Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 69
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre) 2021, 814-831
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/04/2021 Aceptado el 21/06/2021
Administrative reforms in Eastern
Europe: A comparative legal analysis
Stanislav V. Zlyvko *
Valerii A. Bortniak **
Kateryna V. Bortniak ***
Iryna P. Storozhuk ****
Roman Z. Holobutovskyy *****
The objective of the article was to analyze the legal regulation
of the decentralization reform in Eastern Europe and its impact
on the unemployment rate. Methodologically, statistical analysis,
hypothetical-deductive method and correlation were used. It was
found that the rst stage of the reform of the New Civil Service
in Poland, Ukraine, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovenia,
Latvia, and Bulgaria began in 1990, but can be called an informal
preparatory stage. It is determined that the process of implementation
of administrative reforms is inuenced by a series of factors: historical,
economic, geographical. It is concluded that there is no positive correlation
between the eectiveness of public administration and the eectiveness
of local self-government in all the countries studied. The reform of
decentralization has been shown to have a negative impact on employment.
In addition, it found that Poland is the most stable country among those
studied, with a high level of eciency of local self-government. La more
negative correlation between the eciency index of local self-government
and employment, and the most positive correlation between local and
unemployment rate.
Keywords: public administration; decentralization; new public
administration; employment; unemployment.
* Professor, Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process, Law Faculty,Academy
of the State Penitentiary Service. ORCID ID: Email: zlslsv@
** Associate Professor, Department of Public and Private Law, Kyiv V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National
University. ORCID ID: Email:
*** Associate Professor, Department of Public and Private Law, Kyiv V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National
University. ORCID ID: Email:
**** Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law, Faculty of Law,
Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law. ORCID ID:
0003-3104-6071. Email:
***** Associate Professor, Department of General Law Disciplines, Faculty of Law, Dnipropetrovsk State
University of Internal Aairs. ORCID ID: Email: kafedra_
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
Reformas Administrativas en Europa del Este: un
Análisis Jurídico Comparado
El objetivo del artículo fue analizar la regulación legal de la reforma de
descentralización en Europa del Este y su impacto en la tasa de empleo.
En lo metodológico se utilizó análisis estadístico, método hipotético-
deductivo y correlación. Se encontró que la primera etapa de la reforma
de la Nueva Administración Pública en Polonia, Ucrania, Rumania, la
República Checa, Eslovenia, Letonia y Bulgaria comenzó en 1990, pero se
puede llamar una etapa preparatoria informal. Se determina que el proceso
de implementación de las reformas administrativas está inuenciado por
una serie de factores: históricos, económicos, geográcos. Se concluye que
no existe una correlación positiva entre la efectividad de la administración
pública y la efectividad del autogobierno local en todos los países
estudiados. Está demostrado que la reforma de la descentralización tiene
un impacto negativo en el empleo. Además, se encontró que Polonia es el
país más estable entre los estudiados, con un alto nivel de eciencia del
autogobierno local. La correlación más negativa entre el índice de eciencia
del autogobierno local y el empleo, y la correlación más positiva entre los
locales y la tasa de desempleo.
Palabras clave: administración pública; descentralización; nueva
administración pública; empleo; desempleo.
Administrative reforms are part of everyday life of modern countries,
which are looking for new ways to manage the public sector under the
inuence of external and internal factors. Public sector reforms are actions
of the government to reengineer the provision of public services in order
to increase the eciency and eectiveness of the civil service (Chand and
Naidu, 2020).
The impetus for administrative reforms in public administration was
scal stress caused by global changes in the economic system and the
need to improve the work of the civil service (Aucoin, 1990). Governments
have had to cut spending, sta, investment, and services, demand higher
productivity and better performance from public authority. In order to
obtain higher places for their countries in the world economic rankings,
governments have been forced to rethink their role in governance and
design country development strategies (Caiden, 2001).
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
The issue of implementing administrative reforms is especially urgent in
the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. The rst wave of new
public administration reform around the world began in the mid-1970’s to
increase government eciency and eectiveness (Suzuki and Avellaneda,
2018). The second wave of the new administrative reform coincides with
the beginning of European integration and accession to the EU.
