Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 70
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca ción aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
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Pe rio di cals Di rec tory, EBS CO. Se en cuen tra acre di ta da al Re gis tro de Pu bli ca cio-
nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
Di rec to ra
M. C
Co mi té Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi té Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
José Ce rra da
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Asis ten tes Ad mi nis tra ti vos
Joan López Urdaneta y Nil da Ma rín
Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 70 (2021), 674-695
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 03/06/2021 Aceptado el 22/08/2021
Detection and Extraction of Electronic
Information During Investigative (Search)
Actions Under Ukrainian Legislation
Oksana Khablo *
Dmytro Pysmenniy **
Oleksandr Halahan ***
Mykhailo Nykonenko ****
Olha Kubareva *****
The article provides a comprehensive study of the features of
detection and seizure of electronic information during investigative
(search) actions under the laws of Ukraine. The methodological
basis of the scientic article is the complex application of general
scientic and special methods of scientic knowledge in their
relationship, selected considering the purpose and objectives of the study,
its object and subject. It is noted that the following information, which
is contained in the form of electronic-digital mappings, can be obtained
during investigative (search) actions, covert investigative (search) actions,
as well as during temporary access to things and documents as a measure
of criminal proceedings. It is established that the process of reviewing
electronic documents in general corresponds to the generally accepted
algorithm of actions: search and detection of documents; visual inspection
of the external state without changing the conditions of perception; xation;
detection of handprints; detection of traces of changes in the original
content; preparation for packaging; packaging. It is substantiated that the
involvement of a computer technician in the investigation, search, other
* Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure,
National Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
275X. Email:
** Candidate of legal sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure, National
Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
*** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure,
National Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
0022. Email:
**** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure,
National Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
8672. Email:
***** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure, National
Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
procedural actions, aimed at solving the problems of contextual information
retrieval, detection of electronic document management programs, viewing
the history of visits to Internet browsers.
Keywords: digital research; criminal proceedings; electronic
information; tests; investigative actions (search).
Detección y extracción de información electrónica
durante las acciones de investigación (búsqueda) bajo la
legislación ucraniana
El artículo proporciona un estudio exhaustivo de las características de
detección e incautación de información electrónica durante las acciones de
investigación de conformidad con las leyes de Ucrania. La base metodológica
del artículo fue la combinación compleja de métodos cientícos generales y
métodos especiales de conocimiento cientíco en su relación, seleccionados
teniendo en cuenta la nalidad y objetivo del estudio, su objeto y tema.
Se observa que la siguiente información, que está contenida en forma
de mapeos electrónico-digitales, se puede obtener durante acciones de
investigación, acciones de investigación encubiertas, así como durante el
acceso temporal a cosas y documentos como medida de procesos penales. Se
establece que el proceso de revisión de documentos electrónicos en general
corresponde al algoritmo de acciones generalmente aceptado: búsqueda y
detección de documentos; inspección visual del estado externo sin cambiar
las condiciones de percepción; jación; detección de huellas de manos;
detección de rastros de cambios en el contenido original; preparación
para envasado; embalaje. Se concluye que la implicación de un técnico
informático es importante en la investigación, búsqueda y otras actuaciones
procesales, encaminadas a solucionar los problemas de recuperación de
información contextual, detección de programas de gestión documental
electrónica y visualización del historial de visitas.
Palabras clave: investigación digital; proceso penal; información
electrónica; pruebas; acciones de investigación
The development and introduction of modern information technologies
in all spheres of public life and economy in Ukraine makes it possible to use
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
them, in particular, for selsh and other reasons. Information technology
also provides new opportunities for criminal activity, the computer
«provides» both new types of crimes and new ways of committing the
usual illegal acts. Combating crimes committed with the use of information
technology is a new challenge for law enforcement (Bolhov et al., 2015). The
use of telecommunications networks makes it possible to commit a crime
without leaving home, oce, without leaving the borders of their country,
or simultaneously from the territory of several states. There is no form of
control over information that opens unlimited opportunities for access to
and use by criminals. This determines the transnational, organized, group
nature of many cybercrimes (Husarov, 2013).
It should be noted the international importance of cybercrime, the level of
which is directly dependent on the level of development and implementation
of modern information technology. There is a consolidation of IT criminals
into groups with their subsequent consolidation into criminal groups,
criminal organizations that operate on a permanent basis - «professional
cybercrime». There is also a rapid establishment and strengthening of
links between criminal groups, which allows for the rapid exchange of
information, the exchange of techniques and methods of committing
crimes, methods of transferring electronic funds in cash, etc. (Shapochka,
2014). However, not only crimes in the eld of use of computers, systems
and computer networks and telecommunication networks, but also many
«traditional» socially dangerous acts leave behind electronic traces in
computer networks, on magnetic or optical media, monitor screens. As a
result, there is a practical problem with the use of these traces during the
pre-trial investigation
Muradov, 2013).
