Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 68
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca ción aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
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avan ces o re sul ta dos de in ves ti ga ción en las áreas de Cien cia Po lí ti ca y De re cho Pú bli-
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nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
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Co mi té Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi té Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 68 (Enero - Junio) 2021, 914-926
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/10/2020 Aceptado el 25/01/2021
Online mediation due to the quarantine
caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
Denys Dontsov *
Andrii Neugоdnikov **
Oleksandr Bignyak ***
Olena Kharytonova ****
Liydmyla Panova *****
The institute of mediation is becoming increasingly popular.
This is due to several factors, including the possibility to save
on attorneys’ fees and court costs. Mediation also helps to save
a lot of time and nd a solution to the conict that would satisfy
both parties as quickly as possible. During the pandemic, the
institution of mediation, like many other spheres of public life,
moved online. The mediation process itself involves individuals who use
online communication or even articial intelligence, such as chatbots. Thus,
in connection with the transition of mediation to the online plane, there is
a need for legal support for the use of innovative technologies in the eld of
mediation. Thus, the article is relevant and timely in terms of quarantine
restrictions. The object of research is public relations in the eld of online
mediation. The authors of the article used general and special research
methods. The authors of the article concluded that online mediation is a
useful institution, but the implementation of appropriate procedures must
take care to protect private information, as there is no full control over the
situation outside the camera of a computer, tablet, phone, or other device
with access on the Internet.
* Ph.D. in Law, Judge of the Primorskyi District Court of Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0003-1567-334X. Email:
** Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Legal Relations of the National
University "Odessa Law Academy". ORCID ID: Email:
*** Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Head of the Department of International and European Law of
National University «Odesa Law Academy». ORCID ID:
**** Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of Intellectual Property and Corporate Law Department and Head of
same Department at National University “Odesa Law Academy”. Corresponding Member of National
Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine. Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine. ORCID ID: Email:
***** Ph. D., Associate Professor of Civil Law Department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Address, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: Email:
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 914-926
Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, online mediation, peaceful
dispute resolution procedure, information technology,
Mediación online en la cuarentena provocada por la
pandemia COVID-19
El instituto de mediación es cada vez más popular. Esto se debe a varios
factores, incluyendo la posibilidad de ahorrar en honorarios de abogados y
costos judiciales. La mediación ayuda a ahorrar tiempo y a encontrar una
solución al conicto que satisfaga a ambas partes. Durante la pandemia, la
institución de la mediación, como muchas, se desarrolló en la web. El proceso
de mediación en sí involucra a individuos que utilizan la comunicación en
línea o incluso la inteligencia articial, como chatbots. Así, en relación con
la transición de la mediación al plan online, es necesario un apoyo jurídico
para el uso de tecnologías innovadoras en el ámbito de la mediación. Por lo
tanto, el artículo es relevante en términos de restricciones de cuarentena. El
objeto de la investigación es el estudio de las relaciones públicas en el campo
de la mediación en línea. Los autores utilizaron métodos de investigación
generales y especiales. Se concluye que la mediación en línea es una
institución útil, pero la implementación de procedimientos apropiados
debe tener cuidado de proteger la información privada, ya que no hay un
control total sobre la situación fuera del ordenador, tableta, teléfono u otro
dispositivo con acceso a Internet.
Palabras clave: resolución alternativa de disputas; mediación en línea;
procedimiento pacíco de resolución de disputas;
tecnología de la información; mediador.
According to the analysis of the duration of civil disputes by the courts
of Ukraine, the average duration of a case lasts a year (The Supreme Court
of Ukraine, 2019). Through mediation, the term does not exceed 4 months.
One of the best international examples of the use of mediation in the 20th
century is the resolution of the Egyptian-Israeli conict over the ownership
of the Sinai Peninsula in 1978. Israel’s main interest was to maintain its
security, as revealed in the mediation process. For Egypt, on the other hand,
there was the preservation of historic territories. After the application of the
tool, the peninsula remained a neutral territory (Kriesberg, 2001).
Denys Dontsov, Andrii Neugоdnikov, Oleksandr Bignyak, Olena Kharytonova y Liydmyla
Online mediation due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
Mediation is an alternative out-of-court dispute resolution with a high
level of efciency, reaching 90% worldwide. The quarantine caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated the peaceful settlement of disputes
through mediation. Quarantine measures forced mediators to provide
their services online. Online mediation is transforming alternative dispute
resolution methods.
