Comparative study of Mentha rotundifolia methanolic extracts / Ferdjioui and Belhattab ___________________________________________
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Due to its richness in secondary metabolites, plants can be considered
a rich source of therapeutic compounds. Variation in extraction methods
usually depends on the duration of the extraction period, the solvent
used, the pH of the solvent, temperature, the particle size of the plant,
and the solvent–to–sample ratio. The majority of extraction methods
involve the separation of medicinally active compounds of plants from
the inactive components by using selective solvents [1, 2].
The solubility of compounds in the solvent depends on their
chemical natures, which vary for compounds of others; this structural
diversity is responsible for diversity in molecules’ physicochemical
properties. For this reason, it is dicult to develop a universal method
for extracting all effective compounds from plants [3].
Oxidative stress can be dened as the state in which the free
radicals in our body outnumber our antioxidant defenses. An
antioxidant is a molecule capable of inhibiting the oxidation of another
molecule. Antioxidants break the free radical chain of reactions by
sacricing their own electrons to feed free radicals without becoming
free radicals themselves [4]. Thus, it is essential to develop effective
and natural antioxidants that can protect the body from free radicals
and retard the progress of many chronic diseases [5].
Mentha rotundifolia is one of the Lamiaceae species that is widely
distributed in Algeria. It is used as a condiment, and it has been applied
in traditional medicine for a wide range of actions: stimulative, tonic,
stomachic, carminative, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti–inammatory,
sedative, hypotensive and insecticidal [6]. This plant was also the subject
of several scientic studies, which made it possible to determine its
therapeutic effect as an antioxidant [7], anti–inammatory [8], and
antimicrobial [9]. The objective of this study was to investigate the
effect of temperature in the extraction of phenolic compounds from M.
rotundifolia and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
Plant materials
The plant M. rotundifolia was collected in the region of Djemila
Wilaya of Setif (Algeria) during the period of plain Florissant. Professor
Laouer H, a botanist in the laboratory of Botanical Sciences, Ferhat
ABBES Setif–1 University, Algeria, carried out the botanical identity
of the plant (family, genus, and species). The aerial parts were air–
dried in the shade at room temperature away from humidity and then
powdered by an electric grinder.
Extraction by maceration
Twenty g of plant powder was put into a maceration bottle and
lled with 96% methanol for 48 hours (h), with the solvent renewed
after 24 h. The ratio between plant powder and ethanol was 1:10.
Afterwards, the ltrate separated from the residue using Watman
lter paper was collected and evaporated using a rotary evaporator
(Rotavator, Büchi; Swiss) at 45°C until a dry extract was obtained.
Soxhlet extraction
Twenty g of aerial parts powder was packed in a Watman lter paper
and placed in the Soxhlet extractor (Büchi; Swiss). Then, 200ml of
methanol was poured into the roundbottom ask. The solvent was
heated using the dismantle, which began to evaporate, moving through
the apparatus to the condenser. The condensate then dripped into the
reservoir containing the plant extract. The process was made to run
for a total of 6 h. Finally, the extract was collected, and the methanol
was evaporated using a rotary evaporator (BUCHI rotavap Suiss) at
45°C. The extract was stored at room temperature for further use.
Phytochemical screening
Phytochemical tests were performed on methanolic extracts to verify
the presence of some compounds (polyphenols, avonoids, tannins,
terpenoids, quinines, and saponins). Their detection is achieved
using the methods described by Bagre et al.[10], Khaldi etal.[11],
Vayalakshmi et al. [12].
Determination of total phenolic compounds
The polyphenols in extracts was quantied using Folin–Ciocalteu
reagent according to the method describedby Li et al.[13]. Briey,
an aliquot of 200 μL of the extract was mixed with 1 ml of Folin–
Ciocalteu reagent for 4 min, followed by the addition of 800 μL of
aqueous solution (7,5%). The absorbance was measured
(SECOMAN Spectrophotometer, French) at 765 nm after two hours
of incubation. The polyphenol content was expressed as mg gallic
acid equivalent (GAE)·g extract
Determination of total avonoids
The total avonoid content of each extract was determined by a
colourimetric method as described by Kosalec et al. [14]. In brief, 1 ml of
each extract was added to 1 ml of aluminum chloride (AlCl
) methanolic
solution (2%) and allowed to stand for 30 min, the absorbance of the
mixture was measured at 430 nm. The total avonoid content was
reported as mg of quercetin equivalent (QE)·g extract
Identication and quantication of phenolic compounds in extracts
using liquid Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
Methanol was used to dissolve the extracts and standard at a rate
of 1.0 mg·mL
. For every analysis, a volume of 20 μL was continuously
injected at a ow rate of 1.0 mL·min
onto an Agilent Zorbax 150 mm
× 4.6 mm C18 column. A gradient solvent system was used for the
study, with aqueous–formic acid (0.10%) serving as solvent (A) and
acetonitrile (100%) serving as solvent (B). A 35–min run time was
allocated to a ve–step linear gradient elution, wherein solvent A
was reduced to 10% and solvent B was increased to 90%.
A triple–quadrupole mass spectrometer (API 3200; MDS Sciex,
Concord, ON, Canada) received the full flow from the high–
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The mass spectrum
information was collected in negative ion mode with a capillary voltage
of 4500 V, an Electrospray Ionization (ESI) ion source, a cone voltage
of 70 V, a collision energy of 35 eV, a drying temperature of 650°C, N
as the drying gas at a ow rate of 4.0 L·min
, and Analyst software
version 6. The eluted samples and standards were found at 280 nm [7].
Antioxidant activity
Diphenyl–1–picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) radical scavenging assay
All substances that can donate a hydrogen atom or an electron
to DPPH can be considered antioxidants and, therefore, radical