The investigation of cybercrime is also complicated by certain
features: latency; the possibility of destruction or alteration of computer
information that is evidence of a crime; the occurrence of a problem during
the inspection of computer systems, removal and examination of traces
stored in the memory of technical devices, in the electromagnetic eld, on
computer media; short-term storage of information that can act as evidence
on the servers of companies - operators of telecommunications networks,
etc. (Burbelo, 2013). That is why the challenge of modernity, which faced
forensic theory and practice, is the need to clarify the forensic and procedural
features of detection and recording of electronic trace information during
the investigation of criminal oenses under the laws of Ukraine.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodology of the article is based on general and special methods of
scientic knowledge, the use of which is determined by the purpose, object,
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
and subject of research (Vasylevych, 2021). General scientic methods are
presented in the work mainly by methods of formal and dialectical logic
(analysis and synthesis, methods of induction and deduction, ascent from
concrete to abstract and from abstract to concrete, system-structural
method, and others).
The appeal to the dialectical method provided consideration of the
requirements and methods of detecting and preserving this type of material
evidence in criminal proceedings, such as electronic information, from the
standpoint of the integrity of the phenomenon and the interconnectedness
of its individual elements. The formal-logical method was used in
dening the basic legal concepts and categories that make up the content
of a scientic article, to interpret the concepts of «sources of evidence»,
«electronic evidence», «review», to identify major problems that arise
when collecting and extracting electronic trace information. The system-
structural method provided an opportunity to develop the structure of the
procedural mechanism for detecting and retrieving electronic sources of
evidence and to characterize the procedure for their storage by separating
its elements.
The analysis of the norms of the current criminal procedural legislation
and the practice of its application, the interpretation of the provisions of
the relevant normative legal acts and materials of judicial practice was
carried out using formal-dogmatic and hermeneutic methods. The method
of theoretical and legal modeling allowed substantiating the proposals
aimed at improving the procedural order of collection and procedural
consolidation of electronic evidence in criminal proceedings. The article
uses a methodological system built on the vertical principle, which includes
the following levels: philosophical, general, special-scientic, specic-
scientic. The normative and legal basis of the dissertation research is the
Constitution of Ukraine, acts of national criminal procedural legislation.
2. Analysis of recent research
Various aspects of the selected issues in the criminal process are
the subject of research in the works of scientists of the modern period,
among which it is appropriate to note V.V. Bilous (2012), V.V. Biryukov
(2007), V.M. Bolhov, N.M. Hadion, O.Z. Hladun (2015) A.G. Volevodz
(2001), A.V. Kovalenko (2017), B.B. Teplitsky (2019), Yu.Yu. Orlov, S.S.
Cherniavskyi (Cherniavskyi, 2017) and others.
Despite the signicant number of scientic papers and increased interest
in the problems of evidentiary law in criminal proceedings, many issues
related to electronic evidence in the criminal process of Ukraine, both
doctrinal and purely applied, remain controversial or partially resolved. In
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
addition, the vast majority of research is based on previous legislation. At
the same time, the potential for the use of electronic traces in the activities
of investigative bodies for the search and identication of persons, crime
prevention, etc., remains unacceptably low
Bilous, 2012).
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive theoretical and applied
study of certain criminal procedural and forensic features of detection
and seizure of electronic information during investigative (search) actions
under Ukrainian law, development of proposals and recommendations of
organizational, tactical, and legislative nature aimed at improving the use
of digital sources of evidence in criminal proceedings.
3. Results and discussion
The urgent and most important tasks of investigators and operatives are
to search, record, remove and provide the expert intact material objects -
computer information carriers, which acquire the status of objects of expert
research, and the correct denition of forensic computer and technical tasks
Expertise (Teplitskyi, 2019)
During the pre-trial investigation, both material traces (ngerprints,
micro-objects, etc.) and electronic ones (visits to relevant sites, user
correspondence archive, management of electronic payment systems
accounts, geolocation, etc.) can be detected, which contribute to the
formation of a full evidence base and expose not only its user, but also other
persons involved in the commission of a criminal oense. Electronic media,
if it meets the denition ofevidence” (Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine, for example, if it is a material object), may be obtained by
the prosecution, seized, taken under control by the prosecution in a certain
procedural order, inspected, photographed, described, copied, attached to
criminal proceedings, returned to the owner, saved, lost or destroyed, etc.
(Zakharko, 2019).
Evidence obtained in the course of an investigation must meet the
requirements of reliability, appropriateness and admissibility. The specied
requirements are put forward both to the form of the received information,
and their maintenance. These requirements also apply to electronic
evidence. In order to properly document information from digital sources,
it is needed to take into account the functional features of the technologies
with which they were created, stored, transmitted, and so on.
Consolidation of electronic evidence obtained as a result of the Criminal
Procedure Code, investigative or covert investigative (search) actions is
carried out in compliance with several requirements for form and content.
