© The Authors, 2025, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:wtmedina@unap.edu.pe
French fries substitute
Quinoa our
Opuntia peel
Physical properties of french fries made with quinoa and opuntia-peel ours
Propiedades físicas de papas fritas elaboradas con harinas de quinua y cáscara de tuna
Propriedades físicas de batatas fritas feitas com farinhas de quinoa e de casca de opuntia
Roen Guerra Lima
Alicia Leon Tacca
Eduardo Juan Manzaneda Cabala
Eva Roxana Apaza Cruz
Angel Sucasaca Canaza
Wenceslao T. Medina Espinoza*
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v42.n1.VII
Food technology
Associate editor: Dra. Gretty R. Ettiene Rojas
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Facultad
de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de
Puno, Perú.
Received: 03-10-2024
Accepted: 21-12-2024
Published: 09-01-2025
A large part of the world population consumes fast food on
a regular basis. Most of these menus are accompanied by french
fries. Their consumption does not represent a major nutritional
contribution, and the frying process incorporates a considerable
amount of oil into the french fries, increasing the risks of diseases
such as obesity. The objective of the present work was to evaluate
the physical and textural properties of a potato chip substitute
made by extrusion technology with the incorporation of ours
of a nutritious cereal such as quinoa and prickly pear peel in its
formulation. Color and porosity were evaluated by image analysis.
Texture by mechanical compression tests with an Instron universal
testing machine and oil absorption rate by a modied compression
method. Sticks of a potato substitute were obtained and fried by
immersion in oil at 180 °C in the same way as a commercial pre-
fried product. The rmness of the sticks (4.5 N) is 30 % higher
than the commercial product, while the oil absorption rate (6.25
%) of the products obtained is three times lower. This phenomenon
could be due to the ber content present in the prickly pear peel
our and protein content in the quinoa our. It is concluded that is
possible to elaborate products similar to traditional and commercial
potato chips, so that, without altering the consumption habits of the
population, it can allow the intake of healthier foods.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
Gran parte de la población mundial consume habitualmente
comida rápida. La mayoría de estos menús tienen como acompañante
a las papas fritas. Su consumo no representa mayor aporte nutricional,
además, el proceso de fritura incorpora una cantidad considerable de
aceite a las papas fritas incrementando los riesgos de enfermedades
como la obesidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las
propiedades físicas y texturales de un sucedáneo de papas fritas
elaborado mediante tecnología de extrusión con la incorporación de
harinas de un cereal nutritivo como la quinua y de cáscara de tuna
en su formulación. El color y la porosidad se evaluaron mediante
análisis de imágenes. La textura mediante pruebas de compresión
mecánica con una máquina universal de ensayos Instron y el índice de
absorción de aceite mediante un método de compresión modicado.
Se obtuvieron bastoncillos de un sucedáneo de papas que fueron
freídos por inmersión en aceite a 180
°C al igual que un producto
prefrito comercial. La rmeza de los bastoncillos (4,5 N) es 30 %
superior al producto comercial, mientras que el índice de absorción
de aceite (6,25 %) de los productos obtenidos es tres veces inferior.
Este fenómeno pudiera ser debido al contenido de bra presente en
la harina de cáscara de tuna y de proteína en la harina de quinua.
Se concluye que, es posible elaborar productos similares a las papas
fritas tradicionales y comerciales, de modo que, sin alterar los hábitos
de consumo de la población, pueda permitir la ingesta de alimentos
más saludables.
