Received: 19/02/2024 Accepted: 01/04/2024 Published: 28/06/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34393
The study was carried out between July and October 2022 at the
sub–station of the Faculty of Agriculture Research and Teaching farm
to assess the reproductive performance of Archachatina marginata
fed the leguminous Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal as feed additive.
208 adult snails were randomly partitioned into 4 treatments and 4
repetitions of 13 comparable snails (weight and size). The treatment T
(control) received only the experimental diet as described while three
other treatments received not only diet but, L. leucocephala leaf meal
at 0.25%, 0.5% and 0.75% for a period of 12 weeks. In each treatment,
every morning, the substrate of each breeding bucket was stirred
entirely and minutely to collect the eggs to determine the laying and
morphometric characteristics of the eggs. The eggs were then placed
10 cm deep in loose soil substrates until hatching to evaluate the
characteristics of the fecundity. The unhatched eggs were opened,
and the state of embryonic development observed to determine
early embryonic mortality rate and late embryonic mortality. At the
end of the experiment, animals of each replicate were sacriced; the
hemolymph was collected determine the total cholesterol and protein.
The results showed that the characteristics of reproduction were
affected with graded level of L. leucocephala. The highest number
of eggs laid (17.29 ± 13.44) and the number of clutches (268.91) was
recorded in animals receiving 0.5% and 0.75% L. leucocephala in
the diet respectively while the highest value of fecundation rate
(95.50 ± 8.80), hatch rate (94.55 ± 9.36), and hatchability (98.99 ± 3.15)
was registered in the treatment that received 0.75%. The highest
value of total protein and cholesterol was recorded in the same
treatment. In conclusion 0.75% of L. leucocephala can be added
in the diet of adult snail to increase its reproductive performance.
Key words: Archachatina marginata; cholesterol; hemolymph;
protein; reproduction
El estudio fue realizado en la subestación de la granja de la Facultad
de Investigación y Docencia Agrícola para evaluar el rendimiento
reproductivo del caracol terrestre gigante africano (Archachatina
marginata) alimentados con hojas de la leguminosa Leucaena
leucocephala en polvo como aditivo alimentario. 208 caracoles adultos
fueron divididos aleatoriamente en 4 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones
de 13 caracoles comparables (en peso y tamaño). El tratamiento T
(control) recibió solamente la dieta experimental según lo descrito
mientras que los otros tres tratamientos recibieron no solamente
la dieta experimental sino con hojas de L. leucocephala en polvo a
el 0,25 %, el 0,5 % y el 0,75 % por un período de 12 semanas. En cada
tratamiento, cada mañana, el sustrato de cada cubo de cría se removió
entera y minuciosamente para recoger los huevos y determinar
el desove y las características morfométricas de los huevos. A
continuación, los huevos se colocaron a 10 cm de profundidad
en sustratos de tierra suelta hasta la eclosión, para evaluar las
características de la fecundidad. Los huevos no eclosionados se
abrieron y se observó el estado de desarrollo embrionario para
determinar la tasa de mortalidad embrionaria temprana y la tardía.
Al nal del experimento, se sacricaron los animales de cada réplica;
se colectó la hemolinfa para determinar colesterol total y proteínas.
Los resultados mostraron que las características de la reproducción
se afectaron con el nivel graduado de L. leucocephala El mayor número
de huevos puestos (17,29 ± 13,44) y de puestas (268,91) se registraron
en los animales que recibieron 0,5% de L. leucocephala en la dieta,
mientras que el valor más alto de tasa de fecundación (95,50 ± 8,80),
tasa de eclosión (94,55 ±9,36) e incubabilidad (98,99 ± 3,15) se
registraron en el tratamiento que recibió 0,75%. Los más altos
valores de proteína total y colesterol total se registraron en el mismo
tratamiento. En conclusión 0.75% de L. leucocephala.
Palabras clave: Archachatina marginata; colesterol; hemolinfa;
proteína; reproducción
Comparative reproduction performance of Giant African Land Snail
(Archachatina marginata) fed with
the leguminous plant Leucaena leucocephala
Rendimiento reproductivo comparativo del caracol terrestre gigante africano
(Archachatina marginata) alimentado con Leucaena leucocephala
Guy Merlin Tchowan
* , Ndum Gorreti Tufoin
, Ferdinand Ngoula
, Joseph Tchoumboue
University of Buea, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science. Buea, Cameroon.
