Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 68
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca ción aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 68 (Enero - Junio) 2021, 650-665
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 04/09/2020 Aceptado el 15/12/2020
Study of The Transformation of Social
and Labor Relations in The Conditions of
Pension Reform: Aspect of Digital Axiology
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna *
Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna **
Legchilina Elena Yurevna ***
Tsalko Tatiana Valerevna ****
He was intended to understand the process of transforming
social and labor relations in the context of the implementation
of pension reform in Russia, taking into account the axiological
aspects, in particular «digital axiology». Its objective is to identify
the impact of digitization on changes in industrial relations
in the context of pension reform. The theoretical and methodological
basis of research is based on an interdisciplinary system approach and
generational value theory. An economic analysis is performed, along
with the grouping of empirical data and digitization rates are presented.
A survey of more than 6,000 people was also conducted, the theme of
which was to assess the impact of the Russian Federation’s pension reform
on social and labor relations, economic growth and the quality of life of
the population. The article examines cardinal changes in the social and
employment relationships of people of pre-retirement age in the context
of digitization. It is concluded that the main problems of the development
and formation of digital axiology among the pre-retired demand a set of
political transformations.
Keywords: digitization; digital axiology; digital economy; transformation
of social and labor relations; planned reform.
* Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, head of the department
"Management and marketing" Omsk State Transport University, professor of the department
"Management, marketing and commerce Omsk, Russian Federation. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0002-7618-3961. Email:
** Candidate of economic sciences, Omsk State Transport University, docent of the department
"Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0001-7892-6987. Email:
*** Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Omsk State Transport University, head of the
department "Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation. ORCID ID: https:// Email:;
**** Candidate of economic sciences, Omsk State Transport University, docent of the department
"Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0003-1898-5963. Email:
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
Estudio de la transformación de las relaciones
sociales y laborales en las condiciones de la reforma de
pensiones: aspecto de la axiología digital
El estudio tuvo el propósito de comprender el proceso de transformación
de las relaciones sociales y laborales en el contexto de la implementación
de la reforma de las pensiones en Rusia, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos
axiológicos, en particular la “axiología digital”. Su objetivo es identicar el
impacto de la digitalización en los cambios en las relaciones laborales en
el contexto de la reforma de las pensiones. La base teórica y metodológica
de la investigación se basa en un enfoque de sistema interdisciplinario y la
teoría de valores de generaciones. Se realiza un análisis económico, junto
a agrupación de datos empíricos y se presentan índices de digitalización.
Se realizó también una encuesta a más de 6.000 personas, cuyo tema fue
evaluar el impacto de la reforma de las pensiones de la Federación de Rusia
en las relaciones sociales y laborales, el crecimiento económico y la calidad
de vida de la población. El artículo examina los cambios cardinales en las
relaciones sociales y laborales de las personas en edad de prejubilación en
el contexto de la digitalización. Se concluye que los principales problemas
del desarrollo y formación de la axiología digital entre los prejubilados
demandan de un conjunto de transformaciones políticas.
Palabras clave: digitalización; axiología digital; economía digital;
transformación de las relaciones sociales y laborales;
reforma previsional.
Modern trends in the economy are characterized by large-scale
digitalization processes. Digitization is radically changing the business
landscape in all industries. To stay competitive, companies around the
world are increasingly investing in digital transformation. Most large
companies and holdings have developed programs and concepts for
digitalization. For example, PJSC Rosseti is planning to carry out digital
transformation of all business processes in the amount of more than 1.3
trillion rubles. (The Concept of Digital Transformation of Pjsc Rosseti
2030, 2018). In addition, digitalization extends to the system of social and
labor relations. An example is digital HR platforms aimed at automating
employee relationship processes and all HR management processes
implemented by large enterprises and organizations. The global nature and
signicance of digitalization processes for Russia is indicated in the Decree
of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474 “On the
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna, Legchilina Elena Yurevna y Tsalko
Tatiana Valerevna
Study of The Transformation of Social and Labor Relations in The Conditions of Pension Reform:
Aspect of Digital Axiology
national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to
2030” (Decree Of The President Of The Russian Federation, 2020).
