© The Authors, 2024, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:nloyola@ucm.cl
Frozen soup
Sensorial attributes
Frozen pepper pulp (Capsicum annum L.) stabilizer as soup: nutritional and sensorial
Pulpa de pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.) congelada, estabilizada para sopa: evaluación nutricional
y sensorial
Polpa de páprica (Capsicum annuum L.) congelada, estabilizada para sopa: avaliação nutricional e
Nelson Loyola Lopez*
Carlos Acuña Carrasco
Wilson Silva Muñoz
Mariela Arriola Herrera
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244118
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n2.08
Food technology
Associate editor: Dra. Gretty R. Ettiene Rojas
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Department of Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences and Forestry, school of Agronomy. Universidad
Catolica del Maule, 684, Carmen, Curicó, Chile.
Received: 06-02-2024
Accepted: 21-05-2024
Published: 03-06-2024
The aim of this investigation was to elaborate soups from frozen
pulp of organic pepper (Capsicum annum L. cv. Fyuco). Peppers
were organically cultivated at the plots of Universidad Catolica
del Maule, San Isidro Campus Los Niches Sector, Curico, Region
VII, Chile. This research had three treatments: T
to control treatment, T
: pepper pulp, plus stabilizer (Carrageenan
Caraol PFP 5337), T
: pepper pulp, plus stabilizer and sweetener
(stevia). Chemical assessments (Soluble solids (°Brix), ascorbic
acid (mg.100 g
), acidity (%) and reducing sugars (%)) and sensorial
(Flavour, texture, colour, smell, appearance and acceptability) were
carried out at days 0, 30 and 60. A microbiological analysis was
performed by counting the total coliforms to guarantee the safety
of the dierent treatments. The data obtained in the analyses were
assessed with a completely random block design (DBCA), for the
chemical and sensorial analyses, all of them having a condence
level of 95 %. There were no signicant dierences in the chemical
parameters under study during the period of the pulp storage,
sensorial analysis performed during the three times did not show
signicant dierences.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244118 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-6 |
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar sopas elaboradas
a partir de pulpa de pimentón orgánico (Capsicum annuum L. cv.
Fyuco) congeladas. Los pimientos fueron cultivados de forma
orgánica en las parcelas de la Universidad Católica del Maule,
Campus San Isidro, Sector Los Niches, Curico, Region VII, Chile.
Se evaluaron tres tratamientos: (T
) testigo, (T
) pulpa de pimentón
más estabilizante (carragenina Carrasol PFP 5337), (T
) pulpa de
pimentón más estabilizante y edulcorante (stevia). Entre los días
0, 30 y 60, se realizaron análisis químicos (Sólidos solubles (°Brix),
ácido ascórbico (mg.100 g
), acidez (%) y azúcares reductores
(%)) y sensoriales (sabor, textura, color, aroma, además apariencia
y aceptabilidad) del producto. También se realizó un análisis
microbiológico mediante el recuento de coliformes totales, con el
objetivo de garantizar la inocuidad de los diferentes tratamientos. Los
datos obtenidos en los análisis fueron evaluados con un diseño en
bloque completamente aleatorio (DBCA), con un nivel de conanza
del 95 %. Durante el periodo de almacenamiento de la pulpa no se
presentaron grandes variaciones tanto en los parámetros químicos
estudiados, como en los atributos sensoriales, no exhibiendo, estos
últimos diferencias signicativas.
Palabras clave: atributos sensoriales, pimientos, sopa congelada.
Objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a possibilidade de fazer sopas
com polpa de páprica orgânica congelada (Capsicum annuum L. cv.
Fyuco). As pimentas foram cultivadas organicamente nas parcelas da
Universidad Católica del Maule, Campus San Isidro Los Niches Sector,
Curico, Region VII, Chile. Foram três tratamentos: (T
) controle, (T
polpa de páprica mais estabilizante (Carrasol PFP 5337 carragena),
) polpa de páprica mais estabilizante e edulcorante (stevia). Entre
os dias 0, 30 e 60, foram realizadas análises químicas (sólidos solúveis
(°Brix), ácido ascórbico (mg.100 g
), acidez (%) e açúcares redutores
(%)) e sensoriais (sabor, textura, cor, aroma, bem como aparência e
aceitabilidade) do produto obtido. Também foi realizada uma análise
microbiológica por contagem de coliformes totais, com o objetivo de
garantir a segurança dos diferentes tratamentos. Os dados obtidos nas
análises foram avaliados com delineamento em blocos inteiramente
casualizados (DBCA), todos com nível de conança de 95 %. Durante
o período de armazenamento da polpa, não houve grandes variações
nos parâmetros químicos estudados, análise sensoriais entre os três
tempos não se observando variações signicativas.
