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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34362
Received: 05/12/2023 Accepted: 03/02/2024 Published: 19/05/2024
The determination of fatty acids composition of glycerolipids and
glycerophospholipids of meat from longissimus thoracis of six
breeds of lamb produced on pasture in Uruguay was undertaken
by gas chromatography. Also some lipids health indices and lipids
metabolism enzymes were determined. The studied lambs were
males aged of 11–12 months of breeds and biotypes Highlander® (H),
Merino Dohne (MD), Corriedale (C), Corriedale Pro® (CPRO), a crossing
between Corriedale × Australian Merino (C×AM) and Romney Marsh
(RM). The animals were reared on pasture in identical conditions
without supplementation. The grazing was rotational based on a
winter annual crops oats (Avena sativa spp.), cocksfoot, (Dactylis
glomerata spp.) and white clover (Trifolium repens spp.). The results
of the study did not show substantial differences between breeds
regarding the fatty acids composition of meat, except for few
relevant fatty acids such as C16:0 (MD>C), C18:3n3 (H<C) and CLA
(H<CPRO, CxAM) for glycerolipids. Also C18:1 (H>CPRO, CxAM), C18:2n6
(H<CxAM) and C18:3n3 (H<C) for glycerophospholipids. Likewise, other
differences were outlined such as the anteiso monomethyl fatty acid
content (MD<RM), the hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic
ratio (MD<C). For lipids metabolism enzymes indices, MD showed
a lower Δ–9 desaturase enzyme for C16:0 than C, CPRO and CxAM.
Also, H showed a lower Δ–6 desaturase enzyme activity than C, and
both MD and CxAM showed a lower elongase enzyme activity than C.
The results of the present investigation showed that the meat of the
lamb of the different breeds overall present good lipids nutritional
indicators, in comparison with the results of other research in lambs.
That information could help lamb producers in Uruguay to promote
their products based on scientic data.
Key words: Lamb meat; fatty acids; extensive system; pasture
Se determinó la composición en ácidos grasos de los glicerolípidos
y glicerofosfolípidos del músculo longissimus thoracis de seis razas
de corderos producidos con pasturas en Uruguay, mediante el uso de
cromatografía de gases. También se cuanticaron los ácidos grasos de
cadena ramicada monometiles iso y anteiso, y el contenido de ácidos
grasos impares de la carne. Se determinaron índices lipídicos de salud
y actividades de las enzimas del metabolismo de los ácidos grasos. Los
corderos estudiados fueron machos de 11–12 meses de razas y biotipos
Highlander® (H), Merino Dohne (MD), Corriedale (C), Corriedale Pro®
(CPRO), un cruce entre Corriedale × Australian Merino (C×AM) y Romney
Marsh (RM). Los animales fueron criados sobre pasturas en condiciones
idénticas sin suplementos. El pastoreo fue rotativo basado en una
avena de cultivos anuales de invierno (Avena sativaspp.), cocksfoot
(Dactylis glomerata spp.) y trébol blanco (Trifolium repensspp.). Los
resultados no mostraron diferencias sustanciales entre razas en
la composición en ácidos grasos de la carne, excepto por ácidos
grasos relevantes como C16:0 (MD>C), C18:3n3 (H<C) y CLA (H<CPRO,
C×AM) para glicerolípidos. También C18:1 (H>CPRO y C×AM), C18:2n6
(H<C×AM) y C18:3n3 (H< C) para glicerofosfolípidos. Asimismo, hay otras
diferencias como el contenido de ácidos grasos anteiso (RM>MD) y la
relación del índice hipocolesterolémico/hipercolesterolémico (MD<C).
Para las actividades enzimáticas del metabolismo de los ácidos grasos,
el MD mostró una menor enzima desaturasa Δ–9 para C16:0 que C,
CPRO y CxAM. Además, H mostró una menor actividad de la enzima
Δ–6 desaturasa que C, y tanto MD como CxAM mostraron una menor
actividad de la enzima elongasa que C. Los resultados mostraron
que la carne de cordero de las diferentes razas presenta en general
buenos indicadores nutricionales de lípidos, en comparación con los
resultados de otras investigaciones en corderos. Esa información
podría ayudar a los productores de corderos del Uruguay a promover
sus productos sobre la base de datos cientícos.
Palabras clave: Carne de cordero; ácidos grasos; sistema extensivo;
Fatty acids composition, lipids health indices and enzyme activities of
longissimus thoracis muscle of six breeds of sheep produced on pasture in
Northern region of Uruguay
Ácidos grasos, índices lipídicos de salud y actividades enzimáticas en el musculo longissimus
thoracis, de seis razas de corderos producidos sobre pasturas en el norte de Uruguay
Maria Helena Guerra
, Maria Cristina Cabrera
* , Juan Franco
, Oscar Bentancur
, Ali Saadoun
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento de Producción Animal & Pasturas. EEFAS, Salto, Uruguay.
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento de Producción Animal & Pasturas, Laboratorio Calidad de Alimentos & Productos. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Ciencias, Fisiología & Nutrición. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento de Producción Animal & Pasturas. EEMAC, Paysandú, Uruguay.
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento de Biometría, Estadística y Computación. EEMAC, Paysandú, Uruguay.
*Corresponding authors:;
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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Sheep (Ovis aries) meat is since thousands of years, a valuable food
for human nutrition [1] Sheep meat is available in many Countries,
often produced and consumed locally. Approximatively 82% of sheep
breed in the World are local breed well adapted to their particular
biotope, most of them fed local pasture [2]. However, there are also
commercial breeds that are the basis of the international sheep
meat trade, often associated to wool trade. Sheep meat provides to
consumers protein, lipids, minerals (particularly iron and zinc), and
vitamins, all of them necessary to an adequate growth and metabolism
function at all ages. Lipids, through their fatty acids composition, are
particularly relevant since they are associated with some chronic
diseases. Indeed, ruminant meat from sheep or lamb contains
glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids composed by saturated fatty
acids (SAT), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated
fatty acids (PUFA). Some of SAT are associated with the occurrence
of cardiovascular pathologies and cancer in human, meanwhile MUFA
seems to have benecial effects on health [3]. For other part, PUFA
such as linoleic acid and α–linolenic acid are essential for human
nutrition and metabolism, which means that they have to be present
in the diet. The latter is precursor for the biosynthesis of EPA (C20:5n3)
and DHA (C22:6n3), two n–3 fatty acids involved in the protection against
cardiovascular diseases and cancer in human.
In Uruguay, sheep production is based on pasture and constitutes a
relevant part for the meat market and the economical scheme of the
Country. Various sheep breeds and crossing are present and producers
have been always interested to improve their knowledge about the
breeds that they produce, mainly in genetically aspects linked to the
wool quality. The main breed present in Uruguay is the Corriedale (42%
of total sheep breeds), because of its dual purpose characteristics to
produce wool and meat. However, in the last few years, the incomes
of sheep producers in Uruguay become depending much more to the
meat, for both domestic and international trade, than wool one. This
is probably due to the relatively better stability of international sheep
meat market, compared to the wool market and the positive future
perspective of sheep meat trade in the region [4]. In consequence,
producers become now interested to known the nutritional quality of
the sheep meat that they produce, to help themselves promote their
products, mainly in the international sheep meat market. Therefore,
the present study has been undertaken to known the fatty acids
composition of meat obtained from six breeds and crossing produced in
Uruguay, including Corriedale, and fed exclusively with pasture. Some of
those breeds have been recently introduced in the country and scarce
or no information, in our knowledge; about the nutritional values of
their meat could be sourced in the scientic literature. Furthermore,
the study will generate information about some lipid health indices for
consumers, and fatty acid metabolism indices related to the enzymes
desaturases, elongases and thioesterases.
Animals and feeding
The meat studied in the work come from males of six breed
produced in Uruguay on extensive system condition based on pasture.
(H, n=15; slaughtered at 54.38 ± 4.45 kg of body weight,
339 ± 6.7 days of age). H is a composite breed (½ Romney, ¼
Texeland ¼ Finnish Landrace) introduced in Uruguay on year 2005.
Merino Dohne (MD, n=11; slaughtered at 55.05 ± 3.72 kg of body
weight, 341 ± 5.8 days of age), a dual purpose breed originated in
South Africa and introduced in Uruguay from Australia on year 2002.
Corriedale (C, n=11; slaughtered at 50.3 ± 5.35 kg of body weight,
339 ± 4.83 days of age), a dual purpose breed obtained by crossing
Merino and Lincoln breeds in Australia and New Zealand around
the years 1874–1880. C was introduced in Uruguay on 1916.
Corriedale Pro
(CPRO, n= 15; slaughtered at 46.54 ± 5.53 kg
of body weight,341 ± 7.57 days of age), CPRO is a composite
crossbreed developed in Uruguay, based on a crossing of
Freisian Milchschaf (25%) with Finnish Landrace (25%) and
C (50%). CPRO has been developed principally to improve the
prolicacy without the loss of double purpose attribute of C.
