Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
Recibido el 21/11/2021 Aceptado el 28/12/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 313-329
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Peculiarities of personnel market
implementation in modern conditions:
trends and innovations
Andrii Poklonskyi *
Olena Poklonska **
Yanina Igorivna Almashiy ***
Julia Didovych ****
Oksana Bieliakova *****
The article is devoted to the study of the organization of
personnel marketing at Ukrainian and foreign enterprises,
the level of development of countries in the eld of personnel
marketing, as well as the popularity of this type of management
activity. The purpose of this research project is to analyze the
dierences between foreign and domestic experience in the
eld of personnel marketing. Also in the study, based on the analysis of
theoretical developments and factors that have a practical impact on the
implementation of personnel marketing in modern conditions, the most
important elements of this concept are proposed. Particular attention paid
to increasing the loyalty of personnel, which has a dominant inuence on the
results of the enterprise. Concluded that for modern Ukrainian enterprises,
the concept of personnel marketing can be fully implemented only through
rethinking the consequences for all areas of work with personnel, reected
in goal setting, sta motivation and ensuring the social responsibility of the
Keywords: sta; personnel marketing; personnel training; strategic
management; HR-budget.
* Candidate of legal sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Private Law at the
University of Modern Knowledge, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
** Candidate of legal sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Law at the
University of Modern Knowledge, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
*** Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of
Economics and Enterprise of Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://
**** Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Enterprise
of Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
***** Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Management and Entrepreneurship on Maritime
Transport department of Azov Maritime Institute National University "Odessa Maritime Academy",
Mariupol, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
Peculiaridades de la implementación del mercado
de personal en condiciones modernas: tendencias e
El artículo está dedicado al estudio de la organización del marketing de
personal en empresas ucranianas y del mundo, el nivel de desarrollo de
los países en el campo del marketing de personal, así como la popularidad
de este tipo de actividad de gestión. El propósito de este proyecto de
investigación es analizar las diferencias entre la experiencia nacional y
extranjera en el campo del marketing de personal. También en el estudio,
a partir del análisis de desarrollos teóricos y factores que inciden en la
práctica en la implementación del marketing de personal en condiciones
modernas, se proponen los elementos más importantes de este concepto.
Se presta especial atención al aumento de la lealtad del personal, que tiene
una inuencia dominante en los resultados de la empresa. Se concluye
que, para las empresas ucranianas modernas, el concepto de marketing
de personal solo se puede implementar completamente si se revisan las
consecuencias para todas las áreas de trabajo con el personal, lo que se
reeja en el establecimiento de objetivos, la motivación del personal y la
garantía de la responsabilidad social de la empresa.
Palabras clave: personal; marketing de personal; gestión estratégica;
formación de personal; presupuesto de recursos
The labor market does not stand still and is accompanied by constant
changes. At the moment, the labor market in Ukraine is aected by the
crisis. The crisis is forcing employers to look in a new way at the policy of
attracting and retaining personnel. In the context of the nancial, economic
and political crisis in Ukraine, more and more companies are looking for
new, innovative forms of marketing that would ensure their stable operation
and development in an unstable situation and increased competition in the
market. The use of marketing approach in the management of activities
at the enterprises of Ukraine is an important factor in increasing their
competitiveness (Оrlov, 2015).
According to surveys of companies operating in the internationalized
Ukrainian market, the level of use of active tools of international marketing
among domestic companies is very low and meets the needs of active
business behavior and high competitiveness. This is conrmed by previous
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
studies by Ukrainian marketers, who show that about a third of domestic
companies try to sell existing products without stimulating them through
marketing activities, and only about 20% seek to work in markets and
segments given the long-term goals of the company, its international
activities (Kovalchuk and Bura, 2015).
At the stage of increased competition, it is important to positively
form the HRbrand of companies, which is an essential condition for the
development of any organization. Thanks to a positive brand, companies are
signicantly reducing their recruiting funds, employee loyalty is ensured,
and sta turnover is minimized. In this regard, Ukrainian organizations
began to pay more attention to such a new human resource management
tool as personnel marketing.
