_________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 75 - 81, 2023, https://doi.org/10.52973/rcfcv-wbc010
Glicoproteínas asociadas a la preñez en búfala: orígenes, funciones y aplicación clínica
para el seguimiento de la preñez
Olimpia Barbato1, Vittoria Lucia Barile2
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
2Research Centre for Animal Production and Aquaculture, Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’Analisi dell’Economia Agraria
(CREA), Monterotondo (Rome) Italy
*Corresponding e-mail: Barbato, Olimpia (olimpia.barbato@unipg.it).
Reproductive e󰀩ciency represents an essential aspect of farm
management as the productivity and protability of a farm de-
pend on it, particularly in dairy farming. Early detection of preg-
nancy and identication of non-pregnant bu󰀨alo cows is funda-
mental in the management of reproduction because it allows
an early resynchronization and rebreeding of the non-pregnant
animals, shortening the calving-conception interval. Di󰀨erent
pregnancy diagnostic tools are currently available; among
these, the utilization of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins
(PAGs) contributed signicantly to the improvement of repro-
ductive management. PAGs are secreted by the placenta of
several ruminant species, including bu󰀨alo, and can be detect-
ed in the maternal blood. In addition to their utilization as diag-
nostic tools to identify pregnant or non-pregnant animals, PAGs
help identify the presence of vital embryos and predict future
embryo mortality during early gestation. This paper presents
an overview of the PAGs origins, function, pregnancy trend,
and their use to improve reproductive management in bu󰀨alo
Keywords: pregnancy-associated glycoproteins, bu󰀨alo, preg-
nancy, reproductive management.
La eciencia reproductiva representa un aspecto esencial de
la gestión ganadera ya que de ella dependen la productivi-
dad y la rentabilidad de una explotación, especialmente en la
producción lechera. La detección temprana de la gestación y
la identicación de búfalas no gestantes es fundamental en
el manejo de la reproducción porque permite una resincroni-
zación temprana y una nueva reproducción de los animales
no gestantes, acortando el intervalo parto-concepción. Ac-
tualmente se encuentran disponibles diferentes herramientas
de diagnóstico de la preñez; entre ellos, la utilización de gli-
coproteínas asociadas a la preñez (PAGs) la cual contribuye
signicativamente a la mejora del manejo reproductivo. Las
PAGs son secretados por la placenta de varias especies de
rumiantes, incluida la búfala, y pueden detectarse en la san-
gre materna. Además de su utilización como herramientas de
diagnóstico para identicar animales preñados o no preñados,
las PAGs ayudan a identicar la presencia de embriones via-
bles y predecir la mortalidad futura de los embriones durante
la gestación temprana. Este artículo presenta una descripción
general de los orígenes, la función, la tendencia de preñez y
su uso de los PAG para mejorar el manejo reproductivo en la
cría de búfalos.
Palabras clave: glicoproteínas asociadas al embarazo, búfa-
lo, el embarazo, manejo reproductivo.
In dairy production, reproductive performances and prof-
itability are strongly associated. Declining fertility is a worldwide
recognized problem that represents a major source of econom-
ic loss and culling of large ruminants [1]. Many factors con-
tribute to the decline in reproductive e󰀩ciency; among these,
embryonic mortality (EM) represents the major cause of repro-
ductive failure. The EM following day 28 of pregnancy has a
greater economic impact on dairy herd management because
the delay in resynchronization and re-breeding of animals pro-
13th World Bu󰀨alo Congress ~ 13er Congreso Mundial de Búfalos / Lectures / Reproduction ______________________________________
longs their intercalving. Identication of early embryonic mor-
tality improves reproductive e󰀩ciency and pregnancy rate by
decreasing the interval between AI services, thereby increasing
the AI service rate [2]. So, identifying EM can help in resched-
uling new inseminations of non-pregnant animals, reducing the
environmental impact of the cow’s unproductive period.
In the last decades, new technological approach in di-
agnostic methods has contributed to the development of the
earlier diagnosis of pregnancy in cattle, including bu󰀨alo [3,4].
Pregnancy can be monitored using various methods, in-
cluding direct methods such as rectal palpation or ultrasonog-
raphy or indirect methods using biochemical markers that can
be detected in the maternal blood of pregnant animals. Among
these, pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) have be-
come a valuable tool for early pregnancy diagnosis and pre-
dicting embryonic mortality [4]).
