Received: 29/03/2024 Accepted: 22/05/2024 Published: 14/08/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34427
During lactation, ewes have a high demand for nutrients, which is
frequently not met by voluntary intake in grazing, a situation that
causes a reduction in body weight. The objective of this study was to
determine the inuence of the type of lambing and number of week
postpartum on the change in body weight of multiparous hair ewes
and that of their lambs during lactation. The study was carried out
with productive information from 11 Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes at
their fourth lambing and their 17 lambs. Ewes and lambs were weighed
at lambing and every seven days until day 56 postpartum and daily
weight gain was recorded. GLM and MIXED procedures were used
for statistical analysis. Type of lambing affected the body weight at
day 56 postpartum, weight gain during lactation, daily weight gain
during lactation (P<0.05) and their productive eciency (P<0.01).
Number of weeks pospartum affected their daily weight gain of ewes
and lambs (P<0.01). Type of lambing × number of weeks pospartum
had no inuence (P>0.05) on daily weight gain of lambs. Then it was
concluded that in multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes, type of
lambing explains the variation in body weight changes and productive
eciency. While number of weeks pospartum explains the variation
in daily weight gain of ewes and lambs.
Key words: Humid tropics; litter; postpartum; pre–weaning growth
Durante la lactancia las ovejas tienen una alta demanda de nutrientes,
que frecuentemente no es cubierta mediante el consumo voluntario
en pastoreo, situación que origina una reducción del peso vivo. El
objetivo fue determinar la inuencia del tipo de parto y número de
semanas posparto sobre el cambio de peso vivo de ovejas de pelo
multíparas y el de sus corderos durante la lactancia. El estudio se
realizó con información productiva de 11 ovejas Blackbelly x Pelibuey
en su cuarto parto y sus 17 corderos. Las ovejas y corderos se pesaron
al parto y cada siete días hasta el día 56 posparto, y se determinó
la ganancia diaria de peso. Se utilizaron los procedimientos GLM
y MIXED para el análisis estadístico. El tipo de parto afectó el peso
vivo de las ovejas al día 56 postparto, ganancia de peso total y diaria
durante la lactancia (P<0.05) y su eciencia prodcutiva (P<0.01). El
número de semana posparto afectó la ganancia diaria de peso de
ovejas y corderos (P<0,01). El tipo de parto x número de semanas
posparto no inuyeron (P>0,05) sobre la ganancia diaria de peso
de los corderos. Se concluyó que en ovejas Blackbelly x Pelibuey
multíparas, el tipo de parto explica la variación en los cambios de
peso y eciencia productiva de las ovejas. Mientras que el número
de semanas posparto explica la variación en la ganancia diaria de
peso de las ovejas y corderos.
Palabras clave: Trópico húmedo; camada; posparto; crecimiento
Inuence of lambing type on body weight changes and productive
eciency of Blackbelly × Pelibuey multiparous ewes in lactation.
Technical note
Inuencia del tipo de parto sobre los cambios de peso y eciencia productiva de ovejas multíparas
Blackbelly × Pelibuey en lactación
Nota técnica
Benigno Morales–Carrillo
, Erika Belem Castillo–Linares
, Irma del Carmen García–Osorio
, Jorge Oliva–Hernández
Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa. Cárdenas, Tabasco, México.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Campo Experimental Huimanguillo. Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México.
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario número 266. Cárdenas, Tabasco, México.
*Corresponding author:
Lambing type and body weight changes in multiparous ewes / Morales-Carrillo et al. ______________________________________________
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Multiparous ewes (Ovis aries) acquire importance in the structure of
a ock because this type of ewes has the highest representation and
productivity with respect to primiparous ewes [1, 2]. Ewe productivity
is determined during lactation, so it is important to identify the factors
that affect it. Body weight at lambing is one of the factors that affect
the productive eciency of ewes, where ewes with a higher body
weight than the average weight produce litters with a higher weaning
weight than ewes with a lower body weight than the average body
weight [3]. A higher body weight at lambing may be related to a
greater amount of body reserves, which are important to support
milk production when the voluntary intake of ewes under grazing
conditions in hot humid climate does not allow covering nutritional
requirements [4, 5]. However, further studies are required to identify
the factors that affect the daily weight gain (DWG) of ewes and lambs
throughout lactation, with the purpose of proposing nutritional
management options to optimize their productive eciency.
