________________________Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 51 - 57, 2023, https://doi.org/10.52973/rcfcv-wbc004
Estrategias nutricionales para maximizar la eciencia de la producción de búfalos
A. K. Tyagi, Sachin Kumar, Sravani Balaga, K. Barman
Indian Council Agricultural Research (ICAR). National Dairy Research Institute, Department of Dairy Cattle Nutrition, India
Since more than 5000 years ago, bu󰀨alo have played a
signicant role in Asian livestock farming, providing milk, meat,
skins, and draught power. Bu󰀨aloes, described as the ‘’Black
Gold’’, are the favourite multipurpose animals of farmers and
are, in fact, the ‘’bank on hooves’with massive potential for so-
cial and economic changes for the agrarian community. Asia is
home to more than 90% of the world’s bu󰀨alo population, with
77.9% living in South Asian nations. The 20th livestock census
between 2012 and 2019 shows that the bu󰀨alo population in-
creased by 1.06%. India is the greatest producer and exporter
of bu󰀨alo meat and the country with the highest population of
bu󰀨aloes in the world (57% of the total). The leading states in
bu󰀨alo rearing are Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Tel-
angana, and Punjab. In these states, raising bu󰀨aloes gener-
ates between 54-85% of the nation’s milk production, a signi-
cant income source for rural households.
According to predictions made by Opio et al. [31], the
demand for animal products is likely to rise further by 70%
by 2050 due to industrialization and rising population, both
of which may put signicant strain on the planet’s natural re-
sources. Because there is increased demand for limited re-
sources nowadays, it is necessary to increase the e󰀩ciency of
dairy animals, making improvements in feeding management
a crucial strategy. Generally, it is a well-known statistic that
feeding accounts for around 70% of the ongoing costs asso-
ciated with starting a dairy operation. Currently, the farming
community is one of many involved in feeding management.
The purpose of feeding management is also evolving as time
goes on. Also, with the increasing livestock population and
farming sectors, ruminants are blamed for global greenhouse
gas production. Animal production makes for around 37% of
the world’s CH4 emissions and 14.5% of the world’s anthropo-
genic greenhouse gas emissions within the agricultural sector
Feeding frequency
It may be possible to better understand the underlying
processes of dry matter intake by tracking circadian (virtual-
ly 24-h) feed intake trends. More recently, increasing feeding
frequency from once to twice or twice to four times daily in-
creased average feeding time per cow in group-fed lactating
cows [10]. Over the course of the 24-hour period, the cows fed
more often consumed their food more evenly. Additionally, the
more frequent feeding resulted in less feed sorting. This might
increase ber digestibility, which the frequent feeding may have
Improving the availability of feed and fodder and advising
on ration balancing
The genetic potential of animals could be harnessed by
providing balanced nutrition and keeping them healthy. Animals
of high genetic potential are maintained with high-quality feeds,
which include fodder crops/silage, grains, and protein concen-
trates, often in the form of a total mixed ration. Like many a󰀪u-
ent nations, livestock nutrition in India often consists of one or
two concentrate feed components that are locally accessible,
grasses, and forages, which might result in imbalanced feed-
ing owing to either too high or too low amounts of energy and
protein. Because the milk production capacity of dairy animals
is only partially used, imbalanced feeding harms the health
and productivity of animals in numerous ways. It also lowers
the net daily revenue to milk producers from dairying. The Ra-
tion Balancing Programme was established to inform farmers
about the e󰀨ects of unbalanced feeding and the signicance of
providing animals with a balanced diet. With benets for both
farmers and the environment, “ration balancing” has been put
into place in 18 states under the National Dairy Plan-I, a proj-
ect supported by the World Bank and the government of India.
13th World Bu󰀨alo Congress ~ 13er Congreso Mundial de Búfalos / Lectures / Feed & Nutrition ___________________________________
The NDDB created this innovative initiative to balance the ratio
of animals being picked up using simple software that can be
used by committed and knowledgeable local resource person-
nel assigned to the area. By visiting milk producers and regis-
tering their animals in the NDDB’s animal identication system,
local village resource people who have been educated in an-
imal nutrition are employed by this scheme. The local village
resource people then create the optimized rations using the
ration balancing software based on body weight, milk output,
and milk fat yield.
