Analysis result regarding the dierence between groups in terms
of osteoblastic activity and new bone formation values
Group comparisons Osteoblastic Activity New Bone Formation
Group 1 / Group 2 0,110 0,101
Group 1 / Group 3 0,001* 0,001*
Group 1 / Group 4 0,001* 0,001*
Group 2 / Group 3 0,071 0,066
Group 2 / Group 4 0,071 0,006*
Group 3 / Group 4 1,000 0,366
*: signicant at 0.05 level; Kruskal Wallis test and Dunn’s multiple comparison test
Analysis result regarding the dierence between
groups in terms of BMP–2 and BMP–4 values
Group comparisons BMP–2 BMP–4
Group 1 / Group 2 0,013* 0,004*
Group 1 / Group 3 0,005* 0,020*
Group 1 / Group 4 0,001* 0,001*
Group 2 / Group 3 0,718 0,587
Group 2 / Group 4 0,102 0,075
Group 3 / Group 4 0,203 0,020*
*: signicant at 0.05 level; Kruskal Wallis test and Dunn’s multiple comparison test
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34372
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Since the oral and maxillofacial region is in constant function, it is
constantly exposed to chemical and mechanical forces. Therefore,
studies are being carried out on many factors that stimulate recovery
in order to restore function to patients as soon as possible [14].
Especially today, systemic and local agents such as bisphosphonate
and parathyroid hormone, which reduce resorption and increase
deposition in bone, are preferred [15].
These agents used have
many side effects. For this reason, alternative drugs with similar
benets but less potential for side effects have begun to be used in
studies. While RSVL treatment stimulates osteoblastogenesis on
bone metabolism, it also inhibits osteoclastogenesis [4, 6, 7]. In the
current study, antioxidant RSVL was administered systemically to
accelerate bone healing and increase stem cell activity.
The rst in vitro study examining the effects of RSVL on the bone
formation and destruction mechanism was conducted by Mizutani
et al. [16] In this study, it was reported that RSVL activated the
proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic MC3T3–E1 cells in
vitro. In a different study, it was reported that RSVL activates the
proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast cells by increasing the
expression of genes that have a supportive effect on osteogenesis,
and that it acts on bone resorption by suppressing the activation of
genes responsible for the formation of osteoclastogenesis [17, 18].
Mobasheri and Shakibaei concluded in their study where they
evaluated the ndings obtained from in vitro studies, that RSVL
increased bone mass by activating bone formation while inhibiting
bone resorption [6]. In the in vitro study conducted by Backesjo et
al. [19], it was shown that RSVL increased osteoblast differentiation
resulting in new bone formation and inhibited adipocyte formation
and development. In the experimental study of rapid maxillary
expansion conducted to examine the effectiveness of RSVL in local
application by Uysal et al. [20], it was observed that the application
of RSVL activated new bone formation and shortened the required
retention time after the operation. Based on this, it is thought that
RSVL can be used in the treatment of bone fractures and distraction
osteogenesis. In this study, unlike the literature, it was observed that
there was no signicant difference in terms of new bone formation
and osteoblastic activity when isolated use of RSVL was compared
with the control group. In addition, it was observed that new bone
formation and osteoblastic activity were signicantly lower in the
Stem cell + Resveratrol group than in the stem cell groups.
In their studies investigating the effectiveness of RSVL on the
proliferation and differentiation of human bone marrow–derived
MSCs, Ornstrup et al. [21]
have shown that bone marrow–derived
MSCs obtained from adult donors in long–term interaction with RSVL
increased the osteoblastic activities. Although we used DPSC in our
own study, our results are similar.
In the study where Song et al. [22] examined the effects of MSCs
obtained from rat bone marrow on osteoblastic proliferation and
differentiation with the use of RSVL and cyclosporine (CsA), the
enhancing effect of RSVL on osteoblast cell differentiation and
proliferation through the nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate
(NO/cGMP) signaling pathway, it has been shown that CsA has an
inhibitory effect on osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation of MSCs
obtained from rat bone marrow. In the present study, unlike the literature,
no signicant difference was found in osteoblastic proliferation and new
bone formation in RSVL compared to the control group.
The effectiveness of RSVL on bone resorption was investigated by
Liu et al. [17]
in a rat model that underwent ovariectomy. Based on
these ndings, it was concluded that RSVL has an increasing effect on
bone density and inhibits the loss of bone calcium amount. In addition,
according to the ndings, it is thought that RSVL may play a protective
role against bone destruction caused by estrogen deciency. In order
to measure the effectiveness of RSVL on bone density in their study
on ovariectomized rats, Lin et al. [23] have shown that daily RSVL
intake activated bone formation in ovariectomized rats.
In the study conducted by Casarin et al. [3] to investigate the
effectiveness of RSVL on bone defects, the aim was to evaluate the
effects of RSVL application on the defect created in the calvarium
and on bone healing around the titanium implant. As a result, it was
reported that RSVL application increased critical size defect repair
and biomechanical resistance of titanium implants, and also positively
affected BMP–2, BMP–7 and osteopontin expression levels. Based
on these results, we think that regular use of RSVL may be a useful
supportive agent on the bone healing mechanism and in the treatment of
edentulous individuals with dental implants. Similarly, in our study, it was
determined that there was a signicant difference in BMP–2 (P=0.013)
and BMP–4 (P=0.004) expression values in the groups in which the critical
size defect opened in the tibia in which RSVL was administered at a dose
of 10 mg·kg
via oral gavage for 1 month, compared to the control group.
MSCs can be isolated from many tissues such as adipose tissue,
umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood, dental pulp, dermis, amniotic
fluid and even tumors. They can differentiate into osteoblasts,
adipocytes, chondrocytes, myoblasts and neurons [24, 25]. In particular,
their osteogenic differentiation potential is superior to other stem
cell types and therefore they are used to improve bone regeneration.