Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
Publicación del Museo de Biología de la Universidad del Zulia
ISSN 1315-642X (impresa) / ISSN 2665-0347 (digital)
Anartia, 31 (diciembre 2020): 63-77
Birds at a feeder in an urban garden in Venezuela:
abundances, interactions and fruit preferences
Pájaros en un comedero de un jardín urbano en Venezuela: abundancias,
interacciones y preferencias de frutas
Andrés E. Seijas
& Sara F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
Universidad Nacional de los Llanos Occidentales “Ezequiel Zamora” (UNELLEZ), Guanare, Portuguesa, Venezuela.
Gaspar de Orense 828, Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile.
Correspondence: A. E. Seijas:
(Received: 08-10-2020 / Accepted: 12-12-2020 / On line: 26-02-2021)
From December 2019 to May 2020 the birds visiting a feeder with fruits were recorded. Six trials were performed, varying
the location of the feeder (at open sky or under a tree canopy) or the two pieces of fruits oered (selected among banana,
plantain, papaya or mango), which were placed in contact in the center of the feeder or separated toward its corners. e
video recordings were watched to identify and quantify the number of species and individuals visiting the feeder and their
fruit preferences. e hierarchies and the degree of exclusivity (monopoly) in the use of the feeder (%Exc) were analyzed
to determine their relationships with the weight of the birds. e eects of the placing of the fruit pieces and of the feeder
itself on the frequency of visits were also analyzed. Sixteen species went down to the feeder for a total of 2493 visits. e
Blue-gray Tanager, the Pale-breasted rush, and the Tropical Mockingbird jointly represented 66% of the total time spent
at the feeder, whereas eight species together represented less than 10% of that time. e frequency of visits (v/h) and the
time spent at the feeder per recording hour (min/h) varied widely among trails. ere was a positive correlation of the
hierarchies and the %Exc with the weight of the birds (n=12; r
= 0.745, P =0.005, y r
= 0.731, P =0.007, respectively).
e v/h increased when the pieces of fruits were located separated in the feeder but were not aected by the position of the
feeder. When two types of fruits were oered simultaneously to the birds, always three or more species showed preference
for one of them. e frequency of visits and the time spent at the feeder by each species varied widely depending on the
fruit oered and hierarchical interrelations among the birds.
Keywords: feeder, feeding preferences, interspecic interactions, Neotropics, urban birds.
Desde diciembre 2019 a mayo 2020 se grabaron en video las aves visitantes a un comedero provisto con dos trozos de fruta
(seleccionadas entre banana, plátano, papaya o mango). Se realizaron seis pruebas en las que se varió la ubicación del come-
dero (a sol abierto o debajo de la copa de un árbol) y la disposición de dos trozos de fruta o (juntos o separados). Las graba-
ciones se revisaron para identicar y cuanticar las especies e individuos visitantes, la frecuencia y duración de las visitas y
las preferencias por fruta ofrecida. Se analizó la correlación entre las jerarquías de las especies y la exclusividad (monopolio)
en el uso del comedero (%Exc) con el peso de las especies, así como la relación entre la tasa de visitas por hora (v/h) y la
ubicación de las frutas y del comedero. Dieciséis especies bajaron al comedero con un total de 2.493 visitas. El Azulejo, la
Paraulata Montañera y la Paraulata Llanera en conjunto representaron 66% del tiempo de ocupación del comedero (minu-
tos por hora de grabación, m/h) mientras que ocho especies en conjunto representaron menos del 10% de dicho tiempo.
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
Las v/h y el tiempo de permanencia (min/h) de cada especie variaron ampliamente en las distintas pruebas. La posición
jerárquica de las especies y el %Exc correlacionaron positivamente con el peso de las aves (n=12; r
= 0.745, P =0.005, y r
= 0.731, P =0.007, respectivamente). Las v/h incrementaron cuando los trozos de frutas se encontraban separados en el
comedero pero no se vieron afectadas por la ubicación del comedero. Cuando se ofreció a las aves simultáneamente trozos
de dos frutas distintas, siempre tres o más especies comieron preferentemente de una de ellas. La frecuencia de visitas y
tiempo de uso del comedero por cada especie fue muy variable, dependiendo principalmente de las frutas ofrecidas y de las
interacciones jerárquicas entre las aves.
Palabras clave: Aves urbanas, comederos, interacciones interespecícas, Neotrópico, preferencias alimentarias.
worth millions of dollars (Chace & Walsh 2004, Ishigame
& Baxter 2007). It has generated a vast scientic literature
and has extension and teaching programs in public institu-
tions and universities (Audubon, n/d, omas et al. 1973,
Cecil 2002, Gowen 2004, Adams 2005).
Articial feeding of birds (and other wild animals)
could have signicant ecological eects (See review in
Dunkley & Cattet 2003) and not all of them benecial
from a conservation point of view. e quantity and qual-
ity of food oered in articial feeders can have negative
consequences, such as the transmission of diseases be-
tween the species that visit it, facilitate the proliferation
of unwanted species, malnutrition of the diners due to the
supply of inappropriate food, among other undesirable af-
fects (Tablado-Almeda 2006, Ishigame & Baxter 2007,
Orros et al. 2015, Galbraith et al. 2017), so its potential
implementation for conservation should be based on well-
conducted investigations (Fuller et al. 2008).
In Latin America, studies on urban ecology are scarce
(Leveau & Leveau 2004, Bellocq et al. 2017), and even
less are those dedicated to birds that use articial feeders
(Echeverría & Vasallo 2008). In the case of Venezuela,
the installation of bird feeders has been recommended
for people’s enjoyment and to provide opportunities to
learn about birds interspecic hierarchies when compet-
ing for food (Phelps 1999, Caula & Manara 2015). e
preferences of some bird species for dierent types of food
were succinctly described by Aveledo (1968). ese later
readings oer general recommendations on how to x the
feeders (location, design, and type of food) but no data
are provided to support the options they mention. Levin et
al. (2000), Sainz-Borgo & Levin (2012) and Sainz-Borgo
(2017) conducted more detailed studies on the interac-
tions of birds in feeders established in Caracas, but the em-
phasis of these investigations was to determine the validity
of some ecological or behavioral theories.
