Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 68
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Pe rio di cals Di rec tory, EBS CO. Se en cuen tra acre di ta da al Re gis tro de Pu bli ca cio-
nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
Di rec to ra
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
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Pedro Bracho Grand
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 68 (Enero - Junio) 2021, 787-797
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 06/07/2020 Aceptado el 19/12/2020
Law enforcement and implementation
of harmonization of law enforcement
norms related to drug smuggling
Alexey P. Albov *
Vera E. Batyukova **
Ekaterina I. Kobzeva ***
Natalia S. Ponomareva ****
Nikolay N. Kosarenko *****
The article examines the problem of the development of Russian
law in the framework of the implementation of the criminal
procedure norms related to drug smuggling. It is proposed to
consider the prevention and effectiveness of offenses related to
drug smuggling through the harmonization of national legislation. Special
attention is paid to the interaction of international and domestic norms of
procedural law. Special attention is paid to a comprehensive analysis of
the construction of a system for the implementation of the norms of law,
on which the effective achievement of goals in the suppression of crime in
the sphere of drug trafcking depends. Based on the study of the material,
it has been found that the mechanism for the implementation of the norms
of the criminal procedure is not quite simple: on the one hand, the appeal
to foreign legal norms is regarded as an unproductive scientic discourse,
on the other hand, theories are modeled on the damage to one’s own legal
system as a result of unjustied borrowings from other legal systems. The
results and conclusions can be used in the practical activities of customs,
law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: criminal proceedings; procedural law; smuggling narcotics;
compliance with the rule of law, legal system.
* Russian Customs Academy (RTA), Russia. ORCID ID:
** Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia. ORCID ID: https:// Email:
*** Russian University of transport (RUT MIIT), Russia. ORCID ID:
8194. Email:
**** Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», Russia. ORCID ID:
0002-9828-5344. Email:
***** Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia. ORCID ID:
2808-466X. Email:
Alexey P. Albov, Vera E. Batyukova, Ekaterina I. Kobzeva, Natalia S. Ponomareva y Nikolay
N. Kosarenko
Law enforcement and implementation of harmonization of law enforcement norms related to
drug smuggling
Aplicación de las normas y peculiaridades de la
armonización (aplicación) de las leyes relativas al
contrabando de drogas
El artículo examina el problema del desarrollo de la legislación rusa en
el marco de la implementación de las normas de procedimientos penales
relacionadas con el contrabando de drogas. Se propone examinar la cuestión
de la ecacia y la prevención de los delitos relacionados con el contrabando
de drogas mediante la armonización de la legislación nacional. Se presta
especial atención a la interacción de las normas rusas e internacionales de
derecho procesal. Se hace hincapié en el análisis exhaustivo del sistema de
aplicación del derecho, del que depende el logro efectivo de los objetivos en
materia de represión del delito de tráco de drogas. El estudio del material
documental demuestra que el mecanismo de aplicación de las normas
penales no es del todo sencillo: por una parte, las apelaciones a las normas
jurídicas extranjeras se consideran un discurso cientíco improductivo y;
por la otra, las teorías se basan en el daño causado a su propio sistema
jurídico como resultado de los préstamos injusticados de otros sistemas
jurídicos. Los resultados y las conclusiones pueden utilizarse en la labor
práctica de las aduanas y los organismos encargados de la aplicación de la
Palabras clave: procedimiento penal; derecho procesal; contrabando de
estupefacientes; cumplimiento del estado de derecho,
sistema jurídico.
The relevance of the study is associated with the dynamic processes taking
place between the EU and Russia in the economic, political, legal, and other
areas of interaction. The Russian Federation has signed and ratied several
international treaties regulating topical issues of international cooperation
in the framework of joint conduct of criminal procedural actions. One of
them is joint (international) investigations related to drug smuggling,
which implies the implementation of the norms on joint investigations into
domestic legislation.
The relevance is due to the need to study the positive experience of legal
regulation of criminalistic procedures in the law of the EU: an analysis
of the formation of a single policy aimed primarily against transnational
criminal structures associated with drug trafcking. The norms of the
criminal procedure are implemented, rst of all, through mechanisms of
cooperation between various states and the Russian Federation within the
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 787-797
framework of the economic space. Analysis of the situation related to drug
smuggling shows that criminal groups of drug dealers have entered into
active interaction around the world. The revenues of criminal organizations
that produce and distribute drugs reach USD 600 billion a year. Almost 271
million people, or 5.5 % of the world’s population aged 15-64, used drugs in
2017. These data are close to 2016 estimates; however, long-term analysis
shows that the number of people who use drugs is now by 30 % more than
in 2009. It should be noted that the crimes in this category have a steady
upward trend (World Drug Report, 2019).
