The kondo problem for very dilute ZnMn alloys under a Doorway State perturbation approach

  • Rafael Martín Landrove Universidad Central de Venezuela
Palabras clave: kondo problem, perturbation theory, low temperature resistivity, doorway state, moment methods


An alternative perturbation treatment for the Kondo Problem is developed using a doorway state formalism for scattering process. Under this approach the behavior of resistivity is examined at the low temperature regime, below and above Kondo temperature, within the framework of the s-d model for very dilute ZnMn alloys, where the single impurity scattering assumption holds. The agreement with experiment is excellent in the entire low temperature regime.


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Cómo citar
Martín Landrove, R. (1). The kondo problem for very dilute ZnMn alloys under a Doorway State perturbation approach. Ciencia, 9(1). Recuperado a partir de
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