Received: 27/05/2024 Accepted: 16/07/2024 Published: 06/10/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34458
The Ilısu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP), situated on the Tigris river
in Türkiye, began lling and forming a reservoir in 2021. In addition,
there are plans for the construction of the upcoming Cizre HEPP. This
situation has the potential to signicantly impact the bio–ecology
of sh species in the area. The research aimed to determine the
length–weight relationships (LWR) and condition factors of thirteen
sh species in the Tigris River: Arabibarbus grypus, Acanthobrama
marmid, Alburnus sellal, Carassius gibelio, Cyprinion kais, Cyprinion
macrostomus, Chondrostoma regium, Paracapoeta trutta, Capoeta
umbla, Garra rufa, Squalius lepidus, Luciobarbus esocinus and
Luciobarbus mystaceus, where Ilisu and Cizre dams reservoir will be
formed. Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined using
the formula W = aL
, where W represents weight and L represents
length. Three types of lengths were considered: total length, fork
length, and standard length. The exponent values (b) varied across the
species, ranging from 2.7875 for Acanthobrama marmid to 3.2214 for
Carassius gibelio. The relationships between length and weight were
found to be highly signicant, as indicated by the R
values, which were
all greater than 0.80, except for Alburnus sellal and Garra rufa, which
had lower values below 0.80. The condition factors were calculated
using Fulton’s condition factor (K) and relative condition factor (Kn).
In all species, except for Arabibarbus grypus and Chondrostoma
regium, the condition factors were greater than 1 (K>1). However, for
Capoeta umbla and Garra rufa, the relative condition factor (Kn) was
less than 1 (Kn<1).
Key words: allometry; freshwater sh; growth curve; isometry;
La Central Hidroeléctrica de IIlsu situada en el río Tigris en Turquía,
comenzó a llenarse y formar un embalse en 2021. Además, hay planes
para la construcción una próxima central hidroeléctrica en Cizre.
Esta situación tiene el potencial de impactar signicativamente la
bioecología de las especies de peces en el área. La investigación
tuvo como objetivo determinar las relaciones longitud–peso (LWR) y
los factores de condición en trece especies de peces en el río Tigris:
Arabibarbus grypus, Acanthobrama marmid, Alburnus sellal, Carassius
gibelio, Cyprinion kais, Cyprinion macrostomus, Chondrostoma regium,
Paracapoeta trutta, Capoeta umbla, Garra rufa, Squalius lepidus,
Luciobarbus esocinus y Luciobarbus mystaceus, donde se formarán
los embalses de las represas Ilısu y Cizre. Las relaciones longitud–peso
(LWR, por sus siglas en inglés) se determinaron utilizando la fórmula
W = aL
, donde W representa el peso y L representa la longitud. Se
consideraron tres tipos de longitudes: longitud total, longitud a la
horquilla y longitud estándar. Los valores del exponente (b) variaron
entre las especies, desde 2,7875 para Acanthobrama marmid hasta
3,2214 para Carassius gibelio. Las relaciones entre la longitud y el
peso fueron altamente signicativas, como lo indican los valores de
, que fueron todos mayores de 0,80, excepto para Alburnus sellal
y Garra rufa, que tuvieron valores inferiores a 0,80. Los factores de
condición se calcularon usando el factor de condición de Fulton (K) y
el factor de condición relativa (Kn). En todas las especies, excepto en
Arabibarbus grypus y Chondrostoma regium, los factores de condición
fueron mayores de 1 (K>1). Sin embargo, para Capoeta umbla y Garra
rufa, el factor de condición relativa (Kn) fue inferior a 1 (Kn<1).
Palabras clave: alometría; peces de agua dulce; isometría; curva
de crecimiento; embalses
Length–weight relationship and condition factor of thirteen sh species in
the Tigris river before the construction of Ilisu and Cizre dams, Türkiye
Relación longitud–peso y factor de condición de trece especies de peces en el
río Tigris antes de la construcción de las presas de Ilisu y Cizre, Turquía
Serbest Bilici
Şırnak University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science. Şırnak, Türkiye.
