Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 09/09/2021 Aceptado el 21/12/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 558-572
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Interaction of the digital person and
society in the context of the
philosophy of politics
Oksana Buhaychuk *
Vitalina Nikitenko **
Valentyna Voronkova ***
Regina Andriukaitiene ****
Myroslava Malysh *****
Through the method of metaphysics typical of philosophy, the
objective of the study is to conceptualize the political dimension
of the interaction of digital man and society in the context of
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The modeling method helps
to create a model of interaction between the digital person and
the digital society as a way of managing objectives to adapt
people to increasing conditions of complexity and uncertainty, to provide
a comprehensive analysis. As society becomes more complex, the model
must become a exible digital society. It is concluded that the analysis
of variables and the determination of the optimal set of components of
the digitalization of society play an important role: political, economic,
administrative, social, and spiritual. Therefore, it is necessary to determine
the optimal model that will achieve a balance between human nature, man,
and society. As a result of the analysis carried out, modern theoretical
approaches to the interaction of the digital person and a digital society in
the context of the philosophy of politics are also investigated.
Keywords: philosophy of politics; metaphysics; digital man; digital
society; fourth industrial revolution.
* Engineering Educational and Scientic Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
** Engineering Educational and Scientic Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
*** Engineering Educational and Scientic Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
**** Lithuania Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania. ORCID ID:
***** Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
Interacción persona digital y sociedad en el contexto
de la losofía política
A través del metodo de la metasica propio de la losoa, el objetivo
del estudio es conceptualizar la dimensión política de la interacción
del hombre digital y la sociedad en el contexto de la Cuarta Revolución
Industrial. el método de modelado ayuda a crear un modelo de interacción
entre la persona digital y la sociedad digital como una forma de gestionar
los objetivos para adaptar a las personas a crecientes condiciones de
complejidad e incertidumbre, con el n de proporcionar un análisis
integral. A medida que la sociedad se vuelve más compleja, el modelo debe
convertirse en uno de sociedad digital exible. Se concluye que, el análisis
de variables y la determinación del conjunto óptimo de componentes de
la digitalización de la sociedad desempeñan un papel importante: político,
económico, administrativo, social y espiritual. Por lo tanto, es necesario
determinar el modelo óptimo que logrará un equilibrio entre la naturaleza
humana, el hombre y la sociedad. Como resultado del análisis realizado,
se investigan ademas los enfoques teóricos modernos de la interacción de
la persona digital y una sociedad digital en el contexto de la losofía de la
Palabras clave: losofía de la política; metafísica; hombre digital;
sociedad digital; cuarta revolución industrial.
The relevance of the research topic is that the Fourth Industrial
Revolution forms new human values associated with digitalization, based
on a new attitude of man to his life in the digital society, which requires
rethinking views on the metaphysical principles of interaction between
digital man and digital society in the Fourth industrial revolution and its
signicance for its individual dimensions. The Fourth Industrial Revolution
opens the Fourth Age in human history, where everyone is connected to each
other online and involved with each other, so anthropological dimensions
are fundamental.
For the rst time in history, people need to learn about the digital
society, which brings about an explosive growth of innovation and opens
up unprecedented opportunities for people, and gives everyone the
opportunity to become a subject. Already in the digital society, mobile
phones are owned by 7.5 billion people in real time, and universal Internet
access and technology transparency are breaking down barriers to global
reach (Skinner, 2020).
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
In the digital society, a huge role is played by breakthrough technologies
that shape this type of society, which requires the formation of new human
interaction with the machine, which is accompanied by new technologies -
3D printing and 3D production, robotics, blockchain and bitcoin, articial
intelligence and work for « white-collar workers «, unmanned vehicles,» big
data «for decision-making,» smart cities «, a connected home, the Internet
of Things and for things, implanted technologies, neurotechnologies. In
this regard, it can be noted that this scientic direction of anthropological
measurements of the interaction of digital man and digital society during
the Fourth Industrial Revolution is just being formed and is new not only
for Ukraine but also for other countries, as civilization becomes clear as
global socio-cultural «quantum», which is based on a specic picture of its
existence for this civilization and which is alien to others (Punchenko and
Punchenko, 2019: 95).
