© The Authors, 2025, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: castillo.erika@inifap.gob.mx
Crude protein
Dry matter
Humid tropics
Yield living fences
Yield and chemical composition of foliage and branches of tropical tree legumes with dierent
trunk diameters
Rendimiento y composición química de follaje y ramas de leguminosas arbóreas tropicales con
diferentes diámetros del tronco
Rendimiento e composição química de folhagens e ramos de leguminosas arbóreas tropicais com diferentes
diâmetros de tronco
Jorge Oliva-Hernández
Isis Molina-Salas
María Aurelia López-Herrera
Alejandra Vélez-Izquierdo
Erika Belem Castillo-Linares
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v42.n1.IX
Crop production
Associate editor: Professor Juan Vergara-López
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales,
Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Campo Experimental Huimanguillo,
Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México.
Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa, Cárdenas, Tabasco.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas
y Pecuarias, Campo Experimental Mocochá, Mocochá,
Yucatán, México.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas
y Pecuarias, Centro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria
en Fisiología y Mejoramiento Animal, Ajuchitlán, Querétaro,
Received: 25-10-2024
Accepted: 21-12-2024
Published: 09-09-2025
Erythrina americana Miller and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.,
are tree legumes presents on livestock farms in the tropical region,
mainly on living fences. The goal of the study was to determine the
inuence of tree legume species (TLS), and of the trunk diameter at
base tree (TDB), on production and chemical composition of foliage
and branches at a similar regrowth age. The study was conducted
in Tabasco, Mexico. Seventy-nine trees were used in a completely
randomised design with a 2 X 5 factorial arrangement. The factors
were TLS (E. americana y G. sepium), and TDB at 0.20 m height
above ground level (D-5: 0.050-0.059 m; D-6: 0.060-0.069 m; D-7:
0.070-0.079 m; D-8: 0.080-0.089 m y D-9: 0.090-0.099 m). The
production per tree
of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral
detergent ber (NDF), acid detergent ber (ADF) and ash, of
foliage and branches were the response variables. The STL x DBT
interaction did not aect (P>0.05) the response variables studied in
the foliage and branches. In foliage, the TLS and TDB aected the
production per tree of DM, CP, ADF, and ash (P<0.01). G. sepium
produced a greater amount of DM and the dierent components
assessed than E. americana. An increase in TDB resulted in higher
DM production and the components studied in foliage and branches.
G. sepium produces foliage with higher CP and lower structural
carbohydrate content than E. americana foliage.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
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Erythrina americana Miller y Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.,
son leguminosas arbóreas presentes en ncas ganaderas de la región
tropical, principalmente en los cercos vivos. El objetivo del estudio
fue determinar la inuencia de la especie de leguminosa arbórea
(ELA) y del diámetro del tronco en la base del árbol (DTB), sobre
la producción y composición química del follaje y las ramas a una
edad de rebrote similar. El estudio fue realizado en Tabasco, México.
Se utilizaron 79 árboles en un diseño completamente al azar con un
arreglo factorial 2 X 5. Los factores fueron ELA (E. americana y
G. sepium) y DTB a 0,20 m de altura sobre el nivel del suelo (D-
5: 0,050-0,059 m; D-6: 0,060-0,069 m; D-7: 0,070-0,079 m; D-8:
0,080-0,089 m y D-9: 0,090-0,099 m). La producción por árbol
de materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), bra detergente neutro
(FDN), bra detergente ácido (FDA) y ceniza, de follaje y ramas
fueron las variables respuesta. La interacción STL x DBT no afectó
(P>0,05) las variables respuesta estudiadas en follaje y ramas. En
follaje, la ELA y DTB afectaron la producción por árbol de MS,
PC, FDA y ceniza (P<0,01). G. sepium produjo mayor cantidad de
MS y de los diferentes componentes evaluados con respecto a E.
americana. Un incremento en DTB resultó en mayor producción de
MS y de los componentes estudiados en follaje y ramas. G. sepium
produce un follaje con mayor PC y menor contenido en carbohidratos
estructurales con respecto al follaje de E. americana.
Palabras clave: proteína cruda, materia seca, trópico húmedo,
rendimento cercos vivos.
