© The Authors, 2025, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: emrapo@gmail.com
Coee rust
Reaction of coee cultivars to Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome strains in Venezuela, under
controlled conditions
Reacción de cultivares de café a cepas de Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome en Venezuela bajo condiciones
Reação de cultivares de café a cepas de Hemileia vastatrix Berk.
& Broome na Venezuela sob condições
Emma Ramírez Poletto*
Dorian Rodríguez
Alexander Hernández
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v42.n1.X
Crop production
Associate editor: Dra. Evelyn Pérez Pérez
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Postgrado
de Fitopatología, Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela.
Received: 19-09-2024
Accepted: 23-12-2024
Published: 18-01-2025
Coee rust resistance is of great importance in worldwide
coee crops, since its biotrophic pathogen shows, currently, more
than 55 identied races with diverse virulent genes. This work
was based on the determination of the reaction of ve commercial
coee cultivars inoculated, under controlled conditions, with three
strains of Hemileia vastatrix (race XXXIX and pathotypes Hv01ve
and Hv02ve) previously identied in Venezuela. Three velvet
leaves taken from six selected plants of ve cultivars (Caturra, Catuai
amarillo, Monteclaro, Colombia 27 y Castillo) were inoculated with 80
μL of a uredospore dilution (5 x 10
), and incubated
at 22 °C +/- 2 °C and 12 h light photoperiod. Incubation period,
latency period, infection grade, number of initial lesions, number
of sporulated lesions, area of lesion, and area of sporulated lesion
were the variables used for evaluation. Results showed that number
of initial lesion, number of sporulated lesion and area of sporulated
lesion allowed to determine the presence of incomplete resistance
in Castillo to race XXXIX, Castillo, Catuai and Colombia 27 to
Hv01ve, and Monteclaro to Hv02ve, trials also showed possible
complete resistance in Monteclaro to race XXXIX and Colombia
27 to Hv02ve. It is suggested that these results should be taken into
account when selecting the coee cultivars to be planted.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210 January-March. ISSN 2477-9409.
2-6 |
La resistencia del café a la roya es un tema de gran importancia
en la cacultura a nivel mundial, motivado a que su agente causal, un
hongo biotrofo, presenta actualmente más de 55 razas identicadas
con diversos genes de virulencia en su composición génica. Este
trabajo se basó en la determinación de la reacción de cinco cultivares
comerciales de café ante la inoculación, bajo condiciones controladas,
de tres cepas de Hemileia vastatrix (raza XXXIX, patotipos Hv01ve
y Hv02ve) identicadas previamente en Venezuela. Se seleccionaron
tres hojas terciopelos de cada una de seis plantas seleccionadas de
los cinco cultivares (Caturra, Catuaí amarillo, Monteclaro, Colombia
27 y Castillo). Las hojas se inocularon con 80 μL de una dilución de
uredosporas (5 x 10
) del hongo, se incubaron a 22
°C +/- 2 °C y fotoperiodo de 12 h luz. Las variables evaluadas fueron
Periodo de incubación, Periodo de Latencia, Grado de infección,
Número de lesiones iniciales, Número de lesiones esporuladas, Área
de lesión y Área de lesión esporulada. Los resultados obtenidos
evidenciaron que las variables Número de Lesiones iniciales, Número
de Lesiones esporuladas y Área de Lesión esporulada permitieron
determinar la presencia de resistencia incompleta en los cultivares
Castillo a la raza XXXIX, Castillo, Catuaí y Colombia 27 a Hv01ve y
Monteclaro a Hv02ve. Además, las pruebas mostraron la posibilidad
de resistencia completa en Monteclaro para la raza XXXIX y
Colombia 27 para Hv02ve. Se sugiere considerar estos resultados
para la selección de los cultivares de café a sembrar.