Many problems of digital civilization have not yet found their theoretical
basis in the philosophical literature, as at present At present, there are no
similar studies that would carry out a comprehensive theoretical analysis
of this extremely relevant topic, which is developing before our eyes.
Therefore, the scientic problem of this study is the metaphysical basis
of interaction between digital man and digital society, as technology
benets everyone and turns our ideas about traditional human existence in
industrial society has the opportunity not only to look into the past and look
at it in the light of future trends, collects scattered information from the
past, present and future, but also focuses on understanding the new digital
world, because digitalization has ooded the world and life, both social and
individual determined by algorithms, bits, big data, which contribute to the
reformatting of the physical world into information (Nikitenko, 2019).
Today, the problem of human existence and survival in the digital world
is extremely pressing, so it is time to rethink the metaphysical dimensions
of the digital society to understand the digital transformation brought
about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and realize that for the rst time
in history we are all connected. in real time. Unfortunately, it is ocially
believed that every American lives in poverty. In 2015, there were 43 million
of them, while in the UK, one in ve people is considered poor. Almost half
of the world’s population lives in poverty, ie more than 3 billion survive on
$ 2.5 a day. Every third of them is in dire need: 1.3 billion survive on an
amount of less than $ 1.25. per day (Skinner, 2020: 9).
These sad anthropological problems show that new technologies play
a crucial role in solving these problems. Of course, poverty will always
be, but today poverty is mainly generated by the established system. The
combination of insecurity and technological backwardness prevents millions
of people from recovering from the webs of poverty. Now the situation in the
digital society is changing: thanks to the usual, fully aordable smartphone,
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
everyone can aord to communicate with the world in real time. Mobile
phones have made a real revolution. They have become the driving force
behind traditional organizations becoming digital, with innovative models
of work adopted by new digital leaders, creating new values for the Internet
as a «second machine age» (Maka and Brinolfsson, 2019: 336).
The relevance of the study is that the beginning of the XXI century was
marked by profound and systemic changes that aect all spheres of society
and serve as the driving forces that generate new megatrends of the digital
society. The changes are caused by radical technological fractures and
their social impact on humans. Of particular importance are metaphysical
dimensions of mutualthe attitudes of the digital man and the digital society
during the Fourth Industrial Revolution as factors of the existential and
professional development of the individual in the digital society, for which
it is necessary to nd creative answers to solve the fundamental problems
of today.
To ensure the most important component for the anthropological survival
of man in the context of digitalization should be formed mechanisms for the
introduction of the existence of the digital society and the conditions for the
formation and realization of the creative potential of the digital personality
as a guarantee of economic growth.
The concept of the economy of sustainable digital development today is the
most powerful and important, as it can lead the country out of the crisis on the
path of sustainable digital development and develop strategies and priorities for
future digital development covering large digital industries (Nikitenko et al., 2019:
2. Materials and Methods
The methodological basis of the study of metaphysical dimensions of
the interaction of digital man and digital society is determined by a set
of philosophical, special and general scientic methods, among which we
distinguish axiological, institutional, structural-functional, synergetic,
systemic, historical-comparative, logical-historical, which helped to
penetrate phenomena and processes of digitization.
Metaphysical dimensions of the interaction of digital man and digital
society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution require the use of such
methods as anthropological, axiological, substantial, ontological, which
together make it possible to approach man as an absolute value, overcoming
unemployment in the digital age, which negatively aected per person
(Maxton and Randers, 2017).
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
At the beginning of our study, the descriptive level prevailed, in the
context of which the descriptive characterization of phenomena was carried
out, facts were collected, their initial generalization, systematization, for
which such methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were
used to reveal empirical relations and regular connections between
separate phenomena. At the theoretical level, the development of concepts,
judgments, inferences, already created systems of knowledge, which
revealed the general connections and patterns, formulated laws in their
systemic unity and integrity.