The implementation of administrative reforms is a long-term process,
which is due to the object of reform being unchanged throughout the
period, while the ways of reform change according to the state of public
1. Literature Review
Across Europe, there are three main paradigms of reform: the rst
paradigm concerns the introduction of Weberian style structures and
processes, transforming tribal systems into modern administrations that
are guided by the rule of law, operate transparently within a reasonable
timeframe; the second reform paradigm, often referred to as New
Public Administration, mainly concerns the introduction of a market-
type mechanism; the third paradigm of reform combines elements of
Weberianism with aspects of New Public Management (Hammerschmid et
al., 2016).
The main administrative reforms were aimed at: relations between the
central, regional, and local levels of government; organisation of public
services; principles of nancial management; development of state policy
and evaluation of management results. The basis of administrative reform
is the relationship between the state and society or between local self-
government and citizens (Nikos, 2001).
Decentralization is an open-ended concept that goes beyond the traditional
categories of unitary and federal states (Harguindéguy et al., 2019). There
are four main types of decentralisations: political, administrative, scal and
market. Financial responsibility is a key component of decentralisation.
Subnational governments and private organisations can eectively perform
decentralised functions when they have the appropriate level of revenue
that is collected locally or transferred from the national government — as
well as the power to decide on expenditures (World Health Organization,
n. d.).
The results of scal and administrative decentralisation are often
analysed together with the consequences of the political and economic
situation. The level of decentralisation reform has a positive and signicant
impact on the level of economic development of municipalities. The
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
political subdivisions, which are the highest level in the structure of scal
decentralisation, usually have a higher level of local employment. This
suggests that scal decentralisation can be an important policy tool to
stimulate local economic development and local employment (Bartlett et
al., 2020). So, an eective policy to improve the labour market as part of
decentralisation reform is possible only with the nancial support of local
governments (Churski, 2002). Levels of decentralisation can be seen as
long-term eective responses to demands of investors and voters. Economic
integration strengthens the requirements for scal decentralisation;
however, economic integration is even more likely to have the opposite
eect under certain conditions (Garrett and Rodden, 2000).
Fiscal decentralisation should improve the eciency of local self-
governments and stimulate production growth. However, empirical
evidence is mixed. Fiscal decentralisation can aect economic growth in
two ways: labour productivity and employment (Bartolini et al., 2019).
Employment is important for people’s well-being, as it is crucial for
nancial well-being. There are many ways to increase employment rates:
an eective unemployment benet system, a social safety net in general,
or a balanced labour market policy. Municipalities are more informed
about local working conditions, the labour market and the unemployed
who are looking for work. Decentralisation of public employment services
would make them more eective in organising work and providing services
(Nieminen, 2020).
Municipalities can organise and nance employment services more
eectively, as local employment services have more information on
employment issues and labour needs (Mergele and Weber, 2020). However,
decentralisation is not an unequivocally eective tool. Boockmann et
al. (2015) found that decentralisation had negative consequences for
male employment and ineective for women. The implementation of
administrative reforms is critically dependent on a strong institutional
foundation (Lapuente and Van de Walle, 2020).
Local branches of centralised public employment services are subject
to the directives of the central institution. This allows monitoring their
work more eectively, which facilitates the implementation of common
standards and best practices. In a more decentralised environment, local
branches of the public employment service are more exible. They can
develop independent strategies according to the specic conditions of their
local labour market (Weber, 2016).
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
2. Research Objectives
The aim of the scientic article was to establish the legal regulation
of the New Public Administration (decentralisation) reform in Eastern
Europe and the impact of this reform of the New Public Administration on
the employment rate.
Research objectives of the article:
1. Review the legal regulation of the New Public
Administration (decentralisation) reform in the countries of Eastern
Europe and the countries that last joined the EU.
2. Analyse statistical indicators that reect the state of the New Public
Administration (decentralisation) reform and employment.
3. Study the impact of the New Public Administration (decentralisation)
reform and employment.
4. Provide a comparative legal description of the impact of the New
Public Administration (decentralisation) reform and employment in
the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries that have recently
joined the EU.
3. Materials and Methods of Research
The main approach in the study of administrative reforms in Eastern
Europe and the most recent EU member states was to establish the impact
of NPA (decentralisation) reform on employment. This position is due to
the construction of a logical chain consisting of the following components:
administrative and scal decentralisation, policies aimed at economic
growth of political subdivisions by attracting investors, expanding the
private sector, and increasing jobs, which will reduce unemployment
and improve the welfare of local people. The study was conducted based
on statistics in Eastern Europe and the most recent EU member states.
