the most appropriate term is “administrative services (Averyanov, 2003).
Andrii Manzhula, Olena Okopnyk, Anastasiia Lashkun, Victor Yurchenko y Kateryna Rudoi
The ratio of electronic and public services: legal aspect
The scientist proposes an explanation that the specied terminological
replacement is based on the recognition of the obvious fact that state power
is the implementation of not only the powers that bind a citizen, but also the
fulllment of certain responsibilities of the state to the citizen, for the state
of which (performance) it is fully responsible to him. The number of such
responsibilities is the main feature of a true democratic state (Averyanov,
In particular, I. Koliushko and V. Tymoshchuk consider it expedient to
use the denition of “administrative services”, drawing attention to the fact
that the so-called “broad” understanding of the concept of management
services is actually identical to the concept of “public services”, which
actually also covers services for the provision of which state authorities and
local governments are indirectly responsible, although directly providing
them (for example, medical care) (Tymoschuk, 2003).
The introduction of the concept of “administrative services” signicantly
aects the rethinking of the content of the subject of administrative law
and gives grounds to dene this category through the appropriate legal
Pisarenko G.M. notes that an administrative service is a legal relationship
arising from the implementation of the subjective rights of an individual or
legal entity (at their request) in the process of publicly power activities of an
administrative body to obtain a certain result (Pisapenko, 2006).
Such well-known scientists as V. K. Kolpakov, A. V. Kuzmenko, Y. V.
Ischenko, V. P. Chaban give in a broad and narrow concept of administrative
services, namely:
Administrative service - 1) legal registration by a subject of public
administration of the results of the consideration of a case that arose at the
request of a physical, legal or other collective person for the exercise of their
rights, freedoms, legitimate interests; 2) the result of the exercise of power by the
authorized entity, in accordance with the law, ensures the legal formalization of
the conditions for the exercise of rights, freedoms and legal interests by individuals
and legal entities upon their application (issuance of permits (licenses), references,
certicates, registration, etc.) (Kolpakov, 2010, р. 14).
In the report prepared by the Main State Service in Ukraine on its ocial
website, the following meaning of the category “administrative service” is
given, this is the activity of the administrative body carried out at the request
of a private (natural or legal) person and its result on the legal registration of
the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of an individual (for example,
issuance of permits, licenses, references, certicates, registration, etc.), as
well as the performance of duties.
Let us consider the coverage of the category of administrative services in
the legal sources of Ukraine.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 582-590
According to the Concept for the development of the system for the
provision of administrative services by the executive authorities, approved
by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 15.02.2006
No. 90-p, an administrative service is a result of the exercise of powers by
an authorized entity, in accordance with the law, provides legal registration
of the conditions for the exercise of rights by individuals and legal entities,
freedoms and legitimate interests upon their application (issuance of
permits (licenses), references, certications, registration etc.) (Law of
Ukraine, 2006).
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
dated 17.07.09 No. 737 “On measures to streamline government, including
administrative services”, an administrative service is a government service,
which is the result of the implementation of powers by the entity to adopt,
in accordance with the regulatory and legal acts on the application of an
individual or legal entity an administrative act aimed at the implementation
and protection of its rights and legitimate interests and/or for the
performance by a person of obligations determined by law (obtaining a
permit (license), certicate, reference and other documents, registration,
etc.) (Law of Ukraine, 2009).
The draft of the Concept of reforming public administration in Ukraine
denes an administrative service as aimed at providing (legal registration)
conditions for the realization of subjective rights, fulllment of duties of an
individual or legal entity, a “positive” public service activity of administration
body, is carried out at the request of this person (Leheza et al., 2021).
Indicative of the imperfection of modern rule-making activity is the
Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Services” dated 06.09.2012 No. 5203-
VI, in which the denition of administrative services is given then in the
preamble, namely: “administrative service is a result of the exercise of
powers by the subject of providing administrative services at the request
of an individual or legal entity, aimed at the establishment, change or
termination of the rights and/or obligations of such person in accordance
with the law” (Law of Ukraine, 2012). In our opinion, in accordance with
the rules of lawmaking practice, in the preamble it is necessary to note not
the denition of concepts, but the coverage of the main content of the law
(Leheza et al., 2018).
Agreeing with the scientist Leheza E.A., who understands under an
administrative service - the activities of public administration bodies that
are regulated by legal acts to consider an application of an individual or
legal entity for the issuance of an administrative act (permission (license),
reference, certicate, etc.) aimed at ensuring its rights and legitimate
interests and/or fulllment by a person of certain legal obligations (Leheza
et al., 2021).
Andrii Manzhula, Olena Okopnyk, Anastasiia Lashkun, Victor Yurchenko y Kateryna Rudoi
The ratio of electronic and public services: legal aspect
Having considered those provided by the executive authorities in
Ukraine, we will give the author’s denition of the concept of “electronic
Unfortunately, there is no denition of the term “electronic services” in
the current legislative regulations of our state, so let’s turn to the study of
the views of scientists on this subject (Leheza et al., 2020).
“Electronic services are various types of tangible and intangible services
in electronic form using information and communication technologies
(hereinafter - ICT), including the Internet” (Vyshnyakova, 2007). Or,
electronic services are understood as government and municipal services,
as well as information services, for the provision of which ICTs are used
(Zagaetska, 2010).
Or, electronic services are understood as state and municipal services,
as well as information services, for the provision of which ICT is used
(Zagaetska, 2010).
According to the scientist Kusplyak I.S., it is more appropriate to use the
term “electronic services”, that is, in digital form, associated with the use of
document management (Kusplyak, 2012).
Electronic services are services provided using the “Electronic
Government” system due to the fact that “one of the priority tasks for the
development of the information society is the provision of information
and other services to citizens and legal entities through the electronic
information system “Electronic Government”, which provides information
interaction of executive authorities with each other, with citizens and legal
entities on the basis of modern information technologies ”(Law of Ukraine,
Thus, according to Tishchenkova I.A. an electronic service means the
activity of public administration bodies regulated by legal acts using modern
information communication technologies for considering an application of
an individual or legal entity for the issuance of an administrative act (permit
(license), reference, certicate, etc.) aimed at ensuring his rights and
legitimate interests and/or for the performance by a person of obligations
specied by law. (Tishchenkova, 2015).
Thus, electronic services are a type of public service and are related as
a private to the whole, that is, despite the common features of the above
services, public services have a large scope of implementation by the
population in public administration.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 582-590
The denition of public services is proposed as the activity of public
administration bodies regulated by public law to satisfy public interest in
considering an application of an individual or legal entity for the issuance
of an administrative act (decisions, permission, license, reference, act,
certicate, etc.) aimed at ensuring his rights and legitimate interests and/
or in order to fulll the obligations determined by law by a person through
funding from public funds.
The expediency of systemic consideration of services with the allocation
of elements in the system of public services, which represent direct types
of public services (administrative, municipal, social, government, housing,
and utilities, etc.), the links between them (vertical - between dierent types
of public services) has been substantiated.; horizontal - within one type of
public services) and the subjects that provide public services.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72