Palabras clave: sucedáneo de papas fritas, fritura, harina de quinua,
cáscara de tuna, extrusión
Grande parte da população mundial tem o hábito de consumir
regularmente fast-food. A maioria dos menus de fast-food tem as
batatas fritas como acompanhamento essencial. O seu consumo
não representa um maior aporte nutricional, além disso o processo
de fritura incorpora uma quantidade considerável de óleo às batatas
fritas, aumentando os riscos de doenças como a obesidade. O objetivo
deste trabalho de pesquisa foi avaliar as propriedades físicas e
texturais de um substituto da batata frita, elaborado por tecnologia
de extrusão com a incorporação de farinha de um cereal nutritivo
como a quinoa e farinha da casca de Opuntia em sua formulação. Os
resultados indicam que é possível obter zaragatoas de um substituto
da batata que podem ser fritas por imersão em óleo a 180
°C, tal
como um produto comercial pré-frito. A rmeza dos substitutos da
batata frita é 30
% maior do que a do produto comercial, enquanto
a sua taxa de absorção de óleo é três vezes menor do que esta (6.25
%). Provavelmente a bra presente na farinha de casca de Opuntia e a
proteína presente na farinha de quinoa podem causar este fenómeno.
Conclui-se que, é possível fabricar produtos semelhantes à batata
frita tradicional e comercial, de modo que, sem alterar os hábitos de
consumo da população, possa permitir-lhes uma alimentação mais
Palavras-chave: substituto de batatas fritas, fritura, farinha de
quinoa, casca de Opuntia, extrusão
Potato is the fourth most consumed food in the world, after rice,
wheat and maize (Hu et al., 2024), with french fries being the main
form of consumption, providing a high amount of energy, but low
percentage (2.8 %) of protein (Beals, 2019); furthermore, that the
high concentration of oil (46.29 %) in french fries (Mohamed Latif
et al., 2020), could generate health problems in consumers (Salehi et
al., 2024). Frying is the process of cooking food by immersing it in
oil or edible fats at high temperatures. The frying process results in
the gelatinisation of starch, denaturation of proteins and evaporation
of water, in addition, it gives foods desirable attributes such as bright
colour, crispness and pleasant taste (Wang et al., 2024). It is a unique
process because it provides the nal products with special sensory
characteristics such as taste and texture (Dehghannya and Ngadi,
2023; Farkas et al., 1996).
Among the main frying methods for potatoes currently employed
are: deep-fat frying, in which potato samples are immersed in oil at
temperatures between 180 and 190 °C for time periods of 3.5 to 6
min, (Ramadan and Mörsel, 2003) (Ghaderi et al., 2018; Rahimi et
al., 2017); vacuum frying, potato samples are processed at 108 °C for
approximately 9 min, at 13,49 KPa (Esan et al., 2015), hot air frying,
whose temperature ranges are between 150 to 185 °C in time lapses of
12 to 30 min, (Abd Rahman et al., 2017; Heredia et al., 2014; Teruel
et al., 2015; Tian et al., 2017), Non-fat frying (Non-fat frying) process
in which temperatures of 185 °C for two min are used, (Al-Khusaibi
et al., 2015) and microwave frying with temperature ranges from 177
to 193 °C with times of 1 to 2 min, (Parikh and Takhar, 2016).
Oil absorption levels during the frying process could be reduced
by incorporating our from fruit peels such as prickly pear, which
contains dietary bre, protein and antioxidant compounds that make
it an interesting ingredient for human consumption (Bouazizi et al.,
2020; Daniloski et al., 2022).
The food needs and nutritional requirements of consumers mean
that food technologists are constantly on the lookout to design and
create new food structures that are nutritious, healthy and palatable.
One of the most important technologies used in the generation of new
foods is pre-cooking by extrusion, which allows the use of dierent
formulations and the generation of products of dierent sizes and
shapes, such as crisps (Alam et al., 2016).
The extrusion process involves forcing a mixture of ingredients to
ow under a variety of controlled temperature and humidity conditions
along the length of a cylinder and out through a slot-shaped orice or
at a predetermined rate. The process has several advantages, such as
high continuous production rates, greater versatility in product shape,
and easier control of product density (Alam et al., 2016; Guy, 2001).
The programmed extrusion parameters determine the new structure
and properties of the nal product (Sakonidou et al., 2003). Cereals
and products with high starch content are the main raw material for
extrusion-processed formulations (Sandoval et al., 2009).
