Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 71
Recibido el 14/08/2021 Aceptado el 15/11/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 71 (2021), 166-186
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
State Information Security Policy
(Comparative Legal Aspect)
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk *
Yevgen V. Kotukh **
Olena M. Krutii ***
Vitalii P. Solovykh ****
Oleksandr A. Kotukov *****
The rapid development of information technology and the
problem of its rapid implementation in all spheres of public
life, the growing importance of information in management
decisions to be made by public authorities, a new format of media
— these and other factors urge the problem of developing and
implementing quality state information security policy. The aim
of the article was to conduct a comparative analysis of the latest
practices of improving public information security policies in the European
Union, as well as European countries such as Poland, Germany, Great
Britain, and Ukraine. The formal-logic, system-structural and problem-
theoretical methods were the leading methodological tools. The analysis of
regulatory legal acts showed that there is a single concept of international
information security at the global and regional levels, which requires
additional legal instruments for its implementation. It is stated that the
reform of national information security policies has a direct impact on the
formation of a single global information space. According to the results of
the study, it is substantiated that the United Kingdom is characterized by
the most promising information security policy.
* Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Department of Public Policy, Institute of Public
Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** PhD in Technical Sciences, Department of Cybersecurity, Sumy State University, 40000, Sumy,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Department of Public Policy, Institute of Public
Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Doctor Public Administration, Professor, Department of International Relations, International
Information and Security, Faculty of Economic Relations and Tourist Business, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv
National University, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, Institute of Public Administration,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; cybercrime; global cybersecurity index;
global information space; information security.
Política Estatal de Seguridad de la Información
(Aspecto Legal Comparativo)
El rápido desarrollo de la tecnología de la información y el problema
de su implementación en todas las esferas de la vida pública, la creciente
importancia de la información y un nuevo formato de medios: estos y
otros factores impulsan el problema del desarrollo de la investigación,
implementar una política de seguridad de la información del estado de
calidad. El objetivo del artículo fue realizar un análisis comparativo de las
últimas prácticas de mejora de las políticas de seguridad de la información
pública en la Unión Europea, así como en países como: Polonia, Alemania,
Gran Bretaña y Ucrania. Las técnicas de lógica formal, estructura de sistemas
y teoría de problemas fueron las principales herramientas metodológicas.
El análisis de los actos legales regulatorios mostró que existe un concepto
único de seguridad de la información internacional a nivel global y regional,
que requiere de instrumentos legales adicionales para su implementación.
Se concluye que la reforma de las políticas nacionales de seguridad de la
información tiene un impacto directo en la formación de un único espacio
global de información. Según los resultados del estudio, se corrobora
que Reino Unido se caracteriza por tener la política de seguridad de la
información más prometedora.
Palabras clave: pandemia Covid-19; ciberdelincuencia; índice de
ciberseguridad global; espacio de información global;
seguridad de la información.
The development of information and communication technologies
has aected all spheres of public life, including economics, politics, social
issues, and culture, uniting them within the development of the information
society. Technological progress has led to radical changes in the modern
world, which has qualitatively transformed the system of international
relations. The spread and use of innovative technologies aect the interests
of the entire international community. Besides, science and innovation are
particularly important for achieving sustainable development goals. This
context played an extremely important role during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
The fact that governments, businesses, organizations and government
services were able to share important information quickly, eciently and
ethically during a pandemic has saved many lives and forced governments
to take a fresh look at information security. At the same time, innovations
can potentially be used for purposes that are incompatible with the goals of
international stability and security, which will negatively aect the integrity
of the infrastructure of states. All countries have been aected by the digital
gap in one way or another, and cybersecurity, as a key driver of the digital-
based economy, society and government must become a priority. According
to the Global Cybersecurity Index (International Telecommunication
Union, 2020), which provides an assessment of information security at the
global level on 28 criteria, such as the United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia
provide the highest level of information security. Ukraine ranked 78th out of
182 countries in this ranking.
