Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 14/10/2021 Aprobado el 03/12/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 543-557
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Experience of European Countries
in the Formation Priority Tasks and
Development Strategies Training of
Highly Qualied Lawyers
Valentyn Serdiuk *
Svitlana Hlushchenko **
Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi ***
Natalia Melnychuk ****
Alina Hryshchuk *****
The question of having competent lawyers and judges is
becoming increasingly important in the twenty-rst century and
is also attracting the attention of specialists from large law rms;
students of educational institutions (lawyers, administrative
sta); politicians and economic experts. Consequently, through the
documentary method, this research work analyzes the problem of training
highly qualied legal personnel, elaborating priority tasks and various
development strategies. The authors examine the current situation in this
area in European countries, emphasizing their experience. The article is
addressed to experts in the eld, such as specialists working in law rms
(lawyers and sta), students of higher education institutions (lawyers,
administrative sta), political scientists, economists, civil servants. It
is concluded that competency-based education using cutting-edge
technologies improves the educational system of Ukraine and, at the same
time, adapts it to the standards of Western Europe with a gradual result of
production of highly qualied lawyers.
* Doctor of Juridical Sciences Professor Professor at the DepartmentDepartment of Judiciary,
Prosecution and Advocacy Lviv University of Business and Law79021, Ukraine, Lviv, str. Kulparkivska,
** Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Judiciary, Prosecution and Advocacy Lviv
University of Business and Law, 79021, Ukraine, Lviv, str. Kulparkivska, 99. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
*** Doctor of Juridical Sciences Professor at the Department Department of Judiciary, Prosecution and
Advocacy Lviv University of Business and Law 79021, Ukraine, Lviv, str. Kulparkivska, 99. ORCID ID:
**** Doctor of Juridical Sciences Associate Professor Head of the Department of International Law Lviv
University of Business and Law 79021, Ukraine, Lviv, str. Kulparkivska, 99. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
***** Candidate of Juridical Sciences Lviv State University of Internal AairsHorodotska Street, 26, Lviv,
Lviv Region, 79000. ORCID ID:
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
Keywords: education system; competency-based approach; lifelong
learning; unlimited training; competent lawyers and judges.
Experiencia de los países europeos en la formación
de tareas prioritarias y estrategias de desarrollo de la
formación de abogados altamente cualicados
La cuestión de contar con abogados y jueces competentes, adquiere
una importancia progresiva en el siglo XXI y, además, está atrayendo la
atención de los especialistas de los grandes bufetes; de los estudiantes de
las instituciones educativas (abogados, personal administrativo); de los
políticos y de los expertos en economía. En consecuencia, mediante el
método documental este trabajo de investigación analiza el problema de
la formación de personal jurídico altamente cualicado, elaborando tareas
prioritarias y diversas estrategias de desarrollo. Los autores examinan la
situación actual en este ámbito en los países europeos, haciendo hincapié
en su experiencia. El artículo se dirige a los expertos en la materia, como
los especialistas que trabajan en los bufetes de abogados (abogados y
personal), los estudiantes de los centros de enseñanza superior (abogados,
personal administrativo), los politólogos, los economistas, los funcionarios
públicos. Se concluye que, la educación por competencias mediante el uso
de tecnologías de vanguardia mejora el sistema educativo de Ucrania y,
al mismo tiempo, lo adecua a los estándares de Europa occidental con un
resultado paulatino de producción de abogados altamente calicados.
Palabras clave: sistema educativo; enfoque basado en competencias;
aprendizaje permanente; formación por tiempo
ilimitado; abogados y jueces competentes.
1. The Experience of European Countries in The Formation Priority
Tasks and Development Strategies Training of Highly Qualied
A problem of training highly qualied legal professionals, increasingly
important in the modern world, is beginning to attract more and more
attention of specialists involved in law rms (lawyers and their assistants),
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
students of higher educational institutions (lawyers, administrative sta),
politicians, economists, civil servants. The problem is of great signicance
not only to the sphere of education, but also at the level of use of legal
knowledge in state administration and business. It is extremely important
for country’s economic development (Tong and Zhiyong, 2018).