Consequently, and in view of the fact that potato crisps are an
accompaniment to fast food or conventional food, traditionally
consumed by the world population, and that their nutritional
contribution is minimal, the aim of this study was to evaluate the
physical and textural properties of a crisp substitute made by extrusion
technology, incorporating our from a nutritious cereal such as quinoa
and prickly pear peel our in its formulation.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guerra-Lima et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207
3-7 |
Materials and methods
Ingredients used
The materials used to obtain the crisp substitute were quinoa our,
prickly pear peel, potato and starch. The white prickly pear, quinoa
and potato ours were purchased at the local market in the city of
Puno, Peru. The starch was Universal brand ( Productos Extragel y
Universal S.A.C. Company). The prickly pear our was obtained from
white prickly pear shells, washed and disinfected with a solution of
sodium hypochlorite (0.1 mL.L
) for three (3) min. Subsequently,
they were cut into 1 cm² pieces and dried at a temperature of 28 ± 2
°C in an oven (Ovens Medic, Elas-50 Lts, Peru) for seven (7) days.
Finally, the dried peels were ground in a pulveriser mill (Fritsch, AS
200, Germany) and sieved through a 200 µm mesh. As a comparison
sample, Bell’s pre-fried potatoes purchased in a local supermarket in
the city of Puno were used.
Formulation of crispy substitute
Table 1 shows the proportions of the ingredients used in the
formulation of the crispy substitute, as well as the nal moisture
conditions and screw speeds during the extrusion process. The
ingredients were mixed and the moistures were conditioned at 50 and
55 %.
Table 1. Formulation codes, ingredients, moistures and screw
speeds used in the formulation of crispy substitutes in
the form of sticks.
Final moisture
50 100
P1-2 55 100
50 100
P2-2 55 100
PF (Potato our); S (Starch); QF (Quinoa our); TSF (Prickly pear shell our).
Extrusion conditions
The extrusion tests were carried out on a Brabender twin-screw
laboratory extruder (TwinLab-F 20/40, Germany). The screw diameter
is 20 mm with a length of 795 mm. The cylinder is 80 cm long and
divided into four zones with independent temperature control (40, 50,
55 and 60 °C). From the feed hopper to the inlet of the texturising
system, the screws were arranged as follows: ve SE/30/30, four
SE/20/20, two SE/30/30 screw conveyors, one KP45/5/20 block
mixer, one SE/30/30 screw conveyor, four SE/20/20, four SE/30/30,
ve SE/20/20, three SE/30/30 and three SE/20/20 screw conveyors,
which facilitate the homogenisation and mixing of the ingredients,
allowing their continuous ow at 2 kg.h
. A 25 × 7 mm segmented,
cooled texturising head (Brabender GmbH & Co. KG, 628470,
1935902, Duisburg, Germany), consisting of three nozzles with a
total length of 358 mm and an outlet of 126 × 112 mm, was installed
in the nal part. The cooler was Julabo GmbH (600F, 10429787,
Germany) and operated at a temperature of 20 °C (gure 1).
After the extrusion and texturising process, product strips of 25
mm wide, 7 mm high and 100 mm long were obtained. With the help
of a scalpel, they were cut to obtain sticks of 8 × 7 × 100 mm in width,
height and length respectively.
Frying of the sticks
The obtained sticks and the commercial potato samples were
placed in a stainless steel basket and fried by immersion in a pot with
two litres of Cocinero vegetable oil (Alicorp S.A.A.) at a temperature
of 180 °C on an induction cooker. Frying was carried out for ~18 s for
P1, ~40 s for P2 and ~115 s for the commercial sample, during which
time the surface colour of the potato sticks was golden brown and
then drained for one minute to remove excess surface oil, as shown in
the diagram in gure 2.
Colour evaluation
The evaluation of the colour of the obtained potato sticks and the
commercial sample was carried out by image analysis.
