Bird hierarchies and co-occurrences at urban garden in Venezuela
Publicación del Museo de Biología de la Universidad del Zulia
ISSN 1315-642X (impresa) / ISSN 2665-0347 (digital)
Anartia, 33 (diciembre 2021): 55-65
Hierarchies and co-occurrences among bird species visiting
a feeder at an urban garden of Venezuela
Jerarquías y coincidencia entre especies de aves visitantes de un comedero en un
jardín urbano de Venezuela
Andrés E. Seijas
Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales “Ezequiel Zamora” (UNELLEZ). Guanare, Portuguesa, Venezuela.
(Received: 30-09-2021 / Accepted: 20-12-2021 / Online: 02-02-2022)
Compared to the vast literature that has been generated in developed countries, research on birds that attend feeders in
private gardens in the Neotropic are very scarce. is article analyzes the interactions among birds visiting a feeder in a
private garden in the city of Guanare, Venezuela. Bird activities were recorded in 336 videos for an eective recording
time (ERT) of 51.82 h, equally distributed between the dry and rainy seasons. Twenty species visited the feeder with the
Blue-gray Tanager (raupis episcopus) representing 40.3% of visits. Bird visits during the rainy season (3,975) were 59.5%
higher than those of the dry season (2,493). Taking the two seasons together, the feeder remained without birds 45.5% of
the ERT and of the 28.25 hours in which at least one bird was present, 80.2% was occupied by solitary individuals. Solitary
individuals of Cacicus cela, Turdus leucomelas, T. nudigenis and Mimus gilvus amounted to 50.5% of the time the feeder
was in use; these species also showed a high percentage of exclusive occupancy of the feeder (%Exc, not shared with other
species) reaching to 96.6% in the case of M. gilvus. e hierarchy of the species in their access to the feeder was positively
correlated with their size (Spearmans rank, r = 0.87). Relatively large species (≥ 54g) won interspecic interactions in pro-
portions above the expected by chance. Of 55 possible pairings of species co-occurrences at the feeder, 7.3% had positive
associations, 30.9% negative associations, and 61.8% random associations. Negative associations always involved at least
one large species, whereas there were not negative associations between pairs of small bird species. e size of the species is
a determining factor in structuring the assemblage of birds visiting the feeder.
Key words: birds, co-occurrences, feeder, hierarchies, urban garden.
Comparado con la vasta literature que se ha generado en países desarrollados, las investigaciones en el Neotrópico sobre
aves que visitan comederos en jardines privados son escasas. En este artículo se analizan las interacciones entre aves que
visitan un comedero abastecido con frutas en un jardín privado de la ciudad de Guanare, Venezuela. Las actividades de las
aves fueron registradas en 336 videos con un tiempo efectivo de grabación (TEG) de 51,82 h, repartido equitativamente
entre las estaciones seca y lluviosa. Veinte especies de aves visitaron el comedero, con el Azulejo (raupis episcopus) como la
más frecuente (40,3% de las visitas). El número de visitas durante la estación lluviosa (3.975) fue 59,5% mayor que las de la
estación seca (2.493). Tomando las dos estaciones en conjunto, el comedero permaneció sin aves presentes 45,5% del TGE.
De las 28,25 horas en las cuales al menos un ave estuvo presente en el comedero, 80,2% correspondió a individuos solita-
rios. La ocupación por individuos solitarios de cuatro de las especies de mayor tamaño (Cacicus cela, Turdus leucomelas, T.
nudigenis and Mimus gilvus) representó 50,5% del tiempo de uso del comedero. La Paraulata Llanera (M. gilvus) mostró un
porcentaje de uso en exclusividad del comedero (%Exc) de 96,6. Hubo una correlación positiva entre la posición jerárquica
de las especies y sus tamaños (Spearman, r = 0,87). Las especies relativamente grandes (≥ 54g) desplazaron a individuos
de especies distintas a las suyas en proporciones superiores a las esperadas al azar. De los 55 pares de especies que podrían
coincidir en el uso de comedero, 7,3% mostraron asociaciones positivas, 30,9% asociaciones negativas y 61,8% asociaciones
al azar. Las asociaciones negativas entre pares de especies involucraron al menos una especie grande y no hubo asociaciones
negativas entre especies pequeñas. El tamaño de las especies es un factor determinante en la estructuración del ensamblaje
de aves que visitan el comedero.
Palabras clave: aves, coincidencias, comedero, jardín urbano, jerarquías.
e urbanization process advances unstoppably on a
global scale (Grimm et al. 2008, Cohen 2015, United Na-
tions 2019) bringing drastic changes in the characteristics
of the aected lands and makes them less hospitable for
most of the species that occupied the former undisturbed
areas or, on the contrary, creates favorable conditions for
species adaptable to the new ecosystems (Chace & Walsh
2004, Shochat et al. 2006, Faeth et al. 2011, Belaire et al.