Palabras clave: resistencia, roya del cafeto, raza, patotipos
A resistência do café à ferrugem é um tema de grande importância
na cafeicultura mundial, motivada porque seu agente causal, um
fungo biotróco, possui atualmente mais de 55 raças identicadas
com diferentes genes de virulência em sua composição genética. Este
trabalho baseou-se na determinação da reação de cinco cultivares
comerciais de café à inoculação, sob condições controladas, de
três cepas de Hemileia vastatrix (raça XXXIX, patótipos Hv01ve e
Hv02ve) previamente identicadas na Venezuela. Foram selecionadas
três folhas aveludadas de cada uma das seis plantas selecionadas das
cinco cultivares (Caturra, Catuaí Amarelo, Monteclaro, Colombia 27
e Castillo). As folhas foram inoculadas com 80 μL de uma diluição de
uredinosporos (5 x 10
) do fungo e incubadas a 22
ºC) +/- 2 °C e fotoperíodo de 12 h luz. As variáveis avaliadas foram
Período de Incubação, Período de Latência, Grau de infecção, Número
de lesões iniciais, Número de lesões esporulantes, Área da lesão e
Área da lesão esporulante. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as
variáveis Número de lesões iniciais Número de lesões esporulantes
e Área de lesão esporulante permitiram determinar a presença
de resistência incompleta nas cultivares Castillo à raça XXXIX
Castillo Catuaí e Colombia 27 ao patótipo Hv01ve e Monteclaro
ao Hv02ve. Além disso, os testes mostraram a possibilidade de
resistência completa em Monteclaro para a raça XXXIX e Colômbia
27 para Hv02ve. Sugere-se considerar esses resultados na seleção das
cultivares de café a serem plantadas.
Palavras-chave: resistência, ferrugem do cafeiro, raças, patótipos.
The apparent loss or broken down of coee rust resistance in
materials previously free of the disease is a frequent fact in coee
producer countries worldwide (Avelino & Rivas, 2013). These
changes are related to the high adaptive potential of the fungus and
to variations and relative frequency of the races of Hemileia vastatrix
Berk. & Br. (Pires et al., 2020), limiting C. arabica production in
the world. Its genetic resistance is the main control measure of the
pathogen which has been transferred to C. arabica commercial
cultivars through Timor hybrid (natural crossing of C. arabica x C.
canephora) (Avelino & Rivas, 2013; Talhinhas et al., 2017).
In the development of the pathogenesis cicle of the rust disease,
three processes can be recognized: infection, sporulation, and
dissemination. Infection can be subdivided into spore germination,
penetration and colonization. In the coee-rust pathosystem, this
process is highly inuenced by environmental conditions which
should be favorable to the pathogen. H. vastratix developed and
maintained only one reproductive structure, the uredospore, with thick
walls, which is adapted for survival, dispersion, infection, and also
for sexual reproduction, by means of cryptosexuality, contributing to
the epidemic development (Avelino et al., 2018).
In the interaction coee-H. vastratix, the plant has developed
eective mechanisms for recognition and response to infection.
Biotrophic parasites, such as mildews and rusts, have developed
specic mechanisms to maintain host cells alive during infection
(Schulze-Lerfert & Panstruga, 2003). In its interaction, the
fungus uses various strategies to infect its host, among which the
extended and eective suppression of the immunological system,
and, simultaneously, induction of specic genes for biotrophic
establishment (Lima
et al., 2022; Schulze-Lerfert & Panstruga, 2003).
Silva et al. (2022) indicated that induced resistance to pathogens
in plants is associated to a set of defense responses; activation of these
responses depends on the eciency of the host to recognize the presence
of pathogens by its mechanisms of perception and sign transduction,
which implies, among others, formation of oxygen reactive species
(ROS), transitory changes in the ions ow through the plasmatic
membrane and changes in phosphorilation state (phosphorilation of
kinase protein (MAPK) and other diverse proteins).
Plants have the ability to recognize a potential invasion by a
pathogen and thus develop various defense mechanisms; in turn,
pathogens develop strategies to overcome them during evolutive
mechanisms (Ríos & Debona, 2018). The pathogen, in general,
employs several strategies to infect the host; one of these is the
secretion of eector proteins capable of suppressing defense responses
of the plant and allowing colonization of host tissue. In response to
infection, plants have developed an innate immunological system
consisting of two lines of defense that limit pathogen proliferation in
the tissue. Pattern triggered Immunity (PTI) is activated by pathogen
associated molecular pattern (PAMP), and the second line of defense,
eector triggered immunity (ETI) which ts to the gene by gene
theory proposed by Flor in 1971 (Pires et al., 2020). This theory
explains the interaction between coee and H. vastratix, by which
resistance in coee plants is conditioned by at least nine dominant
genes with main eects (SH1-SH9). Genes SH1, SH2, SH4 and SH5
are found in C. arabica, while SH6, SH7, SH8 and SH9 are present
in C. canephora, and SH3 is located in C. liberica (Pires et al., 2021).