PAGs are a family of glycoproteins belonging to the sub-
class of aspartic proteases [5,6], proteolytic enzymes with an
acid pH. They are characterized by the presence of aspartic
acid residues surrounding the recognition sites and are similar
to pepsin, renin, cathepsin D and E, and chymosin [7]. These
proteins have a sequence that is 50% like pepsin [8], but a
substitution of amino acids in the active site renders them en-
zymatically inactive [9]. Other authors successively showed
that PAGs conserved features are typically found in functionally
aspartic proteins; therefore, some possess proteolytic activity
PAGs are expressed in the outer epithelial layer (cho-
rion/trophectoderm) of the placenta in the eutherian species
of Cetartiodactyla order (even-toed ungulate) [11]. They are
synthesized by the mononucleate and binucleate trophoblastic
cells, some of which are secreted into the maternal blood when
the conceptus becomes more closely attached to the uterine
wall and placentome formation begins [12,13]. From a phyloge-
netic point of view, PAGs can be grouped as “ancient” (originat-
ed about 87 million years ago), expressed in both mono- and
binucleate trophoblastic cells (PAG-2 group), and “modern”
(originated about 52 million years ago), expressed only in bi-
nucleate cells (PAG-1 group) [14]. Bovine PAG-2 coexists with
Bovine PAG-1 in the trophectoderm [15]; while PAG-1 is pro-
duced in binucleate cells of both inter cotyledonary and cotyle-
donary chorion, PAG-2 molecules are produced in both mono-
nucleate and binucleate trophoblastic cells [13]. In ruminants,
the PAGs gene family is particularly large and complex. It was
estimated that cattle, sheep, and other pecoran mammals pos-
sess 100 or more PAG genes [16]. To date, 74 di󰀨erent com-
plementary DNA (cDNA) of PAG genes (di󰀨ering by at least 5%
in nucleotide sequence) have been identied in species with a
synepitheliochorial placenta. In bovine species, 22 PAG genes
(boPAG-1 to boPAG-22) have been cloned and fully sequenced
[11,17], and many also in water bu󰀨alo species (wtPAG-1 [18];
wtPAG-2 to wtPAG-19 [15].
Not all PAGs are present in the same stage of gestation,
as some appear earlier and others later. Green et al. [11] have
highlighted the existence of their spatially and temporally dis-
tinct expression patterns during pregnancy. Some PAGs are
entirely expressed in the trophectoderm, while others are local-
ized mainly in binuclear cells: among the latter, some are pres-
ent from mid to late pregnancy, while others already appear at
day 25 but are absent in the advanced stages [11]. The di󰀨erent
PAGs temporal expressions opened the way for their practical
use and speculation of their potential physiological role.
Given that the peculiar characteristic of PAGs is the con-
stant increase along the course of gestation, it is reasonable to
think that this is related to their biological function. Since PAGs
and PSPBs were identied, several authors have searched for
a relationship between these molecules or their concentration
prole and a local or systemic immunological function. Telogu
et al. [10,19] having highlighted that some PAGs possess pro-
teolytic activity, it seems possible that proteolytically active
PAGs present at the placenta-uterine interface could process
latent growth factors that are known to be present at that loca-
tion [20]. Another possibility proposed by Wooding et al. [21] is
that PAGs accumulating at the placenta–uterine interface might
play a role in adhesion by acting as bridging molecules. Sev-
eral works correlate the high concentrations of PAGs with the
decrease in the activity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils [22],
suggesting that the trophoblast PAGs production, inuencing
the maternal immunological status, could be a mechanism by
which the conceptus protects itself from rejection. Austin et al.
[23] attribute a hormonal role to PAGs in inducing the release of
granulocyte chemotactic protein-2 (GCP-2), an alpha chemok-
ine whose synthesis is induced by interferon-tau (IFN-tau) in
early pregnancy. In support of a possible luteotropic role of the
PAGs, the studies by Del Vecchio et al. [24] and Weems et
al. [25] showed how these glycoproteins induce the release of
prostaglandin (PG) E2 and progesterone from luteal cells and
PGE2 from endometrial cells grown in vitro. For this reason, it
was considered to represent one of the luteotropic factors of
the placenta of ruminants [9].