The formation strategy of highly qualied personnel who have a
comprehensive scientic subject matter base determines to a signicant
extent the success or failure of activities aimed at modernization and
prioritizes certain aspects of public life. Highly qualied lawyers are
characterized by high academic degree for training which must meet the
standards set out in international specialized normative acts (Stepanenko
et al., 2020).
They are competent enough on both national issues and have acquired
all necessary knowledge to be able to make valuable strategic decisions
(Burganova et al., 2016). The volume of work in this area is rapidly
increasing; is important to ensure that they are relevant and can be used
practically, which requires the application of competence-based approach
to education.
This necessitates further development of specialized personnel at all
levels - from policymakers who will create a competitive environment
for economic growth, skilled managers capable of technological progress
(IT) with the use of new technologies in the production process, up to
professionals engaged in intellectual property protection, etc., as well as
lawyers who have not only received theoretical knowledge but also trained
practical skills.
They must give comprehensive legal advice on solving non-routine
problems and participate in negotiations with business partners or
state authorities. Lawyers with modern qualities should be able to act in
multinational companies, create business structures with the use of new
technologies and nance instruments (Elgoibar et al., 2019).
When assessing the needs for highly qualied legal professionals, it
is important to consider both internal needs of each country (the level
of economic development, cultural factors), as well as external factors
(multinational corporations, European integration). The main goal in
this situation is to ensure that lawyers have received comprehensive
knowledge in the eld of law with emphasis on procedural aspects (Doner
and Schneider, 2020). Besides that, they should develop high ethical
standards and be capable of mastering new technologies which are used
when solving complex problems. This will allow them not only to improve
their professional skills but also widen their horizons.
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
2. Executive Summary
The research identied several logical solutions: an initial stage in pre-
university education, a long-term experience in the legal profession and
an active use of information technology for working with various sources
of information. In practice, each country has its own strategy for how
to provide educators with high professional skills when creating a new
system for training highly qualied professionals. In addition to the place
of training (undergraduate courses), educational institutions should be
exible enough to create conditions that will allow students to work on their
own using modern information technologies, including foreign universities
and law rms (Choroszewicz and Kay, 2020).
This is possible if we consider the latest trends in the organization
and management of educational institutions. Comprehensive analysis
of literature shows that European countries have dierent approaches
in solving this task (Tong and Zhiyong, 2018). It can be determined by
a variety of factors, including the level of economic development, cultural
dierences, and external factors such as multinational corporations and
European integration. In countries with a highly developed legal profession,
such as Germany and France, more attention is paid to the professional
skills of future lawyers (Burganova et al.,2016).
In this study we have focused on these two countries so as to be able
to identify those approaches that are most eective. However, it should
be noted that whatever strategies they follow in forming a new system for
training highly qualied sta who will work at all levels (from policymakers
to specialists), they must meet some common standards – comprehensive
knowledge of law (including procedural) and high academic degrees
(Choroszewicz and Kay, 2020). The situation in the Federation is the need
for additional measures not only ensuring adequate training of professionals
(overcoming existing gaps in the legal system), but also training highly
qualied lawyers who are capable of mastering new technologies when
solving complex problems.
This can be achieved by identifying priority tasks for further development
strategies and ensuring that all professional activities comply with ethical
standards. In this case, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what
high-level education is (Burganova et al.,2016).When implementing a new
system for training highly qualied lawyers, one of the main challenges facing
countries is to establish partnerships between educational institutions and
employers within an international network.
