© The Authors, 2023, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: francisco.guevara@unach.mx
Cattle ranches
Conventional farming
Evolution of conventional to diversied livestock production systems in the Mexican tropics
Evolución de los sistemas de producción ganaderos convencionales a diversicados en el trópico
Evolução dos sistemas de produção pecuária convencionais para diversicados nos trópicos
Mariana Laura Herrán-Aguirre
Francisco Guevara-Hernández
Manuel Alejandro La O-Arias
Hernán Orbelín Mandujano-Camacho
José Nahed-Toral
José Roberto Aguilar-Jiménez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(Supplement): e2340Spl06
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v40.supl.06
Associate editor: Professor Juan Vergara-Lopez
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Cattle ranches in Mexico have demonstrated a remarkable ability to
adapt to changing economic, environmental, and social conditions. In a
context where traditional cattle ranches were being replaced by conventional
technologies, diversication has become a fundamental strategy to ensure
their sustainability and resilience. The term “ranch” used to encompass
various agribusiness units with dierent forms of ownership and management.
However, today, a conventional cattle ranch is characterized by its focus on
the core activity of grazing. The central objective of the article was to analyze
the evolution of cattle ranches in Mexico, focusing on how diversication
became a fundamental strategy to address challenges over time and adapt to
changing economic, environmental, and social conditions. To achieve this, a
bibliographic search and comprehensive analysis of the state of the art related
to the organizational structure of cattle ranches were conducted. This process
provided the necessary theoretical foundations for the conceptualization of
cattle ranches based on their structure, diversity of functions, products, and
activities. Ultimately, it was concluded that the evolution of cattle ranches
in Mexico reected their continuous adaptation to changing economic,
environmental, and social conditions, with diversication being a key
strategy to ensure the sustainability and resilience of livestock farms.
Universidad Autónoma
Chiapas C.P. 29020.
Villaores 30470, Chiapas, México.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH), Facultad de
Medicina, Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus II, Carr. Emiliano
Zapata Km. 8, CP. 29060. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR; CONAHCYT),
Departamento de Agricultura Sociedad y Ambiente, Grupo
Académico de Ganadería Sustentable y Cambio Climático.
Auxiliadora, CP 29290. San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas,
Received: 07-09-2023
Accepted: 19-10-2023
Published: 18-12-2023
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl06. October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
Los ranchos ganaderos en México han demostrado una notable
capacidad de adaptación a las cambiantes condiciones económicas,
ambientales y sociales. En un contexto donde los ranchos ganaderos
tradicionales, con un enfoque arraigado en prácticas históricas y
culturales que resaltan métodos naturales y extensivos, eran sustituidos
por tecnologías convencionales orientadas hacia la eciencia
mediante métodos modernos, la diversicación emergió como una
estrategia esencial para asegurar la sostenibilidad y resiliencia del
sector ganadero. El término “rancho” solía abarcar diversas unidades
agropecuarias con diferentes modalidades de tenencia y gestión.
No obstante, en la actualidad, un rancho ganadero conventional se
caracteriza por su enfoque en la actividad principal de pastoreo. El
objetivo central del artículo fue analizar la evolución de los ranchos
ganaderos en México, centrándose en cómo la diversicación se
convirtió en una estrategia fundamental para enfrentar los desafíos
a lo largo del tiempo y adaptarse a las condiciones económicas,
ambientales y sociales cambiantes. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda
bibliográca intensa y un análisis exhaustivo del estado del arte
relacionado con la estructura organizativa de los ranchos ganaderos.
Este proceso proporcionó las bases teóricas necesarias para la
conceptualización de los ranchos ganaderos en función de su estructura,
diversidad de funciones, productos y actividades. En última instancia,
se concluyó que la evolución de los ranchos ganaderos en México
reejó su continua adaptación a las diversas condiciones cambiantes
del contexto productivo de México, destacándose la diversicación
como estrategia esencial para garantizar la sostenibilidad y resiliencia
de estos.
Palabras claves: diversicación, explotaciones ganaderas, resiliencia
agricultura convencional.