Many authors have highlighted the relationship between
PAGs synthesis and fetal well-being [7,26]. The relationship
between PAGs and fetal well-being is clearly understood if we
consider that these glycoproteins are secreted by the mono-
and binucleate cells of the trophectoderm, which migrate from
the fetal to uterine tissue and fuse with maternal uterine epi-
thelial cells to form the hybrid feto-maternal trinucleate cells,
which are responsible for the releasing of glycoproteins in the
maternal organism. This active process presupposes the pres-
ence of healthy trophoblastic tissue and, therefore, of a healthy
embryo. If this condition fails, the source of production of the
proteins themself is missing. Furthermore, thanks to this “active
migration”, PAGs would play an essential role in remodeling
fetal membranes during pregnancy [7].
________________________________________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 75 - 81, 2023
The use of the PAGs is helpful in advancing a pregnancy
diagnosis and obtaining information on embryonic and/or fetal
well-being. The concentration decline in maternal circulation is
linked to a reduction in the activity of trophoblast cells. There-
fore, PAGs can be considered a marker of placental function
and a direct tool to monitor the vitality of the conceptus.
In bovine, PAGs have been detected in maternal blood
as early as Days 15 to 22 after fecundation [27]. The detection
results are more accurate from Days 28 to 30 onwards [28].
Their concentrations then triple, more precisely between 20
and 10 days prepartum, up to their maximum increase, which
occurs about 5 - 10 days before calving [12]. Thus, detecting
PAGs in the maternal circulation can be a helpful tool for early
pregnancy diagnosis. After calving, the PAGs concentrations
begin to disappear from maternal blood to return to the baseline
levels but persist in appreciable concentration for 80-100 days
[12,29]. Therefore, to diagnose pregnancy using the PAGs test
in the early stage of the postpartum in cows, the interval be-
tween calving and AI should be at least 60 days [29]. In this
case, post-calving interference with the residual PAGs in the
peripheral circulation during the postpartum period can be min-
Recently, many authors have shown the relationship be-
tween PAGs level and embryonic losses [30-32], suggesting
that determining PAGs concentration besides pregnancy diag-
nosis can also help to determine embryonic or fetal mortalities.
Unlike the bovine, bu󰀨alo species are characterized by
reproductive seasonality that a󰀨ects the e󰀩ciency of breeding
programs, particularly during the spring and summer seasons
with the daylight lengthening period, which corresponds to the
low breeding period for bu󰀨alo [33,34]. It was observed a high-
er incidence of embryo loss (20 to 40%) in bu󰀨aloes that con-
ceive during the daylight lengthening period, whereas a lower
incidence (7%) was observed during decreasing daylight length
PAGs determination in maternal blood represents one
strategy for improving reproductive performance aimed at di-
agnosing pregnancy and shortening the calving-conception
interval by rapidly identifying embryo losses and rebreeding
non-pregnant bu󰀨alo cows. The rst RIA system adopted for
detecting PAGs molecules in bu󰀨alo was RIA-706, which uses
antisera raised against caprine. This system was proved to be
accurate for detecting pregnant bu󰀨aloes from days 28 and
after mating [37,38]. More recently, the isolation and purica-
tion of PAGs from bu󰀨alo placenta allowed for developing a
specic RIA system for bu󰀨alo (RIA 860) [39-42]. This system
described bu󰀨alo plasma PAGs proles during pregnancy and
postpartum (FIG. 1) [41]. During gestation, PAGs concentra-
tion increased to day 105 and remained constant until parturi-
tion. PAGs concentrations decrease rapidly in the postpartum
period, reaching minimum values (<1 ng/mL) on day 30. The
rapid decrease in PAGs concentration during the postpartum is
essential when using PAGs as an appropriate marker of preg-
nancy just after calving. Moreover, unlike bovines, they do not
require a cut-o󰀨 limit in postpartum animals to detect a new
As demonstrated by di󰀨erent authors [42-46], PAGs
assay can be a reliable biomarker for early pregnancy detec-
tion and EM in bu󰀨alo (FIG. 2). Recently, Barile et al. [4] have
shown that PAGs permitted the discrimination between bu󰀨a-
lo that experienced embryonic mortality and those that main-
tained pregnancy starting from 25 days of gestation, dening
the optimal cut-o󰀨 value for predicting mortality in 1,1 ng/mL
and 2.2 ng/mL at day 25 and 28 respectively, post articial in-
semination (AI). Since PAGs reect embryo well-being, the re-
FIGURE 1. Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) plasma prole during pregnancy and post-partum period in bu󰀨alo
cows; adapted from Barbato et al [41].