There are two types of resistance: vertical and horizontal. Vertical
resistance, also known as qualitative, specic, total, or resistance due to
major eect genes, is specic against some pathogenic races, slowing
down its reproduction, which is equivalent to an immunity reaction.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Ramírez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210
3-6 |
The main eect associated to vertical resistance is reduction of initial
inoculum and, consequently, delay on the start of the epidemic. This
initial delay is considered determinant because reduces the damage in
a critical phase of crop production (Ríos & Debona, 2018; Dallangnol
& Vieira de Araujo, 2018).
In horizontal resistance, also called partial or incomplete, the
host shows a susceptible reaction, but with a lower rate of disease
development; its genetic nature implies that many genetic changes in
pathogen population are required to be able to overcome resistance
(Dallangnol & Vieira de Araujo, 2018).
The objective of the present study was to evaluate, under controlled
conditions, the reaction of commercial coee cultivars to three strains
of Hemileia vastratix previously identied in Venezuela, in order to
know the level of resistance of these materials to the pathogen.
Materials and methods
The trial was conducted in the Virology and Molecular Biology
laboratory of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado.
Uredospores of three H. vastratix strains previously identied
as race XXXIX, Hv01ve and Hv02ve (Venezuelan pathotypes)
(Ramirez-Poletto et al., 2024), which are maintained on plants
located at the Trompillo experimental eld of the Instituto Nacional
de Investigaciones Agrícolas of Táchira state (INIA-Tachira). Spores
were collected from the lesions on the medium high leaves, using 3
cm long plastic straw sections. Uredospore viability was evaluated by
germination test on potato broth (200 g potato.L
O + 2 g glucose).
Inoculum was prepared with a suspension of 5.7 x 10
, treated with a 40 °C water bath for 10 minutes to increase
germination rate (Deepak et al., 2012).
Seed of cultivars Caturra (susceptible control), Catuai Amarillo,
Monteclaro, from INIA Táchira; Colombia 27 and Castillo, from
grower farms of Sanare (Lara state) and Campo Elias (Yaracuy state),
respectively, were placed in water for 22 days (changing the water
every 3 days) to speed germination process. Seeds were then sowed in
organic soil until plant development. When plants had six leaves were
transplanted to new polyethylene bags with similar organic soil and
kept under plant nursery conditions for six months. They were then
taken to the laboratory for the trial.
Following Lizardo-Chávez et al. (2022) procedure, in the
laboratory, temperature was set up to 22 °C using an air conditioner,
light was supplied by uorescent lamps (1770 μmol.m
) connected
to a timer (Exceline Mastertime 120 V, República Bolivariana de
Venezuela) for a 12/12 h photoperiod; to keep humidity near 80 %,
mini-humidiers (Shenzhen, China), were used, in addition, water
was maintained in the dishes under the planting pots for watering,
and plastic curtains for block separators were sprayed with water.
Temperature and humidity were measured with a KTJ® TA218C
manual thermo-hygrometer, both in the laboratory environment and
in the blocks.
Six plants per cultivar were randomly placed in each of three
blocks separated with plastic curtains (to avoid cross contamination),
corresponding to the three H. vastratix strains. Three velvet leaves
(young and suave texture) were selected per plant and cultivar and
inoculated with one drop of 10 µl of uredospore suspension on
each of eight spots on the underside of the leaves. Leaves were then
sprayed with a small amount (to avoid wash o) of distilled water,
plants covered with transparent plastic bags and kept under complete
darkness for 72 h. After incubation time, plastic bags were removed
and the inoculated leaves were cleaned with moistened cotton to
remove non-germinated spores (Capucho et al., 2009).
Once the rst symptoms appeared (10 d), inoculated leaves were
observed daily, herein starting evaluation of the variables, following
Lizardo-Chávez et al. (2022) methodology, which used leaf discs.