In this article we describe the characteristics of the as-
semblage of birds visiting an articial feeder with fruit in
the garden of a house located on the periphery of Guanare
(Portuguesa, Venezuela). e dynamics of this assemblage
e concentration of human population in towns and
cities is a phenomenon that continues to grow worldwide
(Grimm et al. 2008, Faeth et al. 2011, Sanz & Caula 2014,
UN 2019). e occupation and adaptation of spaces for
the settlement of people bring about drastic change in the
characteristics of the aected lands, which makes them,
to a greater or lesser extent, uninhabitable for most of the
species of living organisms that occupied the unaltered
environment or, on the contrary, creates favorable condi-
tions for species adaptable to the new environment (Chace
& Walsh 2004, Tablado-Almeda 2006). e further the
urbanization process progresses, the fewer possibilities of
direct contacts between people and the native fauna and
ora of the region occupied (Gaston et al. 2007). Parks
and dierent green areas of cities serve to attract or main-
tain a fraction (generally very small) of animals and plants
displaced by the anthropization process (Marzlu 2005;
Evans et al. 2009). House gardens also fulll this func-
tion (Gaston et al. 2005, Fuller et al. 2008, Akinnifesi et
al. 2009, Goddard et al. 2009, Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen
2020), although with a much lower eectiveness due to
their small sizes.
People living in cities have little opportunity to observe
“wild” animals other than those capable of occupying the
green areas and gardens mentioned in the previous para-
graph (Miller 2005, Goddard et al. 2009, Tryjanowski
et al. 2015). One way to increase the possibilities of ob-
serving these animals in their homes is by providing them
with shelter or nesting structures, as well as water and food
that serve as attractants (Hostetler et al. 2003, Burton &
Doblar 2004). e adaptation of gardens with some of the
mentioned attractions is an activity in which millions of
people participate, particularly in developed countries in
temperate zones (Fuller et al. 2008, Warren et al. 2010)
and, perhaps, also in countries in tropical regions for which,
in any case, there are very few published studies. Arranging
backyards and gardens to attract wildlife species (particu-
larly birds) is an activity that supports an entire industry
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
and the interactions among species are analyzed, as well
as the preferences for some fruits and the inuence that
some simple elements of the feeder design, such as its loca-
tion or disposition of fruit pieces oered can exert on the
frequency of visit or consumption of fruits by the dierent
bird species. Based on the results, some basic management
recommendations are presented.
e study took place in a garden of 500 m
located in a
house of La Colonia neighborhood, outskirts of Guanare,
Portuguesa state, Venezuela. Details on the characteristics
of this garden are found in Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen
(2020). Birds have been fed daily with fruits in this garden
since 2003. For this study, the feeder consisted of a square
concrete block (40cm × 40cm and 5cm thick) placed at
ground level. e pieces of fruit were placed on the sur-
face of this block, and covered with a grid (5×5) of plastic-
coated wires. e grid impeded the birds from taking out
or turning upside down the food, but also served for the
birds as a perching device (Fig. 1).
Two feeders were prepared, one at the open sky, on the
oor of the house’s parking space and the other under the
canopy of a Pomagás tree (Syzygium sp). is last feeder
was placed on the ground, 0.55 m from the trunk of the
tree and 2.40 m from the edge of its canopy. e beginning
of the canopy was 1.9 m above the feeder. Only cultivated
fruits were oered to the birds (banana, plantain, papaya
and mango) not to attract some abundant granivorous
birds common in the city (mostly dierent pigeon species;
Seijas et al. 2011) and because frugivores seem to be more
aected by the eects of urbanization than omnivores and
granivores (Sanz & Caula 2014).
e activities of the birds at the feeder were recorded
on video with a cell phone placed on a tripod at a height
of 30 cm and 1 m away from the feeder. e recordings
were grouped into trials (or treatments) (Table 1). Each
trial consisted of oering the birds two pieces of 150g of
the same fruit or dierent fruits, which were placed on al-
ternate days either together (in contact) in the center of
the feeder, or separate (at least 20 cm apart) towards the
le or right corners of it (from the recording perspective).
In any case, it was considered that the food was supplied
ad libitum, since the birds never completely consumed it
in the total period of around one hour from the beginning
of the rst recording session to the end of the last one.
e recording sessions of the rst four trials were car-
ried out exclusively on weekends, to minimize human dis-
turbances typical of working days in the mornings. In the
last two treatments, the recordings were made on consecu-
tive days since they coincided with the connement forced
by the quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic.
e position of each piece of fruit (le or right) was
alternated every day, to detect and correct possible biases
due to the location of the food (Levey 1987, Jackson et
Figure 1. View of the feeder and the recording device. A plastic ladder protects the cell phone from the sun and rain and prevents birds
from perching on it and knocking it down.
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
al. 1998, Bosque & Calchi 2003). In the fourth and h
trials (Plantain-banana and Mango-banana, respectively)
the pieces of fruit were always separated, with the banana
always on the right. In these cases, what changed was the
location of the feeder, which was alternately one day at
open sky and the other under the Pomagás tree.
For the rst four trials, four videos of approximately
seven minutes each were recorded every sampling day. e
rst one started 10 minutes before sunrise, the second one
at sunrise and the other two sessions at 20 and 40 min af-
ter sunrise, respectively. Due to diculties of visibility and
the low number of birds visiting the feeder very early in the
morning, in the last two trials, the number of recording ses-
sions was reduced to just three daily, but with an increased
duration of about 10 minutes each, with a separation of 15
minutes between them, the rst one beginning at sunrise.
e videos were then transferred to a computer for their
analyses. e eective recording time was taken as the gross
recording time minus 30 seconds, considering that the be-
havior of the birds in the rst 15 and last 15 seconds of each
session may be conditioned by the presence of the research-
er placing and removing the recording device.
Each bird that came to the feeder was registered as a
visit. A bird was considered to be using the feeder when
perched on it (even if not eating) or when eating (even if
not perched on it), which occurred occasionally in the case
of larger birds. e following information was taken for
each visit: species, arrival time, interaction with other birds
in the feeder (share with or expel the preceding occupant),
number of times the bird pecked each of the pieces of fruit
supplied, time and causes for leaving the feeder (displaced
by another bird, in pursuit of another bird, approach of
the investigator, or for unknown reasons). For each trail
we calculated the visitation rate of every bird species as the
total number of visits per eective recording hour (v/h)
and the cumulative time at the feeder (total time spend in
minutes per eective recording hour; min/h).