Approaches and methodologies of both levels, ie empirical and
theoretical, mutually conditioned each other. So, for example, thanks to
a system method interaction of the digital person and a digital society as
dicult system is presented; structural-functional method allowed to
identify the functions of the analyzed phenomena of digital man and digital
society; the synergetic approach made it possible to show their nonlinearity;
axiological approach - to identify the values of the digital society and the
digital person; socio-cultural approach - to consider values in a broad
civilizational context. Note that we tried to adapt these approaches and
methods to the needs of the study - anthropological measurements to show
the complexity of the topic.
We presented the concept of digital society, which is implemented in
practice through the introduction of digital resources and their management,
which allowed to analyze the information approach. As a result of using
these approaches, the metaphysical model of interaction between digital
people and digital society is implemented in practice as a tool for digital
(algorithmic) culture, creative thinking, cognitive reection, new ideas and
non-standard approaches to support and make creative decisions in digital
The methodology of research of metaphysical bases of interaction of
digital person and digital society includes the method of modeling which
helped to create model of interaction of digital person and digital society
as a way of management of the purposes of the person, in particular how
to create conditions for adaptation of the person in the conditions of
complexity and uncertainty. analysis.
Through the formation of a model of interaction between the digital
person and the digital society, it is possible to come to systemic logical
conclusions to make the appropriate decisions necessary to form a model
of the digital society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As society
becomes more complex, the model of interaction between the digital person
and the digital society must become a model of exible digital management
of society. An important role is played by the analysis of variables and
determining the optimal set of components of the digital society - economic,
managerial, social, spiritual, overcoming the «limits of growth» (Medouz et
al., 2018: 464).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
As a result, the optimal model of interaction between the digital person
and the digital society was determined, which allows to achieve a balance
between human nature, man and society, man and man, man and machine.
The methodological foundations of the interaction of digital man and
digital society are based on the nonlinear perception of the phenomena of
interaction between digital man and digital society as complex adaptive
systems, the use of digital society technologies, which helps to reveal
Agile methodology as a theoretical basis of innovation component of
digital society. The methodology of complexity as a methodology of self-
organization made it possible to deepen the understanding of the interaction
of digital man and digital society, which requires their self-realization and
self-realization in the innovations of culture, creativity, innovation.
3. Analysis of the Latest Researches and Publications
Analysis of recent research and publications on political and
anthropological measurements of the interaction of digital man and the
digital society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution includes the latest
work on the digital society: Skinner Chris «Digital Man. The fourth is the
revolutions in the history of mankind, which will aect everyone»; McAfee,
Endryu & Brinolfsson, Erik «Machine, platform, crowd»; Navidi, Sandra
«Superkhaby», 2018; O neill, Kate «Big data. Weapons of Mass Destroing».
These works present the digital society as a replacement for the industrial
one, the main dierence between the fourth era and the previous ones is
that time and space begin to «shrink», distances are reduced due to global
communication systems, due to the rapid reduction in technology we we
have almost unlimited data storage and communication capabilities.
While online, you contribute to the networking eect, and the
opportunities grow exponentially, as everyone can now make deals, share
digital assets, communicate and communicate with each other in a peer-to-
peer mode. In the works of Medouz, Donella, Randers, Yorhen & Medouz,
Dennis «Limits of Growth. 30 years later «; Meyson, Paul «Postcapitalism.
Guade to the future» network century is represented by the Fourth in the
history of mankind, which led to a single platform - the Internet and led to
the intellectual development of post-capitalism, in which billions of people
who previously had no access to digital services now work online. In the
work of Ernst and Anders (2019) «Come On! Capitalism, short-sightedness,
inhabited and ruined planets. Report to the Club of Rome «and Hudmen,
Mark Crimes of the Future» It is at this level that new tracks are being built
and channels are being laid for fourth-generation nances. People like
Ilona Mask think of the colonization of Mars and the creation of high-speed
mental transport as real prospects.
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
NASA scientists are launching space probes that allow you to photograph
Pluto, the existence of which was not even thought of 100 years ago. In
the works of Pinker Steven «Prosvitnytstvo sohodni. Arguments in favor
of reason, science and progress», Porter Maykl» Competitive advantage»,
Ridli, Mett «Evolution of Everything» notes that today evolution has taken
place in everything: if a century ago Einstein assumed the existence of
a space-time continuum, not so long ago this idea was conrmed; if for
decades they fantasized about robots, today the digital world demonstrates
similar machines; today we have smart cars, smart homes, smart systems
and digital life.