The rst group of requirements provides for the procedural design of
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
relevant protocols, the involvement, if necessary, of specialists and
witnesses, taking measures to properly preserve digital media important
for the criminal process. The second group of requirements is put forward
to the content of information, its qualitative and quantitative component.
In the latter case, special attention should be paid to the completeness of
the information obtained, so that they can be further presented both in
court and submitted for examination by an expert (Vinakov, 2017).
Working with electronic trace information is a complex procedure that
often requires special knowledge, and its result will depend on how quickly
and eciently the capture, storage and retrieval of trace information
contained in electronic information systems or their parts, mobile terminals
of communication systems information and telecommunication systems or
parts thereof. Such actions must be performed with some systematization,
starting with the inspection of the scene, electronic equipment, sources of
external memory and ending with the extraction of data from electronic
storage of information relevant to criminal proceedings.
Electronic traces and their media must be removed, recorded, and
executed in accordance with the requirements of current criminal procedure
legislation. It is extremely important to nd out the procedural order of
detection, seizure and storage of such information, given the possibility
of its use in criminal proceedings (Marinin, 2015). Therefore, during the
pre-trial investigation, they must be provided unchanged to ensure the
possibility of examination. To search for electronic information, you need
to use methods and tools that do not modify the rst extracted information
on the source of external memory.
From the analysis of the content of Art. 93 of the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine, it follows those electronic reections, as evidence, can
be collected by conducting investigative (search) actions and covert
investigative (search) actions, conducting other procedural actions. In
particular, electronic reections can be detected during a search, inspection,
as well as during temporary access to things and documents as a measure to
ensure criminal proceedings. For example, temporary access to electronic
information systems or parts thereof, mobile terminals of communication
systems is carried out by removing a copy of the information contained
in such electronic information systems or their parts, mobile terminals
of communication systems, without removing them. Thus Art. 159 of the
Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine it is established that such temporary
access is possible only on the basis of the decision of the investigating
judge. This norm can be interpreted as a means of ensuring the possibility
of using copies of electronic reections as sources of evidence in criminal
In Part 2 of Art. 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine states that
the materials, which recorded factual data on illegal actions of individuals
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
and groups of persons, can be collected by operational units in compliance
with the Law of Ukraine «On operational and investigative activities»
(Criminal Procedural Code Of Ukraine, 2012). These materials are mostly
formed in the form of operational documents, as well as electronic displays
(photographs, phonograms and videograms in modern digital format)
and can be used in criminal proceedings as evidence, to be the objects of
forensic computer science.
Trace information, which is contained in the form of electronic-digital
mappings, can also be obtained during such covert investigative (search)
actions as audio, video surveillance of a person, removal of information
from transport telecommunications networks, removal of information from
electronic information systems, location electronic means, surveillance
of a person, thing or place, monitoring of bank accounts, audio, video
surveillance of the place, control over the commission of a crime. In such
cases, electronic-digital traces are issued as an appendix to the protocol
of the relevant investigative (search) action (Criminal Procedural Code Of
Ukraine, 2012).
Part 2 of Art. 93 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine contains
an indication of another way of collecting electronic mappings: they may
be required from public authorities, local governments, ocials and
individuals, enterprises, institutions, and organizations. Businesses that
play a key role in ensuring the circulation of electronic images and have
the technical capacity to store them are Internet service providers (ISPs)
and mobile operators. Imperfect legal regulation of their relations with
investigative bodies leads to numerous misunderstandings, unjustied
seizures by investigators of network computer equipment from providers,
which leads to violations of Internet users’ rights and inadmissibility of
evidence obtained by the court, as well as reluctance of (Cherniavskyi et
al., 2017).
Therefore, the issue of qualied collection of evidence in criminal
proceedings committed with the use of electronic media (computer units,
servers, laptops, mobile communications, memory cards, etc.) requires
proper legislative regulation of the relevant procedural powers of the pre-
trial authority’s investigation.
Thus, one of the draft Laws of UkraineOn Amendments to Certain
Legislative Acts Concerning the Implementation of the Provisions of the
Convention on Cybercrime and Improving the Eectiveness of the Fight
against Cybercrime” proposed, inter alia, to amend the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine. authorities to carry out urgent storage of information,
which will signicantly increase the eectiveness of monitoring and
prevention of viral attacks; opportunities in exceptional emergencies to
provide temporary access to information held by telecommunications
operators and providers, until the decision of the investigating judge, the
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
court; opportunities during the search to legally gain access to computer
systems that are physically located outside the place of the search, to
overcome logical protection systems, to obtain information about the
peculiarities of the functioning of computer systems and the security
measures applied to them; improving the procedure for conducting covert
investigative (search) actions during the pre-trial investigation of crimes
under Section XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Any information transmitted through information and
telecommunication systems is stored on special technical media (servers)
and in a special form (log le). Internet service providers and other entities
involved in the process of information and telecommunication data transfer
and in the actual possession of the servers have the opportunity to extract the
necessary log les, certify their content and provide them at the request of
authorized participants in criminal proceedings. This method of gathering
evidence, including electronic, is used in the investigation of criminal
oenses by conducting appropriate covert investigative (investigative)
Note that, in general, server owners are quite inactive in cooperating
with law enforcement or ignoring requests, appealing against the lack of
technical storage capacity. It should also be noted that modern messengers
«WhatsApp» and «Viber» contain end-to-end encryption, which technically
makes it impossible to decrypt correspondence for the company that owns
the messenger, and all correspondence is under the control of users. It turns
out that law enforcement agencies will not be able to obtain information
about subscribers’ correspondence in the traditional ways.