The ongoing digital transformation of socio-economic processes,
aimed at economic growth and improving the quality of life, determines
fundamental changes in the content and nature of labor, which leads to the
transformation of social and labor relations, the emergence of new remote,
non-standard forms of labor relations. These processes lead not only to the
development of a new employee value system, but also to the formation
of a new axiology in economics - “digital axiology” (Timofeev, 2019). A
new meaning is given to business procedures, the relationship between an
employee and an employer, production and technological, economic, social
and communication processes are accelerated.
Digitalization processes in Russia are superimposed on fundamental
institutional changes in the pension system in terms of raising the
retirement age, which is due to the aging of the labor force. Thus, according
to international (Bersin and Chamorro-Premuzic, 2019) and Russian
studies (GKS, 2019; Statistical Handbook, 2019), next year the number of
people aged 60 and over will exceed the number of children under the age
of ve, and by 2025 it is expected that 25% of workers in Europe, the United
States and Russia will be over 55 years old. That is, this group of workers is
the fastest growing in almost all countries.
The noted tendencies cause certain problems and contradictions in the
social and labor sphere. So, on the one hand, the digital economy requires
mobile creative workers who are ready and able to work in a highly dynamic
digital environment, possessing the necessary digital competencies,
for which information and digital technologies are one of the basic
instrumental values (values-methods). On the other hand, the pension
reform keeps the older generation on the labor market, who have different
basic instrumental values. Are pre-retirees ready and able to change in
the context of digitalization and how economically feasible is the “digital
transformation” of working pre-retirees?
A number of Russian and foreign studies indicate that enterprises
(employers) do not want to enter into labor relations with older workers
and pre-retirees. Thus, according to research by the Deloitte agency,
which surveyed more than 10 thousand large companies, more than two-
thirds of companies considered old age a competitive disadvantage, two-
thirds of people aged 45 to 70 years old faced age discrimination (Bersin
and Chamorro-Premuzic, 2019). That is, workers over 50 years old are
considered by most enterprises to be less capable, less exible (able to
adapt) or less ready to innovate and digitalize than younger employees,
which is conrmed by the authors’ studies. A survey of business leaders
conducted by the authors of this study revealed employers’ preferences for
hiring employees under the age of 50. According to employers, workers
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
over 50 years old have low motivation to perform labor operations, have
low or no digital skills and competencies, and are also prone to professional
Accordingly, these debatable questions about the possible transformation
of the labor values of older workers, about the formation of the “digital
axiology” of pre-retirees determine the relevance of the research topic.
1. Literature Review
The ongoing transformation of the value space in social and labor
relations is a consequence of institutional changes in the social sphere and
turbulence of socio-economic development, and, from our point of view,
directly affects the quality of life of the population and the strategic stability
of the country’s socio-economic system (Legchilina, 2019).
It should be noted the pluralism of theories of transformation of socio-
economic systems (the theory of neocapitalism, the theory of staged
economic growth, the theory of industrial, post-industrial information
society, the theory of convergence, the theory of the technotronic era, new
institutionalism, the theory of quality of life, and others).
Problems of social and labor relations and their transformation are
presented in the works of Russian scientists and foreign studies Polovinko
V.S. (Polovinko, 2015), Medvedeva T.A. (Medvedeva, 2013), Nehoda E.V.
(Nehoda, 2013), (Legchilina, 2019), Buchele, R., Christiansen J. (Buchele
and Christiansen, 1999), (Howe, 2017) and many others.
There is a diversity and pluralism of research in the eld of labor values
(Cutcher-Gershenfeld and Isaac, 2018), (Helfen et al., 2018) and others.
The problems of pension reform, the positive effects and the likely risks of
raising the retirement age are considered in the works of Russian scientists
and foreign studies Yu. M. Gorlin, T.M. Malevoy, V. Yu. Lyashok (Gorlin et
al., 2018), A.K. Soloviev (Soloviev, 2015), I. F. Zhukovskaya (Zhukovskaya,
2018), A. Albanese, B. Cockx (Albanese and Cockx, 2019), S. Etgeton
(Etgeton, 2018), J. Geyer, P. Haan, A. Hammerschmid, M. Peters (Geyer et
al., 2020), M. Sánchez-Romero, J. Sambt, A. Prskawetz (Sánchez-Romero
et al., 2013), T. Vigtel (Vigtel, 2018).
