Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 68
Recibido el 23/08/2020 Aceptado el 16/02/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca ción aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co “Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
“Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che”. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 68l (Enero - Junio) 2021, 153-166
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Model of social protection for war
veterans to improve their social well-being
and health in the Russian Federation
Elena G. Pankova *
Dinara A. Bistyaykina **
Tatiana V. Solovieva ***
Alena A. Antipova ****
Olga M. Lizina *****
The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the
need to constantly improve the system of social protection of
veterans in changing socio-cultural conditions to make it more
consistent with the tasks and priorities of social and demographic
policy and modern social threats and risks. The objective of
the article is to study the Russian experience of social protection of war
veterans and to develop practical recommendations for its improvement by
updating the model of social protection of veterans to improve their social
well-being and health. Research methods: systemic (integrative) method,
assuming the need to analyze social, economic, legal, and other measures
to support veterans and the elderly; expert survey; modelling. As a result
of the study, the authors draw conclusions and offer recommendations on
the improvement and implementation of the model of social protection of
war veterans to improve their social well-being and health. The practical
signicance of the conducted study lies in the possibility of using the
developed recommendations in the sphere of social policy and social work
with veterans and the elderly, social gerontology, and practical activities of
social protection institutions for senior citizens.
Keywords: social protection for veterans; social welfare; social health;
social support measures; Russian federation.
* National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia. ORCID ID: Email:
** National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia. ORCID ID: Email:
*** National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia. ORCID ID: Email:
**** National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia. ORCID ID: Email:
***** National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia. ORCID ID: Email:
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
Modelo de protección social para veteranos de guerra
para mejorar su bienestar y salud en la Federación de
La relevancia del problema estudiado está determinada por la necesidad
de mejorar constantemente el sistema de protección social de los veteranos
en condiciones socioculturales cambiantes, para hacerlo más consistente
con las tareas y prioridades de la política social y demográca y las
amenazas y riesgos sociales modernos. El objetivo del artículo es estudiar
la experiencia rusa de protección social de veteranos de guerra y, al mismo
tiempo, desarrollar recomendaciones prácticas para su mejora mediante la
actualización del modelo de protección social de veteranos para optimizar
su bienestar social y salud. Se hizo uso del método sistémico (integrador),
asumiendo la necesidad de analizar medidas sociales, económicas, legales
y de otro tipo para apoyar a los veteranos y ancianos; encuesta de expertos;
modelado. Como resultado del estudio, los autores extraen conclusiones
y ofrecen recomendaciones sobre la mejora e implementación del modelo
de protección social de los veteranos de guerra para mejorar su bienestar
social y salud. La trascendencia práctica del estudio realizado radica en la
posibilidad de utilizar las recomendaciones desarrolladas en el ámbito de
la política social y el trabajo social con veteranos y ancianos, gerontología
social y actividades prácticas de instituciones de protección social para
personas mayores.
Palabras clave: protección social para veteranos; bienestar social; salud
social; medidas de apoyo social; federación rusa.
Veterans are one of the categories of citizens who have traditionally
become the object of social protection in the Russian Federation. Firstly,
their specic position in society is determined by their special socio-legal
status and signicant services to the country. It acts as an expression of
guarantees to create conditions that ensure a decent life, honor, and
respect in society. Secondly, war veterans represent a special socio-
demographic group that has certain social, economic, psychological,
and other characteristics. It may also be noted here that veterans mostly
belong to the senior categories of the population. For them, the issues of
preserving health, prolonging active/working age, reducing morbidity and
mortality, effective and accessible social rehabilitation, and adaptation,
and increasing life expectancy, which have become a priority in Russia’s
demographic policy at the present stage, are extremely relevant.