By using this tool, companies can achieve an increase in the real return
and productivity of sta without raising any additional funds. Personnel
marketing is a whole philosophy of human resource management. Its
directions in the organization are determined by a number of factors, both
external the development of technology, the situation on the labor market,
social needs, current legislation, the personnel policy of competitors,
and internal the goals of the organization, nancial resources, human
Ukrainian employers today still poorly understand their need for
personnel marketing, mistakenly believing that this is the essence of
manipulation. Unfortunately, many enterprises have a consumer attitude
towards personnel, which is expressed in non-observance of their social
and economic rights. The evidence is such as chronic wage arrears that push
workers to the brink of poverty; violation of ethical norms when checking
employees at the checkpoint, when implementing total video surveillance,
when using a polygraph; non-payment of overtime work with an actual 12-
hour working day; dierentiation of the level of remuneration and career
prospects, depending on the degree of informal proximity to the head;
discrimination of certain categories of job seekers when hiring.
This attitude towards personnel, in turn, led to a signicant lag in our
country in labor productivity, to a noticeable outow of highly qualied
specialists abroad, to an increase in demotivation, absenteeism and sta
turnover, to an increase in ineective personnel costs and, in general, to
the devaluation of the role of HRmanagement –systemic management
decisions related to basic organizational changes.
Despite this, we are seeing a growth in organizations looking to
build long-term, mutually benecial relationships with their sta. The
main prerequisites for this process, in our opinion, were the increased
competition in the market (each employee can potentially reduce
the competitive advantages of this organization by his departure to a
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
competitor), the diusion of organizational and managerial innovations
on the part of Western companies that have opened their representative
oces in Ukraine, as well as the adoption of a number of laws limiting the
arbitrariness of employers.
Unfortunately, today there is almost no strategic vision of marketing
activities, and its role in the eective functioning of the enterprise is
underestimated. Not enough attention has been paid to the issue of
marketing eectiveness. As a result of the presence of a large number of
brands and the free treatment of them, a class of marketers was formed,
whose methods of work do not meet the requirements of the modern
market. Under such conditions, it is important to nd ways to improve the
implementation of their chosen marketing strategies based on the study
of the nature and features of their implementation in modern conditions,
a detailed analysis of problems faced by enterprises in applying the latest
marketing strategies.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodological basis of the article is a set of general scientic
principles, methods and techniques of scientic research, the use of
which is due to the purpose and objectives. The research is based on
the use of such methods as: abstract-logical method (at generalization
of theoretical positions and formulation of conclusions in the eld of
personnel marketing); dialectical method (in identifying the relationship
between the elements of the conceptual structure of competition, proving
the existence of links between competition and consumer satisfaction,
etc.); method of historical analysis and theoretical generalization (in the
study of methodological approaches to the development of management
decisions, competitive strategies and their typication); method of
comparison (in the study of scientic schools of strategic management
and personnel management, in the analysis of competing companies for
marketing factors of competitiveness); expert method and ranking (when
assessing internal and external factors of competitiveness, determining the
intensity of competition); methods of marketing research (in the analysis
of the market of services, stang; in the analysis of internal factors of
competitiveness, determination of indicators of eciency of marketing
competitive strategies); system approach (when developing the algorithm
for developing and implementing a marketing competitive strategy in
general and sta marketing in particular); analysis and synthesis (in the
development of hypotheses and their experimental testing).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
2. Analysis of recent research
The issue of marketing management, marketing strategies has been
studied by many scientists, such as N. Kudenko (Kudenko, 2010), P. Kulikov
(Kulikov, 2012), P. Orlov (Оrlov, 2015), Kiyan (Kiyan, 1995), P. Kotler,
G. Armstrong, J. Sauders, V. Wong, (Kotler et al., 2007), E. Gramatskyy
(Gramatskyy et al., 2020) and others. Insucient attention of scientists
is paid to the issues of eective realization of the potential of strategic
The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical and methodological
approaches, substantiate and generalize the world experience of personnel
management and develop practical recommendations for its practical use
in practice by domestic enterprises in modern conditions.
3. Results and discussion
Personnel is the main intellectual resource of the enterprise, which
generates new ideas and products. The company’s employees are involved
in establishing relationships with a wide range of contractors, because it is
the sta that determines not only strategic decisions, but also the company’s
ability to compete in the market (Оrlov, 2015).