The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research
were based on an interdisciplinary approach, including theories and
methodologies of axiology, labor economics, etc. (Rokeach, 1973). In social
and labor relations (SRT), values-goals are internal nal motivational
semantic tasks that the parties wish to achieve. Values-methods in SRT are
considered as means of achieving value-goals. That is, for example, “the
result of labor” refers to the value-goals, the means of labor and the form of
SRT - to the values-methods. In accordance with this theory, values-goals
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna, Legchilina Elena Yurevna y Tsalko
Tatiana Valerevna
Study of The Transformation of Social and Labor Relations in The Conditions of Pension Reform:
Aspect of Digital Axiology
are decisive, system-forming in social and labor relations and are more
resistant to changes. Values-ways are determined by the development
of society and the socio-economic system. Therefore, in the context of
digitalization, within the framework of this study, we will consider changes
in values-methods in the context of the formation of a “digital axiology” of
labor in the social and labor relations of pre-retirees. Then we will take A.V.
Timofeev as a basis for the study (Timofeev, 2019), which denes “digital
axiology” (digitalization as a value) as a new nature and structure of values
in cultural, socio-economic reality, which is based on the digitalization of the
economy and society. At the same time, the concept of “value” is considered
by the authors in classical dialectics as the signicance of phenomena and
objects of reality.
2. Materials and methods
Digitalization not only changes the structure of the labor market and
causes the emergence of some professions and the exit from the market
of others, but also leads to an increase in labor productivity due to the
automation of labor processes, and a reduction in personnel. On the other
hand, there is an increase in the life expectancy of the population and the
burden on the pension system, which forces employers to keep jobs for
workers of pre-retirement and retirement age. The retirement age for men
and women has been raised.
According to Russian legislation (Federal Law “On Employment of the
Population in the Russian Federation”), persons of pre-retirement age are
now considered citizens for ve years before the onset of the age that gives
the right to an old-age insurance pension, including those assigned ahead
of schedule.
To make the innovations carried out as painlessly as possible into the life
of Russians, the Government of the Russian Federation has strengthened
the legal position of pre-retirees at the legislative level.
The efforts of all branches of government: legislative, executive, judicial,
are currently aimed at protecting the rights of this category of persons.
Local self-government bodies also play a huge role.
For this category of workers, measures of state support and protection
are provided.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
has developed special program activities that include retraining and
advanced training courses that allow people of pre-retirement age to master
new professions, while remaining in demand on the market.
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
In 2019, within the framework of the RFBR grant, a survey was
conducted of about 6,000 respondents, the purpose of which was to assess
the impact of the pension reform of the Russian Federation on social and
labor relations, economic growth, and the quality of life of the population
(Apenko et al., 2019).
Research methodology. The eld qualitative and quantitative research
was carried out by a survey method using a questionnaire developed by
the authors, consisting of 18 questions in paper form and by reference in
the online mode. The formulated purpose of the survey is to assess the
impact of the pension reform of the Russian Federation on social and labor
relations, economic growth and the quality of life of the population.
For the survey, the general population was selected - the economically
active population of the Russian Federation. The sample was formed from
the general population in a random way. The number of respondents
included urban and rural residents of both sexes, economically active
population, with different income levels and without it, representatives of
different social statuses.
When analyzing the data, the following tools were used: arithmetic
mean, minimum and maximum values, metric scales, fashion, frequency,
valid percentage, variance.
The conclusions obtained in the course of the study made it possible
to assess the opinions of people regarding the pension reform of the
Russian Federation, labor values and satisfaction with working conditions,
labor behavior during the period of active digitalization, as well as the
socio-psychological climate in the work collective towards persons of pre-
retirement and retirement age. The authors’ interest lies in expanding the
scientic concept and views in the eld of building a model for transforming
social and labor relations that affect the quality of life of the population and
economic growth within the framework of the system-axiological approach.