Vulnerability «of an electronic document necessitates the creation of
special rules for recording electronic information, ways to store and attach
them to the materials of criminal proceedings. In particular, at the level of
traditional rules for handling documents, it is necessary to take into account
the technical features of the collection, storage and use of information
(Khyzhnyak, 2017).
During the search and inspection of the premises, local electronic
reections, which contain information relevant to criminal proceedings,
may be detected: 1) in the searched (inspected) premises, on the ground:
on an autonomous electronic medium (ash drive, autonomous electronic
drive), on a specialized device (smartphone, digital camera, digital voice
recorder, etc.) or on a memory device of a desktop computer (laptop); 2) on
the Internet outside the searched (inspected) premises, terrain, namely on
a remote server, the content of which is accessed from a computer located
in the specied premises (Cherniavskyi et al., 2017).
Any actions with electronic documents must be carried out in the manner
prescribed by law by authorized persons using certied service equipment,
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
using licensed software. Use of uncertied hardware or unlicensed software
may distort information obtained from an electronic document due to
hardware and / or software failures and errors.
The process of reviewing electronic documents generally corresponds to
the generally accepted algorithm of actions performed by the investigator
during the review of ordinary documents. This set of actions should consist
of the following: 1) search and detection of documents; 2) visual inspection
of the external state without changing the conditions of perception; 3)
xation by photography; 4) xation in the protocol of the corresponding
investigative (search) action (all actions of ocials, a condition of the
document and the revealed traces are xed); 5) detection of handprints (on
a physical medium of an electronic document); 6) detection of traces of
changes in the original content; 7) preparation for packaging; 8) packing
(Biryukov, 2007).
In our opinion, the inspection of objects, including electronic media
(computer units, servers, laptops, memory cards), should be carried out
at the place of their detection, usually during the inspection, with the
participation of a specialist. It is the investigator who draws up a report
on their detection, which records their individual characteristics (Vinitsky,
2009). Its main tasks when detecting and removing documents on
computer media are: 1) to properly remove computer media and peripherals
(if any) and record it in the protocol; 2) properly package all elements of
the hardware and software complex and media; 3) send them for expert
examination in the laboratory; 4) ensure the integrity of information and
prevent its destruction or damage at all stages of work with it (Osyka, 2005).
It should be emphasized that the specic objects of search depend on
the type of crime under investigation, the method of its commission, as well
as the properties of the document and, accordingly, search and seizure. For
example, the objects of search in the investigation of illegal actions with
bank payment cards will be: a) blanks, stolen or manufactured cards;
b) computer information carriers with card details, software for
generating card numbers, hacking databases, copying and recording card
numbers; c) equipment for making cards or making changes to them
(embossing machines, thermal printers, laminating machines, etc.); d)
scanners; e) digital cameras; e) material for making cards (plastic, foil,
magnetic lm); g) mobile phones; g) maps or diagrams of settlements
with ATM locations marked on them; h) pieces of paper with inscriptions,
which may be passwords and access codes to e-mail and other information
resources, etc. (Osyka, 2005).
When applying such a measure to ensure criminal proceedings as
temporary access to things and documents (163 of the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine), electronic media may be inspected and their contents
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
copied. Also, the investigating judge, the court in the decision to grant
temporary access to things and documents may order the possibility of
seizure of things and documents, if the party to the criminal proceedings
proves sucient grounds to believe that without such seizure there is a real
threat of alteration or destruction of things or documents. or such seizure is
necessary to achieve the purpose of gaining access to things and documents
(paragraph 7 of Article 163 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine).
As a rule, if the electronic digital information is stored on servers or hard
drives of enterprises, institutions, organizations, you should make a bitwise
copy of the media, because the seizure of property of these legal entities can
lead to negative consequences. Identical copy of electronic information on
technical media must be reproduced using special equipment, after which
the physical media themselves are returned to the owners. Subsequently,
the copied trace information may be submitted for examination in the event
of a forensic computer forensic examination in criminal proceedings. It is
also worth noting that a similar algorithm of action should be followed in
case of need for forensic computer examination.
Given the peculiarities of the physical form of information contained
on electronic media, the procedural rules governing the peculiarities of the
formation of evidence on the basis of such information should ensure its
preservation throughout criminal proceedings, including in cases where
electronic media for certain reasons remains with the rightful owners.