A crossbreed between Corriedale and Australian Merino breed
(C×AM, n=15; slaughtered at 48.18 ± 7.04 kg of body weight,
334 ± 10.1 days of age). C×AM has been developed in Uruguay
to improve the resistance to the gastrointestinal parasitism.
6. The last breed used in the study was Romney Marsh (RM, n=4;
slaughtered at 48.92 ± 6.82 kg of body weight, 335 ± 2.5 days of
age). RM is a dual purpose breed, developed in England, and
introduced in Uruguay on year 1896. Although only 4 animals RM
were obtained from producers, the results of the experiment
with those animals have been anyway included in the study,
taking into account the long presence of that breed in the
productive scheme of the country and the lack of nutritional
information of RM meat produced in Uruguay.
Animals were maintained in the facilities of the Experimental
Station of the Faculty of Agronomy (Udelar) in Paysandú – Uruguay,
following the regulations of the University's ethics committee. The
investigation has been approved by the Honorary Commission
for Animal Experimentation (CHEA, Universidad de la República,
Udelar, Uruguay), recorded as protocol number 1401. Furthermore,
the investigation has been also approved by the Ethical Commission
for the Use of Animals (CEUA, CENUR, Udelar).
Animals have grazed pasture, without any supplementation, with
a maximum animal density of 6 sheeps by hectare, and rotated
in paddocks of 15 hectares. The animals were reared on pasture,
in groups separated by breed. Pasture (P1) consisted by a winter
annual crops oats (Avena sativa spp.) with the availability of forage of
2,743 kg DM·ha
, that pasture has been used in a rotational grazing.
Furthermore, the lamb grazed another pasture (P2) principally
constituted by cocksfoot, (Dactylis glomerata spp.) and white clover
(Trifolium repens spp.) with an availability of forage of 2,756 kg DM·ha
All groups have been concomitantly transferred between P1 and P2
and inversely, depending of the availability of forage. For the sampling
and the estimation of available forage and botanical composition in the
grazing area, the cutting method "Sample Sward–cutting techniques"
and Botanal was used [5]. The lipids and fatty acid composition of
pasture was presented in TABLE I.
The lambs were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse
(Certied Food Standard, Grade A, Certication Body LSQA S.A. for
exportation by BRC Global Standard). At 72 hours post mortem the
longissimus thoracis muscle (between 9th and 12th vertebrate) was
withdraw, vacuum packaged and stored at -20°C, until analysed.
Lipid content (% of dry matter) and fatty acids composition of glycerolipids and
glycerophospholipids (g·100 g
fatty acids) of pastures grazed by lambs
Pasture P1 Pasture P2
(Avena sativa)
(Trifolium repens)
(Dactylis glomerata)
Undened Pasture
Lipids 3.38 ± 0.03 2.10 ± 0.02 3.65 ± 0.03 3.25 ± 0.03
Glycerolipids fatty acids
C14:0 1.47 ± 0.71 1.26 ± 0.79 0.61 ± 0.06 0.65 ± 0.13
C16:0 16.9 ± 0.69 13.8 ± 0.57 15.00 ± 0.42 18.70 ± 0.63
C16:1 1.49 ± 0.06 1.51 ± 0.06 2.64 ± 0.24 2.49 ± 0.05
C18:0 1.92 ± 0.02 2.07 ± 0.08 1.18 ± 0.11 2.08 ± 0.03
C18:1 2.92 ± 0.10 3.35 ± 0.56 1.79 ± 0.04 2.83 ± 0.09
C18:2n6 8.88 ± 0.36 22.40 ± 0.68 10.3 ± 0.10 13.40 ± 0.16
C18:3n3 49.20 ± 1.41 45.60 ± 1.06 60.5 ± 0.65 50.00 ± 1.18
C20:0 0.58 ± 0.13 1.80 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.01 0.95 ± 0.37
C22:0 2.51 ± 0.19 2.47 ± 0.78 0.81 ± 0.03 1.17 ± 0.07
C24:0 3.74 ± 0.20 0.78 ± 0.12 1.29 ± 0.07 0.98 ± 0.07
Unidentied fatty acids 10.40 ± 1.38 4.91 ± 0.66 5.67 ± 1.22 6.68 ± 0.34
Glycerophospholipids fatty acids
C14:0 0.12 ± 0.02 0.17 ± 0.03 0.08 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.02
C16:0 16.40 ± 0.48 12.40 ± 1.40 13.20 ± 0.54 17.20 ± 0.55
C16:1 1.97 ± 0.25 1.94 ± 0.14 1.72 ± 0.22 3.18 ± 0.19
C18:0 1.10 ± 0.07 1.48 ± 0.12 0.88 ± 0.05 1.19 ± 0.01
C18:1 2.11 ± 0.04 2.42 ± 0.46 1.33 ± 0.06 2.36 ± 0.09
C18:2n6 7.06 ± 0.34 13.4 ± 1.05 7.28 ± 0.09 12.00 ± 0.04
C18:3n3 51.00 ± 0.80 54.50 ± 4.31 66.70 ± 1.15 54.40 ± 2.18
C20:0 0.48 ±0.05 1.67 ± 0.71 0.31 ± 0.08 1.06 ± 0.45
C22:0 3.52 ± 0.24 4.56 ± 0.76 1.13 ± 0.15 1.59 ± 0.12
C24:0 4.52 ± 0.56 1.52 ± 0.11 1.65 ± 0.32 1.27 ± 0.19
Unidentied fatty acids 11.60 ± 1.41 5.94 ± 0.89 5.61 ± 1.25 5.60 ± 1.89
Data are mean ± SEM of three samples of pasture. Animals have been concomitantly transferred between P1 and P2 and inversely,
depending of the availability of forage
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34362
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Analytical determination
The plant lipids were determined on a dry ground sample, dried at
105°C for 6 hours in a forced air dryer. Lipids of three replicates of
10 g were extracted by Soxhlet method (AOAC Method 945.16), using
hexane (Carlo Erba, France, HPLC grade) as extraction solvent. The
intramuscular lipids were extracted according to Folch et al. [6].
Briey, a sample of 4 grams of meat of longissimus thoracis muscle
(free of dissectible visible fat) was homogenized at 25.000 rpm with
an IKA T25 homogenizer (IKA Brandt, Sweden) during 1 min with
80mL of chloroform: methanol 2:1, (Baker brand HPLC grade, USA).
Afterward, the homogenate was ltered on fritted funnel (Fisher
brand, graduation M, USA), transferred to a separating funnel, mixed
by shaking and inverting for one minute and decanted overnight.
The lower phase (chloroform containing lipids) was recuperated in
a glass balloon (Fisher Brand, USA), evaporated at 45°C with a light
vacuum in a Rotavapor (IKA basic, Sweden). The balloon was dried
in an oven at 35°C for 60 min and cooled at ambient temperature
overnight in a vacuum desiccator protected from light. The balloon
was weighted at 0.0001 g. to determine the percentage of lipids
of each sample. The methylation of fatty acids from glycerolipids
fraction followed the procedure described by Ichihara et al. [7]. That
procedure target the fatty acids from triacylglycerols as well as those
from phospholipids, both associated to a glycerol backbone. For the
selective methylation of fatty acids from glycerophospholipids (polar
glycerolipids), the procedure described by Ichihara et al. [8] has been
used. The determination of fatty acids by gas chromatography followed
a procedure using fused–silica capillary column CPSIL–88 of 100 m
installed in a split/split less chromatograph Clarus 500 (Perkin Elmer
Instruments, USA) with a FID detector. The samples injection was done
using an autosampler from the same manufacturer. Oneµl of each
methylated sample was injected with a split ratio of 50%. Hydrogen
(Brand Linden, Uruguay, purity of 99.9995%) was used as carrier
gas having a ratio air/H
of 350 mL/35 mL. Filtered air was proven
by compressor GAST model 3HBB–11T–M300AX (USA). The thermal
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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conditions were: Injector/detector temperatures 250°C/250°C,
oven held at 90°C for one minute after the injection of the sample.
The split valve was open 30 seconds after injection. Afterward the
oven temperature was increased to 225°C at 15°C·min
. Fatty acids
methylated esters (FAMEs) were determined comparing the retention
time of authentic standards and the 37 component FAME standard
mixture (Sigma–Aldrich, USA). Individuals FAME were quantied as
a percentage of total detected FAMEs. The integration of signal has
been conducted on Total Chrome software from Perkin Elmer (USA).