Palavras-chave: atributos sensoriais, pimentas, sopa congelada.
The pepper, Capsicum annum is an original product from the
Andean Areas of Bolivia and Peru (FAO, 1992). Besides it has a
higher content of anti oxidant and also vitamin C and contribute of
the healthy condition of human skin. Other characteristic is related
with the content of vitamin A where 3 to 4 g of the pepper could be
necessary to the dairy requirement in adult person (Nuez Viñals et al.,
2003). Its estimated the ingest between 50 to 100 g of fresh pepper
could include 100 % of the requirements of vitamin C and 60 % of
vitamin A of dairy ingest recommend (Mateos et al., 2013).
In Chile pepper production is destined to internal consumption
(89.5 %), and also pepper production which is destined to the agro-
industry is 8.7 % where the dierence between both kind of fruits
are related with sensorial attributes and also physiological maturity.
For all these reason, in Chile, the exportation of this product is not
relevant, that is why it is very important to implement new agro-
industrial alternatives to obtain an added value (Olivares Arenas and
Quintana Urrutia, 2010).
The aim of this essay was to produce a new food option, giving a
pepper cv. Fyuco a commercial value. Specic objectives: To assess
the nutritional content expressed in soluble solids, acidity, reducing
sugars and vitamin C of the elaborated soups. To assess sensorial
attributes: color, texture, avor, aroma, and acceptability of the
elaborated soups. To determine the presence of total coliforms in the
elaborated soups according to the Chilean Food Sanitary Regulations.
Materials and methods
Research was carried out at the laboratory of Universidad Catolica
del Maule, San Isidro Campus located at Los Niches Sector, Curico,
Region del Maule, Chile. The work material was pepper, Capsicum
annum L. cv. Fyuco, cultivated in an organic way at Campus San
Isidro, Universidad Catolica del Maule. The farm is located at Los
Niches Road, km. 6 to the East of Curico city. Location coordinates
35°01´35.84” and West longitude 71° 11´28.42” (Pozo and Canto,
1999). 212 peppers were required to perform this experiment, they
had an average weight of 95 g and a total of 20 kg.
Three treatments were carried out for this essay, with three
repetitions each.
: Control treatment was constituted by frozen pepper pulp using
500 g of pepper pulp.
: This treatment consisted in having 500 g of frozen pepper
pulp and stabilizer with the application of carrageenan (Carrasol PFP
: This treatment consisted of 500 g of frozen pepper pulp and
stabilizer with (Carrageenan Carrasol PFP 5337) and stevia sweetener
(Stevia rebaudiana).
The doses applied on this study were according to the Food
Sanitary Regulations of Chile (Ministerio de Salud de Chile, 2021
(b)); In relation to the sweetener (Stevia), one gram per kilo (1 g.kg
of pulp was used and a total quantity of 4.5 g of sweetener was used.
The dosication of stabilizer (Carrageenan Carrasol PFP 5337) was
of 1.5 g.kg
of pulp, making a total of 13.5 g.
The methods performed in elaborating frozen pepper pulp is
shown (gure 1).
The fruits which had a physiological maturity, expressed in a
green reddish color were harvested, with a range of soluble solids
between 4 to 6 °Brix.
The total coliform count was carried out at the laboratory
“Quality Lab Ltd.”. Bacteriological Analytical Manual was used,
Enumeration of Echerichia coli and the Coliform Bacteria (Food and
Drug Administration, 2015).
The pulp, with the three treatments (T
, T
, T
), was stored at
-18° C, with a relative humidity of 95 % in bags of 500 g for 60 days
by means of block freezing, carrying out the chemical and sensorial
analyses (Aguilar Morales, 2012; Madrid et al., 2003).
The dosication for the soup elaboration was 150 g pulp.L
being the total amount of pulp used in the three treatments of 2.7 kg.
