______________________________________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 184 - 194, 2023
Impacto de la suplementación con propilenglicol
durante el período posparto temprano sobre los
metabolitos séricos y el rendimiento reproductivo
en búfalas Nili-Ravi
Muhammad Saleem Akhtar1*, Rehman Khan2,
Ejaz Ahmad1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Aijaz Ali Channa2,
Muhammad Irfan ur Rehman Khan2
1Department of Clinical Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya
University, Multan, Pakistan
2Department of Theriogenology, University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
*Autor de correspondencia: drsaleemakhtar@bzu.edu.pk
El presente estudio investigó el efecto de la suplemen-
tación con propilenglicol durante el período posparto temprano
sobre los metabolitos séricos de búfalas. Los búfalos Nili Ravi
(n=25) fueron asignado aleatoriamente a uno de los dos gru-
pos, es decir, grupo de tratamiento (n=15) y grupo de control
(n=10). En el grupo experimental, la suplementación con pro-
Impact of propylene glycol supplementation
during early postpartum period on serum me-
tabolites and reproductive performance in Ni-
li-Ravi bualo
Muhammad Saleem Akhtar1*, Rehman Khan2,
Ejaz Ahmad1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Aijaz Ali Channa2,
Muhammad Irfan ur Rehman Khan2
1Department of Clinical Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya
University, Multan, Pakistan
2Department of Theriogenology, University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: drsaleemakhtar@bzu.edu.pk
The present study investigated the eect of propylene
glycol supplementation during the early postpartum period on
serum metabolites in bualo. Nili Ravi bualo (n=25) were ran-
domly assigned to one of two groups, i.e., Treatment Group
(n=15) and Control Group (n=10). In the experimental group,
propylene glycol (500 ml/ animal/ day) supplementation started
FN-121 Rev. Cientif. FCV-LUZ, XXXIII, SE, 185-186, 2023, https://doi.org/10.52973/rcfcv-wbc053