Calculus of health indices
The calculus of health indices was performed from the data of fatty
acid composition of glycerolipids. The following indices were calculated:
Indice of atherogenicity (AI): Compute the relationship between
the sum of the main saturated fatty acids (pro–atherogenic)
and the unsaturated (anti–atherogenic) fatty acids [9]. It was
calculated as follows:
AI = (4 × C14:0 + C16:0) / [ MUFA + (n–6) + (n–3) ]
Indices of thrombogenicity (TI): Estimate the potential to form
clots in the blood vessels [9], determined by the relationship
between the pro–thrombogenic and the anti–thrombogenic fatty
acids (Sum of MUFA and PUFA). It was calculated as follows:
IT= (C14:0 + C16:0 + C18:0) / [0.5 × MUFA + 0.5 × (n–6) + 3 ×
(n–3) + (n–3) / (n–6)]
Hypocholesterolemic/Hypercholesterolemic ratio (h/H): Compute
the relation between unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA)
and the saturated fatty acids 14:0 and 16:0. The h/H ratio was
calculated according to Fernández et al. [10] as follows:
h/H = (C14:1 + C16:1 + C18:1 + C20:1 + C22:1 + C18:2 + C18:3 + C20:3
+ C20:4 + C20:5 + C22:4 + C22:5 + C22:6) / (C14:0 + C16:0)
Enzyme activity indices
The enzyme activity of desaturases, elongase and thioesterase
was estimated by relating the amount of the specic substrate to
the corresponding product of the respective enzyme. The calculus of
those indices was performed from the data of fatty acid composition
of glycerolipids. The calculated ratios were 16:1n–7 to 16:0 and 18:1n9
to 18:0, and their sum, for the activity of stearoyl–CoA desaturase
(Δ–9–desaturase). The Δ–5 desaturase and Δ–6 desaturase were used
as an index for the estimation of catalyzing the formation of long chain
n–6 and n–3 starting from the corresponding precursor C18:2n6 and
C18:3n3, respectively. Also, the ratio 18:0 to 16:0 was calculated to
estimate the elongase activity. The thioesterase was estimated as
the ratio of C16:0 to C14:0.These indices can be used as surrogates
of the measure of the true enzyme activities [11].
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Results were analysed by ANOVA
one way to compare six genotypes, and post hoc Tukey–Kramer Test
(P<0.05), using the NCSS 12 Statistical Software (2018, NCSS, LLC.
Kaysville, Utah, USA,
In addition, a principal component analysis (PCA) on the
standardized variables at unit scale, associated to human health as
intramuscular fat content (lipids), and C14:0, C16:0, C17:0ai,C18:3n3,
CLA, BCFAai and BCFAi of the total fatty acids were conducted to
evaluate the relative differences of the meat samples in these lipid
prole among breeds.
Another principal component analysis (PCA) on the variables
associated to structure of membrane as C16:0, C16:1, C18:1, C18:2n6,
C18:3n3 C20:4n6, EPA, DPA, DHA in glycerophospholipids fraction to
evaluate if the breeds present differences. Variables were graphed
in a biplot with different colour related their contribution and the
distribution of observations were graphed in a biplot using ellipses
with 95% condence interval. Statistical analysis was conducted
using the PCA functionof the package FactoMineR for the principal
components analysisin the R software version 4.2.2 (R Core Team,
2022). To visualize de PCA results, thefactoextra package in the R
software was used.
The intramuscular fats content is perhaps one of the most relevant
parameters, principally thought their fatty acids composition, when
the nutritional quality has to be considered to characterize ruminant
meat. Thus, depending of their specic fatty acids composition,
lipids in meat could affect positively or negatively the health of
consumers. Indeed, they could respond positively to the nutritional
requirement for growth and metabolism at all ages of consumers,
but they could inuence negatively the human health thought the
occurrence of cardiovascular and cancer diseases [3, 12]. However,
for most consumers, the content of lipids expressed as g of total lipids
by 100 g of meat is perceived as a key indicator to classify the meat
products, as well as other foods, in regard to their incidence on health.
In the present work, the comparison between the different breeds
showed lipids contents ranged between 2.39–4.49 g of lipids by 100 g of
meat. Signicant differences have been observed only between C×AM
and H (TABLE II). Limited information was available in the scientic
literature, for comparison, about the fat content of C×AM and H.
However, Jalloul et al. [13] report low lipid content in H lamb ranged
between 1.07–1.18 g of lipids by 100 g of meat from longissimus thoracis.
Nevertheless, lambs were housed in small pens and fed corn, citrus
pulp, rice bran or soybean hulls. Thus, the difference of weight at
slaughtering (30 kg versus 54 kg in our experiment) or the kind of feed
offered to animals, or both, could explain the different fat content of
meat. Regarding the other breeds studied in the present investigation,
for C, lipids content reported in meat obtained in similar conditions in
Uruguay showed levels around 3.65 g of lipids by 100g of meat [14].
In the case of the present experiment, meat was from longissimus
thoracis while in the work of Lucas [14], meat was from longissimus
lumborum. In both experiments, animals were of similar age and
fed pasture in extensive production system. Another experiment
in extensive condition of Uruguay compared C lamb produced on
pasture, but at two different ages. Results showed that there are
difference in lipids content of meat of 3.05 versus 5.92 g by 100 g of
meat from longissimus thoracis, at 3–4 months and 12–13 months,
respectively [15]. The higher content of lipids, compared to the
reported in our experiment, could be explained by the nature of
pasture, probably more than by the difference of ages between the
two works, that is, 12–13 months versus 11–12 months in our work.
However, Diaz et al [15] do not reported, the composition of pastures
offered to the animals.
Lipids content (% of wet tissue) and fatty acids composition (g·100 g
fatty acids) of glycerolipids present
in Longissimus thoracis muscle from lambs of dierent breeds produced on pasture
Lipids 2.39
± 0.18 3.21
± 0.44 3.46
± 0.30 4.17
± 0.40 4.25
± 0.33 4.49
± 1.01 0.009
Saturated Fatty acids (SAT)
C14:0 2.52 ± 0.23 3.46 ± 0.36 2.43 ± 0.20 3.04 ± 0.34 3.10 ± 0.28 2.45 ± 0.47 NS
C15:0i 0.12 ± 0.01 0.14 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.02 NS
C15:0ai 0.16 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.01 0.16 ± 0.01 0.15 ± 0.01 0.14 ± 0.03 NS
C15:0 0.51 ± 0.04 0.59 ± 0.04 0.50 ± 0.03 0.55 ± 0.03 0.51 ± 0.04 0.46 ± 0.08 NS
C16:0i 0.16 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.01 0.16 ± 0.01 0.15 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.03 NS
C16:0 24.0
± 1.03 26.10
± 1.43 21.20
± 0.78 23.00
± 0.89 24.40
± 0.92 21.10
±0.62 0.02
C17:0i 0.48 ± 0.04 0.39 ± 0.05 0.49 ± 0.04 0.52 ± 0.03 0.48 ± 0.03 0.55 ± 0.05 NS
C17:0ai 0.47
± 0.03 0.35
± 0.06 0.51
± 0.04 0.50
± 0.03 0.52
± 0.02 0.58
± 0.02 0.01
C17:0 1.50
± 0.06 1.35
± 0.08 1.67
± 0.06 1.59
± 0.04 1.47
± 0.05 1.57
± 0.12 0.03
C18:0 20.4
± 0.72 18.9
± 0.33 21.10
± 0.50 18.90
± 0.62 18.3
± 0.62 20.8
± 0.97 0.01
C20:0 0.10 ± 0.01 0.10 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.02 NS
C22:0 0.02 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 NS
Ʃ SAT 49.30 ± 1.08 50.90 ± 1.58 47.30 ± 0.92 47.40 ± 0.77 48.10 ± 1.03 47.10 ± 0.87 NS
Monounsaturated Fatty acids (MUFA)
C16:1 1.77
± 0.11 1.57
± 0.10 1.80
± 0.09 2.04
± 0.07 2.10
± 0.11 1.87
± 0.11 0.004
C17:1 0.83 ± 0.04 0.72 ± 0.04 0.81 ± 0.03 0.80 ± 0.03 0.78 ± 0.03 0.78 ± 0.07 NS
C18:1 40.20 ± 0.62 38.40 ± 0.56 40.00 ± 0.60 39.90 ± 0.49 39.60 ± 0.65 40.00 ± 0.82 NS
Ʃ MUFA 42.80 ± 0.68 40.80 ± 0.63 42.60 ± 0.61 42.80 ± 0.56 42.50 ± 0.70 42.70 ± 0.91 NS
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
C18:2n6 3.14 ± 0.24 3.52 ± 0.42 3.87 ± 0.23 3.62 ± 0.27 3.48 ± 0.18 3.81 ± 0.24 NS
C18:3n3 0.77
± 0.09 0.96
± 0.12 1.21
± 0.12 1.04
± 0.11 1.04
± 0.07 1.14
± 0.11 0.05
CLA 0.61
± 0.12 0.87
± 0.16 0.99
± 0.11 1.15
± 0.13 1.15
± 0.09 1.24
± 0.19 0.008
C20:3n6 0.09
± 0.02 0.14
± 0.03 0.21
± 0.03 0.14
± 0.02 0.17
± 0.02 0.18
± 0.05 0.01
C20:3n3 0.21 ± 0.06 0.37 ± 0.11 0.43 ± 0.07 0.34 ± 0.07 0.32 ± 0.05 0.33 ± 0.08 NS
C20:4n6 0.12 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.03 0.22 ± 0.06 NS
EPA 0.02 ± 0.00 0.02 ± 0.00 0.02 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 NS
DPA 0.46 ± 0.07 0.33 ± 0.05 0.36 ± 0.04 0.41 ± 0.06 0.29 ± 0.03 0.26 ± 0.04 NS
DHA 0.08 ± 0.05 0.04 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.08 NS
Ʃ PUFA 4.89 ± 0.43 5.56 ± 0.74 6.41 ± 0.52 5.76 ± 0.51 5.53 ± 0.35 6.06 ± 0.45 NS
Unidentied Fatty Acids
1.26 ± 0.17 0.98 ± 0.19 1.45 ± 0.11 1.63 ± 0.16 1.48 ± 0.19 1.78 ± 0.21
Data are mean ± SEM. H=Highlander, MD=Merino Dohne, C=Corriedale, CPRO=Corriedale PRO, C×AM=Corriedale × Australian Merino, RM=Romney
Marsh. For each fatty acid, mean values bearing dierent low case letters are signicantly dierent.
