Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 71
Recibido el 15/10/2021 Aceptado el 11/11/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 71 (2021), 317-333
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Problems of implementing international
digitalisation standards of criminal
Valerii I. Bozhyk *
Yan V. Streliuk **
Vitaliy A. Maziychuk ***
Anatoliy O. Voightko ****
Myroslava V. Kokoshko *****
Anatoliy M. Kisliy ******
The study consisted of identifying the existing problems in
the implementation of international standards of digitization
of criminal investigation at the legislative level. The research
was carried out in stages as a summary, based on the logic of
presentation of the material, to achieve and meet the objectives set out in
the article. The method of direct observation, the method of comparison
and analysis of the content of the documents, the method of systemic
and pragmatic approach were used. The key results of the study were the
analysis of the experience of implementing digital standards in forensic
activities in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Denmark, England,
Austria, Estonia, and Ukraine. It is concluded that the problems that exist
in the implementation of these standards, were identied from the criteria
of evaluation of the eciency and capacity of digital data processing by the
agencies involved in the criminal investigation. In addition, the problems and
* PhD in Law, People's Deputy of Ukraine, The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 01008 Kyiv, Ukraine.
** Doctor in Law, Professor, Anti-Corruption and Law Enforcement Department, Educational and
Scientic Institute of Law, Prince Vladimir the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
03039, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Anti-Corruption and Law Enforcement Department, Educational and
Scientic Institute of Law, Prince Vladimir the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
03039, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Anti-Corruption and Law Enforcement Department, Educational and
Scientic Institute of Law, Prince Vladimir the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
03039, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Service and Medical Law, Institute of Law, Taras
Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
****** Doctor in Law, Director, Educational and Scientic Institute of Law, Prince Vladimir the Great
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
diculties faced by the authorities in implementing existing international
digitization standards, indicate the need for comprehensive measures to
organize criminal investigations. To overcome them, appropriate measures
must be taken in the eld of legislative changes.
Keywords: data digitization; criminal investigation; police; international
standards; implementation of legislative changes.
Problemas de implementación de los estándares
internacionales de digitalización de la investigación
El estudio consistió en identicar los problemas existentes en la
implementación de los estándares internacionales de digitalización de la
investigación criminal a nivel legislativo. La investigación se llevó a cabo
por etapas a modo de resumen, basándose en la lógica de presentación del
material, con el n de lograr y cumplir los objetivos planteados en el artículo.
Se utilizó el método de observación directa, el método de comparación y
análisis del contenido de los documentos, el método de enfoque sistémico
y pragmático. Los resultados clave del estudio fueron el análisis de la
experiencia de implementación de estándares digitales en actividades
forenses en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Gran Bretaña, Dinamarca, Inglaterra,
Austria, Estonia y Ucrania. Se concluye que los problemas que existen en
la implementación de estos estándares fueron identicados a partir de
los criterios de evaluación de la eciencia y capacidad de procesamiento
de datos digitales por parte de los organismos involucrados en la
investigación criminal. Además, los problemas y dicultades que enfrentan
las autoridades en la implementación de los estándares internacionales de
digitalización existentes indican la necesidad de medidas integrales para
organizar la investigación criminal. Para superarlos, se deben tomar las
medidas adecuadas en el campo de los cambios legislativos.
Palabras clave: digitalización de datos; investigación criminal; policía;
estándares internacionales; implementación de cambios
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
The development of scientic and technological progress entails changes
in the economy, society and politics. In this context, the methods and
technology of investigation and detection of crime have changed towards
digitalisation of criminal investigation (Janaki, 2019). The technological
impulse completely penetrated into the process of data collection in the
course of criminal investigation (Alrwishdi, 2021). The outdated written
hard copy forms of interaction in criminal investigations turned out to
overload the law enforcement system and make it ineective (Churikova
et al., 2021). The main task of digital technology is to form evidence by
searching, recording and investigating various objects related to criminal
proceedings (Antonov et al., 2019).