A signicant place is given to increasing the efciency of joint procedural
actions of states in the eld of judicial and police cooperation. At the same
time, several original legal institutions, organizational and legal forms, and
areas of interaction, as well as courts and competent authorities within the
framework of judicial and police cooperation, are regulated under the EU
law. The experience of the EU in the eld of regulation of joint forensic
investigations is of interest not only because of the wider legal framework
it has created, in comparison with other regional organizations but also
because of the practical results obtained. Without fundamental research
into the patterns of functioning and development of the mechanisms
for committing the crimes under consideration, the activities of law
enforcement agencies in their disclosure, investigation, and prevention are
also ineffective. In the scientic literature, the issues of initiating a criminal
case were considered in the most general terms, and not concerning certain
types of crime.
The article is aimed at studying the vector of development of criminal
procedural legislation, in an objective and reliable prognostic assessment
of the prospects for implementation, in order to determine on this basis,
the most promising areas of interaction between law enforcement agencies.
Therefore, the study of the experience of other states in the eld of legal
regulation of the activities of joint (international) investigation teams is the
most important target task for Russia, which is a strategic partner of the EU
in the eld of justice and internal affairs.
The results of scientic research can be used in the formation
of a regulatory framework in domestic legislation that allows Russian
law enforcement agencies to participate in joint (international) forensic
investigations and form joint (international) investigative teams that
will effectively perform the assigned tasks. Mistakes made at the stage of
initiating a criminal case on drug smuggling are difcult or impossible to
correct during the preliminary investigation, therefore the problem of the
initial stage of the criminal process – the initiation of a criminal case – has
always been of scientic and especially practical interest.
Alexey P. Albov, Vera E. Batyukova, Ekaterina I. Kobzeva, Natalia S. Ponomareva y Nikolay
N. Kosarenko
Law enforcement and implementation of harmonization of law enforcement norms related to
drug smuggling
1. Materials and methods
When choosing a research method, the authors proceeded from the fact
that the subject of research had features in the nature and understanding of
the reasons and grounds for initiating a criminal case, substantiated, in their
turn, by peculiar features that characterized the type of crime in question.
During the research, the following methods were used: a meaningful
analysis of theoretical and methodological sources in the eld of theory
of law, criminal law, forensic science, and statistics; systematic study of
criminological aspects of the development of procedural technologies used
in the practice of initiating criminal cases for drug smuggling; examination
of regulatory documents; assessment of law enforcement experience. In
the course of the study, sociological techniques were used: the study of
documents, questionnaire survey, interviewing.
2. Results
Legal liability cannot occur by itself but is implemented by putting a
complex legal mechanism into effect, which ensures the implementation
of regulatory sanctions in real life (Tompson et al., 2008). Responsibility
in criminal law comes through the inclusion of criminal procedure rules
in the work. This usually concerns the sphere of the national criminal
procedural law of Russia, but many gaps will be revealed if we consider the
international aspect of the implementation of the norms of responsibility
for criminal offenses against the world and humanity, drug trafcking, and
human trafcking (Bakhmaier, 2012).
The development of international cooperation on reducing drug
trafcking began in 1909 with the Shanghai Opium Commission. This
meeting conrmed the recognition by states of the need for joint control
over drug trafcking around the world. The need for procedural interaction
between states was established by the Convention against Illicit Trafc
in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1936. Subsequently,
Russia’s interaction with foreign countries on issues related to the ght
against drug trafcking continued within the framework of separate
international organizations. These include the UN, the CIS, the SCO, the
Council of Europe, and Interpol.
Part 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation regulates
issues of international cooperation in the eld of criminal proceedings
by determining the procedure for the interaction of courts and national
law enforcement agencies “with the relevant competent authorities and
ofcials of foreign states and international organizations” (Section 18). It
involves the implementation of legal responsibility in the form of requests
and petitions for legal assistance on the dominant basis of the principle of
interstate reciprocity.
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 787-797
However, it is not always possible to expect such reciprocity on the part
of individual states. These circumstances form the outline of the problem
of implementing criminal liability in the international legal eld. What is it
upon closer analysis?
We believe that the scientic analysis of the problems of the international
criminal process should also include certain aspects of future applications.
One of the sides of this problem is the implementation of international
procedural norms in national law – the current Criminal Procedure Code
of the Russian Federation reects only a small fraction of what should have
been foreseen and provided.