The HRmarketing concept has strengthened its position. At the end of
the last century abroad, both in theory and in practice. This was facilitated
by the following primary factors: mental transformations (revaluation of
values) of the working-age population, a one-sided approach to the choice
of profession and place of work, demographic changes, the lack of highly
qualied specialists and managers, a new prole of the workplace.
Its main advantage lies in the possibility of organizing certain planning
for the implementation of personnel strategy: personnel marketing opens
up human resources for the enterprise in the long term, capable of forming
a strategic potential through which it is possible to implement the planned
activities. Numerous diculties in the formation and development of
civilized market relations in our country do not allow to fully implement
the detailed models of personnel marketing in domestic realities.
Personnel marketing is a new approach of an organization aimed
at enhancing its own attractiveness among employees and potential
employees. It is seen as type of management activities aimed at long-
term provision of the organization with human resources (Beliavcev and
Kalinichenko, 2013). Marketing implementation is the task not only of
the personnel service, but also of all employees working with personnel or
representing the organization in the external environment (Buehner, 1997).
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
The goal of personnel marketing is the optimal use of the organization’s
human resources by creating favorable working conditions and
communications that contribute to increasing their eciency; development
in each employee of loyalty and striving to achieve the goals of the
organization. In the labor market, the objects of marketing are sta and
jobs, so sta marketing begins with identifying and meeting the need
for qualied and professional sta based on labor market research. In
this context, marketing tools are used in two ways: marketing, product-
oriented, which are labor services; marketing focused on meeting the needs
of employers.
The basic principles of personnel marketing: focus on meeting the
needs of personnel; motivation of all personnel of the company to meet
the needs of external consumers; using traditional marketing methods
within the organization; cross-functional cooperation of all departments,
active interaction of personnel with managers, clients; readiness for change
(Ballantyne, 2000).
The following marketing areas can be distinguished concerning
personnel in the organization: development of requirements and
professional competencies for personnel; determination of the qualitative
and quantitative needs for personnel; calculation of costs for the acquisition
and further use of personnel; selection of sources and methods of covering
the need for personnel (Nekrasov, 2017).
Another important point in personnel marketing: no matter how
diversied the company is, it can create corporate value by providing
advanced management of the education of its leaders and the formation of
“human capital”. In a global knowledge-based economy, intangible assets,
such as human capital, make up about 80 % of an organization’s value. The
transformation of intangible assets into tangible results represents a new
way of thinking for most organizations. Those who manage to master this
process (which largely depends on the organization of work with sta) can
secure a signicant competitive advantage (Krivoruchko and Gladka, 2012).
Thus, the concept of sta marketing – a system of interconnected views
that give rise to each other, ideas, provisions of marketing activities, taking
into account the need to achieve the goals of the enterprise to carry out: labor
market research, compliance with trends in the paradigm of organization,
society and forecasting its situation; study of the demands, needs of the
workforce and their fullest and most eective satisfaction through the
relationship with external sources that provide the company with sta;
analysis of the personnel potential of the organization and the quality of
its use; forecasting and planning of personnel needs –development and
implementation of personnel management strategies; organization of
communication activities; personnel examination.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
It should be noted that the main tasks of personnel marketing include
not only conducting research, but also bringing their results to the subjects
of market relations, who can make economic choices based on them, adjust
their behavior.
Personnel marketing of a modern enterprise has a two-level structure:
External personnel marketing is a system of activities that allows its subjects
to assess the state of the labor market, trends in its change and make
informed management decisions in the eld of recruitment (employment),
promotion of employment and eective use of human capital (Кiyan, 1995).
Internal personnel marketing is an approach to rm personnel as customers
and providing them with a product that meets their needs (Kotler et al.,
This approach transforms the traditional elements of 4P marketing
(product, price, sales and product promotion) into the following elements
of personnel marketing: the range of tasks and responsibilities of the
employee, the degree of employee motivation or the eort that the employee
is willing to put into performing his job duties, the organizational structure
of the company, aspects of organizational culture.