*Corresponding Author:,
FIGURE 1. Map of the study area which samples collected
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of thirteen fish species / Bilici ________________________________________________
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Length–weight regressions and condition factors are valuable tools
in sheries science. They estimate the weight or length of individual
sh, compare conditions between sh populations, and monitor
overall sh population health [1].
These tools are instrumental in assessing stocks and estimating
biomass and are particularly useful in understanding food availability
and population growth. Seasonal and annual variations in the
average condition of each population offer valuable insights into
the population’s overall health [2, 3].
The Tigris river is of great signicance as one of the major rivers in
the Middle East. It originates in the southeastern mountains of Turkey,
ows south through Iraq, and eventually empties into the Persian
Gulf via the Shatt Al–Arab waterway [4]. The Tigris River Basin is
undergoing signicant development, with plans for the construction
of eight dams and eight hydroelectric power plants. These projects
aim to fulll various purposes such as water supply, irrigation, and
hydropower [5]. Notably, the Ilisu dam, one of the largest on the Tigris
River, is nearing completion.
Although dams bring certain benets, it is crucial to acknowledge
the negative environmental impacts associated with reservoir
creation [6]. Dams have been known to have signicant effects on
sh populations, including the transformation of owing habitats
into stagnant ones, obstruction of sh migration, and alterations
in downstream ows, water quality, and habitat [7]. As a result,
these factors can greatly affect the growth and reproduction of sh
species [6, 7].
Considering the potential consequences of dam construction, it
is essential to examine the biological characteristics of sh in lotic
systems before implementing such projects. This research will provide
valuable insights into the level of impact on sh species, aiding in
future planning and monitoring efforts.
According to research conducted by [4], the Turkish region of the
Tigris river basin is home to a diverse range of sh species, at least
46 in total including both natural and exotic/invasive species. In the
current investigation, thirteen native sh species from the Tigris river
were specically studied. Some of these sh species play a vital role
in the lives of rural communities, as they provide nutrition and serve
as a source of livelihood and income for many local shermen [5].
Numerous studies have examined the biological characteristics
of sh species in the upper region of the Tigris River in Turkey, as
documented by [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. However, there is a lack of research
specically focused on the Ilisu and Cizre dam reservoir area. The
objective is to determine the length–weight relationships for selected
species and gain insights into their condition factors. Therefore,
determining the basic information on the biological characteristics
of sh species before the formation of the reservoir is essential, as
it will provide a solid foundation for future studies.
The length–weight relationships and condition factor of 13
species belonging to Cyprinidae and Leuciscidae families were
examined. These species include Arabibarbus grypus (Heckel, 1843),
Acanthobrama marmid Heckel, 1843, Alburnus sellal Heckel, 1843,
Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782), Cyprinion kais Heckel, 1843, Cyprinion
macrostomus Heckel, 1843, Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843),
Paracapoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843), Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843),
Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843), Squalius lepidus Heckel, 1843, Luciobarbus
esocinus Heckel, 1843 and Luciobarbus mystaceus (Pallas, 1814).
Fish samples were collected monthly from the Tigris river,
specically from the region between the Ilisu Dam (37°31′27′′N
| 41°50′48′′E, altitude 409 masl) and Cizre town a (37°19′12′′N |
42°12′56′′E, altitude 367 masl) (FIG.1). The sampling period extended
from January 2021 to December 2021.
During the study period, a total of 1784 fish specimens were
captured using various types of gill nets with mesh sizes ranging
from 18 to 60 mm. Afterwards, the sh were identied and their
total, fork, and standard lengths were measured up to 1 mm using an
ichthyometer.Body weight was determined using a digital balance
(Mettler Toledo ML6001T, Switzerland), with an accuracy of 0.1 g.
To establish the length–weight relationship, the growth formula
proposed by [1, 14] was used. The formula is represented as W = aL
where W represents the body weight of the sh, L denotes the total,
fork, or standard lengths, a represents the intercept of the regression
curve, and b represents the regression coecient. To simplify the
analysis, the equation was transformed into a logarithmic form as
suggested by [14], resulting in Log W = Log a + b×Log L.