Erythrina americana Miller e Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp., som
leguminosas arbóreas presentes em ncas ganadeiras da região tropical,
principalmente em cercos vivos. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a
inuência da espécie de leguminosa arbórea (ELA) e do diâmetro do tronco
na base da árvore (DTB), sobre a produção e composição química da
folhagem e dos ramos em numa idade de rebentação semelhante. O estudo
foi realizado em Tabasco, no México. Foram utilizadas 79 árvores num
desenho completamente aleatório com um arranjo fatorial 2 X 5. Os fatores
estudados foram ELA (E. americana e G. sepium) e DTB a 0,20 m de altura
sobre o nível do solo (D-5: 0,050-0,059 m; D-6: 0,060-0,069 m; D-7: 0,070-
0,079 m; D-8: 0,080-0,089 m ano; D-9: 0,090-0,099m). A produção por
árvore de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), bra em detergente neutro
(FDN), bra em detergente ácido (FDA) e cinzas, de folhagem e ramos
foram as variáveis resposta. A interação ELA x DTB não afetou (P>0,05)
as variáveis de resposta estudadas na folhagem e nos ramos. Na folhagem,
ELA e DTB afetaram a produção de árvores de MS, PB, FDA e cinzas
(P<0,01). G. sepium produzido em grande quantidade de MS e dos diferentes
componentes avaliados em relação a E. americana. Um incremento
no DTB resultou em uma maior produção de MS e dos componentes
estudados em folhagem e ramos. A G. sepium produz uma folhagem
com maior teor de PB e menor teor de hidratos de carbono estruturais
do que a folhagem da E. americana.
Palavras-chave: proteína bruta, matéria seca, trópico húmido,
rendimento cercos vivos.
In the tropical region of Mexico, smallholder sheep farming
systems are predominant, therefore these acquires social and
productive importance (Pérez-Bautista et al., 2024). In these systems,
the farmers with a sheep inventory less than 51 animals use grazing
as the basis of the feeding, in pastures with tropical grasses, which
present several variations in their dry matter (DM) production
and crude protein (CP) content. The above, due to changes in
climatic variables during the year, which leads to alterations in DM
consumption that can cause the sheep to not meet their nutrient needs
and thus not express their productive potential (Zamora-Zepeda et
al., 2015).
The smallholder sheep farms are characterized by a limited use of
technology in feed management, and use of available or potentially
available natural resources to compensate for the variation in DM
and CP production from pasture grass (Pérez-Bautista et al., 2024)
Therefore, the use of a feed supplement is important and necessary
for grazing sheep, in order to compensate the nutrients not provided
by the pasture through their voluntary consumption during feeding.
The presence of diverse fodder trees as part of the living fences
and disperses within the pastures, represents an opportunity to use
their foliage as feed supplement. Some forage trees species presents
in sheep farms are Erythrina spp., Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.,
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam., Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit and
Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv (Castillo-Linares et al., 2024).
Among these forage trees, Erythrina spp., and G. sepium presents
in fences facilitates their management and exploitation as foliage
suppliers (Morantes-Toloza and Renjifo, 2018; Oliva-Hernández et
al., 2021a). However, it is necessary to generate knowledge about
their productive potential of DM and CP, to optimize their use in small
ruminants feeding and establish agronomic management strategies.
Based on the above scenario, the goal of this study was to determine
the inuence of tree legume species and of the trunk diameter at tree
base, on yield and chemical composition of foliage and branches at a
similar regrowth age.
Materials and methods
Location and climatic characteristics of the study area
The study was conducted at living fences of Sheep Unit of the
National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research
(for its Spanish acronym, INIFAP), located in Huimanguillo
municipality, in Tabasco, Mexico (17°51’4’’N and 93°23’47’’W).
The climate is warm humid, with rainfall all year round (Af), mean
annual rainfall 2,386.0 mm, mean annual environmental temperature
26.2 °C, thermal oscillation 10.6 °C, evaporation 954.1 mm and
photoperiod 12 h (INEGI, 2017). The study was conducted during
the transition from rainy season to drought (December 2022 to March
2023) in a warm humid climate.
Trees, pruning and foliage
The trees used in the study were part of a living fence with
250 trees (planted between 2012 and 2015 using stakes) located at
perimeter of the pastures managed for sheep grazing. These trees had
a controlled pruning management at 90-day intervals, so before study,
these had received six pruning of all branches.