2014). People living in cities have few opportunities to ob-
serve “wild” animals other than those capable of occupying
public green areas and private gardens. One way to increase
the possibilities of observing these animals in their own
houses is by providing resources that attract them. e most
common of these attractants are birdfeeders (Goddard et al.
2009, Tryjanowski et al. 2015, Cox & Gaston 2018).
Compared to the vast literature that has been generated
in developed countries, research on birds that attend feed-
ers in private gardens in the tropics and in Latin America
in particular are very scarce (Echeverría & Vasallo 2008),
and in the case of Venezuela, there is just a handful of stud-
ies on this subject (Levin et al. 2000, Sainz-Borgo & Levin
2012, Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020a, Seijas 2021).
From a conservation point of view, birdfeeders can have
favorable or unfavorable eects (Galbraith et al. 2017, Mc-
Burney et al. 2018, Deguines et al. 2020). Among the un-
favorable eects, it has been pointed out that feeders can
facilitate the transmission of diseases and the proliferation
of unwanted species; they also may contribute in the mal-
nutrition of birds due to the provision of inappropriate
food (Dunkley & Cattet 2003, Ishigame & Baxter 2007,
Orros et al. 2015). Birdfeeders have been identied as re-
sponsible for exerting an important eect on the structur-
ing of bird communities and to inuence several aspects of
bird ecologies, such as reduction of foraging time, increase
in body condition, changes in survival and reproductive
rates, changes abundance or density of species, among oth-
ers (Galbraith et al. 2015, Møller et al. 2015, Tryjanowski
et al. 2016). So, the use of feeders for conservation pur-
poses should be based on well-conducted research (Fuller
et al. 2008).
ere are many factors that could intervene in structur-
ing the assemblage of birds that visit a feeder, such as the
species pool in the region, the seasonal changes in their
respective abundances, the changes in nutritional require-
ments and in the behavior of birds in relation to their re-
productive phenology, or the feeder location with respect
to surrounding plant cover (Horn et al. 2002), but perhaps
the most important factors are the preferences of the dif-
ferent bird species for the food that is oered in the feeder
and the hierarchies that are stablished among them when
accessing the food (Robb et al. 2008, Wojczulanis-Jakubas
et al. 2015, Le Louarn et al. 2016, Deguines et al. 2020).
In this paper, I analize the interactions among birds
visiting a feeder provided with fruits in a private garden
in Guanare, Venezuela. e research is based on a data set
greater than the one used in previous studies in the same
garden (Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020a, Seijas 2021)
but with an emphasis on the role that inter and intra-spe-
cic relationships play in dening the pattern of use of the
feeder and on the associations (or lack of them) between
the dierent bird species.
e study was carried out in a private garden on the
outskirts of the city of Guanare, Portuguesa state, Ven-
ezuela. e birdfeeder consisted of a square cement block
(40cm x 40cm and 5cm thick) placed at ground level. On
it, pieces of fruit were placed and covered with a grid (5x5)
of plastic-coated wires whose function was to prevent the
birds from taking out or turning over the food, but which
also served as perch for the birds. More details on the gar-
den and feeder features can be found in Seijas & Seijas-
Falkenhagen (2020a, b).
e activities of the birds were recorded on video with a
cell phone placed on a tripod at a height of 30 cm and 1m
away from the feeder. e recordings were made during
days separated at irregular intervals of both the dry sea-
son (from December 14, 2019 to May 17, 2020) and the
rainy season (from May 20, 2020 to October 13, 2020).
e birdfeeder was provided with pieces of up to four fruit
types, selected from banana, plantain, papaya, mango and
Bird hierarchies and co-occurrences at urban garden in Venezuela
avocado. Each combination of fruits was set as a trial to
determine the feeding preferences of the dierent bird
species. Detailed analyses of these preferences will not
be attempted in this paper but partial results of some of
these trials were discussed in Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen
(2020a) and Seijas (2021).
Two to six sessions of variable duration (from 4 to
14min) were recorded during sampling days. e food was
supplied ad libitum, as the birds never fully consumed it
in the period from the start of the rst recording session
to the end of the last. All recordings were carried out dur-
ing the early hours of the morning, but in the rst 38 days
of recording (between December 14, 2019 and April 20,
2020) the rst session began 15 minutes before sunrise. As
the rainy season approached, the cloudy sky made those
minutes before dawn very dark. For that reason, begin-
ning on April 25 2020, the rst recording session of the
day began at sunrise. e eective recording time (ERT)
was taken as the duration of each video minus 30 seconds,
considering that the behavior of the birds in the rst 15
and last 15 seconds of each session could be conditioned
by the presence of the researcher placing and removing the
cell phone from the tripod where it was located.