University of Dschang, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Science, Department of Animal Science. Dschang, Cameroon.
*Corresponding author:
FIGURE 1. African giant land adult snail Archachatina marginata
FIGURE 2. Snail housing of adult Archachatina marginata
Giant African Land Snail fed Leucaena leucocephala / Tchowan et al. _______________________________________________________________
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Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae) is a vigorous drought resistant
tree that contains proteins, minerals, xanthophyl’s and carotene
[1]. According to Agricultural and Research [2], this plant is rich in
nutrients and roughage. De Angelis et al. [1] also noted that among
leguminous vegetable sources, L. leucocephala plant is suitable to
ll the deciencies of other legume sources particularly the protein
and amino acid point of view. L. leucocephala leaves have also been
reported to contain secondary metabolites like avonoid glycosides and
phenols which are antioxidants and anti–inammatory [3]. However,
Leucaena leaf powder has been tested in different species and different
proportions as feed supplement to determine its effect in the animal
performance. Okonkwo et al. [4] noted that the inclusion of 15% oven
dried Leucaena meal improved growth in broiler chicken ration without
causing deleterious effects in animal performance. In snails, Jimoh et
al. [5] reported that the supplementation of Archachatina marginata
snails with Leucaena leaf meal, Gliricidia meal and Moringa meal at 16.5
g·100 g
each as protein source resulted in a standout performance of
snails fed Leucaena–inclusive diet in terms of egg production, fecundity
and hatchability compared to other leaves. But few study seeks to
explore the effect of Leucaena leaf potential as feed additive on the
reproductive performance of A. marginata snails.
The main objective is to contribute to assess the inclusion of
graded levels of L. leucocephala leaf meal as natural phytogenic feed
additive on the reproductive performance of the African land snail (A.
marginata) and specically to evaluate the effect of L. leucocephala
on the characteristic of reproduction, gonadosomatic index and
biochemical characteristics of hemolymph.
Period and study area
This study was carried at the sub–station of the Faculty of
Agriculture Research and Teaching farm, located in Molyko, Buea
(Cameroon), between July and October 2022 South–West Region.
Buea is located within 9
14’27.60” to 9
19’27.60” LE and 4
09’ 9.72” to
12’ 9.72” LN and on the altitude of 970 – 409 m.a.s.l. The prevailing
climate in Buea is equatorial characterized by short dry season (Mid–
November to mid–March) and a long rainy season (mid–March–mid
November). Rainfall ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 mm per year and
average relative humidity ranges from 85% to 95%. Annual average
temperatures oscillate between 20
C and 29
Animal Material, Housing, Plant and Experimental Diet
Animal Material and housing
A total of matured 208 A. marginata snails (FIG. 1) aged at least
four months, weighing between 70–80 g, free of injury or breakage
were purchased in Muea Market of the Buea Municipality. The snails
were placed in perforated plastic buckets (30 cm in diameter and
40 cm deep each) equipped with a plastic feeder and a drinker of
5 cm in diameter. The bottom of each bucket consisted of 10 cm
thick loose soil substrate previously disinfected with Virunet™, two
weeks before the animals were introduced. The buckets were covered
with mosquito–type netting (1 mm mesh) constituting an antileak
device and then placed in a block building FIG. 2, (7 m long by 6 m
wide with oor made of cement) covered with a metal sheet at room
temperature and natural lightening.
Engine oil was sprinkled around the pens and structure to offer
protection from ants and other predators. The temperature within
the pens was monitored between the range 25–29
C while the relative
humidity within each replicate of pens was between 80–90%.
Plant material
The leaves of L. leucocephala were harvested from St Anthony of
Paduea Parish compound Buea Town. The leaves were dried in a hot
air circulating oven (60°C for 24 h) in the Laboratory of Biochemical
Sciences in the University of Buea. The dried leaves were then ground
into powder using a milling machine and the power obtained packaged
in a Ziploc bag and stored in an airtight tied closed plastic container.