It should also be emphasized that the features of the review of electronic
trace information depending on the physical characteristics of the media
that contains it. Given the specics of each of these media, the features of
detection and storage of information they contain, as well as the subject of
the study, we will limit them to:
electronic documents placed on a physical storage medium (external
physical storage media of a computer) (hard disk - HDD, SDD; disk
media - CD, DVD, Blue-Ray-disks, oppy disks; USB-disks); storage
device, random access memory of peripheral devices (for example, a
printer in the memory of which are documents in the «print queue»),
random access memory, etc. (Volevodz, 2001); ash memory cards
(SD, micro SD, etc. (Kovalenko, 2017);
electronic documents located in the memory of cellular means.
publications contained on the Internet.
electronic documents placed in «cloud» storage services.
Prior to the physical inspection of the computer, the investigator must
install the technical devices and technologies used at the facility to protect
the information. This is established both by interviewing the persons
responsible for the security of the facility and by studying the technical
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
documentation for the protection of information at the facility. The
following circumstances are claried:
1. whether the room in which the computer is located is blocked by
an electronic access system or burglar alarm, and what technical
means are used for this purpose.
2. whether special means for destruction of information in case of
attempt of unauthorized access to it are installed in the computer;
nd out the location of the organization that installed this system.
3. whether the password (additional device - electronic key) is
necessary for access to the information which is in the computer, or
its separate parts, rules of its use.
4. whether the computers are connected (included) to the local network
of the institution, organization, enterprise (rm), association, what
is the scheme of the local network, the basic rules of its safe use
(Examination Of Computer Equipment And Software Products Or
Computer Technical Examination, 2019)?
If the computer is connected to the Internet, it is necessary to withdraw
contracts from the head of the enterprise (rm) where the inspection will be
conducted, immediately contact the network administrator - provider of the
node to which the institution is connected (enterprise, organization), and
organize by means of its extraction and storage of the electronic information
belonging to the given enterprise or received to its address. In this case, it
is appropriate to quickly determine whether the owner stores all its data in
external storage, and if so, the information on local machines may not be
detected and it is necessary to nd out access to external storage.
5. the persons responsible for the backup and storage of protocols
shall nd out the location of the relevant documents and copies
on magnetic media and take measures to remove and store them
(Examination Of Computer Equipment And Software Products Or
Computer Technical Examination, 2019);
During the physical examination it is necessary: to order the employees
of the rm (enterprise) to move away from the computer means and place
them in the room so that the possibility of using any means of communication
is excluded. In the process of inspection do not accept help from employees
of the rm (enterprise); to remove from the sta pagers, electronic
notebooks, laptops, individual devices for disabling the car alarm, etc.;
capture information on the screens of working computers by taking photos
(detailed shooting); turn o the power of the mini-subscriber telephone
service and seal it (if any); Draw a diagram of the connection of external
cables to computer devices and mark the cables for proper reconnection in
the future; to isolate computers from any communication from the outside:
modem, local computer network, radio communication; The most eective
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
way to disconnect all computer equipment from power sources (including
uninterruptible power supplies) (Examination Of Computer Equipment
And Software Products Or Computer Technical Examination, 2019).
The specialist promptly performs actions in accordance with the plan
developed in conjunction with the investigator. The external inspection
identies specic circumstances related to the computer, the data of which
are entered in the inspection report of the computer: the presence of the
system unit, monitor, keyboard, printer, modem, uninterruptible power
supply, speakers, etc., peripherals and multimedia devices.
According to the location of the parts of the devices on the front panel
of the system unit, the specialist determines their types (storage devices,
disk drives), as well as types of credit card readers, smart or chip cards, etc.
Special attention should be paid to devices unknown to him. The location of
the connectors on the back of the system unit determines the presence and
types of built-in devices, network card, modem (whether it was connected
to a telephone or other communication line), the presence of serial and
parallel ports, whether they were connected to external communication
lines (Examination Of Computer Equipment And Software Products Or
Computer Technical Examination, 2019).
The protocol must provide a diagram of the connection of cables to the
computer system. Disconnected cables must be marked to reconnect during
the examination of computer hardware and software. The computer system
unit, printer, detected oppy disks, magnetic tapes, and other computer
storage media (such as printouts) are packaged and removed. Packaging
of objects must prevent both accesses to objects and their damage during
storage or transportation (Examination Of Computer Equipment And
Software Products Or Computer Technical Examination, 2019).
Coordinated actions of the investigator and the specialist during the
inspection and removal of material evidence from the scene will avoid
irreversible loss of information contained on computer media.
Removal of electronic media from various sources of external memory
during investigative (search) actions does not require the involvement of a
specialist to examine and remove them. The Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine does not require this either. However, it should be noted that in
some cases, due to the peculiarities of the objects themselves, which are
important in criminal proceedings, they can be found only by a specialist in
a particular eld. In the cases studied, it is best to use the help of a computer
and software specialist.