The number of lambs at birth is another factor that has a marked
inuence on the productive eciency of lactating ewes, where
litters consisting of two or three lambs have higher birth and weaning
weights relative to litters of one lamb; so the type of birth is a factor
that should be considered in studies aimed at identifying the causes
of variation in the productive eciency of ewes [2, 6]. The objective
of this study was to determine the inuence of the type of lambing on
the productive eciency of multiparous ewes. Collaterally, the effect
of the lambing type and number of weeks postpartum of multiparous
hair ewes on their body weight change and that of their lambs during
lactation was determined. As well as the relationship between daily
weight gain of the ewe and daily weight gain of the lamb
Animal care
The animals were treated in accordance with the guidelines and
regulations for animal experimentation indicated in Mexican Ocial
Standards [7, 8], on humane treatment in animal mobilization and on
technical specications for the production, care and use of laboratory
animals, respectively.
Eleven multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes and their 17 lambs were
used. All ewes were in their fourth lambing (six with single lambing and
ve with multiple lambing). The study was conducted at an experimental
sheep unit of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales,
Agrícolas y Pecuarias located in Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico.
The municipality of Huimanguillo is located at 17°50’ N | 93°23’W,
at an altitude of 20 masl. It has a warm climate with year–round
rainfall (Af) and a mean annual temperature of 27.8°C [9]. The study
was developed during the northern climatic season (November
2020 to February 2021) and had a duration of 73 days (d). During
this period, information was available for the following climatic
indicators: minimum and maximum ambient temperature (°C) and
accumulated rainfall (mm). The average minimum and maximum
ambient temperatures were 19.0°C and 30.7°C, respectively; the
accumulated rainfall during the study period was 232.5 mm.
Management of ewes prior to lambing
The ewes were fed 30 d prior to the probable lambing date based
on grazing and supplemental feeding. Grazing was carried out on a
pasture with Cynodon plectostachyus in an area of 1.0 ha, which was
divided into ten sections of variable size. Grazing had a duration of
10 hours –h– (08:00–18:00 h) and was of rotational type (on average
the periods of occupation were 3 d in each of the sections for 28 d
of rest). In the grazing sections there were areas with natural shade
provided by Erythrina americana Miller trees.
Feed supplementation consisted of offering commercial feed
(300 g·animal
, 15% crude protein) and mineral salt
at liberty during night housing. The amount of feed supplement
was offered on a group basis. Ewes received in the fourth month of
gestation an application of doramectin (Dectomax® 1 mL·50 kg body
) for the control of gastrointestinal parasites.
Ewes management during lactation
Lactation duration was 56 d. The ewes were fed during the entire
lactation based on grazing and supplemental feeding. Grazing was
on a pasture with a total area of 1.0 ha grazed with C. plectostachyus
and were managed in a similar manner as described for pre–
lambing management. Feed supplementation consisted of offering
commercial feed (500 g·animal
, 15% crude protein) and mineral
salt (Foscamag®) at liberty during night housing.
In the rst postpartum week, the ewes were stabled with her
litters and received C. plectostachyus hay as a grazing substitute. In
the second postpartum week, the ewes went out to pasture for 6h
(8:00–14:00 h) and the rest of the day they were with their litters,
receiving C. plectostachyus hay. From the third week postpartum,
the ewes went out to graze for 10 h (8:00–18:00 h).
Lambs management from birth to weaning
At birth, lambs were identied, weighed and a methylene blue
solution was applied to the umbilicus. In the rst two hours, lambs
were checked for colostrum intake and meconium excretion.