In addition, a survey was conducted of workers of pre-retirement age
in a number of divisions of the Russian Railways holding company. A total
of 760 people were interviewed, including 515 workers, 245 specialists and
employees. The survey was conducted from April to September 2019.The
source of the questionnaire for the respondents was the place of work /
study (90%), employment centers (2.6%); Pension fund branches (2.5%),
Internet (1.9%), acquaintances (2%), MFC branches (about 1%). The
majority of the survey was women. The average age of the respondents is 39
years. In terms of employment status, they are mostly specialists (41.3%).
The average monthly income of the respondents is 19 thousand rubles. The
geography of respondents is represented by urban and rural residents of
the Russian Federation.
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna, Legchilina Elena Yurevna y Tsalko
Tatiana Valerevna
Study of The Transformation of Social and Labor Relations in The Conditions of Pension Reform:
Aspect of Digital Axiology
3. Results and discussion
This study focuses on workers who are ve years or less before retirement,
that is, relative to 2020 and taking into account the pension reform, these
are men born in 1960-1963 and women born in 1965-1969. Let’s call
this category pre-retirees. The authors of the designated problematic in
the study of digital axiology passed it through the Strauss-Hove theory
(Kulakova, 2018). Note that, in accordance with the value system of Strauss
generations, pre-retirees occupy an intermediate position between “baby
boomers” and generation X, for whom digitalization is more of a necessity
than a value. Thus, this generation, which does not attach importance and
importance to computer and information technologies, is ready to adapt
to a rapidly changing environment, including digitalization. The labor
axiology of pre-retirees was formed in the post-war years, characterized
by numerous reforms, disasters, transformations and wars (bipolar world,
Chernobyl accident, Afghan war, restructuring to market relations, default,
privatization and many others) (Ozhiganova, 2015; Stepanova and Trishina,
2019). Accordingly, this generation is characterized by a willingness to
change, technical literacy, the ability to rely only on themselves, and the
ability to adapt to a changing world (Shamis and Antipov, 2016). These
conclusions are conrmed by the author’s research.
As noted above, a survey was conducted in 2019 aimed at assessing the
impact of the pension reform of the Russian Federation on social and labor
relations, economic growth and the quality of life of the population. According
to the survey, in the case of the introduction of digital technologies, modern
information software based on digital, at the workplace, 5,065 people are
ready to undergo training and continue to work. (85.2%); will stop working
and retire (in case of retirement age) - 655 respondents (11%); will change
the place of work - 215 people. (3.6%) (Apenko et al., 2019).
Thus, after the survey, the following conclusions were made.
Half of the respondents (49.9%) are fully aware of the pension reform
of the Russian Federation, the essence of which is the increase in the
retirement age, a little less (46.7%) have heard, but do not know the details.
According to the respondents, the main goal of the pension reform
proposed in the questionnaire is to increase the income of the state
budget through tax payments of working citizens (40.8%). With the aim
of the reform “improving the quality of life of citizens, since the income of
working citizens is higher than the size of the pension of pensioners”, 43.8%
of respondents fully disagree.
When introducing information technologies, modern software and
digitalization elements, 85.2% of respondents are ready to undergo training
and continue to work. The remaining 11% of respondents will either stop
working and retire or change their place of work (3.6%).
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
For the respondents - people of pre-retirement age and working
pensioners - labor relations with employers have not changed. Such
answers are 80%. Transferred to a xed-term employment contract -
8.7% of responses. Other answer options (dismissal, layoffs, reduced job
responsibilities) take less than 2%.
Respondents - people of pre-retirement age / working pensioners
assessed a positive attitude towards themselves - 34.8% of responses;
rather positive - 22.6%; indifferent - 33%; rather negative, tension is felt -
2.5%; negative because of obstacles to the career of other employees - 3.4%.