Experimental diet
The composition and proximate characteristics of the snail diets
are summarized in TABLE I. The feed was formulated weekly to avoid
rancidity. The feed was stored in labeled plastic containers and
classied according to the treatments. All the diets were prepared
and stored at room temperature (37
Experimental procedures and data collection
A total of 208 adult snails were randomly partitioned into 4 treatments
(n=13 each one) and 4 repetitions of 13 comparable snails (weight and
size). The Treatment T
(control) received only the experimental diet
as described above while three other treatments received not only
diet but, L. leucocephala leaf meal at 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75%. Diet and
fresh pawpaw leaves were measured and served daily, and the left
over were quantified using an electronic weighing (Standard ME
Analytical Lab Balance, Mettler Toledo™ 30029077; ME54E, England)
  
FIGURE 3. Eect of Leucaena leucocephala on the evolution of leaf intake of
Archachatina marginata
FIGURE 4. Eect of Leucaena leucocephala on the evolution of feed intake of
Archachatina marginata
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34393
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scale (0.05 g precision) from each treatment to determine feed and
leave consumption. Every day, the rearing substrates were watered
(0.5 L·substrate
) and the animals were monitored for a period of
12 weeks.
In each treatment, every morning, the substrate of each breeding bucket
was stirred entirely and minutely to collect the eggs to determine the laying
and morphometric characteristics of the eggs. The eggs were then placed
10 cm deep in loose soil substrates (10 cm thick in plastic jars) until hatching
in order to assess the characteristics of the fecundity. The unhatched
eggs were opened, and the state of embryonic development observed to
determine early embryonic mortality rate and late embryonic mortality [6].
At the end of the experiment, three animals of each replicate
were sacriced; the hemolymph was removed by cardiac puncture
according to the method proposed by Naresh et al. [7] to determine
the total cholesterol and protein in the hemolymph.
Statistical Analysis
Data from the reproductive parameters and characteristics were
analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
version 20.0 [8]. One–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used
to compare the means and when the differences were signicant,
Wallers Duncan test was used to separate them at 5% level.
The effect of Leucaena leucocephala as additive on the leave intake
of African land snails
The effects of L. leucocephala on leave intake is illustrated in FIG.3.
We can observe that, the trend, prole and shape of the curve were
comparable among treatments.
When considering the period of the experiment, during the rst and
second period of the experiment, the leave intake decreased. However,
there was no signicant difference (P<0.05) among the treatments.
In contrast, the leave intake increased from the third to the fth
period of the experiment. The highest value was recorded in animals
receiving 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
) in the diet followed by animals
that received 0.75% L. leucocephala in the diet (T
). The lowest value
was recorded in the control group (T
At the end of the experiment, the highest value of leave intake was
recorded in the treatment that received 0% and 0.5% L. leucocephala
in the diet compared to other treatments.
The effect of Leucaena leucocephala on feed additive on the Feed
intake of African land snails
The evolution of feed intake in relation to the proportion of
L.leucocephala is presented in FIG. 4. Irrespective of the period of
the experiment, the trend of feed intake was comparable among
treatments during the period of trials.
Ingredients and Nutritional Values of Snail Experimental Diet
Ingredients Value (%)
Corn 224
Wheat oal 160
Soy Beans 106
Cotton meal 134
Shell 225.30
Fishmeal 97
Palm oil 45
Vitamin Premix (2%) 8.7
Total (kg) 1,000
Nutritional values (g·DM
Crude protein (%) 22.00
Metabolizable Energy (kcal·kg
) 2,601.77
Fat (%) 8.42
Calcium (%) 9.62
Phosphorus (%) 0.87
Lysine (%) 1.18
Methionine (%) 0.49
Giant African Land Snail fed Leucaena leucocephala / Tchowan et al. _______________________________________________________________
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When was consider the period of the experiment; during the rst
period, the feed intake increased in treatments that received 0.5,
0.75% L. leucocephala in the diet and the control group (T
) compared
to the other treatments. From the second to the fourth period of the
experiment, the feed intake is decreasing and comparable among
the treatments. Conversely in the fth period of the experiment, the
lowest value of feed intake was recorded in treatments that received
0.75% L. leucocephala (T
) in diet and the highest value in the control
group (T
). At the end of the experiment, the highest value of feed
intake was registered in the control group (T
) followed by animals
that received 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
Effects of Leucaena leucocephala on the characteristics of
The effect of L. leucocephala on the characteristics of reproduction
is presented in TABLE II. We can observe that: The characteristic of the
reproduction was affected by L. leucocephala during the period of trials.
The signicantly (P<0.05) highest number of eggs laid was observed
in treatments that received 0.5% L. leucocephala (T
) in the diet,
whereas, the lowest value obtained in the control group (T
The highest number of eggs per clutch was registered in the control
group (T
) and the lowest in animals that received 0.25, 0.5% L.
leucocephala (T
, T
). Contrary, the highest number of clutches was
observed in treatments that received 0.5% L. leucocephala (T
) in the
diet and lowest in animals that received 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
The highest value of egg length and egg width was obtained in the
treatments that received 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
) and the lowest
value was recorded in the control group (T
) and the treatments that
received 0.75% L. leucocephala (T
) in the diet respectively.
