© The Authors, 2024, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:francisco.guevara@unach.mx
Cucumis sativus L.
Wood vinegar
Inuence of pyroligneous acid on cucumber cultivation under organoponic conditions
Influencia del ácido piroleñoso sobre el cultivo de pepino en condiciones de organopónico
Inuência do ácido pirolenhoso no cultivo de pepino em condições organopônicas
Liliana Rondón-Estrada
Ernesto Javier Gómez-Padilla
Francisco Guevara-Hernández
Manuel Alejandro La O-Arias
Mariela B. Reyes-Sosa
Roberto Alfonso Viltres-Rodríguez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(3): e244126
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n3.06
Crop production
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agropecuaria Tropical.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Chiapas (México).
Doctorado en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Sustentabilidad
(DOCAS). Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. Tuxtla
Gutiérrez, Chiapas (México).
Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas Campus V, Villaores-
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (México).
Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Cátedras CONAHCYT-
UNACH, Villaores, Chiapas-Universidad Autónoma de
Chiapas (México).
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de
Granma, Bayamo (Cuba).
Received: 27-05-2024
Accepted: 15-07-2024
Published: 08-08-2024
Pyroligneous acid is recognised as an eective biostimulant in
a wide range of crops, improving processes such as germination,
growth and yield, as well as inducing stress tolerance and
increasing plant resistance to adverse conditions. To evaluate
the eect of applying pyroligneous acid (PA) foliarly and on the
substrate on the growth, development and yield of cucumber crops,
an experiment was set up under organoponic conditions in Bayamo,
Granma, Cuba. Seven treatments were used, consisting of PA doses
of 5 mL.L
foliar (FD1), 10 mL.L
foliar (FD2), 15 mL.L
(FD3), 5 mL.L
substrate (SD1), 10 mL.L
(SD2), 15 mL.L
and an absolute control. The treatments were established using a
completely randomised design. Each treatment was replicated three
times, with a sample size of 15 plants per replicate. The product
was applied at 7, 14 and 21 days after germination. At 21 days after
germination, stem length (cm), stem base diameter (cm), number
of leaves, leaf diameter and length (cm), number of branches formed
per plant and yield (t.ha
) were evaluated. The application of PA,
both on the leaves and on the substrate, promoted plant growth
and development at doses of 5 and 10 mL.L
. Similarly, the yield-
related variables also showed improvements with the application of
the product, highlighting that the greatest stimulation was observed
when the dose of 5 mL.L
was applied foliarly.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(3): e244126 July-September. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
El ácido piroleñoso es reconocido como un bioestimulante
efectivo en una gran variedad de cultivos, ya que mejora procesos
como la germinación, el crecimiento y el rendimiento, además de
inducir tolerancia al estrés y aumentar la resistencia de las plantas
a condiciones adversas. Para evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de
ácido piroleñoso (AP) aplicado foliarmente y al sustrato sobre el
crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo de pepino, se
estableció un experimento en condiciones de organopónico en
Bayamo, Granma, Cuba. Se utilizaron siete tratamientos consistentes
en dosis de AP a razón de 5 mL.L
foliar (FD1), 10 mL.L
(FD2), 15 mL.L
foliar (FD3), 5 mL.L
sustrato (SD1), 10 mL.L
(SD2), 15 mL.L
(SD3) y un control absoluto. Los tratamientos se
establecieron sobre un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Cada
tratamiento se repitió tres veces, con un tamaño de muestra de 15
plantas por repetición. El producto se aplicó a los 7, 14 y 21 días
después de la germinación. A los 21 días después de la germinación,
se evaluó la longitud del tallo (cm), diámetro de la base del tallo (cm),
número de hojas, diámetro y longitud de las hojas (cm), cantidad
de ramas formadas por planta y rendimiento del cultivo (t.ha
). La
aplicación de AP, tanto de forma foliar como al sustrato, promovió
el crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo con dosis de 5 y 10 mL.L
Asimismo, las variables relacionadas con el rendimiento también
mostraron mejoras con la aplicación del producto, destacando que
la mayor estimulación se observó al aplicar la dosis de 5 mL.L
manera foliar.
Palabras clave: Cucumis sativus L., vegetales, vinagre de madera,
O ácido pirolenhoso é reconhecido como um bioestimulante ecaz
em uma ampla variedade de culturas, pois melhora processos como
germinação, crescimento e rendimento, além de induzir a tolerância
ao estresse e aumentar a resistência das plantas a condições adversas.