90.9% of the respondents did not change their attitude to their ofcial
duties since the beginning of the pension reform. Summing up, it should be
noted that the data presented demonstrate a clear tendency of ambiguous
opinions of residents of the Russian Federation regarding the increase
in the retirement age and the goals of the pension reform. The attitude
of people of different generations to the pension reform does not have a
pronounced negative connotation. The change in social and labor relations
affected only a part of employed citizens of pre-retirement and retirement
age. A positive trend is the desire for advanced training in the context of the
digitalization policy.
In addition, a survey of workers of pre-retirement age in a number of
divisions of the Russian Railways holding company made it possible to
draw the following conclusions. Thus, more than 37.4% of respondents
spoke about the likelihood of digitalization of the workplace in the next
two years. All respondents (100%) expressed the likelihood of changes in
the labor situation in connection with the digitalization of the workplace.
Opinions were distributed as follows: 17.1% expect a demotion; 42.4%
see the need and are ready to master new digital competencies through
advanced training; 9.4% are ready to change their profession; job losses are
expected to be about 10.7%. Only 9.1% of the respondents expressed their
readiness to switch to exible forms of social and labor relations, including
self-employment. Only 15.5% of respondents expect higher wages from
digitalization of the workplace in excess of the bonuses provided for by the
collective agreement.
Accordingly, it can be concluded that pre-retirees are ready to learn
digital technologies, to form digital competencies, and to develop digital
literacy. On the other hand, employers are not ready to invest in the training
of pre-retirees and the formation of their digital axiology, giving preference
to generation Y workers. The “digital axiology” of generation Y workers is
being formed much faster, since it is this generation that creates digital
technologies. Skepticism and inability to obey, the desire for immediate
reward and interesting work are characteristic of the “gamers”.
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna, Legchilina Elena Yurevna y Tsalko
Tatiana Valerevna
Study of The Transformation of Social and Labor Relations in The Conditions of Pension Reform:
Aspect of Digital Axiology
The subject of modern discussions in the eld of formation and
development of digital axiology of pre-retirees is the problem of the value
of intelligence, work experience and digital competencies. It should be
noted that the foundation of digitalization, digital economy and articial
intelligence was laid by pre-retirees who strive to adapt and survive in
difcult socio-political and economic conditions. On the other hand, pre-
retirees do not have sufcient digital literacy and digital competencies.
Foreign researchers also conduct research on age discrimination among
employees (Carlssona and Eriksson, 2019).
Digital competencies are dened in this study as well-trained, deeply
rooted procedures for using digital devices, communication applications,
and networks to access and control information. Digital competencies
include the effective use of various modern computing tools; condent use
of software and hardware to search, extract, copy, interpret and exchange
digital data; analysis of digital data; creation and application of computing
tools for processing industry data for the purpose of making decisions;
using online tools for team projects.
A number of scientists are concerned about the problem of weakening
and even devaluation of natural intelligence in favor of articial intelligence.
According to experts, this problem mainly affects generations Z and
Y, which, thanks to the development of articial intelligence, may lose
motivation for development E. Shamis, A. Antipov (Shamis and Antipov,
2016), T. Stepanova, O. Trishina (Stepanova and Trishina, 2019).
In addition, studies of the digital axiology of pre-retirees have shown
the existence of a “digital barrier”, which is caused by the presence of socio-
economic inequality, low incomes of a number of categories of pre-retirees
and rural areas, which limits access to digital technologies (for example,
lack of a computer and access to the Internet (for example, about 40%
of pre-retirees do not have access to the Internet; leads to anxiety when
interacting with new digital technologies due to the lack of digital literacy
and skills, etc.
The digital literacy index of Russians in the 1st quarter of 2020 was 58
points on a scale from 0 to 100 (the index was calculated using the Digcomp
methodology). Only 31% of Russians - one in four - have digital skills. It
should be noted that the annual internal costs for the development of the
digital economy in Russia amount to 3.6–3.7% of GDP. Russia ranks 45th in
the world in terms of the development of information and communication
technologies (ICT). The Business Digitalization Index (hereinafter referred
to as the Index), developed by the Institute for Statistical Studies and
Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics, characterizes
the speed of adaptation of organizations to digital transformation. The index
is calculated for organizations in the business sector of Russia, Turkey,
Japan, the Republic of Korea, as well as European countries. According to
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Index
in Russia is one of the lowest among the countries included in the study. In
2018, the Index was 31% against 28% in 2017 (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Business digitalization index in Europe and Russia
Source: (National, 2018).