Eective models of personnel marketing, oered by foreign
researchers and practitioners, provide for the allocation of internal and
external marketing of personnel within the functional blocks: research
and planning; selection of personnel markets; the work of the media;
formation of contractual relations; organization of workplaces; promoting
development; sta care. Each of these blocks has its own complex structure
(Personalmanagement, 1999).
Such detailed models of personnel marketing, successfully implemented
and proving their eectiveness in European countries, as evidenced by
published data on companies such as Audi, Mercedes, Messerschmidt,
Henkel, etc. (Durakova, 2013), so far, unfortunately, they cannot be fully
realized in domestic realities. The main reason for this is the continuing
phase of the formation of civilized market relations amid continuing
external shocks and internal structural problems.
Although in domestic practice there are few examples of the functioning
of individual elements of the modern personnel marketing model, there is
still no need to talk about serious successes in the implementation of the
complete system. Nevertheless, it is necessary to move in this direction.
Based on scientic developments and the experience of enterprises, we
will try to determine what is necessary, rst of all, for a modern Ukrainian
enterprise to build an eective marketing of personnel.
Now, only a small part of domestic enterprises includes personnel
marketing in the list of tasks solved by HRservices. However, marketing
functions are often overridden by personnel planning functions. At the
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
same time, the denition and coverage of the need for personnel does not
work for the long term. This situation is typical for both Ukrainian and
some foreign organizations.
Currently, in the activities of any organization, regardless of its size and
structure, a special role is assigned to personnel, as the main element of the
functioning of labor processes. Consequently, modern enterprises are faced
with the urgent task of creating such conditions that will ensure the optimal
and ecient use of human resources, taking into account the interests,
needs of both organizations and employees. Achieving these aspects is
possible through the introduction of marketing in HRmanagement.
The growing role of personnel marketing is driven by the need for
interaction between labor markets, labor buyers and labor resources. As
for the implementation of personnel marketing in organizations, it goes
through this process in the form of certain stages. Each separate stage is a
specically directed independent activity.
The main stages of personnel marketing can be distinguished: research
of the company’s personnel potential, identication of the qualitative and
quantitative needs for personnel; HR audit; labor market monitoring;
job prole compilation; identication of competitors in the labor market;
research on ways to attract personnel; Implementation of professional
development programs for personnel; analysis of the eectiveness of
the implemented personnel marketing activities (Personnel marketing:
instructions for use for the head, 2017). Is the marketing of personnel
in foreign countries more developed than in Ukraine, is the Ukrainian
management lagging behind in this matter?
Let’s move on to considering the world experience in the eld of
personnel marketing. Vivchennya and public awareness of the eective
management of personnel will give the opportunity to take into account the
main aspects, such as the respect of the current economists-practitioners
and sciences.
Currently, in the countries of Western Europe, due to demographic
problems, the changing values of candidates for vacant positions and
current personnel, personnel marketing is entering the international level.
A characteristic feature of personnel marketing in foreign countries is the
desire to integrate all aspects of working with human resources, all stages
of their life cycle, from the moment of hiring to the payment of retirement
benets. All this requires an increase in the number of HRdepartments. In
the US, there is one HRspecialist for every 115 employees; in Japan, for 38
people (Kibanov, 2010).
In highly developed countries, such as the USA, France, England, all
enterprises use a certain personnel marketing policy, its essence lies in
the fact that the selection of personnel is not particularly dicult, and the
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
employee can freely quit or transfer to another position. This technology is
aimed at top management.
The role of HR marketing personnel is increasing. The American
company AdAge has provided a report that predicts that Apple may double
the number of its marketing sta. The team currently has 300 employees,
but Apple plans to increase the number to 600. Doubling the headcount of
the HRmarketing department enables Apple to pursue policies to reduce its
reliance on recruiting and auditing agencies.
Adaptation as a process of adaptation of the employee to the conditions
of the external and internal environment becomes an important element for
achieving eective results by new employees of the organization. The main
reasons for dismissal of employees for several months after employment are
the discrepancy between reality and expectations, as well as the diculty
of integration into the new organization. Many companies spend a lot of
money on recruiting new sta. But at the same time, companies do not have
or have not developed measures for sta adaptation. According to statistics,
most employees are laid o within the rst three months of employment
(Olirov, 2011). Thus, the lack of institutions of adaptation leads to low
performance. According to Kulikov P., the mechanism of adaptation is
designed to ensure the stability of the parameters of the system, and
therefore the system as a whole, to the action of negative environmental
factors (Кulikov, 2012).