If the Rome Statute is ratied, this problem will be more exposed: on
the one hand, the implementation of international procedural norms in
national law and, on the other, the possibility of an ofcial, accessible, and
predictable interpretation of the law in the process of state law enforcement.
There is too much difference in the legal technique of the national legal
system and international acts (Safarov, 2006; Trikoz, 2005). We can agree
that the activities of the existing modern international courts (Statut du
Tribunal penal international pour le Rwanda, 1994) are ineffective (Beliy,
2008) and materials related to the activities of international justice are
difcult to access (Beliy, 2008). In these circumstances, it is also possible
to conduct a retrospective analysis of the essence of certain legal norms of
international criminal prosecution (Volevodz and Solovev, 2007).
The mechanism for implementing the norms of criminal procedure is
not simple enough. On the one hand, the appeal to foreign legal norms
is regarded as a little productive scientic discourse. On the other hand,
theories are modeled about harming one’s own legal system as a result of
unjustied borrowings from other legal systems (Alizadeh, 2010).
The Russian Federation regularly changes and supplements the existing
norms (The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961; United Nations
Convention against Illicit Trafc in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances, 1988) to fulll its international obligations.
Following clause 21 of the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the
Russian Federation until 2020. The Russian Federation is implementing
measures aimed at improving procedural legislation in the eld of trafcking
in drugs and their precursors and countering their illicit trafcking.
Implementation of these measures ensures the implementation of
the best international legal practices (Tiunov, 2005; Lukashuk, 1997).
Particular attention should be paid to the provisions of Part 2 of Article
36 of the Convention, according to which, willful complicity in any drug
offense, participation in a community to commit and attempt any drug
offense, as well as preparatory actions, should be recognized as punishable.
Alexey P. Albov, Vera E. Batyukova, Ekaterina I. Kobzeva, Natalia S. Ponomareva y Nikolay
N. Kosarenko
Law enforcement and implementation of harmonization of law enforcement norms related to
drug smuggling
The implementation of the norms of international procedural law on
drug crimes in the national criminal procedural legislation of Russia is
incomplete, which signicantly affects the effectiveness and practice of
their application. The possibility of taking into account international law is
due to the reasonableness and abstraction of the proposed rules.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court has been ratied
in 121 countries, including 33 in Africa, 25 in Western Europe, 18 in Eastern
Europe, 27 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 18 in Asia, reforming
domestic legislation, including constitutional, criminal, and criminally-
Issues of implementation of the law for international crimes in national
procedural law have been repeatedly considered by individual authors. In
our opinion, despite the deep differences in national legal systems, there is
no absolute unacceptability of international procedural norms in Russia.
This conclusion follows from the inherent universality of human rights and
democratic values, which unites all democratic institutions. At least since
the Nuremberg Tribunal, this concept of a democratic order has been well
understood by all lawyers and politicians in the world.
One of the rst EU legal acts in the eld of countering drug trafcking
is the recommendation of the EU Council of April 25, 2002, on improving
investigative methods in the ght against organized crime related to drug
trafcking. The main purpose of this recommendation is to develop forms
and methods of investigation of crimes related to illicit drug trafcking
that can not only determine the mechanism for committing the relevant
crime but also identify the criminal organization and its assets. In terms
of determining the origin of the nancial assets of a criminal organization,
it is planned to create specialized working groups to investigate these
phenomena, as well as to create joint investigative groups by the EU
member states to investigate crimes.
In this regard, along with the improvement of the legal framework itself,
both at the national and international levels, an international organizational
structure is being developed to control the production, movement, and
consumption of drugs, represented by specialized and subsidiary bodies of
the UN system (Vasileva, 2005).
International Convention “On the Fight against Illicit Trafc in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” of 1988 (Vienna, adopted at the UN
Conference on December 20, 1988), its fundamental importance lies in the
fact that it qualies other offenses as crimes. Special emphasis is placed on
the organization of procedural interstate cooperation in the ght against
illicit drug trafcking.
An important innovation was the introduction of the UN Convention
1988 of the circumstances aggravating punishment for drug crimes,
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 787-797
including committing them to school or public institution, in the immediate
vicinity or in other places that are used by students for educational, sports,
and social events.
It is of fundamental importance that in the development of the provisions
of the 1988 International Convention against Illicit Trafc in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and the UN conventions that preceded
it, the vast majority of the states of the modern world have ratied them
and otherwise implemented them into their national legislation.