Analysis of the intensity of the use of digital technologies in Russia taken
into account when calculating the Index shows that broadband Internet
access is used by 86% of organizations, cloud services - 27.6%, ERP systems
- 21.6%, e-commerce - 19.9%. RFID technologies - 6% (Table 1).
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
28 31 82 86 23 27,1 6 6,8 19 21,6 12 19,9
Table 1. Business digitalization index in Russia in 2017–2018
Source: (National, 2018).
It should be noted that the international index of the digital economy of
society in Russia also remains at a fairly low level. In 2019, it amounted to
0.45 pp (Fig. 2).
Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kiriliuk Olga Mikhailovna, Legchilina Elena Yurevna y Tsalko
Tatiana Valerevna
Study of The Transformation of Social and Labor Relations in The Conditions of Pension Reform:
Aspect of Digital Axiology
Figure 2. Dynamics of the international index of the digital economy
of society
(Bakumenko and Minina, 2020).
Thus, the research results have shown the underdevelopment of
digital technologies in Russian society, respectively, “digital axiology” in
Russian society is at the stage of formation, in particular among people
of pre-retirement age. In addition, studies have shown the reluctance and
unwillingness of employers to invest in solving this problem, especially in
relation to pre-retirees.
The authors note that numerous international studies of innovative
transformations in various elds speak of the need for “team thinking”. The
vast majority of innovations, scientic advances are the result of coordinated,
human activities or people working together as a whole. Maximizing the
effectiveness of teamwork is an increase in cognitive diversity (Anshina,
2019). The results of these studies indicate the need to attract older workers
to develop innovative products.
Taking into account the global trends of population aging, the extension
of the retirement age, according to the authors, is economically justied
for the country. The authors believe that the formation of “digital axiology”
among pre-retirees should be based on the balance of interests of the parties
in social and labor relations. That is, in order to extract the maximum value
that pre-retirees can bring to the enterprise, companies need to transform
social and labor relations. The author’s approach to the formation of “digital
axiology” within the framework of the transformation of the system of social
and labor relations is based on the concept of lifelong learning and the
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 650-665
formation (change) of values for several generations. Based on the works of
L. Gratton and E. Scott, the authors recommend moving from a three-stage
life, consisting of education, career and retirement, to a multi-stage path,
forming a communicative and analytical axiology. The authors’ conclusions
are conrmed in the forecasts of the Pew Research Center (Lloyd, 2018)
and in the studies of Russian scientists (Stuken and Korzhova, 2019), who
say that the most valuable skills in the future will be those that machines
cannot easily reproduce, for example, creativity, critical thinking, emotional
intelligence, adaptability and collaboration.
Thus, the “digital axiology” of pre-retirees is formed under the inuence
of the corresponding economic and political situation, leading to a change
in the digital culture of pre-retirees as a condition of “existence” in the
workplace and in society. The formation of a digital axiology of pre-retirees
determines their labor behavior. Therefore, we can make a statement about
the transformation of social and labor relations arising under the inuence
of digitalization. Successful implementation of this task requires adaptation
of pre-retirees to the constantly changing conditions of digitalization.
In general, studies have shown that, in comparison with generations Z
and Y, digitalization is not one of the basic values (values-ways) among pre-
retirees but is another change in the environment to which it is necessary
to adapt and adapt. Accordingly, the digital axiology of pre-retirees is in the
stage of formation.
To implement the outlined institutional reforms in Russia, it is necessary
to continue the outlined course for the development of digital literacy and
digital skills, especially for workers of pre-retirement age, thereby forming
a digital axiology of pre-retirees.
The study was conducted in the framework of the RFBR grant No. 19-
010-00362 A. JEL: J11; J53.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 68