However, it is widely believed that the eorts of individual states in the
rapid transformation ow of innovation may not be sucient to ensure
international information security (Shafqat and Masood, 2016). One of
the most pressing issues is that the ban on the use of information weapons
by states should be legalized in international law (Futter, 2020). Separate
regulation in the eld of information security of individuals (protection of
condentiality and against defamation) seems urgent. Strengthening the
level of information trust, including information security and network
security, authentication, condentiality and consumer protection, become
necessary conditions for the development of the information society and
enhancing trust among users of innovative technologies. Scientists are
increasingly noting that the global culture of information security needs
to be promoted, developed and implemented in collaboration with all
stakeholders and international expert bodies (Olejnik, 2021). In this
context, the reform of national information security policies is especially
Each country has its own information policy, which is supported through
a network of laws, administrative rules and customs. Many countries are
developing increasingly clear and restrictive information policies, which
are being implemented to preserve their political, cultural and economic
status. Today, the policy in the eld of information security of an individual
state is developed in response to relations with other countries; economic,
social and political conditions, as well as the current state of technology are
established. It is possible to understand the reasons for the development
and implementation of the information policy of a particular state only
with a view to the historical development and legal traditions of a particular
country (Zakharenko, 2019). However, there have been tremendous
technological changes over the past ve years, and national governments
need to step up their response and take urgent action to ensure information
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
Besides, most of the interstate conicts that arise today are, among
other things, also caused by the transformations associated with the
information revolution and global transformations in the information age
(Patrick, 2021). Such conicts are not only technological, but, above all,
political in nature. Every country, including European democracies, has
its own way of reforming its national political system and tackling the
challenges of the information revolution. At the same time, there are some
contradictions given that cyberspace is global and exists beyond national
borders. At the same time, the protection of information resources is a top
priority of national security, despite the fact that it cannot be guaranteed
by state institutions only. The government’s capability to control individual
production and consumption of information remains very limited. However,
the new information security legislation is designed to address such issues as
condentiality, unauthorized access and security on the Internet. The data
strategy, which would reect the opportunities and challenges of the new
hyper-digital world, is especially relevant in the globalization dimension
(Lomas, 2020). Such a strategy would ensure that states take into account
the priorities and potential trade-os of data in a balanced and reasonable
way in order to form the most eectively managed economy, which will
contribute to the recovery of states from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Current globalisation trends show that most countries around the world
now have consistent procedures for responding to computer incidents
and information leaks, and almost two-thirds have some form of national
information security strategy (Scroxton, 2020). In turn, states still remain
vulnerable in the face of rapid digital transformation, which requires the
development of an adaptive legislative platform in the eld of information
security at the national level. Given the above context, the aim of the article
is to conduct a comparative analysis of the basics of public information
security policy in the European Union and Ukraine. This aim outlined the
vectors and objectives of further research, which are as follows:
1) identify the features of state information security policies in the
European Union, Poland, Germany, Britain, and Ukraine.
2) reveal the prospects for the transformation of the national policy of
the studied states in the area of information security in the digital
3) develop a sound strategy for reforming Ukraine’s national information
security policy, taking into account the positive experience of
European states in this area.
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
1. Methods and Materials
The author’s scientic research was conducted with the involvement
of a set of methodological tools and within a clearly structured research
architecture shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Research design. Source: Authors
Formal-logical, system-structural and problem-theoretical methods
were used to analyse the existing international information security system
and vectors of reforming national information security policies. At the same
time, the comparative method was used to analyse information security
provisions at the global and regional levels.
The method of observation was the leading practical method, which
allowed analysing in detail the variable policy innovations in the eld of
information security in the European Union, Poland, Germany, Great
Britain and Ukraine. This method led to the conclusion that the UK’s national
policy to protect the national information space and the introduction of
the latest innovations in science and technology in public sector reforms is
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
the most successful for testing in Ukraine. The observation method helped
to substantiate that the approaches to the information security policy of
the European Union do not fully coincide with the national legal system
of Ukraine and can be used in the development of national policy only
The systemic analysis should also be considered one of the leading
methods of scientic research in this article. Its application allowed to
achieve the aim and full the outlined objectives of the article, as well as
to distinguish certain parts of the subject under research, in particular,
when substantiating the features, properties and characteristics of
legal regulation of information security in dierent jurisdictions. The
historical chronological method was used in the study of the formation
and development of legal regulation of information security policy in the
analysed countries. Historical and legal analysis is not possible without
taking into account the transformations that occurred not only with the
object of study, but also with all related processes and phenomena. The
above allows, rst of all, to identify and take into account all the factors and
conditions that determined the evolution of the concepts of information
security, which qualitatively transformed the modern national policies of
The problem-chronological method helped to structure the text of
the research, empirical analysis facilitated the comparison of historical
documents and facts. The simulation method was used in the search for a
universal model for reforming the national information security policy. This
method was also tested to determine eective mechanisms of international
cooperation between the legal systems of states in the eld of information
security and the formation of a single global information space of states.
