Bohdan Hrebeniuk, Viktoriia Hrytsun, Valerii Bortniak, Kateryna Bortniak y Alina Liasota
The interests of state and civil society as a determinant of the democrative political development
of Central and Eastern Europe countries
International Development Cooperation Agency, 2021). There are thematic
databases of CSOs that carry out activities in a specic area. For example,
The Peace Women Organizations Database for Women’s International
League for Peace and Freedom, which also provides a list of existing CSOs
that declare their activities in this area.
Quantitative characteristics of civil society are available in national and
European statistical systems. In the group of indicators of the quality of life
of the Eurostat system, the characteristic of the activity of civil society in the
countries is the indicator of active involvement of citizens, which is analysed
along with other indicators of civic activity of the EU population. In 2015,
it ranged from 31.3% (Sweden) to 2.1% (Cyprus) for the EU-28 (Eurostat,
2021; European Comission, 2020). The system of European statistics is
complemented by information on national and multi-beneciary initiatives
to support civil society — The Civil Society Facility (CSF), established in
2008 (European Commission — European Neighbourhood Policy and
Enlargement Negotiations). National statistical systems, including those
outside the European Union, can be even more problematic in terms of the
characteristics and dynamics of civil society. For example, ocial statistics
of Ukraine are marked by a general weakness of the system of indicators
that characterise the social and political life of society.
The State Statistics Service of Ukraine records the number of public
organizations (in terms of their types and regions of activity), the number
of their members, sources and volumes of their revenues and expenditures
(for example: Activities of Public Organizations in 2016: Statistical Bulletin,
2017). Independent research centres publish more information on the
country’s CSOs. In particular, these are survey data on the involvement of
citizens in CSO activities, volunteering, public condence indicators (Civil
Society of Ukraine: Figures and Facts, 2018). The possibility of comparing
non-EU national statistics with European statistics is a problematic issue.
The issue of the proposed classication of national NGOs, as well as their
aliation with civil society, may be raised (Gorelov, 2014; Yakymenko,
1991; State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2017). This is important given the
proposed classications of civil societies that indicate their structurally and
fundamentally dierent nature (Peerenboom, 2003).
As a result, qualitative methods, descriptive data, and subjective
assessments predominate in those summaries that compare the situation
and development of civil society in dierent countries. A representative
study Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Monitoring 2019
conducted by ERSTE Foundation experts is based on 1,758 questionnaires
that were subjected to manual processing and summarised by descriptive
analysis (More-Hollerweger et. al., 2019). The obtained numerical indicators
reected the feelings of CSO respondents from the legal conditions of their
activity and the status of interaction with public authorities.