Evaluation of the effect of two synchronization protocols on Estradiol and Progesterone levels in Dual Purpose cows from the Ecuatorian Amazon
The objective of this work was to evaluate the concentration of serum Progesterone and Estradiol levels on pregnancy rate and follicular dynamics in two synchronization protocols in dual purpose (DP) cows in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This research was carried out in the Province of Pastaza, Ecuador, from January to August 2022. Multiparous Brown Swiss and their crosses (Bos indicus) cows in production with calf at foot, with a body condition score of >2.25 and between >60 and <150 days (d) open were used. J-Synch treatment (T) (100 cows): on day 0, 2 milligrams (mg) of Estradiol Benzoate (BE) and an intravaginal device (DIB) impregnated with 0.5 grams (g) of Progesterone (P4) were administered. On day 6, the DIB was removed and 500 micrograms (µg) of Prostaglandin (PGF2α) and 400 International Units (IU) of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) were placed. The cows that showed estrus were inseminated at 60 hours (h) and those that did not, were inseminated at 72 h plus the addition of Gonadorelin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). Conventional T (100 cows): on day 0, a 2 mg dose IM of BE was administered and an DIB with a P4 concentration of 0.5 g was inserted; on day 8 the DIB was withdrawn, and 400 IU of eCG, 500 µg of PGF and 1 mL of Estradiol Cypionate were injected. Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (IATF) was performed at 54 h. In both T, blood samples were randomly taken to 10 cows to evaluate serum concentrations of E2 at the time of IATF and P4 at day 14 post-IATF. On day 45, pregnancy diagnosis was made through ultrasonography. The concentrations of E2 and P4 for the T J-Synch were 103.35 picograms·mL-1 (pg·mL-1) and 6.75 nanograms·mL-1 (ng·mL-1), respectively and for the T Conventional 97.35 pg·mL-1 and 15.24 ng·mL-1, respectively. No variation was found in the serum concentration of E2 in the two protocols. Although the concentration of P4 was higher in the T Conventional, there were no significant differences in the pregnancy rates compared to T J-Synch.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Madelin Pilla-Campaña, Darwin Yánez-Avalos, Manuel Ortega-Coello, Ramón Aragadvay-Yungan, Pablo Roberto Marini
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.