The conclusions were drawn through the dogmatic method in accordance
with the aim of the study and the main objectives outlined.
The scientic works of leading scientists and lawyers, as well as analysed
laws and regulations in the eld of information security were the theoretical
and methodological background of the research. A total of thirty-ve
references were used in the article.
2. Results
The issue of modern information security is given considerable attention
around the world. The rapid development and active use of technology has
led to the fact that states have become dependent on them, which entails the
likelihood of new threats. Most often, such threats are associated with the
objective possibility of using information and communication technologies
to create conicts. The use and proliferation of information weapons, which
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
poses a risk of information wars and information terrorism, is of particular
concern. Ensuring international information security cannot be achieved
solely through the eorts of an individual sovereign state and its national
policy in this area. Besides, the concept of international information
security has already been formed at the global and regional levels, and it,
among other things, uses the achievements of national information security
It should be noted that states have never stood aside from the problems
of rapid development of the information space, as evidenced by numerous
international resolutions. The existence of such documents, their
accumulation and improvement of approaches conrm some progress in
ensuring information security. In particular, the resolutions of the UN
General Assembly contain specic proposals for the development of an
information security system that can be used to draft relevant international
agreements. For example, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution
58/199 of 23 December 2003 on the creation of a global culture of
cybersecurity and the protection of critical information infrastructure
(United Nations, 2003), which denes the elements of protection of
critical information infrastructures, namely: (1) the availability of cyber-
threat and incident emergency warning networks; (2) raising awareness
to facilitate stakeholders’ understanding of the nature and extent of their
critical information infrastructure and the role that everyone should
play in protecting them; (3) studying infrastructures and identifying
interdependencies between them, thereby strengthening the protection of
such infrastructures; and (4) promoting partnerships between stakeholders,
both public and private, to exchange and analyse critical infrastructure
information in order to prevent, investigate and respond to damage to or
attacks on such infrastructure, and so on.
Gradual global legislative transformations against the background
of innovations have led to changes in the understanding of information
security. At the same time, an institutional mechanism for ensuring
international information security has been established within the UN.
States regularly submit their assessments of the state of information security,
which are included in the Secretary-General’s reports, and contribute to a
better understanding of the nature of international information security
issues and related concepts. Besides, the United Nations (2020) has
established a panel of high-level digital cooperation with representatives of
governments, business and the scientic community. Based on the ndings
and recommendations, the United Nations (2021) has also developed
a road map for cooperation in the digital sector. In particular, the eight
leading spheres of cooperation in the eld of digitalisation, shown in Figure
2, remain conceptual vectors of state development.
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
Figure 2: Key areas of interstate cooperation in the eld of
information security in the digital age (summarized by the
author based on the analysis. Source: United Nations (2021)
The analysis of international documents showed that in the current
conditions, states should strive to limit threats in the eld of international
information security. To this end, in their national policies states should
refrain from: 1) the use of methods of inuencing and harming information
sources and regimes of another state; 2) targeted information impact on
critical structures of another state; 3) informational inuence in order
to destroy the political, economic and social system of other states; 4)
psychological information impact on the population in order to destabilise
society; 5) unauthorized interference in information and telecommunication
regimes; 6) encouragement of international terrorist, extremist and criminal
communities, organisations, groups and individual criminals who threaten
information resources and critical state infrastructures; 7) approval of
plans, doctrines that provide for the possibility of information wars and
are able to provoke an “arms race”; 8) the use of information technology
and means to the detriment of human rights and freedoms created in
the information sphere; 9) cross-border dissemination of information
prohibited by international principles and norms of international law.
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
Referring to the practice of the European Union in the eld of information
security, it is worth emphasizing that this area is highly fragmented and
even terminology is not consistent in EU legislation or policy. The main
documents are as follows.
The Directive on privacy and electronic communications (European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2002) covers the
processing of personal data and the protection of condentiality in the
electronic communications sector.
The Cybercrime Directive 2013/40/EU, (European Parliament and the
Council of the European Union, 2013) aims to approximate the criminal
law of the EU member States in the eld of attacks on information systems
by, among other things, establishing minimum rules for the denition of
criminal oenses and the development of national policies in this area.