For each visiting bird, the time spent eating from a
piece of fruit (right or le) was calculated prorating the
total time at the feeder according to the number of pecks
on each piece. Indirect data on the reproductive activity of
a species were taken by noting if the visitor was a juvenile
and, in the case of adults, if they carried food in their bills
when leaving the feeder. Using Microso Excel ©, the resi-
dence time and time shared in the feeder was calculated
for each visitor, both with the eight individuals that pre-
ceded it and the eight that arrived aer it.
e interactions between birds can be very complex
(Senar et al. 1989, Hurd & Enquist 2001, Rose & Soole
2020), but for the purposes of the study only two pos-
sibilities were considered: 1. Displacement, when a bird
evicts or expels another completely out of the feeder, and
2. Sharing, when the bird or birds remain for a time to-
gether in the feeder, even when there may be threats, ght-
ing postures and even attacks between them, but which do
not end (at least for a time) with the abandonment of the
feeder from any of the contenders. In the rst case, when
individuals display ghting postures and threats between
them, the one that retreats from the feeder was considered
the loser and the one that remains the winner (Wojczu-
lanis-Jakubas et al. 2015); however, interactions are not
always one-to-one. Sometimes two or more individuals at
the feeder were simultaneously displaced by a bird arriving
suddenly or ying low towards them. In these cases, the
newcomer was considered the winner and all those that
leave the feeder as losers. We expected to nd a hierarchy
of dominance between species in relation to body weight,
where larger species dominate over the smaller ones (Levin
et al. 2000, Sheley et al. 2004, Levin & Sainz-Borgo 2012,
Wojczulanis-Jakubas et al. 2015).
e exclusivity of use of the feeder (%Exc) was dened
as the percentage of time the individuals of a particular
species used the feeder without sharing it with individuals
of other species. Similarly, it was also calculated the per-
Table 1. Trials carried out to study the interactions between birds and their preferences for fruit types or feeder location.
e rst four treatments were carried out on Saturdays and Sundays and the recording sessions of the last two were carried
out on consecutive days.
Trial N° Fruits supplied Feeder location Recording days Sampling interval
1 Papaya-plantain Open sky 12 Dec-14-2019 to Jan-19-2020
2 Only papaya Open sky 6 Jan-25-2020 to Feb-9-2020
3 Only plantain Open sky 8 Feb-15-2020 to Mar-8-2020
4 Plantain-banana Open sky or under tree 12 Mar-14-2020 to Apr-20-2020
5 Mango-banana Open sky or under tree 9 Apr-25-2020 to May-3-2020
6 Mango Open sky 10 May 8-17-2020
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
centage of time a species share the feeder with individu-
als of its own species (%Own) in respect to the total time
shared with all individuals of same or dierent species.
In this research some variables were not under control,
as the progressive changes in rainfall frequency and tem-
perature associated with the advance of the dry season, and
the phenological changes of both plants (owering, fruit
and seed production) and birds, surely as a consequence
of the changes of the rst variable. We are aware that with-
out controls we cannot eliminate the possibility that some
factors other than those considered in this study may have
aected the results. Trials started in the early dry season
in December 2019 and ended in mid-May 2020, when
some sporadic rainfall had already occurred. roughout
the treatments, some birds were observed carrying food
from the feeder to their chicks, which was particularly no-
ticeable in the case of the Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus
gilvus), a species whose adults came down accompanied
by juveniles on numerous occasions. On the other hand,
Caimito (Chrysophilum sp.) fruits ripen in February 2020
and served as food for all the frugivores until the rst week
of March. e mango season started in April and possibly
other plants in the vicinity may have oered their fruit to
the birds. e peak of ripening of the Pomagás fruits oc-
curred in the second and third week of May. Some neigh-
bors also oer fruits or other food types to the birds, al-
though they do not do that routinely. All of these factors
may have inuenced the frequency of visits of dierent
bird species, but one can only speculate on the magnitude
of their eects.
A dominance matrix was produced (Levin et al. 2000,
Sainz-Borgo 2017) that shows the number of times that
the dierent species win (displace) or lose (are displaced)
their interactions in the feeder. e hierarchical struc-
ture obtained was correlated with the weight of the birds.
ese variables were in turn correlated with the exclusivity
of use of the feeder by each species (%Exc) and the per-
centage of time not shared with individuals of others spe-
cies (%Own).
Statistical analyses
e number of visits and the time spent by each species
in the consumption of the two pieces of fruits oered si-
multaneously were calculated and compared. Two-sample
paired tests (Wilcoxon) were performed to determine the
signicance of the dierences in times used by each species
in the consumption of the two pieces of fruit oered si-
multaneously. is test was also performed to compare the
frequency of visits to the feeder (v/min) on alternate days
when it was placed either beneath the open sky or under
the canopy of a tree.
Contingency tables analyses were performed to deter-
mine if the frequency of use of the feeder by solitary indi-
viduals or by birds in groups was independent of the way
the pieces of fruit were placed (together or separate). For
these analyses, the birds that rst arrived to the feeder in
each recording session were not included, since they are
inevitably alone at the time of arrival.
e dierences between the numbers of birds visiting
the feeder when the pieces of fruit were together or sepa-
rate were evaluated with a tests of simple proportions, un-
der the null hypothesis (Ho) that those numbers should
be proportional to the recording times (eort) in each
condition. Given that the recordings were started and
stopped manually, recording times in each condition were
not exactly identical, so that under the null hypothesis (no
eect) the proportion of birds expected when the pieces
were together, departed slightly from 0.5, as will be indi-
cated in each case.
Statistical analyses were carried out with the open ac-
cess program Past 4.02 (Hammer et al. 2001, Hammer
2020). e statistical results were rated as highly signi-
cant (P <0.01), signicant (0.01 ≤ P <0.05) or marginally
signicant (0.05 ≤ P <0.1).
