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Loyola et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(4): e2340334
6-6 |
avor by using the different treatments, preserving the original aroma
of the cherries and an acceptability with a value of 3.05; indicating
that “they slightly disliked it”.
In relation to the soluble solids, density, pH, sodium chloride and
acidity of elaborated cherry vinegars did not statistically vary with
each of the treatments.
Panelist perceived differences in the color of vinegar because of
the treatments, from high lightening the reddish color to the semi-
transparent color as well as in the taste of the vinegar. Therefore,
panelist did not perceive difference in the sensorial attribute
aroma with a score from 6.42 to 6.91, which quickly generated the
acknoledgement of the raw material.
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