Tasting was performed at 30 and 60 days.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Loyola et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(2): e244118
3-6 |
Figure 1. Flo wchart s ummarizing the activities p erformed in this e ssay.
Pepper Picking
Cutting into
Thermical schock
Frozen (Block)
30 days rest
Plastic boxes ¾
Chlorinated wáter
(150 ppm)
Running wáter
Pulpin g
Cut into cubes
2.5 min (100°C)
: Che mic al
Senso r ia l a nalysis
Tota l C oliform
60 days (-18° C)
: Che mic al
Senso r ia l a nalysis
Senso r ia l a nalysis
: Che mic al
60 days rest
Figure 1. Flowchart summarizing the activities performed in this
Methods and Parameter Measurements and Attributes
Soluble Solids: The °Brix at T
(0), T
(30 days), and T
(60 days)
(A.O.A.C. 2019).
Acidity (% of citric- malic): T
(0), T
(30 days) and T
(60 days).
(A.O.A.C. 1990 (a)).
Calculation to obtain titratable acidity: % Acidity= (VxNx100)
(A.O.A.C, 1990 (a)).
Where: V: Waste Volume of NaOH. N: Normality of NaOH.
F: Predominant acidity factor. M: Sample grams. Factor for Citric
Acid; 0.064 (A.O.A.C. 1990 (b)).
Reducing and total sugars by using Lane and Eynon Method
(A.O.A.C, 2023).
Calculations: % of reducing sugars = v1 x f x 100 (A.O.A.C.
V1: total volume (100 mL). F: Fehling (0.041). Wm: Sample
weight. W: Solution in mL.
Vitamin C. (A.O.A.C. 1990 (b)). Vitamin C (mg %) = 8 x waste
volume in standardization. Diluted juice waste volume x diluted juice
Sensorial Assessment
The sensorial attributes were measured in a professional
organoleptic laboratory with thirteen trained panelists and age range
were between 20 to 28 years old which included 8 women and 5 men
at noon in randomised way after the pepper pulp was stored at day
30 and 60.
The pepper pulp were unfrozen in a microway for two minutes
and the soup were served in cup of 100 mL to the panelist by using
sensorial assessment unstructured and structured sheets with a scale
from 1 to 13 cm from left to right in one case and appearance attributes
and acceptability were assessed with a scale from 1 (“it is very much
disgusting”) and number 9 meant, (“I like it very much”) (Hernandez,
2005). Panelist were tested each sample according to the treatment
and the replications.
Experimental Unit and Experimental Design
The experimental unit was a bag of 500 g of pepper pulp. The
data were assessed with a block design that was completely at random
(DBCA) for the chemical and acceptability analysis, a condence
level of 95 % was dened, the block that was used with the three
times of pulp storage, while the factors were the three treatments.
When signicant dierences were found, they were subjected to
Tukey test with a signicance level of 0.05. The data were analyzed
in the statistical program IBM-SPSS Statistics version 20, (2011).
Results and discussion
Chemical Analysis
The values of soluble solids measured in pepper pulp for 60 days
that used the dierent treatments did no show signicant dierences
(value-p 0.441). Tadesse Teshome et al. (2002), indicated that the
minimal content sugar in red peppers must be 6 to 6.58 °Brix which
were similar to the results obtained. At day 30 of storage, the treatment
) exhibited 6.9 °Brix, being this, the highest value obtained during
the whole period of the investigation. Niklis Nikolaos et al. (2002),
obtained similar results to the ones got for this research.
The predominant organic acids in pepper are citric acid and
ascorbic acid (Serrano et al., 2010). The values of acidity in pepper
pulp did not show signicant dierences (value-p 0.538) at 60 days of
storage period. Tritratable acidity expressed in percentage equivalent
of citric acid was found to have a range between 0.23-0.44 %.
Fernández de Rank et al. (2005) found mean values of 0.30-0.52 %.
Eggink et al. (2012) stated that tritratable acidity expressed in citric
acid in fresh peppers ranged from 0.19 to 0.61 %.
In this regard, Eggink et al. (2012) mentioned that freezing as
a technique did not decrease tritratable acidity under the standards
stated by these authors. Pepper pulp with the treatment (T
) was the
one showing a greater amount of citric acid during the investigation
time. At 30 days of storage, the pulp that used treatment T
was the
one that showed the greater amount of citric acid (0.30 %), being
overcome at 60 days of storage by the pulp that used treatment T
(0.26 %).