A total of 203 recording sessions were carried out, with
a cumulative gross time of 27.6 hours and an eective du-
ration of 25.9 hours. Sixteen species of birds arrived at the
feeder for a total of 2,493 visits and a cumulative occupa-
tion time of 18.063 hours/birds (Table 2). ere was no
correlation between the average duration of visits and bird
weights (Spearman r
= 0.075, P = 0.80, n = 14). ere
were wide variations in the relative abundances of species
in the dierent trials, as will be shown later, but when the
results of all sessions are pooled together, individuals of
only three species, the Blue-gray tanager (raupis epis-
copus), the Pale-breasted thrush (Turdus leucomelas), and
the Tropical Mockingbird (M gilvus) accounted for 66%
of the total time spent by all species at the feeder. In con-
trast, eight species represented less than 10% of the total
accumulated time. e rst three mentioned species, to-
gether with the Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela) and
Stripe-backed Wren (Capylorhynchus nuchalis) used the
feeder a high percentage the time without sharing it with
other species (%Exc). On the other hand, individuals of
some species, predominantly the Tropical Mockingbird,
shared the feeder mostly with individuals of their own
species (%Own) whereas other did not share it at all, as it
was the case with the thrushes (Fig. 2). Other species that
shared a high percentage of their time with individuals of
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
Alone M.gil T.epi T.pal T.leu S.cay Others
Mimus gilvus
Alone T.leu T.epi M.rub S.cay M.gil Others
Turdus leucomelas
Alone T.nud T.epi S.cay E.lan C.cel Others
Turdus nudigenis
Alone C.cel T.epi S.cay T.leu T.nud Others
Cacicus cela
Alone T.epi T.pal S.cay T.leu T.nud Others
Thraupis episcopus
Alone T.pal T.epi S.cay M.gil Others
Thraupis palmarum
Alone S.fla T.epi S.cay E.lan Others
Sicalis flaveola
Alone S.cay T.epi T.leu E.lan S.fla Others
Stilpnia cayana
Table 2. Use of the feeder by dierent species of birds and their relationship with their body weight. Total accumulated
time 18.063 hours. See denitions of %Exc and %Own in the text. Means in seconds. Body weights according to Hilty
(2003). When two gures of weight are oered, the rst is for the female the second for the male.
Species Visits
Time at the feeder
Weight (g)
Total (%) Mean (S.E.) %Exc %Own
Thraupis episcopus 949 24.78 17.0(0.54) 68.4 68.9 35
Turdus leucomelas 515 22.85 28.9(1.37) 76.4 0 62
Mimus gilvus 255 18.35 46.8(2.29) 86.0 91.6 54
Stilpnia cayana 186 7.44 26.0(1.57) 35.2 47.2 19
Cacicus cela 90 4.50 32.5(2.22) 61.5 23.0 60-104
Turdus nudigenis 107 4.19 25.5(3.37) 49.5 0 60
Thraupis palmarum 101 4.17 26.9(3.40) 24.2 34.9 36
Sicalis flaveola 79 3.83 31.5(2.61) 30.6 28.9 20
Euphonia laniirostris 75 2.69 23.3(2.13) 30.8 15.2 13.5
Saltator coerulescens 40 1.72 28.0(3.04) 50.3 12.1 55
Melanerpes rubricapillus 25 1.59 41.4(5.74) 13.0 0 48
Sporophila intermedia* 16 1.37 55.6(12.6) 9.1 0 12
Campylorhynchus nuchalis 38 1.20 20.6(1.79) 65.3 64.6 25
Coereba flaveola* 4 0.58 94.3(43.8) 5.8 0 9
Raphocellus carbo* 10 0.55 35.8(14.8) 0.6 15.0 25
Psarcolius decumanus* 3 0.19 40.7(18.7) 100 - 180-300
* Due to small sample size, data for these species were not analyzed.
Figure 2. Time spent at the feeder (as %) of each bird species as solitary individuals (alone, black bar), sharing with individuals of their
own species (white bar) or with other species (gray bars). Charts to the le are for birds relatively large (body weight of 54 g or more),
whereas those to the right belong to smaller birds (from 19 to 36 g). Notice that the Turdidae did not share the feeder with individuals
of their own species.
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
their own species were the Blue-grey Tanager (68.9%), the
Burnished-bu tanager (Stilpnia cayana; 47.2%) and the
Palm tanager (raupis palmarum; 35.07%). ere were
no correlations of %Exc and %Own with the weight of
the birds (n=12; r
= 0.399, P =0.199, and r
= -0.423,
P=0.171, respectively).
Bird interactions
e winner-loser dominance matrix (Table 3) shows
that the Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela) and the
Tropical Mockingbird were the most dominant species.
However, in interactions between these two birds, it was C.
cela that won the majority of the encounters. At the base of
the hierarchical structure were the ick-billed Euphonia
(Euphonia laniirostris) and the Gray seedeater (Sporophila
intermedia), species between which no interactions were
recorded (Table 3). e hierarchy was positively correlat-
ed with the weight of the birds and with %Exc (n=12; r
0.745, P =0.005, and r
= 0.731, P =0.007, respectively).
Number and rate of visits
roughout the six trials, the relative importance of
each species at the feeder, measured either as visits per
hour (v/h) or as total accumulated time (in minutes) per
recording hour (min/h) was highly variable (Table 4).
ese measurements are highly correlated but not equiva-
lent, since there are dierences in the duration of the visits
among the species (see mean values in Table 2). In the rst
trial, for example, when v/h is used, T. episcopus duplicates
T. leucomelas; but if the unit of measurement is min/h,
then it is this last species that surpasses T. episcopus.
e number of total visits per hour (v/h) decreased
throughout the rst four trials, going from a maximum
of 186.4 v/h in in mid-December-mid-January (Papaya-
plantain) to near of a third of that gure (62.9 v/h) from
the end of March-beginning of April (Plantain-banana).
In the h trial (Mango-banana) the number of v/h in-
creased again (121.6 v/h) without reaching the levels of
the initial treatment, to decrease again to 47 v/h in the last
trial at mid-May (Only Mango).
No species showed a constant visit rate (v/h) or accu-
mulated occupation time (min/h) throughout the trials.