13th World Bu󰀨alo Congress ~ 13er Congreso Mundial de Búfalos / Lectures / Reproduction ______________________________________
duction of its circulating concentrations is a prognostic sign of
pregnancy failure.
Therefore, PAGs could be utilized as a diagnostic tool to
improve farm reproductive management through pharmacolog-
ical intervention for animals at risk for embryo loss. In this case,
a single injection of GnRH at day 35 after AI increased PAGs
concentration and recovery of embryo well-being, allowing a
reduction of pregnancy loss in the early pregnancy in bu󰀨alo
at risk of EM [47]. GnRH treatment enhances embryo survival
rates by delaying the luteolytic mechanism [48] that could occur
due to failure in maternal recognition of pregnancy.
The peri-implantation period is an extremely delicate
time in the establishment of pregnancy in which various
mechanisms are involved in maintaining the corpus luteum
(CL). One of the rst molecules involved in early maternal rec-
ognition in ruminants is the interferon tau (IFNt) [49]. This pro-
tein is secreted by the trophectodermal cells of the blastocysts
around days 16-25 in bu󰀨alo [50] and increases with the elon-
gation of the conceptus. IFNt prevents secretion of PGF2α by
uterine epithelium, prolonging CL life span and maintaining
the progesterone production for the maternal recognition of
pregnancy. IFN-τ enters circulation, triggering the expression
of a group of molecules known as Interferon Stimulated Genes
(ISGs). The members of ISGs, such as interferon-stimulated
protein 15 (ISG15), myxovirus resistance protein 2 (MX2),
and 2’-5’oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS1), are hypothesized
to regulate endometrial receptivity to implantation as well as
survival, growth, and development of the conceptus [51]. In
addition to IFNt, it is hypothesized that PAGs participate in im-
mune modulation at the conceptus–maternal interface during
early pregnancy [23]. The correlation between ISGs and IFNt
expression and PAGs plasma concentration during peri-im-
plantation and early pregnancy in bu󰀨alo cows [52] supports
the possible immunomodulatory role for these glycoproteins
at the maternal-fetal level, necessary for the establishment
and the maintenance of the maternal-fetal unit histocompat-
ibility, and to prevent luteolysis by inhibiting PGF2α release,
resulting in the maintenance CL function. When PAG-1, IFNt
and ISGs expression were used as diagnostic and prognostic
markers of maternal-fetal cellular interaction in bu󰀨alo cows,
ISGs proved to be a more reliable peripheral biomarker for
the prediction of pregnancy and embryonic mortality in bu󰀨a-
lo during the peri-implantation period [53]. The results of this
study showed that MX2 and MX1 were the best genes to dis-
criminate pregnancy or embryonic mortality, respectively, at
19 days post-AI.
Studies on PAG expression in the maternal subset
of blood leukocytes at the peri-implantation period in bu󰀨alo
showed that the quantication of PAG-2 mRNA could be used
to di󰀨erentiate pregnant and non-pregnant bu󰀨aloes starting
from the second-week post-AI [54,55].
At the moment, PAG-2, as well as ISGs expression,
could be a valuable marker for studies on early pregnancy and
embryonic mortality but not for use in the eld because of the
single analysis’s cost and procedure.
In veterinary practice, the PAGs measurement is a fea-
sible method used for early pregnancy diagnosis, pregnancy
conrmation, and follow-up of the embryo vitality. The rst as-
pect can help breeders manage reproduction, allowing an early
resynchronization and rebreeding of the non-pregnant animals,
aiming to shorten the calving-conception interval.
FIGURE 2. Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) plasma concentrations in bu󰀨alo cows experienced embryonic
mortality; adapted from Barbato and Barile [45]
________________________________________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 75 - 81, 2023
The identication of subjects at risk of embryonic mor-
tality can inuence management decisions for the recovery
of those animals that would experience pregnancy loss, i.e.,
through pharmacologic intervention strategies for the mainte-
nance of pregnancy.
Finally, quantifying PAG mRNA expression could be a
helpful tool to understand better the mechanisms involved in
embryonic mortality, supporting studies on embryonic implan-
tation and pregnancy failures.
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