P = Signicance level. NS = non–signicant. i = iso,
ai = anteiso, EPA=C20:5n3, DPA=C22:5n3, DHA=C22:6n3
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Fatty acids of glycerolipids
Regarding the fatty acids composition of glycerolipids, in the case of
SAT there is differences between the breeds for C16:0, C17:0 anteiso,
C17:0 and C18:0 (TABLE II). C16:0 showed a higher content for MD
compared to C. The fatty acid C16:0 (palmitic acid), among all SAT,
is considered an atherogenic fatty acid and promotes inammation
[16]. Thus its consumption is advised to be reduced but not avoided
because of its important physiological role in lipids metabolism,
particularly in neonate and infants [17]. As stated by those authors,
both deciency and excess of palmitic acid in diet are detrimental for
health. Probably this concept could be valid at all age. In the breeds
studied in the present work, the level of C16:0 in meat ranged 21.1–26.1
g·100 g
fatty acids. Those levels are of the same order detected in
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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meat from longissimus thoracis of lamb from different breeds produced
in other countries. Indeed, Cadavez et al. [18] working on various local
Iberian breeds produced in different rearing systems, that is extensive,
semi–extensive and intensive, showed for C16:0 a level in g·100 g
fatty acids ranged between 19.9–24.7. Diaz et al. [15] compared meat
from longissimus dorsi, in its thoracis part, of different lamb breeds
produced in typical production system of Spain, United Kingdom,
Germany and Uruguay. In that investigation, the composition for C16:0
expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids showed levels ranged 22.5–24.7. In
the same investigation the breed evaluated in Uruguay was C produced
in two systems. One of them, called heavy lamb, consisted in animals
aged of 12–13 months and the other, called light lamb; the animals
were aged of 3–4 months. However, the levels of palmitic acids were
of 24.66% and 24.73% in heavy lamb and light lambs, respectively. This
apparent stability of contents of palmitic acid in meat, is probably due
to the fact that the intake in this fatty acid and the lipogenesis de novo
for the same, act together to maintain a stable level of palmitic acid
in tissues, even when the animals are of different ages as reported by
Diaz et al. [15], for C lamb produced on pasture in Uruguay.
Another fatty acid, the anteiso C17:0ai is present in the meat of the
six breeds (C17:0ai, TABLE II), showed a level, expressed as g/100g
fatty acids of all detected fatty acids, ranged 0.35–0.58. However,
only meat from MD presented a signicant lower level for this fatty
acid, in comparison to the other breeds. This fatty acid is mainly
synthesized during the microbial fermentation processes in the rumen,
and consequently is typical of ruminant milk and meat products. Also,
its amount in meat seems to be inuenced by the level of fattening
of lamb when fed pasture [19]. However, in our work, although there
is difference between the breeds regarding their fattening, there
is not a clear relationship between lipids content in meat and level
of anteiso C17:0 (TABLE II). It could be explained by the differences
in the experimental conditions, that is kind of muscles, breeds and
pastures. There is limited information about the nutritional importance
in human health of anteiso C17:0. However, in the report of Vahmani
et al. [20], the C17ai fails to present anti–carcinogenic properties in
cultured MCF 7 cells, a mammary human cancer established cell line.
In that investigation it is rather the iso C17:0 (C17:0i) which presents a
signicant anti–carcinogenic effect in the same cell line MCF 7. Those
promissory fatty acids, and their potential effects on human health,
warrant future investigations to rene their action against some
diseases [21]. In the same way, the odd fatty acids C17:0 presented
values ranged 1.35–1.67 when expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids
(TABLEII). The breed C showed more C17:0 than MD breed (TABLEI).
These contents were higher than those reported by Diaz et al. [15] using
lambs from C breed produced on pasture in Uruguay, but slaughtered
at different ages. However, the rearing conditions were very close to
those followed in our experiment.
The combined effect on consumers health of odd and branched
fatty acids detected in our experiment will be presented in Monomethyl
branched and odd fatty acids point of the present discussion.
Another fatty acid, the C18:0, showed a higher content for C than
C×AM. The level for C18:0 observed in our experiment ranged 18.3–21.1,
being quantitatively the second saturated fatty acid present in meat
of lambs (TABLE II). The value of C18:0 reported in our work are of the
same order of those reported by Lucas et al. [14] and Ramos et al.
[22], even when crossbreed animals were used in those experiments.
However, in the work of Cadavez et al. [18], working on Iberian local
breed of lambs aged around 4–4.5 months and produced in different
typical extensive, semi–extensive and intensive systems of Spain and
Portugal, reported a level expressed in g·100 g
fatty acids ranged
12.3–15.4. This lower level of C18:0 reported in that investigation could
be due to the age of animals. But in another work comparing C lamb
of 3–4 months with others aged of 11–13 months, showed levels of
C18:0, in one part close of those observed in our work, and for other
part no difference has been detected between the animals of the
two ages [15]. Therefore, those differences could be attributable to
the breeds used in those experiments.
In relation to the human health effect when C18:0 is consumed,
it has been dened that these fatty acids have a neutral fatty acid
regarding the cardiovascular diseases. However, there are some
recent reports that point a potential negative effect for human
health. This controversial situation must be clarified in future
investigation [16, 23].
In the case of MUFA, the C16:1 presented a signicant difference
between CPRO and C×AM versus MD. The levels of this fatty acid,
expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids of all detected fatty acids, ranged
1.57–2.10 (TABLE II). Those levels are of the same order as those
reported in the experiment of Diaz et al. [15], Ramos et al. [22],
Lucas et al. [14] and close or slightly lower to the levels observed
by Cadavez et al. [18], even when different productive systems and
breeds were used.
The fatty acid C16:1 has been proposed as lipokine, principally
when it is endogenously synthesized. For other part, the positive
health effect for humans, when foods enriched with C16:1 were
consumed, is not so clearly demonstrated and the information remains
controversial [24].
Regarding the PUFA, the level of C18:3n3 expressed as g·100 g
acids ranged 0.77–1.21, and the C have more C18:3n3 than H (TABLE II).
In comparison with results from other reports, this fatty acid is present
with levels of the same order than those reported by Ramos et al. [22],
and slightly lower than values reported by Lucas et al. [14]. However, the
levels of C18:3n3 in our work were lower to those reported by Diaz et al.
[15], particularly when C is highlighted. Indeed, in that investigation, C
aged of 3–4 months and others of 11–14 months present levels of C18:3n3
approximately almost three times those detected in the present work.
It could be due to the pasture quality offered to the animals, since the
productive system was extensive in both experiments. As expected, in
the work of Cadavez et al. [18] the animals reared in extensive system
present a higher content of C18:3n3 in comparison to those reared in
a semi–extensive or an intensive system.
The fatty acid C18:3n3 (α–linolenic acid) is an essential fatty acid
precursor of other valuables fatty acids of n–3 family. It is known to
have favourable effect on health of consumers, directly or after its
conversion to C20:5n3 (EPA) and C22:6n3 (DHA). Those three fatty
acids have protective effects against cardiovascular diseases, cancer
and probably some neurodegenerative diseases [16]. Thus, meat
of lamb of our experiment could be considered as a good source
of C18:3n3. Unfortunately, the level of EPA and DHA detected in
meat of the lamb of our experiment is not so high to consider it as
relevant (TABLE II). The cause of the low level of those fatty acids
will be considered in our future investigations.
Another fatty acid, CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid), showed levels
expressed as g·100 g
of fatty acids ranged 0.61–1.24, and CPRO and
C×AM presented levels higher than H (TABLE II). Those levels in CLA
were of the same order than in the work of Diaz et al. [15] working with
different breeds produced in Europe and Uruguay. In that experiment,
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only lamb from Spain showed a lower content of CLA compared to the
other breeds used in the experiment. The levels of CLA observed in our
work were also in accord with those reported by Ramos et al. [22], even
when the animals were dietary supplemented with different levels of
protein. In other part, the levels of CLA observed in the present work
were also in accord with those reported by Lucas et al. [14].