If we compare the changes in terms of accumulated time
(min/h), we have that both T. leucomelas and M. gilvus
increased their presence between the rst and second tri-
als (by 20.1% and 314.6%, respectively); but both spe-
cies decreased their presence in successive treatments and
reached the lowest values when only mango was oered.
e accumulated times for M. gilvus showed their maxi-
mum values in the second and third trials (19.9 and 15.3
Table 3. Winner-loser dominance matrix for species that visited the feeder. e column “Hierarchy” accounts for the
number of species for which the species heading each row won the majority of its interactions. e diagonal (underlined)
indicates the number of times that an individual was displaced by another of its own species. is last value is not included
in the accounts of “wins” or “losses.
Win Lose Hierarchy
Cc Cn El Mg Mr Rc Scoe Sf Scay Si Te Tp Tl Tn
C. cela 7 2 4 14 2 0 1 0 6 0 20 7 14 6 76 4 10
C. nuchalis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 7 2 16 7 5
E. laniirostris 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0
M. gilvus 4 0 3 2 1 0 3 3 11 1 36 7 30 1 100 14 10
M. rubricapillus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 7 1 14 4 4
R. carbo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 2
S. coerulescens 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 10 1 5 1 20 6 6
S. flaveola 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 1
S. cayana 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 87 2
S. intermedia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
T. episcopus 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 10 29 1 218 8 0 3 65 288 5
T. palmarum 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 0 0 2 13 42 4
T. leucomelas 0 3 5 0 0 7 1 2 36 2 184 18 77 32 290 64 8
T. nudigenis 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 24 1 1 2 30 48 3
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
min/h, respectively), when adults visited the feeder ac-
companied by juveniles as we will show later. In any case,
T. episcopus was the species that showed the widest uc-
tuations in visit rates (v/h) throughout the trials (Fig. 3),
particularly between the rst and second, with a decrease
of 98.5%. e changes in the total number of birds that
visited the feeder largely reect variations in the relative
abundance of this species.
e Tropical Mockingbird and the Blue-gray Tanager
were the species with the highest number of records of in-
dividuals carrying food from the feeder (Fig. 4). e maxi-
mum for M. gilvus in this regard (9.7 CF/hour) occurred
in late January to early February. e maximum number
of visits of the juveniles of this species (4.6 j/h) occurred
in the following trial, in between February-15 to March-8.
e Blue-gray Tanagers carries occurred later, peaking at
the end of April-beginning of May (14.4 carries/hour)
but only a few juveniles of this species (0.2 j/h) could be
identied in the last trial, in mid-May, 2020. Pale-breasted
thrushes carrying food out of the feeder were observed in
between March-14 and May-3 and the rst juvenile visits
were observed in between May-8 to 17. In addition to C.
cela and S. cayana, individuals of other ve species carried
food in their bills or visit the feeder as juveniles in a very
low frequency and were not analyzed in detail.
Location of fruit pieces and feeder
In treatments with two pieces of the same fruit, birds
pecked more times from the piece on the right, the side of
the feeder facing to the garden (Wilcoxon paired test; n =
530, z = 2.996, P = 0.003). is behavior was especially
marked in the case of C. cela (n = 38, z = 3.716, P <0.001)
and of C. nuchalis (n = 12, z = 2.198, P = 0.028). If the
data for these two species are removed from the analyses,
the average time spent by the remaining birds eating from
the piece at the right side (17.423 sec/visit) was still great-
er than that spent on the piece on the le (14.743 sec/
visit), but the dierences were just marginally signicant
(n = 479, z = 1.757, P = 0.079).
Aer pooling the data of the rst three trials, when the
arrangement of the fruit pieces in the feeder were alter-
nated on consecutive recording days (the rst day together
and the next separate, or vice versa), there were a greater
number of visits to the feeder when the pieces of fruit were
separated (738) than when they were together (608). Sta-
tistical analyses were performed for each trial separately.
Table 4. Visits per hour of recording (v/h) and time spend at the feeder (min/h) by the dierent bird species in each one
of the trials. Values in parentheses (t
) represent the eective time recorded in each treatment.
Plantain-banana Mango- banana
= 4.357h) (t
= 2.584h) (t
= 3.699h) (t
= 5.740h) (t
= 4.527h) (t
= 4.998h)
v/h min/h v/h min/h v/h min/h v/h min/h v/h min/h v/h min/h
C. cela 3.7 2.2 1.2 0.2 9.5 5.0 3.3 1.4 3.8 2.7 0 0
C. nuchalis 1.6 0.4 1.2 0.6 2.4 0.5 0.3 0.1 1.5 0.6 2 0.9
C. flaveola 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.2 0.3
E. laniirostris 1.8 0.4 0 0 0.8 0.2 2.6 0.8 10 4.6 0.6 0.3
M. rubricapillus 1.8 2 1.5 1 2.2 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.2 0 0
M. gilvus 4.8 4.8 22 19.9 19.2 15.3 8.7 5.6 12 7.8 0.8 0.5
P. decumanus 0.7 0.5 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0
R. carbo 1.1 0.1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.8
S. coerulescens 1.1 0.6 1.2 0.5 1.1 0.3 2.4 1.2 2.6 1.4 0.4 0.1
S. flaveola 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 6.4 3.7 9.6 4.9
S. intermedia 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.2 0.2 3 2.8
S. cayana 9.6 2.3 3.1 0.5 6.5 1.8 4.9 1.8 12 6.8 6.2 4.2
T. episcopus 99 21.7 1.5 0.1 7.6 1.9 24 8.0 57 16.1 17 9.5
T. palmarum 4.8 1.2 0.4 0 4.9 2.0 3 1.3 6.8 3.0 2.6 2.3
T. leucomelas 47 22.8 51 27.4 23.0 10.2 8.9 4.5 7.1 2.5 2.2 0.5
T. nudigenis 8.7 4 3.5 1.1 5.9 2.1 4.5 1.9 0.4 0.8 2 0.6
Globals 186.4 62.9 86 51.2 83.3 40.4 62.9 26.9 121.6 51.9 47 27.6
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
(Dec 14-Jan 19)
(Jan 25-Feb 9)
(Feb 15-Mar 8)
(Mar 14-Apr 20)
(Apr 25-May 3)
(May 8-May 17)
Visits per hour (v/h)
T. episcopus T. leucomelas M. gilvus Others All
Figure 3. Visits per recording hour (v/h) of the three most common bird species at the feeder in each one of the trails. e scale on the
right (v/h) is for all birds together.