This approach was chosen to carry out a complete study of the impact of
decentralisation on employment in countries that have actively pursued
European integration with a view to joining the EU.
The study involved statistical analysis to compare data on the eectiveness
of public and local government, employment and unemployment in Eastern
Europe and the most recent EU member states.
The hypothetical-deductive method was conductive in determining
the direction of the research, that is determining the impact of the
NPA (decentralisation) reform on the employment rate in Eastern Europe
and the most recent EU member states.
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
The study also involved the method of correlation analysis to establish
the correlation: between the local government eciency index during
2005—2017 and the public administration eciency index 2007-2016 in
Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania;
between the local government eciency index during 2005—2017 and
employment in relation to the population aged 15+ during 2005—2017 in
the studied countries; between the local government eciency index during
2005—2017 and the unemployment rate during 2005—2017 in the studied
The research used the most signicant studies that reect the
development of scientic thought in the eld of administrative reforms for
the period from 1990 to 2021. This period of analysis was chosen as the
one that most clearly reects the state of implementation of administrative
reforms at the present stage.
The paper analyses the following indicators:
- Local Government Index 2005—2017 reected by The World Bank.
- Government Eciency Index 2007—2016 reected by The World
- Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modelled ILO
estimate) for 2005—2017 reected by The World Bank.
- Unemployment, total (% of total labour force) (modelled ILO
estimate) 2005—2017 reected by The World Bank.
4. Results
Historically, the process of the New Public Administration (decentral-
isation) reform in Poland, Slovenia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Czech
Republic, and Romania has begun since 1990. There were no clearly de-
ned reform strategies in any of the studied countries, so the rst stages of
NPA reform can be called a stage of preparation for the ocial start of this
reform (Table 1).
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
Table 1. Legal regulation of the New Public Administration
(decentralization) reform since 1990
Countries The period of the New
Public Administration
(decentralisation) reform
Legal regulation
Poland First stage – 1990-1999
Second stage – 1999+
Territorial Self-Government Act
(1990), County Self-Government
Act (1998), Voivodeship
Self-Government Act (1998),
Voivodeship Government
Administration Act (1998).
Slovenia First stage – 1991-1997
Second stage – 1997 – 2010
Third stage - 2010+
Strategy for EU Accession
(1997–1999), Strategy on
Further Development of the
Public Sector (2003-2005),
Slovenia’s Development Strategy
(2005–2013) the Exit Strategy
Latvia First stage – 1990-1998
Second stage – 1998-2009
Third stage – 2009+
Law on Administrative Territorial
Reform, (1998)
The Optimisation Plan, (2009)
Bulgaria First stage – 1991 – 2000
Second stage – 2000 - 2006
Third stage – 2006+
Administration Act (1991),
Strategy for Decentralization
Ukraine First stage – 1991-2014
Second stage – 2014-2019
Third stage – 2020-2021
The Concept of Reforming Local
Self-Government and Territorial
Organisation of Power (2014), the
Law “On the Principles of State
Regional Policy” (2015), the Law
“On Civil Service” (2015), the Law
“On Cooperation of Territorial
Communities” (2020)
First stage - 1991-2006
Second stage - 2007-2013
Third stage – 2014+
Concept of Public Administration
Strategy of Implementation
of Smart Administration in
the Period of 2007 – 2015
(2007), Strategic Framework
of the Development of Public
Administration in the Czech
Republic for 2014 – 2020, (2014).
Romania First stage – 1991-2001
Second stage – 2001-2006
Third stage – 2006+
Law of local public administration
(1991), Strategy for public
administration reform for 2004–
2007 (2004), Law No. 195/2006
on decentralisation (2006).
Source: developed by the author.
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
The process of public administration reform is long (Table 1) due to its
variability to any changes taking place in the state. Accordingly, the global
and national economic crises suspended the implementation of the NPU
reform and partially returned to more centralised public administration
(the global crisis of 2007-2008). The impetus for the NPA reform in the
studied countries was European integration to join the EU (Bulgaria,
Romania — 2007, Poland, Slovenia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic — 2004,
Ukraine — in the process of European integration).
Local government indices are shown from 0 to 1 for 2005 to 2017 (Table
2). Poland has the highest local government index of for the studied years,
which is stable at 0.99, Latvia, which is 0.99 during 2005-2015, Slovenia’s
index during the studied years was not lower than 0.98.