The trees selected for the study had straight trunks and without
branches. The distance between the trees was 0.8 m for E. americana
and 0.9 m for G. sepium; and with a trunk diameter measured at 0.20
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Oliva-Hernández et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209
3-6 |
m above the ground, between 0.05 m and 0.10 m, in order to have
homogeneous trees in their physical characteristics. A total of 79 trees
met these characteristics, of which 31 were E. americana and 48 were
G. sepium (table 1). The trees were full pruning, cutting all branches
with pruning shears, without irrigation or fertilization applied to the
soil during the study period.
Table 1. Morphological characteristics of two species of tree
legumes exposed to a pruning process at 90-day
Response variable
(N= 31)
Gliricidia sepium
(N= 48)
Tree height (m) 1.7
± 0.02 1.8 ± 0.02
Distance between trees (m) 0.82 ± 0.03 0.9 ± 0.04
Trunk diameter at tree base, about
0.20 m height above the ground
level (m)
0.08 ± 0.02 0.07 ± 0.02
Diameter at breast height, about
1.30 m height above the ground
level (m)
0.06 ± 0.02 0.06 ± 0.02
N= number of observations; ¥ Mean ± standard error.
Trunk diameter
To determine the inuence of trunk diameter on the response
variables studied, the trees were classied into ve categories
according to the trunk diameter at the base (TDB), measured at 0.20
m height above the ground: D-5: diameter between 0.050 and 0. 059
m (N = 13 trees); D-6: between 0.060 and 0.069 m (N = 16 trees);
D-7: between 0.070 and 0.079 m (N = 21 trees); D-8: between 0.080
and 0.089 m (N = 15 trees); and D-9: between 0.090 and 0.099 m (N
= 14 trees).
Branch and leaf yield
The trees were evaluated for a single pruning in a single season,
and regrowth age chosen to this study was of 90 days. The production
of foliage per tree of both tree legumes species, by destructive method
(cutting all branches and separating the foliage) was determined. The
foliage was separated from the branches, them, which included leaves
and petioles without tender stems. The foliage and branches were
weighed green (wet basis) with a scale of 5 kg capacity and an accuracy
of 10 g (Nuevo León SA de CV; model L; NOM-1895, Mexico).
Chemical composition of foliage and branches
Whole branches were randomly selected from ten randomly
selected trees of each species studied to obtain samples of foliage
(leaves and petioles) and branches. The samples were dried at 70 °C,
crushed in a Wiley mill, and sieved with a 1 mm mesh, then the dry
matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and ash contents were determined for
each sample using methods of the Association of Ocial Agricultural
Chemists (AOAC International, 2023). The neutral detergent ber
(NDF) and acid detergent ber (ADF) fractions were determined
using the techniques of Van Soest et al. (1991).
Response variables
Per each tree was measured the yield of foliage and branches
). With the amount of branches and foliage per tree, and
the data of DM, CP, NDF, ADF and ash content, was estimated the
production (g.tree
) of DM, CP, NDF, ADF and ash from foliage
and branches. The foliage:branch ratio was determined on a wet and
dry basis by dividing the weight of the foliage by the weight of the
Experimental design and statistical analysis
The study carried out in completely randomized experimental
design under 2 x 5 factorial arrangement. The rst study factor was
the species of tree legume (STL: E. americana and G. sepium); the
second factor was the trunk diameter at the base (TDB) measured
at 0.20 m height above the ground, and the STL x TDB interaction.
The experimental unit was the tree. The analyses was carried out
through SAS v 9.3 statistical package (SAS Institute, 2002), and
the normality and homoscedasticity of the data were checking with
Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests, respectively. The dependent variables
studied had non-normal distribution or homoscedasticity, so all
variables were transformed with the natural logarithm function, thus
achieving normal distribution and homoscedasticity of the data. The
inuence of the study factors on the response variables was analysed
statistically using the general linear model (GLM) procedure of SAS.
T-test with least mean square (LMS) analysis was used to comparing
means using pdi option of SAS. LMS were statistically signicant
when P≤0.05.
Results and discussion
The STL x DBT interaction did not aect (P>0.05) the response
variables studied in the foliage and branches of E. americana and G.
sepium, so it becomes more important to focus the discussion of the
results towards the inuence of the main eects, STL and DBT, on
the response variables.
