Oksana Buhaychuk, Vitalina Nikitenko, Valentyna Voronkova, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Myroslava Malysh
Interaction of the digital person and society in the context of the philosophy of politics
In the broadest sense, the digital society is a process of mutual
transformation of man and the world, as a result of which the world acquires
a human dimension (world for man, world with man), and man becomes an
integral part of being (man in the world), man with the world. New forms of
interaction between man and society as a key driver of the digital society are
becoming important because people must survive in information chaos and
nd answers to all problems, including nancial, economic, information, as
the digital world becomes increasingly interconnected with man (Navidi,
Philosophy tries to prevent the assimilation of man with technology,
modern breakthrough technologies and the digital world can not replace
man all the variety of living human religious, ethical and mental feelings
and experiences. In the digital society, new processes appear on the agenda,
expressed in such categories as data collection, access, dissemination,
information, ows, which are combined into a single superorganism.
New forms of human-machine interaction generate new forms of human-
machine relationships in the direction of increasing ows, dissemination,
data collection, access to information, interaction, screen reading, mixing,
ltering, intellectualization, indicating the formation of a new singular era
that forms «The new relationship between man and machine. Thanks to
new forms of human-machine interaction, the phenomenon of articial
intelligence has been created, which skillfully and eectively performs a
certain range of tasks, such as machine translation or car navigation.
Articial intelligence is directly related to «thinking machines» that
are able to solve any intellectual problem available to man. Computers and
robots are still doing poorly outside of programming, so tools should be
developed to help people stand out and strengthen in the digital society and
keep up with the technological race to reach the level of post-capitalism that
Meyson dreamed of., (Mason, 2019: 360).
2. The interaction of man with the machine in the digital society,
which occurs as a result of the introduction of new technologies, which are
called «breakthrough», and displace the established methods of production.
New forms of interaction radically change the market, create and develop
creative industries that become much more ecient. At interaction of the
person with the car not only technologies, but also education, culture, the
person which together promote fast introduction change.
Thus, we can distinguish human-computer interaction (English-human
interaction (HCI), which explores the design and use of computer technology,
on the verge of distribution between people (users) and computers. Due to
new forms of human interaction, culture and education in the innovation
and information society, the phenomenon of articial intelligence, robotics
and other technologies was created, as a result of which a technological