For each bird visiting the feeder the following infor-
mation was taken: Species, time of arrival and departure,
interaction with other birds (in solitary, time shared with
individuals of its own or other species). When a bird le
the feeder, it was determined whether it was displaced by
another bird or le it for reasons that are not relevant for
this investigation. e individual who displaced another
one from the feeder was taken as the winner and the dis-
placed one as the loser, regardless of whether the displace-
ment involved some physical contact or just intimidation
(Wallace & Temple 1987).
Data were uploaded to an Excel spreadsheet designed
to calculate the duration of each visit, time shared with
other individuals, number of individuals (and species)
sharing their visits, and time that the feeder was not in
use (no birds present). e values and variables calculated
from the data are dened in Table 1.
To evaluate the intensity of the intra and interspecic
interactions, the quotient Ti/T was taken as the expected
proportion of time that individuals of each species should
spend at the feeder in solitary or sharing both with in-
dividuals of its own or other species if these possibilities
were dictated by chance. at expected proportion was
then substracted from the observed proportions Solitaryi/
All solitaries, Share-owni /All sharing own, and Share-
othersi /All sharing others. To facilitate comparisons, the
deviation from expected were expressed as Z-scores that
were calculated substracting the mean of each set of dif-
ferences and then dividing the results by their correspond-
ing standard deviation (McClave and Dietrich 1994). e
Z-score represents the distance between a given dierence
(expressed in standard deviation units) and zero, the ex-
pected value. e same procedure was followed to analyze
the dierences in the proportions of negative interactions
between individuals of the same species (Win-owni/All
own) or other species (W-othersi/All-others) in relation to
the expected proportion Vi/VT. For these analyses, pro-
Table 1. Names and denitions of values and variables used in the analyses. All values calculated taking into account the
entire study.
Symbol Definition
TiTime spent at the feeder by all individuals of the ith species.
TTime spent at the feeder by all visitors (ƩTi)
SolitaryiTime spent by solitary individuals of the ith species
ShareOwniTime shared by the ith species only with conespecifics.
ShareOthersiTime shared by the ith species with individuals of other species
Percentage of time the ith species spent at the feeder without sharing it with individuals of other species:
(Solitaryi + ShareOwni)/Ti)*100.
ViNumber of visits of the ith species
VT Total number of visits to the feeder (ƩVi)
All-own Number of times that visiting birds were displaced by individuals of their own species
All-others Number of times that visiting birds of a certain species was displaced exclusively by individuals of species
other than their own.
W-owniNumber of interactions won by the ith species to individuals of its own species
W-othersiNumber of interactions won by the ith species to individuals of other species
portions were arcsine squareroot transformed to stabilize
variances and normalize values.
A Winner-loser dominance matrix (Levin et al. 2000,
Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020a) was used to calculate
the percentage of interactions with individuals of other
species a particular species won (%W). e Hierarchy (H)
of a species was determined counting the the number of
other species it displaced from the feeder in the majority of
their interactions. e hierarchies of the species were corre-
lated with their weight and their %Exci. Statistical analyzes
were performed with Past 4.02 (Hammer et al. 2001).
To evaluate the degree of association (positive, negative
or none) between species pairs co-occuring at the feeder, a
subset of the visits were selected. is was done by taking
in each recording session the h individual reaching the
feeder, and then the following individuals separated by ten
positions in their order of arrival (5, 15, 25, 35, etc). is
guarantees that each selected visit did not overlap with the
previous or subsequent selected one, since a preliminary
analysis of the data showed that rarely does a bird share
with 10 or more individuals during a visit (that only oc-
curred in 0.49% of the total visits to the feeder). Visits of
ve or less seconds, and individuals that remained with the
focal individual for such short period of time were also dis-
carded, because in many cases stays at the feeder for such
a short duration can hardly qualify as “time-sharing, since
the displacement of one individual by another does not
occur instantaneously, but there may be some intimida-
tions, threats or even ghts, which can take a few seconds
to end up with the abandonment of the feeder of one of
the individuals involved. e selected visits (N) allowed
determining which species shares the feeder. To evaluate
whether there were positive, negative or random associa-
tion between the dierent pairs of species co-occurring
at the feeder, the probabilistic model described by Veech
(2013, 2014) was used. Said model uses presence/absence
data to calculate expected frequencies of occurrences be-
tween species pairs if they were distributed independently
of each other across the selected visits. at model is ex-
pressed mathematically as:
=(,) × ( ,
, ) × (
) × (,
where N is the number of selected visits; N1 and N2 are the
number of times species 1 and 2 appear in N, respectively; j
is the number of visits where the same species appear shar-
ing the feeder; C(N, j) is the number of possible combina-
tions in which two species could appear simultaneously J
times in the N selected visits; C(N - j, N2 - j) is the number
of possibilities of locating species 1 among the remaining
places where species 2 is not present; C(N - N2, N1 - j) is the
number of ways in which species 2 could be located among
those that do not have species 1. e denominator repre-
sents all the possible combinations in which species 1 and
2 can be arranged in the N selected visits, without taking j
into account. e numerator is a subset of the numerator
and therefore the quotient Pj is always < 1 and represents
the probability that a given combination of two species
will appear sharing j times when N visits are selected. More
details and discussions about this model, its meaning and
its applicability can be read in Arita (2016). Grith et al.