Chemical composition of foliage and branches
DM and ash content in both foliage and branches, were not
aected (P>0.05) by the tree legume species. A similar response was
shown in the CP content in branches (P>0.05). However, the foliage
of G. sepium presented higher CP content and lower NDF and ADF
content in relation to E. americana (P<0.05). In addition, the values
of NDF and ADF in branches were higher (P<0.05) in G. sepium than
in E. americana (table 2).
The CP content of
E. americana and G. sepium foliage was lower
than reported for L. leucocephala (21.6 % CP). However, the foliage
of G. sepium contained higher CP than that reported for G. ulmifolia
(15.3 % CP), while the foliage of E. americana contained less CP than
that of G. ulmifolia. Nevertheless, the foliage of G. sepium has lower
NDF content than that of L. leucocephala (43.8 %) and G. ulmifolia
(53.2 %). While the foliage of E. americana has a similar NDF
content to that of G. ulmifolia, but higher than that of L. leucocephala
(Hernández-Morales et al., 2018). A lower NDF and ADF content in
forage is associated with higher dry matter degradation, which favors
higher dry matter intake in ruminants, a condition that is favorable for
promoting the use of G. sepium and E. americana foliage as a feed
supplement for grazing small ruminants (Bayhan, 2023).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
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Table 2. Chemical composition of foliage and branches of the tree
legumes assessed with a regrowth age of 90 days, during
the transition from rainy season to drought in warm
humid climate.
Response variable
Erytrhina americana Gliricidia sepium
Dry matter (%) 23.7 ± 0.7 23.3 ± 0.5
NDF (%) 52.5
± 1.2 33.7
± 1.3
ADF (%) 34.8ª ± 0.6 26.6
± 0.6
CP (%) 13.3
± 0.8 18.2
± 0.4
Ash (%) 9.9 ± 0.5 9.6 ± 0.2
Dry matter (%) 21.8 ± 0.7 21.9 ± 0.9
NDF (%) 67.9
± 0.6 72.9
± 1.3
ADF (%) 58.5
± 1.0 62.4
± 1.0
CP (%) 9.5 ± 0.9 7.7 ± 0.4
Ash (%) 7.0 ± 0.5 7.8 ± 0.5
NDF=neutral detergent ber; ADF=acid detergent ber; CP=crude protein.
a, b
Least squares means ± standard error with dierent superscript within the same row are
signicantly dierent (T-test, P<0.05).
The branches of G. sepium and E. americana at a regrowth age of
90 days contain less CP and more structural carbohydrates compared
to the foliage, and the rst one are not easily consumed by small
ruminants because of their size, diculty to fractionate them through
a bite because they are less available than the foliage (Santana-Pérez
et al., 2019).
The branches of G. sepium have a higher NDF and ADF content
compared to those of E. americana, and it is likely that these
dierences explain the higher resistance of G. sepium branches
compared to those of E. americana when pruned with scissors. In
this respect, the wood of G. sepium has a higher density (0.74 g.cm
compared to E. americana (0.197 g.cm
) (Ordoñez Diaz et al., 2015;
Ricker et al., 2024). However, no studies could be identied where
branch density was assessed at a regrowth age of 90 days.
Inuence of tree legume species on the production of foliage
and branches
With exception of foliage:branch ratio, the tree legume species
aected (P<0.01) dry matter (DM) production from foliage and
branches (table 3). The production of foliage and branches was
higher in G. sepium than in E. americana. G. sepium was observed to
produce 37 % more DM per tree from foliage and 47 % more DM per
tree from branches.
The foliage yield per tree of G. sepium was higher than the 98 g
reported in this specie at a density of 20,000 plants.ha
a regrowth age of 75 days, and 0.90 m height (Ramos-Trejo et al.,
2016). However, it was lower than the 405 g DM.tree
indicated in
the same type of tree, but with a lower planting density (6,670 trees.ha
and 84 days of regrowth age (Melchor et al
., 2005)8, 12 and 24 weeks.