This will allow young professionals not only to get good theoretical
knowledge but also become familiar with dierent approaches to
implementing the lawyer’s profession (Anatolii et al., 2020).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
In many European countries, where there are still major problems
with the legal education system and its modernization has just begun, we
should consider modeling their own system of professional education on
these models and that will allow us to overcome existing gaps in the legal
sphere and avoid false starts that lead to unnecessary costs (Doner and
Schneider, 2020). In the development of priority tasks and strategies for
further education, it is necessary to consider several factors, starting with
the best practices developed in advanced countries and ending with changes
in the forms of work on highly qualied lawyers using new information
Legal education should focus more on practice training rather than only
on academic content alone to not only train specialists, but also help them
nd jobs after graduation (Tong and Zhiyong, 2018). The system must allow
graduates not only to be good professionals who are able to work anywhere
in the world, but also be aware of other cultures and traditions (Kuzminov
et al., 2019).
3. Purpose of the study
The goal of this article is to nd a solution which will allow European
countries to train their own highly qualied lawyers. This means nding out
what they are and what is required from a lawyer with high qualications.
4. Research Questions
1. How is training for highly qualied lawyers facilitated in developed
European countries?
2. What are the problems faced by developing European countries
while creating or reforming their training systems?
3. What are the best practices that should be used by countries to
facilitate the creation of a training system for high-qualied lawyers?
4. What are the requirements for legal education to be able to train
high-qualied lawyers?
5. How can European countries improve their current education
systems to facilitate the training of highly qualied lawyers?
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
5. Hypothesis
1. The problem of developing European countries is not thinking about
the issue of having really competent lawyers who will be able to work
eectively using modern technologies, which is why it is not included
in the legal system.
2. Because of this, the emphasis on graduates’ qualications is one of
the most important and signicant problems in today’s society
3. Therefore, the quality of legal services provided by lawyers has a
direct impact on judicial activities, lack of competence for which was
one of the main reasons for the replacement court system
4. The number of judges and lawyers is not enough to meet demand,
they lack professional quality, as well as the lack of necessary
administrative and technical support for judicial and prosecutorial
activities. People who can be considered highly qualied lawyers are
those with extensive knowledge, skills and competence required to
operate in the legal eld. They have graduate or postgraduate study,
they have received professional qualication by passing strict tests,
which is why it can be said that they are competent or have high
6. The Training for Highly Qualied Lawyers Facilitated in
Developed European Countries (EU)
The system of training highly qualied lawyers in Germany is based on
ve years of undergraduate and graduate studies at universities followed by
three years of practice at law rms or other organizations where trainees
acquire professional skills. In France, although the long-term experience
is not required before beginning employment as a lawyer, it is possible
to specialize only after gaining some practical experience during studies
(usually from 3 to 12 months).
In many European countries, where there are still major problems with
the legal education system and its modernization has just begun, we should
consider modeling their own system of professional education on these
models and that will allow us to overcome existing gaps in the legal sphere
and avoid false starts that lead to unnecessary costs.
In the development of priority tasks and strategies for further education,
it is necessary to consider a number of factors, starting with the best practices
developed in advanced countries and ending with changes in the forms of
work on highly qualied lawyers using new information technologies (Tong
and Zhiyong, 2018).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
Legal education should focus more on practice training rather than only
on academic content alone so as to not only train specialists, but also help
them nd jobs after graduation. In addition to the presence of labor market
analysis during educational programs along with increased opportunities
of internships at law rms, companies and other organizations that will
allow students to master their profession from an early age (Doner and
Schneider, 2020).
In this regard special attention should be paid not only to multilateral
cooperation between universities and employers within a single system
for training highly qualied lawyers, but also to the internationalization
of educational programs. The system must allow graduates not only to be
good professionals who are able to work anywhere in the world, but also be
aware of other cultures and traditions.