The CLA was a typical fatty acids present in relevant amount in
ruminant meat and milk. The health effect of intake of CLA in human
has been associated with antitumor action, anti–obesity, and other
benecial effects such as effects against cardiovascular diseases [25].
Fatty acids of glycerophospholipids
For SAT, the fatty acid C17:0 showed levels expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids ranged 0.95–1.31. The breed H presented a higher content
than RM for this fatty acid (TABLE III).
There are no differences for total SAT for the breeds used in our
work (TABLE III). For other part, the comparison of our results to
other reports showed that the level of C16:0 was in the same order
to the results reported by Aurousseau et al. [26] and slightly higher
compared to the results reported by Popova [27], in both experiments
animals were fed pasture. However, our results for this fatty acid
were higher compared to the results reported by Garcia et al. [28]. In
this last work, the use of animals from Merino breed typical for wool
production, could explain that differences. Furthermore, the lambs
were fed shrub grass steppes which could also explain this result.
For the C18:0, the levels expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids reported
by Popova [27] were of the same order that those observed in our
work. However, the level of C18:0 reported by Aurousseau et al. [26]
and Garcia et al. [28] were lower when compared to our own results
for this fatty acid (TABLE III). As expressed before, differences due
to the breed or pasturage, or both, could explain those results.
For MUFA, C17:1 presented level expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids
ranged 0.71–1.30. RM presented a higher level compared to CPRO and
C×AM (TABLE III). There are scarse results for the content of this fatty
acid in lamb meat in the scientic literature. However, Garcia et al.
[28] reported approximately three times more C17:1, expressed in
g·100 g
fatty acids, in comparison to our results.
In the case of C18:1, the levels expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids
ranged 31.7–37.2 and H presented a higher level than CPRO and C×AM
(TABLE III). Those levels are of the same order to those reported by
Aurousseau et al. [26] and Popova [27], by much higher compared
to the results of Garcia et al. [28]. The same explanation proposed
before, to explain the differences between our results and those of
Garcia et al. [28], could be proposed again here. That is, lambs were
Merino, typical breed for wool production, fed shrub grass steppes.
For PUFA, the fatty acid C18:2n6 presented a level expressed as
g·100 g
of fatty acids ranged 8.92–13.5 (TABLE III). The C exhibit
more C18:3n3 than H (TABLE III). This range of levels was of the same
order than the levels reported by Aurousseau et al. [26] and Garcia
et al. [28], but lower than those reported by Popova [27]. In our work
C×AM exhibit more C18:2n6 in comparison to H. This fatty acid is the
most represented in tissue glycerophospholipids, and is the essential
precursor of other fatty acids of the n–6 family, as for example the
C20:4n6 (arachidonic acid). At the same time this last is a prevalent
precursor of many pro–inammatory eicosanoids, leukotrienes,
thromboxanes, among others biomarkers of inammation [16].
In the case of the C18:3n3, the levels observed in our work ranged
2.29–4.71 when expressed as g·100 g
of fatty acids. This range of
levels was of the same order or even slightly higher than the levels
reported in other investigations [26, 27, 28]. Naturally, in those
experiments the animals were fed pasture or shrub grass steppes
[28]. The favourable effect on health of consumers for these fatty
acids has been presented in point “Fatty acids of glycerolipids” above.
Another fatty acid that showed differences between the breeds used
in our work was the 20:3n6 (TABLE III). The same exhibited levels
expressed as g·100 g
of fatty acids ranged 0.36–0.85, and C showed
more 20:3n6 than H (TABLE III). The values detected in our work were
of the same order than those reported by Popova [27] and Garcia et
al. [28] with lamb fed pasture. This fatty acid has been implicated, not
alone but concomitantly with other n–6 fatty acids, in the prevalence
of higher severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients
with depression [3]. Furthermore, other pathologies linked to the
inammatory process could have relation with the metabolism of this
fatty acid [29]. Taking into account the levels of these fatty acids in
lamb meat and its effect on human health, as described above, it could
be interesting and important to consider it as relevant fatty acids to
be considered in future investigations on lamb meat.
Finally, although there is a not difference between the breeds for
glycerophospholipids for C20:4n6, EPA, DPA and DHA, the Authors of
the present work think justied to compare the levels of those fatty
acids obtained in our work, to levels reported elsewhere. Indeed,
taking into account the nutritional importance of these fatty acids for
human health [30, 31], it will be interesting to evaluate the contents
of those fatty acids in meat of lamb produced on pasture in Uruguay.
For C20:4n6 fatty acid, the levels recorded in the work expressed as
g/100 g fatty acids ranged 1.29–3.15 (TABLE III). Those values were
lower than the reported by Aurousseau et al. [26] and Garcia et al.
[28]. In the case of work of Popova [27], the value reported were
substantially more elevated compared to our work and those cited
before, that is 8.23% and 7.21% for muscles longissimus lumborum
and semimembranosus, respectively. Consumption by human of
elevated amount of C20:4n6 is not advised, because this fatty acid
is a precursor of prostanoids of series 2, leukotrienes of series 4,
and many other eicosanoids, all of them promoting inammation and
causing vasodilatation. This fatty acid also could elevate the risk of
hypertension and arteriosclerosis [16, 32].
For EPA, the levels detected in our work ranged 0.22–0.45 g·100 g
(TABLE III), while the values reported by Aurousseau et al. [26] were of
4.1, and 8.23 for Popova [27], both results expressed as g/100 g fatty
acids. However, in the work of Garcia et al. [28] the level of EPA was of
1.60 expressed as g·100 g
fatty acids. For DPA, Aurousseau et al. [26]
and Garcia et al. [28] reported level of 1.10 and 1.35 as g·100 g
of fatty
acids, respectively. In the case of Popova [27], the reported content in
DPA was of 3.28 for longissimus lumborum and 2.76 for semitendinosus,
both expressed as g·100 g
of fatty acids. For the DHA, in the current
work the observed levels were ranged 0.26–0.35 expressed as g·100 g
of fatty acids. In comparison with the report of Popova [27], the levels
were 0.74 and 0.57 as g·100 g
of fatty acids, for longissimus lumborum
and semitendinosus, respectively. In the case of Garcia et al. [28], the
reported levels were 0.56. In the work of Aurousseau et al. [26] the
amount of DHA in meat of lamb was not reported.
The levels of those valuables n–3 PUFA in glycerophospholipids,
that is EPA, DPA and DHA detected in our work clearly present a
lower content in comparison to other reports previously cited. Those
differences could be explained, on one hand, by the environmental
Fatty acids composition (g·100 g
fatty acids) of glycerophospholipids present in Longissimus
thoracis muscle from lambs of dierent breeds produced on pasture
Saturated Fatty Acids (SAT)
C16:0 22.50 ± 1.38 20.10 ± 1.51 18.80 ± 1.45 19.50 ± 1.49 18.60 ± 1.09 17.40 ± 1.61 NS
C17:0 1.31
± 0.08 1.19
± 0.10 0.98
± 0.09 1.08
± 0.09 1.00
± 0.06 0.95
± 0.24 0.05
C18:0 18.80 ± 0.57 17.7 ± 0.76 18.00 ± 0.47 17.60 ± 0.47 17.10 ± 0.43 18.00 ± 2.27 NS
C22:0 0.18 ± 0.04 0.31 ± 0.08 0.33 ± 0.05 0.33 ± 0.06 0.33 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.05 NS
Σ SAT 42.80 ± 1.72 39.3 ± 2.09 38.10 ± 1.77 38.60 ± 1.82 37.00 ± 1.46 39.30 ± 2.09 NS
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA)
C16:1 1.21 ± 0.06 1.17 ± 0.14 0.82 ± 0.08 1.06 ± 0.14 1.03 ± 0.06 0.87 ± 0.14 NS
C17:1 0.89
± 0.08 0.81
± 0.07 0.74
± 0.06 0.71
± 0.06 0.92
± 0.08 1.30
± 0.20 0.005
C18:1 37.20
± 0.97 34.50
± 1.35 31.70
± 1.19 32.30
± 1.28 32.40
± 0.96 31.90
± 1.30 0.008
Σ MUFA 39.30
± 1.00 36.50
± 1.25 33.30
± 1.25 34.10
± 1.41 34.60
± 0.96 36.50
± 1.26 0.029
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA)
C18:2n6 8.92
± 0.87 12.20
± 1.35 13.30
± 1.01 12.80
± 1.32 13.30
± 0.78 13.50
± 1.13 0.02
C18:3n3 2.29
± 0.45 3.48
± 0.56 4.71
± 0.59 3.92
± 0.56 4.12
± 0.41 4.46
± 0.66 0.02
C20:3n6 0.36
± 0.07 0.68
± 0.14 0.85
± 0.11 0.74
± 0.11 0.70
± 0.08 0.76
± 0.16 0.01
C20:3n3 1.44 ± 0.41 2.40 ± 0.51 3.11 ± 0.47 2.87 ± 0.51 2.83 ± 0.37 3.17 ± 0.67 NS
C20:4n6 1.29 ± 0.48 1.64 ± 0.41 2.66 ± 0.55 2.34 ± 0.54 2.54 ± 0.46 3.15 ± 0.91 NS
EPA 0.30 ± 0.11 0.22 ± 0.09 0.34 ± 0.10 0.29 ± 0.08 0.35 ± 0.09 0.45 ± 0.20 NS
DPA 0.67 ± 0.21 1.01 ± 0.25 1.57 ± 0.26 1.43 ± 0.26 1.58 ± 0.32 1.64 ± 0.40 NS
DHA 0.31 ± 0.04 0.27 ± 0.04 0.35 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.02 0.26 ± 0.02 0.31 ± 0.06 NS
Σ PUFA 15.60 ± 2.48 21.9 ± 3.16 26.90 ± 2.88 24.60 ± 3.20 25.7 ± 2.27 21.90 ± 3.16 NS
Unidentied Fatty Acids
2.40 ± 0.26 2.34 ± 0.32 1.78 ± 0.45 2.66 ± 0.33 2.92 ± 0.27 1.66 ± 0.80
Data are mean ± SEM. H=Highlander, MD=Merino Dohne, C=Corriedale, CPRO=Corriedale PRO, C×AM = Corriedale × Australian Merino, RM=Romney
Marsh. For each fatty acid, mean values bearing dierent low case letters are signicantly dierent.