Besides, the location and time of a criminal oense can be found and
sometimes predicted quickly thanks to digital technology. The task of
ghting crime and protecting citizens becomes almost impossible without
the use of digital technology. In turn, citizens and criminals are adapting
to the world of digital data faster than police ocers (Deloitte, 2015). This
requires that bodies involved in criminal investigation to comply with
international digitalisation standards.
All possible technologies needed to digitise criminal proceedings have
already been developed and are widely available for implementation
(Ishchenko, 2019). Therefore, it can be unequivocally stated that the system
of criminal prosecution receives great benets from the implementation of
digital technology standards in its procedural activities.
The digital form of recording the criminal investigation is an inevitable
future that will simplify the process of storing and retrieving criminal
case materials in archives (database les) and improve the quality of
the investigator’s work. At the same time (Artamonova et al., 2021),
law enforcement agencies acknowledged the lack of general interest in
the digitalisation of criminal investigation, as this could lead to further
reductions in sta or equipment needed in their activities. However, early
digitalisation was the reason why it was dicult for prosecutors to interpret
electronic evidence (Goodison et al., 2015).
Information and communication technologies are constantly evolving,
so in order to detect cybercrime, the employees involved in criminal
investigation must be “life-ling students”. In such circumstances, police
ocers must be constantly trained to stay abreast of the latest technology,
to study cybercriminals, their motives, tactics and methods of work. In turn,
national security forces experience a so-called “brain drain”, when highly
qualied and experienced cybercrime investigators leave these agencies to
work in private rms, with higher salaries for their knowledge and skills
(Harkin et al., 2018).
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
Thus, the issue of implementing digitalisation standards in criminal
investigation is relevant both in the world and at the national level.
1. Literature review
Given the fact that the criminal investigation is aimed at obtaining
primary information regarding criminal proceedings, the inquest can be
built on the basis of the information obtained. Therefore, the main problem
that arises during the implementation of digitalisation standards is to
determine the limit and scope of the type of digital information that can be
provided to a person against whom criminal prosecution is conducted. In
this context, the information balance of the interests of the investigation
and the public should also be ensured. In turn, the transparency of the
criminal investigation for society should not interfere with eective and
simple interaction between law enforcement agencies and coordination of
their activities, etc.
The use of computer simulator programmes in the course of criminal
investigation is not entirely justied. The computer programmes that
simulate the process of committing a crime do not exclude the possibility of
falsication of evidence, as there are no clear criteria for such programmes,
there is enough data collected in dierent criminal situations (Przhilenskiy,
A clearer understanding of organizational barriers and professional
challenges, as well as a more detailed picture of how electronic evidence can
assist police in investigations, is needed to substantiate allegations more
empirically about how digitalisation contributes to changing the principles
of criminal investigation (Wilson-Kovacs, 2021).
The eectiveness of the use of data from digital networks depends on
many factors, and the method of obtaining intelligence information can
have both positive and negative results. First, the digitalisation of criminal
investigation requires a police ocer to have a number of skills and abilities,
eectively and objectively use search engines and other opportunities
to obtain electronic data.
correctly arrange and analyse the information obtained and draw
appropriate conclusions that are important for operative action.
follow the procedure of correct recording and capture of the
data obtained in accordance with the regulatory documents and
procedural legislation, which regulate the admissibility of evidence
in criminal proceedings.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
Besides, it has been found that attempts to optimize the ow of
documents in connection with the transition to a new method of electronic
data processing leads to an increased ow of such data. At the same time,
the volume of the created database increases, which, in turn, requires
even more skills and abilities of the user in terms of their rational analysis
and interpretation. The information itself, and especially large databases,
without proper analysis and processing are insignicant (Tambovtsev and
Pavlichenko, 2021) Law enforcement agencies receive a large amount of
information and must be able and willing to analyse it in an automated way
(Fatih and Bekir, 2015).
The aim of this study was to establish the problems that exist in the
implementation of the main international digitalisation standards of
criminal investigation at the national level.