French companies place high demands on the level of employees due to
the presence of erce competition. Particular attention is paid to retraining:
promotion is possible only with constant retraining and improving
employee knowledge, training of all employees without exception in certain
specialized programs at enterprises, employees are constantly informed
about the state of the enterprise and new internal vacancies.
The system of employee participation in production management, which
has developed in Germany, is peculiar. It includes: joint participation in
the supervisory boards of rms representing capital and hired labor; the
existence of a «worker-director»; production councils at enterprises
consisting of workers.
The latter are created at enterprises that have at least 5 permanent
employees with the right to vote (age over 18 years, work experience of
at least 6 months). At the same time, employers are obliged to provide
employees and the company’s board with relevant information, accept
requests and suggestions from them, study and take into account the
opinion of the company’s board on socio-economic development of the
latter. (Bazaliyska, 2015).
In German companies, personnel policy is carried out by special services,
the number of which depends on the number of employees: there is one
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
employee of the HRdepartment for 130–150 employees. Recently, there has
been a tendency for the growth of HRservices (Shchekin, 2004).
Most enterprises in Germany use the approach of selecting candidates
for vacant positions from other countries, and, in most cases, the proposed
salary is much higher than that of domestic workers for the same position.
Companies in Germany that pay attention to personnel marketing include
Volkswagen, which uses digital projection in personnel training, and
Philips. Volkswagen plans to introduce the innovative Augmented Reality
technology. The company is focused on the use of digital projections when
training employees of service centers. The challenge is to ensure that
Volkswagen employees worldwide are trained at the highest level.
At Phillips, HRprofessionals annually gure out what training could
improve employee performance and make a plan for the year. The company
pays special attention to online courses. Philips has implemented a
special «Testimonials of the Insider» project to improve the quality of the
internship. This project is designed for the public to see how the company
operates. Each Internet user can go to the ocial website of the company
and watch videos of employees in which they share their impressions and
feedback on working at Philips (How to work at Philips, 2015). As a result
of this program, there was a signicant increase in both the attendance of
the career website and the level of user satisfaction and their assessment of
the consumer loyalty index.
One of the most striking examples of the use of personnel marketing
in foreign companies is the experience of the American low-cost airline
Southwest Airlines. For new employees, the company runs a specialized
program «Close Hearts». The program is aimed at more comfortable
adaptation. The essence of the program is that each new employee is
provided with a mentor for six months (Starikova and Timinova, 2014).
Through in-house marketing of its personnel, Southwest Airlines has been
able to create very high organizational loyalty among its employees. Outside
HR marketing has allowed the company to become one of the Forbes most
eligible employers in the United States (Begley Bloom, 2021).
Personnel marketing abroad is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Most
companies form their own marketing programs with valuation techniques.
These companies include: McDonald’s, Starbucks, Toyota, Coca Cola. The
Nestlé company is also developed in this matter. For example, Nestle uses
gamication as one of the newest methods of personnel training (Starikova
and Timinova, 2014). One of the largest corporations in the public catering
sector, McDonald’s, creates a labor market oer adapted to various
characteristics of target groups. McDonald’s presents a good career start for
students with exible hours, further development and career advancement.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
We cannot overshadow the posture of respectful Japanese personnel
management practice. The peculiarity of the whole system of polygons
is in the nosy systems of group responses to the results of the robotics,
stimulating the protagonists and the communication system to work on
the horizontal level. A system has been given for the transmission of the
peculiarities of the foreman, his strengths and weaknesses, and even in the
interim of the results, he will get a seat, and the services will be provided
and equipped with a more robust mission.
The Japanese experience is an important example of the active use
of personnel marketing in foreign organizations. In Japan, recruiting
starts from the lowest levels, which implies a special methodology for
selecting, recruiting and hiring personnel. This is due to the Japanese
“lifetime employment” system. An example of a Japanese company
applying personnel marketing is Honda Motor Co., LTD, an international
automotive and motorcycle manufacturing company. The main principle of
the company is respect for the individual and for all his needs. Honda cares
deeply about building a strong corporate spirit full of vitality and creativity.