In the case of E. americana, the foliage production was lower
than reported for the same type of tree with a regrowth age of 90
days, but harvested during the dry season (257 g DM.tree
) (Oliva
Hernández et al., 2021a). And higher than observed in E. variegata
(21 g DM.tree
) at a density of 7,182 plants.ha
, 3-4 cm diameter of
the planted stake, a stake height of 0.35-0.40 m and a regrowth age of
six months (Kongmanila et al., 2012).
Table 3. Production of foliage and branches per tree of the tree
legumes assessed with a regrowth age of 90 days, during
the transition from rainy season to drought in warm
humid climate.
Response variable
Erytrhina americana
Gliricidia sepium
Foliage (g.tree
Production on wet basis 545
± 60 997
± 48
Production on dry basis 129
± 14 232
± 11
Branches (g.tree
Production on wet basis 294
± 52 574
± 42
Production on dry basis 64
± 11 126
± 9
Foliage:branch ratio on wet basis 2.0 ± 0.07 1.9 ± 0.06
Foliage:branch ratio on dry basis 2.2 ± 0.08 2.0 ± 0.06
N= number of observations;
a, b
Least squares means ± standard error with dierent superscript
within the same row are signicantly dierent (T-test, P<0.01).
The wide variation in DM production per tree between studies
could be attributed to tree species, density, age at regrowth, tree
height, season, and soil type. In addition, most of the studies on tree
legume yields have not been carried out in live fences, but in plots
specically designed for this purpose.
The foliage and branches of G. sepium, showed a higher amount
per tree (g) of DM, CP, ADF and ash content, in relation to E.
americana (table 4). However, NDF from foliage was not aected
(P>0.05) by the specie of tree legume.
Table 4. Production per tree (g) of crude protein, neutral
detergent ber (NDF), acid detergent ber (ADF) and
ash of foliage and branches of the tree legumes assessed
with a regrowth age of 90 days, during the transition
from rainy season to drought in warm humid climate.
Response variable
Erytrhina americana
Gliricidia sepium
Foliage (g.tree
CP 16.8
± 2.4 42.1
± 1.9
NDF 69.4 ± 5.5 78.9 ± 4.4
ADF 45.7
± 4.0 62.1
± 3.2
Ash 6.4
± 1.1 12.1
± 0.9
Branches (g.tree
CP 6.2
± 0.9 9.7
± 0.7
NDF 43.3
± 8.2 91.6
± 6.6
ADF 37.3
± 7.1 78.4
± 5.7
Ash 4.4
± 0.9 9.8
± 0.7
N= number of observations;
a, b
Least squares means ± standard error with dierent
superscript within the same row are signicantly dierent (T-test, P<0.01).
The foliage production per tree and their chemical composition
(CP, NDF and ADF) allowed identifying the superiority of G.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Oliva-Hernández et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209
5-6 |
sepium over E. americana in the quantity and quality of foliage with
opportunity to supplement the feed of small ruminants (Castillo
Linares et al., 2021).
In G. sepium, the branches production per tree was higher than
that indicated in the same type of tree (38 g DM.tree
), but with a
lower regrowth age (Ramos-Trejo et al., 2016). Although, lower than
351 g DM.tree
indicated in G. sepium with 84 days of regrowth age
(Melchor et al., 2005). In E. americana, the branches production
per tree was higher than that observed in E. variegata plants at a
regrowth age of six months (Kongmanila et al., 2012). Dierences
in production of DM per tree among studies can be attributed to, tree
species, density, height, plant age, regrowth age, number, length and
diameter of growing branches, season and soil type (Canul-Solís et
al., 2018).
The production of branches per tree and their chemical composition
(CP, NDF and ADF) allowed identifying higher branch production
eciency and nitrogen, structural carbohydrate and mineral content
in G. sepium over E. americana. Branches at 90 days of regrowth age
do not represent an option as food for small ruminants, nor as material
to be used as rewood. However, the production of aerial biomass is
an indicator of its potential to sequester atmospheric carbon.
G. sepium had a carbon content in foliage and branches of 48.7
and 46.8 %, respectively (Gómez-Castro et al., 2010). Therefore, it
is necessary to evaluate, in future studies, the benet of G. sepium
and E. americana trees as contributors to atmospheric carbon
sequestration in their aerial biomass (foliage and branches), in a
scenario of successive pruning at 90-day intervals.
Inuence of trunk diameter on foliage and branch production
Foliage:branch ratio was not aected by trunk diameter (P>0.05).