Reducing sugars
The values of reducing sugars in pepper pulps with the dierent
treatments during storage time did not show signicant dierences
(value-p 0.958); the reducing sugars found in this study during the 60
days of storage were between 0.10 to 0.20 %
without changes (Figure
2). Nuez Viñals et al. (2003) found values in red pepper between 5.3
to 5.8 %. Simonovska et al. (2014) found in their essay that dark red
peppers had values of 2.9 to 20.42 %, because of a variety of peppers,
dierent cultivation management, geographical location and dierent
weather conditions.
Figure 2. Average of reducing sugars (%) of pepper pulp assessed
at days 0, 30 and 60 after being packed and stored at –
18 °C and 95 % R.H.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244118 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-6 |
Pepper pulps with treatment (T
) presented a greater amount
of reducing sugars at times 30 and 60 of storage (gure 2). At day
0, the pepper pulp with treatment (T
) was the one having a higher
average of reducing sugars (0.20 %). Besides, reducing sugars (%)
were diminishing since time 0 up to time 60 of storage. Giambanco
(1996) stated that peppers presenting a percentage of reducing sugars
less than one had few avour and taste.
Vitamin C
The ascorbic acid values (Content of vitamin C) in pepper pulps
did not show signicant dierences due to the dierent treatments
during storage time (value-p 0.391). Pepper pulps elaborated with
treatment T
showed a higher concentration during the storage period
in relation to the rest of the treatments, specically, at times and time
30. At 60 days of storage, the pulps elaborated with treatments T
had the same percentage of ascorbic acid (25 mg.100 g
) (gure 3).
Figure 3. Percentage of ascorbic acid (mg.100 g
) of pepper pulp
assessed at days 0, 30 and 60 after being packed and
stored at -18 °C and 95 % HR.
The values of vitamin C obtained in this essay were like the ones
described by Mateos et al. (2011) who got quantities of ascorbic
acid between 27 to 52 mg.100 g
of mature fruits. Johnson, (2007)
found values 36.1 to 38.5 mg.100 g of ascorbic acid in mature fruits.
Southgate and Ducar Mauluenda, (1992) stated that scalding not only
preserved avour and colour in vegetables but it also maintained the
content of vitamin C.
Sensorial analysis
The avour values detected by the panelists during the storage at
60 days were in the range of 2.26 to 4.25, this corresponded to a “little
sweet” avour (Figure 4). Eggink et al. (2012) described those red
peppers presented a “slightly sweet” avour.
At time 0, the elaborated pulp using treatments (T
) was perceived
a less sweet avour compared to the other treatments. At time 30 and
60 of storage days, there were better assessments by the panelist,
ranges were between 4.25 to 3.74, being the pulp treated with T
one which obtained the highest score.
The statistical analysis indicated that there were no signicant
dierences (value-p 0.812) between treatments, consequently, they
did not aect the “avour” attribute in soups elaborated from pepper
pulp according to the panelists perception. Only at day 60 of storage,
the pulps elaborated with treatment (T
) were perceived as having a
slightly sweeter avour than the other treatments (gure 4).
Figure 4. Flavour parameter averages, corresponding to the
sensorial assessment of pepper pulp assessed at day 0,
30 and 60 after being packed and stored at -18 °C and
95 % HR.
Texture of fruits and vegetables can be improved with scalding
at temperatures of 80 °C for a long period (Dominguez et al., 2001).
Quintero Ramos et al. (1992) found a greater texture in those pepper
fruits containing a greater concentration of calcium in the cell walls.
The texture of the soup elaborated with pepper pulp (Figure 5) by
using the dierent treatments and stored for a period of 60 days did
not show signicant dierences (value-p 0.820).
Figure 5. Texture parameter averages corresponding to sensorial
assessment of pepper pulp assessed at days 0, 30 and 60
after being packed and stored at -18 °C; 95 % HR.
Figure 5 shows how the panelists identied less texture in the soup
at time 0 compared with the time employed in the other treatments,
being the soup elaborated with treatment T
, the one that got a higher
weighting (1.73).
In the three periods assessed (0, 30 and 60 days), the panelists
perceived that the soup presented a “slightly creamy texture” being
the values that were given by them in a range of 1.46 to 5.10. At day
30 of pulp storage, the panelists distinguished the highest creaminess
in the soup, with treatment T
and receiving the highest score (5.10).
