Litvin Alexander Alterovich y Cherkashina Vera Vitalievna
Attorneys of the Volga region and the Urals at the beginning of the judicial reform of 1864
Central element of the reform is the introduction of the trial of jurors and
attorneys (lawyers). The main result of the reform of the judicial system
was to ensure the transparency, adversarial and wordless proceedings.
1. Methods
This article is written using a combination of methods: special-historical
and legal, so the study becomes interdisciplinary, conducted at the
intersection of legal and historical elds of scientic knowledge. Historical
methods have become prevalent, dening the guiding principles, nature,
and style of research. Historical-descriptive, historical-comparative,
historical-system are used. Special legal methods, such as historical-legal
and formal-legal, are also involved.
2. Results and Discussion
Despite the demand in society for such a legal institution as the bar, the
Russian state was in no hurry to adopt this direction to protect its citizens.
The formation and development of the bar as an independent branch of
the judicial system began with a great delay against the background of the
development of the whole state.
Legal protection in the sense in which we are accustomed to it, began
the path of its formation in ancient Russia. The main cell of society in those
days was considered a community (verv). It was her authoritative opinion
in disputes and accusations, which often occurred between its members,
that was recognized as an axiom. Therefore, the main defenders were
considered to be the elder of the family or the father of the family.
Over the long period of its existence, the Russian state has undergone
many transformations, including those in the authorities. Sufce it to recall
the reformatory activity of Peter I, thanks to the invincible energy, iron
will and outstanding talent of Russia in a relatively short time “lost” the
appearance of the Eastern state and closer to Europe, becoming a powerful
military power, which had to reckon with all its neighbors.
The withdrawal, made in the state and public image of Russia by Peter
I, was radical, bold, did not consider the mass opinion of the country
and its past. Peter’s reforms-independent, not prescribed from above,
the evolutionary movement of the then existing society, little changed,
but, indeed, political consciousness, morals and faith contributed to its
“modernization”. The reforms did not penetrate into the depth of the views
of the population, were not “imposed” on it, so they gave tangible results
only in the sphere of public life, which is amenable to external force. Many
of Peter’s legislative innovations have not been instilled at all, and a number
of novels, mainly under his successors, have been canceled or forgotten.