(2016) show a simplied version of the model.
e birds visiting the feeder were not tagged, so with
the exception of a few individuals that have peculiar char-
acteristics that distinguish them, it was not possible to
individualize the visits. However, based on observations
made over the years (Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020b) it
can be stated that the most abundant species in the garden
is the Saon Finch (Sicalis aveola) whose numbers in the
lawn of the garden can sometimes exceed several dozens.
Around 20 Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela) are in
and out of the garden every day. e number of Blue-gray
tanagers (raupis episcopus) that daily visit the feeder has
been estimated between 20 and 30. In the case of thrushes
(Turdus leucomelas and T. nudigenis) it is possible to ob-
serve a maximum of 5-6 individuals foraging in the garden
along the day. Some species go down to the feeder in what
appear to be small family groups (Ramphocelus carbo, Mi-
mus gilvus, Euphonia laniirostris, Campylorhynchus nuch-
alis, Icterus nigrogularis). Other species (Stilpnia cayana,
raupis palmarum, Saltator coerulescens, and occasionally
Melanerpes rubricapillus) oen descend in pairs. Other
birds were sporadic visitors.
Two-hundred and ve videos were recorded during
the 2019-2020 dry season and 131 during the 2020 rainy
season. e average duration of the videos in the rainy
season was longer, but the ERT was very similar between
both seasons (25.90 and 25.92 hours, respectively). In
each climatic season, the feeder had no birds present for
a high percentage of the recordings time. ese visitor-
free lapses represented 51.0% of the ERT during the
dry season and 40.0% during the rainy season (Table 2).
However, in the dry season recording sessions that began
15 minutes before sunrise (N = 38), the feeder remained
59.5% of the time without birds, while in subsequent ses-
sions recorded on the same days, that time was 49.2%;
the dierences are signicant (Two-sample paired test,
t= 3.04, P = 0.014).
Bird hierarchies and co-occurrences at urban garden in Venezuela
Taking both seasons together, 20 species of birds visited
the feeder. Visits for the rainy season (3,975) were 59.5%
greater than those of the dry season (2,493). ere was also
a similar dierence (62.7%) in the accumulated time of the
visits of all the birds (29.4h during the rainy season versus
18.1h during the dry one; Table 3). ese dierences are
partially explained by the 38 sessions that started before
sunrise in the dry season; if these sessions are excluded there
was still a 1.46 fold diference in the number of visits per
hour during the rainy season. e most noticeable dier-
ence in the number of visits between the two seasons were
those of the Silver-beaked Tanager (Ramphocelus carbo, 288
more visits), the ick-billed Euphonia (Euphonia laniiros-
tris, 370 more visits) and the Blue-gray Tanager (714 more
visits). e increase in the number of visits of these three
species represented 92.6% of the dierence between the two
seasons. Despite these dierences, there was a high corre-
lation in the relative frequency of the species (Vi) in both
seasons (Spearman Rank, n = 20, r = 0.753, P < 0.001). For
most of the following statistical analyses birds with less than
30 visits to the feeder were not taken into account.
e Blue-gray Tanager was the bird with the highest
number of visits (40.3%) but its time at the feeder was
only 26.7% of the time (T) spent by all bird species. As oc-
curred with all species, the %Exc of T. episcopus was higher
during the dry season (71.1%) than during the rainy sea-
son (46.6%), with a combined %Exc = 55.2%. Large birds
(≥54 g) in solitary amounted to 52.7% of the time that
the feeder was in use, but almost half of that time (24.1%)
was spent by the Pale-breasted rush (Turdus leucomelas)
alone. e time spent at the feeder as solitary individuals
by the Tropical Mockinbird (Mimus gilvus) was not as
high as other large birds, but the time sharing in exclu-
sivity with individuals of its own species was the highest
(%Exc= 93.2).