Published length–weight relationships can sometimes be challenging
to apply due to variations in length measurement types. Therefore,
separate length–weight relationships were calculated based on the total
(TL), fork (FL), and standard (SL) lengths. The regression coecient (b
value) for each species was tested using a t–test at the 0.05 signicance
level to determine if it signicantly differed from 3 [15].
The condition factor, also known as the Fulton factor (K), was
estimated for each species using the equation K = (W·L
) × 100, where
W represents the body weight in grams and L represents the fork
length in millimeters [16, 17]. Additionally, the relative condition factor
(Kn) was calculated using the equation Kn = W/W’, where W is the
actual body weight in grams and W’ is the calculated weight derived
from the length–weight relationship.
Descriptive statistics and length–weight relationship parameters for 13 selected sh species of
the Tigris River, southeast Türkiye, from January 2021 to December 2021
Family/Species N Length
Mean length ± SD
(Min–Max) (mm)
Mean weight ± SD
(Min–Max) (g)
Log a a b R
SE of b
(95% CI of b)
Acanthobrama marmid
TL 144.7 ± 14.17 (109–178)
28.3 ± 8.231
-4.5826 0.0000261 2.7875 0.8236 0.1097 (2.57–3.00)
FL 129.4 ± 13.10 (97–160) -4.2755 0.0000530 2.7062 0.8096 0.1097 (2.49–2.92)
SL 118.7 ± 12.04 (88–148) -4.2034 0.0000626 2.7203 0.8301 0.1029 (2.52–2.92)
Alburnus sellal 106
TL 180.1 ± 13.6 (145–212)
46.1 ± 12.6
-5.4303 0.0000037 3.1394 0.7489 0.1783 (2.78–3.49)
+AFL 163.5 ± 12.5 (133–195) -5.3673 0.0000043 3.1708 0.7801 0.1651 (2.84–3.50)
SL 153.0 ± 12.1 (124–180) -5.0678 0.0000086 3.0752 0.77834 0.1586 (2.76–3.39)
Chondrostoma regium 279
TL 211.4 ± 24.0 (155–328)
66.2 ± 27.7
-5.4308 0.0000037 3.1096 0.8982 0.063 (2.99–3.23)
IFL 193.3 ± 22.5 (143–305) -5.1126 0.0000077 3.0233 0.8912 0.063 (2.90–3.15)
SL 178.7 ± 21.1 (130–280) -4.9500 0.0000112 2.9970 0.9019 0.059 (2.88–3.11)
Squalius lepidus
TL 227.0 ± 63.0 (146–303)
165.6 ± 111.3
-4.5249 0.0000299 2.8295 0.9799 0.117 (2.57–3.09)
-AFL 208.5 ± 61.6 (126–282) -3.9283 0.0001180 2.6187 0.9760 0.119 (2.36–2.88)
SL 181.0 ± 53.0 (112–244) -3.8263 0.0001492 2.6445 0.9731 0.127 (2.37–2.92)
Arabibarbus grypus
TL 539 ± 240.4 (215–1077)
1446 ± 1760
-4.8696 0.0000135 2.8673 0.9917 0.052285 (2.76–2.98)
-AFL 498.5 ± 226.1 (195–997) -4.5680 0.0000270 2.7926 0.9904 0.05494 (2.68–2.91)
SL 460.3 ± 205.9 (180–920) -4.6316 0.0000234 2.8519 0.9912 0.05372 (2.74–2.96)
Paracapoeta trutta 404
TL 212.7 ± 40.2 (113–355)
94.4 ± 60.3
-5.4195 0.0000038 3.1529 0.9501 0.036 (3.08–3.22)
+AFL 189.6 ± 36.1 (100–317) -5.2075 0.0000062 3.1288 0.9478 0.037 (3.08–3.20)
SL 176.5 ± 34.3 (93–298) -4.9642 0.0000109 3.0643 0.9490 0.035 (2.99–3.13)
Capoeta umbla 105
TL 320.6 ± 60.9 (165–483)
283.4 ± 164.4
-4.9795 0.0000105 2.9460 0.9496 0.067 (2.81–3.08)
-AFL 291.2 ± 56.1 (150–438) -4.7690 0.0000170 2.9108 0.9417 0.071 (2.77–3.05)
SL 267.8 ± 52.7 (140–405) -4.4856 0.0000327 2.8377 0.9281 0.078 (2.68–2.99)