The aim provided for the following objectives: identify criteria for
assessing the ability to use digital data by the bodies involved in criminal
investigation; determine the range of digitalisation standards of criminal
investigation that are applied in the world and at the national level; nd
out the experience and problems faced in the world and at the national
level during the implementation of the digitalisation standards of criminal
2. Methods
The study was conducted through the following methods: direct
observation was used to establish the opinion of modern scientists and
researchers in the eld of digital technology in forensics and claried the
experience of implementing digital standards in forensics, USA, Canada,
UK, Denmark, England, Austria, Estonia and Ukraine; the analysis of
the content of documents helped identify the main international forensic
digitalization standards developed by the International Organization for
Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission, as
well as the criteria for evaluating the eectiveness and capability to process
digital data by the bodies involved in criminal investigation; the method of
comparison was used to compare the criteria for assessing the eectiveness
and ability to process digital data by bodies involved in criminal investigation
with international digitalization standards of criminal investigation,
resulting in the identication of problems faced by national government
agencies in the implementation of existing international digitalization
standards; recommendations and proposals for overcoming problems of
the implementation of international digitalization standards of criminal
investigation at the national level were developed through a systemic and
pragmatic approach.
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
The main tool for obtaining information on the research topic were
the views and position of scientists on the introduction of digitalization
standards in the criminal investigation activities of police. It was established
that the main purpose of these standards is to promote advanced methods
and processes of nding and preserving the authenticity of digital evidence,
to be able to compare and contrast with each other. Examining separately the
training standards that are currently used to train specialists in operational
police units, it was found that they do not provide at the national level in-
depth knowledge of the methods of obtaining information. Examining the
standards for the search and analysis of electronic evidence by the bodies
involved in criminal investigation, it was proved that digital information
should be obtained without abusing interference in a person’s private
life. At the same time, digital evidence is often collected incorrectly and
analyzed ineciently, or simply not noticed due to technical diculties,
and therefore the obtained digital data should be studied by specialists who
know how to work eectively, analytically, comprehensively, and fairly with
large databases.
Separately considering other concepts of forensic activity, it was found
that despite the existence of the mechanisms and standards for digitalization,
many information technologies have not been properly enshrined in law.
A total of 40 sources and references were used in the work.
3. Results
Mobile computers were the most used technology in policing and tested
in police examinations. A study of a separate U.S. police department that
implemented a special wireless mobile broadband access system found that
its implementation contributed to saving working hours and performing
special tasks more eciently (Carter and Grommon, 2015). A study by the
UK government showed that the use of articial intelligence in the digital
police system can have real benets not only in the ght against crime, but
also for the public.
A study conducted among ocers in Ontario, Canada, showed that
information transmitted informally (through informal social networks)
is and will be more relevant, detailed, reliable and secure. The ability of
social networks to provide intelligence information can be more useful in
criminal investigation only to understand the information dissemination
trends (Sinclair Cotter, 2015).
A study in Denmark, England, Austria, and Estonia found that
digitalization should be primarily part of the ongoing or long-term process
of improving investigative activities of the police. In this context, the
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
best approach depends on the specic country and the goals underlying
digitalization. It should be noted that digitalization is not the goal, it is a tool
to promote rationalization and increase the eciency of crime investigation
(De Blok et al., 2014).
The study conducted among Norwegian police ocers is worth
mentioning. It is established that the digitalization of policing leads to a
broader division of labor: new positions, new specialties appear, the method
of managing police ocers changes within the institution (department)
towards bureaucratization. That is, the control of policing at a distance, the
use of new technologies and standards for stronger management can be
considered as a transition to a new form of digital leadership (Gundhus et
al., 2021).
A study of law enforcement activities of police in Russia found that there
is a tendency to complicate the procedure for obtaining electronic data. It
was also claried that the use of computer data should take place only in the
manner prescribed by procedural law. Therefore, the investigator must be
able to use them properly during the investigation (Stelmakh et al., 2021).