The lambs were kept during the entire lactation in stabling (pen with
a surface area of 77 m
). Feeding was based on controlled suckling,
access to a commercial feed supplement (15% crude protein) and hay
of C. plectostachyus and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. The control
of access to suckling was applied from the second week of life of the
lambs for 6 h (8:00 to 14:00 h), later increased to 10 h (8:00 to 18:00 h)
until the end of lactation. The feed supplement was offered starting at
5 d of age, beginning with 100 g·lamb
and was offered as a group.
The total amount of feed supplement was divided into three portions and
offered at the following times: 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00 h. From day 15 of age,
the lambs were given free range hay of C. plectostachyus and G. sepium.
Lambs growth during lactation
The lambs were weighed at 7–d intervals, from birth to the age of
56 d. A clock scale with a capacity of 20 kg and a sensitivity of 25g
(TecnoCor®, DGN 312.01.2005.2576, Mexico) was used.
Response variables
In ewes: a) body weight (kg) at lambing and at 7–d intervals until they
were 56 d postpartum; b) total weight gain (kg) and DWG (g) between
lambing and 56 d of lactation; c) DWG (g) between 7–d periods until
Productive eciency of multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey
ewes and their litters considering their type of lambing
Type of ewe lambing
Single (n=6) Multiple (n=5)
Weight at lambing (kg)
± 1.9 42.0 ± 2.1
Weight at day 56 postpartum (kg) 31.8
± 1.0 35.6
± 1.1
Weight gain during lactation (kg) -7.7
± 1.0 -4.0
± 1.1
Daily weight gain during lactation (g) -138
± 18 -71
± 21
Body condition at lambing 4.0 ± 0.0 3.8 ± 0.3
Body condition at day 56 postpartum 3.7 ± 0.2 3.4 ± 0.2
Production eciency
± 0.03 0.73
± 0.04
Birth weight (kg)
± 0.6 6.0
± 0.7
Weaning weight (kg) 14.8
± 1.5 26.8
± 1.6
Weight gain during lactation (kg) 11.8
± 1.0 20.9
± 1.1
Daily weight gain during lactation (g) 210
± 17 373
± 19
n: number of observations,
: Least squares means ± standard error,
: Lamb weight
at 56 days of age (kg) / ewe weight at 56 days postpartum,
: values with dierent
superscript within the same row indicate signicant dierence (
: values
with dierent superscript within the same row indicate signicant dierence (
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34427
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56d of lactation; d) and productive eciency of the ewe [10]; e) body
condition, a scale with 5 levels was used to subjectively measure body
condition (1: Emaciated, 2: Thin, 3: Average, 4: Fat and 5: Obese [11].
This parameter was measured prior to parturition and at the end of
In the litter: a) litter weight at birth and at day 56 of age (kg), b) total
weight gain (kg) and DWG (g) during lactation.
In lambs: a) body weight (kg) at birth and at 56 d of age, and b) DWG
between 7–d periods.
Experimental design and statistical analysis
All analyses were performed with the SAS v 9.1 statistical package
[12] and the normality and homoscedasticity of the data were tested
with Shapiro–Wilk’s and Levenes tests, respectively. Type of lambing
and productive eciency of the ewe and litter. A design completely
randomized was used, where the main factor was the type of lambing
of the ewe (single and multiple). The experimental unit was the ewe
in response variables recorded in the ewes, for example, body weight
at lambing. The experimental unit was the litter in response variables
recorded in the litter, for example, weight of the litter at birth. In the
nal model, weight at lambing was used as a covariate (P<0.05) to
explain the variation in the response variables: body weight of the
ewes on day 56 postpartum, weight gain during lactation and DWG
during lactation. The inuence of type of lambing on the continuous–
type response variables was established with the GLM procedure.
The body condition variable was analyzed with the Wilcoxon rank
sum test for unpaired data [13].