Image acquisition
Digital imaging of the extruded sticks and commercial potato
samples was performed using a CCD colour camera (Zeiss, Axiocam
105 colour, Jena, Germany) attached to a stereomicroscope (Carl
Zeiss, Stemi 508, Jena, Germany) with a resolution of 2560 × 1920
pixels. The samples were 1 cm
in area and 7 mm thick. A ring light
Figure 1. General scheme of the extrusion process of potato substitutes in the form of sticks, with potato, quinoa and prickly pear peel
ours in their formulation.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-7 |
(Prolink, LSH-1200, China), placed around the main lens of the
stereoscope, was used as an illumination source. The whole system
was mounted inside a dark chamber to minimise the eect of ambient
light. The images were captured in ve repetitions for each sample.
The images were obtained in JPG format.
Colour analysis
The colour analysis was performed only in surface view, because
in lateral position the thickness of the rods disturbed the uniform light
distribution. Images were acquired in red (R), green (G) and blue
(B) format and converted to the hue (H), saturation (S) and lightness
(L) model (Equation 1), for its better approach to human perception
(Medina et al., 2010; Yan et al., 2021), using a routine programmed
in Matlab (Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA.).
Texture prole analysis
Texture prole analysis of the potato sticks and the commercial
potato sample was performed using an Instron universal testing
machine (model 3365, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA) with a
puncture probe within 10 minutes after frying to avoid moisture
absorption from the surrounding air and moisture loss below the
crust, which would cause the fries to become soggy and mushy. The
tests were carried out at a crosshead speed of 4 mm.s
, using a load
cell with a capacity of 500 N. The number of swabs subjected to the
tests was determined by the number of swabs in the test. The number
of swabs subjected to pressure was ve units for each formulation and
commercial sample, until a deformation percentage of 60 % of the
initial height of the sample was reached.
The data obtained were analysed in Bluehill Universal Test Method
Devolopment Training software (Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts,
Determination of oil absorption rate (OAR)
The compression method proposed by Bhuiyan and Ngadi (2024)
with some modications was used to determine the OAR of both the
sticks and the commercial crisps during the frying process. For this,
ve swabs were weighed for each treatment and absorbent paper
(Scott®, Kimberly-Clark Peru S.R.L.) of 5 × 20 cm was cut, then the
swabs were wrapped with the absorbent paper imitating a sandwich
system. A constant pressure of 450 N was exerted on the prepared
sample for 12 s using the Instron S21889 probe. After compression,
the swabs were reweighed (conrming that no part of the absorbent
paper was adhered to the surface of the crust). The calculation of the
OAR was performed with the following formula:
Determination of porosity
The cross-sectional porosity of the fried products, both of
the sticks (P1-1, P1-2, P2-1, P2-2) and of the commercial potato
samples, was determined by image analysis (Medina et al., 2011).
A stereomicroscope (ZEISS, Stemi 508, Germany) with 1.25 ×
magnication and 0.63 × objective was used to acquire the respective
images. The colour images were converted from RGB to black and
white format. The ratio between the total area of the air cells and the
cross-sectional area was dened as the cross-sectional porosity (Ps)
(equation 3).
Statistical analysis
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a signicant dierence
limit test (LSD) at a 95 % condence level (P < 0.05) were performed
to determine the existence of signicant dierences in all analyses
performed. Statgraphics 19 software (Statistical Graphics Corp.,
Herndon, Va., USA) was used.
Results and discussion
Colour analysis
Figures 3a and 3b present the three components of the HSL colour
model for the two stick formulations, extruded potato, commercial
potato after frying.
Figure 3. Colour parameters for formulations, sticks and
commercial potato. (a) Saturation (%) versus hue (°);
(b) Brightness versus hue (°). M1 and M2 (our blends),
PS-PFS (raw and fried commercial sample), PFF (pre-
fried fried potato), P1-P2 (stick formulations), FP1-FP2
(fried sticks).
Colour data from pre-fried potato samples fried at 170 and 180
°C were also considered for comparison (Adedeji and Ngadi, 2018).
All samples analysed had a shade between 30 and 50°, with the sticks
having the lowest shade compared to conventional and commercial
potatoes. The incorporation of quinoa and starch in the extrusion of
potato sticks decreases their colour tone compared to conventional
Figure 2. Frying scheme of potato sticks and commercial sample.