The GDPR (European Parliament and the Council of the European
Union, 2016b) is a broad cross-sectoral law governing the processing of
personal data. Each EU member State has set up one or more supervisory
authorities (also known as data protection authorities) in accordance with
this document, which are responsible for monitoring compliance with the
GDPR on their territory. They also have the power to control the processing
of personal data by a “controller” not registered in the European Union if
the processing is directed at persons residing in the EU.
The Directive on measures to ensure the overall level of security of
network and information systems throughout the Union (European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2016a) was the rst
part of EU cybersecurity legislation. The main purpose of this document
is to strengthen cybersecurity in the European Union in key areas. The
Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/151 (European Commission,
2018) further claried and supplemented some provisions of this document.
The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) (European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2018) requires EU
member States to implement cybersecurity rules that, like the Directive
on Privacy and Electronic Communication, apply to the electronic
communications sector. EECC is a revision of a number of EU directives,
including the Framework Directive (European Parliament and the Council
of the European Union, 2002a). The Framework Directive established a
harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications
services, electronic communications networks, related facilities and
related services. This Directive determines the tasks of national regulatory
authorities and establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised
application of the regulatory framework throughout the European Union.
The Framework Directive remained technically valid until December 20,
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
The EU Cyber Security Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/881) updates
and strengthens the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), including by
transforming it into a permanent agency for pan-European cyber security.
It also establishes a pan-European cybersecurity certication system for
digital products, services and processes. By default, certicates will be
voluntary, unless otherwise provided by EU law or the law of EU member
It can be stated that the above documents of the European Union take
into account the models of functioning of integration organisations in the
eld of information security and need signicant adaptation for use at the
national level in the reform of state information security policy.
At the same time, the experience of individual EU member States in the
eld of high-quality reform of the state information security policy is worth
The Ministry of Digital Aairs of Poland presented the latest cybersecurity
strategy of the country for 2019 - 2024 (Zagórski, 2019). The strategy
focuses on increasing the country’s resilience to cyberattacks and improving
data protection in the public, military and private sectors, committing itself
to developing a national cybersecurity system, expanding the exchange
of information on cyber threats and strengthening coordination between
law enforcement agencies. The National Research Institute (NASK) plays
a key role in implementing the strategy from a research and educational
perspective. The document emphasises that national cybersecurity
standards should be developed as a set of organisational and technical
requirements for the security of applications, mobile devices, workstations,
servers and networks, cloud computing models. To ensure the safe and
cost-eective operation of information systems in public administration,
it is necessary to implement recommendations and best practices that
increase sustainability in the use of new types of information processing
and storage. The fullment of state tasks related to information security
is supported by Polish standards based on European and/or international
standards and values.
In Germany, the Cyber Security Strategy for Germany (Federal
Government of Germany, 2021) regulates the fundamental, long-term
orientation of the federal government’s information security policy. The
strategy contains four main recommendations: 1) establish information
security as a joint task of the state, business, society and science; 2)
strengthen the digital sovereignty of the state, business, science and society;
3) ensure the safe development of digitalisation; 4) determine priority goals
of the state and business in the eld of information security on the grounds
of reality and transparency. The document focuses on the distribution of
responsibilities and cooperation between government institutions. Besides,
Germany’s commitments to the EU and NATO are also indispensable in
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
information security. Cooperation with international partners and the
integration of national measures into European and international processes
are necessary to ensure a high level of information protection in Germany.
Despite the fact that Ukraine is not a member of the European Union, it
has been actively implementing European information security standards
since 2014. By such actions the state decisively transforms the national policy
according to the European model. The information security is recognised
as a priority of national public policy. This position of the state, among
other things, is reected in the Doctrine of Information Policy of Ukraine
(Administration of the President of Ukraine, 2017). This act was adopted in
order to overcome the complex nature of current threats to national security
in the information sphere, identify innovative approaches to the formation
of a system of protection and development of the information space in
the context of globalisation and free circulation of information. The main
background for the development of this document was active illegal actions
of the Russian Federation in the information space of Ukraine.
Despite the rather progressive content and direction of driving
security actions, this document is somewhat one-sided and eliminates the
expediency of many sectoral information policies of the state. Focusing
on the aggressor country only is not a promising area of reform. In this
context, it should be noted that in September 2021 the government
approved the 2025 Information Security Strategy (Ministry of Culture and
Informational Policy of Ukraine, 2021). The main purpose of this document
was the urgent need to eectively counter threats in the area of information
security, urgency in ensuring eective state sovereignty, preserving the
territorial integrity of the country. The state of the hybrid war on the part of
the Russian Federation is of growing concern given the possibility of illegal
use of information space by the aggressor. Besides, the fullment of the
international legal obligations of the state in the eld of implementation
of European and world standards of ensuring rights and freedoms has also
led to the changes declared in the document. The proposed act currently
outlines seven leading areas for reforming national information security
policy (Figure 3).