As fazendas de gado no México têm demonstrado uma notável
capacidade de adaptação às condições econômicas, ambientais e
sociais em constante mudança. Em um contexto em que as fazendas
de gado tradicionais estavam sendo substituídas por tecnologias
convencionais, a diversicação se tornou uma estratégia fundamental
para garantir sua sustentabilidade e resiliência. O termo “rancho”
costumava abranger várias unidades agropecuárias com diferentes
modalidades de posse e gestão. No entanto, atualmente, uma fazenda
de gado convencionais é caracterizada pelo foco na atividade
principal de pastoreio. O objetivo central do artigo foi analisar a
evolução das fazendas de gado no México, concentrando-se em como
a diversicação se tornou uma estratégia fundamental para enfrentar
os desaos ao longo do tempo e se adaptar às condições econômicas,
ambientais e sociais em constante mudança. Para isso, foi realizada
uma pesquisa bibliográca e uma análise abrangente do estado da
arte relacionado com a estrutura organizacional das fazendas de
gado. Esse processo forneceu as bases teóricas necessárias para a
conceptualização das fazendas de gado com base em sua estrutura,
diversidade de funções, produtos e atividades. Em última análise,
concluiu-se que a evolução das fazendas de gado no México reetiu
sua contínua adaptação às condições econômicas, ambientais e
sociais em constante mudança, destacando a diversicação como uma
estratégia essencial para garantir a sustentabilidade e resiliência as
fazendas de gado.
Palavras chave: diversicação, fazendas de gado, resiliência,
pecuária tradicional.
Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and other
factors, global meat production increased by 5 % in 2021, reaching
approximately 339 million tons (OECD/FAO, 2022). In addition,
global meat production is projected to continue to increase and reach
about 377 million tons by 2031 (OECD/FAO, 2022). However,
livestock farming, being dependent on chemical and energy inputs,
presents signicant challenges in terms of its negative impact on the
environment and society (Paleologos et al., 2017). These challenges
derive from traditional paradigms in agricultural sciences (Sarandón
et al., 2014), which highlight the need to adopt a multidisciplinary
approach that goes beyond productivist strategies and comprehensively
addresses the evaluation, design and management of livestock
systems (Lermanó and Sarandón, 2016).
Historically, agriculture and livestock have been studied in a
fragmented manner, by analyzing their components separately.
However, this perspective limits the global understanding of
their functioning and the emergent properties resulting from their
interaction. Bertalany’s systems theory oers a holistic view by
recognizing that the whole is more than the sum of its individual
parts, which facilitates the identication of aspects that could go
unnoticed (Paleologos et al., 2017; Sarandón et al., 2014). Therefore,
this study aims to analyze the evolution of traditional cattle ranches
towards diversication in Mexico to face economic, environmental
and social conditions.
This review article was based on a comprehensive literature search
and analysis process focused on the organizational structure of cattle
ranches in Mexico. A comprehensive strategy involving recognized
academic search engines, such as Scopus and Scholar Google, was
employed using relevant keywords such as “Diversied Ranches,”
“Conventional Cattle Ranching,” and “Cattle Ranching in Mexico”.
The process was divided into several stages, and started with general
searches and some lters were applied to focus on the evolution and
diversication of cattle ranches in Mexico. The abstracts and titles
of 80 papers were identied and examined in detail to ensure their
relevance. In addition, a manual search of the references cited in the
initial sources was performed. The selection and review of the papers
was carried out in a systematic manner, from recording the important
details of the relevant sources, to the extraction of key information
for the corresponding conceptualization. This methodology was
implemented to ensure a diverse inclusion of perspectives and reliable
sources to support the historical analysis of cattle ranches and their
relationship to diversication.
Integration of livestock in agroecosystems
Agroecosystems are environments transformed by human activity
for the production of food and raw materials (Hidalgo, 2020). In the
Mexican context, they stand out as centers of domestication and
evolution of cultivated species (Severo et al., 2020). These complex
systems, which include components such as soil, crops, pastures,
weeds, trees and benecial fauna, are analyzed from the perspective
of agroecology to understand their intricate ecological processes
(Mansilla et al., 2020).
