© The Authors, 2025, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:msanchezch@unf.edu.pe
Microclimate mapping
Review of microclimate mapping methods in forestry
Revisión de métodos de mapeo de microclimas en el ámbito forestal
Revisão de métodos de mapeamento de microclimas no ambiente orestal
Manuel Sánchez-Chero
José Antonio Sánchez-Chero
Lesly Carolina
Felix Navarro Janampa
Devyn Omar Donayre Hernández
Mary Flor Cesare Coral
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/ RevFacAgron(LUZ).v42.n1.IV
Crop production
Associate editor: Dra. Rosa Razz
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Facultad de Ingeniería de Industrias Alimentarias y
Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Sullana,
Facultad de Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Ambientales,
Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú.
Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Sullana, Perú.
Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Ucayali, Perú.
Departamento de Química de la Universidad Nacional
Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.
Received: 27-07-2024
Accepted: 14-11-2024
Published: 25-12-2024
The study of microclimates provides a several benets that
imply their importance to reduce the eects of climate change,
so the mapping of microclimates emerges as an alternative for
their identication and conservation. The objective of this review
is to identify the techniques used in microclimate mapping. The
methodology used was an exploratory review in databases such
as Science Direct, Springer and IEEXplore, which determined
that there is a shortage of works related to microclimate mapping,
since only 19 works met the inclusion requirements of the review.
It was determined that the main objective of the microclimate
mapping focused on the tree canopy, the height and density of
the forest structures and their eects on the climatic factors that
comprise them. On the other hand, the microclimate mapping
methods identied were divided into photogrammetric methods
and laser scanning methods, where most of the studies were based
on obtaining aerial data, either by drones (UAV, UAS, RPA, RPAS)
or airplanes as in the case of airborne LiDAR technologies. It was
concluded that there is little research on microclimate mapping, so
the forestry scientic community is exhorted to employ the dierent
methodologies for objectives of great impact on the environment
such as the prediction of forest res and the monitoring of forest
restoration after these res.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-6 |
El estudio de los microclimas presenta una serie de benecios que
implican su importancia para reducir los efectos del cambio climático,
por lo que el mapeo de estos surge como una alternativa para su
identicación y conservación. Siendo el objetivo de esta revisión la
identicación de técnicas empleadas en el mapeo de microclimas.
La metodología empleada fue una revisión exploratoria en bases de
datos como Science Direct, Springer y IEEXplore, determinando
que existe una escasez respecto a trabajos relacionados al mapeo de
microclimas, ya que solo 19 trabajos cumplieron con los requisitos
de inclusión para la revisión. Se determinó que el objetivo principal
de la cartografía microclimática se centraba en el dosel arbóreo, la
altura y la densidad de las estructuras forestales y sus efectos sobre
los factores climáticos que las componen. Por otro lado, los métodos
de cartografía microclimática identicados se dividieron en métodos
fotogramétricos y métodos de escaneo láser, donde la mayoría de los
estudios se basaron en la recopilación de datos aéreos, ya sea mediante
drones (UAV, UAS, RPA, RPAS) o aeronaves como en el caso de las
tecnologías LiDAR aerotransportadas. Se concluyó que existen pocas
investigaciones sobre el mapeo de microclimas, por lo que se exhorta
a la comunidad cientíca del ámbito forestal a emplear las diversas
metodologías para objetivos de gran impacto en el ambiente como es
la predicción de incendios forestales y seguimiento de restauración de
bosques luego de estos.
Palabras clave: fotogrametría, dron, láser, mapeo de microclimas,
O estudo dos microclimas apresenta uma série de benefícios que
implicam em sua importância na redução dos efeitos das mudanças
climáticas, de modo que o mapeamento destes surge como uma
alternativa para sua identicação e conservação. O objetivo desta
revisão é identicar as técnicas utilizadas no mapeamento de
microclimas. A metodologia utilizada foi uma revisão exploratória
em bases de dados como Science Direct, Springer e IEEXplore,
determinando que existe uma escassez de artigos relacionados com
o mapeamento de microclimas, uma vez que apenas 19 artigos
cumpriram os requisitos de inclusão para revisão. O foco principal
do mapeamento microclimático foi identicado como sendo o
mapeamento da copa das árvores, da altura e da densidade das estruturas
orestais e seus efeitos sobre os fatores climáticos constituintes. Por
outro lado, os métodos de mapeamento microclimático identicados
foram divididos em métodos fotogramétricos e métodos de varredura
a laser, sendo que a maioria dos estudos se baseou na coleta de dados
aéreos, seja por drones (UAV, UAS, RPA, RPAS) ou aeronaves, como
no caso das tecnologias LiDAR aéreas. Concluiu-se que há pouca
pesquisa sobre mapeamento de microclima, portanto, a comunidade
cientíca orestal é incentivada a usar as várias metodologias para
objetivos de grande impacto sobre o meio ambiente, como a previsão
de incêndios orestais e o monitoramento da restauração orestal
após esses incêndios.