P = Signicance level. NS = non–signicant. EPA=
C20:5n3, DPA=C22:5n3, DHA=C22:6n3
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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condition of the rearing and the global managing of the animals which
include the kind and the quality of offered pastures [33]. On other
part, the breed used in our work could have a reduced capacity to
convert eciently the C18:3n3 to EPA, DPA and DHA as stated by
Sinclair et al. [34]. In this sense, it could be noted that the levels of
C18:3n3, the precursor of EPA, DPA and DHA, present in our work
a clear higher level in meat in comparison to those levels reported
by Aurousseau et al. [26], Popova [27] and Garcia et al. [28]. That
means that, perhaps, there was more storage of this fatty acid in the
muscle rather than being converted into other n–3 fatty acids [34].
This hypothesis needs to be veried in future investigation in lamb.
Monomethyl branched and odd fatty acids
In TABLE IV were grouped the total of monomethyl branched chain
fatty acids (BCFA) detected in our study.
The levels of total BCFA were ranged 1.23–1.57 g·100 g
. There are
not differences between the breeds studied in our work. That range
of values was slightly higher than those reported by Gomez–Cortes
etal. [35] and Pena–Bermudez et al. [36], but slightly lower than those
presented (control group) by Mele et al. [37]. In the three mentioned
experiments the animals were fed concentrate and the expression
of results was as g·100 g
fatty acids. Obviously the differences of
breed, ages, feeding system and the kind of management between
the works probably determined differences of the reported levels in
BCFA. The diversity regarding the levels of BCFA in ovine meat can
be clearly visualized in the review by Vahmani et al. [38]. However,
probably the offered food, that is the composition of concentrate or
the botanical composition of pasture could be the most important
factor which could explain the differences in BCFA in lamb meat. For
example, C in the present experiment presented a level of BCFA of
1.43 g·100 g
fatty acids which included C15:0 iso and anteiso, C16:0
iso and C17:0 iso and anteiso (TABLE II).
In another experiment by our laboratory, using also C, meat
presented a level of BCFA of 0.21 g·100 g
fatty acids and only C15:0
iso and anteiso were detected. No other BCFA were detected above
the threshold of 0.01 g·100 g
fatty acids [14]. In both experiments,
the animals are of the same age (11–12 months), reared extensively
Branched and odd fatty acids (g·100 g
) of meat from Longissimus thoracis muscle of lambs of dierent breeds produced on pasture
BCFA 1.39 ± 0.07 1.23 ± 0.09 1.43 ± 0.08 1.46 ± 0.06 1.42 ± 0.06 1.57 ± 0.14 NS
BCFA i 0.76 ± 0.05 0.71 ± 0.05 0.78 ± 0.04 0.80 ± 0.03 0.76 ± 0.04 0.85 ± 0.10 NS
BCFA ai 0.63
± 0.03 0.52
± 0.05 0.65
± 0.04 0.66
± 0.03 0.67
± 0.02 0.73
± 0.05 0.03
Odd Fatty Acids 4.23 ± 0.15 3.89 ± 0.18 4.41 ± 0.17 4.39 ± 0.11 4.18 ± 0.13 4.38 ± 0.38 NS
Data are mean ± SEM. H=Highlander, MD=Merino Dohne, C=Corriedale, CPRO=Corriedale PRO, C×AM=Corriedale x Australian Merino, RM=Romney
Marsh. Within lines, mean values bearing dierent low case letters are signicantly dierent.
P = Signicance level. NS = non–signicant. BCFA = sum
of total branched fatty acids, i = iso, ai = anteiso, BCFAi = sum C15:0i + C16:0i + C17:0i, BCFAai = sum C15:0ai + C17:0ai, Odd Fatty acids=C15:0 + C15:0i
+ C15:ai + C17:0 + C17:0i + C17:0ai + C17:1. All calculations were performed on base of results of
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and fed pasture, slaughtered in similar commercial conditions and
all the procedures for extraction and detection of the fatty acids
were identical to those described in the present work. There are
only two differences between the two works. One of them was the
muscle evaluated, longissimus thoracis in the present work versus the
longissimus lumborum in the work of Lucas et al. [14]. The other was
the type of offered pastures regarding their botanical composition,
mainly oat and legumes in the present work (see TABLE I), versus
grasses in the work of Lucas et al. [14].
There are reports that support the concept that the kind and
composition and type of pasture, could inuence the level and type
of fatty acids, including BCFA, in lamb meat [39]. Indeed, in the rumen
the interrelation between the microbial populations [40], the specic
fatty acids synthetases and the composition of pasture regarding fatty
acids and amino acids, will lead to different kind of fatty acids present
in ruminant meat [41, 42]. In the case of amino acids, the content of
leucine, isoleucine and valine in the pasture seems to have a particular
inuence on the kind of nal BCFA present in ruminant meat [41].
This effect of amino acids in the composition of meat regarding the
BCFA, could explain partially the differences observed between the
present experiment and that of Lucas et al. [14] Indeed, the differences
between the two investigations could account for the richness of
legumes and oat in those three amino acids, in comparison to the work
of Lucas et al. [14] where the animal were fed quantitatively mainly
graminae [43, 44]. This interesting point needs more exploration
and investigation to better understand how BCFA, particularly those
linked to positive effect on health, could be incorporated in lamb meat,
thanks to use of different kind of offered pastures.
Regarding the BCFA iso (BCFAi) and anteiso (BCFAai), the level
of the former was ranged 0.71–0.85 expressed as g·100 g
acids (TABLE IV). No differences between the breeds studied in
this work were detected. The range of BCFAi observed in our work
was of the same order that those reported by Gomez–Cortes et al.
[35] and Mele et al. [37], but higher to the values reported by Pena–
Bermudez et al. [36]. Note that in those three reports the lambs
were fed concentrate. For BCFAai the range observed was between
0.52–0.73 g·100 g
of fatty acids, and RM presented a higher content
than MD (TABLE IV). The range of BCFAai observed here is of the same
order than those reported by Mele et al. [37], but higher than those
reported by Gomez–Cortes et al. [35] and Pena–Bermudez et al. [36].
Certainly, the explanation presented before that in the rumen the
interrelation between the microbial populations, the specic fatty
acids synthetases and the composition of pasture regarding fatty
acids and amino acids leading to the different kind of BCFA in meat
could be introduced newly here. This is particularly true for BCFAi
and BCFAai, regarding the amino acids composition of pasture [41].
In the case of the Odd fatty acids detected in our work, the range
of values was 3.89–4.41. There were not differences between the
breeds studied in our work (TABLE IV). That range was in the same
order of levels reported by Mele et al. [37], slightly higher to values
of Garcia et al. [28], but markedly higher in comparison to values
reported by Gomez–Cortes et al. [35] and Pena–Bermudez et al.
[36]. As indicated before, the lambs used in the works of Mele et al.
[37], Gomez–Cortes et al. [35] and Pena–Bermudez et al. [36] were
fed concentrate, while the lambs in the work of Garcia et al. [28]
were fed shrub grass steppes. As for BCFA, the Odd fatty acids are
inuenced by the rumen metabolism which is, in turn, inuenced by
its microbial population, the primers present for lipogenesis that is
the balance of acetyl–CoA versus propionyl–CoA, and of course the
kind of food consumed by the animals [41]. This could explain the
observed differences between the different studies highlighted here.