Agroecosystems are managed in an ecological and sustainable
manner by promoting the interactions of plants, animals and the
environment (Luliano et al., 2021). Management involves regulating
energy ows, nutrient cycles and population mechanisms to optimize
natural resources a
nd minimize non-renewable inputs (Pretty,
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Herrán-Aguirre et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl06
3-7 |
livestock-wildlife interface poses challenges in disease transmission
between wild and domestic mammals (Ward et al., 2006). Finally,
waste management, which includes animal manure, plant residues,
agricultural packaging, contaminated cleaning water, and animal
feed containers, represents an environmental challenge for ranches in
Mexico, both in rural and urban areas. Currently, alternatives for the
reuse and recycling of solid waste are being explored as a measure to
address this challenge (Patiño and García, 2022). This problem has
direct implications on the health of livestock, crops and the human
population, which demands proper management (López-Ramírez and
Cuevas-Cardona, 2022).
Diversication and key factors for the sustainability of
ranches in Mexico
Diversication is important for the sustainability of ranches
in Mexico, as it represents an alternative source of income while
reducing the environmental impacts of ranching (Ostrom, 2009).
Factors such as intergenerational transfer of ownership, knowledge
sharing and social innovation also contribute to the success of
conventional ranches (Chiswell, 2016; Špaček et al., 2022).
Sustainability on cattle ranches involves adopting practices that
balance meat or dairy production with natural resource conservation
and animal welfare by considering the nancial needs of farmers and
the local community. These ranches are closely linked to four critical
factors: natural resources, economics, technology and management
(gure 1). Environmental resources, such as soil and land, play a
critical role in providing the necessary space for livestock rearing
and forage production. Sustainable management of these resources
becomes imperative to ensure long-term productivity and preserve
the environment.
Figure 1. Contextual factors that condition cattle ranches. Source:
Own elaboration.
The economic factor is crucial, since nancial investment and
access to funds are necessary for the growth and improvement of
ranches, and their lack aects the ability to adopt advanced technologies
and improve management practices. Technology, properly adopted,
can transform ranch management, increase eciency and reduce the
environmental impact of livestock production.
Finally, livestock management, ranging from genetic selection
to veterinary care, is vital to animal health and productivity, with
a positive impact on economics and sustainability. However, these
interconnections can have negative consequences if not properly
managed, such as overexploitation of resources and indiscriminate
adoption of technology, which could cause damage to the environment
and livestock health.
2007). Sustainable practices can improve food production, reduce
pesticide use and balance carbon (Pretty, 2007). In livestock farming,
agroecological approaches are associated with environmental and
productive benets (Herrero et al., 2010).
Current situation of livestock farming in Mexico
Mexico devotes 55 % of its territory, equivalent to 177 million
hectares, to extensive cattle raising, and is the seventh largest producer
of animal protein in the world. It also contributes signicantly to the
domestic consumption of animal-based foods. In terms of exports,
Mexico has experienced remarkable growth in the sale of beef and
live cattle. The Mexican livestock sector is composed of 817,000
producers and more than one million livestock production units,
which generates about 23.78 million tons of animal protein in 2020,
which includes milk production (SADER, 2023).
Origin and concept of the term cattle ranches
“Agriculture and livestock system” refers to individual farm
systems, where “farm” encompasses the household and its resources
(Muñoz-González et al., 2017). In Latin America, nca and
ranchosare used interchangeably, although with dierent meanings:
a ranch is dedicated to livestock grazing, while a farm involves more
diverse agricultural and livestock activities (González, 2015; Altieri,
"Ranchos" in Mexico have historical and economic signicance
rooted in national identity and the preservation of traditions and
customs (Ultreras and Isais, 2018). In Latin America, “ranchos
refers to informal settlements in urban and peri-urban areas (Ultreras
and Isais, 2018). Dierences in the perception of ranchosare due
to socioeconomic realities and regional contexts (González, 2015).
In Mexico, the term ranchis associated with various agricultural
units with dierent tenure and management modalities. In this sense,
ranches transcend the mere category of properties, as they embody a
symbol of cultural identity and a historical legacy.