Palavras-chave: fotogrametria, drone, laser, cartograa
microclimática, silvicultura.
In recent years, microclimates have been an important factor of
study to try to mitigate some of the problems generated by climate
change (Carnicer et al., 2021), so their identication and mapping
would be of vital importance to undertake actions for the conservation
of species in a given territory. The localization of microclimates in
forest areas, allows the identication of spaces within ecosystems
that present critical climatic conditions in order to prioritize their
management to prevent ecosystem degradation (De Frenne et al.,
2021) and the identication of endemic species in a territory, thus
allowing the generation of an approach based on conservation and
restoration (Hu et al., 2024; Ulrey et al., 2016).
Mapping is one of the methods used to identify and locate
microclimates in the forest and geographic environment, which
makes it possible to know the extensions and characteristics of a
specic territory. This is where techniques such as photogrammetry
come into play, which allows recording and measuring objects from
images, which are superimposed to generate three-dimensional
models of landscapes or organisms (Ferrari et al., 2021; Gruen, 2021;
Kudela et al., 2020).
In recent years, mapping techniques have evolved with
technological advances, currently traditional photogrammetric
methods have been replaced by the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
or drones because they represent a less expensive alternative
(Elkhrachy, 2021; Jiménez-Jiménez et al., 2021; Qubaa et al., 2022),
the same has happened with methods employing lasers where sensors
are implemented in these vehicles as a less expensive tool to the use
of light aircraft (Di Stefano et al., 2021; Kovanič et al., 2023; Puliti
et al., 2020).
Studies on microclimate mapping are diverse, ranging from the
study of urban to forest microclimates, using dierent methods (aerial,
satellite and laser) and making it dicult for researchers to nd suitable
mapping methods for their research. So far, no systematic review of an
exploratory type that synthesizes the available microclimate mapping
methods has been found. Therefore, this review was conducted with
the purpose of identifying these techniques and determining the main
objectives of the authors when mapping microclimates.
A scoping review was used in order to generate a synthesis of the
existing evidence and identify advances and gaps in research on the
use of photogrammetry for microclimate mapping. For this purpose,
the guide generated by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) was used, which
explains in detail the steps for conducting this type of review and
which are summarized in gure 1.
Figure 1. Steps for conducting a scoping systematic review.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Sánchez-Chero et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204
3-6 |
Research objectives
Six objectives were determined, (1) identify the volume of
studies published on the subject in the last 10 years, (2) determine the
geographic scope of the publications, (3) identify the types of studies
and research methods that have been used, (4) identify the objectives
of the researchers in mapping microclimates, (5) identify what
photogrammetry techniques have been employed for microclimate
mapping, (6) identify other techniques that are being employed for
microclimate mapping.
Databases and search strategies
Databases such as Science Direct, Springer and IEEXplore were
used. For the search in these databases, Boolean operators such
as AND and OR were used, along with search modiers such as
quotation marks and parentheses, in order to make the search more
specic. Key words included terms such as “photogrammetry”,
“3D forest microclimate mapping” or “microclimate mapping”. The
search was limited to articles published between 2014 and 2023.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined based on the
research objectives, which are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Published between January 2014
to December 2023
Published before 2014
Type of
Original research articles
Review articles.
Conference proceedings and
Book chapters
Language English All other languages
Photogrammetry methods
Mapping of forest microclimates
3D microclimate maps
Other mapping methods
Non-forest microclimate
Selected articles and data extraction
The data were extracted using a standardized matrix in the
Microsoft Excel program, which was used to compile information
such as the title of the article, year of publication, name of the
journal, eld of research, country, type of publication, objectives of
the study, photogrammetric methods used for mapping, objectives
of the researchers when mapping microclimates, and other mapping
techniques used by the authors. The article selection stage is
summarized in gure 2.
After the search in databases using the selected search terms for
the review, and after its suitability evaluation using the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, 19 articles were nally obtained for the review,
published between 2014 and 2023 (gure 3).
Figure 2. PRISMA diagram for systematic reviews.