7. The Problems Faced by Developing European Countries
While Creating or Reforming Their Training Systems
Among the main problems that should be overcome in order to
modernize the legal education system and train highly qualied lawyers, it
is necessary to highlight issues related to insucient attraction of teaching
sta for law rms and other organizations willing to take on a young lawyer
as a trainee, lack of funds for educational programs, low quality of initial
general secondary education leading to a low number of graduates who have
interest in studying law at universities. In addition, there is often no special
attention from administration aimed at improving communication with
students. The desire for fast development without learning from successful
experience leads only to an increase in the overall level of commercialization
and degradation of legal education.
The lack of a coherent system of relationships between universities
and law rms limits the possibilities for professional training, as well
as employment opportunities for graduates, who are often faced with a
choice – either to take a poorly paid job or leave the profession altogether
(Kuzminov et al., 2019). In addition, practicing lawyers do not always have
time to give advice to students interested in gaining practical experience
during studies at their companies, which reduces the attractiveness of such
an opportunity for them.
The stagnation or even slow development of legal professions is also
due to insucient social demand from citizens, who rely on public services
provided by other countries due to a lower cost and potentially greater
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
8. The Best Practices to Facilitate the Creation of a Training
System For High-Qualied Lawyers
The experience of European countries in the formation priority tasks
and development strategies training of highly qualied lawyers shows that
there are a number of factors to be taken into account in order to modernize
educational programs. A combination of these factors can help any country
with dicult demographic problems to quickly create an ecient system
for training high-qualied lawyers with increased opportunities for
employment (Elgoibar et al., 2019).
Among the best practices in legal education used in European countries
can be identied: increasing quality at universities through greater
independence from state authorities, involvement of employers engaged in
law rms engaged in internship placement, academic mobility programs
between universities aimed at developing international cooperation have
been used successfully (Tong and Zhiyong, 2018). There is an increase in
demand for legal literature abroad, which stimulates the production and
circulation of Ukrainian textbooks abroad through targeted contacts with
foreign colleagues.
The main task for leading educational institutions is to create conditions
in which students can work eciently, but at the same time have time to
Thus, it is necessary not only to reform training systems for high-
qualied lawyers through international standards of education, but also
to stop unnecessary state interference in educational process. Only free
cooperation between universities and employers can produce long-term
results that will meet modern requirements for quality legal education.
There is an urgent need for a systemic approach aimed at creating
mechanisms that ensure eective communication between legal
professionals and law graduates who take their rst steps on the labor
market and want to develop further.
9. The Role Specialization Play in the Formation of Priority
Tasks and Development Strategies for Training Highly Qualied
Specialization is a necessary condition for the formation of priority
tasks and development strategies for training highly qualied lawyers. To
become a high-qualied lawyer, one must rst gain knowledge to ensure
the competence and quality of legal services provided. Specialization allows
students choose an area where they can apply newly gained skills and
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
competencies during their practical activities; creates opportunities to work
as self-employed professionals; provides an opportunity to successfully
compete with other graduates on the labor market at any stage of career.
In addition, specialization ensures that individual universities can
meet demands from employers more eectively by increasing competition
between educational institutions aimed at providing high-quality education
that meets modern standards demanded by employers (Doner and
Schneider, 2020).
The highest level of professionalism can be achieved due to the availability
of specialties that can provide students with practical knowledge and skills
using the most modern approaches to learning.
10. The Role Academic Mobility Play in the Formation of
Priority Tasks and Development Strategies for Training Highly
Qualied Lawyers
Academic mobility is a necessary condition for the formation of priority
tasks and development strategies for training highly qualied lawyers.
Academic works can be completed by taking advantage not only of existing
international contacts with foreign universities, but also developing new
ones. This is especially true when it comes to creating an eective system
that allows students to gain experience through practical work and exchange
experiences between Ukrainian graduates and their foreign counterparts
(Choroszewiczand Kay, 2020). The latter has proved invaluable: with the
assistance of our colleagues from abroad we were able to bring together
various aspects of legal education, which allowed us to build a new legal
education system that meets modern requirements.
11. Recommendations
The Government should stop intervening in education through
legislation aimed at increasing nancing of educational institutions.
