Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXV
Recibido: 22/03/2024 Aceptado: 11/12/2024 Publicado: 07/03/2025 1 of 7
Evaluation of spinal fractures and dislocations in 80 cats and
32 dogs: A clinical retrospective study
Evaluación de fracturas y dislocaciones espinales en 80
gatos y 32 perros: un estudio clínico retrospectivo
Muhammed Enes Altuğ¹* , Ömer Kırgız¹ , Ziya Yurtal¹ ,Mehmet Zeki
Yılmaz-Deveci¹ , İbrahim Alakuş¹ , Halil Alakuş¹ , Eren Ceylan¹ ,
Nimet Öründü¹ ,Ufuk Kaya² , Cafer Tayer İşler¹
¹Department of Veterinary Surgery, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay 31030, Turkey
²Department of Veterinary Biostatistics, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay 31030, Turkey
Corresponding author email:
En este estudio, además de las causas etiológicas de las
fracturas y luxaciones de la columna vertebral de perros y
gatos, se evaluaron los efectos del período postraumático, las
sensaciones de dolor profundo y la localización del trauma
sobre la recuperación. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total
de 112 animales, incluiyendo a 80 gatos (71,43 %) de 8
razas diferentes y 32 perros (28,57 %) de 9 razas diferentes,
con fracturas y/o luxaciones de columna. En la evaluación
neurológica se registraron condiciones de paraplejia,
tetraplejia, paraparesia, tetraparesia. Teniendo en cuenta los
resultados del examen neurológico y radiográfico, el área del
trauma se clasicó como cervical (C1-C5), cervicotorácica (C6-
Th2), toracolumbar (Th3-L3) y lumbosacra (L4-S3) según el
segmento de la médula espinal afectado. En el estudio actual,
se observó que las caídas desde una altura eran más comunes
en los gatos expuestos a traumatismos en la columna, y los
accidentes de vehículos eran más comunes en los perros. Se
determinó que los gatos y perros expuestos a trauma espinal
eran en su mayoría domésticos y adultos. En los gatos, las
fracturas de columna fueron las más observadas (58/80,
72,5 %), seguidas de las luxaciones de columna (20/80, 25
%) y las fracturas y luxaciones combinadas (2/80, 2,5 %). En
perros fue similar a la de gatos (24/32, 75%, 7/32, 21,88% y
; 1/32, 3,13%, respectivamente). Se encontró que el rango de
vértebras más afectado estaba entre Th3-L3 en gatos (40/80,
50 %) y L4-S3 en perros (18/32, 56 %). La tasa de recuperación
fue mayor en gatos y perros en los que se vio afectado el
segmento de la columna entre L4-S3. El estado de recuperación
de los casos presentados dentro de las primeras 24 horas fue
mejor. Cuando se examinaron las condiciones neurológicas, se
determinó que, en comparación con los casos sin sensación de
dolor profundo, las tasas de recuperación fueron más altas en
los casos con paraparesia y sensación de dolor profundo. A la
luz de todos estos datos, se concluyó que la eutanasia no sería
una opción prioritaria en primer lugar, ya que también hubo
pacientes que se recuperaron, aunque a un ritmo muy bajo,
entre los casos sin sensación de dolor profundo.
In this study, besides the etiological causes of spinal fractures
and dislocations of cats and dogs, the effects of the post-
traumatic period, deep pain sensations and trauma localization
on recovery were evaluated. A total of 112 animals, including
80 cats (71.43%) from 8 different breeds and 32 dogs
(28.57%) from 9 different breeds, with spinal fractures and/
or dislocations were included in the study. In the neurological
evaluation, paraplegia, tetraplegia, paraparesis, tetraparesis
conditions were recorded. Considering the neurological
and radiographic examination results, the trauma area was
classified as cervical (C1–C5), cervico-thoracic (C6-Th2),
thoracolumbar (Th3–L3) and lumbosacral (L4-S3), according
to the affected spinal cord segment. In the current study, it
was observed that falling from a height was more common in
cats exposed to spinal traumas, and vehicle accidents were
more common in dogs. It was determined that cats and dogs
exposed to spinal trauma were mostly domestic and adult.