In the same direction, Lucas et al. [14] reported level of Odd fatty
acids of 2.40 g·100 g
fatty acids for C, a lower level in comparison to
the value observed in the present work (4.41 g·100 g
fatty acids) for
the same breed C (TABLE IV). As stated before, the main difference
between the two studies was the botanical type of pasture offered
to the lamb, if the muscle difference that is longissimus thoracis here
versus longissimus lumborum in Lucas et al. [14], is ruled–out as main
factor, to explain the differences.
As stated before in the text for individual BCFA and Odd fatty acids,
it seems to have some benecial effect on health of consumers
related to those fatty particular acids [21]. More investigation must
be undertaken in the future to improve the knowledge about the
effect on human health of this kind of component present in meat
and milk of ruminants.
Lipids health indices
In TABLE V were grouped some indices that help to known the
nutritional characteristics associated to the health of consumers of
this kind of lamb meat. The sum of n–6 fatty acids presented a range
between 3.35–4.34 g·100 g
of fatty acids.
These levels are of the same order that those reported by Lucas et
al. [14] working on C and Ramos et al. [22] using crossing between C
and MD, both investigations were conducted in condition of Uruguay.
However, another investigation using also C [15], reported a slightly
Lipids health indices, of meat from Longissimus thoracis muscle of lambs of dierent breeds produced on pasture
Ʃn–6 3.35 ± 0.29 3.85 ± 0.49 4.34 ± 0.29 3.94 ± 0.32 3.83 ± 0.23 4.21 ± 0.27 NS
Ʃn–3 1.53 ± 0.14 1.72 ± 0.25 2.08 ± 0.23 1.82 ± 0.19 1.70 ± 0.13 1.85 ± 0.19 NS
n–6/n–3 2.25 ± 0.12 2.32 ± 0.08 2.24 ± 0.14 2.25 ± 0.09 2.31 ± 0.06 2.31 ± 0.13 NS
P/S 0.10 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.01 NS
AI 0.73 ± 0.06 0.89 ± 0.09 0.64 ± 0.04 0.73 ± 0.06 0.78 ± 0.05 0.63 ± 0.05 NS
TI 1.70 ± 0.08 1.80 ± 0.14 1.51 ± 0.07 1.55 ± 0.07 1.62 ± 0.07 1.51 ± 0.05 NS
h/H 1.87
± 0.11 1.64
± 0.13 2.12
± 0.11 1.93
± 0.09 1.80
± 0.09 2.08
± 0.09 0.05
Data are mean ± SEM. H=Highlander, MD=Merino Dohne, C=Corriedale, CPRO=Corriedale PRO, C×AM = Corriedale × Australian Merino, RM=Romney
Marsh. Within lines, mean values bearing dierent low case letters are signicantly dierent.
P = Signicance level. NS = non–signicant. Ʃn–6 =
total n–6 fatty acids, Ʃn–3 = total n–3 fatty acids, EPA = C20:5n3, DHA = C22:6n3, P/S = PUFA/SAT ratio, AI = atherogenic indices, TI=thrombogenic
indices, h/H=hypocholesterolemiant indices, BCFA = total branched fatty acids, i = iso, ai = anteiso, Odd FA = odd fatty acids
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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higher values in n–6 fatty acids, that is 5.14 versus 4.34 g·100 g
acids / 100 g, as reported in this work (TABLE V). Note that in those
experiments, the animals were of similar age, reared extensively and
fed pasture. Outside of Uruguay, using local breed reared extensively
on pasture, Ela et al. [45], reported 3.59 g of n–6 / 100 g of fatty
acids. A value within the range observed in our work. However, other
trials using other breeds fed pastures showed higher levels of n–6
fatty acid, such as in the work of Faria et al. [46] and Garcia et al.
[28], 10.56 and 9.23 g·100 g
fatty acids, respectively. This last work
used Merino lamb fed shrub grass steppes.
Regarding the n–3 fatty acids, the same pattern as reported for the n–6
has been noted. Indeed, the works of Lucas et al. [14], Ramos et al. [22]
and Ela et al. [45] reported values within the range observed in the
present work, while the reports of Diaz et al. [15], Garcia et al. [28] and
Faria et al. [46] reported a much higher level of n–3 fatty acids in meat.
In the case of the n–6:n–3 ratio, the range observed in our work
were between 2,24–2.31. These values were in the same order that
those reported by, Cadavez et al. [18], Ramos et al. [22], Garcia et al.
[28] and Ela et al. [45]. In contrast, the values observed in our
work were slightly lower compared to the report of Faria et al. [46],
or clearly lower particularly for C, when reared in similar productive
conditions in Uruguay [15]. In practice, the content of n–6, n–3 and
their ratio in meat of the animals evaluated in the current work,
seems to have values in accord with other results reported in lamb.
Albeit there are not specic advices about the adequate intake of
n–6 and n–3 fatty acids regarding human health, the ratio between
those two classes of fatty acids has been recommended to be near
of 4–5 [47], or even between 1:1 and 2:1 [48]. The meat of the animals
evaluated in the present work, present all a ratio n–6:n–3 in accord to
the recommendation of 2:1. However, nowadays that ratio becomes
open to question about its usefulness regarding the human health
[49]. Future investigation should improve the knowledge to establish
better parameters related to the human consumption of lipids and
their fatty acids present in lamb meat.
Another index established as parameters related to the human
health, was the ratio between PUFA and SAT (P/S). In our experiment,
the P/S ratio observed varied between 0.10 and 0.14 (TABLE V). Those
values were of the same order that those reported by Ramos et al.
[22], but largely below to those reported by Diaz et al. [15], Cadavez
et al. [18], Garcia et al. [28], and Faria et al. [46]. The recommended
levels of P/S in different kind of meat to ensure an adequate health
in human in regard to the cardiovascular diseases must be between
0.4 and 1 [50]. Thus, meat of the animals used in our work is below
that recommended level, as reported in TABLE V. Therefore, this point
justies a particular attention in the future investigations.
The other indices used in our work to assess the potential protection
against cardiovascular disease were AI, TI and h/H [51]. For AI, the
value observed in our work ranged 0.63–0.89 (TABLE V). The advised
level of AI must be as low as possible. The range observed was of the
same order or slightly higher than those reported by Cadavez et al.
[18], Belhadj et al. [52] and the compilation work by Procisur–IICA
[53]. For TI, the values observed in our work ranged 1.51–1.80 (TABLE
V). Those levels are higher than the reported by Cadavez et al. [18],
Belhadj et al. [52] and the compilation of Procisur–IICA [53]. The
recommended value of TI in meat must be as low as possible, to
reduce the thrombogenic effects in human [54].
In the case of h/H indices, the values observed in the current work
ranged 1.64–2.12 and the C showed a higher indice than MD (TABLE
V). For that index, the recommended value in meat must be as high
as possible to minimize the risk of hypercholesterolemia leading to
cardiovascular diseases [55]. The range of levels observed in our
work was of the same order or slightly lower than those reported
by Belhadj et al. [52] working with four local breeds fed pasture in
Morocco, and Murariu et al. [56] in Romania using Karakul lamb fed
pasture and supplemented with hay and cereals in winter season.
Some of the presented indices such as P/S and TI were not within
the recommended value, thereby more investigation must be
undertaken to try to improve those parameters. This could be done
through the modication of feeding system of the animals using
different kind of pasture. This point is an important challenge for
the ovine production in Uruguay, as a way to help farmers to promote
their products in base to the health of consumers.
Enzyme activity indices
Enzyme indices for desaturases Δ–9, Δ–5 and Δ–6, elongase, and
thioesterase have been calculated in an attempt to detect differences
Enzymes indexes of fatty acid metabolism estimated on the basis of fatty acid composition of
Longissims thoracis muscle of lambs of dierent breeds produced on pasture
Δ–9 – C16 6.98
± 0.46 5.88
± 0.56 7.91
± 0.44 7.97
± 0.40 8.11
± 0.47 0.02
Δ–9 – C18 66.40 ± 0.89 67.00 ± 0.48 65.50 ± 0.77 68.50 ± 0.90 65.80 ± 1.38 NS
Δ–9 – C16+C18 48.60 ± 0.87 47.10 ± 1.02 49.70 ± 0.75 49.40 ± 0.86 50.00 ± 1.00 NS
Δ–5 45.00 ± 5.10 49.70 ± 6.60 51.60 ± 3.92 50.40 ± 2.98 53.50 ± 5.03 NS
Δ–6 2.51
± 0.35 3.49
± 0.47 4.83
± 0.51 4.33
± 0.42 4.62
± 1.05 0.005
Elongase 0.88
± 0.06 0.75
± 0.05 1.01
± 0.05 0.77
± 0.04 0.99
± 0.07 0.008
Thioesterase 10.10 ± 0.55 7.99 ± 0.51 9.08 ± 0.47 8.46 ± 0.52 9.38 ± 1.35 NS
Data are mean ± SEM. H=Highlander, MD=Merino Dohne, C=Corriedale, CPRO=Corriedale PRO, C×AM=Corriedale x Australian Merino, RM=
Romney Marsh. Within lines, mean values bearing dierent low case letters are signicantly dierent.