The relevant international legal norms were also implemented (mainly
through transformation) into criminal procedure legislation. Therefore, a
partial acceptance by the Russian criminal procedure law of international
criminal prosecution procedures for “the most serious crimes of concern to
the entire international community” is more than possible and necessary.
The absence of these norms in Russian legislation threatens the possibility
of legal responsibility for international crimes, while such acts should not
go unpunished, and their effective prosecution should be ensured both
by measures taken at the national level and by increased international
cooperation (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome, July
17, 1998) (Framework Decision on Joint Investigation Teams (2002/465/
JHA), 2002).
It cannot be allowed for the realization of irrevocable responsibility for
internationally punishable acts to remain nothing more than a declarative
political statement. Certain provisions of the study based on the analysis
of key issues by theme can be used for further improvement of criminal
procedure legislation in respect of the regulation stage of a criminal case,
in the further development of specialized laws related to trafcking and
consumption of drugs (Council Decision 2005/671/JHA on the exchange of
information and cooperation concerning terrorist offenses, 2005).
The reason for initiating criminal cases on drug smuggling in 100%
of cases is the direct detection of signs of a crime by the body of inquiry,
investigator, prosecutor, or court. Customs authorities detect signs of this
crime in the course of their administrative, including customs, criminal
procedures, and operational search activities. The entire activity of customs
authorities in the framework of international cooperation to detect signs of
drug smuggling consists of several stages (Plachta, 2005).
A necessary condition for initiating a criminal case, except for the reason,
is the presence of grounds. It is necessary to have the following information
to initiate criminal proceedings for drug smuggling:
1) reliable data about the event of the crime.
2) availability of narcotic substances and information about their type
and method of transfer across the customs border.
Alexey P. Albov, Vera E. Batyukova, Ekaterina I. Kobzeva, Natalia S. Ponomareva y Nikolay
N. Kosarenko
Law enforcement and implementation of harmonization of law enforcement norms related to
drug smuggling
3) conclusion of a specialist, which gives reason to believe that these are
narcotic drugs.
One of these new areas of international cooperation in the eld of
criminal law is the joint investigation institute. This term refers to crime
investigation activities carried out by joint investigation teams made up
of representatives of the competent authorities of different states, who are
empowered to carry out procedural actions in the territories of those states,
representatives of which are included in such teams.
The experience of the EU in the eld of legal regulation of joint
(international) investigations is of interest not only because of the broader
legal framework it has created compared to other regional organizations
but also because of the practical results it has obtained.
3. Discussion
Russia has joined and ratied interstate normative documents
that provide the possibility of conducting joint investigations: the UN
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the UN Convention
against Corruption. However, not all parties to these international legal
instruments have implemented the rules on joint investigations into
domestic criminal procedure legislation (Treaty on European Union
(consolidated text), 2002).
In many respects, the current situation is due to the novelty and rather
general nature of international legal norms on joint investigations, as
well as the lack of knowledge about the international experience of legal
regulation of joint investigations and the activities of joint investigation
teams (Alizadeh, 2010). Even though the member states have actually
created harmonized legislation on joint investigations, the EU continues
to create new regulations in this area as necessary. For example, the rules
on expanding joint practice in the investigation of certain types of crimes
affecting the interests of EU member states. The practice of recent years
shows that Russian law enforcement agencies are gradually beginning
to use the capabilities of interstate investigative groups, after regulatory
regulation of interaction in the investigation of crimes that affect the
interests of more than one state.
As a result of systematization and study of the EU experience in the eld
of legal regulation of joint (international) investigative groups, we came to
the conclusion that an effective strategic partnership of the EU in the eld
of investigation of drug smuggling and, rst of all, within the framework of
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 787-797
the implementation of criminal procedure norms is relevant and promising
for Russia. The implementation of the norms of the criminal procedure can
be used in the formation of a regulatory framework in Russian legislation
that allows Russian law enforcement agencies to participate in joint
(international) investigations and form joint (international) investigative
teams for this purpose. The reasons for the development of the “shadow”
criminal drug business through transnational criminal organizations
are rightly attributed by UN experts to the emergence of appropriate
opportunities at the global level and the lack of effective procedural norms.
It is important to use the experience of foreign countries and implement
the norms of customs conventions in advance, including the normative
provisions of documents in their legislation (secondary reception by
adaptation). The foregoing testies to the need for an in-depth theoretical
analysis of the implementation of international legal norms in the criminal
procedure law of Russia to develop scientically grounded recommendations
for improving the domestic provision of the implementation of international
law related to drug smuggling.
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Consultation date: 12/03/2020.
Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 68