Carassius gibelio 169
TL 167.0 ± 33.5 (100–235)
77 ± 46
-5.3313 0.0000047 3.2214 0.9662 0.0466 (3.29–3.31)
+AFL 152.5 ± 30.0 (90–220) -5.3962 0.0000040 3.3090 0.9697 0.0453 (3.22–3.21)
SL 134.2 ± 27.5 (80–190) -4.8944 0.0000128 3.1601 0.9691 0.0437 (3.07–3.25)
Cyprinion kais 141
TL 144.9 ± 17.3 (79–187)
31.3 ± 12.6
-5.1116 0.0000077 3.0467 0.8657 0.1065 (2.83–3.26)
IFL 126.1 ± 15.1 (67–163) -4.8776 0.0000133 3.0229 0.8432 0.1157 (2.79–3.25)
SL 116.3 ± 12.6 (60–148) -4.6001 0.0000251 2.9400 0.8580 0.1061 (2.72–3.15)
Cyprinion macrostomus 302
TL 169.9 ± 27.6 (95–267)
54.2 ± 31.3
-5.2977 0.0000050 3.1340 0.9578 0.038 (3.06–3.21)
+AFL 147.3 ± 24.1 (85–230) -5.1175 0.0000076 3.1413 0.9527 0.040 (3.06–3.22)
SL 136.1 ± 22.6 (75–215) -4.9190 0.0000121 3.0990 0.9614 0.036 (3.03–3.17)
Garra rufa 29
TL 168.0 ± 13.2 (142–193)
52.1 ± 13.3
-4.6357 0.0000231 2.8503 0.7653 0.303 (2.22–3.42)
-AFL 153.1 ± 12.1 (128–175) -4.3961 0.0000402 2.7934 0.7553 0.305 (2.17–3.42)
SL 140.1 ± 11.4 (116–163) -4.1872 0.0000650 2.7460 0.7632 0.294 (2.14–3.35)
Luciobarbus esocinus 5
TL 377.3 ± 124.7 (273–580)
627.3 ± 650
-4.633 0.0000233 2.8410 0.9830 0.152 (2.47–3.21)
-AFL 262.8 ± 16.6 (245–279) -4.035 0.0000923 2.6500 0.9870 0.125 (2.35–2.96)
SL 241.6 ± 13.0 (226–256) -3.846 0.0001426 2.6110 0.9740 0.172 (2.19–3.03)
Luciobarbus mystaceus
TL 433.7 ± 64.3 (295–570)
198.3 ± 94.5
-5.1178 0.0000076 3.0165 0.9800 0.058 (2.90–3.13)
FL 388.0 ± 57.4 (263–513) -4.9368 0.0000116 3.0071 0.9708 0.069 (2.87–3.15)
SL 361.9 ± 54.7 (244–473) -4.6752 0.0000211 2.9355 0.9765 0.061 (2.81–3.06)
Sample size (N); standard deviation (SD), coecient of determination (R
); standard error of b (SE); condence interval (CI); length–weight parameters (a–intercept and
b–slope); type of growth (I– isometry, +A positive allometry, -A negative allometry); Min. and Max. minimum and maximum values of lengths in mm and weights in g
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34458
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The length–weight relationships and condition factor of the
examined species were analyzed separately for male, female, and
combined sexes. The results, including the estimated parameters a, b,
, and condence intervals for a and b are presented in TABLEI. This
study provides the rst information on the length–weight relationships
for the species S. lepidus.
The sample sizes varied, with the smallest being 8 specimens for
L. esocinus and the largest being 404 specimens for P. trutta.
FIGURE 2. Distribution of b values of the length–weight relationships of 13
selected sh species of the Tigris River, southeast Türkiye
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of thirteen fish species / Bilici ________________________________________________
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The samples in the study exhibited a wide range of average total
lengths, varying from 79 to 1077 mm. Fork lengths ranged from 75
to 1000 mm, while standard lengths ranged from 70 to 950 mm.