In cats, spine fractures were seen the most (58/80, 72.5%),
followed by spine dislocations (20/80, 25%), and fractures and
dislocations in combination (2/80, 2.5%). In dogs, it was similar
to that of cats (24/32, 75%; 7/32, 21.88%; and 1/32, 3.13%,
respectively). The most affected vertebrae range was found
to be between Th3-L3 in cats (40/80, 50%) and L4-S3 in dogs
(18/32, 56%). The recovery rate was higher in cats and dogs
where the spine segment between L4-S3 was affected. The
recovery status of the cases brought within the rst 24 hours
was better. When neurological conditions were examined, it
was determined that, compared to cases without deep pain
sensation, recovery rates were higher in cases with paraparesis
and deep pain sensation. In the light of all these data, it was
concluded that euthanasia would not be a priority choice in the
rst place, as there were also patients who recovered, albeit at
a very low rate, among the cases without deep pain sensation.
Palabras clave: Vértebra, fractura, luxación, gato, perro
Key words: Vertebra; fracture; luxation; cat; dog
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Spinal fractures and dislocations in Cats and Dogs/Altuğ et al.
Spinal fractures and dislocations are the main causes of
neurological diseases in small animals [1]. Spinal fractures
and dislocations may occur depending on the strength of the
trauma, its impact area, and the natural aspects, strengths
and weaknesses of the spine [2]. Falling from a height, vehicle
accidents, bite wounds and gunshot wounds are among the
main causes of spinal fractures and dislocations [2, 3, 4]. Spinal
fractures and/or dislocations account for 6% of all spinal cord
diseases in cats and 7% in dogs [5, 6].
Different degrees of neurological disorders, compressive
lesions, medullary edema and trauma-related spinal cord
ruptures may occur after spinal trauma. Depending on the
severity of spinal cord damage, animals may experience
permanent paralysis or death [7]. The main aim of treatment in
spinal fractures and dislocations is to relieve the nerve under
pressure and to prevent secondary damage. For this aim, anti-
inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, fusogens and analgesics are
used as medical treatment and the animal's movements are
restricted [8].
As a surgical treatment, the vertebral canal and intervertebral
foramen are brought to their normal position, relieving the
compression on the spinal cord, and stabilizing the affected
vertebrae, limiting the damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots
[9]. Deep pain testing is a good indicator of spinal cord injury. It
has been reported that the prognosis of cats and dogs without
deep pain sensation is poor [10]. Previous studies on spinal
fractures or dislocations focused on a single treatment method or
spine segment and focused on comparisons between treatment
methods [4, 9, 11, 12]. Although retrospective studies have
been conducted on spinal fractures and dislocations [2, 8, 13],
no information has been provided about the cause of trauma in
cats and dogs and the effect of the process over the trauma on
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the etiological
evaluation of spinal fractures and dislocations of cats and dogs,
as well as the clinical effects of trauma causes, the process
after trauma, deep pain sensations and trauma localization on
A total of 112 cases, 80 cats and 32 dogs, that were presented
to Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Veterinary Health Application
and Research Hospital (HMKU VETSUAM) between 2016-2021
and were registered, were included in the study. Patients were
routinely processed upon anamnesis, examination, diagnosis
and treatment protocol. The breed, age, gender, accommodation
conditions, etiology of the disease, duration of the disease,
clinical condition of the patient, localization of the affected spine,
condition of the spine, deep pain sensation, and treatment option
of the patients were recorded. The age classication of the cases
was categorized as Juvenile (<6 months of age), sub-adults (6
months to 1 year) and adult (>1 year) as reported by Stacharski
et al. [14]. The duration of the trauma was evaluated as the rst
24 hours, or the next 24 hours after the trauma. Latero-lateral
and ventro-dorsal radiographs were taken in the radiological
evaluation of the patients. Fractures and/or dislocations formed
in the spine and the area where they were formed were detected.