Papaya &
Plantain &
Mango &
Carrying food per hour (CF/h)
C. cela M. gilvus T. episcopus T. leucomelas
Papaya &
Plantain &
Mango &
Juveniles per hour (J/h)
Figure 4. Above: Frequency of adults of some species leaving the feeder with food in their bills. Below: Frequency of juveniles visiting
the feeder.
In the Papaya-plantain treatment, the values for together:
separate were 355:461; a highly signicant disproportion
(expected proportion = 0.485; z = -2.834, P <0.005). In
the case of the trial with only Papaya the disproportion
(98:124) was signicant (expected proportion = 0.517;
z = -2.164, P = 0.030) and not signicant in the case of
only Plantain (155:153) (expected proportion = 0.493;
z = 0.364; P = 0.716). If the birds are divided into two
groups according to their weight, only for those <40g the
disproportion was signicant in the Papaya-plantain trial
(220:300; z = -2.809, P <0.005) and the Only papaya trial
(2:14; z = -3,136, P = 0.002). ere were no signicant
disproportions in any of the treatments for birds >40g
e way birds visited the feeder (in solitary or in com-
pany of other birds) was not independent of how the piec-
es of fruits were disposed (together or separated). at was
particularly so when the data of the three trials are pooled
together (Global data) (Pearson χ
= 11.431, P <0.001);
that is, the arrangement of the fruit pieces inuences the
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
frequency with which the birds are in the feeder alone or
accompanied by other birds (Table 5). e results of these
analyses when each trial is taken separately pointed in the
same direction, although the probability values in two of
them (Papaya-plantain and only papaya) are marginally
Fruit preferences
In all the trials in which two type of fruits were of-
fered, three or more birds consumed one of the options
in a higher frequency than expected by chance. In the
rst treatment, the Blue-gray tanagers, Palm tanager,
and Yellow-rumped caciques consumed plantain in pref-
erence over papaya (Fig. 5A). Even though most species
decreased their feeder occupancy rate (min/h) in the next
trial (when only papaya, the non-preferred fruit in rst
trial was oered), these three species were the ones with
the more accentuated reduction, with decrease values of
99.5%, 90.1% and 100%, respectively. In contrast, T. leuco-
melas and M. gilvus, birds that had not shown preference
for papaya or plantain, increased their time in the feeder
(min/h) when it was oered only papaya, the rst of these
species in only 20.2%, but the Tropical Mockingbird did
it in 314.6%. Species with less than 12 visits were not used
in the analyses.
When plantain and banana were oered, ve species
preferred the rst fruit (Fig. 5B). However, when the
birds had to choose between banana or mango six species
favored the banana and only one, the Saron Finch (Si-
calis aveola), a species that have not consumed any fruit
in the four previous trials, ate almost exclusively mango
In the last trial, when only mango was presented to the
birds, the Saron Finch was the second most common
species, only below to the Blue-gray Tanager. It is neces-
sary to point out that in the two tryouts in which mango
was oered, 15 species visited the feeder, the maximum
number in all this study. e three additional species that
appeared when this fruit was presented were the already
mentioned Saron Finch, the Gray Seedeater (Sporophila
intermedia), and the Bananaquit (Coereba aveola). ese
three species consumed exclusively mango.
Feeder location
In the fourth and h trials, the two pieces of food
were placed separated, but the location of the feeder was
alternated: one day at open sky and the next under a
tree canopy (or vice versa). ere were no dierences in
the frequency of bird visits between this two conditions
(Wilcoxon paired test: n =10; z = 1.23, P = 0.218). On
the other hand, there were positive correlations between
the cumulative times spent by each bird species (min/h)
when the feeder was located at the open sky or under the
tree (Table 6: Spearman Rank correlation: r
= 0.879,
P<0.001 for Plantain-banana; r
= 0.920, P < 0.001 for
Frequency of visits and preferences for fruit
In the ve months covered by this research (the entire
dry season) the relative frequency of bird species that vis-
ited the feeder was highly variable. Sixteen species visited
the feeder, but the number of species varied between 10,
in the second trial (when only papaya was oered) and 15
in the h (when mango and banana were oered). Taken
together the six trials carried out, only three species, the
Blue-gray tanager, the Tropical Mockingbird and the Pale-
breasted thrush, accounted for the vast majority of visits,
with a maximum that exceeded 80% in the rst two treat-
ments and a minimum of 42% in the last one. is domi-
nance is comparable to the one reported by Galbraith et al.
(2017) for feeder in Auckland, New Zealand, but in their
case, two of the three dominant species were exotic.
roughout the study, the type of fruit oered varied,
and due to the abrupt changes between one trial and the
one that followed, it is unavoidable to conclude that in
Table 5. Frequency of bird visiting the feeder in solitary or accompanied by other birds when the pieces of fruit were to-
gether or separated. Results of the analysis with contingency tables (Chi-square).
Global data Papaya-plantain Only papaya Only plantain
Together Separated Together Separated Together Separated Together Separated
In solitary 286 286 120 130 70 77 96 79
Accompanied 273 402 214 309 17 35 42 58
Pearson χ
11.431 3.457 3.478 4.209
P value <0. 001 0.063 0.062 0.040
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
T. palmarum
M. rubricapillus
C. cela
S. cayana
T. nudigenis
M. gilvus
T. episcopus
T. leucomelas
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
S. coerulescens
T. palmarum
C. cela
S. cayana
T. nudigenis
T. leucomelas
M. gilvus
T. episcopus
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
T. leucomelas
C. cela
T. palmarum
S. flaveola
E. laniirostris
S. cayana
M. gilvus
T. episcopus
Cummulative time (min/h)
Figure 5. Time spent by birds at the feeder consuming dierent
fruits. At the end of the bar is indicated if the dierences are
signicant (*) or highly signicant (**).
Table 6. Cumulative time at the feeder (min/h) by die-
rent bird species when it was located at open sky or under
a tree canopy. Eective recording time for each trial and
condition in shown in parentheses.