The colour of soups elaborated with pepper pulp by using the
dierent treatments did not show signicant dierences (value-p
0,678), showing that storage, did not inuence in relation to this
parameter. At 30 days of storage, pepper soup presented a greater
color in relation to those having the total period, being the soups with
treatment T
, those that were assessed with the highest weight (7.59).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Loyola et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(2): e244118
5-6 |
Colour presented variations in color at day 60 of the study,
ranging from 2.95 to 7.69. The panelists perceived that the pepper
soup exhibited a “light red“ related with the state of maturity of the
fruits (Cordero-Bueso, 2013). According to Arslan and Ozcan (2011)
the loss of coloration in red peppers is mainly due to the oxidation
of the carotenoids present in the fruit. In peppers, the most relevant
carotenoids are capsanthin and capsorubin (Gómez García and Ochoa
Alejo, 2013).
Aranceta Bartrina et al. (2006) said the characteristic smell of
fruits and vegetables is due to the volatile substances. There were
not signicant dierences in relation to aroma at day 60, being the
identied weighting range between indistinctly 2.54 to 5.87 which
was close to “tasteless”. According to the panelists, soups elaborated
with treatment (T
) was the best one in relation to the aroma
attribute of the assessed soups. In general, the panelists perceived a
tasteless aroma in pepper soups, of the applied treatment used for
the elaboration of soups. Aroma, in all the treatments, was assessed
with the highest weighting at day 30 and the soups elaborated with
treatment T
were the ones obtaining the highest weighting (5.87), the
soups elaborated with treatment T
got (5.77). The soups elaborated
at day 60 with treatments T
and T
showed little dierence between
them (3.51 to 3.46), although, those soups elaborated with treatment
were assessed in a better way than those of the other two treatments
(3.91). Pepper is highly demanded by the food industry because of
its aromatic properties, colorants, and avorings (Arslan and Özcan,
The soups elaborated with the three treatments and that were
assessed at day 60 did not show signicant dierences between them,
according to the panelists´opinion. In the rst sensorial analysis (day
0), the soups elaborated with treatments T
and T
were assessed
with the highest weighting (6.41), like, “I slightly like it”, being this,
the highest assessment in the three sensorial analyses performed.
The soup elaborated with treatment T
at day 60, which managed
to impose it in relation to the other treatments (6.13), the panelists
assessed this treatment as “I slightly like it”. In the three assessments
performed, the panelists found an acceptable appearance.
The acceptability of the elaborated soups that used the dierent
treatments did not show signicant dierences during 60 days the
storage time of the pulp (value-p 0.983).
The soups elaborated at time 0 with treatment T
obtained a higher
weighting (6.38) as “I slightly like it” (values are not shown). The
soups elaborated with the treatments T
and T
at day 30 showed the
same acceptability “I slightly like it”. The acceptability of the soups
at day 60 elaborated with treatments T
and T
was “I neither like it
nor I dislike it”.
Total Coliform Count
The group of total coliform comprises the gender of the family
Enterobacteriaceae, such as: Eschiria, Citrobacter, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter (Forbes, 2009). The soups elaborated with the totality
of the treatments assessed obtained minor values at 3.0 NMP.g
(more probable.gram number), this showed that the analysed samples
were safe (table 1). The maximum limit per gram of Echerichia coli
in soups and broths can not be more than 10 in 2 g (Ministerio de
Salud de Chile, 2021).
The total coliform count showed that pepper pulps were safe
in the three treatments, this would show that scalding and freezing
would guarantee the safety of the pulps during the sixty days of
The treatment two (pulp + stabilizer and sweetener) presented the
best chemical and nutritional results to elaborate pepper soup; as well
as the better sensory attributes by the panelists perception. So, this is
recommended treatment to elaborate pepper soups.
According to the total coliform count, the safety of the soups
etaborated was guaranteed during the sixty days of storage.
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Sampling plan Limit per gram
Parameter Category Class n C M M
Eschiria coli
4 3 5 3 10 10
Staphylococcus aureus
7 3 5 2 10 10
Salmonella in 25 g
10 2 5 0 0 -----
Source: Ministerio de Salud de Chile, 2021.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244118 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.
6-6 |
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