> 0
+ Arctan
0.5(+ )
  
= 1 
, ,
+ +
   
 
× 100 1
 
 
× 100
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guerra-Lima et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207
5-7 |
products, due to chemical reactions that occur during the process and
aect the brightness and intensity of the colour (Martin et al., 2021).
Texture analysis
The sticks with the lowest rmness were the formulations P1-
2, P2-1 and the commercial sample. Moisture content probably
inuenced the rmness of the potato sticks, since according to Grahl
et al. (2018) high moisture in the extrusion process causes a decrease
in the shear energy and rmness of the product. In this context, it is
observed that the higher the moisture content, the lower the maximum
strength. On the other hand, the higher the addition of prickly pear peel
our, the higher the maximum strength increases slightly, probably
due to the presence of bre. Table 2 presents the results of the texture
analysis of the raw and fried sticks as well as the commercial sample.
Oil absorption
Figure 4 shows the oil absorption rate of the swabs and of the
commercial crisp sample.
It can be observed that all the sticks (P1-1, P1-2, P2-1 and P2-2)
have a lower oil absorption rate, being the P2-2 formulation (with
10 % prickly pear peel our and 55 % moisture) the one with the
lowest rate (4.68 %). This may be due to the fact that the presence of
bre in prickly pear husk (Ochoa-Velasco et al., 2022), reduces fat
absorption in the chips of the sticks. In this regard, Gutiérrez-Silva et
al. (2023) indicate that the bre in the formulations reduces the rate of
oil absorption, providing a barrier eect that prevents its penetration
during frying. In addition, it contributes to maintaining the texture
and colour of the nal product, which could justify the relationship
between a higher presence of bre and a lower rate of oil absorption.
On the other hand, according to Wang et al. (2024), the addition
of protein to the food matrix can reduce oil absorption in the frying
process, due to the presence of quinoa our in the sticks formulation.
Table 2. Texture analysis results of the commercial potato sample and of the raw and fried sticks.
Sample code
Commercial sample / Sticks Fried samples: commercial product and sticks
Maximum strength (N) Energy (mJ) Maximum strength (N) Energy (mJ) Cross-sectional view Surface view
PS 0.97 ± 0.6
2.54 ± 1.26
0.80 ± 0.24
1.08 ± 0.23
P1-1 2.7 ± 0.13
8.26 ± 2.51
5.60 ± 1.48
9.90 ± 2.50
P1-2 1.69 ± 0.06
4.69 ± 1.24
3.13 ± 0.21
5.74 ± 0.54
P2-1 4.46 ± 0.20
1.42 ± 0.93
5.78 ± 1.21
10.41 ± 2.60
P2-2 3.18 ± 0.10
9.91 ± 3.74
3.55 ± 0.33
5.05 ± 0.84
Figure 4. Oil absorption rate during the frying process of
commercial potato sample (FPS) and of the sticks
samples obtained by extrusion.
Potato frying times are an important factor in the oil absorption
process; however, in the formulations used in the sticks, they were
reduced by up to 80 % compared to the time used in frying commercial
potato samples.
Figure 5 presents the results of the porosity determination of the
cross-section of the sticks and the commercial sample.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254207 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
6-7 |
Figure 5. Porosity of the cross-sections of the commercial potato
sample (FPS) and of the sticks with quinoa and prickly
pear our included in their formulation.
As can be seen, the porosity of the commercial crisps is much
lower than the porosity of the cross-section of the substitute samples.
This is probably due to the fact that the extrusion process, using
high pressure and temperature, generates an aerated and expanded
structure in the products obtained (Almendares et al., 2021).
It is possible to obtain crisp substitutes through extrusion
technology, incorporating quinoa our and prickly pear shell our
into the potato our in the initial formulation, which allows low
oil absorption rates during frying, opening up the possibility of
not drastically changing the consumption habits of the population,
oering them a healthier product.
The authors acknowledge the nancial support of the Fondo de
Desarrollo Universitario de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de
Puno, year 2023, for the execution and publication of this research
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