Figure 1 depicts how much each of the 11 most com-
mon species departed from the expected proportion of
time at the feeder as solitary, or sharing it with its own or
other species. e patterns for three species deserve to be
highlighted. e Pale-breasted rush showed the larg-
est deviation above expected (Z = 1.91) when comparing
solitary visitors. is species was also the one that shares
the least with individuals of its own species (Z = -1.78)
and showed an important deviation below expected when
sharing with individuals of other species (Z = -1.49). e
Mockingbird was the least prone to share with individuals
Table 2. Time allocation at the feeder. Ert is the recording time minus 30 seconds per each session (see text).
Recording time category Dry season sessions (205) Rainy season sessions (131)
Hours % Hours %
Total recording time 27.61 27.15
Effective recording time (ERT) 25.90 100 25.92 100
Without birds 13.21 51.0 10.36 40.0
In use (birds present) 12.69 49.0 15.56 60.0
Solitary individuals 10.64 41.1 12.00 46.3
Shared by two or more birds 2.05 7.9 3.57 13.8
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 00.5 11.5 22.5
C. cela (90)
T. leucomelas (62)
T. nudigenis (60)
S. coerulescens (55)
M. gilvus (54)
T. palmarum (36)
T. episcopus (35)
R. carbo (25)
S. flaveola (20)
S. cayana (19)
E. laniirostris (14)
Standard deviation
Solitary With own With others
Figure 1. Dierences (expressed as Z-scores) of observed mi-
nus expected proportions of time spent by birds as solitary in-
dividuals, or sharing the feeder with individuals of their own
or other species in a private garden in Guanare, Venezuela. e
mass (g) of each species is shown in parentheses.
of other species (Z = -2.14) and shared more than expect-
ed with individuals of its own species (Z = 1.27). Finally,
the Blue-gray Tanager shared more than expected with
individuals of its own species (Z = 1.67) and stayed as soli-
tary less than expected (Z = -1.48).
ere were 3,196 occasions in which a bird was dis-
placed by another from the feeder. e winner-loser domi-
nance matrix in Table 4 summarizes 2,536 of those events
for the 14 species with the higher number of records.
When interactions between individuals of the same spe-
cies are excluded from the analysis, both the percentage of
encounters won by each species (%W) and their hierarchi-
cal position (H) are positively correlated (P < 0.001) with
their mass (Spearman´s rank r = 0.84 and 0.87, respective-
ly). e size of the species also correlated positively with
%Solitary (P<0.001, r =< 0.001) and %Exc (P = 0.02,
r= 0.60).
Relatively large birds (≥ 54g) won interactions with in-
dividuals of other species in proportions above the expct-
ed value; the Pale-breasted rush highlights among them
with a Z-score of 2.05 (Fig. 2). ree species won their
interactions with individuals of their own species above
the expected proportion but only two of them are worth
mentioning: the Pale-breasted rush (Z = 1.22) and,
particularly, the Blue-gray Tanager (Z = 2.18). is Tana-
ger won the lowest proportion of interactions with birds
dierent to its own species (Z = -1.61) followed by the
ick-billed Euphonia (Z = -1.12). Finally, the Tropical
Mockingbird (Z = -0.80) and the Burnished-bu Tanager
(Stilpnia cayana, Z = -1.26) were the species with the least
negative interactions with individuals of their own species.
For the analyses of co-occurrences, 518 visits were se-
lected including 15 of the 20 species that went down to
the feeder. e relative frequency of the species that ap-
Table 3. Number of visits and cumulative time spent by the dierent bird species at a feeder in a private garden in Guanare,
Venezuela. Total times (at the bottom) expressed in hours. See denitions of variables in Table 1.