Garg et al. [14] studied the e󰀨ect of ration balancing on
twenty-six lactating bu󰀨aloes. They reported that the average
increase in milk yield, fat (%), 6% FCM yield (kg/day), and
microbial nitrogen supply in lactating bu󰀨aloes were higher
(p<0.01) than before the implementation of the program. Simi-
larly, methane emission in terms of g/kg DM intake, g/kg OM in-
take, and g/kg milk yield were also reduced (p<0.01). The gross
energy lost as methane was reduced (@ 18.13%; p<0.01) in
bu󰀨aloes after balancing the ration. The ration balancing pro-
gram has reduced the cost of feed per liter of milk for cows in
Gujarat and Punjab by roughly 18–19% and for bu󰀨aloes in Gu-
jarat by about 2.6%, according to eld-level statistics by Sirohi
et al. [40]. Tomar et al. [41] conducted a eld survey to assess
the ration balancing program undertaken by ICAR-NDRI on the
extent of productivity increase and cost reduction on the adop-
tion of balanced animal ration. Results revealed that the aver-
age daily milk yield of Murrah, HF, and Jersey crossbreds was
signicantly increased by 25.7%, 18.8%, and 37%, respective-
ly. Fat% and SNF% were improved signicantly (p<0.01) only in
Murrah bu󰀨aloes fed with a balanced ration. However, the feed
cost per kg of milk of the RBP animals was around 15%, sta-
tistically signicant (p< 0.01) lower than the non-RBP animals.
1. An increase in milk output that contains more fat and fat-
free solids
2. Increased fertility e󰀩ciency
3. Reduction in the inter-calving period, thereby increasing
the productive life of animals
4. A decrease in the emissions of methane.
5. Farmers in various parts of the nation who provide ba-
lanced animal rations have seen a rise in their net daily
revenue of between Rs.15-25 per animal.
Although the major base feed for bu󰀨aloes is cellulos-
ic material, seasonal shortages sometimes happen during
weather extremes, droughts, and ood conditions, negatively
impacting the bu󰀨alo output. Solid blocks containing a mix of
urea, molasses, and minerals have been created and fed to
bu󰀨aloes. These blocks are chosen over ammoniating crop
leftovers as a source of fermentable carbohydrates and nitro-
gen because they are simple to export and secure for usage
by farmers. Urea molasses block supplementation to bu󰀨aloes
enhanced growth and milk production when given with straw-
based diets [35].
Providing an animal with feed that satises its nutritional
needs for maximum production e󰀩ciency to create better-qual-
ity animal products is referred to as precision feeding. It is a tool
for e󰀨ectively utilizing available feed resources to maximize the
animal’s response to nutrients for economic production. Pre-
cision nutrition aims to precisely meet the nutritional needs of
livestock, increase production e󰀩ciency, reduce environmental
pollution, improve nutrient utilization, lower feeding costs, de-
crease feed refusal by livestock, reduce nutrient excretion in
feces and urine, lower labor costs, and increase overall prot.
Tools to achieve precision animal nutrition
Processing methods for food: It consists of methods
like grinding and pelleting. The feed should be ground to a ho-
mogeneous particle size of 600 µm since this enhances nutri-
ent uptake. Enhancing digestibility, improving feed conversion
e󰀩ciency, and accelerating calf growth are all made possible
by particle size reduction. According to one study, feeding pel-
lets reduced feed waste by up to 5% and decreased DM excre-
tion by 23%, N excretion by 22%, and feed e󰀩ciency by 6.6%.
Strategic nutrient supplementation: Some nutrients,
particularly mineral combination and vitamin premix, are need-
ed in extremely small doses. However, their inclusion in the
diet is necessary for optimal production. Specic nutrient sup-
plementation (e.g., AA, iodine, lipids, vitamins, minerals) has
altered important performance variables, including lactation,
reproduction, o󰀨spring survival, and growth at crucial devel-
opmental time windows. However, occasionally, the diet may
include enough levels of nutrients, but the animal may have a
deciency condition and be unable to use them e󰀨ectively. This
might be caused by: a) The animal not having the enzyme nec-
essary to break down the meal and use that specic nutrient,
such as lignied cellulose or phytic phosphorus, b) Antagonistic
interaction of nutrients among themselves, e.g., Copper – Zinc
mineral interaction (bioavailability decreases) c) Parasitic infes-
tation also decreases voluntary feed intake, absorption of nutri-
ents, e.g., stomach worms, liver ukes, and intestinal parasites.