Universities should be able to autonomously manage nancial
resources for education without additional state funding.
The Government should stop nancing educational institutions
based on the number of teachers and students studying within the
organization, but by investing in projects aimed at providing high-
quality education to meet modern social needs.
Specialization is a necessary condition for the formation of priority
tasks and development strategies for training highly qualied
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
lawyers. To become a high-qualied lawyer, one must rst gain
knowledge to ensure the competence and quality of legal services
provided (Burganova et al.,2016). Specialization allows students
choose an area where they can apply newly gained skills and
competencies during their practical activities; creates opportunities
to work as self-employed professionals; provides an opportunity to
successfully compete with other graduates on the labor market at
any stage of career.
In addition, specialization ensures that individual universities can
meet demands from employers more eectively by increasing competition
between educational institutions aimed at providing high-quality education
that meets modern standards demanded by employers. The highest level of
professionalism can be achieved due to the availability of specialties that
can provide students with practical knowledge and skills using the most
modern approaches to learning.
- To become a high-qualied lawyer, one must rst gain knowledge in
order to ensure the competence and quality of legal services provided
(Choroszewicz and Kay, 2020). Specialization allows students choose
an area where they can apply newly gained skills and competencies
during their practical activities; creates opportunities to work as
self-employed professionals; provides an opportunity to successfully
compete with other graduates on the labor market at any stage of
- Universities should be able to autonomously manage nancial
resources for education without additional state funding.
12. Method
The methodology of the research was primarily based on the analysis
and synthesis of scientic and methodological literature, which enables an
eective system of training highly qualied lawyers in European countries.
12.1. Sample
The empirical part of the research an analysis of information from
scientic and specialized journals, technical documentation, books on the
organization of educational activity in European countries.
12.2. Instrument
The research used the following methods of data collection: analysis and
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
12.3. Data Collection
The study used scientic literature on the organization of educational
activity in European countries, which are taught to citizens by national
12.4. Data Analysis
The conducted analysis has allowed determining the following
The development of quality university education is possible only
with the involvement of foreign experts.
The development and implementation of modern teaching methods
in teaching highly qualied lawyers will not be possible without
cooperation between educational institutions.
Education is the responsibility of society, government bodies and all
13. Results
The use of modern educational technology, including distance learning
allows to determine the following priorities: adequate accreditation and
licensing educational institutions; training highly qualied lawyers in
EU countries and Ukraine; improvement and development of national
education systems in accordance with European criteria. Also, the results of
this research paper will allow employers to employ highly qualied lawyers,
as well as identify areas where there is a lack of specialists.
14. Research Limitations
The research did not consider the formation of the education system
and the legal market in more detail. This aspect of development should be
considered in further studies of highly qualied lawyers’ training systems in
EU countries and Ukraine. An extensive analysis on the existing problems
on employment law practice was not conducted due to nancial limitations;
instead, it will be possible after conducting additional research.
14.1. Recommendations
Analysis of current legislation related to the organization of
educational activity.
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
Study existing problems on employment justice practices.
Conducting patent searches on technologies that are used for
teaching dierent subjects (jurisprudence, legal translation, etc.) in
the European Union countries and Ukraine.
Publication of articles on eective educational technologies.
14.2. Ethical Considerations of the Research
In accordance with international standards, this research paper does
not contain the use of any personal data. The analysis was conducted using
public information from scientic and technical sources that are open
for free access. It is indicated in the publication that any trademark not
belonging to its author belongs to their respective owners. As a result of the
conducted research, it is possible to provide a general description of existing
training systems for highly qualied lawyers in Europe and Ukraine.
15. Discussion
As technology and globalization evolve, there is a need to consider
changes in current legislation in order to improve the quality and speed
up the examination process. Also, there is a need for an eective system
of training highly qualied lawyers in many European countries (Ergashev
and Farxodjonova, 2020).