Species / (body mass, g)
Dry season (25.90h) Rainy season (25.92h)
Cumulative time min) Cumulative time (min)
ViTiSolitaryiOwni%Exci ViTiSolitaryiOwni%Exci
Cacicus cela (90) 90 48.8 39.6 2.3 86.0 57 37.3 25.7 2.6 75.7
Coereba flaveola (9) 4 6.3 3.7 0.0 58.5 9 4.5 0.8 0.0 17.5
Campylorhynchus nuchalis (25) 38 13.0 8.5 3.0 87.7 34 9.4 5.5 1.0 68.7
Euphonia laniirostris (14) 75 29.1 13.3 1.2 49.6 445 230.7 41.2 41.6 35.9
Icterus nigrogularis (38) - - - - - 62 33.3 10.3 2.6 38.9
Mimus gilvus (54) 255 198.9 120.8 71.3 96.6 207 200.4 141.5 38.7 89.9
Melanerpes rubricapillus (48) 25 17.2 9.3 0.0 53.8 31 21 8.6 0 40.9
Psarocolius decumanus (180) 3 2.0 2.0 0.0 100 - - - - -
Ramphocelus carbo (25) 10 6 2.0 0.7 45.3 298 111.7 32.5 8.4 36.6
Saltator coerulescens (55) 40 18.7 14.0 0.1 75.8 118 59 20.8 3.1 40.5
Sicalis flaveola (20) 79 41.5 20.7 5.3 62.7 53 35.5 9.9 5.7 43.9
Sporophila intermedia (12) 16 14.8 7.0 0.0 46.9 8 4 0.9 0.0 21.1
Stilpnia cayana (19) 186 80.6 28.5 20.2 60.4 223 92.9 19.6 11.9 33.9
Thraupis episcopus (35) 946 266.7 99.0 90.7 71.1 1660 492.9 120.3 109.3 46.6
Thraupis glaucocolpa (33) 3 1.9 0.2 0.0 12.3 - - - - -
Turdus leucomelas (62) 515 247.7 223.6 0.1 90.3 410 251.3 185.2 13.3 79.0
Turdus nudigenis (60) 107 45.4 33.7 0.0 74.2 237 129 85.9 0.8 67.2
Thraupis palmarum (36) 101 45.2 12.7 10.1 50.4 121 50 11.4 4.0 30.8
Tachyphonus rufus (33) - - - - - 1 0.6 0.1 0 22.7
Icterus icterus (68) - - - - - 1 0.3 0.3 0 100
Totals 2,493 18.1h 10.6h 3.4h - 3,975 29.4h 12.0h 4.1h -
Bird hierarchies and co-occurrences at urban garden in Venezuela
pear in the selected group was highly correlated with the
frequency of bird species in the total visits (Pearson r =
0.983). e 105 possibilities of dierent pairings and the
number of times these pairings occurred in the selected
sample appear in Table 5.
e analyses of co-occurrences showed discrepancies if
the data came from the dry season (N = 203), the rainy
season (N = 315), or the whole selected visits (N = 518).
In the rst case, two pairs of species showed positive asso-
ciations: the Burnished-bu Tanager with the ick-billed
Euphonia (P = 0.012), and the Saron-nch with the
Palm Tanager (raupis palmarum) (P = 0.039) and ve
pairs showed negative associations, all of them involving
the Pale-breasted rush and the Mockinbird. With the
data from the rainy season there were three pairs of species
with positive associations, all of them dierent from those
of the dry season: the Red-crowned Woodpecker (Mel-
anerpes rubricapillus) with S. cayana (P = 0.046) and also
with the Yellow Oriole (Icterus nigrolularis) (P =0.051),
as well as R. carbo with T. palmarum (P = 0.036). e
negative associations for the rainy season rose to 11, with
the Mockinbird the Pale-breasted rush as the most fre-
quently involved. Finally, with the joint data, there were
4 pairs of positive and 17 negative associations, among
the former, that involving R. carbo with T. palmarum was
Table 4. Winner-loser dominance matrix for species that visited the feeder in a private garden of Guanare, Venezuela. e
diagonal (underlined) indicates the number of times that an individual was displaced by another of its own species. ese
last values were not included in the accounts of “wins” or “losses”.
Winners Losers %W H Wg
Cc Mg Tl Sco Mr Tn Cn Rc Te Tp In Sca Sf El
C. cela 27 20 36 3 4 7 4 1 44 10 2 9 2 7 97.4 13 90
M. gilvus 4 6 46 7 3 5 2 2 69 9 0 14 3 6 92.4 12 54
T. leucomelas 0 0 185 7 0 82 13 54 571 48 7 70 7 21 87.1 10 62
S. coerulescens 0 0 17 2 0 13 0 4 37 3 1 5 0 3 78.6 7 55
M. rubricapillus 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 3 6 1 0 1 0 2 77.5 7 48
T. nudigenis 0 0 1 0 1 6 2 12 90 5 4 6 1 16 50.9 7 60
C. nuchalis 0 0 8 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 2 0 51.1 5 25
R. carbo 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 26 3 0 3 2 9 36.9 5 25
T. episcopus 0 2 4 1 0 17 0 1 526 22 0 59 17 64 17.8 4 35
T. palmarum 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 14 2 0 6 1 3 24.3 3 36
I. nigrogularis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 17.7 2 38
S. cayana 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 4.8 2 19
S. flaveola 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 5.1 1 20
E. laniirostris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 0.7 0 14
%W: Percentage of encounters won to other species. H: Hierarchy. Wg: mass in grams (from Hilty 2003).
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 00.5 11.5 22.5
C. cela (90)
T. leucomelas (62)
T. nudigenis (60)
S. coerulescens (55)
M. gilvus (54)
T. palmarum (36)
T. episcopus (35)
R. carbo (25)
S. flaveola (20)
S. cayana (19)
E. laniitostris (14)
Standard deviation
Figure 2. Dierences (expressed as Z-scores) of observed minus
expected proportions of interaction wons by birds to individuals
of their own or other bird species in a private garden in Guana-
re, Venezuela. e size (grams) of each species is shown within
maintained. In all cases, negative associations involved
pairs of a large species (≥ 54g) with a small one (≤ 48 g)
or pairs of large species. at is, there were no negative as-
sociations between small species.