Para avaliar o efeito da aplicação do ácido pirolenhoso (AP) aplicado
foliarmente e no substrato sobre o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e o
rendimento das culturas de pepino, foi realizado um experimento em
condições organopônicas em Bayamo, Granma, Cuba. Foram usados
sete tratamentos, consistindo em doses de AP de 5 mL.L
foliar (FD1),
10 mL.L
foliar (FD2), 15 mL.L
foliar (FD3), 5 mL.L
de substrato
(SD1), 10 mL.L
(SD2), 15 mL.L
(SD3) e um controle absoluto.
Os tratamentos foram estabelecidos em um projeto completamente
aleatório. Cada tratamento foi repetido três vezes, com um tamanho
de amostra de 15 plantas por replicação. O produto foi aplicado aos 7,
14 e 21 dias após a germinação. Aos 21 dias após a germinação, foram
avaliados o comprimento do caule (cm), o diâmetro da base do caule
(cm), o número de folhas, o diâmetro e o comprimento das folhas
(cm), o número de ramos formados por planta e a produtividade da
cultura (t.ha
). A aplicação de AP, tanto foliar quanto no substrato,
promoveu o crescimento e o desenvolvimento da cultura nas doses
de 5 e 10 mL.L
. Da mesma forma, as variáveis relacionadas à
produtividade também apresentaram melhorias com a aplicação do
produto, destacando-se que o maior estímulo foi observado quando se
aplicou a dose de 5 mL.L
por via foliar.
Palavras-chave: Cucumis sativus L., vegetais, vinagre de madeira,
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a globally consumed vegetable,
with an annual production exceeding 93.5 million tons and yields of up
to 40.5 t.ha
. It is not only consumed as food but also has applications
in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries (FAOSTAT, 2022; Jia
& Wang, 2021). The Caribbean region’s production is relatively low,
with approximately 9,000 hectares yielding 122,724.85 tons at an
average of 13.74 t.ha
(FAOSTAT, 2022).
According to the National Oce of Statistics and Information
(Ocina Nacional de Estadística e Información de la República de
Cuba (ONEI), 2023), in Cuba, over 19,900 hectares are planted
annually, yielding around 79,185 tons with an average yield of
12.76 t.ha
. Compared to other countries in the region, the yields
are relatively low. However, with the use of appropriate cultivation
technology, yields can increase to over 50 t.ha
(FAOSTAT, 2022).
One common method of cucumber cultivation nationwide is
through organoponic. Organoponics in Cuba represents an intensive
system of urban agriculture, based on sustainable agroecological
principles. These principles incorporate integrated pest and disease
management, plant nutrition with organic amendments, biostimulants
and biofertilizers, and cultivation practices that minimize
environmental impact. These systems permit the continuous
cultivation of vegetables and other short-cycle crops, thereby
supporting local production in urban and peri-urban areas throughout
the year (Mendivil et al., 2020; Orberá et al., 2021; Rodríguez et al.,
Several biostimulants are used in organoponic systems, including
humic and fulvic acids, amino acids, algae and plant extracts,
chitosan, inorganic compounds, benecial fungi, and bacteria
(Galbán et al., 2021). In recent years, a substance called wood
vinegar or pyroligneous acid has been incorporated into this group of
substances, a product resulting from the combustion process of wood
(Singh et al., 2020).
Pyroligneous acid (PA) is derived from pyrolysis, a process
involving organic matters chemical breakdown through heat without
oxygen for a specied duration (Catacora et al., 2019). This vinegar
comprises aromatic and aliphatic compounds, hydrocarbons, and
various oxygenated compounds like phenols, furans, alcohols, acids,
ethers, aldehydes, and ketones, along with macro and microelements,
phytohormones, and vitamins C and K (Catacora et al., 2019;
Viltres & Alarcón, 2022). Due to these properties, PA is increasingly
employed in agriculture, notably as a soil conditioner, rooting agent,
and foliar fertilizer (Lescay et al., 2023).
In cucumber cultivation, studies have focused on seed treatment
to enhance germination, exploring doses that stimulate physiological
processes or may aect them. Additionally, research has targeted pest
control strategies (Catacora et al., 2019).