However, tree diameter aected production per tree (g) of DM, CP,
NDF, ADF and ash in foliage (P<0.01) and branches (P<0.05) (tables
5 and 6). An increase in diameter allowed a higher yield per tree (g)
of DM in foliage and branches. In trees with a D-9, a greater amount
of foliage was harvested in relation to D-5, D-6 and D-8 diameters,
but had not a similar trend to foliage per tree production. Trees with
D-5 presented the lowest production of branches per tree, although
similar to that recorded in D-6 and D-8 (table 5).
The production per tree (g) of CP, NDF, ADF and ash in branches
was aected by trunk diameter (P<0.01), where branches of trees
with D-5 presented the lowest production of CP, NDF, ADF, and ash
content, although equivalent to that detected in D-6 and D-8 (table 6).
In general, an increase in trunk diameter at 0.20 m height above
the ground of G. sepium and E. Americana, favored an increase in
the foliage and branches yield per tree. A similar tendency has been
indicated in studies with G. sepium with trunk diameters at 0.20 m
above the ground between 0.064 and 0.22 m, and at a breast height
(DBH) between 0.05 and 0.23 m (Gómez-Castro et al., 2010;
Mulyana et al., 2020). The diameter at 0.20 m from the trunk base in
E. americana explained 34 % of the variation in foliage yield tree
(Oliva-Hernández et al., 2021b).
An increase of trunk diameter implies a greater surface area of xylem,
a tissue that conducts water, inorganic and organic compounds from the
root to the leaves. As well as phloem, a tissue that allows the massive
distribution of water and the transport of amino acids, hormones and
carbohydrates produced in the synthesis sites or those mobilized, from
the storage sites to the dump or demand organs of the tree (Zúñiga-
Sánchez et al., 2017).
Table 5. Foliage and branches production per tree, considering
trunk diameter of the tree legumes assessed, with a
regrowth age of 90 days, during the transition from
rainy season to drought in warm humid climate.
Response variable
Trunk diameter at 0.20 m above the ground level (m)
(N= 13)
(N= 16)
(N= 21)
(N= 15)
(N= 14)
Foliage (g.tree
Production on wet
± 91 676
± 84 891
± 71
± 83 959
± 88
Production on dry
± 21 158
± 20 209
± 17 182
± 20 225
± 20
Branches (g.tree
Production on wet
± 79 388
± 73 545
± 62 417
± 73 523
± 76
Production on dry
± 17 85
± 16 119
± 13 91
± 16 114
± 17
ratio on wet basis
2.0 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.1 2.1 ± 0.1 1.9 ± 0.1
ratio on dry basis
2.2 ± 0.1 2.1 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.1 2.3 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.1
D-5= 0.050-0.059; D-6= 0.060-0.069; D-7= 0.070-0.079; D-8= 0.080-0.089; and D-9= 0.090-
0.099; N= number of observations;
a, b, c
Least squares means ± standard error with dierent
superscript within the same row are signicantly dierent (T-test, P<0.05).
An increase in the surface area of nutrient-conducting tissues may
explain the positive relationship between tree diameter and DM
production per tree. Otherwise, G. sepium and Erythrina
spp. can reach
DBH´s up to 0.88 m and 0.72 m, respectively (Ramírez-Meneses et
al., 2013). However, the growth rate and lifespan of G. sepium and
E. americana are unknown; when these trees are used as live posts
in fences their height is controlled (less than one meter) and they are
pruned continuously at 90-day intervals.
E. americana and G. sepium, as well as trunk diameter, aected
the yield and chemical composition of foliage and branches. However,
the STL x DBT interaction did not aect the response variables
studied in the foliage and branches. Under similar conditions of
regrowth age, soil type and climatic season, G. sepium produces
foliage with higher CP and lower structural carbohydrate content than
E. americana foliage, giving it an advantage as feed supplement for
small ruminants. Within the studied limits of diameter at the base of
the tree, an increase in diameter allowed obtaining a greater production
of DM and its components studied in both, foliage and branches.
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Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254209 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
6-6 |
Table 6. Production per tree of CP, NDF, ADF and ash of foliage and branches, considering trunk diameter of the tree legumes assessed
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Response variable
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± 1.3
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