The neurological and radiographic examination
Conservative and surgical treatments
Statistical analysis
In the neurological evaluation, paraplegia, tetraplegia,
paraparesis, tetraparesis conditions were recorded. Considering
the neurological and radiographic examination results, the
trauma area was classied as cervical (C1–C5), cervico-thoracic
(C6-Th2), thoracolumbar (Th3–L3) and lumbosacral (L4-
S3) according to the affected spinal cord segment. Deep pain
sensations were evaluated according to the change in facial
expression of the animal, the sound it produced, the tendency to
turn towards the area where the hemostatic was squeezed and/
or bite, by squeezing the areas between the fore and hind toes
with the help of a hemostatic [15].
All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics software Version 23.0. Categorical variables included
in the study were subjected to the Chi-square test and calculated
as "Frequency (n) - Percentage (%)". P<0.05 was considered as
The type of treatment was determined according to the
deep pain sensation or the operation requests of the patient’s
owner. 10 cats and 5 dogs without deep pain sensation were
discharged without any treatment at the request of their
owners. Conservative and surgical treatments were evaluated
as treatment options. In the conservative treatment, besides
cage rest and external coaptation, 30 mg/kg intravenous
methlyprednisolone sodium succinate (Prednol, Mustafa Nevzat
İlaç Sanayii A.Ş, Istanbul) was administered in the first 24 h
after the trauma, and 5.4 mg/kg/h [16] sodium intravenous
methlyprednisolone succinate was administered 24 hours
later for neuroprotective effect. In addition, intramuscular B
complex vitamin (Nervit, Vetaş, Istanbul) and 30 mg/kg cefazolin
sodium (Sefazol, Mustafa Nevzat İlaç Sanayii A.Ş, Istanbul)
intramuscularly for prophylaxis were administered. Various
stabilization techniques and implants (pedicle screw, plate, pin
and polymethyl methacrylate stabilizations, etc.) were used
in the surgical treatment. After the treatment, paralysis was
considered if there was no use of extremities, partial paralysis if
the use of the extremity was limited and deep pain sensations
were weak, and complete recovery if the use of extremities was
functional [8, 13]. The cases were followed for 2 months to reveal
their clinical and neurological conditions [8, 13].
A total of 112 animals, including 80 cats (71.43%) from 8
different breeds and 32 dogs (28.57%) from 9 different breeds,
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Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXV
FIGURE 1. X-ray images of some spinal fractures and dislocations in cats and dogs.
A: Spinal injury in the T11 region due to gunshot wound in a cat. B and C: T13-L1
dislocation due to fall from height in cats. D: L7 fracture due to vehicle accident
in a cat. E: L3 fracture due to vehicle accident in a dog. F: T13-L1 fracture due to
fall from a height in a dog. G: L7-S1 fracture due to door jamming in a dog. H: L7
fracture due to train accident in a dog.
*Juvenile (<6 months of age), sub-adults (6 months to 1 year) and adult (>1 year)
** HBC: Hit by car
with spinal fractures and/or dislocations were included in the
study. Of the cats and dogs included in the study, 61 (54.46%)
were male and 51 (45.54%) were female. While 72 of them
(64.29%) were domestic animals, 40 (35.71%) were stray
animals. It was determined that 38 of the patients were juvenile
(33.93%), 8 of them were sub-adult (7.14%) and 66 of them
were adults (58.93%). The necessary information is given in
It was determined that the number of domestic cats (52/80,
65%) and dogs (20/32, 62.5%) exposed to trauma was higher
than non-domesticated ones. The most common cause of
trauma was falling from a height (41/80 51.3%) in cats, while a
vehicle accident (25/32 83.3%) was the most common cause
of trauma in dogs (TABLE II). The radiological images of some
spinal traumas in cats and dogs due to various reasons are given
in FIG. 1. 59 cases, 43 of which were cats (53.8%) and 16 of
which were dogs (55.2%), were brought to the hospital within
the first 24 hours after trauma, and a total of 53 cases were
brought, including 37 cats (46.3%) and 13 dogs (44.8%) after
24 hours (FIG. 2). In cats, spinal fractures were seen the most
(58/80, 72.5%), followed by spine dislocations (20/80, 25%),
and fractures and dislocations seen together (2/80, 2.5%). In
dogs, the situation was similar to that of cats (24/32, 75%; 7/32,
21.88%; 1/32, 3.13%, respectively).
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Spinal fractures and dislocations in Cats and Dogs/Altuğ et al.