Table 2. Local Government Index.
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Poland 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Slovenia 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99
Latvia 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98
Bulgaria 0.92 0.82 0.82 0.93 0.97 0.96 0.96
Ukraine 0.92 0.95 0.84 0.84 0.95 0.95 0.96
Czech Republic 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.90 0.90 0.90
Romania 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.62
Source: World Bank (2019a).
The highest government eciency index from 2007 to 2016 (Table 3)
was 3.84 recorded in Slovenia in 2009, the lowest government eciency
index was 2.59recorded in Ukraine in 2011.
Table 3. Government Eciency, Index.
2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2016
Poland 3.15 2.71 3.15 3.11 3.01 3.20
Slovenia 3.53 3.84 3.65 3.11 2.74 2.95
Latvia 3.60 3.39 3.07 3.40 3.37 3.46
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
Bulgaria 2.71 2.96 3.03 3.08 2.84 2.98
Ukraine 2.75 3 2.59 2.68 2.68 2.87
Czech Republic 3.20 3.03 3.18 3.03 3.45 3.68
Romania 2.81 3.11 2.83 2.75 3.15 3.22
Source: World Bank (2019b).
In order to establish the correlation between the eectiveness of local
government and the eectiveness of public administration, it is necessary
to conduct a correlation analysis of the indicators of Tables 2 and 3. In
carrying out the analysis, we use the formula:
where x1 local government eciency index and x2 public
administration eciency index, r – linear correlation coecient.
The linear correlation between the local government eciency index
and the public administration eciency index in the studied countries
during 2007-2017 (including the local government eciency index in 2017
and the public administration eciency index in 2016) was the following:
Poland -1.34, Slovenia - 0.39, Latvia — -0.22, Bulgaria 0.54, Ukraine
— -0.14, the Czech Republic — -0.53, Romania — -0.58.
Thus, a negative correlation was established between the local
government eciency index and the public administration eciency
index, except for Bulgaria, where the linear correlation index is 0.54, which
indicates the average level of correlation between the studied indicators.
The correlation between the local government eciency index and the
public administration eciency index of the studied countries in 2007 is
0.699, which indicates a high level of correlation of indicators, and in 2015
this linear correlation index of these indicators is -0.274. Employment
during 2005—2017 in the studied countries uctuated slightly between
45.3%—61.67%. The lowest employment rate (45.3%) was recorded in
Bulgaria in 2005, and the highest (61.67%) — in Ukraine in 2013 (Table 4).
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
Table 4. Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modelled ILO
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Poland 45.31 48.84 50.74 50.66 50.6 52.37 54.27
Slovenia 55.36 56.89 55.95 53.33 51.66 52.27 54.68
Latvia 51.52 56.56 49.57 49.11 52.31 54.13 55.88
Bulgaria 45.3 50.09 50.62 46.62 46.89 49.22 52.04
Ukraine 51.16 51.42 50.1 50.95 61.67 49.76 49.33
Czech Republic 54.78 55.73 54.7 54.32 55.23 56.61 58.71
Romania 49.63 50.72 50.04 50.24 50.61 50.74 52.29
Source: World Bank (2021).
The impact of the NPA (decentralization) reform on employment can
be determined by conducting a correlation analysis between the local
government eciency index and employment to the population aged 15+
during 2005—2017. The linear correlation index between these indicators
in the studied countries is: Poland -2.72, Slovenia 0.084, Latvia
-0.475, Bulgaria -0.301, Ukraine 0.244, Czech Republic -0.692,
Romania — -0.877.
Thus, the negative correlation between the local government eciency
index and employment is recorded in Poland, where the most stable
local government eciency index is established. The greatest correlation
between these indicators of the studied countries is established in Ukraine,
but the correlation coecient indicates a low level of interdependence. It
should be noted that Ukraine is not a EU member, decentralisation reform
was launched in 2014.
The general correlation index between the local government eciency
index and employment in the studied countries in 2005 was 0.094, and in
2017 — 0.135, which indicates a low level of interdependence.
The lowest unemployment rates in the surveyed countries during 2007-
2017 were observed in Slovenia, Latvia, Ukraine in 2007, Poland, Bulgaria,
the Czech Republic, and Romania in 2017 (Table 5).