Precise ration formulation
Many nutritionists suggested that developing a low-cost,
adequate feed is key to the dairy industry’s protability. Con-
cerns about the unjustied use of hormones and antibiotics in
food animals to increase output and their harmful e󰀨ects on
consumers owing to their residues have been raised in recent
________________________________________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 51 - 57, 2023
years. Therefore, a modern animal nutritionist must provide di-
ets devoid of antibiotics, hormones, meat and bone meals, and
other unpleasant feed components, which harm both animal
and human health and result in signicant nancial loss. Even
though it might be di󰀩cult for animal nutritionists to develop
feeds that generate animal products that consumers would
accept, do not cause environmental pollution, preserve animal
health, and stay commercially viable. Ration must be balanced
and palatable for the animals.
In general, substances given, injected, or implanted into
animals are called metabolic modiers. These compounds en-
hance nutrient utilization, feed e󰀩ciency, growth rate, milk sup-
ply, and composition. Products called fermentation modiers
are added to feed to control rumen fermentation and improve
feed utilization. Conjugated linoleic acid, chromium, carnitine,
magnesium, niacin, manganese, selenium betaine, and vita-
mins A, D, and E are among the metabolic and fermentation
modiers widely used in dairy and beef processing. Other fer-
mentation modiers include methane inhibitors, proteolysis and
deamination inhibitors, defaunation agents, microbial enzymes,
bu󰀨er agents, ionophores, yeast cultures, and mold. Animals
given bST injections had an average milk output of 25% higher
than control animals. No adverse e󰀨ects of bST injection on the
bu󰀨aloes’ reproductive response were documented by Usmani
and Athar [46]. The amount of feed consumed and milk pro-
duced by bu󰀨aloes getting bST injection was noticeably higher
than in controls. Niacin is produced in ruminants by rumen mi-
crobes, and its production has been deemed su󰀩cient for ru-
minant performance. Niacin addition in bu󰀨alo diets increased
rumen fermentation by lowering ammonia-N concentration and
raising protein synthesis [23].
An e󰀨ective calf-feeding method is essential for having
good dairy replacement stock since it inuences the enter-
prise’s future protability and sustainability. The bu󰀨alo hus-
bandry and research area that has received the least attention
is bu󰀨alo calf nutrition and feeding management. According to
Wynn et al. [52], inadequate colostrum and calves’ improper
feeding practices contributed to increased mortality and mor-
bidity losses in bu󰀨alo calves. Although calves in South Asia are
often taken away from their mothers at birth, they are permitted
to drink a small amount of milk for a few weeks directly from
the dam’s teat at each milking. The calves are then typically
milk-weaned between the ages of 4 and 12 weeks. The cost
of milk, the dam’s behavior when the calf is being weaned o󰀨
of milk, and the calf’s gender are the primary factors in bu󰀨alo
calf milk weaning. Therefore, it is crucial to create and employ
appropriate scientic language based on the physiology, body
mass, and age of bu󰀨alo calves in the rst place. Then, for
calves raised for two di󰀨erent goals, namely milk and meat pro-
duction, considerable coordinated research e󰀨orts are needed
to design pre-weaning and post-weaning nutritional regimens
and feeding management systems.
The concept of direct-fed microbials is di󰀨erent from
the term probiotics. Probiotics are live benecial bacteria that,
when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health bene-
t on the host [19], often by colonizing the gastrointestinal tract
and supporting the native microora that is already established
in the animal’s digestive system. The DFM has a narrower de-
nition than probiotics as it is dened as a source of life, natu-
rally occurring microorganisms alive, that improve the digestive
function of livestock. The emergence and manifestation of anti-
biotic resistance in the food chain have prompted a search for
alternatives to antibiotics that have growth-promoting e󰀨ects
on livestock. Since the diversity of the rumen microbiome is
closely related to the animal’s ability to acquire and assimilate
nutrients, ideal growth promoters would have only a negligible
impact on the animal’s natural microbiome while enhancing the
animal’s growth, well-being and reproduction [8, 29].