Foreign advice has taken advantage of the lack of positive tendencies
in the personnel management process, which is denitely a good thing for
practical Ukrainian enterprises.
The current state of the personnel management system in the Ukraine of
the specic minds of the transition period. Its main features are the practical
availability of connections between enterprises and the lack of eciency
of their intellectual performance, the instability of the legal and regulatory
framework, the practical availability of the government, the stability of the
economy and the political So far from the ideal is the market of vіtchiznyh
svіtnіh services, de practically all-day balance between the real needs of the
market and specialists.
The level of high-quality training of the vicarious fakhivts is meaningfully
sacriced to the vimogs, who are seen by the international markets of prats.
Personnel management systems at large enterprises are old and do not last
for an hour.
As soon as we talk about strategic planning, then the French teachings
of J.-J. Lamber as an element of a strategic plan for marketing viznacha
monitoring of marketing analysis, analysis of competitiveness, adaptations
to changes in the middle, optimization of the business portfolio (Lamber,
2011). In the studies of I. Ansoff strategic planning is viewed as an element
of strategic management, which will prevent the systemic development of
companies before problems (Ansoff, 2013). Modern strategic marketing
starts as marketing is a matter of fact, in which the involvement of a
philosophical principle is to start putting companies to themselves,
customers, their own workers, contributors to the capital, middle managers,
competitors, community leaders.
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
Strategic planning will give you the ability to establish pre-construction
goals and replace the breakdown of plans for ow operations and transfer of
ways and methods of implementation. From a glance N. Kudenko, marketing
strategic planning is the whole management process of establishing
equilibrium between marketing goals and marketing opportunities and
resources of companies (Kudenko, 2010).
Competent personnel policy allows to achieve better satisfaction of
customer needs. Therefore, the development of human resources is the basis
of long-term and dynamic development of the enterprise. Personnel policy
should include: creating conditions for eective work; personnel training;
motivation system; improvement and strengthening of corporate culture;
formation of a team of highly professional specialists (Savina, 2018).
The chosen direction of achieving the goal in terms of sta involves the
need to build a relationship between the system of motivation and initiatives
in the development of innovative ideas, quality of service. Indicators that
allow to assess the implementation of this include innovation (proposal
of new ideas, recommendations for improving the enterprise), excellence
(attendance at trainings, courses, willingness to learn new methods
and techniques of service and work, success in compulsory education),
teamwork (willingness to help their colleagues, mentoring, etc.), customer
focus (quality of service). Awareness of the need and support of sta in the
Ukrainian realities will help to improve internal business processes.
The strategic goal in terms of business processes is product
competitiveness. To achieve this goal in Ukraine it is necessary to: develop
eective marketing programs; develop the customer network and increase
product distribution channels; optimize costs; increase labor productivity;
increase service eciency; to introduce innovative developments, use of
the newest technologies. In order to solve problems in selected areas, it is
advisable to implement the development of new ways of interacting with
In developed countries, customer relationship management (CRM
Customer Relationship Management) is introduced in the activities of
banking institutions, which involves focusing on a specic customer, the
desire to meet the maximum number of his needs (Savina, 2018). It is
necessary to implement partnership marketing a modern approach to
working with clients, which includes the establishment and development
of long-term partnerships with key customers, based on mutual interests
in doing business.
Let’s move on to considering the Ukrainian experience in the eld of
personnel marketing. The unstable situation on the labor market in Ukraine
is forcing many companies to optimize personnel costs. Changes are taking
place in the budget of HRservices for individual personnel marketing
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
processes. All this determines the need to strengthen the company’s image
as an employer, as well as to form a strong HRbrand.
In times of crisis, it is especially important to show companies how much
they care about their employees. Since the formation of a positive HRbrand
allows you to increase the loyalty of the sta, increase the motivation and
eciency of the entire organization. All actions aimed at building a strong
HRbrand allow organizations to optimize their costs and develop their own
personnel marketing services, thereby not resorting to using the services
of recruiting agencies. In terms of the development and application of
personnel marketing, Ukraine lags far behind foreign countries.