In horticultural crops such as lettuce and peppers, wood vinegar
has demonstrated ecacy in stimulating growth, development, and
yield. However, there is a paucity of documentation on its application
in Cuban cucumber cultivation (Galbán et al., 2021). The use of
pyroligneous acid in cucumber cultivation is an opportunity for two
important reasons. Firstly, it improves the yield of the crop. Secondly,
it allows the agricultural use of Marabú, one of the main weeds
in Cuban elds, by using it as a raw material for extraction. The
objective of this study was to determine the inuence of pyroligneous
acid, obtained from Marabú (Dichrostachys cinerea L.) biomass,
on the growth, development, and yield variables of cucumber under
organoponic conditions.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rondón-Estrada et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(3): e244126
3-7 |
Materials and methods
The experiment was conducted under production conditions
at the “Las Caobas I” Organoponic in the city of Bayamo, Granma
province, Cuba (20°21’35.6”N-76°37’54.9”W). The variety used was
INIVIT P-2007, obtained from the Research Institute of Tropical Root
and Tuber Crops (INIVIT, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones de
Viandas Tropicales). Planting was carried out at the end of May, with
plants spaced 30 cm apart in double rows on the bed with guards. The
nal evaluation harvest took place in mid-July. Decomposed bovine
manure organic matter with a C/N ratio of 15:1 was used as substrate,
homogeneously distributed over the surface of each bed and in the
same quantity, in order to control variations in its fertility gradient.
The agrotechnical management was carried out in a homogeneous
way throughout the experiment, following the recommendations of
the technical manual for organoponics, intensive orchards, and semi-
protected organoponics (as per its Spanish title, ‘Manual Técnico para
Organopónicos, Huertos Intensivos y Organoponía Semiprotegida’)
(Rodríguez et al., 2020).
A total of seven treatments were employed, derived from
the combination of two application methods and three dierent
concentrations. The rst application method consisted of foliar
spraying, whereby the entire leaf surface of each plant was uniformly
sprayed. To prevent the product from contacting the substrate, a plastic
cover was placed over the substrate during each application, and it was
removed 30 min after the product was applied. The second method
involved spraying directly onto the substrate in an approximately 15 cm
radius, starting at the base of the stem and continuing until the substrate
was visibly wet. Furthermore, three application concentrations of 5, 10,
and 15 mL.L
were utilized (table 1).
Table 1. Description of treatments evaluating the eects of
pyroligneous acid (PA) applied to foliage and substrate
on cucumber plants grown under organoponic
No. Treatments Denomination
1 FD1
of PA Foliar
2 FD2
of PA Foliar
3 FD3
of PA Foliar
4 SD1
of PA substrate
5 SD2
of PA substrate
6 SD3
of PA substrate
7 C Control
PA: Pyroligneous acid
The treatments were established in raised beds with borders,
each covering an area of 24 m². They were distributed according to a
completely randomized design, made feasible by ensuring substrate
homogeneity. Each treatment was replicated three times, with 15
plants per replicate. To avoid edge eects, two plants were removed
from each end of the plot.
Pyroligneous acid was obtained using the rapid pyrolysis process
described by Viltres and Alarcón (Viltres & Alarcón, 2022). The
pyroligneous acid used in this study was derived from Marabou plant
biomass (Dichrostachys cinerea L.). Specic data on the chemical
and biochemical composition of Marabu-derived pyroligneous acid
are not currently available. However, it has been shown that this
compound contains common components regardless of the biomass
used as the raw material. These components include phenols, acids
(such as acetic and formic acids), and alcohols (such as methanol
and ethanol). Other compounds present include furans, aldehydes,
ketones, ethers, and certain hydrocarbons (Viltres & Alarcón, 2022).
Three applications of PA were carried out on days 7, 14, and 21
after germination. Three Matabí brand backpack sprayers of 16 liters
each were used for these applications, one for each dose. Applications
were performed between 7:30 and 8:30 am to avoid product exposure
to intense sunlight and ensure optimal eectiveness. Furthermore,
cultural practices were performed according to the Organic Garden
and Intensive Gardening Manual (Rodríguez et al., 2020).
At 21 days after germination, evaluations were conducted on
variables related to crop growth and development, including stem
length (cm), stem base diameter (cm), leaf number, and number
of branches formed per plant. Measurements were made using a
caliper for stem base diameter and a exometer for stem length. The
number of leaves and branches formed per plant were also recorded.