Additionally, the total weight of the samples ranged from 10.9 to
7,960 g. The exponent b values for the length–weight relationships
ranged from 2.7875 (A. marmid) to 3.2214 (C. gibelio) for total length,
from 2.6187 (A. marmid) to 3.309 (C. gibelio) for fork length, and
from 2.7875 (A. marmid) to 3.15 (C. gibelio) for standard length. The
distribution of b exponents of the length–weight relationship for the
13 species examined in this study is given in FIG. 2. The coecients of
determination (R
) for the regressions ranged from 0.7489 to 0.9970,
and all were statistically signicant (P<0.01).
G. rufa had a b value of 2.8503, differing from the 2.989 reported
in the Merzimen stream by Uçkun and Gökçe [17], with similar
results found in Iranian rivers [29, 30]. A. grypus showed a b value of
2.8673, consistent with values observed in Turkish and Iranian rivers,
indicating its preference in the Tigris River, as supported by other
studies [31, 32, 33, 34]. C. macrostomus displayed a b value of 3.1340,
contrasting with lower values from the Karakaya Dam Lake [35] and
higher values from the Gamasiab River [36]. C. kais showed a b value
of 3.0467, similar to results from the Karakaya Dam Lake (Turkey) [35],
while a higher value of 3.44 was recorded in the Gamasiab River (Iran)
[36]. P. trutta showed a b value of 3.1529 with variations from 2.79
to 3.335 in other populations [8, 20, 37]. Capoeta umbla exhibited a
b value of 2.9460 in this study, consistent with ndings from other
studies [38, 39]. L. mystaceus had a b value of 3.0165, compatible
with the population in the Atatürk Dam Lake [40]. Lastly, L. esocinus
showed a b value of 2.841 in this study, with variations from 2.871 to
3.2187 in other populations [32, 41, 42, 43, 44].
Studies on fishes showed that the b value does not only vary
between species, but also shows differences in sex and dietary habits
of the same species. Many more factors may affect the length–weight
relationship in sh, genetic and environmental, including growth
phase, season, gonad maturity, size range, health and general sh
condition and preservation techniques [16, 45]. These factors have
not been considered in this study.
Mean condition factor of sh studied in the present study ranged
between 0.7751 (A. grypus) and 1.5517 (C. macrostomus) (TABLE II).
The values of Fultons condition factor for most sh species were
being >1 indicate that growth of these species were perfect condition
whereas A. grypus and C. regium were being <1. Although Froese [46]
has reported that small specimens have a higher condition factor
than large specimens. All these species the smallest and the largest
individuals appeared to have a higher condition factor, suggesting that
the data are not independent but may be inuenced by physiological
conditions of sh [18, 47, 48].
In sh, the factor of condition (K) reects, through its variations,
information on the physiological state of the sh in relation to its welfare,
age and reproductive stages the species as well as environmental
conditions such as temperature, salinity and seasonality [11, 25, 47].
Average relative condition factor (K
) were calculated as >1 in all
species except for C. umbla and G. rufa as Kn<1. Mean K
was lowest
in G. rufa (0.7787–1.2051) and highest in P. trutta (1.0090 ± 0.1299).
Monthly uctuations in condition factor (K) of thirteen sh from
the Tigris River are presented in FIGS. 3 and 4.
The condition factor ranged from 0.85 to 1.96 in winter, 0.85 to
1.84 in spring, 0.69 to 1.78 in summer, and 0.85 to 1.97 in autumn. In
the majority of the studied species, the condition factor was found
to be higher during the summer and autumn seasons, which aligns
with expectations. However, certain species such as A. grypus, L.
esocinus, C. gibelio, C. regium, and S. lepidus exhibit a high condition
factor during the winter months due to their feeding habits. The
lower values observed during the summer months may be attributed
to their reproductive activity [49, 50]. Factors such as the state of
fullness of the alimentary canal and the presence of parasites can
also inuence the condition factor [45, 47].
Some of the research ndings align with the existing literature
on the condition factor of the sh species under study, while others
do not. These variations are believed to be inuenced by the health
The b value was calculated for sh to determine if their growth
follows an isometric or allometric pattern. If the b value is not
signicantly different from 3.0, it indicates isometric growth. However,
if the b value is less than 3.0, it suggests that weight increases at a
slower rate compared to length (negative allometric growth), while a
value greater than 3.0 suggests that weight increases at a faster rate
(positive allometric growth) [18]. According to TABLE I, out of the 13
species observed, 3 exhibited isometric growth, 6 showed negative
allometric growth, and 4 displayed positive allometric growth.