The incubation period was comparable among the treatments
while the fecundation rate increased with increasing proportion of
L. leucocephala in the diet compared to the control group (T
In contrast, the signicantly (P<0.05) highest value of hatch rates
and hatchability was registered in the treatments that received 0.75%
L. leucocephala (T
) in the diet and the animals that received 0.5%
L. leucocephala (T
The highest value of early embryonic mortalities was obtained in the
treatments that received 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
) and the lowest
value was observed in treatments that received 0.5% L.leucocephala
). In contrast, the signicantly (P<0.05) highest value of late
embryonic mortality was obtained in the control group (T
However, the signicantly (P<0.05) highest breeding mortality was
obtained in animals that received 0.5% L. leucocephala (T
) in snail
diet. The lowest values were recorded in animals receiving 0.25%
L.leucocephala (T
) in the diet.
Effects of Leucaena leucocephala on the gonadosomatic index
The effect of L. leucocephala on gonadosomatic index is presented
in FIG. 5. We can notice that the gonadosomatic index was inuenced
by L. leucocephala during the period of feed trials.
The highest value was recorded in animals that received 0.75%
L. leucocephala in the diet (T
) and animals that received 0.25%
leucocephala (T
). The lowest value was recorded in the control group
However, there was no signicant difference among the treatments.
Effects of Leucaena leucocephala in the diet on total cholesterol
and total protein in the hemolymph of Archachatina marginata
The effect of L. leucocephala on the total cholesterol and protein in the
hemolymph of A. marginata is presented in FIGS. 6 and 7.
Total cholesterol
The effects of L. leucocephala on the total cholesterol in the snail
hemolymph is presented in FIG 6.
Eect of Leucaena Leucocephala on the Characteristics of Reproduction of Snail Eggs
Characteristics of reproduction
Treatments (% Leucaena leucocephala)
Number of eggs laid 10.10 ± 4.18
11.13 ± 5.13
17.29 ± 13.44
12.93 ± 7.83
Number of eggs per clutch 7.18 ± 0.31
6.29 ± 0.22
6.29 ± 0.24
6.34 ± 0.32
Number of clutches 215.50 195.00 268.91 201.37
Weight eggs 1.33 ± 1.15
1.32 ± 0.64
1.29 ± 0.62
1.27 ± 0.66
Length eggs 14.21 ± 0.95
14.53 ± 1.21
14.39 ± 1.17
14.35 ± 1.14
Width eggs 11.39 ± 1.22
11.52 ± 1.43
11.41 ± 1.40
11.38 ± 1.43
Incubation period 25.00 ± 0.00
25.00 ± 0.00
25.00 ± 0.00
25.00 ± 0.00
Fecundation rate (%) 93.74 ± 13.12
92.66 ± 10.01
94.21 ± 8.59
95.50 ± 8.80
Hatch rate (%) 80.64 ± 18.81
82.02 ± 16.48
90.90 ± 11.42
94.55 ± 9.36
Hatchability (%) 85.70 ± 14.93
88.22 ± 13.22
96.31 ± 6.44
98.99 ± 3.15
Early embryonic 6.25 ± 2.39 7.58 ± 1.78 5.78 ± 1.47 6.99 ± 2.75
Late embryonic 13.10 ± 2.56
10.63 ± 2.13
3.308 ± 0.97
0.941 ± 0.46b
Breeding mortality 8.79 ± 2.97
8.46 ± 2.43
13.18 ± 81.00
9.89 ± 1.41
a, b
: mean along the same row having dierent superscript are signicantly dierent (P<0.05)
  
  
 
  
 
FIGURE 5. Effect of Leucaena leucocephala on the gonadosomatic index of
Archachatina marginata
FIGURE 7. Eects of Leucaena leucocephala on total protein in the hemolymph
of african land snails
FIGURE 6. Eects of leucaena leucocephala on total cholesterol in the hemolymph
of african land snails
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34393
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The level of total cholesterol was affected by L. leucocephala in the
diet. The signicantly (P<0.05) highest value of total cholesterol was
obtained in animals receiving 0.75% L. leucocephala (T
) and animals
that received 0.25% L. leucocephala (T
) in snail diet. The lowest value
was registered in animals that received 0.5% L. leucocephala (T
Total protein
The effects of L. leucocephala on the total protein in the snail
hemolymph is presented in FIG.7.