Numerous studies on animals have demonstrated the
benets of probiotics in terms of feed e󰀩ciency [28], growth
performance [42], nitrogen retention [36], and decreased risk of
intestinal infections [38]. When symbiotic formulation was giv-
en as a supplement to Murrah bu󰀨alo calves, improved digest-
ibility, average daily gain, and lower incidence of diarrhea and
fecal scores were seen. Similar outcomes were noted when
Limosilactobacillus reuteri BF-E7 and Ligilactobacillus salivar-
ius BF-17 were given to Murrah bu󰀨alo calves [47, 48]. Previ-
ous research [1, 5, 25] has found similar increases in growth
performance, demonstrating the benets of probiotics, notably
LAB, for preruminant calves. Other studies found contradictory
results, such as no appreciable di󰀨erences in DMI, ADG, or
nutritional digestibility when feeding LAB to calves [53, 22]. The
variation in results might be related to the host’s age, health,
management, nutritional state, type, or changed probiotic e󰀨ect
with di󰀨erent doses, feeding schedules, bacterial strains, or
other factors [51]. Feeding probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics
to Murrah bu󰀨alo calves signicantly enhanced structural de-
velopment and performance, according to recent experiments
conducted in our lab [37, 39].
The ruminal microbiome is extraordinarily diverse, with
bacteria (1010-1011 cfu/mL, >200 species), protozoans (104–106
cfu/mL, 25 genera), fungi (103–105 cfu/mL, 6 genera), and meth-
anogens (106 cfu/mL) making up the majority of its constituents.
13th World Bu󰀨alo Congress ~ 13er Congreso Mundial de Búfalos / Lectures / Feed & Nutrition ___________________________________
A group of microorganisms known as methanogens are found
in the Archaea domain, with certain cyanobacteria and marine
microbes also contributing in trace amounts [26]. In 2020, cattle
and dairy cows were the main sources of CH4 emissions, mak-
ing for 72% of all sector emissions [12]. According to Opio et al.
(2013), 8.7% of CH4 emissions are caused by bu󰀨alos. Meth-
ane has a lifespan of 12.4 years in the atmosphere and is 84
times more powerful on a 20-year timeline than carbon dioxide
(CO2) in terms of potential for global warming [32]. Additional-
ly, ruminants lose up to 12% of their total energy intake due
to methane generation [43]. In order to reduce CH4 emissions
from animals, especially ruminants, breeders and researchers
from all over the world have been concentrating on both raising
animal output and doing so. Culling nonproductive and low-pro-
ducing animals in wealthy nations is advised to lower CH4 emis-
sions. Due to economic, cultural, and religious di󰀨erences in
emerging nations, this is both impracticable and challenging.
Various farming techniques, dietary changes, feed additives,
chemical methanogenesis modulators, probiotics, vaccination
against the rumen microbiota, selective breeding, and genetic
methods are now employed to minimize CH4 emissions in rumi-
nants. These tactics heavily rely on the direct and indirect sup-
pression of methanogens by feed additives [9, 17]. Between
1960 and 2018, the literature contained about 9000 studies on
rumen methanogenesis [7].
Leitanthem et al. [24] observed a reduction in CH4 (%)
and CH4 (mL/100 mg dDM) with increased supplementation
of Moringa olifera leaves (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, and
40%) in in vitro. Gupta et al. [18] reported that daily enteric
methane production was reduced by 12.61% numerically when
sodium monensin (0.6 mg/Kg body wt) was fed to Murrah buf-
falo heifers. Dixit et al. [11] found that CH4 emissions decreased
from 34.48 to 12.73 g/Kg DMI when murrah bu󰀨alo calves were
fed graded levels of dietary crude protein (5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and
15%). Feeding practices like precision feeding and changing
grazing management practices can decrease CH4 emissions [6,
49]. Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil and palm ker-
nel oil have been shown to suppress methanogenesis by poi-
soning protozoa. According to Zhang et al. [54], methanogens
may reduce the amount of dissolved hydrogen in the rumen
by hydrogenating unsaturated fatty acids in corn oil. Because
medium-chain fatty acids are poisonous to methanogens and
protozoa, they can stop the processes that produce CH4. A mod-
erate dietary lipid percentage of less than 6% can reduce 24-
hour CH4 emissions by up to 20% with enhanced feed e󰀩ciency,
according to Beauchemin et al. [7]. Similar to this, ionophores
like monensin reduce CH4 emissions by inhibiting the action of
bacteria that break down cellulose. Ionophores have the ability
to reduce the population of gram-positive bacteria such cocci
bacteria, which e󰀨ectively inhibits the formation of acetate and
CH4 [3]. The impact of probiotics on CH4 mitigation has also
been gradually reported by several researchers [33, 50] by add-
ing several probiotics like Ruminococcus avefaciens, Propion-
ibacterium and Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Enterococcus into
diets of sheep. A nal dose of 6*1010 cfu/animal/day of Lactoba-
cillus pentosus D31 results in a decrease of methane of around
13% [20]. Similar to this, methanogen cell lysis had been ac-
complished by carbon nanoparticle application [13].