Type of lambing and productive efficiency of lambs: A design
completely randomized was used, where the main factor was the
type of birth of the lamb (single and multiple). The experimental unit
was the lamb. The data were analyzed whit GLM procedure.
Type of lambing and number of weeks postpartum: A factorial
experimental design with two factors with repeated measures in
one factor was used to evaluate the DWG in lambs and ewes over time.
Type of lambing was considered as xed effects; and number of weeks
postpartum (eight weeks) as a repeated within–animal measure; the
interaction type of lambing × week number and animal, as a random
factor. The experimental unit was the lamb in response variables
recorded in the lambs and the ewe in response variables recorded
in the ewes. The inuence of type of lambing, number of weeks
postpartum and the type of lambing × number of weeks postpartum
interaction on DWG was determined with the MIXED procedure.
In the final models, the type of lambing × number of weeks
postpartum interaction was excluded because it was not signicant
(P<0.05). Least squares means were calculated and separated using
the PDIFF option. Least square means values were considered
statistically signicant when P≤0.05.
Correlation analyses: Spearman correlation was used to establish
the relationship between DWG of the ewe and DWG of the lamb (by
week), according to type of birth.
Type of lambing and productive eciency of the ewe and litter. In
ewes, type of lambing affected the body weight at day 56 postpartum,
weight gain during lactation, DWG during lactation (P<0.05) and their
productive eciency (P<0.01), the rest of the variables were not
affected by type of lambing (P>0.05) (TABLE I). Ewes with single
lambing reduced their live weight to a greater extent on day 56
postpartum compared to ewes with multiple lambing, a result that
contrasts with that indicated in hair ewes with multiple type of
lambing have a greater reduction in their body weight during lactation
with respect to those with single type of lambing [14, 15].
The higher productive eciency of ewes with multiple type of
lambing is explained by a higher production of kilograms of lambs
per postpartum day 56 due to a higher number of lambs in the litter
and by a higher production of milk to feed the litter [16]. Additionally,
ewes with multiple type of lambing could have a higher dry matter
intake during grazing, which would support the nutrient demand for
milk production in litters with more than one offspring [17]. In this
regard, in ewes a higher dry matter intake (111.2% of body weight)
has been detected in ewes with multiple type of lambing compared
to the dry matter intake of ewes with single type of lambing [15].
In the litters, type of lambing affected all the productive variables
studied (P<0.05) (TABLE I). The higher litter weight at birth and at
weaning is explained by the greater number of lambs comprising
the litter. In agreement with the previous result, litter weight at birth
and at weaning in multiparous ewes with a double type of lambing,
represented 177% and 152%, respectively, of that of litters from a
single type of lambing [15].
Type of lambing and productive eciency of lambs.
Type of lambing did not affect birth weight (P>0.05). However,
type of lambing inuenced weaning weight and pre–weaning DWG of
lambs (P<0.01) (Table II). Weaning weights and DWG of lambs from a
multiple type of lambing represented 82% and 81%, respectively, of
that recorded in lambs from a single type of lambing.
Inuence of the lambing type on weight and pre–weaning daily
weight gain of lambs from multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes
Type of lambing
Single (n=6) Multiple (n=11)
Birth weight 3.1 ± 0.2
2.7 ± 0.2
Weaning weight (kg) 14.8
± 0.61 12.2
± 0.45
Daily preweaning weight gain (g) 210
± 11 169
± 8
n: number of observations,
: Least squares means ± standard error,
: Dierent
letters within the same row indicate signicant dierence (
FIGURE 1. Daily weight gains in multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes during
lactation. a,b,c: dierent letters at each point on the line (number of weeks
postpartum) indicate signicant dierence (P<0.01)
FIGURE 2. Daily pre–weaning weight gain in Blackbelly x Pelibuey lambs considering
the number of weeks of age. a,b,c: dierent letters in each point of the line (number
of weeks of age) within the same line indicate signicant dierence (P<0.01)
Lambing type and body weight changes in multiparous ewes / Morales-Carrillo et al. ______________________________________________
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Pelibuey ewes with a multiple type of lambing produced at least
18% more milk relative to those with a single type of lambing [16,
17]. However, lambs coming from a multiple type of lambing have to
share the amount of milk produced by the ewe which could lead to a
lower milk consumption per day and consequently of nutrients [18,
19]; this situation may explain the lower productive performance of
lambs coming from a multiple type of lambing with respect to those
from a single type of lambing.