The total protein increased with increasing proportion of
L.leucocephala in the diet. The highest value of total protein was
recorded in animals that received 0.75% L. leucocephala (T
) in the
diet and the lowest value was registered in the control group (T
This study was aimed at investigating the potential of L. leucocephala
leaf meal as feed additive on the reproductive performance of the giant
African land snail (A. marginata).
The highest value of leave intake (5.07 ± 0.22) was recorded in
animals that received 0.5% Leucaena in the diet compared to other
treatments. The results are similar to those of De Angelis et al. [1]
who concluded that the inclusions of leaf–based diets in snail’s
(A.marginata) have a positive inuence in terms of feed intake and
survival rates. Leucaena leaves are legumes endowed with amino acid
pattern that compares with soya beans and sh meal; minerals (Ca,
K, P and vitamin K) and other digestible nutrients xanthophyl’s and
carotene [1]. These nutrients might have helped enhanced digestive
function by stimulating digestive enzymes for nutrient transport and
absorption, thereby increasing appetite [9] in the snails.
The effect of L. leucocephala on feed intake in relation to different
proportion was highest in animals that received 0.75% Leucaena in
the diet. These results also consistent with the reports of Abawi et
Diambra [10] who tested the effect of Leucaena meal and found out
that the addition of 3% Leucaena meal and crushed fossil coral to the
diet increased feed consumption in the diet of laying hens. According to
Okonkwo et al. [4], the inclusion of 15% roasted Leucaena meal improved
growth in broiler chicken. Indeed, Leucaena leaves contain phenols
which possess antioxidants properties that improve digestive function
and appetite in livestock [9]. Moreover, L. leucocephala leaves when
compared to pure grass pasture signicantly increases feed intake and
live–weight gain when used as a supplement during the dry seasons [11].
Regarding reproductive characteristics, the hatch rate (94.55 ± 9.36),
hatchability (98.99 ± 3.15) and fecundation rate (95.50 ± 8.80) was
obtained in animals that received 0.75% L. leucocephala in the
diet. These results are like those of Jimoh et al. [5] in achatines
who reported that the supplementation of A.marginata snails with
Leucaena leaf meal, Gliricidia meal, Moringa meal at 16.5g·100g
as protein source resulted in a standout performance of snails
fed Leucaena–inclusive diet in terms of egg production, fertility,
hatchability, and juvenile compared to other leaves. This result
suggests the benecial ability of Leucaena to inuence reproduction
positively. Lamidi and Akilapa [12] studied different supplementary
levels of Leucaena in the diet of rabbits and noted that 10% L.
leucocephala inclusion in the diet enhanced reproductive performance
and fecundity. Leucaena leaves and seed oils have been reported
to contain avonoids and phenolic compounds such as, quercetin,
myricetin, kaempferol, catechin, caffeic acid which possess
antimicrobial, anti–inammatory, anthelmitic (worm repellant) and
antibacterial activities against gram positive–Bacillus subtilus and
gram negative–Escherichia coli [9]. These phytochemical compounds
might have improved fecundity attributes by inhibiting these bacterial
and fungal pathogens thereby creating a favorable environment in the
soil substrate during egg incubation, hence improved hatch rates and
survival rates. Highest number of eggs per clutch recorded highest
values in the control group. This result could also be justied by
Giant African Land Snail fed Leucaena leucocephala / Tchowan et al. _______________________________________________________________
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exogenous factors such as temperature, or water quality, may have
contributed to the differences in reproductive success observed
between the treatment groups.
The early (5.78 ± 1.47) and late embryo mortalities (0.941 ± 0.46) were
signicantly lowest at 0.5% and 0.75% L. leucocephala in the diet
respectively. The results are also like those of Christopher et al. [13]
who investigated the performance of adult laying A. marginata snails
supplemented with phyto–seed meal cola and revealed a reduction
in embryo mortalities with better hatching rates in the diet. The
phenolic and avonoid bioactive compounds found in L. leucocephala
leaves possess antimicrobial mechanisms involve in the disruption of
protozoal membranes, have antibacterial activities against E. coli and
anti–inammatory activities that might have improved animal health
and reduced mortalities at these inclusion levels in the diet [14, 15].