Plantain-banana Mango-banana
Open sky
Under a
tree (2.84h)
Open sky
Under a
tree (2.03h)
C. cela 1.018 1.760 1.010 3.399
C. flaveola - - 2.525 0.000
C. nuchalis 0.000 0.246 0.732 0.418
E. laniirostris 1.052 0.475 3.004 6.897
M. gilvus 6.273 4.992 8.020 6.725
M. rubricapilus 0.477 0.000 0.446 0.000
R. carbo - - 0.000 0.696
S. coerolescens 1.035 1.320 1.018 1.491
S. flaveola 0.017 0.000 4.418 4.005
S. intermedia - - 0.446 0.000
S. cayana 1.644 2.030 6.404 8.568
T. episcopus 8.343 7.732 15.619 14.883
T. palmarum 1.489 1.097 3.854 2.310
T. leucomelas 4.180 4.887 2.281 3.104
T. nudigenis 1.230 2.605 1.161 0.541
All 26.760 27.143 50.937 53.038
some cases the type of fruit(s) placed in the feeder deci-
sively inuenced the frequency of visits of some species.
at was clearly the case of the last two trials, when mango
was oered to the birds. e Saron Finch did not visit
the feeder in any of the previous four tryouts, despite the
fact that this species is a permanent occupant of the garden
(Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020). Visits of S. aveola to
the feeder began in the h trial, when mango was oered
as one of the options, and the relative importance of this
bird reached to 20.4% of the total visits when that fruit
was oered in exclusivity, only below the Blue-gray Tana-
ger, with 35.7 % of visits.
It is necessary to discuss a little more our ndings with
S. aveola, a species regarded as granivore (Hilty 2003,
Sainz-Borgo et al. 2018). is is a very common species in
the garden and throughout the city of Guanare (Seijas et
al. 2011, Seijas & Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020). During this
investigation, dozens of individuals were permanently ob-
served foraging in the lawn, a few meters from the feeder.
We have already reported that S. aveola consumes fruits,
and we keep photographs of some individuals eating papa-
ya and banana at the feeder, as well as fruits of Chrysophi-
lum sp. on the tree. However, those observations were not
properly evaluated. e only reference we found in the lit-
erature on the consumption of fruit by the Saron Finch
was that of Soriano et al. (1999) who reported evidence of
consumption of a cactus fruit by this species. It is worth
mentioning that this nch has also been observed catching
ying termites.
It was another surprise to observe the Grey seedeater
(Sporophila intermedia) consuming mango. In the 16
records of visits of this bird to the feeder it was always a
female, probably the same individual. Hilty (2003) indi-
cated that, unlike other Sporophila, S. intermedia has quite
varied eating habits that include insects, even caught in
ight. e other species that only went down to consume
mango was the Bananaquit, although only four times.
Another unexpected visitor to the feeder was C. nuchalis,
A. E. Seijas & S. F. Seijas-Falkenhagen
a species regarded as an insectivore (Phelps 1999, Sainz-
Borgo et al. 2018).
Changes in the frequency of Blue-gray Tanager are more
dicult to associate exclusively with the type of fruit oered.
It was the most abundant species in the rst trial (Plantain-
papaya) and practically disappeared from the feeder when
it was oered exclusively papaya, fruit that had not been its
favorite in the previous trial; but this bird did not show the
return that would have been expected when plantain was of-
fered again. e relative importance of T. episcopus increased
in the fourth and h treatments, to show a further decrease
when only mango was oered. We believe that, in addition
to the type of fruit oered, these uctuations were inu-
enced by the presence of the Tropical Mockingbird. is
last bird is at the top of the hierarchical structure among the
birds that visit the feeder. It exercises its dominion very ag-
gressively. e v/h of the Tropical Mockingbird increased
more than four-fold between the rst and the second tri-
als, when the juveniles started visiting the feeder with their
parents. At these times, adults Tropical Mockingbirds seem
to be particularly feisty and intolerant to the presence of
other birds. Although the Blue-gray Tanager (and also the
Palm Tanager) consumes papaya, perhaps accessing that
non-preferred fruit would mean to compete with M. gilvus,
which would imply an eort that would not oset the ben-
ets obtained in terms of energy and nutrition. When the
Tropical Mockingbird prominently occupied the feeder, in
the second and third trials, not only did T. episcopus decrease
its presence, so did most of the small species, among which it
is worth noting the Burnished-bu Tanager, which reduced
its presence in a 78.3%.
It could be argued that T. leucomelas could also have
inuenced the reduction in the number of visits to the
Blue-gray Tanager and other birds, but the increase in the
occupation time of the Pale-breasted thrush was of only
20.2% between the rst and second trials. Rather, this
small increase could be due to the drastic reduction in the
number of T. episcopus visits, because it would lighten the
burden on the rst species of competing with a very nu-
merous bird. In support of this argument is the fact that
the mean time of T. leucomelas visits between these two tri-
als increased, although the dierence was not signicant.
In addition, there were 137 interactions between these
two species in the rst trial, all of them won by T. leuco-
melas, which did not prevent T. episcopus from being the
most frequent species in the initial treatment. e marked
decline in the time of occupation of T. leucomelas aer the
second trial is dicult to explain and could have some
relationship with the reproductive activity of the species,
whose courtship, nesting, incubation and chick atten-
dance take place in the rst months of the year (Seijas &
Seijas-Falkenhagen 2020). Klem (2008) noted that birds
in northern latitudes increase their frequency of visits to
feeders when they are not breeding. is could be the case
of the Pale-breasted rush in our study, but we have al-
ready seen that in the case of the Tropical Mockingbird
frequency of visits increased considerably when the species
was raising its chicks.