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 153-166
Thirdly, veterans are a heterogeneous social group. Several categories
of veterans are dened by law. The classication is based on the criteria
of special merits in defending the homeland, military, or other public
services, as well as signicant work contribution (conscientious and long-
lasting work). There are also special features inherent in certain categories
of veterans. Thus, under Article 1 of Federal Law №5-FL of January 12,
1995 “On Veterans”, the following categories of veterans are distinguished:
veterans of the Great Patriotic War, combat veterans (who served in the
USSR, Russia, or other states), military service veterans, and veterans of
According to Article 3 of the Federal Law of 12 January 1995 5-FL
“On Veterans”, combat veterans are dened as: 1) servicemen; 2) former
servicemen dismissed from the reserve or retired; 3) people called up for
military service; 4) persons in the rank of regular and superior staff of
internal affairs bodies and state security bodies; 5) employees of internal
affairs bodies and state security bodies; 6) employees of the Ministry of
Defense of the USSR and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
7) employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system; 8) other
As of August 2020, the following categories of veterans are registered in
Russia as recipients of social protection (support): former minor prisoners
of concentration camps, ghettos, and interned persons (77,578 persons);
veterans of the Great Patriotic War, their widows and family members
(440,462 persons); veterans of military service (224,737 persons); labour
veterans and members of their families (11,271,626 persons); veterans,
participants in hostilities, and members of their families (1,621,340
persons); disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled veterans
of hostilities, persons with equivalent status, and members of their families
(272,456 persons); persons awarded the title of “Resident of the Siege
of Leningrad” and their family members (99,260 persons); persons who
worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War, participants in the labour
front, and members of their families (469,143 persons).
In the Republic of Mordovia, as of 2020, there are 241 veterans and
disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, 1,726 veteran widows, and
7,633 persons considered equivalent to veterans of the Great Patriotic War
prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, workers of the rear, residents of
besieged Leningrad, and others.
The system of social protection for veterans is a set of measures aimed
at providing guaranteed living conditions, maintaining their livelihood, and
providing social support to ensure a decent standard of living, active work,
honor, and respect in society for this category of citizens. The Federal Law
of 12 January 1995 № 5-FL “On Veterans” reects the most important legal
provisions regulating the guaranteed social protection of veterans in the
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
Russian Federation. The federal law also denes a system of social support
measures for this category of citizens, which includes provision of housing;
pension provision; right to receive a single cash payment and a range of
social services; the right to supplementary monthly benets; medical and
prosthetic/orthopedic assistance; the possibility of using social benets;
the right to receive annual payments.
In our view, the state of social health and well-being of the studied
social group is an integrative characteristic of the effectiveness of the social
protection system for any category of the population. Thus, the heterogeneity
of the category of war veterans according to socio-demographic, cultural,
psychological, and other characteristics, and the complexity of the existing
system of social protection of this category determine the relevance of the
study of social well-being and health of war veterans, as it allows us to
identify the areas of social tension.
1. Literature Review
The problem of quality of life and social well-being of elderly people
and veterans is topical, debated, and, by its nature, interdisciplinary. The
object of study is various measures and directions of social policy towards
veterans (Obradovic, 2017; Perkins et al., 2020; Ben-Shalom et al., 2016;
Bolotova, 2016). Particular attention is paid to veterans’ income levels,
social and economic practices, the extent to which their life potential is in
demand, and the political and cultural processes taking place in society,
which are identied as determinants of social well-being.
Social well-being is considered as an integral indicator of adaptation
(Krupets, 2003) and as an indicator of the quality of life of older people
(Xavier and Ferraz, 2003; Burnell et al., 2017; Swed et al., 2020; Googe,
In the works of researchers from different countries, we can observe
some differences in the interpretation and choice of indicators of social
well-being. The terms “subjective well-being” and “perception of the quality
of life” used in American socio-psychological and economic research are
synonymous to this concept. The structure of the concept includes subjective
experiences and states, the nature of social interactions, and psychological
well-being (depression, suicide, etc.) (Chen et al., 2020; Utsumieva et al.,
2015; Kobozeva et al., 2007; Dushatsky, 2004). The following constructs
are called components of social well-being: people’s feelings of satisfaction
with their health, nancial situation, social status, legal security, family’s
livability, interpersonal relations. These components indicate the state of
the political, environmental, socio-economic, and interethnic situation
(Londadzhim, 2011; O’Reilly and Dolan, 2017).
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 153-166
The objects of study are the impact of mutual support on the social well-
being and issues of social integration and segregation of veterans (Drebing
et al., 2018).
Thus, the literature substantiates a set of different socio-economic,
demographic, psychological, legal, and other indicators of veterans’ social
well-being and emphasizes their connection with the level of social security.
This determines the necessity to study the types of social services and
support measures that make up the social protection system, ensuring a
high level and quality of life for those who have special merits to the state
and society.
2. Materials and Methods
Based on the Department of Social Work of N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State
University, a study, and a series of activities under the regional grant
18-411-130001 with the nancial support of the Russian Foundation of
Basic Research (RFBR) and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
on “Transformation of social well-being of war veterans in conditions of
Russian reforms at the regional level” were carried out. In 2018-2019, a
cycle of empirical studies was conducted.
