This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244117 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.
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El agua es un recurso natural y vital para los seres vivos y los
ecosistemas. Las aguas subterráneas son de gran importancia para el
consumo humano y actividades agrícolas, pero con los años, se ha
convertido en un recurso cada vez más escaso. El objetivo de esta
investigación fue evaluar la calidad del agua subterránea extraída
de pozos utilizados para el riego de cultivos en Balzar, provincia de
Guayas, Ecuador. Se utilizaron cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones;
agua subterránea extraída de tres pozos, más un testigo de agua
destilada. Se realizaron análisis físicos, químicos, microbiológicos y
un ensayo de totoxicidad con incubación en oscuridad a semillas
de rábano (Raphanus sativus L.), cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) y
maíz (Zea mays L.). La turbidez superó los niveles permitidos según
las regulaciones TULSMA y los niveles de bicarbonatos y cloro
excedieron el límite permitido. El análisis microbiológico reejó
valores de coliformes fecales por encima de 1000 UFC.100 mL
de agua, indicando la presencia de contaminantes en las fuentes de
agua. Las pruebas de toxicidad realizadas con semillas de rábano
mostraron un estímulo en el crecimiento de la radícula en el pozo uno
y toxicidad leve en los pozos dos y tres. Para las semillas de cacao y
maíz se evidenció toxicidad moderada y leve, respectivamente en los
tres pozos. Pese a que se superaron los límites máximos permisibles
en algunas variables, el agua de los tres pozos puede ser utilizada
para riego, sin embargo, existe la necesidad de tomar medidas para
mejorar la calidad del agua en estos pozos.
Palabras clave: agua de riego, calidad sicoquímica, calidad
microbiológica, pruebas de totoxicidad.
A água é um recurso natural e vital para os seres vivos e
ecossistemas. As águas subterrâneas são de grande importância para
o consumo humano e para as atividades agrícolas, mas ao longo
dos anos tornaram-se um recurso cada vez mais escasso. O objetivo
desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade da água subterrânea extraída
de poços utilizados para irrigação de culturas em Balzar, Guayas,
Equador. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos e três repetições; água
subterrânea extraída de três poços mais um núcleo de água destilada.
Foram realizadas análises físicas, químicas, microbiológicas e teste
de toxicidade com incubação no escuro em sementes de rabanete
(Raphanus sativus L.), cacau (Theobroma cacao L.) e milho (Zea mays
L.). A turbidez excedeu os níveis permitidos pelas regulamentações
da TULSMA e os níveis de bicarbonato e cloro excederam o limite
permitido. A análise microbiológica reetiu valores de coliformes
fecais acima de 1000 UFC.100 mL
de água, indicando presença de
contaminantes nos mananciais. Testes de totoxicidade realizados
com sementes de rabanete mostraram estímulo ao crescimento de
radículas no poço um e leve toxicidade nos poços dois e três. Para
sementes de cacau e milho, foi evidente toxicidade moderada e
leve, respectivamente, nos três poços. Embora os limites máximos
permitidos tenham sido ultrapassados em algumas variáveis, a
água dos três poços pode ser utilizada para irrigação, no entanto, há
necessidade de tomar medidas para melhorar a qualidade da água
nestes poços.
Palavras-chave: água de irrigação, qualidade físico-química,
qualidade microbiológica, testes de totoxicidad.
Water is a basic human right; however, its quality continues
to be a problem in dierent areas. The evaluation of water quality
allows control, treatment and mitigation actions to be taken, seeking
to guarantee the supply of safe water (Valenzuela and Yucra, 2021).
Water is a natural resource destined to fulll dierent functions
that contribute to the sustainability and survival of living beings
(Castillo et al., 2022). It is a vital resource for living beings and their
ecosystems, which is why comprehensive management should be
made with emphasis on a sustainable world (Fuerte, 2019).
For Gutiérrez et al. (2022), groundwater is an important source
of water for human consumption, crop irrigation, industrial use,
among others, but it is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. The
assessment of groundwater quality becomes relevant for activities
that require its use, especially agriculture, which, according to the
Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations [FAOSTAT] (2018), accounts for 70 % of the
freshwater withdrawn in the world.
Water quality includes an assessment of its physicochemical
and biological properties, as well as the eects that may inuence
the health of aquatic systems and humans. Population growth,
pollution, surface leaching, runo, and extensive use of fertilizers
in agricultural areas are considered the main causes of groundwater
quality deterioration (Kumar et al., 2021).
Groundwater is a resource that provides development opportunities
to Balzar, with great importance for irrigation in dierent crops found
in the area; being of great help in economic and social aspects, among
others. For Llerena et al. (2017) the importance of irrigation water
lies in the fact that agriculture is one of the activities that consumes
large amounts of water, due to the fact that irrigation of crops needs
water daily for them to develop. According to Grammont (2010), crop
yields that can be obtained with irrigation can be more than double
those that can be obtained in rainfed conditions.
For Kaloterakis et al. (2021) irrigation water quality inuences
soil salt content. The salinity content of irrigation water has an impact
on plant growth. The slope of the land aects the increase of salinity
content in the water of rivers and reservoirs, due to soil erosion, which
transports minerals to rivers and subway aquifers.
The quality of water in rivers, groundwater and reservoirs depends
on several factors, such as general geology, ion exchange, degree of
mineral weathering, evaporation, groundwater ow and dierent
human activities. Groundwater in dierent areas may have dierent
qualities and properties for agricultural use (Pant et al., 2021).
In another context, and as mentioned above, in the province of
Guayas, specically in La Carlota area of Balzar canton, there are
dierent crops that are irrigated with groundwater extracted from
wells, including radish (Raphanus sativus L.), a plant belonging to
the Brassicaceae family, corn (Zea mays L.) of the Poaceae family,
and cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), a perennial plant of the Malvaceae
Accordingly, it is necessary to review the quality of groundwater
used for irrigation purposes in order to apply corrective measures
where necessary. The objective of this research was to evaluate the
quality of groundwater from wells used for crop irrigation in La
Carlota area of the Balzar canton, Guayas province, Ecuador.