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
Table 5. Unemployment, total (% of total labour force) (modelled ILO
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Poland 17.75 9.6 8.17 9.63 10.33 7.5 4.89
Slovenia 6.51 4.82 5.86 8.17 10.1 8.96 6.56
Latvia 10.03 6.05 17.52 16.21 11.87 9.87 8.72
Bulgaria 10.08 6.88 6.82 11.26 12.94 9.14 6.16
Ukraine 7.18 6.35 8.84 7.85 7.17 9.14 9.51
Czech Republic 7.93 5.32 6.66 6.71 6.95 5.05 2.89
Romania 7.17 6.41 6.86 7.18 7.1 6.81 4.93
Source: World Bank (2021).
By conducting a correlation analysis between the local government
eciency index and the number of unemployed (in%) during 2005—2017,
a linear correlation index was established between these indicators in the
studied countries, which is: Poland 2.404, Slovenia -0.171, Latvia
0.295, Bulgaria 0.546, Ukraine -0.092, the Czech Republic 0.544,
Romania — -0.918.
The highest interdependence between the local government eciency
index and the number of unemployed (in%) is found in Poland, the medium
level of interdependence is recorded in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria,
the lowest level — in Latvia. Negative interdependence was established
in Slovenia and Ukraine. The general correlation index between the local
government eciency index and the number of unemployed (in%) in the
studied countries in 2005 was 0.421, and in 2017 — 0.360, which indicates
a low level of interdependence.
5. Discussion
Over the past few decades, many unitary countries have sought
decentralisation as a means of nding more ecient and optimal
governance. Other countries were dissatised with the results of previous
governance and centralised policies. Socio-economic problems have
become more acute, causing the need to address them through poverty
reduction, improving eciency of the public sector and governance, greater
macroeconomic stability, and scal sustainability (Martinez-Vazquez et al.,
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
Rethinking the results of centralised public administration and the tools
for its implementation marked the launch of the third wave of administrative
reforms the New Public Administration, which was designed to expand the
powers of local self-government with the possibility of self-nancing. The
central subjects of the New Public Administration reform are citizens who
previously held a passive position in governance, and are now considered
full social actors, which are the centre of the administrative reform policy
(Nikos, 2001).
Decentralisation improves resource allocation, accountability, and
cost recovery, while subnational governments are assumed to have better
information than the central government on the problems and needs of
the local population. It is also believed that the population is more aware
of the actions of subnational governments than the central government.
However, subnational governments do not automatically receive additional
information about the local population, unlike the central government
(Azfar et al., 2004). It is established that the interdependence between
the eciency of state power and the eciency of local self-government is
negative in the studied countries, except Bulgaria. Therefore, it is erroneous
to claim that NPA (decentralisation) clearly has a positive eect on the
eectiveness of public administration and local self-government.
Thus, we fully agree with the statements that: scal and administrative
decentralisation improve perceptions of government performance;
federalism is perceived negatively; the overall result of decentralisation is
ambiguous; decentralisation aects the service sector more favourably than
others; large companies perceive decentralisation less favourably than other
companies; the eect of the same form of decentralisation diers within
all public spheres; the form of decentralisation and its contextualisation
in terms of dening the objectives of public activity, requires careful
consideration and detailing (Goel et al., 2017).
Administrative and scal decentralisation are complementary reforms.
Their eectiveness and eciency cannot be unambiguous and the same
for everyone. One of the important factors that must be taken into account
when implementing decentralisation reform is geographical. Geography is
an important factor that determines the reasonability of nancial autonomy
of local self-government. Mountain areas have limited nancial resources
and are more dependent on funding from the central government. The
islands enjoy greater income autonomy than their continental counterparts
(Abouelfarag and Qutb, 2020).
The explanation is that the island’s economy is tourism-based, which
serves as a local source of income growth through local fees and taxation.
The most urbanised municipalities show a higher revenue autonomy and a
lower dependence on public funding. Besides, education, unemployment
and well-being of the population also depend on the nances of local self-
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
government. Unemployment increases (hinders) local nancial autonomy
and makes local government less (more) dependent on the central
government (Psycharis et al., 2015).
