_________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 62 - 63, 2023, https://doi.org/10.52973/rcfcv-wbc007
Enfermedades genéticas, hereditarias y congénitas en búfalos: ¿son un factor limitante
para el desarrollo del búfalo en América Latina?
William Gomes Vale1, Maria Cecília Florisbal Damé2
1Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE, Laboratório de Fisiologia e Controle da Reprodução – LFCR. Fortaleza, CE – Brasil.
E-mail: wmvale2011@gmail.com
2Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa, Embrapa Clima Temperado -CPACT. Pelotas, RS – Brasil.
E-mail: cecilia.dame@embrapa.br
tic species. While it becomes dicult to identify and eliminate
animals carrying these genes due to the high cost resulting
from the laboratory for diagnosis and animal elimination, the
problem has been neglected and is continuously spreading and
increasing. Once such problems occur in any animal species,
those abnormalities/diseases must be identied since it is es-
sential to determine the occurrence, prevalence, epidemiology,
clinical symptoms, pathology, and distribution of the genes ob-
served among the population, which must be screened in order
to subsequently identied of kinship and set up a development
control strategies through the use of breeding animals proven
to be free of these undesirable genes, in order to control and
eliminate such kind of diseases.
Keywords: bualo, genetic, hereditary problems, inbreeding.
Junto con el crecimiento exponencial de la población de búfa-
los en América Latina (12 por ciento anual), para una población
de 6 millones de cabezas, los problemas derivados de la endo-
gamia han aumentado ya que el rebaño nacional, estimado en
3,0 millones de cabezas por la Asociación Brasileña de Criado-
res de Búfalos, proviene de poco más de 200 animales impor-
tados. La importación de animales del continente asiático se
suspendió en 1956 por razones sanitarias (peste bovina). En
1962 se rompió esta prohibición y se trajeron algunos búfalos
de la India. Después de esa fecha, no hubo importación ocial
de material genético de Asia; Recién en 1989 se importaron
algunos animales de las razas Mediterránea, Murrah y Jafa-
rabadi de Italia y Bulgaria, y actualmente no se ha importado
semen de las razas Murrah y Jafarabadi de ningún país. Las
discapacidades genéticas, hereditarias y congénitas, comple-
Along with the exponential growth of the bualo population in
Latin America (12 percent annually), for a population of 6 million
head, the problems derived from inbreeding have increased as
the national herd, estimated at 3.0 million heads by the Brazil-
ian Association of Bualo Breeders, come from just over 200
imported animals. Importing animals from the Asian continent
was suspended in 1956 for sanitary reasons (rinderpest). 1962,
this prohibition was broken, and some bualoes were brought
from India. After that date, there was no ocial importation of
genetic material from Asia; it was only in 1989 that some an-
imals of the Mediterranean, Murrah, and Jafarabadi breeds
were imported from Italy and Bulgaria, and currently, semen
of Murrah and Jafarabadi breeds have not been imported from
any country. Genetic, hereditary, and congenital disabilities,
complete or partial, are characterized by abnormalities in the
structure and/or function of tracts or organs, complete system
or parts of them. These problems have been identied in Bra-
zil and other countries of Latin America (Vale, 1998; Damé,
2013), where more than 40 cases of dierent simi-lethal and
lethal cases have been diagnosed, which were for the rst time
scientically studied and published discribing the presence of
undesirable genes in bualoes due to the inbreeding existing
in the bualo Brazilian population. On the existence of inbreed-
ing problems in bualo herds in Brazil, many authors claimed
the leading cause of the reduced number of animals that gave
the origin of the dierent herds (the founder element) of the
dierent breeds was composed of a reduced number of an-
imals imported from the origin countries. Therefore, proof of
genetic origin is necessary since most hereditary diseases are
transmitted by recessive genes, which must be identied due to
the extreme importance of animal production in every domes-