Figure 3. Year of publication of articles included in the exploratory
It was identied that, among the articles found, all belong
to scientic journals. The documents published under journals
correspond to a wide range of scientic elds such as: environmental
sciences, nature conservation, environmental management, ecology,
computer sciences, engineering, earth and planetary sciences,
agricultural and biological sciences.
Regarding the type of publications, 80 % (n=16) correspond to
research articles and 20 % (n=3) to review articles. On the other hand,
regarding the geographic distribution of the authors of the 19 selected
articles, it was identied that the largest number of publications have
been made by collaborations between authors from dierent countries
(n=6), on the other hand, the country with more publications is Canada
(n=3), then France (n=2) and with only 1 article there are countries
such as UK, USA, Netherlands, Mexico and Switzerland (gure 4).
Figure 4. Year of publication of articles included in the exploratory
On the other hand, there is a tendency of greater interest in the
study of microclimate mapping by authors who research under
institutions (mainly universities) of the European continent with 11
nationalities, in second place, the American continent and Asia with
4 nationalities each and nally Oceania with one, which is similar to
the estimates found in other reviews related to mapping in forest areas
(Nitoslawski et al., 2021).
Microclimate mapping objectives
To comprehend the objectives of mapping a microclimate,
it is important to understand that a microclimate comprises a set
of climatic conditions in specic areas; these conditions include
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-6 |
temperature, light availability, wind speed and humidity (Mislan and
Helmuth, 2008). In forestry, the so-called tree canopy directly aects
the microclimate it covers, where the quantity and quality of light
obtained will depend on the tree density and height of these, also
aecting the temperature and humidity of the microclimate, hence
the main objective of the works found in this review is based on
the mapping of the tree canopy. Table 2 shows the objectives of the
research included in the review. The following are the main study
objectives of the authors when mapping microclimates:
Canopy height and light availability
Authors such as Chung and Huang (2020) mapped trees in
a mountainous region of Taiwan, and monitored for a period of
four years (2010-2013), allowing them to investigate the eects of
topography and microclimate factors in the region on tree growth
and health. Brüllhardt et al. (2020) and Parent and Volin (2014) used
mapping to generate models of vegetation height and canopy closure
in order to estimate the availability of light in the studied forest space,
due to its importance in the growth processes of plant structures.
Post forest re analysis
Smith-Tripp et al. (2022) studied forest canopy height at the
growth stage and microclimate on a monthly basis in a burned forest in
British Columbia, where mapping determined that a 10 m decrease in
canopy height, with respect to the approximate dierence between the
low- and high-severity burned portions, resulted in a 1.8 °C increase
in soil temperature, an important factor that can aect the growth of
certain forest species. According to Nuijten et al. (2023), the mapping
of plant composition is a vital aspect for planning, implementing and
monitoring the restoration of forest areas in the succession stage after
being aected by re. Other authors (Fernandez-Manso et al., 2019),
generated post-re maps to be used by forest managers as tools to
identify patterns that inuence the severity of the burns generated and
to propose appropriate response plans after these events.
Temperature damping or amplication
Villani et al. (2021) and Glasmann et al. (2023) mapped
microclimates in order to determine the inuence of tree density on
microclimates, analyzing the relationship between soil temperature
and canopy cover, determining that in areas with higher tree cover,
soil temperature decreased by up to 1.32 °C. On the other hand,
Gril et al. (2023) and Kašpar et al. (2021) point out that mapping
the amplication or buering of temperatures of a microclimate
has an important eect on climate change, since it allows for an
understanding of thermoregulation processes, proposing species
redistribution models, detecting micro refuges for conservation,
acquiring information that allows for forest re control and generating
tree regeneration plans.
Quantication of forest structures
Articles by authors such as Kissling et al. (2022) and Qi et
al. (2022) propose mapping as a method of quantication and
analysis of forest structures, because a strong forest structure aects
the functioning and resilience of forest species, ecosystems and
The results showed that the main objective of the researchers when
mapping microclimates was focused on the study of the tree canopy
and its eects on the main microclimatic factors such as temperature
and solar availability, since as mentioned by other authors such as
Nakamura et al. (2017) the tree canopy is responsible for the formation
of microclimates by generating the attenuation and buering of the
climatic conditions of a space, hence the articles obtained emphasize
this study. On the other hand, two articles were found where the main
objective was to study post forest re conditions with the purpose
of following up reforestation measures, this objective is supported
by Pérez-Cabello et al. (2021) who mentions that monitoring the
dynamics of recovery after a re is of vital importance to evaluate
resilience and obtain data to improve the management of ecosystem
restoration after forest res.