Leaf area was estimated from its length and width, according to the
methodology described by Kemp (1960), using the equation; where ,
is the length of the leaf, is the width of the leaf and, is the correction
factor equal to 0.66. Leaf width was determined at the widest part,
while length was dened as the distance between the two most distant
points: from the tip of the lamina to the point of intersection of the
petiole with the midrib (Schrader et al., 2021).
Harvesting started 40 days after germination with an interval of
3 days between each harvest until the fth harvest. At each harvest,
all fruits from each plot were removed and weighed using an MKZ-
BAS-ACS209 digital balance. To determine the yield per treatment,
the total weight of all harvests from each replicate was summed and
the yield was calculated in kg.m
² and then estimated in t.ha
. The
length of the stem and fruit was measured with a 3 m tape measure
and the width of the stem and fruit was measured with a caliper.
The data were processed using Statistica for Windows, version 10
(StatSoft, 2014). Cochran, Hartley-Bartlet tests were conducted to
determine homogeneity of variance, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test was used to check for normal distribution. The results underwent
a simple analysis of variance, and the Tukey test (p≤ 0.05) was used
to determine dierences between treatments.
Results and discussion
Eect of pyroligneous acid on length and diameter of
cucumber stems
Pyroligneous acid exerted a positive inuence on various variables
related to the growth and development of the crop. This eect was
observed at 21 days after germination, following two applications of
the product. However, this behavior depended on the applied dose
and the application method, as dierences were observed among the
treatments used. According to this, stem length was mainly beneted
by foliar applications, showing signicant dierences compared to
when the product was applied directly to the substrate and near the
plant’s stem (gure 1a). In this case, the best results were obtained
with the treatment where PA was applied via foliar application at
doses of 5, 10, and 15 mL.L
(FD1, FD2, and FD3).
This behavior may be associated with various mechanisms
involved in the uptake of pyroligneous acid compounds, which can
occur through multiple pathways.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(3): e244126 July-September. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-7 |
Figure 1. Inuence of pyroligneous acid applied to foliage and substrate on the length (a) and diameter (b) of cucumber stems grown
under organoponic conditions. FD1: 5 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD2: 10 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD3: 15 mL.L
of foliar PA; SD1: 5 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD2: 10 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD3: 15 mL.L
of substrate PA; C: control treatment. Bars with dierent letters dier
signicantly according to the Tukey test (p<0.05).
These include stomata, microcracks, and cuticular pores, as well
as direct cuticular uptake through the lipid matrix of the cuticle
(Halpern et al., 2015; Mellidou & Karamanoli, 2022).
The absorption of pyroligneous acid compounds is facilitated
by several factors, including the lipid and water solubility of these
compounds, the presence of natural surfactants, and environmental
conditions such as high humidity and temperature (Parađiković et
al., 2019; El Boukhari et al., 2020; Bell et al., 2022). Substances
such as phenolic compounds, organic acids (acetic acid), and volatile
compounds (acetone and methanol) have been demonstrated to be
readily absorbed by leaves (Pratyusha, 2022; Eichert & Fernández,
However, the application of the product to the substrate at a
dose of 15 mL.L
(SD2) demonstrated a tendency to increase stem
length, while with SD2 and SD3, it exhibited a tendency to decrease.
Nevertheless, in both cases, the values exceeded those of the
control (gure 1a). The ecacy of the substrate application is likely
attributable to the ecient uptake of water-soluble compounds by
the roots, facilitated by the aqueous environment of the rhizosphere.
These water-soluble compounds include organic acids, sugars, amino
acids, and macro- and micronutrients (Kathpalia & Bhatla, 2018).
The impact of pyroligneous acid on stem diameter exhibited
varied outcomes, with an increase in stem thickness observed in
treatments where the product was directly applied to the substrate.
In fact, the most favorable outcome was observed when the product
was applied at a dose of 10 mL.L
(SD2), closely followed by the
foliar application of 5 mL.L
(FD1), with statistically similar results.
However, in treatments where higher doses of 15 mL.L
were applied,
both foliar and to the substrate, stem diameter exhibited a tendency to
align with the control (gure 1b).
It has been reported that some compounds, such as water-soluble
phenols (e.g. ferulic acid), humic and fulvic acids, peptides and
oligopeptides, can be taken up by roots due to their solubility in both
lipids and water, as well as their appropriate molecular size (Chen
et al., 2022). This result supports the potential benets of substrate
application of the product, although higher doses may be necessary
compared to foliar application.