The training standards currently used to train specialists to work in
operational police units do not provide in-depth knowledge of the methods
of obtaining information necessary for the detection and investigation of
crimes in the modern information environment and the development of
relevant skills. Most employees involved in criminal investigation do not
have the appropriate analytical skills and skills to work with large databases.
It has become necessary for the digitalization of criminal investigation
procedures to be consistent and to ensure harmony between lawyers,
judges, forensic experts, law enforcement agencies, corporations, and
individuals. International digital forensic standards and procedures aim
to improve the eectiveness of investigations, ensure the admissibility
and accuracy of digital evidence and include identication, collection,
acquisition and storage. At the same time, standards for storage, ensuring
accuracy, completeness and persuasiveness of digital evidence are extremely
important, as they are used at the stage of criminal proceedings (Yeboah-
Ofori and Brown, 2020)
So, let’s cover the main international forensic standards for
digitalization that should be used during the criminal investigation (Table
1). These standards were developed by the International Organization for
Standardization (hereinafter — ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (hereinafter — IEC).
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
Table 1. The main international forensic standards for
digitalization, which should be used during the criminal
investigation (author’s development)
A general standard that provides guidance on how to reproduce a
criminal incident preparation procedure, in the form of idealized
models for dierent scenarios, so that such reproduction can be
repeated in each scenario and produce the same result. It includes
processes from preparation for the incident to closing the
investigation, as well as any general advice on such processes. The
provisions of the standard describe the processes and principles
applicable to various types of investigations. Unauthorized
access, damage to digital data, technical malfunctions of the
information system or corporate violations of information
security and other digital investigations (ISO, 2015a).
A standard that contains guidelines for processing digital
evidence, which includes identifying, collecting, obtaining,
and storing potential evidence. It assists organizations in their
disciplinary proceedings, and also facilitates the exchange of
potential digital evidence between jurisdictions (ISO, 2012).
The standard, which guarantees the handling of criminal
incidents, species the procedure for processing evidence, storage
and methods used in the investigation process. The purpose
of the standard is to provide guidance on: the collection and
analysis of data on information security incidents investigation;
use of validation of investigation processes; assessment of the
level of validation of evidence, and the volume of data required
for the audit (ISO, 2015b).
A standard that provides guidance on what tools, techniques,
and methods to use in analysis and interpretation to ensure
continuity, reliability, reproducibility, and repeatability. It
includes best practices in the selection, development and
implementation of analytical processes and registration of the
information obtained, which allows, if necessary, to subject such
processes to independent verication (ISO, 2015c).
The standard provides a denition of electronic discovery
(hereinafter ESI). Besides, it denes related terms and
describes concepts, including, but not limited to, identifying,
storing, collecting, processing, reviewing, analysing, and creating
ESIs. This document also denes other relevant standards
(e.g., ISO/IEC 27037) and how they relate to and interact with
electronic device detection activities (ISO, 2019).
Besides, we outline the criteria for assessing the eectiveness and
ability to process (collect and process) digital data by the bodies involved in
criminal investigation (Table 2).
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
Table 2. Criteria for evaluating the eectiveness and ability
to process (collect and process) digital data by bodies involved
in criminal investigation (author’s development)
Availability of appropriate software and
Changes made to the organizational and
procedural documents on the activities of the
bodies involved in criminal investigation
Responsibilities of institutions, enterprises,
organizations and individuals to assist with
the bodies involved in criminal investigation
Prerequisites and guarantees for the
preservation of digital data that can be
provided to the bodies involved in criminal
Opportunities for the exchange of digital
personal data at the request of the bodies
involved in criminal investigation
Availability of sta in the bodies involved in
criminal investigation, who are able to work
rationally with large databases
Are there
software for
search and
with the
approach to
of work of
the bodies
in criminal
Provision of the
of activity of
bodies involved
in criminal
on search and
requesting of
data is provided,
and in persons
who give them
— the relevant
Is there
and whether
bodies operate
at the state
There are
and legal
for the
of electronic
with large
user skills
At the legislative national level, criminal investigation is aimed at nding
and conrming data on illegal actions of persons or groups of persons for
which criminal liability is provided. Criminal investigation also aims to
stop the intelligence and subversive activities of special services of foreign
states and organizations, and to obtain information in the interests of the
security of citizens, society and the state. In order to exercise their powers,
the bodies involved in criminal investigation are already vested with many
rights related to the processing of digital data. They can carry out audio
and video surveillance of a person, obtain information from transport
telecommunication networks, electronic information networks, collect
information about the illegal activities of persons subject to inspection;
use and create automated information systems, etc. (Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 2020).