It is also necessary to consider the experience of the Baltic States, where
preparation for admission to universities is conducted in cooperation with
employers. Thus, it is necessary to dene the economic and social problems
of the transition period, which is a new stage in the development of higher
The study has identied a number of problems that should be solved
in order to improve the quality and speed up the accreditation process,
including: the formation of a national system of accreditation and licensing
educational institutions; training highly qualied lawyers in EU countries
and Ukraine; improvement and development of the national education
system in accordance with European criteria (Welford, 2016). The research
conrmed that there is a lack of highly qualied lawyers in European
countries and Ukraine, which can remain as a limiting factor for foreign
To resolve the problem of lack of highly qualied lawyers in European
countries, it is necessary to improve the national education system in
accordance with European standards, while taking into account the
experience of other countries (Wright, 2019). The development of training
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 543-557
systems for highly qualied lawyers in EU countries will make it possible
to improve the quality of legal education, ensure an eective system of
training high-level professionals.
Training highly qualied lawyers should be based on dierent subjects
(jurisprudence, translation studies, etc.) with the use of new technologies
that are ecient for teaching students eectively. There is no evidence that
the current organization of educational activity is very eective; it requires
modernization by introducing new technologies that allow you to teach
students more eectively.
It is also necessary to conduct patent searches on technology tools used
to organize teaching activities at European universities and schools during
dierent’ periods. To resolve these issues, it is necessary to develop new
types of education that will allow students to master the modern trends
and tools of teaching. Europe has accumulated experience in organizing
training for highly qualied lawyers that can be used by Ukraine.
Thus, many universities have introduced special educational programs
that are generally not available outside the university environment. There
is a need for training under qualied human resources, including leading
researchers at higher educational institutions, professors with scientic
degrees, post-graduate students who conduct research work (Hantrais,
2017). The introduction of training systems on this basis allows you to form
an eective system of accreditation and licensing educational activities.
The best practices of other countries will help improve the quality of
legal education in Russia, reduce its cost for employers and make legal
services more accessible to citizens. It should be noted that currently there
are no all-Ukrainian strategies for training highly qualied lawyers; neither
does Ukraine have any templates to work with. The lack of unied state
policy on legal education requires the introduction of fundamental changes
in the national system of education, its restructuring through innovation
and integration into the global educational space (Burganova et al., 2016).
This process will facilitate access to foreign educational institutions,
including leading universities - partners oering their own programs for
students who wish to receive complete secondary or higher legal education.
The results obtained will allow improving the quality of legal education,
develop high-quality university education, ensure an eective system of
training professionals in Ukraine.
To solve these issues, it is necessary to improve the quality and
eectiveness of teaching sta by introducing additional incentives for
teachers who are ready to change their profession or teach in a new form,
increasing interest in legal subjects among students.
Valentyn Serdiuk, Svitlana Hlushchenko, Yaroslav Ihorovych Skoromnyi, Natalia Melnychuk
y Alina Hryshchuk
Experience of European Countries in the Formation Priority Tasks and Development Strategies
Training of Highly Qualied Lawyers
The results of the study are aimed at improving the quality of legal
education, the development and improvement of the national education
system according to European standards. Also, there is a need to improve
the accreditation and licensing system in accordance with higher education
Also, the results obtained will allow employers to employ highly qualied
lawyers, as well as identify areas where there is a lack of specialists. The use
of modern educational technology allows priority: adequate accreditation
and licensing educational institutions; training highly qualied lawyers in
EU countries and Ukraine; improvement and development of the national
education system in accordance with European criteria.
The development of quality university education is possible only with
the involvement of foreign experts. The development and implementation
of modern teaching methods in teaching highly qualied lawyers will not be
possible without cooperation between educational institutions. Education
is the responsibility of society, government bodies and all stakeholders.
With the development of technology and globalization, there is a need to
take into account changes in current legislation in order to improve the
quality and speed up the examination process.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72