Inuence pyroligneous acid on leaf and branch formation and
leaf area
PA did not inuence leaf formation in plants, as there were no
signicant dierences between treatments, although a slight increase
was observed in the FD1 treatment (gure 2a). However, the number
of branches formed by plants was notable (gure 2b). Among the
treatments used, the one that exerted the most inuence on this
variable was the foliar dose of 10 mL.L
(FD2), although foliar application
of 5 mL.L
(FD1) and substrate application of 10 mL.L
(SD2) yielded
similar results. Treatments with doses of 5 and 15 mL.L
to the substrate (SD1 and SD3) generated the lowest number of
branches, with results like the control (gure 2b).
However, the number of branches formed by plants was notable
(gure 2b). Among the treatments used, the one that exerted the most
inuence on this variable was the foliar dose of 10 mL.L
although foliar application of 5 mL.L
(FD1) and substrate application
of 10 mL.L
(SD2) yielded similar results. Treatments with doses of
5 and 15 mL.L
applied to the substrate (SD1 and SD3) generated the
lowest number of branches, with results like the control (gure 2b).
In Cucumis sativus, the application of pyroligneous acid may
have altered hormonal balance and nutrient distribution, favoring
branch formation over leaf development. This preference for branch
growth could be attributed to the meristematic activity induced by
pyroligneous acid compounds, particularly in secondary branches
where female owers begin to form (Liu et al., 2021; Luo et al.,
2023). Additionally, the photosynthetic capacity of green branches
enhances total photosynthetic surface area, facilitating ecient
energy production and compensating for reduced leaf formation
(Aschan & Pfanz, 2003; Sun et al., 2021).
The application of pyroligneous acid signicantly aected the leaf area
compared to the control. Foliar application of 5 mL.L
(FD1) resulted in
greater leaf development (gure 3) compared to other concentrations and
regardless of the application method used. Intermediate concentrations of
10 mL.L
, both foliar (FD2) and to the substrate (SD2), also achieved an
increase, although less than that obtained with FD1.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rondón-Estrada et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(3): e244126
5-7 |
Figure 2. Inuence of pyroligneous acid applied to foliage and substrate on the number of leaves (a) and branches (b) in cucumber plants
grown under organoponic conditions. FD1: 5 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD2: 10 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD3: 15 mL.L
of foliar PA; SD1:
5 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD2: 10 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD3: 15 mL.L
of substrate PA; C: control treatment. Bars with dierent
letters dier signicantly according to Tukey's test (p<0.05).
Figure 3. Inuence of pyroligneous acid applied to foliage and
substrate on the leaf area of cucumber plants grown
under organoponic conditions. FD1: 5 mL.L
of foliar
PA; FD2: 10 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD3: 15 mL.L
of foliar
PA; SD1: 5 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD2: 10 mL.L
substrate PA; SD3: 15 mL.L
of substrate PA; C: control
treatment. Bars with dierent letters dier signicantly
according to Tukey’s test (p<0.05).
Among the substrate applications, SD2 showed the best results.
It is important to note that higher concentrations (15 mL.L
) did not
show signicant improvements, indicating that beyond this dose,
pyroligneous acid does not exert a positive eect. On the contrary, it
is possible that from this dose it acts by inhibiting cell growth. In fact,
studies suggest that at high doses, pyroligneous acid can act as an
herbicide (Korkalo et al., 2022; Rodrigues & Abbade, 2024).
Eect of pyroligneous acid on yield variables
The results demonstrate that yield-related variables, such as
number of formed fruits, as well as length and width of fruits, were
beneted by the application of pyroligneous acid (table 2). Treatment
FD1 (5 mL.L
of PA) yielded the highest number of fruits per plant,
along with longer and wider fruits (table 2). Substrate application
similarly inuenced these variables, yielding comparable results.
Table 2. Eect of pyroligneous acid applied to foliage and
substrate on the number, length, and width of fruits of
cucumber plants grown under organoponic conditions.
Number of fruits
per plant
Fruit length (cm) Fruit width (cm)
64.00a 21.34a 5.18a
59.00b 20.62ab 5.00ab
40.40d 21.09ab 4.36c
46.20c 20.74ab 4.60b
61.20ab 19.24ab 4.80ab
29.00e 19.07ab 4.44bc
20.20f 17.57b 4.00c
SD 2.69 0.33 0.08
FD1: 5
of foliar PA; FD2: 10 mL.L
of foliar PA; FD3: 15 mL.L
foliar PA; SD1: 5 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD2: 10 mL.L
of substrate PA; SD3:
15 mL.L
of substrate PA; C: control treatment; SD: standard error of the mean.
