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Djouama et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244138
7-8 |
had the nitrate reductase enzyme, which reduced nitrate to nitrite.
The strains were considered as aero-anaerobic lithotrophs. They
produced esculin, urease, β-galactosidase, and did not have gelatinase
and sulfate reductase, so they could not produce hydrogen sulde,
because they were aerobic bacteria. Both strains could not withstand
44 °C. Cluster II included Bg38. The most particular characteristic of
strain Bg38 was that it could not grow at 32 °C and its optimal growth
occurred at a salinity of 1.7 mM (Tukey HSD, P<0.05) (gure 2.1).
It did not produce indole, lysine decarboxylase, urease, gelatinase,
and β-galactosidase. It could not use N-acetyl-glucosamine, maltose,
adipic acid, phenylacetic acid, and inositol as sources of carbon.
The third cluster regrouped (Bg60, Bg42, Bg40, Bg80, Bg50, Os02,
Os07, Bg34, Bg05). The strain of Os02 from G. saharea (Oued El
Alanda) formed a subgroup with Bg50 and Bg80. It diered from
them in its inability to use adipic acid as a source of energy. Cluster
IV included one isolate, Bg53, from G. saharea (Bouchagroune).
It was characterized by its inability to grow beyond 40 °C, non-
production of indole, ornithine decarboxylase, lysine decarboxylase,
and urease. It produced nitrate reductase, gelatinase, esculin, and
β-galactosidase. It assimilated glucose, arabinose, mannitol, N-acetyl-
glucosamine, maltose, potassium gluconate, adipic acid, and citrate.
Cluster V consisted of three strains (Os10, Bg20, Os05): these
strains used ornithine as a nitrogen source and could not use sorbitol,
rhamnose, sucrose, melibiose, and amygdalin as sources of energy.
They could withstand up to 50 °C, except for Os05, for which the
maximum resistance was 40 °C. An important biochemical diversity
was observed. The isolates demonstrated variability in enzymatic
activity; some isolates were chemo-heterotrophs, capable of
fermentation and exhibit facultative aero-anaerobic respiration. This
extraordinary metabolic exibility allowed the bacteria nodulating
legumes to possess great adaptive capacities in response to extreme
environmental conditions.
In general, phenotypic studies show a large physiological and
biochemical diversity of selected isolates, exhibiting the basic
characteristics of rhizobia. In addition, the isolates show variable
tolerance to dierent stress factors (temperature, pH, salinity).
The present study enables us to identify the most eective strains
nodulating Genista saharae growing in arid soils of the Northeastern
Algerian Sahara, which we can use in the future to inoculate plants
for environmental applications such as the restoration of degraded
and poor soils. However, the work needs to be completed by studying
genotypic biodiversity to identify new eective genospecies.
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Figure 3. UPGMA dendrogram showing the similarities based
on phenotypic tests between Genista saharae strains