This is what the author’s articles Valentyna Voronkova, Oleg Punchenko,
Marina Azhazha «Gglobalization and global governance in the fourth
industrial revolution (Industry 4.0)» are talking about; Voronkova,
Valentyna H., Nikitenko, Vitalina A., Teslenko Tatyana V. & Bilohur Vlada
E. «Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital
economy», Voronkova V.G. Metaphysical dimensions of human existence
(human problems at the turn of the millennium. Interesting for our study
are the works of O Rayli Tim, Spens Maykl, in which the role is to form a
creative class and creative-innovative potential for the future.
The secret of the future is that inside a person becomes a bit of a
machine, and machines become a bit human. Robocop is a reality, hydraulic
prostheses According to one of the leading futurists, cyborgs will appear
in the next 35 years, and the anthropological dimensions of the digital
man and the digital society - the possibilities of prolonging life associated
with the use of nanorobots, have become possible. or the preservation of
the individual in the network after physical death - and the world appears
completely dierent.
During the fth era of human machines and the machine will be able
to give birth to a superman, man will live in space, people will forget about
banks, money and wealth and focus on the benets of the planet and
humanity in general. We are impressed by the article by Liydmyla Panova,
Liliya Radchenko, Ernest Gramatskyy, Anatolii Kodynets, Stanislav
Pohrebniak. Digitization in law: international-legal aspect, which denes
the legal regulation of informatization and international information
On the example of international experience (such countries as France,
Germany, Italy, Georgia, Greece, and Great Britain), the mechanisms
of using digitalization in public administration are determined, the legal
regulation of informatization is analyzed. Also, based on the study and
analysis of doctrinal teachings of international information experience, it is
proposed to improve the domestic legal mechanism to ensure the eective
functioning of public relations (Panova et al., 2021: 547).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
4. Purposes and Objectives
The aim of the study is to conceptualize the metaphysical foundations of
the interaction of digital man and digital society during the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. The object of research is the interaction of digital man and
digital society. The subject – political dimensions of the interaction of digital
man and digital society during the Fourthand the impact of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. The research solves the philosophical problem of
human existence in the modern digital context and the realization of man
himself on the basis of value-worldview achievements of philosophy.
Since modern trends of digitalization and informatization are
inevitable, philosophy as a form of consciousness must nd its niche in the
digital world and is designed by means of digitalization to overcome the
contradictions between man and technology, so that man does not dissolve
in the tech world. Philosophy directs the process of understanding the
world to obtain a «holistic picture» and a harmonious combination of man,
nature, technology, which realizes the contradictions between metaphysics
and technology through creativity (Floryda, 2018). Thus, philosophical
knowledge as a worldview, generalizing, transcendent, paradigmatic is
a modern intense dialogue between man and technology, produces a
worldview and thus shapes man. To do this, we need to reveal:
1. To clarify the essence of the philosophical understanding of
metaphysical dimensions of new forms of interaction between
digital man and digital society.
2. To reveal the interaction of man with the machine in the digital
society, which occur as a result of the introduction of new
technologies, which are called «breakthrough».
3. To analyze the formation of algorithmic thinking as a result of the
interaction of digital man and digital society, which is considered
in the form of a methodology of exible approaches and adaptive
thinking. «Neurocracy is the most recent stage of the information
society, as it was said in the 20th century, information is power,
but we did not imagine how far this power would go when having
control of the data» (Sepúlveda et al., 2021: 913).
5. Results
1. The essence of political and philosophical understanding of
metaphysical dimensions of new forms of interaction between digital
man and digital society is based on the fact that the main link of digital
society is man, man’s place in the world and the formation of metaphysical
dimensions of human existence (Voronkova, 2000).