Letters that are dierent in the columns dier signicantly according to the Tukey
test (p<0.05).
However, foliar application of 10 mL.L
of PA (FD2) led to a
decrease in fruit number, with the lowest count observed at 15 mL.L
(FD3). Interestingly, substrate-applied treatment SD1 with 15 mL.L
of PA surpassed this count.
Signicant dierences in fruit length were minimal, with most
treatments yielding fruits between 19 and 21 cm, showing no notable
distinctions. However, the 5 mL.L
dose tended to produce longer
fruits exceeding 21 cm, while the control treatment yielded the
shortest fruits at 19.07 cm (table 2).
More pronounced dierences were observed in fruit width between
treatments, as the best results were found when using the foliar
dose of 5 mL.L
(FD1), followed by the dose of 10 mL.L
However, good results were also found with substrate application,
especially with the 15 mL.L
dose (SD2), which was statistically
like the foliar applications (table 2). When evaluating yield, a similar
trend to the rest of the variables analyzed previously can be observed
because the highest values were achieved when using the 5 mL.L
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(3): e244126 July-September. ISSN 2477-9407.
6-7 |
application dose (FD1) (gure 4). Yield in the other treatments used
decreased signicantly, although in all cases, they exceeded the control.
Yield (t.ha-1)
Figure 4. Inuence of pyroligneous acid (PA) applied to foliage
and substrate on cucumber crop yield grown under
organoponic conditions. FD1: 5 mL.L
foliar PA; FD2:
10 mL.L
foliar PA; FD3: 15 mL.L
foliar PA; SD1: 5
substrate PA; SD2: 10 mL.L
substrate PA; SD3:
15 mL.L
substrate PA; C: control treatment. Bars with
dierent letters dier signicantly according to Tukey’s
test (p<0.05).
However, applications of 10 mL.L
both foliarly and to the
substrate (FD2 and SD2) showed the second-best performance with
statistically similar results between them. Treatments with the lowest
results were obtained with FD3, SD1, and SD3, which behaved
As observed, with foliar application, the best yield values were
achieved with the lowest doses of 5 mL.L
(FD1), while in substrate
application, the dose that yielded the best results was 10 mL.L
This indicates that foliarly, with a minimum dose, there is
adequate absorption of biostimulant elements and nutrients, resulting
in a positive conversion of these into yield. The increase in dose
leading to a decrease in yield suggests that at higher concentrations,
the product may have an opposite eect, acting as an inhibitor rather
than a biostimulant. The research ndings indicate that pyroligneous
acid can positively impact cucumber growth, development, and yield
when applied foliarly at a concentration of 5 mL.L
or to the substrate
at 10 mL.L
Therefore, future research could consider additional variables
related to yield, such as the proportion of male and female owers,
as well as others that occur at the biochemical, molecular, and
ultrastructural levels, which can explain variations and alterations
underlying the eects of pyroligneous acid on the growth and
development of cucumber and related species, which remain
incompletely understood.
Further research is required to elucidate processes such as the
uptake and distribution of pyroligneous acid compounds in the
plant, their hormonal inuence on cell division and dierentiation,
and interactions with environmental factors like light, temperature,
humidity, or substrate pH, as well as with nutritional variables such
as macronutrient and micronutrient availability. This will represent
a signicant advancement in this eld of study. Additionally,
research could focus on identifying the detrimental eects at the
cellular level that cause irreparable damage associated with specic
doses and compounds involved. This could potentially facilitate the
development of natural herbicides, oering a promising pathway for
sustainable growth.
Pyroligneous acid, applied both foliarly and to the substrate
at 5 mL.L
and 10 mL.L
respectively, is eective in stimulating
growth, development and yield variables in cucumber crops. The
most eective treatment is observed with a foliar application of 5 mL.L
Further studies under controlled conditions are needed to elucidate
the biochemical and molecular mechanisms, as well as potential
structural variations at the cellular level, that explain the action of the
various compounds in pyroligneous acid.
We extend our gratitude to the University of Granma and the
administration of the organoponic "Las Caobas I" for their invaluable
support and contribution to this research. We also thank CONAHCYT
for the scholarship granted to the rst author, which allowed her to get
enrolled in the MCPAT postgraduate program at UNACH.
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