Effect of castration over hematological parameters in shepherd dogs / Yurdakul and Uslu _________________________________________
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Gonadectomy is a widely used method in reproductive health
management, and behavior disorder therapies of domestic animals.
It is referred to as castration in male mammalians that is the ending
of most functions of external and internal reproductive organs by
either extirpation or removing of testes from the body, or the closing
of the canal system. Some of its positive effects can be count such
as being more resistant to cancer and the immune system diseases
compared to non–sterilized dogs [1]. However, negative major effects
(obesity, infection, trauma, vascular diseases, and anemia) that are
linked to castration should not be missed [2]. Anemia and decrease of
hemoglobin levels have been shown by numerous studies as triggering
effects for the majority of these negative effects [3].
Anemia is when the erythrocytes that carry the oxygen needed
by the body are less than normal or the oxygen carrying capacity
of the erythrocytes is low [4]. The low erythrocyte production in
the organism is under the inuence of many factors. One of them,
Testosterone has a stimulating role in erythrocyte production [5].
It has been reported that a decrease in Testosterone production
associated with bilateral orchidectomy may result in normocytic
anemia in men [6]. Post–orchiectomy anemia is thought to be related
to the hypothesis of this study and to the hypo–androgenic state.
Another key player in erythrocyte production, Fe is an essential
element because of its necessity for the normal function of
erythrocyte production, oxidative metabolism, and immune system
[7]. Its deciency affects erythrocyte status as a prominent effect by
increasing oxidative stress [8]. As a result of this, increased oxidative
stress causes lipid peroxidation in the cell membrane of erythrocytes
and anemia occurs with broken erythrocytes imperiously [9]. On the
parallel perspective, there is a close relationship between Fe and
Testosterone. The Testosterone works with a negative feedback
mechanism that mediates the production of erythrocytes. It
enhances not only Fe absorption but also inhibits the production of
Testosterone to protect Fe homeostasis when excessive amounts of
iron are involved in the body [10]. There is a great balance between
Testosterone, OS and Fe parameters in male dogs. An imbalance in
any of these parameters is thought to occur as a result of sterilization.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between
blood parameters and Fe, UIBC, TAC and TOC in some male dogs
after castration.
Animal material
A total of 20 male dogs of same species and weights (20–30 kg,
PNR, İstanbul, Turkey) were used in the study. Dogs were at the age
of 2–5 years and brought to the clinics of Sivas Cumhuriyet University
Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital, Sivas, Turkey, by their owners.
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) that undergoing castration operation
were kept in the clinic for 7 days for post–operative care with the
permission of the animal owners. During the study, daily care was
performed according to the asepsis rules of the operation area to
avoid postoperative infection formation. At the end of the day 7, the
animals were delivered to the animal owners in good health.
The permission of the Sivas Cumhuriyet University Animal
Experiments Local Ethics Committee was taken for this study design
(Permission date and number: April 9, 2018, and 155).
Dogs had been fasted and not allowed to access water pre–
operation overnight. Afterward, they were sedated with Xylazine HCl
(1.0 mg·kg
, Alfazyne 2%, Ege Vet, Turkey) and Ketamine (1.0 mg·kg
Alfamine, Ege Vet, Turkey) intramuscularly. Dogs were placed on a
surgical table in lateral recumbency, xed, and surgical sites were
shaved. Lidocaine HCl (6.0 mg·kg
, Jetokain, Adeka, Turkey) was
administered to the testicles and incision site.
Operations were performed with an open castration method
by using a scrotal incision. In the scrotal approach to castration,
the scrotum was covered with a sterile fenestrated drape so that
the testicles were visible. A single thick incision was made on the
ventral surface of the testicle through the skin and subcutaneous
tissue, just lateral to the median raphe, approximately one–third of
the length of the testicle. After tying knots 4 times with absorbable
2/0 suture material to create complete hemostasis around both the
ductus deferens and the vascular cord, the cord was cut. The same
procedure was applied to the remaining testicle. After the testicles
were removed, the scrotum was closed with a non–absorbable 3/0
synthetic monolament suture so that it did not close completely.
After surgery, the area was cleaned and an e–collar was applied to
prevent the dog from licking or tackling the wound. Postoperative
analgesia was provided with 0.3 mg·kg
Meloxicam (Anaflex®,
Hektaş, Turkey) administered SC for 3 days. Additionally, all dogs
were administered Procaine Penicillin G (20,000 IU·kg
IM) for 7 days
after surgery.
Collection of blood samples
Blood samples were collected from all the dogs ve times during the
experiment. Blood samples were taken on the day 0 (as control), 1st,
3rd and 7th days before surgery. Blood samples were taken into 5mL
sterile tubes without anticoagulants from the dogs' Vena cephalica
antebrachii. Samples were kept at room temperature for 30 min,
then centrifuged (Nüve NF 800, Nüve Laboratory & Sterilization
Technology,Turkey) at 3000 G·15 min
. The sera obtained were stored
at -20 °C (Haier, DW–86L828S, China) until analysis.
After all clinical examinations, 5 mL of blood samples were taken
from the Vena cephalica antebrachi of the dogs to the tubes with
anticoagulant and without anticoagulant once before castration. In
the blood samples with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) the
levels of erythrocyte (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrits (HCT),
mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW) and
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were determined
by a hematological analyzer (BC2800 Vet hematology analyzer, Mindray
Bio–Medical Electronics Co. Ltd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Chine).
Serum biochemical analysis
Serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC, Rel Assay Diagnostics
kit; Mega Tıp, Gaziantep, Turkey) and total oxidant (TOC, Rel Assay
Diagnostics kit; Mega Tıp, Gaziantep, Turkey) capacity levels were
determined according to the procedure of manufacturers’ directories.
The optical density was determined using a microplate reader
(Multiskan GO, Thermo Scientic, USA). Serum Fe and unsaturated
iron–binding capacity (UIBC) levels were determined using an auto–
analyzer (Abbot C8000–USA) using commercial kits.