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
In the broadest sense, the digital society is a process of mutual
transformation of man and the world, as a result of which the world acquires
a human dimension (world for man, world with man), and man becomes an
integral part of being (man in the world), man with the world. New forms of
interaction between man and society as a key driver of the digital society are
becoming important because people must survive in information chaos and
nd answers to all problems, including nancial, economic, information, as
the digital world becomes increasingly interconnected with man (Navidi,
Philosophy tries to prevent the assimilation of man with technology,
modern breakthrough technologies and the digital world can not replace
man all the variety of living human religious, ethical and mental feelings
and experiences. In the digital society, new processes appear on the agenda,
expressed in such categories as data collection, access, dissemination,
information, ows, which are combined into a single superorganism.
New forms of human-machine interaction generate new forms of human-
machine relationships in the direction of increasing ows, dissemination,
data collection, access to information, interaction, screen reading, mixing,
ltering, intellectualization, indicating the formation of a new singular era
that forms «The new relationship between man and machine. Thanks to
new forms of human-machine interaction, the phenomenon of articial
intelligence has been created, which skillfully and eectively performs a
certain range of tasks, such as machine translation or car navigation.
Articial intelligence is directly related to «thinking machines» that
are able to solve any intellectual problem available to man. Computers and
robots are still doing poorly outside of programming, so tools should be
developed to help people stand out and strengthen in the digital society and
keep up with the technological race to reach the level of post-capitalism that
Meyson dreamed of., (Mason, 2019: 360).
2. The interaction of man with the machine in the digital society,
which occurs as a result of the introduction of new technologies, which are
called «breakthrough», and displace the established methods of production.
New forms of interaction radically change the market, create and develop
creative industries that become much more ecient. At interaction of the
person with the car not only technologies, but also education, culture, the
person which together promote fast introduction change.
Thus, we can distinguish human-computer interaction (English-human
interaction (HCI), which explores the design and use of computer technology,
on the verge of distribution between people (users) and computers. Due to
new forms of human interaction, culture and education in the innovation
and information society, the phenomenon of articial intelligence, robotics
and other technologies was created, as a result of which a technological
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
breakthrough occurred, which can serve as a new competitive advantage of
society (Porter, 2019).
New forms of human interaction, culture and education in the innovation
and information society give rise to interaction with new technologies -
power-to-peer, additive technologies, virtual collaborations, augmented
reality, the Internet of Things, cross-channel communications and cloud
technologies. Articial intelligence, neural networks, virtual reality, robotic
mechanisms change our lives and dene in a new way the creative features
of man.
The Internet deepens the forms of interaction between cultural education
and tourism, thanks to which it is possible to develop various forms of
virtualism (virtual tourism, virtual museums, virtual education, creative
platforms, virtual culture). New forms of human interaction, culture,
education, machines in a digital society are the basis for the formation of
digital man and his image, the formation of the uniqueness of new human
qualities in digital society and the formation of structured thinking (Levitin,
3. The formation of algorithmic thinking as a result of interaction
of digital person and digital society is considered, which is considered in
the form of methodology of exible approaches and adaptive thinking.
It is extremely useful and practical, as the modern world is becoming
more complex and it is dicult for humans to survive in this unbalanced
environment. Therefore, a person must be exible, adaptive, learn to live in
a nonlinear world to make eective decisions in conditions of information
stochasticity, crisis, instability.
Man can no longer abandon digitalization, as this is our reality and
the use of algorithms even in everyday life is a reality. Digital thinking is
practical thinking in many areas and becomes a practical need of people, it is
widely used in disease diagnosis, use of articial intelligence, robotics, work
on various platforms such as ZOOM, public administration as a service.
The issue should be resolved at the level of the state, city, region,
individual organization; training should be introduced, starting with
kindergartens, schools, HEIs, government agencies, the development
and implementation of adaptability programs, training and retraining of
sta to study foreign experience. The digital society must train high-tech
professionals whose knowledge must be practically oriented, who are able
to work with new equipment and technologies, and, consequently, have
algorithmic thinking. The formation of such new thinking and culture is
an urgent task of the digital society as the basis of the concept of the New
Enlightenment 2.0 (Pinker, 2019).