It should be stated, that according to the part 5 of Art. 55 of the
Constitution of Ukraine (1996), everyone has the right by any means not
prohibited by law to protect their rights and freedoms from violations and
unlawful encroachments. For today, according to the Concept of Improving
the Judiciary for the Establishment of a Fair Court in Ukraine (2006), one
of the tasks of the concept is to create opportunities for the development of
alternative (out-of-court) ways of resolving disputes.
At the legislative level, the concept of “mediation” is enshrined in the
Regulations on free primary legal aid in the Administration of the State
Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine,
approved by the order of the Administration of the State Service for Special
Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine from May 4, 2016,
No. 320, and means the activities of professional mediators who direct the
parties to a legal dispute to compromise and settle the dispute independently
by the participants themselves. It should be noted that Ukraine is moving
towards the harmonization of its legislation with the legal framework and
the recommended EU standards (Pavlova, et al., 2020).
That is, in the legislation of Ukraine there is a denition of the concept
of mediation, and the grounds for resolving the dispute are different from
those provided for in Art. 432 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (2003), however,
insufcient attention is paid to the use of online mediation and the use of
information technology, and therefore there is an urgent need to investigate
this issue in more detail. The article examines the introduction of online
mediation at governmental level, the promotion of this method of resolving
disputes in various spheres of public life, as well as the problems faced by
mediators in carrying out their activities around the world.
1. Methodology of the study
To study the features of the use of information technology in mediation
and the use of online mediation, the following research methods were used:
dialectical method, method of generalization, comparison, logical methods,
modeling method, and method of abstraction.
Thus, rstly, thanks to the dialectical method, the institute of
mediation was analyzed during its development, as well as to investigate
how this institute developed in resolving disputes in the eld in various
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 914-926
elds. Moreover, the generalization method brought together the general
theoretical aspects of the use of mediation in Ukraine and the world and
the problematic aspects faced by the parties during this process. Further,
the method of comparison made it possible to compare online mediation in
resolving disputes in Ukraine and abroad, highlight the features and draw
attention to the positive experience of foreign countries in the use of online
mediation in resolving disputes.
It should be noted that the method of analysis allowed to single out
general theoretical aspects and problematic issues of application of online
technologies in resolving disputes through mediation. Thus, the public
relations that arise during the settlement of disputes through mediation,
Ukrainian legislation, and draft laws on the subject, the case-law of Ukraine,
as well as the international experience of using online mediation in dispute
resolution were analyzed. This allowed us to conduct a comprehensive
study and achieve the goal of the article.
The synthesis method was used to study certain aspects of the
relationship that arise, change, and end during the resolution of disputes
through online mediation and then combine them into a single whole.
Using logical methods, conclusions were drawn on the problematic issues
of mediation in resolving disputes in various areas of law and claried with
the help of general problems inherent in mediation as an institution, the
problem of using mediation in resolving disputes in intellectual property.
The method of analogy allowed to analyze alternative dispute resolution
and the place of online mediation, as well as the use of mediation in different
areas of law, in order to understand the difculties that arise in the same
conditions when resolving disputes using a mediator. The modeling method
allows simulating disputes that would be appropriate in Ukraine to resolve
with the help of a mediator and to draw conclusions about what is necessary
for the successful implementation of the mediation procedure in Ukraine.
Using the method of abstraction, mediation was studied as an institution
of alternative dispute resolution without taking into account the Ukrainian
conditions of its operation.When writing the article, the following regulations
were analyzed: The Constitution of Ukraine (1996); Civil Code of Ukraine
(2003); Draft Law “On Mediation” (2020); The concept of improving the
judiciary to establish a fair court in Ukraine following European standards
(2006), and; Regulations on the provision of free primary legal aid in
the Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and
Information Protection of Ukraine (2016).