In our opinion, such cases should include: copying information from
electronic media to another electronic medium; establishing the presence
of communication between computer equipment and telecommunication
channels according to the schemes: «computer computer», «computer
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
server», etc.; the need to disconnect the local network from technical
devices; the need to search the server itself, as it stores most of the
computer information in its memory and manages the workstations of the
local network.
The participation of a specialist in the seizure of electronic media and
in investigative (search) actions, because of which such information is
seized, will eliminate doubts about the authenticity of the evidence and is
a guarantee of protection of the rights of participants in the process. It is
fair to say that there is no such thing as a universal computer expert. It
is possible to involve people with the following specialties as a computer
expert: a) computer science and information technology; b) engineer for
technical protection of information; c) computer engineering; d) systems
engineering; e) software engineering; f) network technologies and system
administration; g) computer systems analytics. Therefore, when going to
the scene, it is important to nd out what technology and what operating
system you will have to deal with (Honcharenko, 2014).
Naturally, the growth of the level and intensity of the use of special
knowledge leads to an increase in the requirements for the qualication
of a specialist. Qualitative and full-edged carrying out of investigative
(search) actions with use of computer knowledge of the expert promotes
establishment of specicity of the committed criminal oense, and also its
timely detection, disclosure and investigation.
Therefore, when conducting an investigative inspection, search, and
other procedural actions related to the seizure of various electronic media,
investigators and other sta must carefully plan organizational and tactical
actions, taking into account knowledge of the specics of working with
electronic media. First of all, you need to establish - this is the type of
operating system. Not all computer systems are equally common, and there
may be some problems. A Windows operating system specialist may not
have the necessary knowledge to operate a machine with another operating
system, such as UNIX, Linux, OS / 2, MacOS, and others. But, despite some
diculties, the specialist must determine whether he can personally work
with this operating system or should involve another specialist in this eld.
In the latter case, actions with the equipment of the persons involved must
be carefully recorded (Honcharenko, 2014).
Given the importance of forensic computer and technical examination
of objects provided for research, we consider it appropriate to focus on
the technical features of the extraction and storage of electronic trace
information found during the investigative (search) actions.
There are two ways to obtain electronic trace information: 1) seizure of
all detected means of computer and other equipment with further study
of the information contained therein; 2) examination of all information
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
on electronic media directly during the inspection or search (if there are
sucient grounds). The latter option involves further copying of information
of interest to criminal proceedings and (or) removal of magnetic media with
such information.
Actions with electronic trace information have a certain algorithm.
For example, when removing electronic equipment, you need to identify
all possible sources of external memory both inside the electronic device
and remotely connected via local area networks, using the capabilities
of wireless information technology. There are cases when removing the
system unit, operational sta did not take into account that the hard disk
can be connected remotely with data transmission via radio, and sent for
examination this unit without a hard disk drive, which was connected to the
computer by radio and was in a car parked near the building (Kuvychkov,
The seizure of all computer equipment speeds up the investigation
process, makes it possible to direct all eorts to search for other material
traces related to the criminal oense (documents, technical means,
etc.); reduces the psychological burden on citizens; does not require
the involvement of a highly qualied specialist in the eld of computer
technology to directly participate in the search, as the competent seizure
of computer equipment is quite accessible to a specialist «middle hand».
The undoubted advantages of this approach include the ability to
further study in more detail, involving the necessary specialists, all the
information available in computer memory. This virtually eliminates the
possibility of omitting even professionally hidden information. However,
on the other hand, in some cases there are purely technical diculties in
removing all computer equipment (integration into various networks, the
possibility of losing information when disconnected, etc.) or such removal
is simply impractical. It should also be borne in mind that the failure of
computer banking systems and a number of enterprises can lead to a
complete disruption of their work and signicant material damage, which
threatens their claims. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to use
another method: to extract information from computer equipment directly
during the inspection or search. And here you cannot do without electronic
copying of information using a laptop, ash drive, etc.
When conducting an investigative (search) operation related to the
seizure of electronic media, the investigator must clearly know the specics
of the seizure and packaging of these objects to exclude any manipulation of
the objects during their transportation. Therefore, at the preparatory stage
of the investigative review, search, the investigator must take into account
which electronic media will be the object of investigative (search) action.
After all, during the inspection, the procedural person may encounter a
personal computer, system units, cellular communications equipment,
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
video recorders and other computer equipment, as well as other objects,
such as hard drives disguised as other objects, a non-standard form of ash
drives with a USB input in the form of toys, jewelry, keychain.