FIGURE 2. Time elapsed for the transfer of the patient to the Veterinary Service. A
before 24 hours, B after 24 hours of the event, depending on the species: Cats or
FIGURE 3. Schematic representation of fractured and/or dislocated areas of the
spine in cats
FIGURE 5. Radiologic and clinical appearance of T10-11 fracture in a cat
FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of fractured and/or dislocated areas of the
spine in dogs
The most affected vertebrae range was found to be between
Th3-L3 in cats (40/80, 50%) and L4-S3 in dogs (18/32, 56%)
(FIGS. 3 and 4). The radiological (A) and clinical image (B) of a
cat with a T10-T11 fracture is given in FIG. 5. While 54 (67.5%)
of the cats with spinal injury were treated medically, 16 (20%)
were treated surgically, and 10 (12.5%) cats did not receive any
treatment. While 20 (62.5%) of the dogs with spinal damage
were treated medically, 7 (21.88%) were treated surgically, and
5 (15.63%) dogs did not receive any treatment.
Cats and dogs exposed to spinal injuries can be traumatized
for different reasons. The type and severity of trauma can cause
irreversible damage to the spine [17]. It was revealed in a study
that in cats with spinal trauma, the cause of trauma was found to
be due to falling from a height (45%) and to Hit by car (HBC) (48%)
in dogs [2]. Dhanalakshimi et al. [8] reported that cats were
exposed to HBC more (58.33%) [8]. Similarly, in another study,
it was reported that more vehicle accidents were encountered
in cats and dogs [18]. In this study, falling from a height was the
most common cause of trauma in cats (51.3%), while HBC (84%)
was the most common cause of trauma in dogs. In this respect,
the present study was similar to the study of Bali et al. [2]. In this
study, it was observed that traumas due to falling from a height
(42.9%) were more common in cats that had fully recovered, and
vehicle accidents (83.3%) were more common in dogs (TABLE
Spinal fractures and dislocations in cats and dogs can be
seen in all age groups. In a study, it was reported that the high
frequency of spinal trauma in young dogs and cats is related to
the reproductive behavior of animals [18]. It can be thought that
the reason for exposure to trauma in domestic cats and dogs, in
addition to the breeding behaviors of the animals, dogs that are
away from their natural environment may lose control with more
exciting behaviors in the external environment, and cats may
be exposed to such trauma by falling from a height as a result
of their hunting instincts near an open window. In this study, it
was observed that cats and dogs with spinal trauma were mostly
domestic (64.29%), and cats (46%) and dogs (65.6%) were 1
year old or older. Some researchers have reported in their studies
that trauma is more common in kittens under 1 year old [2,19].
Other studies have shown that trauma is more common in cats
aged 6 months to 1 year [8, 20, 21]. It can be stated that the
difference in age values in the studies may be related to changes
in season and housing conditions. In their study, Dhanalakshmi
et al. [8] reported that sub-adult animals were more affected by
spinal traumas, but those younger than 6 months had a higher
recovery rate. In the current study, it was observed that cats
(69.1%) and dogs (83.3%) which showed full recovery were
older than 1 year (TABLE III). Although the results in the current
study are different from the study of Dhanalakshmi et al. [8], this
situation may vary depending on the increase in the number of
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Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXV
It has been emphasized that the detection of deep pain
sensation is very important in terms of the course of the disease
in spinal traumas [10]. In a study evaluating the long-term
outcomes of 95 patients with spinal trauma, it was reported that
regardless of treatment, none of the patients who lost deep pain
sensation regained deep pain sensation, and euthanasia could
be an option [22]. In another study, it was reported that patients
without deep pain sensation with a poor prognosis (31.6%) were
euthanized without treatment [13]. Bruce et al. [13] reported
that the decision of euthanasia in patients without deep pain
sensation was due to the lack of literature support. In a study
by Dhanalakshmi et al. [8], it was reported that 9 out of 24 cats
(37.5%) did not have deep pain sensation and only 1 (11.11%)
of these cats recovered satisfactorily. In another study, it was
revealed that 22 patients (23.16%) in 95 cats and dogs did not
have deep pain sensation and 2 (9.09%) of these patients had a
successful recovery due to the return of neurological loss [13].