The highest late and early embryo mortalities values were recorded in
the control group (T
) and those that received 0.25% Leucaena in the
diet respectively. This might suggest nutritional inadequacies; there
might have been limited nutrients required to sustain egg viability
leading to increased embryo mortalities at these inclusion levels. The
absence of L. leucocephala supplements in the control group (T
) may
have led to increased embryo mortality rates compared to the other
treatments since diet quality remains the most important factor that
inuences animal performance under captivity [2].
It is also observed that, the highest values of breeding mortality
(13.18 ± 81) were recorded at 0.5% Leucaena in the diet. This can be
justied by the presence of mimosine, a non–protein amino acid in
L. leucocephala leaves linked to deleterious effects in the animal like
loss of appetite and reduced feed intake leading to stunted growth
and eventual mortalities.
The animals that received highest 0.75% L. leucocephala in the diet
recorded the highest values of gonadosomatic index. These results
corroborate Jimoh and Akinola [5] who reported that A. marginata
snails fed L. leucocephala inclusive diet had higher gonadosomatic
index across all treatment accompanied with better reproductive
output in laying snails. These suggest the immune–stimulating
potentials of the plant on this organ with increased leaf proportion
in the diet due to its high herb’s concentration of phenolic compounds.
Regarding egg morphometrics, egg length (14.53 ± 1.21) and width
(11.52 ± 1.43) was signicantly (P<0.05) highest in animals receiving
0.25% L. leucocephala in the diet. These results are similar to those
of Ahmed and Abdelati [16] in laying hens. These can be justied by
the immune–stimulating potentials of the leaf’s phenolic compounds
on egg width and length at this supplementary level. The results could
also be explained by the genetic makeup of the parent, the age of that
parent and before food availability for that parent [17].
The significantly (P<0.05) highest value of total cholesterol
(30.65 ± 7.53) was obtained in animals receiving 0.75% L. leucocephala
in snail diet compared to the control group (T
). Tchowan et al. [18] also
noted that increased energy level in the diet resulted in a decrease in
the total cholesterol level in the hemolymph of snails. This is justied
by the fact that L. leucocephala leaves are legumes known to be high
in crude protein (21.30%) and ber (11.20%) which helped trap–bind
with triglycerides and lipids thereby preventing its absorption [19].
Moreover, triglycerides and cholesterol have been reported to be
the least concentrated hemolymph organic substance and hence,
snails have less fat content and are good diet for patients of heart
related ailments [20].
The animals that received 0.75% L. leucocephala recorded
highest values of protein (0.70 ± 0.12) in the hemolymph. This can
be explained by the fact that L. leucocephala leaves contains
polyphenolic substances like tannins which helps decrease dry
matter digestibility thereby increasing by–pass proteins that are
present in the snail hemolymph. Also, among leguminous vegetable
sources, L. leucocephala plant is suitable to ll the deciencies
of other legume sources particularly the protein and amino acid
point of view for livestock which justies its abundance in the snail
hemolymph [1]. Moreover, these results can be justified by the
fact that L. leucocephala leaves are in high crude protein of about
21.30% [19]. Saleh et al. [21] noted that the dietary supplementation
of Thyme leaf in broiler chicken signicantly increase total protein
and globulin while Imevbore and Ademosun [22] reported that snails
are good source of protein which is the most abundant substance in
the gastropods’ hemolymph. The snails used in study were in their
adult stage which is the highest stage with highest concentration of
proteins in the hemolymph than young animals.
It can be concluded from this study that feeding giant African land
adult snail A. marginata with 0.75% inclusion level of the leguminous
plant L. leucocephala leaf meal increased the fecundation rate, hatch
rate, hatchability, and total protein in the hemolymph.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was approved by the Ethical committee of the
Department of Animal Science of the University of Dschang (ECDAS–
/FASA/DSAES) and was in conformity with the
internationally accepted standard ethical guidelines for Laboratory
animal use and care as described in the European community
guidelines; EEC Directive 86/609/EEC, of the 24
of November 1986.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
There was no funding for this study.
Authors’ contributions
Tchowan Guy Merlin
designed the study and carried out the
experimental protocol. He wrote the rst draft. Ndum Gorreti Tufoin
participates for data collection. Ngoula Ferdinand analyzed and
interpreted the results. Tchoumboué Joseph conceptualized the
study and supervised the eld. All authors read and approved the
nal manuscript.
Conict of interest statement
The authors declare that they have no conict of interest
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34393
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