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
Figure 3: Directions for improving Ukraine’s policy based
on the results of the analysis of the draft 2025 Information
Security Strategy of Ukraine. Source: Ministry of Culture and
Informational Policy of Ukraine (2021)
It should be separately emphasized that the proposed changes are not
yet nal. In particular, the above strategy will come into force subject to
the signing of a relevant decree by the President of Ukraine with the prior
approval of the draft document still to be approved by the National Security
and Defence Council of Ukraine. At the same time, it should be noted that
today’s challenges require Ukraine not only to take innovative approaches
to state information security policy, but also to nd eective mechanisms
for implementing the declared vectors of action. It can be stated that the
management decisions in the study area themselves are not able to increase
the level of information security in the state and in various spheres of public
In the context of the analysis of the successful implementation of the state
information security policy, it is advisable to take into account the experience
of the United Kingdom, which has gained worldwide recognition as a digital
state (Cattaneo et al., 2020). The data market in the UK (including cash
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
from products or services derived from digitised data) remains the largest
in Europe. In 2019, British technology rose sharply: the UK provided 33%
of European investment in technical innovation (Tech Nation, 2020). The
success of the state in this area was facilitated, among other things, by the
step-by-step state information security policy. In particular, it is enshrined
in the National Data Strategy (Department for Digital, Culture, Media &
Sport of the United Kingdom, 2020). A rather positive point is its open
discussion by all segments of the population, with subsequent amendments
to the document taking into account the most reasonable proposals. Besides,
in the further update of the National Information Strategy the government
provided details of the steps to implement the strategy based on the results
of the proposals that formed the latest approach.
This strategy has identied ve public policy priorities which can
address key issues that may prevent society from taking advantage of the
opportunities opened up by the data today (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Priority areas of UK public information security policy.
Source: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport of the
United Kingdom (2020)
Among the given vectors of the state policy, protection of an
infrastructure on which the data is placed is especially important. In
particular, variable registers are a vital national asset that requires the most
eective protection against security risks and other issues, such as service
disruptions. Interruptions in the operation of registers, the provision of
public services and any other activity based on data processing may lead to
disruption of enterprises, organisations and public services. These are also
commercial risks for the government and the government is responsible for
ensuring the sustainability of the data and the infrastructure that supports
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
them in the face of established and emerging risks. The UK’s involvement
in the international data ow is worth noting. The ow of information
across borders facilitates global business operations, supply chains and
trade, stimulating growth worldwide. It also plays a broader social role.
The transfer of personal data ensures the payment of salaries to people
and helps them communicate with loved ones from afar. As the Covid-19
pandemic has shown, sharing health data can help with vital research into
diseases by uniting countries in responding to global emergencies.
3. Discussion
The lack of eective international legal instruments in the eld of
information security has been largely discussed in theoretical and political
discussions. Controversial academic disputes mainly divide those who
believe that states should play a more inuential role in formulating
international law on the information space (Tverdokhlib, 2021), and those
who insist that cyberspace should remain free and globalised (Bondarenko
and Mikhalchuk, 2021). Scientists point out that the information security
of each individual state is part of a comprehensive system of international
security. However, international relations are more than just relations
between subjects of public international law. The requirement of information
security is equally applicable to international non-governmental and
domestic relations, to national policies (Zakharenko, 2020). The lack of
eective international legal instruments in the eld of information security
has been largely discussed in theoretical and political discussions. At the
same time, the analysed concept of international information security gives
every reason to say that national policies in this area should act as a deterrent,
while being the basis for testing the latest innovations in the information
sphere for the most eective formation of the global information space.
The integrated system of international security and the system of national
information security have a certain sphere of intersection.
The position that the postulates of information security of the state
should be revised in view of the rapid growth of threats to various strategic
sectors of society given the intensication of innovation seems to be well-
argued (Adonis, 2019). It is the governments of the states that are entrusted
with the greatest possible degree of coordination of the eective fullment
of the state’s obligations to ensure information security. Public authorities
should gradually review the perception of data and the possibilities of their
use in the long run.
Research has shown that data can revolutionize the public sector by
creating better, cheaper and more ecient public services. These state
services and capabilities depend to a large extent on data, but the systems
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
that process and store them are updated faster than national legislation.