1. Pilot study “Social well-being of war veterans (combat veterans)”
(November 2018-March 2019). The main objective was to identify the social
well-being and health indicators of war veterans (combat veterans). War
veterans (combat veterans) between the ages of 55 and 65 were interviewed.
The research was carried out based on the State Budgetary Institution of the
Republic of Mordovia “Saransk Complex Centre of Social Services”, the All-
Russian Public Organization of Veterans “Battle Brotherhood”, the Council
of the Mordovian Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization
of Veterans (Pensioners) of War and Labour of the Armed Forces and Law
Enforcement Agencies (n = 48 people). The type of sampling was targeted.
2. Pilot study “Social support for the elderly in the Republic of Mordovia”
(February-December 2018). The objective of the study was to justify the
relevance of social and economic support measures and the specics of
interdepartmental interaction in solving the problems of social health of
war veterans (combat veterans) in the Republic of Mordovia. The veterans
aged 55-65 and over 65 were interviewed. The research was carried out
based on the Saransk Complex Centre of Social Services, the All-Russian
Public Organization of Veterans “Battle Brotherhood”, and the Council of
the Mordovian Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of
Veterans (Pensioners) of War and Labour of the Armed Forces and Law
Enforcement Agencies (n = 86 people). The type of sampling was targeted.
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
3. Pilot study “Social health and support measures for war veterans
(combat veterans)” (February-December 2019). The objective of the study
was to identify the degree of satisfaction of war veterans (combat veterans)
with social assistance and support measures in the Republic of Mordovia.
The respondents of this study were veterans living in the Republic of
Mordovia, aged 55-84, who were registered in the departments of social
support under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Social Protection, Labour,
and Employment of the Republic of Mordovia (n = 50 people). The type of
sampling was targeted.
4. Pilot study “Comparative analysis of social well-being of the elderly
and war veterans (combat veterans)” (October-November 2019). The main
objective was a comparative analysis of objective and subjective factors
affecting the social well-being of the elderly and war veterans (combat
veterans) in Saransk. A questionnaire was administered to the recipients of
social services of the Saransk Complex Centre of Social Services aged 60-74
years (n = 150 people). The type of sampling was targeted.
5. Pilot study “Social health of war veterans (combat veterans) as a
goal of the functioning of social institutions” (October-November 2019).
The objectives of the study were to substantiate the needs of war veterans
(combat veterans) in the context of transformational processes of modern
society affecting their social health and to highlight the prospects and
recommendations for solving the problem of maintaining the social health
of war veterans (combat veterans) through interdepartmental interaction of
social institutions. Experts were interviewed from the staff of the Ministry
of Social Protection, Labour, and Employment of the Republic of Mordovia
and its subordinate institutions, the All-Russian Public Organization of
Veterans “Battle Brotherhood”, the Council of Mordovian Regional Branch
of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans (Pensioners) of War and
Labour of Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, and the Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Mordovia and its subordinate institutions (n =
95). The type of sampling was targeted.
3. Results
According to the answers of social work specialists, war veterans apply
to the Saransk Complex Centre of Social Services mainly for material and
in-kind assistance (89.0%). Such response options as socio-psychological,
socio-legal, and socio-medical assistance and assistance in recreation and
leisure activities were mentioned much less frequently. At the same time,
as noted by the war veterans, they most often sought support either from
the Saransk Complex Centre of Social Services or from social protection
agencies (48% and 34%, respectively).
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 153-166
However, as the survey showed, the main problems that concern the
elderly, including veterans, were health problems (64%), loneliness
(56%), conicts with relatives (30%), and nancial problems (60%) (the
respondents could choose more than one answer). Thus, the state of health
and the nature of social relations are the most important components of
social well-being and act as dominant factors of the level and quality of life,
along with material security.
The employees also indicated that the specialists of the Saransk Complex
Centre of Social Services can most often help veterans with material
problems (50.0%), as well as leisure activities (20.0%). In solving housing,
household, socio-pedagogical, and socio-psychological problems (20.0%),
they more often stepped in as mediators. At the same time, the social
activity and leisure activities of older people were at a fairly high level and
were characterized by diversity. Thus, older people watched TV programs
and movies, read ction, played board games and crossword puzzles, and so
on. However, some older people did not engage in any type of work activity
(48.3%) and lacked social (25.1%) and leisure activities (5.6%). Therefore,
this group of older people had low social well-being, which had a negative
impact on their livelihood and social health.