Variables taken were as follows: infection period (PI) was determined
by counting the days from inoculation to the appearance of the
chlorotic lesions; latency period (PL), the days from inoculation to
pustule formation (26 d). For infection grade (GI), at the moment of
the rst pustules shown, a six class scale used by Cohelo de Sousa
et al. (2020) was utilized; the number of initial lesions (NLi), and
number of sporulating lesions (NLe), were taken from 26 to 60 days
after inoculation, counting the number of lesions individually for
each leaf; in the same period of time, length and width of the lesions
were measured and used to calculate lesion area (AL) and sporulated
lesion area (Ale).
A complete random design was used to analyze data for each
separate strain. Leaf was the experimental unit; three leaves per plant,
six plants per cultivar and ve cultivars were used in the analysis for
each of the three H. vastratix strains. Analysis of variance and the
Tukey media test were run using Infostat (2020) program.
Results and discussion
The separate analysis of cultivar reaction to each H. vastratix strain
showed that race XXXIX induced signicant dierence between
cultivars for most of the variables (table 1). Monteclaro cultivar
did not show any reaction to this race. With regard to the number
of initial lesions (NLi) and the number of sporulated lesions (NLe),
in Castillo cultivar values were signicantly lower. No signicant
dierence was observed with respect to lesion area (AL) or to area of
sporulated lesion, although the latter was reduced in Castillo, Catuai
and Colombia 27 compared to the control Caturra. With respect to
incubation period (PI) and latency period (PL), cultivar Colombia
27 had a later reaction to the race than the other cultivars; however,
no signicant dierence was observed for infection grade (GI). In
summary, Monteclaro and Castillo were the cultivars with better
resistance or tolerance response against race XXXIX.
With regard to the reaction of materials to pathotype Hv01ve, all
the cultivars showed to be susceptible (table 2). All the materials had
similar PI, except Catuai which had a longer period (33 d), as well as
for PL. However, for GI there was little dierence among cultivars.
With respect to NLi, the lowest value was shown by Catuai, followed
by Colombia 27 and Castillo, whereas for NLe, Catuai and Colombia
27 had the lowest values. As to AL, cultivars Catuai, Colombia 27,
Caturra and Monteclaro were statistically similar, but Castillo had
higher value. Regarding to ALe, Castillo, Catuai and Colombia 27
showed lower values than the control Caturra, which indicate the
presence of certain resistance in Castillo, Catuai, Colombia 27 and
Monteclaro to Hv01ve.
When cultivar reaction was evaluated against pathotype Hv02ve,
it was found also dierences among them in the variables (table 3).
Colombia 27 cultivar did not show infection during the trial. Again,
the most important variables to observe signicant dierences were
NLi, NLe and Ale, in which Monteclaro stood out from the other
materials, suggesting possible gene resistance in those cultivars. In
the combined analysis of the interaction strain x cultivar, variables
NLi, NLe, and Ale showed signicant dierence among cultivars.
Caturra was the most susceptible to the three fungal strains for
the three variables (gure 1).The other cultivars showed variable
reaction depending on the strain; Catuai and Castillo had higher
values for these variables against strain Hv02ve than against the
other two strains. On the other hand, Colombia 27 and Monteclaro
demonstrated, in general, to be more resistant to this strain, followed
by the reaction to Hv01ve, for the three variables (gure 1).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210 January-March. ISSN 2477-9409.
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Table 1. Coee cultivars reaction to Hemileia vastatrix race XXXIX under controlled conditions.
Cultivar PI PL GI NLi NLe AL ALe
Castillo 26.67 b 44.00 b 3.67 a 6.44 c 2.67 b 26.25 a 0.04 ab
Catuai 26.00 b 44.67 b 4.00 a 17.43 ab 6.10 a 29.30 a 0.03 ab
Caturra 26.00 b 47.20 b 3.86 a 21.29 a 7.87 a 31.05 a 0.08 a
Colombia 27 36.67 a 58.00 a 4.00 a 12.50 b 6.00 a 33.08 a 0.04 ab
Monteclaro 0.00 c 0.00 c 0.00 b 0.00 d 0.00 c 0.00 b 0.00 b
0.97** 0.97** 0.98** 0.94** 0.92** 0.94** 0.62**
C.V. (%) 9.42 10.05 8.53 17.85 10.57 11.14 1.14
Means with same letter in the columns are not signicantly dierent (p > 0,05) (Tukey test). PI = Incubation period (d), (PL) Latency period (d), GI = Infection grade or type of reaction (scale
class), NLi = Number of initial lesions, NLe = Number of sporulated lesions, AL = Lesion area (cm
), ALe = sporulated lesion area (cm
Table 2. Coee cultivars reaction to Hemileia vastatrix pathotype Hv01ve under controlled conditions.