Algorithmic thinking and culture can not only solve technical problems,
but also teach systematic thinking, design and construction, which is
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
inherent in the anthropological dimensions of the interaction of digital
man and digital society. In our opinion, algorithmic thinking is not fully
technological, but also leaves room for creativity, which is embodied in the
implementation of certain ideas, creative inventions, products.
Formation of algorithmic thinking and culture is one of the components
of complex training of a modern competent specialist. At the same time, we
note that despite the fact that today is the technologicalization of modern
life, yet technology is not separated from the social sphere, but is part of it.
Therefore, modern free economic education responds to these trends
and contributes to the formation of new professional competencies, for
which there is a need to develop new e-textbooks, content management
and learning resources, use models for active and «inverted learning»,
software for interactive learning. creative education. The formation of
algorithmic thinking and culture of the digital society includes the most
popular technologies - robots, chatbots, tools for using big data that can not
be solved without algorithms, algorithmic culture and thinking that lead
to the development of digital society, requiring human consciousness and
worldview. determining the place and role of economic education as the
main megatrend of innovative development of Ukraine (Oleksenko, 2019).
In the context of global changes in the world, this problem acquires
not only theoretical but also signicant practical signicance, because the
anthropological dimensions of the interaction of digital man and digital
society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution are factors of social
stability, economic prosperity, competitiveness, big data. DATA on human
The essence of philosophical comprehension of new forms of interaction
of digital person and digital society is claried. Modern theoretical
approaches to anthropological dimensions of interaction between digital
man and digital society due to axiological, structural-functional, synergetic,
systemic, informational, praxeological methods and approaches are
studied, which allowed to show the complexity of civilization at the present
stage and to present the evolution of digital society and its concepts.
We have shown that the old concepts of industrial and post-industrial
society are being replaced by new modern concepts and theoretical
approaches that correspond to the digital society. In particular, we are
talking about the concept of Agile-methodology (exible methodology) of
complexity, which we use to analyze the anthropological foundations of the
interaction of digital man and digital society during the Fourth Industrial
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 558-572
Revolution, based on the existence of man as a whole and holistic approach
to human and social problems. in the digital society, although who knows
what our future will be like (O Rayli, 2018).
Anthropological dimensions of interaction between digital man and
digital society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution revealed Agile-
methodology (methodology of exible approaches and adaptive thinking),
Data-science-methodology (methodology of information-analytical
thinking), Big-data-methodology (methodology of big data use) ), nonlinear
methodology of complexity, representing a whole set of theoretical and
practical knowledge, skills and competencies formed by digital technologies.
This was also facilitated by the methodology of convergent and divergent
thinking, the methodology of cultural creativity, which provided an
opportunity to analyze the interaction of digital man and digital society as
complex social, cultural and economic phenomena of our time.
The interaction of man and machine in the digital society, resulting
from the introduction of new technologies called «breakthroughs and the
impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on this type of interaction.
Metaphysical measurements of the interaction of digital man and digital
society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution show that the digital age on
the relationship between man and machine (computers), and also requires
a new adaptation of man to the world, technology, the formation of new
values and the development of a new type of worldview - information,
digital, algorithmic.
The fourth industrial revolution provides an opportunity to form new
values, expand knowledge, worldview, gain new progressive experience
and competencies through the use of new technologies to form a successful
specialist, personality, leader, gain prosperity and well-being through
investment in human development in a global transformation (Sosnin et
al., 2011).
The formation of algorithmic thinking as a result of the interaction
of digital man and digital society, which is considered in the form of a
methodology of exible approaches and adaptive thinking, is analyzed. The
creative potential of a digital person helps him to discover new knowledge,
create and develop a variety of innovative breakthrough ideas and proposals,
to act as a new tool that increases the ability to solve complex problems. In
order to open new opportunities in the eld of digital activity, it is necessary
for a person to master his creative beginnings with the help of new digital
skills and ways of thinking.
These considerations determine the interest in determining the
metaphysical dimensions of the interaction of digital man and digital
society during the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the impact of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution on this type of interaction. After all, one of
Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
the components of the digital society is a person’s intelligence, a set of his
abilities and creative skills, educational and qualication level.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72