However, the process of ageing changes a person’s social position,
lifestyle, well-being, and social health. 56% of elderly veterans considered
themselves lonely. This can be explained by the fact that it is difcult for
them to adapt to the changing conditions.
The distribution of veterans’ opinions regarding the indicators that
primarily determine their social status and standard of living is of particular
interest. Among the ve most relevant indicators, the veteran respondents
chose the following options: 1st place the absence of war, peaceful sky,
socio-economic conditions of living in society; 2nd place the state of
health; 3rd place personal merits in society, positive evaluation of the
veteran’s deeds by society; 4th place the level of social protection and
security; 5th place the social status of relatives, family relations, and
social activity.
Thus, a model of social protection for veterans to improve their social
well-being and health should consider several levels: status, behavioral,
resource, value, identity, and spiritual levels. Each of the highlighted levels
contains objective and subjective factors inuencing and determining
social well-being. The proposed social model helps to explore and propose
interventions (social support measures, assistance) to harmonize relations
between veterans and society and ensure high social security and satisfactory
social well-being.
1. The status level contains factors that determine the position of the
veteran in society (development of social legislation, social policy
model, and traditions).
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
2. The behavioral level touches upon the layer of relations and
interactions of veterans in society (activity and passivity of veterans,
their involvement in social, administrative, and public activities,
reactions and actions of the state and society in relation to veterans).
3. The resource level relates to the skills, abilities, strategies, and
resources that guide veterans’ behaviour to maintain their social
well-being and health (psychological, social factors, health status,
infrastructure, etc.).
4. The value level determines the beliefs and values of veterans’
contributions and perceptions of a decent life (value of veterans’
contribution to society, value of health, and orientation towards a
healthy lifestyle) as essential circumstances.
5. The identity level examines identity issues in the context of the
adequacy of the veteran’s perception of their social/material
position in society and expectations and life goals (application of
categorization to veterans).
6. The spiritual level contains an assessment of attitudes towards
the contribution to the development of the society of veterans, the
preservation of remembrance, and patriotism as indicators of the
level of development of society and its moral “health” (the depth of
understanding of social problems and solidarity).
Reforming the system of social protection of veterans to improve their
social well-being and health should take place on three levels.
On the macrolevel, changes are required to form a legislative framework,
overcoming the existing legislative gaps, which would ensure a high level of
social protection for all categories of veterans.
Measures on the microlevel imply solving problems and developing a
social protection system for veterans to improve their social well-being and
health within municipalities, social protection institutions, and enterprises
and deal with enhancing the role of veterans’ public organizations.
Conducting work on the microlevel involves resolving or alleviating
personal, subjective problems that impede the normal social functioning
of veterans. The process of assistance on the microlevel involves both
individual counselling and the organization of group work to improve the
social well-being and health of veterans.
4. Discussions
Social well-being is directly proportional to the degree of success in
solving important social problems and meeting the needs relevant to a
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 153-166
particular category of people. Social well-being is related to the quality
of life, the main characteristics of which are material security, health,
education and employment, and social status. At the present stage in
Russia, the system of social protection for veterans includes:
1. Pension support and measures to improve income levels of veterans:
pension provision for veterans, general measures to support income
levels of the older generation in the Russian Federation (e.g., social
supplement to pensions, indexation of pensions), additional regional
measures of social support and assistance to veterans.
2. Improvement of veterans’ housing conditions and provision of
social support measures for payment of housing and utility services:
provision of housing for veterans, capital and current repairs of
housing, social support measures for payment of housing and utility
services, measures to create a comfortable social environment and
3. Medical care and rehabilitation, provision of medicines and technical
means of rehabilitation, sanatorium and spa treatment for veterans,
implementation of regional programs, including measures to
increase active longevity and healthy life expectancy, development of
geriatric care.
4. Tax exemptions concerning income tax, transport tax, property tax,
land tax, and state duty.
5. Social services for veterans: individualization and targeting of social
services for veterans in the Russian regions, development of medical
and social services, hospital-substituting social service technologies,
expansion of mobile (interdepartmental) teams to provide various
services, and introduction of a long-term care system.
6. Promotion of employment and professional retraining of
veterans: vocational training for those of pre-retirement age and
implementation of additional employment services.
7. Raising awareness of veterans (including concerning their social
8. Supporting the participation of veterans in social work and upbringing
of children and the youth: state support for public associations of
veterans, development of the social partnership, education, and
patriotic upbringing.