Cultivar PI PL GI NLi NLe AL ALe
Castillo 26.00 b 44.50 bc 4.00 a 6.42 bc 2.21 bc 40.31 a 0.02 c
Catuai 33.00 a 48.00 a 3.00 a 3.33 c 1.67 c 28.00 b 0.02 c
Caturra 26.00 b 46.67 ab 4.00 a 24.87 a 9.33 a 27.30 b 0.09 a
Colombia 27 26.00 b 44.00 c 3.75 a 4.5 bc 1.25 c 28.00 b 0.01 c
Monteclaro 26.00 b 46.22abc 3.61 a 9.61 b 3.78 b 26.83 b 0.04 b
0.70** 0.63** 0.36ns 0.92** 0.94** 0.67** 0.94**
C.V. (%) 6.80 2.55 13.35 24.51 20.76 13.43 20.88
Means with same letter in the columns are not signicantly dierent (p > 0,05) Tukey test. PI = Incubation period (d), (PL) Latency period (d), GI = Infection grade or type of reaction (scale class),
NLi = Number of initial lesions, NLe = Number of sporulated lesions, AL = Lesion area (cm
), ALe = sporulated lesion area (cm
Table 3. Coee cultivars reaction to Hemileia vastatrix pathotype Hv02ve under controlled conditions.
Cultivar PI PL GI NLi NLe AL ALe
Castillo 26.00 a 46.40 ab 3.90 a 12.80 c 6.60 a 38.70 a 0.07 a
Catuai 26.67 a 44.67 b 3.95 a 22.22 b 9.78 a 27.95 b 0.10 a
Caturra 26.17 a 46.67 ab 3.95 a 28.11 a 9.72 a 26.22 c 0.10 a
Colombia 27 0.00 b 0.00 c 0.00 b 0.00 e 0.00 b 0.00 d 0.00 b
Monteclaro 26.00 a 48.00 a 3.93 a 6.33 d 1.83 b 26.26 c 0.02 b
R2 0.99** 0.99** 0.99** 0.93** 0.83** 0.99** 0.83**
C.V. (%) 3.69 4.07 3.36 22.16 36.7 0.22 37.07
Means with same letter in the columns are not signicantly dierent (p > 0,05) Tukey test. PI = Incubation period (d), (PL) Latency period (d), GI = Infection grade or type of reaction (scale class),
NLi = Number of initial lesions, NLe = Number of sporulated lesions, AL = Lesion area (cm
), ALe = sporulated lesion area (cm
These results suggest that when pathotype Hv01ve prevails, the
most indicated cultivars to crop would be Castillo, Catuai or Colombia
27, whereas with the Hv02ve pathotype present, the recommended
cultivars would be Colombia 27 and Monteclaro. Finally, if the
dominant strain in a region is race XXXIX, the indicated cultivars
would be Castillo and Monteclaro. All this leads to the need to study
the geographic distribution of the H. vastratix strains found in this
study. In the absence of this information, in endemic areas of coee
rust, it is recommended to combine cultivars Castillo, Colombia 27
and Monteclaro.
Quiroga –Cardona (2021) indicated that environmental conditions
can aect signicantly resistance modulation; the eect of shade
and its relation with rust epidemic has been well documented and
diverse eects have been suggested, probably due to highly complex
interactions between crops, environment, pathogen biological factors
and physiological state of the plant. According to Várzea et al. (2023),
as the leaf surface is wet, temperature is one of the most important
factors to determine the amount of germinating and penetrating
spores. Optimum temperatures for uredospore germination are from
20 to 25 °C. In the present research, temperature was kept constant at
22 °C, which allowed optimal conditions for fungal spore germination
and penetration.