Cattle ranches, concept and challenges
A conventional cattle ranch in Mexico is distinguished by its
primary dedication to grazing, and because it uses continuous and
rotational approaches, each with its own implications rooted since
spanish colonization. Over time, this practice has evolved driven by
modern technologies and sustainable policies (González-Padilla et
al., 2021; Guareros and Pichardo, 2019).
The integration of livestock in agroecosystems not only inuences
the choice of animal and plant species, but also directly impacts their
productivity and diversity (Carreño et al., 2019). Factors such as
relief and climate exert a signicant inuence on system dynamics
(Hidalgo, 2020).
Livestock systems face a series of challenges that aect their
sustainability and productivity. One of the most signicant problems
is the projections of reduced precipitation and the associated limitation
in water availability (Keyserlingk et al., 2013). Land disconnection
has been identied as a problem that threatens livestock sustainability
(Dumont et al., 2018). The integration of crops and livestock poses
challenges in management and organization that may explain
implementation problems (Martin et al., 2016). In addition, human-
wildlife conict generates public alarm and political pressures that
often lack scientic basis (Margalida et al
., 2014). Also climate
change negatively inuences these systems, which, has a direct
manifestation on net income and food security (Nhemachena, 2014).
The COVID-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the livestock
sector, leading to changes in consumer behavior that inuence
agricultural production (Saravanan, 2022). Management of the
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl06. October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-7 |
Diversication strengthens the rural economy and preserves
traditions and the local environment, but requires adequate policies
to support small producers (Špaček et al., 2022). Environmental
considerations, agricultural policies and wildlife conservation
programs are essential for long-term sustainability (Short and
Dwyer, 2012). Cooperation, fair trade, technical eciency, and water
management are critical to ranch success (Folch and Planas, 2019).
Conventional versus diversied ranches
The distinction between conventional and diversied ranches
highlights the importance of income diversication in the agricultural
economy. Conventional ranches are highly dependent on climate and
have limited income, while diversied ranches are characterized by
their varied production of crops and livestock species (Meert et al.,
2005; Kremen and Miles, 2012; Khanal and Mishra, 2014). Mexican
ranchers have adopted diversication strategies, as illustrated in
gure 2.
Mexican cattle ranchers have faced challenges that have led
them to seek new routes and make strategic decisions to ensure the
sustainability of their operations. These routes are strongly inuenced
by the four critical factors mentioned above, where they leverage their
assets to strengthen their economy. However, it is important to keep
in mind that these routes face challenges, such as the loss of traditions
and the need to acquire new skills. In addition, the implementation
of appropriate policies is required to prevent social inequalities
and support small producers in their quest for diversication and
Diversication is manifested in the incorporation of perennial
crops, food and vegetables into land use systems. Examples in
Cameroon demonstrate how cocoa farmers diversify their land use
systems with citrus, safou, oil palm, cassava, bananas, tomatoes and
other vegetables, although this has led to biological simplication
(Schroth and Ruf, 2013). In other regions, diversication improves the
relationship between acequia cultivation and pasture grazing (Garcia-
Martinez et al., 2016). In Latin America, multiple benets have been
demonstrated with the implementation of agroforestry practices,
as a viable strategy, it oers social and ecological benets, which
contribute to the protection of the environment and its biodiversity
(Marinidou et al., 2018). For example, extensive production with
indigenous breeds has been shown to contribute signicantly to this
(Pardos et al., 2022).
The diversication of economies and nancial development also
has dierentiated impacts on the benets of regional integration
processes (Romero et al., 2021). Furthermore, in livestock production
it is essential for the survival of farms (Casasús, 2014), and facilitate
access to government resources and investment opportunities (García
and Cancino, 2022).
Reasons and benets of diversication in Mexican cattle
In the Lake Patzcuaro Basin Region, in Central-Western Mexico,
signicant transformations have been experienced in peasant farming
systems, characterized by an increasing diversication combining
agriculture, livestock and forest. In addition, a transition towards
beef production has been observed, where the use of hybrid maize is
prioritized over native varieties for animal feed (Astier et al., 2020).