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
In turn, the national telecommunications operators are obliged to
implement the technical means on the telecommunications networks on
their own necessary for the criminal investigation to be carried out by
the authorized bodies and to prevent leakage of information about them
(Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2004). Besides, personal data may be provided
to law enforcement agencies in the interests of national security and human
rights (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010). Thus, criminal procedure law
gives the relevant authorities the right to receive restricted information to
perform their functions. That is, the legislative regulation of the rights of
the bodies involved in criminal investigation partially testies to its legal
probative force, as a preliminary investigative act provided by the criminal
procedure legislation (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2013).
However, funding, as well as the provision of material and human
resources for criminal investigation remains insucient. The European
Union is helping Ukraine in many ways to strengthen its capacity to ght
organized crime. To support the e-learning platform of the academies of
the Ministry of Internal Aairs in 2020, Ukraine received server stations
in almost all regional centers. Such servers are part of a technical upgrade
aimed at improving policing eciency. Two modular data processing centers
have also been established in Ukraine with the EU’s assistance to increase
the secure and timely exchange of data between regional authorities and the
national police. The EU and UNOPS have supplied about 200 computers to
the Ministry of Internal Aairs (EUAM Ukraine, 2020). Besides, Ukraine
received modern servers and data storage systems in 2021to create an IT
system to coordinate the work of the national police with Interpol (Europol)
in the ght against organized crime (United Nations, 2021).
The ght against cybercrime provides for the involvement of relevant
teaching sta in the national police training system to perform the following
improvement of procedural mechanisms for collecting electronic
appropriate training and preparation of investigators to work with
electronic evidence (Ismaylov, 2017).
Improving social control eorts to reduce crime is also relevant at the
national level. The expansion of information technology, big data and related
approaches is expected to become critical. To this end, law enforcement
could in turn teach the community how to use new technologies to prevent
crime. It is necessary to establish interaction with the community and
increase the eectiveness of crime prevention by providing Internet access
in dierent parts of the country (Stubbs-Richardson et al., 2018).
Given the above, we group the typical problems faced by national
authorities in the implementation of existing international digitalization
standards of criminal investigation (Table 3).
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
Table 3. Typical problems faced by national authorities in
the implementation of existing international digitalization
standards of criminal investigation (author’s development)
Insucient level
of training and
education of
to work with
obtained during
the criminal
to ensure its
compliance with
admissibility and
level of
who are
able to work
in a large
with large
level of
the police
and the
in the eld
of crime
in terms of
of electronic
level of
material and
of bodies
in criminal
4. Discussion
Digital technologies create problems in terms of equality for all citizens.
Detention procedures using modern technology are more likely to be used
against minority and foreigners. Another example of using the software
to identify and search for faces is recognizing faces in public places. Such
technical errors can lead to mistakes in court and illegal acts. With regard to
privacy, digital technologies also have some gaps. Privacy is a fundamental
human right. But in the digital environment, large amounts of personal
data are accumulated against people without proper permission, which can
be used against us. We constantly provide data about our location, political
views, family life, and we do not know who will use this data, how and why.
Therefore, sucient attention must be paid to the risks posed by digital
technologies (Mijatović, 2019). Personal data from mobile phones should
be removed with minimal interference with privacy.