In this work, with controlled conditions, temperature and light
intensity could have inuenced in the infection process, coinciding
the results with those obtained by Eskes (1983), who conducted his
studies in the eld, in greenhouse and in laboratory, and concluded that
incomplete resistance, at dierent levels, apparently, can be specic
of a race and is aected by leaf age and light intensity. Therefore,
it is necessary to conrm results of the present work under natural
temperature and light.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Ramírez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210
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Figure 1. Combined analysis of reaction of coee cultivars against Hemileia vastratix strains, with regard to the variables. (A) Number of
initial lesions, (B) Number of sporulated lesions, (C) Area of sporulated lesion (cm
). Bars: dark gray, pathotype Hv01ve; light gray,
pathotype Hv02ve; medium gray, race XXXIX. Same letters on bars are not signicantly dierent (p>0.05), Tukey test.
All the studied variables gave important information for the trial
and the interaction strain x cultivar, coinciding, partially, with what
was said by Várzea et al. (2023), who indicated that the components
of incomplete resistance that generate more information in the eld
are the number of lesion per leaf, or foliar area unit, or percentage
of leaf discs with lesions, latency period, incubation period and size
of the lesion. In the present study, the variables that better indicated
the grade of resistance were the number of initial lesions, number of
sporulated lesions and area of sporulated lesion.
Cultivars, in general, showed dierences (p>0.05) for incubation
period, the start of the rst symptoms occurred 26 and 40 days after
inoculation, agreeing with Bustamante et al. (2001), although some
of the lesions progressed, with the exception of Monteclaro and
Colombia 27, which did not show symptoms against race XXXIX and
Hv02ve, respectively, thus they are considered resistant. In this case,
in these two cultivars, probably, immunity activated by eectors (ETI)
was in place, which leads to complete resistance, without producing
any symptom to the disease (Burbano-Figueroa, 2020); this author
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254210 January-March. ISSN 2477-9409.
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also indicates that ETI adjusts to the gene for gen theory present in
rust disease. In the coee-H. vastratix pathosystem, resistance in the
coee plants is conditioned by at least nine dominant genes with main
eects (SH1-SH9) (Pires et al., 2020).
Results of the trial did not show a direct relationship between
latency period (PL) and infection grade (GI), some low values of PL
and high of GI were observed for some materials. Várzea et al. (2023)
named this intermediate compatibility and suggested that this might
be due to an incomplete resistance of the coee plants or to a less
aggressiveness of H. vastratix. Most of the components of incomplete
resistance are a quantitative extension of the scale used for the type
of reaction or infection grade (GI). These components, as well as the
GI, are related with the same basic criteria, such as the size of the
lesion, sporulation intensity, and appearance of chlorosis or necrosis.
Latency period is related to the size of the lesion; when fungal growth
is slow, sporulation is, generally, delayed and lesions will be smaller.
The types of reaction “0” (chlorosis without sporulation) or necrotic
spots will reduce sporulation intensity and duration (Várzea et al.,
The present study showed dierences in the reaction of the tested
coee cultivars to the three strains of H. vastratix used, based on the
number of rust lesions produced on the leaves and on the sporulated
area. In addition, it demonstrated dierence among the strains on the
severity of the disease induced.
Lack of information about races and pathotypes present in the
coee producer states in the country, leads to recommend planting the
three cultivars Castillo, Colombia 27 y Monteclaro together, in rust
endemic areas, since they were the ones with better outcome against
dierent strains in this study. Also, it is recommended to continue
research to identify other races and pathotypes present in the country
Authors thank to Postgrado de Agronomia of Universidad
Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, for allowing the
facilities to install this research, as well as to Dr. Pastora Querales for
her valuable advice to reach the objectives; to Oscar David Delgado
Ramírez for his technical support in adapting the area to set up the
trial; to INIA Tachira, to Ing Miguel Arizaleta and Ing. Daunarima
Renaud for donation of seed.
Cited literature
Avelino, J., & Rivas, G. (2013). La roya anaranjada del cafeto. HAL Id: hal-
01071036 https://hal.science/Hal-01071036/
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