Detection, xation, removal, preservation, and research of any object
are aimed at careful conduct of each stage. As practice shows, there are
many cases of violation or poor performance of one of these stages of work
with objects. This is usually the removal and storage of trace information,
the completeness and quality of which is ensured by the packaging of the
detected objects. The result of expert research depends on how correctly
and competently the detected information carrier will be packed (Zinnurov,
When packed in a cardboard box, the areas that have access to the
internal contents are pasted. In the absence of packages or boxes, the
system units may be covered with sheets of paper to prevent access to the
on / o / reset buttons, power connectors, and screws that secure the side
and top walls to the chassis. In practice, forensic inspectors are faced with
non-compliance with the rules of packaging system units: as a rule, it is a
sheet of paper with the inscription, glued with transparent adhesive tape
«tape» to the top cover. Such packaging does not meet the requirements of
regulations and provides free access to all connectors and on / o / reset
The main requirement for the packaging of electronic media is to exclude
access to information on the media and the possibility of making changes
to the contents of the memory of the media after its removal. Thus, when a
mobile phone is detected, experts recommend removing the object together
with the network cable of the phone, packing it in cardboard boxes, using
appropriate software and hardware to exclude any manipulation of the
phone, namely, intentional, or unintentional turning on / o the phone
change information in the memory of mobile devices (Zinnurov, 2018).
After a thorough inspection of computer equipment, a description of the
software and hardware components of computers is made. The following
software products can be used to describe computers: AIDA64, Everest. It
is also possible to use the built-in utility «system information», for which in
the program window «run» (start is performed by pressing the key win + r)
type msinfo32 and press the Enter button. Information about the hardware
and software components of computers is recorded in the inspection report
of computer equipment and certied by two witnesses. It is advisable to
keep the computer description document with the removed equipment. The
case must be sealed. The seal is certied by the person initiating the seizure
and the signatures of witnesses. Seal at the junction of the main body of the
computer and the side removable covers. You must also seal the front of the
computer (Zakharko, 2019).
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
The magnetic media on which the information is to be copied must be
prepared (make sure that there is no information on it). Media should be
stored in special packaging or wrapped in clean paper (do not use ordinary
plastic bags). Keep in mind that information can be corrupted by humidity,
temperature, or electrostatic (magnetic) elds (Zakharko, 2019).
Care should be taken when transporting computer equipment, as
information on the hard disk may be damaged during transportation.
Transport and special packaging should be prepared for the transportation
of large computer systems. When removing and transporting computers,
do not place them on top of each other or place any other objects on them.
In addition, in the course of procedural actions, the objects of which are
computer equipment, system units of personal computers, the investigator
must clarify with the rightful owner, whether there is password protection
on the media, if so, indicate it in the inspection report (search) and put this
information in the packaging of the object, as the lack of this information
will increase the duration of the expert study. It has specic features and
packaging of these objects. The safest way is to pack the items in a plastic
bag or box. The neck of the package is sewn with thread, the thread node is
pasted with a tag with an explanatory inscription (Zinnurov, 2018).
DVRs as electronic media should be removed completely, without
removing the hard disk drive due to the peculiarities of video recording. If
you have to remove the storage device without a video recorder, then in this
case it is necessary to display in the explanatory labels on the package the
full name of the video recorder with markings.
When removing stationary DVRs, you should not remove the storage
device from them, as DVRs use their le system to record and store video
information. In addition, the drive removed from the DVR and then
reinstalled may be reinitialized by the DVR and data may be lost. You also
need to remove the power supplies of the DVRs.
When removing the server, you must completely remove the system
unit, as the drives in the server can be combined in a RAID array of
dierent congurations. The RAID settings are in most cases stored in the
memory of the RAID controller, which is located inside the system unit.
Extraction of some drives will lead to the fact that the expert will not know
the conguration of the RAID-array and the study of information will be
impossible or extremely dicult (Periakina, 2019).
When removing the cellular device, pay attention to its condition. If the
phone is switched on, the best way to isolate it is to activate «oine mode»
or «airplane» mode. Turning o the phone may activate security features
(such as the SIM card PIN and / or security codes) that will be needed to
access the device, making it impossible to perform an examination. If you
have activated security features (for example, a «graphic key»), you should
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
immediately ask the phone owner about the unlocking algorithm. You
should pay attention to the date and time indicated on the phone screen if
it is turned on and compare them with the current time and date at the time
of inspection, xing discrepancies.
When extracting data from mobile applications, specialized software
must be used as a source of electronic evidence. Examples of such
applications are EnCase, Smartphone Examiner, MOBILedit, Forensic,
Mobile Phone Examiner Plus and others. These tools are designed for law
enforcement and information security professionals to collect evidence
from mobile devices, they allow you to physically retrieve logical data from
devices, get an image of the operating system, including the le system.
After the analysis of mobile devices, it is possible to transfer the collected
information to a specialized program FTK (Forensic Toolkit) for further
study, for example, to recover deleted les. This integration also allows
you to correlate the evidence collected on mobile devices with the evidence
collected on computers (Sergeev, 2016).