In the current study, 3 out of 20 dogs (15%) without deep pain
sensation showed complete recovery, and 2 (4.65%) of 43 cats
without deep pain sensation showed complete recovery. The
results in this study were found to be similar to the findings of
Dhanalakshmi et al. [8] and Bruce et al. [13], Based on this study
data, recovery may occur in patients without deep pain sensation,
although the rate is small, and the treatment option should be
evaluated before the option of euthanasia. The association of
deep pain sensation and outcome in the current study is given in
Spinal fractures and/or dislocations usually occur in the
parts of the spine close to the skull, thorax, and pelvis [2]. In
many studies, it has been revealed that the thoracolumbar
region is more affected in cats and dogs with spinal fractures
and dislocations [2, 8, 13, 18, 19, 23]. In the presented study,
similar to previous studies, the area exposed to trauma the most
was the thoracolumbar region (50% in cats, 37.5% in dogs). In
a previous study, it was reported that the lumbar region (L1-
L7) was more affected in dogs [24]. In another study, it was
revealed that the sacrocaudal region is more affected in cats
[2]. The reason for these differences can be explained as the
different grouping of spine segments. It has been reported that
cervical spine fractures and/or dislocations are less common
than the thoracolumbar region [21]. In this study, cervical spine
trauma was observed to be the least observed spine segment
in both cats (3.8%) and dogs (3.1%). In the current study, it
was observed that the recovery was higher in traumas formed
between the L4-S3 segments in both cats (66.7%) and dogs
(83.3%) compared to the affected spinal segment (TABLE V).
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Spinal fractures and dislocations in Cats and Dogs/Altuğ et al.
It has been reported that cases (8/16, 50.00%) brought
within the rst 48 hours after spinal trauma have a satisfactory
recovery [8]. In a study, it was reported that cats and dogs
suffering from spinal trauma were brought in mostly within the
rst 24 hours, but no information was given about their recovery
status [2]. In the current study, 24 hours before and after
admission to the hospital were examined and it was determined
that the rate of complete recovery in cats (53.8%) and dogs
(53.1%) brought 24 hours before was 57.1% in cats and 33.3%
in dogs. Considering these results, it was seen that the chances
of recovery of cats brought within 24 hours were higher.
Neurological conditions after spinal trauma can provide
information about recovery [21]. In a study including 16
paraplegic cases, complete recovery was reported in 4 (25%)
cases, partial paralysis in 3 (18.75%) cases, death in 5 (31.25%)
cases, and paralysis in 4 (25%) cases. In the same study, 7
cases with clinical signs of paraparesis were reported and all
of them recovered [8]. In the current study, 15 (25%) of 60
cats with paraplegia had complete recovery, while 28 (46.7%)
had paralysis and 17 (28.3%) had partial paralysis. None of
the 7 cats who were tetraplegic showed a full recovery. While
complete recovery was observed in 5 (41.7%) of 12 cats with
paraparesis, paralysis occurred in 4 (33.3%) and partial paralysis
occurred in 3 (25%). In this study, 3 (14.3%) of the 21 dogs with
paraplegia had complete recovery, 12 (57.1%) had paralysis, and
6 (28.6%) had partial paralysis. None of the 3 tetraplegic dogs
showed recovery. While 3 (42.9%) of 7 dogs with paraparesis
had complete recovery, 2 (28.6%) had paralysis and 2 (28.6%)
had partial paralysis. In line with these results, it was determined
that the recovery rates were higher in cases with paraparesis and
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
In conclusion, in the current study, it was observed that
falling from a height was more common in cats exposed to spinal
traumas, and vehicle accidents were more common in dogs. It
was determined that cats and dogs exposed to spinal trauma
were mostly domestic and adult. The recovery rate was higher
in cats and dogs where the spine segment between L4-S3 was
affected. The recovery status of the cases brought within the
first 24 hours was better. When neurological conditions were
examined, it was determined that, compared to cases without
deep pain sensation, recovery rates were higher in cases with
paraparesis and deep pain sensation. In the light of all these
data, it was concluded that euthanasia would not be a priority
choice in the first place, as there were also patients who
recovered, albeit at a very low rate, in the cases without deep
pain sensation.
Conicts of interest
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