Denys Dontsov, Andrii Neugоdnikov, Oleksandr Bignyak, Olena Kharytonova y Liydmyla
Online mediation due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Analysis of recent research
The following researchers studied the topic of using information
technologies during mediation: Sidoryshyna (2019), Markov (2014),
Moroz (2020), Romanadze (2020), Polishchuk (2020), Mykhailenko
(2019), Kossak and Yakubovsky (2007), Logvinenko (2019), Motuzka and
Samelyuk (n.d.), Ostrovska and Finko (2018), and Starovoitova (2020).
Thus, Sidoryshyna (2019) considered mediation as a new feature
of communication in her article. She reviewed the basic techniques of
mediation, highlighted the differences between mediation and negotiation,
and analyzed the consolidation of mediation at the legislative level. In
addition, the article emphasizes the positive experience abroad. The
scientist came to the conclusion that even today (without the current law)
mediation in Ukraine is often used as a way to reconcile the victim and the
offender, to protect consumer rights, to resolve labor and family disputes.
Moreover, Moroz (2020) studied the peculiarities of the use of
mediation in resolving disputes between participants in a legal entity. The
scholar emphasizes that the use of alternative dispute resolution methods
is associated with the imperfection and inefciency of the national judicial
system. Besides, the article discusses in detail the concept of mediation,
the principles on which it is based, the benets of mediation. Particular
attention is paid to the person of the mediator and the mediation agreement.
Further, Romanadze (2020) carefully analyzed online mediation
between business entities, namely, drew attention to additional challenges
for the parties and the mediator. In addition, Markov researched sports
mediation and its prospects. Polishchuk (2020) analyzed in detail the
use of Zoom, and online platforms in general, for online mediation. Also,
Mykhailenko (2019) studied the peculiarities of the mediation online or by
phone, its advantages, and disadvantages.
The book of Kossak and Yakubоvsky (2007) became the basis for the study
of intellectual property law. Thus, the authors have developed denitions of
intellectual property rights, including the objects of intellectual property
rights, which are most often disputed, which allowed a comprehensive
and comprehensive study of dispute resolution in the eld of intellectual
property. Logvinenko (2019) analyzed the peculiarities of the gradual
implementation of mediation in the eld of intellectual property and drew
attention to its peculiarities in Ukraine. The author’s work helped to draw
comprehensive conclusions about the peculiarities of the introduction of
mediation in Ukraine.
Also, Motuzka and Samelyuk (n.d.) analyzed extrajudicial methods of
resolving disputes in the eld of intellectual property. Ostrovska and Finko
(2018) considered mediation in 2 aspects, namely as an alternative way of
resolving conicts and as a consulting service. In turn, Starovoitova (2020)
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 914-926
explored in which areas of intellectual property mediation is most effective.
Unfortunately, the issue of online mediation has not been sufciently
studied in the literature, so there is an urgent need to conduct research on
the use of information technology in mediation.
3. Results and discussion: general provisions on mediation
The institute of mediation is part of civil and civil procedure legislation.
At the same time, it should be remembered that civil law contains the vast
majority of dispositive rules. This is a system of legal norms that gently
affect the participants in public relations, giving the latter the right to
independently choose the most acceptable option for streamlining the
relationship between them (Tkalych, et al., 2020).
Basic principles of mediation: voluntariness, condentiality, the
neutrality of the mediator, responsibility of the parties, mutual respect
and equality of the parties, openness of the result. Conict from the point
of view of mediators is an opportunity to see the crisis situation from the
other side. Statistics in the world show that 85% of conicts are resolved
through a mediation tool and only 15% – when they go to court. As long as
the parties are left with negative and conicting emotions, the mediation
process cannot end.
First of all, we will provide a brief overview of the key points related to
the mediation process. For ease of perception of the main theses, they are
combined in Table 1.
When considering a dispute,
the mediator cannot:
• Be a representative of either
• Provide legal, consulting and
any other assistance to either
• Carry out the activities of a
mediator during the mediation
procedure to be personally
interested in its results,
including with a person if he
is in a family relationship with
one of the parties, and;
• Make public statements
without the consent of the
Denys Dontsov, Andrii Neugоdnikov, Oleksandr Bignyak, Olena Kharytonova y Liydmyla
Online mediation due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
According to a 2018 survey,
90% of commercial dispute
resolution was achieved through
mediation. In this case, the tool
itself is best used if:
• There is a need or intention to
continue the relationship on
both sides.