As animal-derived foods are the major contributors of
saturated fatty acids (SFA) and trans fatty acids due to bio-
hydrogenation, people are increasingly skeptical about the
adverse health e󰀨ects of consuming dairy-origin foods. In the
long run, a high intake of SFA has been associated with in-
creased blood-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, leading to
atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular-related diseases [16].
Most food regulatory bodies recommend that total SFA con-
sumption should not exceed 10-11% of total daily energy intake
[45]. Nutritionists are relentlessly working on dietary strategies
to reduce SFA levels in animal-derived food through rumen ma-
nipulation techniques. Such initiatives have increased conju-
gated linoleic acid (CLA) and other polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs) in milk and its byproducts.
The fatty acid metabolism can be modulated either by in-
creasing the fatty acids source/ content in the feed or by restrict-
ing the biohydrogenation process in the rumen. Research on
the modulation of milk FA composition has developed specic
nutritional strategies based on these two points. These strate-
gies rely, in particular, on feeding pasture [44], supplementing
vegetable oils [21], oilseeds, sh oils [30], and addition of phy-
toadditive or plant secondary metabolites in the ruminant diet.
Banakar et al. [4] reported increased concentrations of PUFA
such as vaccenic acid, linoleic acid and decreased concentra-
tion of saturated fatty acids when Aloe vera extract (2 and 4% of
DMI) was fed to cross-breed (Alpine × Beetal) lactating goats.
Alipanahi et al. [2] found higher milk vaccenic acid (trans-11
C18:1) and CLA (cis-9, trans-11 C18:2) concentrations in goats
fed the oak acorn (9.1 g/Kg DM tannins) with or without polyeth-
ylene glycol supplementation compared to control group. Miri
et al. [27] reported that dietary supplementation of (Cuminum
cyminum) seed extract in goats increased the ruminal concen-
tration of CLA by 34.8% and VA by 11.4% in the lower supple-
mented group as compared to CSE free diet. Rana et al. [34]
reported that the concentration of stearic acid was decreased
whereas rumenic acid and CLA were increased in the Longissi-
mus dorsi muscle of young goats treated with Terminalia chebu-
la compared to the control. Gesteira et al. [15] noticed a drop in
the oleic acid and MUFA levels in the salted and sun-dried meat
from young Nellore bulls treated with condensed tannin extract
(0, 10, 30, or 50 g/kg of dry matter) from Acacia mearnsii.
Ruminant cattle do not directly compete with the human
population because they can create high-quality human food,
________________________________________________________ Revista Cientíca, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, Supl. Esp., 51 - 57, 2023
especially high-quality protein, from feedstu󰀨s that have little or
no value for human food. By o󰀨setting maintenance and other
nutritional expenses, strategies that boost output per animal
are an excellent way to improve the sustainability of ruminant
production. Dairy output is greatly enhanced by feeding prac-
tices such as ration balancing, precision nutrition, and meth-
ane mitigation techniques. Probiotics are fed to dairy calves
at a very young age to aid in better colonization, increased
performance, decreased mortality, and calf scours. The chal-
lenge for scientists in many developing countries is how best to
combine in a diet for dairy animals the available green forage,
crop residues, and agro-industrial by-products with the avail-
able protein resources and molasses/urea block to increase the
performance of bu󰀨aloes. Think of your bu󰀨alo as a family for
maximum productivity and success. You will be rewarded with
lots of nourishing milk if you take the time to attend to all of their
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