Considering only the 11 species with the highest num-
ber of occurrences in the 518 selected records (Table5),
ve of the ten possible pairs among the large species
showed negative associations (Fig. 3). In contrast, all 15
possible pairs between the smallest species (upper le cor-
ner) showed neutral or positive associations. e Tropical
Mockingbird and the Pale-breasted rush were the spe-
cies with the highest number of negative associations with
other species (8 and 7, respectively). Globally, the species
pairs included in gure 3 show 7.3% positive associations;
30.9% negative associations and 61.8% random associa-
e ick-billed Euphonia was the bird with highest
number of positive associations (three), two of them with
relatively large species such as the Grayish Saltator (Sal-
tator coerulescens) and the Bare-eyed rush (Turdus nu-
digenis). is last species (the third largest bird) did not
show a negative association with any of the small species.
A species pair not included in the gure but that showed
a signicant positive association was that of the Saron-
nch and the Gray seedeater (Sporophila intermedia)
Table 5. e number of co-occurrences of individuals of dierent species at a feeder in a private garden in Guanare (Vene-
zuela) is indicated where rows and colunms intercept. e underlined values show the number of times individuals of the
same species shared the feeder.
C. cel C. nuc E. lan I. nig M. gil M. rub R. car S. coe S. fla S. int S. cay T. epi T. leu T. nud T. pal
2300111100015200C. cel
70000000001010C. nuc
90 0 0 3 12 10 9 0 17 57 12 12 11 E. lan
1221110014000I. nig
560000035012M. gil
13201049200M. rub
48 6 1 0 7 27 8 4 8 R. car
32 3 0 6 17 2 0 0 S. coe
31 4 4 12 5 2 5 S. fla
601201S. int
74 39 11 3 8 S. cay
260 26 23 25 T. epi
119 2 1 T. leu
42 3 T. nud
46 T. pal
Figure 3. Association between species pairs at a birdfeeder in a
private garden in Guanare, Venezuela. e abbreviated scientic
names of the birds indicate both rows and columns. e species
are ordered according to their size with the smallest (Euphonia
laniirostris) in the upper le corner and the larger (Cacicus cela)
in the lower right corner. e numbers inside the red or green
boxes indicate the P values calculated according to the proba-
bilistic model of co-occurrences (Veech 2013). Boxes included
in the square delimited by a broken line represent interrelation-
ships between small species (≤ 48g) and large ones (≥ 54g).
Boxes above that rectangle represent interrelationships between
small species and those to the right represent interrelationships
between large species.
Bird hierarchies and co-occurrences at urban garden in Venezuela
Although the time spent videoing bird activities dur-
ing dry or rainy seasons was nearly the same, during the
dry season there was a lower number of visits to the feeder.
Not all species changed the frequency of their visits in the
same proportion and three of them (R. carbo, E. laniiros-
tris and T. episcopus) accounted for almost 93% on the in-
crease in numbers of visits between the two seasons. ese
dierences are probably related to changes in the phenol-
ogy of birds and fruiting plants alike. Although there is
no detailed information available on the reproductive bi-
ology of the rst two species, according to Hilty (2003)
they reproduce mostly during the dry season, and maybe
the time devoted to nesting and raising chicks (and look-
ing for other food types, for example) keeps them partially
away from the feeder. On the other hand, the Blue-gray
Tanager reduced drastically its number of visits from late
January to early March 2020, which coincided with the
copious fruiting of a Chrysophillum sp tree just 20 meters
from the feeder, where individuals of all bird species that
visited the feeder were observed eating its fruits, and the
most numerous of them belonged to T. episcopus (Seijas &
Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020b).
ere was a clear hierarchy among the birds accesing the
feeder, which was essentially determined by the size of the
species: the largest ones dominated the smallest, as has been
observed in many other studies in birdfeeders (Wojczula-
nis-Jakubas et al. 2015, Galbraith et al. 2017, Deguines et
al. 2020, among others). A notorious discrepancy in this as-
pect was oered by the Bared-eyed rush, a bird with a hi-
erarchical position below what would be expected accord-
ing to its weight (60 gr). is contrasts with the comments
on Verea et al. (2016) who pointed out that T. nudigenis
dominates over several species, including T. leucomelas,
something that occurred only once in the 83 confronta-
tions between these species recorded in the present study.
e Bared-eyed rush shares very little with individuals
of its own species, an indication of strong intra-specic an-
tagonistic relationships, but compared to T. leucomelas it
shares a little more with species smaller than itself.
