Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 824-843
gratuitous conversion in favor of the state of property belonging to the
convict, which is in no way connected with the committed crime (the
Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Armenia,
the Republic of Kazakhstan) (Lipinsky and Musatkina, 2019). These states
consider the conscation of property to be a punishment that is applied only
as an additional, it does not apply to minors. Article sanctions are set either
as a mandatory or as an optional additional punishment. The criminal law
of some of the considered states of this group, along with the conscation
of property as a form of punishment, also provides for special conscation,
which is not considered a punishment (Wassmer, 2019).
The legislation of the second group of states allows only special
conscation as punishment - forced gratuitous conscation of specic types
of property determined by law, which are somehow (directly or indirectly)
related to the crime, objects of crime, tools and means of committing
the crime, criminally obtained property, dangerous and harmful items,
etc.). These are Belgium, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Japan
(Kozachenko and Zinevych, 2015).
3. Legal nature of special conscation
According to the current criminal legislation of Ukraine, special
conscation consists in the forced gratuitous conscation of money,
valuables, and other property by a court decision in the cases specied by
this Code, subject to the commission of an intentional crime or socially
dangerous act falling under the provisions of the Special part of this Code,
for which the main punishment in the form of imprisonment or a ne of
more than three thousand non-taxable minimum incomes.
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 96-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,
if the money, valuables, and other property referred to in paragraph 1 of
part one of this article, were fully or partially converted into other property,
special conscation is subject to fully or partially converted property. If the
conscation of money, valuables and other property referred to in paragraph
1 of part one of this article, at the time of the court’s decision on special
conscation is impossible due to their use or impossibility of separation
from legally acquired property, or alienation, or for other reasons, the court
makes decision on the conscation of a sum of money corresponding to the
value of such property.
In addition to conscation of money, valuables and other property
from a person who committed an intentional crime or socially dangerous
act (Part 1 of Article 96-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), the content
of special conscation also includes conscation of money, valuables and
other property from a third party (Part 4 Article 96-2 of the Criminal Code
of Ukraine) and conscation of property withdrawn from civil circulation
(Part 3 of Article 96-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).