• There is a need to reduce time
and effort, and;
• There is some information that
is condential and cannot be
disclosed to the other party.
However, there are situation
when mediation method is not the
suitable one. Thus, it is better not to
use the method:
1. If the situation is a crisis, and;
2. When a court decision is
Finally, considering the
mediation process, the mediator
usually works with questions on:
• Identication of interests.
• Solutions.
• Criteria, and;
• Alternatives.
Table 1. The key points on mediation process (by authors).
Thus, the rules of law governing the mediation procedure are mostly
disposititive. For example the parties to the conict have the right to
independently regulate certain issues of mediation. However, imperative
rules of law should establish the status, rights and responsibilities of the
mediator or regulate the protection of condential information.
3.1 Online dispute resolution procedures in foreign countries
Mediation is a legal phenomenon that has emerged relatively recently
in the United States. However, due to the processes of globalization, the
institution of mediation quickly gained popularity in most countries. With
regard to the wider context of the development of world processes, it is
thanks to globalization, as a deliberate policy of the developed countries
of the world, aimed at the gradual integration of economic, political, socio-
cultural and other systems, that any person can satisfy his needs in any
sphere (Shyshka and Tkalych, 2020).
Consider the foreign experience of using online mediation (Table 2):
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 914-926
Country The method of settlement
USA Online dispute resolution procedures have been in
use in the United States since 1996 and have become
widespread in the settlement of domain name disputes.
The most striking example is the Uniform Domain Name
Dispute Resolution Policy, (UDRP), developed by ICANN.
UDRP is a transparent global online dispute resolution
process that allows trademark owners to effectively combat
cybersquatting. UDRP is used to resolve disputes between
trademark owners and those who have registered a domain
name for fraudulent purposes (for the purpose of reselling
or illegally using the trademark reputation). In addition,
a single Uniform Mediation Act came into force in the
United States in 2001, bringing together 2,500 different
laws governing mediation procedures in different states.
The European Commission has developed the European
Small Claims Procedure (ESCP), which has been in force for
all members of the European Union since January 2009.
This procedure is intended for resolving cross-border
disputes in which the amount of the claim does not exceed
2000 Euros. According to the ESCP, settlements are made
in writing using information and telecommunications
technologies (e-mail, videoconferencing, etc.). The
provisions of the ESCP are advisory rather than directive,
and the EU Member States develop their own legal
rules for online dispute resolution. However, the ESCP
provides a vector that will facilitate the introduction of
online litigation, as well as increase overall condence in
alternative dispute resolution.
Asia In India, online dispute resolution procedures are in
their infancy, but their use is gradually gaining popularity.
With the enactment of the Information Technology,
E-Commerce, and E-Government Technologies Act in
2000, India has acquired a legal basis. Arbitration law has
been amended, and now the Indian Arbitration Act of 1996
is harmonized with the standards of the UNCITRAL model,
and the Code of Civil Procedure of 1908 has been modied
to introduce alternative dispute resolution procedures.
In Russia, online mediation is in its infancy, the
situation is quite similar as in Ukraine. Today, only a small
number of companies provide such a service.
Table 2. Foreign experience of using online mediation (by
Thus, the institution of mediation is developing rapidly in all regions of
the world. At the same time, it reached it peak in the developed countries of
the West. However, in other regions, mediation is also gradually becoming
in demand.
Denys Dontsov, Andrii Neugоdnikov, Oleksandr Bignyak, Olena Kharytonova y Liydmyla
Online mediation due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
3.2 Virtual mediation today
Now, let’s look at what online mediation is in more detail. Online
dispute resolution is a set of methods for resolving disputes (conicts)
using Internet technologies.
Online dispute resolution can be used to resolve a wide range of issues,
from interpersonal disputes, including consumer disputes, to interstate
conicts. Online mediation has great potential for resolving conicts in the
eld of e-commerce.
A virtual mediation is a process by which the parties can resolve business
and any other disputes online without the need for personal presence.
Meetings are conducted through video or teleconferences, and any form
of ling is facilitated through an encrypted cloud platform available via the
As for software for online mediation procedures, the leading provider
of software solutions for online dispute resolution procedures to date has
been the American company SquareTrade, which in 2000 launched its
rst online service for resolving conicts between e-commerce market
participants. The rst client of this company was the eBay auction, and later, Crutcheld, eCost,, Woot, Vanns, Abt, etc. Other
developers are entering the market, including Qualtrust.