To use information in electronic form as evidence in accordance with
accepted standards, its entire life cycle shall be subject to procedural
enshrinement. It should be provided for identication, research, copying,
attachment of the materials to the case and direct use as evidence at the
legislative level. To do this, it is necessary to change the conceptual and
regulatory approaches to the methods of collecting, studying, belonging
and admissibility of digital evidence used in criminal proceedings, at the
national level.
The ISO 27037 standard adopted in 2012 will increase awareness of
the specics of working with digital traces and evidence. However, the rst
part of it can be considered as a mandatory basis in the development and
implementation of procedures for the collection of digital evidence. Aa the
same time, the second part of this standard, which already contains certain
procedures, is now obsolete.
Valerii I. Bozhyk, Yan V. Streliuk, Vitaliy A. Maziychuk, Anatoliy O. Voightko, Myroslava V.
Kokoshko y Anatoliy M. Kisliy
Problems of implementing international digitalisation standards of criminal investigation
The main goal of the ISO 27k group of digital forensic examination
standards are to promote advanced methods and processes of searching
for digital evidence. While individual investigators, organizations, and
jurisdictions may well maintain their methods and controls in accordance
with local laws and established practices, it is hoped that standardization
will lead to adoption of similar approaches to criminal investigation at the
international level, making it easier to compare, combine, and contrast the
results of such investigations (ISO, 2018).
Many terms or concepts of information technology have not yet been
legally enshrined. Recognition and standardization of terminology in the
legal context of forensic activities are extremely important to prevent
miscommunication by law enforcement agencies. Digital evidence is often
collected incorrectly and analyzed ineciently or simply overlooked due to
technical diculties. Specic legal rules and principles should be followed
in order to full the tasks of the investigation and to ensure fairness in the
conclusions (Nortje and Myburgh, 2019).
The system for recording and collecting digital data in Ukraine should
be oriented at potential victims of crime, be transparent to the public,
inclusive, and comply with international norms and standards (Council of
Europe, 2020).
The above criteria for assessing the ability to use digital data by the
bodies involved in criminal investigation indicate the degree of the country’s
readiness to implement digitalization standards. At the same time, the
training and education of highly qualied sta for the system of bodies
involved in criminal investigation requires time and adaptation of training
programs to perform analytical work.
The experience of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada
has shown signicant benets from the digitalization of policing. However,
the experience of digitalization in Denmark, England, Austria, and
Estonia has shown that digitalization is not the goal, it is a tool to promote
rationalization and increase the eciency of criminal investigation.
The use of digital data in the criminal investigation should take place
exclusively in the manner prescribed by procedural law, in compliance with
international standards. The main purpose of international standards is to
promote advanced methods and processes for nding and preserving the
authenticity of digital evidence, to compare them.
In the age of digital technology and large amounts of data, crime
prevention places new demands on the work of employees involved in
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 317-333
criminal investigation who are able to work with databases. However,
national employees are lacking, or their level of training is insucient.
Little attention is also paid to the protection of objects used for electronic
communication and exchange of information with pre-trial authorities. It
will be appropriate to involve the public in interaction and cooperation as
regards crime prevention. However, work in this direction is slow.
Thus, the typical problems faced by national government agencies in the
implementation of existing international digitalization standards indicate
the need for comprehensive measures to organize criminal investigation.
Appropriate steps should be taken in both the legislative and material
areas. Besides, the training system of the police ocers should involve
highly qualied teaching sta, and the digitalization of policing itself should
not bureaucratize criminal investigations. The transition to a digital form
of law enforcement should take place in parallel: at the level of the bodies
involved in criminal investigation, and at the level of investigative bodies
and prosecutors.
The conclusions and recommendations given in this study can be used
in rule-making and practical activities, in the training of police ocers and
investigators on the digitalization of criminal investigation. Prospects for
further research include paying attention to the problems of digitalization
of the activities of investigative bodies in the legislation of Ukraine.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 71