Photogrammetric techniques
In general, two types of photogrammetry can be distinguished,
aerial and terrestrial, however, according to the analysis of the articles
found in the last 10 years (2014-2023) there is a signicant trend
in the use of aerial photogrammetry. Other reviews as Colica et al.
(2021) associate this trend due to the fact that aerial photogrammetry
is not only a more technological tool but also because it provides
more information in less time and avoids the exposure of surveyors
to dangerous areas. Within this type of photogrammetry, the use of
the already known drones is identied, among which three types
stand out: UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), UAS (Unmanned Aerial
System) and RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft), in addition to the use
of satellite images.
Other techniques used for microclimate mapping
During the search for articles in the selected databases (n=19), a
large number of papers using non-photogrammetric techniques for
microclimate mapping were identied, being the number of articles
of this type greater (N=13) than those that used and mentioned
photogrammetry (n=8). These techniques are based on the use of
laser technology, of which LiDAR, mobile laser scanning (MLS) and
terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) stand out. Authors such as Moon et
al. (2019) point out that LiDAR techniques present higher accuracy
and very high-quality data compared to traditional methods, however,
it is of higher cost than photogrammetry due to the high accuracy
and technology that accompanies the technique. Other authors such
as Kangas et al. (2018) point out that, between photogrammetric
methods and the use of airborne laser, the latter is better than
photogrammetry only if the acquired data are to be used for up to
15 years before acquiring new data, otherwise the accuracy of both
techniques is high, being able to employ aerial photogrammetry as a
cheaper alternative to LiDAR.
A paucity of research related to microclimate mapping has been
identied in the last decade, even though the technique has been
modernized with the use of drones and lasers. Although, as identied
in the present review, there are a variety of techniques for microclimate
mapping, the suitability of each of these will depend greatly on the
objectives to be achieved, since in general, aerial techniques are
preferable for studying the tree canopy, while terrestrial techniques
are more useful when modeling vertical tree structures. Also, the
research was only based on documents in the English language, so
for future reviews the use of databases with information in other
languages could broaden the picture of the use of these mapping
methods in other countries. On the other hand, one of the objectives of
microclimate mapping that has been little evaluated and whose study
would be of vital importance for the protection of microclimates is its
use as a method of forest re prevention and monitoring in post-re
actions, either to identify factors that inuence the severity of burns or
to follow up on post-re restoration actions. This specic objective of
the study of microclimates and their eect on the prevention of forest
res may represent a great opportunity for researchers in European
countries such as Turkey, Spain, Italy and South America (countries
that constitute the Amazon region), which in recent years have been
the most aected by forest res, and that according to the ndings of
this review, the study of microclimate in these countries has not been
considered as a method of forest re prevention.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Sánchez-Chero et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204
5-6 |
Table 2. Table of methods and objectives of the selected research studies.
Type Objectives
Tree species or
forest types
Canopy height and light availability Temperate forest Switzerland
Brüllhardt et al. (2020)
Review Zellweger et al. (2019)
Soil temperature damping
Agroforestry Tanzania
Villani et al. (2021)
Eects of topography and microclimate factors
on tree growth and health
Tropical forests
Chung and Huang (2020)
Review - -
Duy et al. (2021)
UAS Soil temperature amplication and damping Temperate forest Czechia
Kašpar et al. (2021)
RPA Post forest re analysis
Sub-boreal spruce
Smith-Tripp et al. (2022)
RPAS Post forest re analysis Boreal forests Canada
Nuijten et al. (2023)
Soil temperature damping
Temperate mountain
Glasmann et al. (2023)
Canopy height and light availability
Temperate decidu-
ous forests
Parent and Volin (2014)
Post forest re analysis
Spain Fernandez-Manso et al.
Review - -
Zellweger et al. (2019)
Forest structure quantication temperate forest Canada
Qi et al. (2022)
Review - -
Camarretta et al. (2019)
Soil temperature amplication and damping
lowland temperate
Gril et al. (2023)
Soil temperature amplication and damping temperate forest Czechia
Kašpar et al. (2021)
Forest structure quantication
temperate forest Netherlands
Kissling et al. (2022)
Review - -
Zellweger et al. (2019)
Forest structure quantication
cypress forest France Yépez-Rincón et al. (2021)
Forest structure quantication
Trees Peru, Indonesia,
and Guyana
Lin et al. (2023)
MLS Forest structure quantication temperate forest Canada
Qi et al. (2022)
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This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2025, 42(1): e254204 January-March. ISSN 2477-9407.
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