Surely all species respond by increasing or decreasing
their frequency of visits to the feeder based on the exis-
tence or not of alternative feeding sources in the vicinity,
as has been documented for frugivorous birds in dierent
regions of the Neotropics (Leck 1972, Fleming 1979). An
increase in the number of visits of some birds would have
been expected when only plantain was placed in the feeder
(as of February 15, 2020), the fruit that had been selected
in preference by Blue-grey Tanager, Yellow-rumped Caci-
que and Palm Tanager in the rst trial. is was not the
case, as discussed in previous paragraphs. One factor that
could have inuenced this ‘no return’ was the entry into
full production of fruits of a Caimito (Chrysophilum sp.)
tree (aer February 8) just 20 meters from the feeder. e
production of this tree was very copious (personal obser-
vation). All the species that visit the feeder were observed
consuming this fruit and the most abundant of them was
T. episcopus. e production of caimitos ended at the be-
ginning of March, however, this fact was not reected in
the number of birds visiting the feeder in the trial that
was carried out immediately (when Plantain-banana were
oered), since though the visit rate of C. cela increased
slightly compared to the previous trial, the number of v/h
of other species, especially T. leucomelas and M. gilvus con-
tinued to decline.
e disappearance of C. cela from the feeder when only
papaya was oered cannot be explained by the presence of
M. gilvus, since Yellow-rumped Cacique dominates over
the Tropical Mockingbird (and over all the other species
with which it interacts). It is possible that the almost zero
consumption of papaya by this icterid is a consequence of
the characteristics of its beak, which may not be very e-
cient for eating this fruit. is of course is speculative, but
the 16 species that visited the feeder show wide variation
in bird size and shape, and there is likely to be a close rela-
tionship between the size and shape of the birds’ beaks, on
the one hand, and foraging activities, on the other (Kantak
1979, Grant 1986, Foster 1987). In this sense, the clear
preference of S. aveola and S. intermedia for mango could
also be due to the possession of ecient picks to cut the -
bers of this fruit. Preferences may be based on, or depend
on, the protein and nutritional content of the fruits (Levey
1987, Schaefer et al. 2003, Corlett 2011) or on which oth-
er food sources are or are not available in the vicinity at the
Birds in an urban garden of Venezuela
same time. Bosque & Calchi (2003), for example, pointed
out that in captivity, the T. episcopus is able to discriminate
between diets with dierent protein percentage and select
the one with the highest protein content. We did not ob-
tain information on the protein content of the banana, but
the aforementioned authors indicated that those of the
banana and the papaya are 3.5% and 5.1%, respectively.
If the protein content of the plantain is similar to that of
the banana, then it is surprising that the Blue-grey Tana-
ger preferred this fruit instead of the papaya. To nish this
discussion of fruit preferences is interesting to note that S.
cayana was the most generalist species of all, not showing a
preference for any of the options oered.
Dominance and timeshare
It must be taken into account that the pie charts where
the accumulated times in the visits of all the birds are
shown and compared (Fig. 2) were elaborated from trials
carried out over more than ve months, during which the
fruits presented to the birds were periodically changed.
e chart would look be very dierent if each of the trials
carried out were analyzed separately, as evidenced in Fig.
3. is warns of the risk of drawing conclusions based on
very short-term studies and that it is necessary to continue
investigating the dynamics of the assembly of birds that are
attracted to the feeder and the factors that inuence that
e dominance of the species was mainly determined
by their sizes, as has been shown in several bird studies
(Wallace & Temple 1987, Shelley et al. 2004, Wojczulanis-
Jakubas et al. 2015, Galbraith et al. 2017). Relatively large
species do not share much the feeder with individuals of
other species. Relatively small species, on the other hand,
showed few negative interactions among them and gener-
ally share the feeder, a strategy that allows them to consume
the fruits in the occasions where larger and dominant spe-
cies are out of the feeder. In the case of the Turdidae, our
results dier from those of Sainz-Borgo (2017) who found
that T. leucomelas and T. nudigenis share most of their time
at the feeder with other bird species, but this author reg-
isters her data in the aernoon (from 15:00-17:00). It is
possible that early in the morning birds are less prone to
share the feeder because they may be hungrier than in the
aernoon, aer they have been several hours foraging.
Behavior also plays a very important role in the estab-
lishment of the hierarchies, when we see that individuals
of an aggressive species like M. gilvus largely dominates in-
dividuals of species slightly larger than them, such as those
of the genus Turdus. In the case of the Tropical Mocking-
bird, its dominance seems to increase when the species
goes to the feeder with its ospring.
e results of this study show that it is possible to ma-
nipulate the functioning of the feeder to: 1) increase the
diversity of species and the number of individuals that visit
it; 2) to favor those desirable species, and create conditions
not to attract undesirable ones. All the species that ap-
proached the feeder are native and although none of them
is threatened in any degree, several are aected by the ur-
banization process, if we take into account their absence
or scarcity in more central areas of the city of Guanare, ac-
cording to the study by Seijas et al. (2011). is is the case
of large birds such as the Crested Oropendola (Psaracolius
decumanus) and the Yellow-rumped Cacique; or medium
and small size birds such as the Silver-beaked Tanager
(Ramphocellus carbo) or the ick-billed Euphonia. Ac-
cording to the aforementioned study, very common spe-
cies in the city also came to the feeder, such as the Tropical
Mockingbird, the Blue-gray Tanager or the Saron Finch;
but the use of fruits exclusively to attract birds to the
feeder, we suppose, have kept away omnivorous birds such
as the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) and the Grackle
(Quiscalus lugubris), species very common in Guanare.
We found that both the type of fruit oered and the
way the pieces are arranged in the feeder inuence the
abundance and diversity of species that visit it, and al-
though there is still much to know about how these vari-
ables interact, an obvious recommendation is to place sev-
eral types of fruit simultaneously and to separate them, to
reduce negative interactions among birds. In the few rec-
ommendations that have been published in Venezuela on
the installation of bird feeders, the convenience of locating
them near bushes or even in the shade of trees has been
pointed out (Phelps 1999, Caula & Manara 2015). In our
study we did not detect dierences in the abundance and
variety of birds that visit the feeder when it was in the open
sky or under the shade of a tree, but our observations were
always made during the rst hour aer sunrise. Practical
reasons, such as protecting food from drying out or from
rain, suggest that placement in the shade is convenient.
is research on birds visiting a feeder is only intended
to be a beginning. Hopefully, it will encourage other re-
searchers to conduct new studies that overcome its failures
and limitations to answer new questions. In our case, the
execution and analysis of new eorts to cover the rainy sea-
son are pending.
Two anonymous referees made useful observations and
recommendations on earlier versions of this paper.
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