The procedure for extracting evidence from mobile devices diers from
the extraction of information from personal computers in that mobile
electronic devices, compared to personal computers, have narrower tasks,
excellent processor architecture, operating system, etc. In this regard, the
methods and features of procedural actions must be individual, depending
on the technical characteristics of the source of evidence (Sammons, 2015).
The British Association of Police Chiefs has developed guidelines
for removing evidence from mobile devices (GOOD PRACTICE AND
According to the proposed recommendations, during the procedural actions
it is necessary to isolate the device from the mobile connection by turning
o the device or thanks to special devices that mue the connection, all the
necessary procedures should be performed in a specially equipped room.
The device must be fully charged in order to prevent the loss of information
during procedural actions. You should take into account the feature of
RAM (RAM) of the device, which requires uninterruptible power supply to
store data, as opposed to non-volatile (ROM) memory. In order to preserve
important information, the specialist must strictly follow the rules, do not
allow software updates, as this may lead to data destruction. Along with
the data of the applications on the mobile device, you must also request
information stored on the servers of the application developers and the
data of the Internet provider (Sergeev, 2016).
Modern smartphones, especially iPhones, often sync with a computer
or laptop. Accordingly, it would be advisable to seize the owner of the
smartphone computer or laptop. An alternative to removing your computer
or laptop may be to check for Apple software on that device. Do not
remove memory cards, SIM cards, or other hardware in your phone. The
Vol. 39 Nº 70 (2021): 674-695
packaging of a remote computer or storage device must, above all, ensure
information integrity, i.e., exclude the possibility of connecting power
cables or peripherals. The best option for packaging is to place the removed
computer in its entirety in a plastic bag.
When describing computer devices that are seized and inspected, the
information should be provided to the extent that will allow unambiguous
identication of the seized device. In most cases, it is enough to specify the
make, model, individual serial number of the device. If for some reason the
mentioned information is not available, other individual features should be
indicated: size, color, shape, etc. It is desirable to carry out the xation not
only procedurally, reecting the seizure of electronic media in the protocol
of the investigative (search) action, but also forensic, photographing the
object of seizure (Periakina, 2019).
Thus, it should be summarized that electronic documents are an
important source of evidence and guidance in criminal proceedings.
Depending on whether such documents are placed on physical media, in
the public domain on the Internet, or in cloud storage services, a specic
procedure of their investigative review and preliminary investigation
should be followed for further use in criminal proceedings, in particular in
court proceedings. computer technical examination.
The following information, which is contained in the form of electronic-
digital mappings, can be obtained during such investigative (search)
actions as inspection and search, during temporary access to things and
documents as a measure of criminal proceedings, as well as such covert
investigators ( search) actions: audio, video control of the person, removal
of information from transport telecommunication networks, removal of
information from electronic information systems, establishment of location
of electronic means, supervision of the person, thing or place, monitoring of
bank accounts, audio, video control of the place, control over commission
In such cases, electronic-digital traces are issued as an appendix to the
protocol of the relevant investigative (search) action.
The process of reviewing electronic documents generally corresponds
to the generally accepted algorithm of actions: search and detection of
documents; visual inspection of the external state without changing the
conditions of perception; xation by means of photography; xation in the
protocol of the corresponding investigative (search) action (all actions of
ocials, a condition of the document and the revealed traces are xed);
Oksana Khablo, Dmytro Pysmenniy, Oleksandr Halahan, Mykhailo Nykonenko y Olha
Detection and Extraction of Electronic Information During Investigative (Search) Actions Under
Ukrainian Legislation
detection of handprints (on a physical medium of an electronic document);
detection of traces of changes in the original content; preparation for
packaging; packaging. During the search and inspection of the premises,
local electronic reections, which contain information relevant to criminal
proceedings, may be detected: in the searched (inspected) premises, on the
ground (on an autonomous electronic medium, on a specialized device or on
a memory device desktop computer); on the Internet outside the searched
(inspected) room, area, namely on a remote server, the content of which is
accessed from a computer located in the specied room.
Involvement in the investigation, search, other procedural actions, a
specialist in the eld of computer technology, who has knowledge of how
to detect and extract relevant electronic-digital trace information, aimed at
solving problems of contextual information retrieval, electronic document
management programs, view the history of visits to Internet browsers
(browsers), etc. In his activity, the specialist can use such tools as analysis
of registry les, service les of applications, virtualization systems and
complexes of recovery and analysis of remote data, the use of software
and hardware, and so on. The use of this tool, although it requires much
more time, it certainly has a positive eect on the eectiveness of detecting
forensic information.
All actions with electronic documents must be carried out in the manner
prescribed by law by authorized persons with the help of certied oce
equipment, using licensed software. When describing the computer tools
that are seized and inspected, the information should be provided to the
extent that will allow unambiguous identication of the seized tool. It is
necessary to indicate such individual features as: size, color, shape, etc.
Fixation should be carried out not only procedurally, reecting the seizure
of electronic media in the protocol of the investigative (search) action, but
also forensic, photographing the object of seizure.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 70