The current system of social protection for veterans in the Russian
Federation is multisubject. All subjects can be divided into federal, regional,
and local, including the “third sector” (state bodies, social protection
institutions, public organizations, etc.) (Bistyakina et al., 2019; Solovyova
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
et al., 2019). At the same time, the system of social protection of veterans
remains open, i.e., in the process of functioning, it is constantly replenished
with new elements and subjects.
The institutional mechanisms for the implementation of social protection
of veterans include federal targeted (state) programs, which represent a
special organized activity of state authorities to implement social support
measures for this category of citizens based on targeted budget nancing
and attraction of other sources. Federal targeted (state) programs include
legal, nancial, economic, information, analytical, institutional, and
organizational components. Particular attention for the establishment and
development of the elements of social protection of veterans to improve
their social well-being and health is paid in the framework of the federal
project “The Older Generation”, which provides for measures aimed at
ensuring an increase in healthy life expectancy, the proportion of elderly and
disabled citizens living in new-type residential social service organizations,
the development of medico-social services for veterans, etc.
According to the experts, the development of the social protection
system for veterans to improve their social well-being and health should be
linked to the solution of the following urgent tasks.
1. The issues of rehabilitation of military personnel with disabilities
need to be elaborated and detailed. The social and rehabilitation
infrastructure for disabled combatants, especially in rural areas,
needs to be developed at the level of municipalities, and there is a need
for comprehensive rehabilitation centers for disabled combatants.
2. It is advisable to develop a coherent state (or regional) concept of
social protection for veterans and disabled combatants, as well as
their family members, with the formation of an appropriate legislative
framework for this (through the introduction of amendments and
additions to normative and legal acts).
3. The issues of education, vocational training, and employment
of persons with disabilities and veterans of combat operations,
guaranteeing their social integration and a decent standard of living,
are topical.
4. It is advisable to create in the regions a system of social order, social
grant, which will signicantly facilitate and make more effective
the work to solve the numerous social problems of the elderly
and veterans, including such acute problems as health, leisure,
employment, care for the elderly, etc.
5. It is necessary to share the successful experience of the regions in
improving the social well-being and health of veterans and create
and implement relevant Internet portals and services that allow for
close inter-regional cooperation.
Vol. 39 Nº 68 (Enero - Junio 2021): 153-166
6. Provision of information support to social service institutions and
non-prot non-governmental organizations working with elderly
people and veterans through the creation and maintenance of
internet websites, production of regional newspapers or magazines
free of charge for social protection institutions, and resumption of the
practice of regular publication of information collections containing
the generalized experience of social protection institutions.
7. Expansion of social guarantees and improvement of the welfare of
combat veterans and members of their families.
8. Active engagement of veterans and disabled war veterans in local
issues reception of population, work with the youth, administrative,
social, and legal, and information and reference work in municipal
administrations, bodies/institutions of executive power, public
organizations, etc.
9. There is a need to strengthen patriotic social work; it is advisable to
create projects aimed at the patriotic education of the Russian youth
using examples from the lives of combat veterans.
10. The work with elderly veterans should be as targeted and personalized
as possible, with a focus on supporting family ties.
The modern system of social protection of veterans should aim to
achieve the favorable social well-being of veterans.
Social protection of war veterans is multisubject; it includes diverse socio-
political, socio-legal, socio-economic, socio-medical, socio-psychological,
and organizational measures.
The practice of social protection of war veterans as a model of social
protection continues to be transformed by demographic, social, legal,
economic, and cultural factors. In response to today’s social needs, the
system of social protection should be more targeted, individualized,
oriented towards a high quality of life for people who have rendered special
services to the homeland; technologies allowing the normalization of the
social and psychological well-being of this category of persons should be
widely introduced into social practice.
Reforming the system of social protection of veterans to improve
their social well-being and health should consider several levels: status,
behavioral, resource, value, identity, and spiritual. Each of the distinguished
levels contains objective and subjective factors inuencing and determining
social well-being; in turn, measures should address all three levels: strategic
Elena G. Pankova, Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Tatiana V. Solovieva, Alena A. Antipova y Olga M.
Model of social protection for war veterans to improve their social well-being and health in the
Russian Federation
level ― the level of social policy (macrolevel); the level of organizations and
social services (microlevel); individual level (microlevel).
The study was nancially supported by the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia as part of
the research project № 18-411-130001\18.
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ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
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