Income diversication has become fundamental for livestock
farming households, accounting for 49 % of total income (Astier et
Figure 2. Livestock ranch diversication route. Source: Own elaboration.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Herrán-Aguirre et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl06
5-7 |
al., 2020). In addition, the service sector, with tourism as the main
focus, has emerged as a key source of income for rural communities
(Avila-Foucat et al., 2021).
On Mexican ranches, diversication has become a response to
economic volatility, to minimize the risks associated with dependence
on a single source of income (Rivera-Huerta et al., 2019). Changes
in government policies and tax incentives have also encouraged
agricultural diversication and investment in renewable energy by
encouraging cattle ranches to adopt new activities (Avila-Foucat et
al., 2021).
Changing consumer preferences for local and organic products
have motivated cattle ranches to diversify, supported by technological
advances that facilitate the adoption of new activities (Astier et al.,
2020; Avila-Foucat et al., 2021).
Diversication not only brings economic benets, but also
improves environmental sustainability, productivity and long-
term resilience (Rivera-Huerta et al., 2019). In particular, biomass
accumulation in forests has become crucial in regions under pressure
from fuelwood extraction, such as in Chiapas (Astier et al., 2020).
Silvopastoral systems have demonstrated great capacity to eectively
store carbon and contribute to climate change mitigation (Valenzuela
et al., 2022). Another advantage is the adoption of improved seeds,
which has also contributed to increased crop productivity and
resistance to pests and diseases (Astier et al., 2020). Furthermore,
in Chiapas, the importance of strengthening ranchers’ capacities in
sustainable practices has been recognized for a successful transition
to organic livestock farming (Rivera-Huerta et al., 2019).
The evolution of cattle ranches is focused on continuous
adaptation to improve both protability and sustainability. This
process involves incorporating new practices and technologies, the
key strategy is diversication, making the most of their available
natural resources and exploring new markets. The diversication of a
cattle ranch is a natural process consisting of three key stages: the rst
focuses on geographic and climatic aspects, such as pastures, water
and livestock structures. The second stage involves specialization and
nancial planning. The third stage seeks to maximize protability and
sustainability, take advantage of local natural resources, implement
the use of advanced technology and expand into activities beyond
cattle ranching, such as dairy production, processed meat marketing,
rural tourism and agricultural education, to ensure the long-term
viability of the ranches (gure 3).
Negative impacts of diversication
Diversication in cattle ranches can have negative consequences.
Ramírez-Juárez (2022) mentions the possibility of resulting in the
loss of local agricultural traditions and practices, which would impact
social cohesion. In addition, it could generate social inequalities,
since those producers with more nancial resources can more easily
access new technologies and markets, which indirectly encourages
Increased complexity in the production system could also lead
to increased energy consumption and a larger carbon footprint
(Thornton and Herrero, 2010). In addition, the introduction of new
species or practices could require higher water consumption, which
would more directly aect arid or semi-arid regions (Oliveira et al.,
2019). On the other hand, Rendon et al. (2022) explains that these
types of practices contribute to soil degradation and biodiversity loss.
Therefore, frontier research with innovative approaches is required to
understand in a holistic way, the implications of these environmental
disadvantages in the long term.
Cattle ranches in Mexico have evolved in response to economic,
environmental and social challenges. Diversication has become
a key strategy to ensure the sustainability and resilience of these
operations. It oers economic, environmental and social benets,
but also poses challenges such as loss of traditions and inequalities.
The implementation of sustainable diversication policies is essential
to balance these aspects and ensure a prosperous future for both
producers and the environment in which they operate their livestock
Figure 3. Stages of diversication of a cattle ranch. Source: Own elaboration.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Herrán-Aguirre et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl06
6-7 |
We are grateful to CONAHCYT for the scholarship granted to
the rst author to pursue graduate studies at DOCAS of UNACH.
To ICTIECH, for partially nancing the research through the
project: Rescue of germplasm of the milpa agroecosystem through
agrobiodiversity fairs in Frailesca, Chiapas.
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