Personnel marketing is implemented at Ukrainian enterprises
extremely rarely and inconsistently. Currently, HRdepartments use only a
few HRmarketing tools, instead of using HRmarketing as a system. One
of the most popular reasons for the reluctance of companies to introduce
personnel marketing into the enterprise management system is the lack
of nancial resources and the low preparedness of the HRspecialists
Ukrainian companies, which understand that human resources costs
are long-term investments that increase business eciency, are gradually
changing their foundations and resorting to applying foreign experience
and creating their own programs in the eld of personnel marketing.
Even though in Ukraine the spread of personnel marketing has
not yet acquired a mass character, there is already a positive trend of
growing interest of a large number of companies in the implementation
of marketing methodology in the personnel management process in order
to increase the eciency and competitiveness of the business through the
optimal involvement of human resources in the creation process, unique
competitive advantages.
What is the situation with the HRbudget for marketing processes in
Ukrainian companies? The unfavorable economic environment is forcing
businesses to plan their costs more rigorously. Recruitment continues to
dominate, as identifying and covering stang needs is one of the most
important HRmarketing functions. Personnel training also remains a
priority function for companies. At the same time, many companies do not
use the nancial indicators of the work of the HRdepartment.
The most important resources for Ukrainian companies are nancial
and economic resources: payroll fund, social package costs, training
costs, personnel recruitment costs, social programs costs (payments,
compensations). The labor market has to actively adapt to changing economic
conditions. Companies understand the importance of maintaining a payroll
by retaining the best employees. Therefore, this item of the HRbudget of
the company was most often increased. As for the automation of personnel
Andrii Poklonskyi, Olena Poklonska, Yanina Igorivna Almashiy, Julia Didovych y Oksana Bieliakova
Peculiarities of personnel market implementation in modern conditions: trends and innovations
marketing processes, more than half of companies have automated one
or more HRprocesses. Companies tend to prefer third-party software, but
some organizations still have their own designs.
In addition, domestic companies are not fully aware of the impact of
investment in personnel on the nal result of the company. The practical
benet of this system is that it increases eciency and protability, because
trained workers work better and more productively, reduces the number
of absenteeism (which is a particularly pressing problem for Ukrainian
Summarizing the above material, we can conclude that there are a
number of urgent problems in Ukraine that need to be addressed today.
Many of these problems are related to the formation of human resources. If
the eciency of human resources formation is increased, such methods can
be found that will allow to create teams at enterprises with minimal costs
and will bring the expected prot.
The use of personnel marketing is a necessary tool for the implementation
of eective personnel policy and successful operation of the enterprise as a
whole. Personnel is an important resource of the enterprise to achieve its
goals and the successful solution of problems, in particular, is possible only
with skillful management on the principles of marketing. It is marketing
that allows companies to analyze the labor market and forecast its situation,
analysis of human resources, hiring the best professionals in conditions of
their shortage, promote career growth, forming a team that would act in
concert, as well as monitoring its activities.
After researching foreign and national marketing experience, we can
conclude that at the moment in the West as a whole and in a number of
other foreign countries, it is more developed than in Ukraine. However,
the ideas of foreign scientists and practitioners in the eld of personnel
marketing are of great interest to Ukraine, which can be adapted in modern
The study of the essence of personnel marketing, the main problems of
its use in personnel management of Ukrainian enterprises, contributed to
the formation of the following conclusions:
Competently organized marketing of personnel as a whole increases
the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products, forms the
strategic competitiveness of the enterprise.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 313-329
Organizations that form and implement personnel marketing have
a number of advantages: increased labor productivity, reduced
turnover, eective motivation of employees and their high loyalty.
When focusing on personnel marketing, the self-awareness of
managers and functional management specialists should be
transformed: through the transition from the role of a formal
leader, based only on the hierarchical vertical of power, to the role
of an initiator, coordinator, assistant, functionally focusing on goal-
setting, motivating personnel and ensuring social responsibility of
the enterprise.
In the Ukrainian realities, the advanced world practices in the eld
of personnel marketing are quite applicable; the foreign experience
of introducing some methods of foreign HRpractices is of particular
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72