Á. L. Viloria
Many illustrations of Hermeuptychia butteries have
been published, including photographs of most type
specimens known, the habitus of all species (described and
undescribed), and male genital structures. Both drawings
and photographs are from a wide variety of localities and
habitats of the American continent. Good quality data on
the immature stages of at least three species are available,
as well as data on hostplants, behavior, and ecology. e
amount of data is overwhelming. e preparation of this
notes has taken nearly ten years, and a supplement with
the examined material will be timely published. Opinions
on authority, typication, priority, synonymy, and hom-
onymy followed the provisions of the International Code
of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999).
Abbreviations: comb. nov.: new combination; et al.:
et alii (and others); GLAHM: Hunterian Museum and
Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; IML:
Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Fundación Miguel
Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina; in litt.: in litteris; MS: manu-
script; NHMUK: e Natural History Museum, London,
UK; nom. nov.: nomen novum, new name; nom. nud.: no-
men nudum, name not available; op. cit.: opere citato, work
cited; sp. restit.: species restored or reinstated; syn. nov.:
new synonym; TL: Type Locality; USNM: United States
National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
D. C., USA; ZMHB: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
(Zoological Collections), Germany.
Nomenclature and synonymy of the species belonging to
e names hermes Fabricius and sosybius Fabricius have
long been erroneously applied to other Hermeuptychia
species (and to other taxa belonging to dierent genera)
in a signicant number of papers and popular books. e
synonymic citations for these two taxa in this article are
not exhaustive.
Hermeuptychia Forster, 1964: 87-91.
Type species: Papilio hermes Fabricius, 1775; by original
designation (Forster, 1964: 87).
Hermeuptychia Forster; Miller, 1968: 93, 168; 1976:
1; Miller & Brown, 1981: 191, 241; Viloria, 1990:
xx, 88; Anken, 1993: 418; 1994: 283, 1995a: 8;
1995b: 237, 238; Poole & Lewis, 1996: 621, 904;
Opler & Warren, 2002: 42; Lamas, 2003: 69; 2004:
220; Piñas Rubio, 2004: 3; Murray & Prowell, 2004:
74, 77, 78; Brown, Jr. et al., 2007: 478; Koçak & Ke-
mal, 2007: 121; 2015: 54; Pelham, 2008: 404, 492,
627; Pulido & Andrade, 2009: 520, 551; Marín et
al., 2009: 237, 239 tabl. 2 (part), 241, 242; 2011:
6, 8, 10; 2012: 209, 212 g. 1C (tRNA structure),
213 g. 2 (comparative sequence alignment), 214
g. 3 (trees) part; Peña et al., 2010: 249, 252, 254;
Matos-Maraví et al., 2013: 55, 64; Seraphim et al.,
2014: 39, 40, 43, 45, 46; Cong & Grishin, 2014: 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65,
66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88; Cos-
mo et al., 2014: 82, 86; Warren et al., 2014a: 83, 85;
2014b: 45, 46, 47, 48, 50; Anken et al., 2015: 157,
158; Nakahara et al., 2016: 77, 78, 80; Marín et al.,
2017: 768, 769, 774, 775, 781; 2019: 91, 98; Austin,
2018: 311; Espeland et al., 2019: 116, 120, 121, 122;
Benmesbah et al., [2021]: 19, 28.
Hermeuptychia acmenis (Hübner, 1823), comb. nov.
[Megisto acmenis Hübner, [1819]: 54], nom. nud.
Megisto acmenis Hübner, 1823: pl. [41], gs. 233 (male
dorsal), 234 (male ventral). [TL: “Baltimore”].
Neonympha acmenis (Hübner); Westwood, 1851: 375;
Morris, 1860: 10; Weidemeyer, 1864: 527; Herrich-
Schäer, 1865: 70; Mombert, 1869: 562.
Euptychia acmenis (Hübner); Butler, 1867: 476-477;
1868: 24; 1877a: 119; Gerhard, 1878: 2; Kirby,
1871: 50; 1880: 296; Staudinger, 1887: 227, pl. 81
[row 3] (misidentication of Godartiana byses (Go-
dart)); Mabilde, 1896: 97 (misidentication); Eimer
& Fickert, 1897: 314; Sanders, 1904: 366 (misiden-
tication); Weymer, 1911: 206, t. 51b [2]; Gaede,
1931: 437; D’Abrera, 1988: 778 g. [row 4] male
Megisto acmenis (Hübner); Scudder, 1875: 244; Mös-
chler, 1876: 35; Barnes & Lindsey, 1922: 90.
[Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius); D’Abrera, 1988:
777 g. [row 1, g. 3] male verso (misidentica-
Yphthimoides acmenis (Hübner); Lamas, 2004: 223.
[Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius); Glassberg, 2007:
139 [row 2, g. 3]; 2012: 257 [g. Hidalgo Co., TX]
Yphthymoides [sic] acmenis (Hübner); Teston & Cor-
seuil, 2008: 47 (misidentication).
Hermeuptychia hermybius Grishin, 2014: 44, 49, 50,
68-81, 83 gs 48–59, 60b, e, h, k, 61b, 62a–m, 64q–
z, 67 (distribution map) part, 70, 75 g 63 (mor-
phometry, in part), 76 g. 65, 78 g. 66 (cladogram)
part, 83 g, 70 (life cycle), 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, syn.
nov. [TL: “E of Brownsville, Texas, USA”].