The factors are especially important for understanding the results of
reforms, especially in comparison with other countries. These include:
the administrative system and culture of the country or region, which is
determined by its history (Kurilov, 2019); the initial status of the territory
before the reform, especially the size, number of participating municipalities,
type of amalgamation (merger against association) and reforms that have
taken place in the past; reform process, implementation strategy; local
government and the dynamics of consensus; political incentives and
political leadership in the reform process; existing resources and the level
of eciency of individual local authorities (Ebinger et al, 2018).
Most local communities are currently unable to provide adequate
services to the local population. It is established that in the context of local
self-government reform the issue of employment and implementation of
the state employment policy becomes the main task of the amalgamated
territorial communities. At the same time, each amalgamated territorial
community attaches great importance to the preservation and development
of its human resources, which, in turn, eectively inuences the state
employment policy (Serohina, 2020).
It was found that decentralisation, which aimed at improving the
eciency of local self-government, which would increase the welfare
of the population and best meet the needs of the community, had a
negative impact on the employment rate. Poland has the highest local
self-government eciency index, while a negative correlation between the
local self-government eciency index and employment was revealed. In
Ukraine, where the decentralisation reform started in 2014, the greatest
interdependence between these indicators was found among the studied
Evidence of the negative impact of decentralisation on employment
is the greatest interdependence between the local government eciency
index and the number of unemployed (in %) in Poland.
Therefore, we agree that decentralisation reform should not be seen as a
tool to increase employment (Nieminen, 2020) and taken as an end in itself
— it is implemented in order to better provide services, manage resources
more eciently or support other overall results. Internally, decentralisation
increases the need for qualied sta in the civil service and in the eld
(World Bank Group, n. d.). Decentralisation reforms require a careful
assessment of the causes of possible problems and economic opportunities
in order to avoid unintended consequences (Mergele and Weber, 2020).
Vol. 39 Nº 69 (Julio - Diciembre 2021): 814-831
Local self-governments need to develop strategies to attract investors
in order to expand the private sector, which will increase the number of
jobs and involve local people in work. As a result of consistent and eective
local government policies, unemployment will decrease, the well-being of
the population will improve and economic growth will be ensured (Nepram
et al., 2021).
The study of administrative reforms in Eastern Europe is relevant, as
in Eastern Europe for a long time there was centralised management. The
wave of economic crisis and democratisation led to a wave of administrative
reform aimed at decentralising governance by empowering local
communities, as well as increasing the eciency of local self-government. It
was envisaged that such a policy would boost economic growth, redistribute
funds eectively, improve the well-being of the local population and meet
all the needs of the local community. However, the global economic crises
have made their adjustments not in favour of administrative reforms. Public
administration is a changing institution that responds to any changes taking
place in the state, especially economic changes.
However, the global economic crises have made their adjustments not
in favour of administrative reforms. Public administration is a changing
institution that responds to any changes taking place in the state, especially
economic changes. Accordingly, the implementation of administrative
reforms is a rather long process, which includes the development of
strategies, adoption of relevant legislation, adjustment and change of ways
of reform in accordance with the needs of society. The study found that
the current administrative reform in Eastern Europe is the New Public
Administration reform. The study is based on the idea of the impact of
decentralisation on employment, which is variable to the economic situation
and governance policy and reects the level of welfare of the population.
It was determined that the decentralisation reform did not have
a positive eect on the public administration eciency and the local
government eciency in the studied countries, except Bulgaria. There is a
negative correlation between the local self-government eciency and the
employment rate, except in Slovenia and Ukraine, where there is a weak
correlation. Regarding the impact of local governance on unemployment,
the negative impact is recorded in Ukraine, Romania and Slovenia.
Evidence of the negative impact of decentralisation reform on
employment is the analysis of data from Poland, which has a consistently
high level of local government eciency, the most negative correlation
with employment and the largest correlation with unemployment during
Stanislav V. Zlyvko, Valerii A. Bortniak, Kateryna V. Bortniak, Iryna P. Storozhuk y Roman Z.
Administrative reforms in Eastern Europe: A comparative legal analysis
2005-2017, indicating ineective policies of public and local government
regarding the employment of citizens. At the same time, the study showed
that in Ukraine, which has recently launched the decentralisation reform
(since 2014), the policy of providing the population with jobs is more
However, the results of administrative reforms are ambiguous, as
their eectiveness is inuenced by various factors, such as historical,
geographical, economic.
The prospect of further research is to cover the organisational and
economic aspects of the implementation of administrative reforms and
their impact on sustainable development.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 69