The use of Zoom is also common. Thus, Zoom (an American platform
for remote conferencing services) is not a purely legal platform and was
designed to facilitate access to hearings. However, there are ways to
ensure security. The mediator can select settings that require a password.
Moreover, once all the expected parties have joined, the mediator can
“block” the meeting so that no additional parties can join.
Dispute resolution through online mediation is very similar to regular
mediation. The parties may choose a joint meeting at which introductory
statements are made. The mediator then invites the participants to the
discussion room. As a rule, in complex commercial disputes, the parties
may provide additional evidence or important documents in support of
their position. Like the classic type of alternative dispute resolution, online
mediation involves both short-term and long-term dispute resolution
periods. Also, in some cases, online mediation helps reduce overall tensions
and bring the parties closer to solving the problem. If an agreement is
reached, the parties can prepare a draft and exchange signatures through
Docusign, “DIA” (Ukrainian service), or similar programs. Everything
can be done online. In the future, this option may replace mediation in its
classic form.
Besides, it is worth noting that online mediation is used successfully in
the eld of sports law. Sport is a special area of public relations. Modern
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 914-926
sport is a complex system consisting of many levels, one of the main of which
and the most dynamically developing is commercial sport (Kharytonov et
al., 2021). However, currently, the legal support for professional sports
remains at a very low level (Tkalych, et al., 2019). Thus, the mediation
procedure gives the athlete obvious advantages: efciency (agreements
reached voluntarily, usually performed according to the laws of conscience
and honor), condentiality (secret “agreements” of the athlete do not apply
to the general public), equality (mediation takes into account fair equality,
hence the protection of the interests of the weak side in the dilemma of
“athlete-federation” and other benets for athletes.
Thus, the pandemic has affected the work of the courts, which are also
taking measures to protect court visitors, judges, and court staff from the
spread of the virus. The increase in the number of disputes between business
entities due to improper fulllment of obligations and certain restrictions
on the access of citizens to the courts due to the quarantine, lead to an
increase in demand for the use of out-of-court online methods of conict
resolution. Thus, online mediation is becoming increasingly popular among
businesses, which can be successfully carried out in quarantine. However,
any remote mediation is an additional challenge and responsibility for the
mediator and the parties to the mediation.
Therefore, the regulation and application of online mediation in Ukraine
are a rather difcult, but quite real procedure.
First, to conduct such mediation, in addition to the mediaability of
the case and the intention of the parties to resolve the dispute through
mediation, the participants must have the technical ability to participate in
meetings via the Internet – a computer, smartphone, or another gadget, the
Internet speed enough for quality communication and minimal knowledge
to download the necessary program and connect to online meetings.
Secondly, the mediator has an additional burden and responsibility. The
mediator needs:
talk to the parties about more aspects related to the specics of
online mediation.
solve more organizational issues (assessment of the realism of
online mediation, determination of a convenient platform for online
meetings, technical support of the parties for downloading and using
the online platform (if necessary), organization of visualization,
hold preliminary technical meetings with the parties to test the
quality of communication.
Denys Dontsov, Andrii Neugоdnikov, Oleksandr Bignyak, Olena Kharytonova y Liydmyla
Online mediation due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19 Pandemic
keep in focus more issues (in particular, to ensure the technical and
psychological comfort of the parties to mediation).
Third, the key to the success of mediation is the trust of the parties
trust in the procedure, the trust of the parties to each other, and trust in
the mediator. In online mediation, the issue of establishing trust requires
the special attention of the mediator and additional time. Mediation
is a voluntary procedure, and no person can be forced to participate in
mediation. Only the presence of trust can determine the party’s consent to
participate in mediation.
The issue of maintaining condentiality also needs special attention
in online mediation. The mediator (as well as the parties) cannot be sure
that there are no persons who are not participants in the mediation. It is
not possible to make sure that participants do not record audio or video
or broadcast the meeting online. The issue is resolved by emphasizing
the parties ‘additional attention to the importance of maintaining
condentiality, open discussion of probable risks, and the parties’ trust in
each other.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 68