P = Signicance level, NS = non–signicant,
C16= palmitic acid, C18= stearic acid. Δ–9= Δ–9–desaturase, Δ–5= Δ–5–desaturase, Δ–6= Δ–6–desaturase, indexes of Δ–9, Δ–5 and Δ–6 desaturases,
and elongase (ratio C18:0/C16:6) and thioesterase (ratio C16:0/C14:0) indexes were calculated according to del Puerto
et al. [11]
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in the lipids metabolism between the breeds studied in the present
work. These indices are generally used as surrogates the measure
of the true enzyme activities. This procedure has been used also in
medical eld as simple way to evaluate the activities of enzymes
such as desaturases, elongases and thioesterases in some human’s
pathologies [57]. The enzyme activities were presented in
TABLE VI and it can see that C, CPRO and C×AM have a much
more active Δ–9–C16 than MD. This result could maybe explain the
differences for C16:1 content, reported for glycerolipids in TABLE II,
for CPRO and CxAM, but not for C.
In the case of the enzyme Δ–9–C18, as well as the sum of the
activities of both enzymes Δ–9–C16+C18, there are no differences
between the animals studied in the present work (TABLE VI). Δ9
enzyme introduce a cis– double bond in the D9 position between
carbons 9 and 10, and the preferred substrates are palmitoyl–CoA for
Δ–9–C16 and stearoyl–CoA for Δ–9–C18, which lead to their conversion
into palmitoleoyl–CoA and oleoyl–CoA, respectively [58]. MUFA, and
particularly C18:1, are of great importance for membrane structure
and function based on phosphoglycerides [59]. However, globally
there is not a clear difference between the breeds regarding the de
novo synthesis and the deposition of MUFA, in glycerolipids as well
as in glycerophoapholipids, in longissimus thoracis muscle. Probably
the fact that the animals have been reared in identical conditions,
that is fed same pasture and management, could have minimised
the possible enzymes expression differences between the breeds.
The enzyme indices for Δ–5 do not show either differences between
the animals, while for Δ–6, C have a higher activity than H (TABLE
VI). This result probably explains the higher content in C18:3n3 for C
compared to H, as well as for glycerolipids than for glycerophospholipids
(TABLES II and III). Indeed, Δ–5 and Δ–6 desaturases are crucial for the
synthesis of PUFA [46, 57].
In the case of the elongase activities, C showed higher activity
compared to MD (TABLE VI). The enzymes elongase add two carbon
atoms to the fatty acid C16:0 obtaining the fatty acid C18:0, but also
elongate other fatty acids from the two essential fatty acids C18:2n6
and C18:3n3 [60, 61]. However, the comparison between C and MD
regarding the content of C18:0 and PUFA; do not show differences
neither for glycerolipids nor for glycerophospholipids (TABLES II and
III). Probably, the differential activity observed for elongases between
C and MD was too small to affect signicantly the content of C18:0
and PUFA in meat of both breeds. As stated before for desaturases,
the fact that the animals have been reared in identical conditions,
fed same pasture and conducted within a same extensively system,
possibly could have minimised the differences between breeds for
elongase activities.
For the thioesterase indice, there is not differences between the six
breeds studied here (TABLE VI). The thioesterase is part of the fatty
acid synthase enzyme complex encoded by the FASN gene in mammals,
and regulating principally the formation of C16:0 as nal product and
C14:0 as a minor one [62]. Taking into account, as reported above,
the implication of C16:0 in cardiovascular diseases in human, hence
it could be interesting to investigate how the thioesterase activity in
lamb meat can be modulated. That focus could help to improve the
nutritional and health quality of meat regarding the content of C16:0
in meat. Future research could open the way in that direction.
Interrelations among fatty acids of glycerolipids and
A principal component analysis carried out on total lipids and selected
fatty acids of glycerolipids of lambs meat (FIG. 1a), shows that the two
rst principal components accounted for 66.7% of the data variability.
The rst component (43.2%) was positively correlated with C17:0ai
(r=0.870), 18:3n3 (r=0.769), CLA (r = 0.798) and BCFAai (r= 0.771), and
associated negatively to C14:0 (r=0.544) and to C16:0 (r=0.820).
The second component that explains 23.5% of the data variability was
positively associated mainly to intramuscular fat content (r=0.562), C14:0
(r=0.731) and BCFAi (r=0.648). The principal component analysis shows
that lamb meat with a higher content of linolenic acid tend to have lower
content of saturated fatty acids, C14:0 and C16:0. When the individual
observations for glycerolipids are projected in the two dimensional
space (FIG. 1b), there is an evidence that H and MD genotypes are
differentiated from others by CLA, BCFAai, C17:0ai, and 18:n3.
By other side the variability of RM is associated to component two,
BCFAi, intramuscular fat content and C14:0. In terms of lipid attributes
a b
FIGURE 1. a) Variables factor map of compositional lipid metabolism of glycerolipids related to human health of lamb meat from six breeds. Liptot= total lipids; C14:0=
myristic acid; C16:0= palmitic acid; C17:0ai=margaric acid anteiso ; BCFAai= anteiso branched chain fatty acid; BCFAi=iso branched chain fatty acid; C18:3n–3=linolenic
acid; CLA= conjugated linoleic acid ; DHA= C22:6n3. b) Individuals factor map of compositional lipid metabolism of glycerolipids in lamb meat grouped by breed, with
ellipses superimposed at
α = 0.95. C=Corriedale; CPRO=Corriedale Pro; C×AM=Corriedale x Australian Merino; H=Highlander; MD=Merino Dohne; RM= Romney Marsh
FIGURE 2. A) Variables factor map of compositional lipid metabolism of glycerophospholipids fraction related to membrane structure of lamb meat from six breeds.
C16:0= palmitic acid; C16:1= palmitoleic acid; C18:1= oleic acid; C18:2n6= linoleic acid; C18:3n–3=linolenic acid; C20:4n6= arachidonic acid; EPA= C20:5n3; DPA=C22:5n3;
DHA= C22:6n3. B) Individuals factor map of compositional lipid metabolism associated to glycerophospholipids fraction of lamb meat grouped by breed, with ellipses
superimposed at
α = 0.95. C=Corriedale; CPRO=Corriedale Pro; CxAM=Corriedale x Australian Merino; H=Highlander; MD=Merino Dohne; RM= Romney Marsh
PCA - Individuals glycerophospholipids
PCA - Individuals glycerolipids
Fatty acids composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in sheep / Guerra et al. ______________________________________________________
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selected, lamb meat of C, CPRO, and C×AM overlap in quality attributes,
associated with higher CLA and 18:3n3 and H with the lower content
and also lower content of lipids. RM shows higher level of BCFAai
possibly associated to intramuscular fat content. When a principal
component analysis was carried out for glycerophospholipids, a
clearer patron of association among variables is observed (FIGS. 2A
and 2B). Two components explain the 77.9% of the total variability.
First component that explains the 66.2% of the variability is positively
and hardly associated with C18:2n6 (r=0.922), C18:3n3 (r=0.951), C20:4n6
(r=0.903) and DPA (r=0.922) and negatively with C16:0 (r=0.948) and C18:1
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(r=0.913). The component two that explains 11.7% of the variability is
mainly associated positively to DHA (r=0.882). Concerning individual
observations for glycerophospholipids only CPRO is associated with the
variables of the rst component, while for individuals of C, a relation is
evidenced for the variables that affect the component two, the DHA.
The results of the study show overlapping among breeds related of
compositional lipid metabolism, except for few relevant fatty acids
such as C16:0, C18:3n3 and CLA for glycerolipids, and C18:1, C18:2n6
and C18:3n3 for glycerophospholipids. Likewise, other differences
were outlined such as for BCFAai, h/H and enzymes activity of Δ–9–C16,
Δ–6 and elongase. But actually the differences are just between two
or three breeds of the six studied in the present investigation, and
not for all those relevant fatty acids.
Thus, it can be said that overall the studied breeds present good
lipid nutritional indicators in comparison with the results of other
research in lambs, except for EPA and DHA fatty acids, as those
breeds present a relatively low content in comparison to the values
indicated in some reports from the scientic literature. This last point
will be taken into account in our future studies, in order to improve
the nal composition of meat of those breeds, with the most relevant
n–3 fatty acids regarding the health of consumers.
As mentioned throughout the text, the animals were fed and
managed in identical conditions. This could explain why there are
not more substantial differences between the breeds, regarding
the fatty acid composition of meat. Maybe other conditions, such
as the ages of the animals, different kind of pasture with or without
supplementation, could well affect differently each of the breeds used
here. This hypothesis should be considered in future experiments.
Anyway, the results of the present investigation established indicators,
based on typical productive conditions of Uruguay, about the lipids
and fatty acids content of lamb meat for the breeds studied here.
Those lipids parameters, not determined before, could be used as a
baseline for future study directed to the nutritional quality of lamb
meat produced on pasture in Uruguay.
Conict of interest
The Authors declare that there is no conict of interest.
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not–for–prot sectors.
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