A high fraction of the time that the feeder was in use
(with birds present) it was mostly occupied by solitary
individuals of some of the largest species, highlighting
among them the Pale-breasted rush and the Tropical
Mockingbird. ese two species dominated the feeder by
excluding other species, particularly the smaller ones.
Larger species (≥54g) displaced individuals of other
species more frequently than expected by chance. at
dierence was particularly high in the case of the Pale-
breasted rush. is species totaled a number of inter-
actions won greater than its number of visits. is means
that in some visits it displaced more than one individual
at a time. Most of these antagonistic interactions (17.4%)
were against individuals of its own species. Verea et al.
(2016) point out that T. leucomelas can form groups of up
to eight individuals, but it seems that these groups are not
very cohesive. is thrush is a very territorial species and in
the reproductive season ghts occur (presumably between
males) that can lead to the death of one of the contend-
ers (Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020b). e Tropical
Mockingbird showed a much lower number of antagonis-
tic encounters with other species than the Pale-breasted
rush, but the confrontations between these two species
were overwhelmingly won by M. gilvus (49 to zero). e
dominance that the Mockinbird exerts over the feeder oc-
curs even when it is not occupying it. One or more Mok-
ingbirds remain vigilant in the vicinity of the feeder and
attack other birds that approach it, which was not always
registered in the videos.
Most small birds (<54g) displaced individuals of other
species less than expected by chance; that is, they used
the feeder sharing it with individuals of their own species
or with individuals of other relatively small species. is
can be interpreted as a response of the small species to the
monolopy of the feeder by the larger species; that is, they
need to share with other species the relative little time that
larger birds leave them available. One exception to this
pattern is oered by the Blue-gray Tanager that interacted
negatively much more than expected with individuals of
its own species and much less than expected with individu-
als of other species. e fact that T. episcopus shares a high
proportion of its time at the feeder with individuals of its
own species is probably a consequence of its abundance,
with more than 40% of the total visits. However, it seems
to be a very tolerant species toward individuals of other
According to the co-occurrences analyses, it is clear that
larger species associate negatively among them and with
the relatively smaller species. Although the smaller species
were limited to use the feeder only a small part of the time,
the positive associations between them were rather rare.
Overall, the percentages of positive, negative and random
associations found in this study are very similar to those
quantied by Galbraith et al. (2017) in birdfeeders in
Auckland, New Zealand: 7.3% vs 8.3%, 30.9% vs 27.8%,
and 61.8% vs 63.9%, respectively.
e positive association between the Silver-beaked
Tanager and the Palm Tanager is probably a fortuitous
event. e rst species of this pair visited the feeder very
few times in the dry season, but there was a considerably
increased in its number of visits during the rainy season,
so the positive association is produced by their co-occur-
rences in that season. As has been mentioned by Blanchet
et al. (2020), co-occurrence is not evidence of ecological
interactions, although these authors were referring to asso-
ciation of species in natural communities. Co-occurrences
can occur due to various causes, such as coincidences in
their biological cycles and visits to the feeder at the same
stages of their cycles (whatever these are) or also because
the species share the preferences for the type of fruit of-
fered. A clear example of the latter case is the positive as-
sociation between the Saron Finch and the Gray Seed-
eater; both species only visited the feeder on the occasions
that mango was oered (Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen
2020a, Seijas 2021). e ick-billed Euphonia was the
species with the highest number of positive associations,
including two with relatively large species (S. coerulescens
and T. nudigenis). is bird is the smallest among the birds
that visited the feeder. Perhaps due to its small size it is
not seen as serius contender to care about by other birds,
which tolerate its presence at the feeder.
All species that visited the feeder during this study are
native. at is probably a consequence of the exclusive
use of fruits as attractants. If other types of food had been
used, such as grains (corn, rice, sunower) or cooked food
(pasta, cooked rice, bread) surely other species would have
appeared, as I have observed in some birdfeeders in the
city. ese species include the exotic domestic pigeon (Co-
lumba livia) and other species that, although not exotic,
are very synanthropic and uninteresting from a conser-
vation point of view, such as the Carib Grackle (Quisca-
lus lugubris) and several small pigeons such as the Eared
Dove (Zenaida auriculata), the Scale Dove (Columbina
squammata) and the Ruddy Dove (Columbina talpacoti).
Likewise, the presence of a granivore such as Saron Finch
should have been much more noticeable, as it is the most
synanthropic species in Guanare (Seijas et al. 2011).
Andrés E. Falkenhagen and Sara F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
helped write this article in English. Two anonymous re-
viewers provided highly pertinent and helpful comments
to improve the writing and technical quality of this article.
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