Type of lambing and number of weeks postpartum
Type of lambing and the type of lambing x number of weeks
postpartum interaction did not inuence (P>0.05) the DWG of ewes
during the eight weeks of lactation. However, number of weeks
postpartum affected (P<0.01) DWG (FIG. 1). The greatest reduction in
body weight was detected between the second and third postpartum
week, a period in which the peak of milk production has been found
to occur in the multiparous Pelibuey ewe with single and twin type
of lambing [17].
The type of lambing and number of weeks postpartum of lamb age
affected their DWG (P<0.01) (FIG. 2). The type of lambing x number of
weeks postpartum interaction did not inuence the DWG of lambs
(P>0.05). Lambs reduced their DWG from week four of age until
week ve, after which an increase was detected. This type of trend
in pre–weaning DWG could be associated with an increase in the
body weight of lambs and in their nutrient requirements, which are
not covered by the amount of milk produced by the ewes. In this
regard, in Pelibuey ewes it is indicated that from the fourth week of
lactation there is a decrease in milk production, both in ewes with
single and multiple type of lambing [17] or no signicant increase in
milk production is detected [16, 20]. On the other hand, in Pelibuey
lambs with restricted suckling, there is a lower DWG in the rst three
weeks of life in relation to lambs with continuous suckling [21]. It is
possible that the amount of milk consumed by the lambs during the
evening–night (free suckling) did not compensate for the amount of
milk that the lambs stopped ingesting during the period of controlled
suckling during the daytime [22].
In Pelibuey lambs from primiparous and multiparous ewes, a
reduction in pre–weaning DWG has been recorded between day 10
and 30 of age and subsequently an increase in DWG between day 30
and 60 of age [23]. The previous result has certain similarity with
the inuence of the number of weeks of age on DWG detected in the
present study, where lambs reduce their DWG in the intermediate
stage of lactation, a circumstance that could be associated to the
feeding system of the ewe and her litter, the tendency in the milk
production curve and the digestive adaptation process of the lamb
to the complement offered.
On the other hand, no relationship between DWG of the ewe and
DWG of the lamb (P>0.05), according to type of birth (Table III).
Table III
Phenotypic correlation matrix between daily weight gains in
multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes during lactation and average
daily weight gain of lambs (by week), according to type of birth
Lactation week
Type of birth
Single (n=6) Multiple (n=11)
1 -0.15 ns -0.62 ns
2 0.52 ns 0.59 ns
3 0.70 ns -0.25 ns
4 -0.49 ns 0.11 ns
5 -0.52 ns 0.53 ns
6 0.79 ns 0.16 ns
7 0.60 ns 0.36 ns
8 -0.72 ns 0.20 ns
n: number of observations, ns: non signicant (
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In multiparous Blackbelly × Pelibuey ewes in lactation, type of
lambing affected the body weight change during lactation and its
productive eciency. Additionally, number of weeks postpartum
explains the variation in DWG, with a negative daily weight change
occurring during the rst six weeks postpartum. Ewes with multiple
type of lambing produce litters with higher weaning weights, but
lighter lambs with respect to ewes with single type of lambing. In
Blackbelly × Pelibuey lambs, variation in pre–weaning DWG was
explained by type of lambing and number of weeks of age. Between
the fourth and fth week of lamb age, there was a reduction in DWG
in relation to the rst two and last two weeks of lactation.
Conicts of interest
The authors declare no competing interests.
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