Many systems are outdated and unable to communicate with each other,
creating problems in a world where public services are becoming increasingly
interconnected (Ikeda et al., 2019). In this context, the conclusion on the
reasonability of multisectoral reforms of national information security
policies in order to ensure maximum data protection at both the regional
and global levels is well considered.
The experience of states responding to the Covid-19 pandemic has shown
that choosing to handle data as a strategic asset is the most eective for
states, which resulted in the improved coordination between organisations,
as well as accelerated delivery of public services that are more innovative,
ecient, and cost-eective. Scholars emphasise the need for public policies
to move away from a culture of risk-taking to a unied approach, where
it is assumed that, under appropriate safeguards, data should be shared
to achieve better results (Lallie et al., 2021). The international community
now recognises that the most secure data means better and more eective
decision-making for the central government (Sun et al., 2021). This means
policies that can be adapted and implemented more eectively, as well
as signicant savings for the state budget. The best evidence that policy
has the expected eect in dierent areas and for dierent groups is that
interference in public relations is inconspicuous and much more eective
(Lee et al., 2020). This is in line with the new expectations of the public in
the current digital context.
The study found that the benets of the new information security
policy can be realised through better, more coordinated use of data in the
broad public sector — in education, the judiciary, health care and local
governments. The phase of gradual implementation of the state policy fully
identies the immediate needs and barriers faced by the local authorities in
the use of data and testing of policy concepts. In the long run, this approach
is supported by the scientic community and justies: reducing bureaucratic
burdens, overcoming and avoiding the risks of data leakage, strengthening
incentives for data exchange in the public sector (Coco and Diaz, 2020).
Non-standardization and lack of data coordination by the state mean that
data collected by one organisation cannot be easily used by another. This
leads to duplication of eort and waste of resources (Mantelero, 2018).
Therefore, the interpretation of data in the public sector as a strategic asset
with good governance seems to be the most acceptable leading thesis of
further vectors of reforms of national information security policies.
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 166-186
At the end of the 20th century, information and legal research focused on
studying the peculiarities of social relations, which arose in connection with
the increasingly active use of innovative technologies and the attempt to
regulate the changed relations at the state level. At the same time, there are
two tendencies in the world of legal regulation of relations in the information
sphere: to use the existing legislation by analogy, creating new norms only
on the basis of the realities that arise in connection with comprehensive
informatisation; or create new legislation. Modern legislation does not
adapt in time to the advances of science and technological progress, which
leads to the emergence of new social relations, which often require, rst,
ethical, and only then legal assessment by society. In view of the above,
information, its preservation until the legalization of the updated legal
security regime requires a revision of long-term obligations of the state in
this area.
This research topic is especially relevant in view of the gradual increase
in the number of domestic registers and databases. It is recognised that
state databases have become an attractive target for cybercriminals who
sell data for personal gain or use it to access government networks or
services, to destroy critical infrastructure, or to expose individual ocials.
In this context, public authorities should take the most eective measures
to ensure the security of the data they store. States, in turn, need to revise
national information security policies in the face of the latest technological
innovations and cyber threats.
Scientists conrmed the author’s conclusion that new modern
mechanisms for implementing information policy using the latest
technologies designed to optimize and streamline the decision-making
process in government and administration, mostly pose a threat to
information security, where the improvement of the mechanisms and
methods of state information policy will contribute to timely elimination of
this threat. It was stated in this research that state control over the processes
taking place is necessary and mandatory, given that information technology
can carry a range of information threats.
A study of the latest developments in reforming public information
security policies has shown that the vectors of British policy are the most
eective. The UK, having left the European Union, continues to defend
the benets that data and the global information space can provide. The
country promotes national best practices and co-operates with international
partners to ensure that data are not unduly restricted by national borders
and fragmented regulatory regimes. At the same time, the state policy
of Ukraine in the eld of information security in recent years has made
signicant steps towards its adaptation to global and European principles
Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Yevgen V. Kotukh, Olena M. Krutii, Vitalii P. Solovykh y Oleksandr
A. Kotukov
State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect)
of information security. Moreover, the long-term adoption of the 2025
Information Security Strategy of Ukraine will be a further vector of driving
political changes in the study area. The vector of further research on the
subject of the article will be a comparative analysis in order to nd the most
eective results of the implementation of the declared policy areas in the
eld of information security in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 71