The study revealed several noteworthy ndings regarding the
b values of various sh species in different locations. A. marmid
exhibited a b value of 2.7875, higher than the 2.678 reported in the
Karakaya Dam Lake by Uçkun and Gökçe [17]. Conversely, samples
from Atatürk Dam Lake and the Tigris River near Diyarbakır showed a
b value exceeding 3 [19]. Similarly, A. sellal and C. regium in this study
had “b” values above 3, consistent with previous research [20, 21, 22,
23, 24]. For C. gibelio, the calculated b value was 3.2214, close to the
range of 2.856 to 3.149 observed in other populations [25, 26, 27, 28].
Sample sizes (N), condition factors (K), and relative condition factors (Kn) of sh
collected from the Tigris River from January 2021 to December 2021
Species N
Range Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD
Acanthobrama marmid 145 0.5799–1.6067 1.2836 ± 0.1590 0.4747–1.2661 1.0081 ± 0.1238
Alburnus sellal 106 0.4882–1.2589 1.0326 ± 0.1216 0.4781–1.2129 1.0077 ± 0.1176
Chondrostoma regium 279 0.5977–1.2033 0.8783 ± 0.1024 0.6843–1.3786 1.0068 ± 0.1173
Squalius lepidus 14 1.0798–1.9786 1.5904 ± 0.2729 0.7031–1.2132 1.0078 ± 0.1243
Arabibarbus grypus 27 0.5270–1.0669 0.7751 ± 0.1370 0.7491–1.2654 1.0094 ± 0.1436
Carassius gibelio 169 1.2355–2.9277 1.9036 ± 0.2519 0.6945–1.5595 1.0069 ± 0.1210
Cyprinion kais 141 0.7813–1.9192 1.4611 ± 0.2363 0.5593–1.3320 1.0126 ± 0.1525
Cyprinion macrostomus 302 0.9216–2.5000 1.5517 ± 0.1716 0.6106–1.7094 1.0061 ± 0.1106
Paracapoeta trutta 404 0.3729–2.2625 1.2274 ± 0.1605 0.3105–1.8434 1.0090 ± 0.1299
Capoeta umbla 105 0.7165–1.5009 1.0395 ± 0.1577 0.5582–1.2556 0.8098 ± 0.1292
Garra rufa 29 1.0254–1.7123 1.3786 ± 0.1807 1.0068 ± 0.1173 0.7787–1.2051
Luciobarbus esocinus 5 1.2340–1.4329 1.3314 ± 0.0715 0.9371–1.0857 1.0014 ± 0.0535
Luciobarbus mystaceus 58 0.9301–1.60741 1.2087 ± 0.1335 0.7750–1.3369 1.0059 ± 0.1111
SD: standard deviation
FIGURE 3. Seasonal variation in condition factor (K) of sh collected from the Tigris river during January, 2021 to December, 2021
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FIGURE 4. Seasonal variation in condition factor (K) of sh collected from the Tigris river during January, 2021 to December, 2021
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of thirteen fish species / Bilici ________________________________________________
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status of the sh, its morphology, and the local ecological conditions
of its habitat. The condition factor serves as an indicator of sh health
and provides insights into specic aspects of sh speciesphysiology
[26, 27, 37, 51]. Furthermore, a higher condition factor value is directly
associated with better health status in different sh species.
This study has yielded novel insights into the length–weight
relationship and status of freshwater fish species within the
Tigris River, Türkiye. Given the eventual return of this river system
to a reservoir, it becomes imperative to assess the length–weight
relationship and status of these sh species. Such assessments will
offer a basis for comparison in future endeavors aimed at managing
and conserving these species, as well as others within the basin.
Moreover, enhancing our understanding of sh population dynamics
and ecological interactions will play a pivotal role in advancing sheries
development efforts.
Conict of Interest
The author state that do not have any conicts of interest.
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34458
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